aws-env - Secure way to handle environment variables in Docker
aws-env is a small utility that tries to solve problem of passing environment variables to applications in a secure way, especially in Docker containers.
It uses AWS Parameter Store to populate environment variables while starting application inside the container.
- Add parameters to Parameter Store using hierarchy in names:
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /prod/my-app/DB_USERNAME --value "Username" --type SecureString --key-id "alias/aws/ssm" --region us-west-2
$ aws ssm put-parameter --name /prod/my-app/DB_PASSWORD --value "SecretPassword" --type SecureString --key-id "alias/aws/ssm" --region us-west-2
- Install aws-env (choose proper prebuilt binary)
$ wget -O aws-env
- Start your application with aws-env
- path of parameters. If it won't be provided, aws-env will exit immediately. That way, you can run your Dockerfiles locally.
and AWS Credentials - configuring credentials
$ eval $(AWS_ENV_PATH=/prod/my-app/ AWS_REGION=us-west-2 ./aws-env) && node -e "console.log(process.env)"
Under the hood, aws-env will export environment parameters fetched from AWS Parameter Store:
$ export DB_USERNAME=$'Username'
$ export DB_PASSWORD=$'SecretPassword'
Example Dockerfile
FROM node:alpine
RUN apk update && apk upgrade && \
apk add --no-cache openssl ca-certificates
RUN wget -O /bin/aws-env && \
chmod +x /bin/aws-env
CMD eval $(aws-env) && node -e "console.log(process.env)"
$ docker build -t my-app .
$ docker run -v ~/.aws/:/root/.aws -e AWS_ENV_PATH="/prod/my-app/" -e AWS_REGION=us-west-2 -t my-app
For a local development, you you can still use:
$ docker run -t my-app
- As this script is still in development, its usage may change. Lock version to the
specific commit to be sure that your Dockerfiles will work correctly!
$ wget
- Many Docker images (e.g. ruby) are using /bin/sh as a default shell. It crashes
notation that enables multi-line variables export. For this reason, to use aws-env, it's
required to switch shell to /bin/bash:
CMD ["/bin/bash", "-c", "eval $(aws-env) && rails s Puma"]