Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GSM7(packed bool) encoding.Encoding
- func GetDefaultNpi() byte
- func GetDefaultTon() byte
- func SetDefaultNpi(dfltNpi byte)
- func SetDefaultTon(dfltTon byte)
- func ValidateGSM7Buffer(buffer []byte) []byte
- func ValidateGSM7String(text string) []rune
- type CommandIDType
- type CommandStatusType
- type CustomEncoding
- type EncDec
- type Encoding
- type Splitter
Constants ¶
const ( // GSM7BITCoding is gsm-7bit coding GSM7BITCoding byte = 0x00 // ASCIICoding is ascii coding ASCIICoding byte = 0x01 // BINARY8BIT1Coding is 8-bit binary coding BINARY8BIT1Coding byte = 0x02 // LATIN1Coding is iso-8859-1 coding LATIN1Coding byte = 0x03 // BINARY8BIT2Coding is 8-bit binary coding BINARY8BIT2Coding byte = 0x04 // CYRILLICCoding is iso-8859-5 coding CYRILLICCoding byte = 0x06 // HEBREWCoding is iso-8859-8 coding HEBREWCoding byte = 0x07 // UCS2Coding is UCS2 coding UCS2Coding byte = 0x08 )
const ( // SMPP Command ID Set GENERIC_NACK = CommandIDType(-2147483648) BIND_RECEIVER = CommandIDType(0x00000001) BIND_RECEIVER_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483647) BIND_TRANSMITTER = CommandIDType(0x00000002) BIND_TRANSMITTER_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483646) QUERY_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000003) QUERY_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483645) SUBMIT_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000004) SUBMIT_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483644) DELIVER_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000005) DELIVER_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483643) UNBIND = CommandIDType(0x00000006) UNBIND_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483642) REPLACE_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000007) REPLACE_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483641) CANCEL_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000008) CANCEL_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483640) BIND_TRANSCEIVER = CommandIDType(0x00000009) BIND_TRANSCEIVER_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483639) OUTBIND = CommandIDType(0x0000000B) ENQUIRE_LINK = CommandIDType(0x00000015) ENQUIRE_LINK_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483627) SUBMIT_MULTI = CommandIDType(0x00000021) SUBMIT_MULTI_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483615) ALERT_NOTIFICATION = CommandIDType(0x00000102) DATA_SM = CommandIDType(0x00000103) DATA_SM_RESP = CommandIDType(-2147483389) )
const ( // Command_Status Error Codes ESME_ROK = CommandStatusType(0x00000000) // No Error ESME_RINVMSGLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000001) // Message Length is invalid ESME_RINVCMDLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000002) // Command Length is invalid ESME_RINVCMDID = CommandStatusType(0x00000003) // Invalid Command ID ESME_RINVBNDSTS = CommandStatusType(0x00000004) // Incorrect BIND Status for given command ESME_RALYBND = CommandStatusType(0x00000005) // ESME Already in Bound State ESME_RINVPRTFLG = CommandStatusType(0x00000006) // Invalid Priority Flag ESME_RINVREGDLVFLG = CommandStatusType(0x00000007) // Invalid Registered Delivery Flag ESME_RSYSERR = CommandStatusType(0x00000008) // System Error ESME_RINVSRCADR = CommandStatusType(0x0000000A) // Invalid Source Address ESME_RINVDSTADR = CommandStatusType(0x0000000B) // Invalid Dest Addr ESME_RINVMSGID = CommandStatusType(0x0000000C) // Message ID is invalid ESME_RBINDFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x0000000D) // Bind Failed ESME_RINVPASWD = CommandStatusType(0x0000000E) // Invalid Password ESME_RINVSYSID = CommandStatusType(0x0000000F) // Invalid System ID ESME_RCANCELFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000011) // Cancel SM Failed ESME_RREPLACEFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000013) // Replace SM Failed ESME_RMSGQFUL = CommandStatusType(0x00000014) // Message Queue Full ESME_RINVSERTYP = CommandStatusType(0x00000015) // Invalid Service Type ESME_RADDCUSTFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000019) // Failed to Add Customer ESME_RDELCUSTFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x0000001A) // Failed to delete Customer ESME_RMODCUSTFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x0000001B) // Failed to modify customer ESME_RENQCUSTFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x0000001C) // Failed to Enquire Customer ESME_RINVCUSTID = CommandStatusType(0x0000001D) // Invalid Customer ID ESME_RINVCUSTNAME = CommandStatusType(0x0000001F) // Invalid Customer Name ESME_RINVCUSTADR = CommandStatusType(0x00000021) // Invalid Customer Address ESME_RINVADR = CommandStatusType(0x00000022) // Invalid Address ESME_RCUSTEXIST = CommandStatusType(0x00000023) // Customer Exists ESME_RCUSTNOTEXIST = CommandStatusType(0x00000024) // Customer does not exist ESME_RADDDLFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000026) // Failed to Add DL ESME_RMODDLFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000027) // Failed to modify DL ESME_RDELDLFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000028) // Failed to Delete DL ESME_RVIEWDLFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000029) // Failed to View DL ESME_RLISTDLSFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000030) // Failed to list DLs ESME_RPARAMRETFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000031) // Param Retrieve Failed ESME_RINVPARAM = CommandStatusType(0x00000032) // Invalid Param ESME_RINVNUMDESTS = CommandStatusType(0x00000033) // Invalid number of destinations ESME_RINVDLNAME = CommandStatusType(0x00000034) // Invalid Distribution List name ESME_RINVDLMEMBDESC = CommandStatusType(0x00000035) // Invalid DL Member Description ESME_RINVDLMEMBTYP = CommandStatusType(0x00000038) // Invalid DL Member Type ESME_RINVDLMODOPT = CommandStatusType(0x00000039) // Invalid DL Modify Option ESME_RINVDESTFLAG = CommandStatusType(0x00000040) // Destination flag is invalid (submit_multi) ESME_RINVSUBREP = CommandStatusType(0x00000042) // Invalid ‘submit with replace’ request (i.e. submit_sm with replace_if_present_flag set) ESME_RINVESMCLASS = CommandStatusType(0x00000043) // Invalid esm_class field data ESME_RCNTSUBDL = CommandStatusType(0x00000044) // Cannot Submit to Distribution List ESME_RSUBMITFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000045) // submit_sm or submit_multi failed ESME_RINVSRCTON = CommandStatusType(0x00000048) // Invalid Source address TON ESME_RINVSRCNPI = CommandStatusType(0x00000049) // Invalid Source address NPI ESME_RINVDSTTON = CommandStatusType(0x00000050) // Invalid Destination address TON ESME_RINVDSTNPI = CommandStatusType(0x00000051) // Invalid Destination address