
v6.18.1+incompatible Latest Latest

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Published: May 24, 2016 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 9 Imported by: 1,903




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var ErrUnknownRole = errors.New("Unknown Role")


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type AppFileFields

type AppFileFields struct {
	Path string
	Sha1 string
	Size int64
	Mode string

type AppInstanceFields

type AppInstanceFields struct {
	State     InstanceState
	Details   string
	Since     time.Time
	CPUUsage  float64 // percentage
	DiskQuota int64   // in bytes
	DiskUsage int64
	MemQuota  int64
	MemUsage  int64

type AppParams

type AppParams struct {
	BuildpackURL       *string
	Command            *string
	DiskQuota          *int64
	Domains            *[]string
	EnvironmentVars    *map[string]interface{}
	GUID               *string
	HealthCheckType    *string
	HealthCheckTimeout *int
	DockerImage        *string
	Diego              *bool
	EnableSSH          *bool
	Hosts              *[]string
	RoutePath          *string
	InstanceCount      *int
	Memory             *int64
	Name               *string
	NoHostname         bool
	NoRoute            bool
	UseRandomRoute     bool
	UseRandomPort      bool
	Path               *string
	ServicesToBind     *[]string
	SpaceGUID          *string
	StackGUID          *string
	StackName          *string
	State              *string
	PackageUpdatedAt   *time.Time
	AppPorts           *[]int

func (*AppParams) IsEmpty

func (app *AppParams) IsEmpty() bool

func (*AppParams) IsHostEmpty

func (app *AppParams) IsHostEmpty() bool

func (*AppParams) Merge

func (app *AppParams) Merge(other *AppParams)

type Application

type Application struct {
	Stack    *Stack
	Routes   []RouteSummary
	Services []ServicePlanSummary

func (Application) HasRoute

func (model Application) HasRoute(route Route) bool

func (Application) ToParams

func (model Application) ToParams() (params AppParams)

type ApplicationFields

type ApplicationFields struct {
	GUID                 string
	Name                 string
	BuildpackURL         string
	Command              string
	Diego                bool
	DetectedStartCommand string
	DiskQuota            int64 // in Megabytes
	EnvironmentVars      map[string]interface{}
	InstanceCount        int
	Memory               int64 // in Megabytes
	RunningInstances     int
	HealthCheckType      string
	HealthCheckTimeout   int
	State                string
	SpaceGUID            string
	StackGUID            string
	PackageUpdatedAt     *time.Time
	PackageState         string
	StagingFailedReason  string
	Buildpack            string
	DetectedBuildpack    string
	DockerImage          string
	EnableSSH            bool
	AppPorts             []int

type Buildpack

type Buildpack struct {
	GUID     string
	Name     string
	Position *int
	Enabled  *bool
	Key      string
	Filename string
	Locked   *bool

type DomainFields

type DomainFields struct {
	GUID                   string
	Name                   string
	OwningOrganizationGUID string
	RouterGroupGUID        string
	RouterGroupType        string
	Shared                 bool

func (DomainFields) URLForHostAndPath

func (model DomainFields) URLForHostAndPath(host, path string, port int) string

type Environment

type Environment struct {
	System      map[string]interface{} `json:"system_env_json,omitempty"`
	Environment map[string]interface{} `json:"environment_json,omitempty"`
	Running     map[string]interface{} `json:"running_env_json,omitempty"`
	Staging     map[string]interface{} `json:"staging_env_json,omitempty"`
	Application map[string]interface{} `json:"application_env_json,omitempty"`

func NewEnvironment

func NewEnvironment() *Environment

type EnvironmentVariable

type EnvironmentVariable struct {
	Name  string
	Value string

type EventFields

type EventFields struct {
	GUID        string
	Name        string
	Timestamp   time.Time
	Description string
	Actor       string
	ActorName   string

type FeatureFlag

type FeatureFlag struct {
	Name         string `json:"name"`
	Enabled      bool   `json:"enabled"`
	ErrorMessage string `json:"error_message"`

type InstanceState

type InstanceState string
const (
	InstanceStarting InstanceState = "starting"
	InstanceRunning  InstanceState = "running"
	InstanceFlapping InstanceState = "flapping"
	InstanceDown     InstanceState = "down"
	InstanceCrashed  InstanceState = "crashed"

type LastOperationFields

type LastOperationFields struct {
	Type        string
	State       string
	Description string
	CreatedAt   string
	UpdatedAt   string

type Organization

type Organization struct {
	Spaces      []SpaceFields
	Domains     []DomainFields
	SpaceQuotas []SpaceQuota

type OrganizationFields

type OrganizationFields struct {
	GUID            string
	Name            string
	QuotaDefinition QuotaFields

