Price Server
A server component used to provide RESTful APIs for querying the prices of virtual machines (such as EC2) of cloud providers.
Pull the latest price data
Run the following commands to pull the latest price data:
go run hack/tools/pull-data/pull-latest-price.go
Components Development
It is highly recommended to develop server-side components in a local environment. After testing with a demo cluster, the components can be deployed in the pre-production environment.
Step 1: Create a Cluster
Run the following commands to create a cluster:
cat > kind-config.yaml <<EOF
# Cluster configuration with three nodes (two workers)
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
- role: worker
- role: worker
kind create cluster --name cloudpilot-dev --config kind-config.yaml
Step 2: Deploy Modified Components
Initialize the manifest with the following commands, please set your corresponding keys:
export AWS_GLOBAL_ACCESS_KEY=<aws access key>
export AWS_GLOBAL_SECRET_KEY=<aws secret>
export AWS_CN_ACCESS_KEY=<aws cn access key>
export AWS_CN_SECRET_KEY=<aws cn secret key>
# The format should be like <ak1>:<sk1>,<ak2>:<sk2>
export ALIBABACLOUD_AKSK_POOL=<alibaba cloud access key and secret key pair pool>
source hack/
After initializing the manifest, deploy the modified components to the cluster:
export KO_DOCKER_REPO=kind.local
export KIND_CLUSTER_NAME=cloudpilot-dev
ko apply -f config-dev
Once the components are deployed, expose the service using:
kubectl port-forward svc/priceserver -n cloudpilot 8080
Step 3: Testing the API
Visit corresponding API, for example, http://localhost:8080/api/v1/aws/ec2/regions/us-east-2/price
, to test the API.