NPI ESME_RINVSYSTYP = CommandStatusType(0x00000053) // Invalid system_type field ESME_RINVREPFLAG = CommandStatusType(0x00000054) // Invalid replace_if_present flag ESME_RINVNUMMSGS = CommandStatusType(0x00000055) // Invalid number of messages ESME_RTHROTTLED = CommandStatusType(0x00000058) // Throttling error (ESME has exceeded allowed message limits) ESME_RPROVNOTALLWD = CommandStatusType(0x00000059) // Provisioning Not Allowed ESME_RINVSCHED = CommandStatusType(0x00000061) // Invalid Scheduled Delivery Time ESME_RINVEXPIRY = CommandStatusType(0x00000062) // Invalid message validity period (Expiry time) ESME_RINVDFTMSGID = CommandStatusType(0x00000063) // Predefined Message Invalid or Not Found ESME_RX_T_APPN = CommandStatusType(0x00000064) // ESME Receiver Temporary App Error Code ESME_RX_P_APPN = CommandStatusType(0x00000065) // ESME Receiver Permanent App Error Code ESME_RX_R_APPN = CommandStatusType(0x00000066) // ESME Receiver Reject Message Error Code ESME_RQUERYFAIL = CommandStatusType(0x00000067) // query_sm request failed ESME_RINVPGCUSTID = CommandStatusType(0x00000080) // Paging Customer ID Invalid No such subscriber ESME_RINVPGCUSTIDLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000081) // Paging Customer ID length Invalid ESME_RINVCITYLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000082) // City Length Invalid ESME_RINVSTATELEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000083) // State Length Invalid ESME_RINVZIPPREFIXLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000084) // Zip Prefix Length Invalid ESME_RINVZIPPOSTFIXLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000085) // Zip Postfix Length Invalid ESME_RINVMINLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000086) // MIN Length Invalid ESME_RINVMIN = CommandStatusType(0x00000087) // MIN Invalid (i.e. No such MIN) ESME_RINVPINLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000088) // PIN Length Invalid ESME_RINVTERMCODELEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000089) // Terminal Code Length Invalid ESME_RINVCHANNELLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008A) // Channel Length Invalid ESME_RINVCOVREGIONLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008B) // Coverage Region Length Invalid ESME_RINVCAPCODELEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008C) // Cap Code Length Invalid ESME_RINVMDTLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008D) // Message delivery time Length Invalid ESME_RINVPRIORMSGLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008E) // Priority Message Length Invalid ESME_RINVPERMSGLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000008F) // Periodic Messages Length Invalid ESME_RINVPGALERTLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000090) // Paging Alerts Length Invalid ESME_RINVSMUSERLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000091) // int16 Message User Group Length Invalid ESME_RINVRTDBLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000092) // Real Time Data broadcasts Length Invalid ESME_RINVREGDELLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000093) // Registered Delivery Length Invalid ESME_RINVMSGDISTLEN = CommandStatusType(0x00000094) // Message Distribution Length Invalid ESME_RINVPRIORMSG = CommandStatusType(0x00000095) // Priority Message Length Invalid ESME_RINVMDT = CommandStatusType(0x00000096) // Message