This is go proxy wrapped for .NET 2.0. Repo contains golang part and c# part.
.NET MS Visual Studio debugger conflicts with GO Crash Handler.
So in order to work it normally you have to apply a small patch to go runtime.
In file c:\Go\src\runtime\signal_windows.go, line 154 or whatever path you have add
// lastcontinuehandler is reached, because runtime cannot handle
// current exception. lastcontinuehandler will print crash info and exit.
// It is nosplit for the same reason as exceptionhandler.
func lastcontinuehandler(info *exceptionrecord, r *context, gp *g) int32 {
if testingWER {
return _EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH //this is new line. We had to pass all of this to .NET handler so debugging would work in MSVS
Custom certificate should be placed in the same directory as dll file with names cert.pem and key.pem
C header with all APIs you can see in proxy.h file
To build this library just run build.bat
Compiled dll is placed to testapp/proxy.dll
All interaction samples are place into Form1.cs
Path to Dll can be altered in GoproxyWrapper.Const class
All wrapper classes is placed into app/GoproxyWrapper