CloudLink Omega / CL5 Accounts Backend
Provides account registration & authentication endpoints for CL5.
- Go 1.23.2 or newer
- A SQL driver and database.
The accounts server is a standard Fiber v2 app, and can be natively mounted.
package main
import (
_ ""
_ ""
func main() {
// Initialize your database (SQLite as an example)
db, err := sql.Open("sqlite3", "file:database.db")
if err != nil {
// . . .
// Initialize a new Fiber app
app := fiber.New()
// . . .
// Initialize the Accounts service
auth := accounts.New(
"/", // router_path: The path that the server app will be mounted to. By default, leave this set to `/`.
"http://localhost:3000", // server_url: The full hostname or URL that the server will be deployed to.
"localhost", // api_domain: The domain (or subdomain) that authorized cookies are permitted on.
"localhost:3000", // api_url: The interface that the Account server will listen to.
"USA-OMEGA-1", // server_name: Used for labeling the server. Recommended format: [Country Code]-[Server Nickname]-[Designation].
"localhost:3000", // primary_website: For use with pointing to any higher-level routers that may be mounted beyond the accounts server.
"SESSION_KEY", // session_key: Used for encrypting and decrypting JWT cookies. For example, use `openssl rand 60 | base64`.
false, // enforce_https: Set to true if you are serving over HTTPS. This sets the "HTTPSOnly" value for cookies.
db, // db: Use a database/sql compatible driver and insert an instance here. In this example, I am using SQLite.
sqlbuilder.SQLite, // db_flavor: See huandu/go-sqlbuilder flavors for your specific DB / driver.
&types.MailConfig{ // email_config: Required for sending emails.
Port: 587,
Server: "",
Username: "",
Password: " . . . ",
// You can then configure OAuth providers. The currently supported ones are Google, Discord, and GitHub.
/* Create a new Cloud App at
* then go to the "APIs & Services" section. Select the "Credentials" category
* and select "Create Credentials" > "OAuth client ID". Select "Web application"
* as the Application type, and specify the Redirect URL under the "Authorized
* redirect URLs" section ({server_url}/auth/google/callback). */
auth.OAuth.Google("GOOGLE_KEY", "GOOGLE_SECRET")
/* > New OAuth App
* Once you've created the application, you will need to specify
* the Redirect URL under the "Authorization callback URL" section
* ({server_url}/auth/github/callback). */
/* > New Application
* then, once you've created the application, go to the "OAuth2" section in
* the app's settings and generate a client secret, as well as specify
* the Redirect URL ({server_url}/auth/discord/callback). */
// . . .
// Mount the application
app.Mount("/accounts", auth.App)
// Serve assets that the account server depends on
app.Static("/assets", "./assets")
// . . .
// Run the app