delivery time Invalid ESME_RINVPERMSG = CommandStatusType(0x00000097) // Periodic Messages Invalid ESME_RINVMSGDIST = CommandStatusType(0x00000098) // Message Distribution Invalid ESME_RINVPGALERT = CommandStatusType(0x00000099) // Paging Alerts Invalid ESME_RINVSMUSER = CommandStatusType(0x0000009A) // int16 Message User Group Invalid ESME_RINVRTDB = CommandStatusType(0x0000009B) // Real Time Data broadcasts Invalid ESME_RINVREGDEL = CommandStatusType(0x0000009C) // Registered Delivery Invalid ESME_RINVOPTPARLEN = CommandStatusType(0x0000009F) // Invalid Optional Parameter Length ESME_RINVOPTPARSTREAM = CommandStatusType(0x000000C0) // KIF IW Field out of data ESME_ROPTPARNOTALLWD = CommandStatusType(0x000000C1) // Optional Parameter not allowed ESME_RINVPARLEN = CommandStatusType(0x000000C2) // Invalid Parameter Length. ESME_RMISSINGOPTPARAM = CommandStatusType(0x000000C3) // Expected Optional Parameter missing ESME_RINVOPTPARAMVAL = CommandStatusType(0x000000C4) // Invalid Optional Parameter Value ESME_RDELIVERYFAILURE = CommandStatusType(0x000000FE) // Delivery Failure (used for data_sm_resp) ESME_RUNKNOWNERR = CommandStatusType(0x000000FF) // Unknown Error ESME_LAST_ERROR = CommandStatusType(0x0000012C) // THE VALUE OF THE LAST ERROR CODE )
const ( SM_CONNID_LEN = 16 SM_MSG_LEN = 254 SM_SYSID_LEN = 16 SM_MSGID_LEN = 64 SM_PASS_LEN = 9 SM_DATE_LEN = 17 SM_SRVTYPE_LEN = 6 SM_SYSTYPE_LEN = 13 SM_ADDR_LEN = 21 SM_DATA_ADDR_LEN = 65 SM_ADDR_RANGE_LEN = 41 SM_TYPE_LEN = 13 SM_DL_NAME_LEN = 21 SM_PARAM_NAME_LEN = 10 SM_PARAM_VALUE_LEN = 10 SM_MAX_CNT_DEST_ADDR = 254 // GSM specific, short message must be no larger than 140 octets SM_GSM_MSG_LEN = 140 CONNECTION_CLOSED = 0 CONNECTION_OPENED = 1 SM_ACK = 1 SM_NO_ACK = 0 SM_RESPONSE_ACK = 0 SM_RESPONSE_TNACK = 1 SM_RESPONSE_PNACK = 2 // Interface_Version SMPP_V33 int8 = int8(-0x33) SMPP_V34 = byte(0x34) // Address_TON GSM_TON_UNKNOWN = byte(0x00) GSM_TON_INTERNATIONAL = byte(0x01) GSM_TON_NATIONAL = byte(0x02) GSM_TON_NETWORK = byte(0x03) GSM_TON_SUBSCRIBER = byte(0x04) GSM_TON_ALPHANUMERIC = byte(0x05) GSM_TON_ABBREVIATED = byte(0x06) GSM_TON_RESERVED_EXTN = byte(0x07) // Address_NPI GSM_NPI_UNKNOWN = byte(0x00) GSM_NPI_E164 = byte(0x01) GSM_NPI_ISDN = GSM_NPI_E164 GSM_NPI_X121 = byte(0x03) GSM_NPI_TELEX = byte(0x04) GSM_NPI_LAND_MOBILE = byte(0x06) GSM_NPI_NATIONAL = byte(0x08) GSM_NPI_PRIVATE = byte(0x09) GSM_NPI_ERMES = byte(0x0A) GSM_NPI_INTERNET = byte(0x0E) GSM_NPI_WAP_CLIENT_ID = byte(0x12) GSM_NPI_RESERVED_EXTN = byte(0x0F) // Service_Type SERVICE_NULL string = "" SERVICE_CMT string = "CMT" SERVICE_CPT string = "CPT" SERVICE_VMN string = "VMN" SERVICE_VMA string = "VMA" SERVICE_WAP string = "WAP" SERVICE_USSD string = "USSD" SMPP_PROTOCOL = byte(1) SMPPP_PROTOCOL = byte(2) SM_SERVICE_MOBILE_TERMINATED = byte(0) SM_SERVICE_MOBILE_ORIGINATED = byte(1) SM_SERVICE_MOBILE_TRANSCEIVER = byte(2) // State of message at SMSC SM_STATE_EN_ROUTE = 1 // default state for messages in transit SM_STATE_DELIVERED = 2 // message is delivered SM_STATE_EXPIRED = 3 // validity period expired SM_STATE_DELETED = 4 // message has been deleted SM_STATE_UNDELIVERABLE = 5 // undeliverable SM_STATE_ACCEPTED = 6 // message is in accepted state SM_STATE_INVALID = 7 // message is in invalid state SM_STATE_REJECTED = 8 // message is in rejected state // Messaging Mode SM_ESM_DEFAULT = 0x00 // Default SMSC Mode or Message