FireCamp Kafka Internals
The FireCamp Kafka container is based on openjdk. The data volume will be mounted to the /data directory inside container. The Kafka logs will be stored under /data/kafka.
The FireCamp Kafka configs follows Kafka Configs for the Production Environment.
Replication Factor
The default Replication Factor for Kafka is set to 3. The production environment should have at least 3 nodes across 3 availability zones. If the number of nodes is less than 3, the replication factor will be automatically adjusted to the number of nodes. This is for the developing and testing environment with 1 or 2 nodes.
The replicas of one topic are automatically distributed to the availability zones in the cluster. If the cluster has 3 availability zones, each zone will have one replica. The production cluster should have 3 availability zones, to tolerate the availability zone failure.
Minimum In-sync Replica
The Minimum In-sync Replica is set to 2 by default. Please set the "acks" to "all" or "-1" in the producer configs. When a producer sets acks to "all" (or "-1"), the min.insync.replicas specifies the minimum number of replicas that must acknowledge a write for the write to be considered successful. This guarantees that the message is not lost unless both hosts crash. If the cluster has only 1 node for developing and testing, the min.insync.replicas will be automatically adjusted to 1.
Unclean Leader Election
The Unclean Leader Election is disabled by default. If the unclean leader election is enabled, the out-of-sync replica is allowed to become the leader and messages that were not synced to the new leader are lost.
Auto Topic Creation
The auto topic creation is enabled by default. The default max number of partitions is 8. If the cluster has more than 8 nodes, the auto-created topic will have 8 partitions. If the total nodes are less than 8, the partitions of the auto-created topic will be the same with the number of nodes.
JVM Configs
Java 1.8 with G1 collector is used. The default Java heap size, both Xmx and Xms, are set to 6GB. If your Kafka wants other memory, you could specify the "kafka-heap-size" when creating the Kafka service by the firecamp-service-cli. The Java GC tuning also follow the recommendation.
Set JVM TTL for Kafka Java client
By default, JVM caches a successful DNS lookup forever. Kafka Java client should set JVM TTL to a reasonable value such as 60 seconds. So when Kafka container moves to another node, JVM could lookup the new address.
Max Open Files
The node's file descriptor count is increased to very large, 100,000, as Kafka uses a very large number of files.
The Kafka logs are sent to the Cloud Logs, such as AWS CloudWatch logs.
The Kafka Security will be enabled in the coming releases.
- Design and Deployment Considerations for Deploying Apache Kafka on AWS
This is a simple tutorial about how to create a Kafka service and how to use it. This tutorial assumes the cluster name is "t1", the AWS Region is "us-east-1", and the Kafka service name is "mykafka".
Create a Kafka ZooKeeper service
Follow the Installation guide to create a 3 nodes cluster across 3 availability zones. Could create a ZooKeeper cluster by:
firecamp-service-cli -op=create-service -service-type=zookeeper -region=us-east-1 -cluster=t1 -service-name=myzoo -replicas=3 -volume-size=20
This creates a 3 replicas ZooKeeper on 3 availability zones. Each replica has 20GB volume. The DNS names of the replicas would be:,,
Create a Kafka service
Create a Kafka cluster by:
firecamp-service-cli -op=create-service -service-type=kafka -region=us-east-1 -cluster=t1 -replicas=3 -volume-size=100 -service-name=mykafka -kafka-zk-service=myzoo
This creates a 3 replicas Kafka on 3 availability zones. The default heap size is 6g. If you want to reduce it for test such as 512MB, set -kafka-heap-size=512. Each replica has 100GB volume. The DNS names of the replicas would be:,,
Create Topic, Produce and Consume Messages
- Create a test topic with 1 partition: --create --zookeeper --replication-factor 3 --partitions 1 --topic testtopic
- Describe the topic: --describe --zookeeper --topic testtopic
The output shows the partition leader is the first member,
Topic:testtopic PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:3 Configs:
Topic: testtopic Partition: 0 Leader: 0 Replicas: 0,1,2 Isr: 0,1,2
- Produce 2 messages to the partition leader. --broker-list --topic testtopic
>this is message1
>this is message2
- Consume the messages --bootstrap-server --from-beginning --topic testtopic
this is message1
this is message2