DynamoDB Adapter Demo Setup
This README outlines the steps to set up a test environment for using the DynamoDB adapter with Cloud Spanner. Follow these instructions to create the necessary tables, insert sample data, and configure the adapter.
1. Create a Sample Table for Demo Operations
The following SQL statement creates a table employee_table
in Cloud Spanner,
which will be used to demonstrate DynamoDB operations through the adapter:
CREATE TABLE employee_table (
emp_name STRING(MAX),
emp_id FLOAT64,
emp_image BYTES(MAX),
isHired BOOL,
emp_status STRING(MAX),
emp_details JSON
) PRIMARY KEY(emp_id);
2. Create dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl
The DynamoDB adapter requires a table to store metadata about the schema for other tables. Use the following SQL statement to create this table:
CREATE TABLE dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (
dynamoDataType STRING(MAX) NOT NULL,
originalColumn STRING(MAX) NOT NULL,
partitionKey STRING(MAX),
sortKey STRING(MAX),
spannerIndexName STRING(MAX),
actualTable STRING(MAX),
spannerDataType STRING(MAX)
) PRIMARY KEY (tableName, column)
3. Insert Data into dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl
Once the dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl
table is created,
insert the metadata for employee_table
as follows:
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType) VALUES ('employee_table','emp_name','S','emp_name','emp_id', '', 'emp_name', 'employee_table','STRING(MAX)');
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType) VALUES ('employee_table','emp_id','N','emp_id','emp_id', '', 'emp_id', 'employee_table','FLOAT64');
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType)
VALUES ('employee_table','emp_image','B','emp_image','emp_id', '', 'emp_image', 'employee_table','BYTES(MAX)');
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType)
VALUES ('employee_table','isHired','BOOL','isHired','emp_id', '', 'isHired', 'employee_table','BOOL');
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType)
VALUES ('employee_table','emp_status','S','emp_status','emp_id', '', 'emp_status', 'employee_table','STRING(MAX)');
INSERT INTO dynamodb_adapter_table_ddl (tableName, column, dynamoDataType, originalColumn, partitionKey,sortKey, spannerIndexName, actualTable, spannerDataType)
VALUES ('employee_table','emp_details','L','emp_details','emp_id', '', 'emp_details', 'employee_table','JSON');
4. Configuration Files
The DynamoDB adapter requires several configuration files to function properly. Below are examples of these configuration files:
This file defines the necessary settings for the adapter. A sample configuration might look like this:
spanner: project_id: "my-project-id" instance_id: "my-instance-id" database_name: "my-database-name" query_limit: "query_limit" dynamo_query_limit: "dynamo_query_limit"
The fields are: project_id: The Google Cloud project ID. instance_id: The Spanner instance ID. database_name: The database name in Spanner. query_limit: Database query limit. dynamo_query_limit: DynamoDb query limit.
5. Build the Project
Once the configuration files are set up, build the DynamoDB Adapter project by running:
go build
6. Start the Adapter
After building the project, start the DynamoDB Adapter by running the following command:
Follow these steps to set up your DynamoDB Adapter environment
and perform necessary operations using the employee_table
Let me know if you need further clarification or assistance!
There is no documentation for this package.