Type SM_DATAGRAM_MODE = 0x01 // Use one-shot express mode SM_FORWARD_MODE = 0x02 // Do not use SM_STORE_FORWARD_MODE = 0x03 // Use store & forward // Send/Receive TDMA & CDMA Message Type SM_SMSC_DLV_RCPT_TYPE = 0x04 // Recv Msg contains SMSC delivery receipt SM_ESME_DLV_ACK_TYPE = 0x08 // Send/Recv Msg contains ESME delivery acknowledgement SM_ESME_MAN_USER_ACK_TYPE = 0x10 // Send/Recv Msg contains manual/user acknowledgment SM_CONV_ABORT_TYPE = 0x18 // Recv Msg contains conversation abort (Korean CDMA) SM_INTMD_DLV_NOTIFY_TYPE = 0x20 // Recv Msg contains intermediate notification // GSM Network features SM_NONE_GSM = 0x00 // No specific features selected SM_UDH_GSM = 0x40 // User Data Header indicator set SM_REPLY_PATH_GSM = 0x80 // Reply path set SM_UDH_REPLY_PATH_GSM = 0xC0 // Both UDH & Reply path OPT_PAR_MSG_WAIT = 2 // Privacy Indicator OPT_PAR_PRIV_IND = 0x0201 // Source Subaddress OPT_PAR_SRC_SUBADDR = 0x0202 OPT_PAR_SRC_SUBADDR_MIN = 2 OPT_PAR_SRC_SUBADDR_MAX = 23 // Destination Subaddress OPT_PAR_DEST_SUBADDR = 0x0203 OPT_PAR_DEST_SUBADDR_MIN = 2 OPT_PAR_DEST_SUBADDR_MAX = 23 // User Message Reference OPT_PAR_USER_MSG_REF = 0x0204 // User Response Code OPT_PAR_USER_RESP_CODE = 0x0205 // Language Indicator OPT_PAR_LANG_IND = 0x020D // Source Port OPT_PAR_SRC_PORT = 0x020A // Destination Port OPT_PAR_DST_PORT = 0x020B // Concat Msg Ref Num OPT_PAR_SAR_MSG_REF_NUM = 0x020C // Concat Total Segments OPT_PAR_SAR_TOT_SEG = 0x020E // Concat Segment Seqnums OPT_PAR_SAR_SEG_SNUM = 0x020F // SC Interface Version OPT_PAR_SC_IF_VER = 0x0210 // Display Time OPT_PAR_DISPLAY_TIME = 0x1201 // Validity Information OPT_PAR_MS_VALIDITY = 0x1204 // DPF Result OPT_PAR_DPF_RES = 0x0420 // Set DPF OPT_PAR_SET_DPF = 0x0421 // MS Availability Status OPT_PAR_MS_AVAIL_STAT = 0x0422 // Network Error Code OPT_PAR_NW_ERR_CODE = 0x0423 OPT_PAR_NW_ERR_CODE_MIN = 3 OPT_PAR_NW_ERR_CODE_MAX = 3 // Delivery Failure Reason OPT_PAR_DEL_FAIL_RSN = 0x0425 // More Messages to Follow OPT_PAR_MORE_MSGS = 0x0426 // Message State OPT_PAR_MSG_STATE = 0x0427 // Callback Number OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM = 0x0381 OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_MIN = 4 OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_MAX = 19 // Callback Number Presentation Indicator OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_PRES_IND = 0x0302 // Callback Number Alphanumeric Tag OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_ATAG = 0x0303 OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_ATAG_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_CALLBACK_NUM_ATAG_MAX = 65 // Number of messages in Mailbox OPT_PAR_NUM_MSGS = 0x0304 // SMS Received Alert OPT_PAR_SMS_SIGNAL = 0x1203 // Message Delivery Alert OPT_PAR_ALERT_ON_MSG_DELIVERY = 0x130C // ITS Reply Type OPT_PAR_ITS_REPLY_TYPE = 0x1380 // ITS Session Info OPT_PAR_ITS_SESSION_INFO = 0x1383 // USSD Service Op OPT_PAR_USSD_SER_OP = 0x0501 // Priority SM_NOPRIORITY = 0 SM_PRIORITY = 1 // Registered delivery // SMSC Delivery Receipt (bits 1 & 0) SM_SMSC_RECEIPT_MASK = byte(0x03) SM_SMSC_RECEIPT_NOT_REQUESTED = byte(0x00) SM_SMSC_RECEIPT_REQUESTED = byte(0x01) SM_SMSC_RECEIPT_ON_FAILURE = byte(0x02) // SME originated acknowledgement (bits 3 & 2) SM_SME_ACK_MASK = byte(0x0c) SM_SME_ACK_NOT_REQUESTED = byte(0x00) SM_SME_ACK_DELIVERY_REQUESTED = byte(0x04) SM_SME_ACK_MANUAL_REQUESTED = byte(0x08) SM_SME_ACK_BOTH_REQUESTED = byte(0x0c) // Intermediate notification (bit 5) SM_NOTIF_MASK = byte(0x010) SM_NOTIF_NOT_REQUESTED = byte(0x000) SM_NOTIF_REQUESTED = byte(0x010) // Replace if Present flag SM_NOREPLACE = 0 SM_REPLACE = 1 // Destination flag SM_DEST_SME_ADDRESS = 1 SM_DEST_DL_NAME = 2 // Higher Layer Message Type SM_LAYER_WDP = 0 SM_LAYER_WCMP = 1 // Operation Class SM_OPCLASS_DATAGRAM = 0 SM_OPCLASS_TRANSACTION = 3 // Originating MSC Address OPT_PAR_ORIG_MSC_ADDR = -32639 // int16(0x8081) OPT_PAR_ORIG_MSC_ADDR_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_ORIG_MSC_ADDR_MAX = 24 // Destination MSC Address OPT_PAR_DEST_MSC_ADDR = -32638 // int16(0x8082) OPT_PAR_DEST_MSC_ADDR_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_DEST_MSC_ADDR_MAX = 24 // Unused Tag OPT_PAR_UNUSED = 0xffff // Destination Address Subunit OPT_PAR_DST_ADDR_SUBUNIT = 0x0005 // Destination Network Type OPT_PAR_DST_NW_TYPE = 0x0006 // Destination Bearer Type OPT_PAR_DST_BEAR_TYPE = 0x0007 // Destination Telematics ID OPT_PAR_DST_TELE_ID = 0x0008 // Source Address Subunit OPT_PAR_SRC_ADDR_SUBUNIT = 0x000D // Source Network Type OPT_PAR_SRC_NW_TYPE = 0x000E // Source Bearer Type OPT_PAR_SRC_BEAR_TYPE = 0x000F // Source Telematics ID OPT_PAR_SRC_TELE_ID = 0x0010 // QOS Time to Live OPT_PAR_QOS_TIME_TO_LIVE = 0x0017 OPT_PAR_QOS_TIME_TO_LIVE_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_QOS_TIME_TO_LIVE_MAX = 4 // Payload Type OPT_PAR_PAYLOAD_TYPE = 0x0019 // Additional Status Info Text OPT_PAR_ADD_STAT_INFO = 0x001D OPT_PAR_ADD_STAT_INFO_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_ADD_STAT_INFO_MAX = 256 // Receipted Message ID OPT_PAR_RECP_MSG_ID = 0x001E OPT_PAR_RECP_MSG_ID_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_RECP_MSG_ID_MAX = 65 // Message Payload OPT_PAR_MSG_PAYLOAD = 0x0424 OPT_PAR_MSG_PAYLOAD_MIN = 1 OPT_PAR_MSG_PAYLOAD_MAX = 1500 // User Data Header UDH_CONCAT_MSG_8_BIT_REF = byte(0x00) UDH_CONCAT_MSG_16_BIT_REF = byte(0x08) DFLT_MSGID string = "" DFLT_MSG string = "" DFLT_SRVTYPE string = "" DFLT_SYSID string = "" DFLT_PASS string = "" DFLT_SYSTYPE string = "" DFLT_ADDR_RANGE string = "" DFLT_DATE string = "" DFLT_ADDR string = "" DFLT_MSG_STATE byte = 0 DFLT_ERR byte = 0 DFLT_SCHEDULE string = "" DFLT_VALIDITY string = "" DFLT_REG_DELIVERY = SM_SMSC_RECEIPT_NOT_REQUESTED | SM_SME_ACK_NOT_REQUESTED | SM_NOTIF_NOT_REQUESTED DFLT_DFLTMSGID = byte(0) DFLT_MSG_LEN = byte(0) DFLT_ESM_CLASS = byte(0) DFLT_DATA_CODING = byte(0) DFLT_PROTOCOLID = byte(0) DFLT_PRIORITY_FLAG = byte(0) DFTL_REPLACE_IFP = byte(0) DFLT_DL_NAME string = "" DFLT_GSM_TON = GSM_TON_UNKNOWN DFLT_GSM_NPI = GSM_NPI_UNKNOWN DFLT_DEST_FLAG = byte(0) // not set MAX_PDU_LEN = 64 << 10 PDU_HEADER_SIZE = 16 // 4 integers TLV_HEADER_SIZE = 4 // 2 int16s: tag & length // all times in milliseconds RECEIVER_TIMEOUT int64 = 60000 CONNECTION_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT int64 = 10000 UNBIND_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT int64 = 5000 CONNECTION_SEND_TIMEOUT int64 = 20000 COMMS_TIMEOUT int64 = 60000 QUEUE_TIMEOUT int64 = 10000 ACCEPT_TIMEOUT int64 = 60000 RECEIVE_BLOCKING int64 = -1 MAX_VALUE_PORT = 65535 MIN_VALUE_PORT = 100 MIN_LENGTH_ADDRESS = 7 )
Variables ¶
var ( // UTF16BEM is UTF-16 Big Endian with BOM (byte order mark). UTF16BEM = &utf16BEM{} // UTF16LEM is UTF-16 Little Endian with BOM. UTF16LEM = &utf16LEM{} // UTF16BE is UTF-16 Big Endian without BOM. UTF16BE = &utf16BE{} // UTF16LE is UTF-16 Little Endian without BOM. UTF16LE = &utf16LE{} )
var ( // ErrNotImplSplitterInterface indicates that encoding does not support Splitter interface ErrNotImplSplitterInterface = fmt.Errorf("Encoding not implementing Splitter interface") // ErrNotImplDecode indicates that encoding does not support Decode method ErrNotImplDecode = fmt.Errorf("Decode is not implemented in this Encoding") // ErrNotImplEncode indicates that encoding does not support Encode method ErrNotImplEncode = fmt.Errorf("Encode is not implemented in this Encoding") )
var ErrInvalidByte = errors.New("invalid gsm7 byte")
ErrInvalidByte means that a given byte is outside of the GSM 7-bit encoding range.
This can only happen during decoding.
var ErrInvalidCharacter = errors.New("invalid gsm7 character")
ErrInvalidCharacter means a given character can not be represented in GSM 7-bit encoding.
This can only happen during encoding.
Functions ¶
func GSM7 ¶
GSM7 returns a GSM 7-bit Bit Encoding.
Set the packed flag to true if you wish to convert septets to octets, this should be false for most SMPP providers.
func ValidateGSM7Buffer ¶
ValidateGSM7Buffer returns the bytes, in the given buffer, that are outside of the GSM 7-bit encoding range.
func ValidateGSM7String ¶
ValidateGSM7String returns the characters, in the given text, that can not be represented in GSM 7-bit encoding.
Types ¶
type CommandIDType ¶
type CommandIDType int32
CommandIDType is type of command id.
func (CommandIDType) String ¶
func (i CommandIDType) String() string
type CommandStatusType ¶
type CommandStatusType int32
CommandStatusType is type of command status
func (CommandStatusType) Desc ¶
func (i CommandStatusType) Desc() string
func (CommandStatusType) String ¶
func (i CommandStatusType) String() string
type CustomEncoding ¶
type CustomEncoding struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
CustomEncoding is wrapper for user-defined data encoding.
type Encoding ¶
Encoding interface.
var ( // GSM7BIT is gsm-7bit encoding. GSM7BIT Encoding = &gsm7bit{packed: false} // GSM7BITPACKED is packed gsm-7bit encoding. // Most of SMSC(s) use unpack version. // Should be tested before using. GSM7BITPACKED Encoding = &gsm7bit{packed: true} // ASCII is ascii encoding. ASCII Encoding = &ascii{} // BINARY8BIT1 is binary 8-bit encoding. BINARY8BIT1 Encoding = &binary8bit1{} // LATIN1 encoding. LATIN1 Encoding = &iso88591{} // BINARY8BIT2 is binary 8-bit encoding. BINARY8BIT2 Encoding = &binary8bit2{} // CYRILLIC encoding. CYRILLIC Encoding = &iso88595{} // HEBREW encoding. HEBREW Encoding = &iso88598{} // UCS2 encoding. UCS2 Encoding = &ucs2{} )
func FindEncoding ¶
FindEncoding returns suitable encoding for a string. If string is ascii, then GSM7Bit. If not, then UCS2.
func FromDataCoding ¶
FromDataCoding returns encoding from DataCoding value.
func NewCustomEncoding ¶
NewCustomEncoding creates new custom encoding.
type Splitter ¶
type Splitter interface { // ShouldSplit check if the encoded data of given text should be splitted under octetLimit ShouldSplit(text string, octetLimit uint) (should bool) EncodeSplit(text string, octetLimit uint) ([][]byte, error) }
Splitter extend encoding object by defining a split function that split a string into multiple segments Each segment string, when encoded, must be within a certain octet limit