type PluginRepo

type PluginRepo struct {
	Name string
	URL  string

type QuotaFields

type QuotaFields struct {
	GUID                    string      `json:"guid,omitempty"`
	Name                    string      `json:"name"`
	MemoryLimit             int64       `json:"memory_limit"`          // in Megabytes
	InstanceMemoryLimit     int64       `json:"instance_memory_limit"` // in Megabytes
	RoutesLimit             int         `json:"total_routes"`
	ServicesLimit           int         `json:"total_services"`
	NonBasicServicesAllowed bool        `json:"non_basic_services_allowed"`
	AppInstanceLimit        int         `json:"app_instance_limit"`
	ReservedRoutePorts      json.Number `json:"total_reserved_route_ports,omitempty"`

type QuotaResponse

type QuotaResponse struct {
	GUID                    string      `json:"guid,omitempty"`
	Name                    string      `json:"name"`
	MemoryLimit             int64       `json:"memory_limit"`          // in Megabytes
	InstanceMemoryLimit     int64       `json:"instance_memory_limit"` // in Megabytes
	RoutesLimit             int         `json:"total_routes"`
	ServicesLimit           int         `json:"total_services"`
	NonBasicServicesAllowed bool        `json:"non_basic_services_allowed"`
	AppInstanceLimit        json.Number `json:"app_instance_limit"`
	ReservedRoutePorts      json.Number `json:"total_reserved_route_ports"`

type Role

type Role int
const (
	RoleUnknown Role = iota - 1

func RoleFromString

func RoleFromString(roleString string) (Role, error)

func (Role) ToString

func (r Role) ToString() string

type Route

type Route struct {
	GUID   string
	Host   string
	Domain DomainFields
	Path   string
	Port   int

	Space           SpaceFields
	Apps            []ApplicationFields
	ServiceInstance ServiceInstanceFields

func (Route) URL

func (r Route) URL() string

type RoutePresenter

type RoutePresenter struct {
	Host   string
	Domain string
	Path   string
	Port   int

func (*RoutePresenter) URL

func (r *RoutePresenter) URL() string

type RouteSummary

type RouteSummary struct {
	GUID   string
	Host   string
	Domain DomainFields
	Path   string
	Port   int

func (RouteSummary) URL

func (r RouteSummary) URL() string

type RouterGroup

type RouterGroup struct {
	GUID string `json:"guid"`
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Type string `json:"type"`

type RouterGroups

type RouterGroups []RouterGroup

type SecurityGroup

type SecurityGroup struct {
	Spaces []Space

represents a fully instantiated model returned by the CC (e.g.: with its attributes and the fields for its child objects)

type SecurityGroupFields

type SecurityGroupFields struct {
	Name     string
	GUID     string
	SpaceURL string `json:"spaces_url,omitempty"`
	Rules    []map[string]interface{}

represents just the attributes for an security group

type SecurityGroupParams

type SecurityGroupParams struct {
	Name  string                   `json:"name,omitempty"`
	GUID  string                   `json:"guid,omitempty"`
	Rules []map[string]interface{} `json:"rules"`

represents the JSON that we send up to CC when the user creates / updates a record

type ServiceAuthTokenFields

type ServiceAuthTokenFields struct {
	GUID     string
	Label    string
	Provider string
	Token    string

type ServiceBindingFields

type ServiceBindingFields struct {
	GUID    string
	URL     string
	AppGUID string

type ServiceBindingRequest

type ServiceBindingRequest struct {
	AppGUID             string                 `json:"app_guid"`
	ServiceInstanceGUID string                 `json:"service_instance_guid"`
	Params              map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`

type ServiceBroker

type ServiceBroker struct {
	GUID     string
	Name     string
	Username string
	Password string
	URL      string
	Services []ServiceOffering

type ServiceInstance

type ServiceInstance struct {
	ServiceBindings []ServiceBindingFields
	ServiceKeys     []ServiceKeyFields
	ServicePlan     ServicePlanFields
	ServiceOffering ServiceOfferingFields

func (ServiceInstance) IsUserProvided

func (inst ServiceInstance) IsUserProvided() bool

type ServiceInstanceCreateRequest

type ServiceInstanceCreateRequest struct {
	Name      string                 `json:"name"`
	SpaceGUID string                 `json:"space_guid"`
	PlanGUID  string                 `json:"service_plan_guid,omitempty"`
	Params    map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
	Tags      []string               `json:"tags,omitempty"`

type ServiceInstanceFields

type ServiceInstanceFields struct {
	GUID             string
	Name             string
	LastOperation    LastOperationFields
	SysLogDrainURL   string
	RouteServiceURL  string
	ApplicationNames []string
	Params           map[string]interface{}
	DashboardURL     string
	Tags             []string

type ServiceInstanceUpdateRequest

type ServiceInstanceUpdateRequest struct {
	PlanGUID string                 `json:"service_plan_guid,omitempty"`
	Params   map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`
	Tags     []string               `json:"tags"`

type ServiceKey

type ServiceKey struct {
	Fields      ServiceKeyFields
	Credentials map[string]interface{}

type ServiceKeyFields

type ServiceKeyFields struct {
	Name                string
	GUID                string
	URL                 string
	ServiceInstanceGUID string
	ServiceInstanceURL  string

type ServiceKeyRequest

type ServiceKeyRequest struct {
	Name                string                 `json:"name"`
	ServiceInstanceGUID string                 `json:"service_instance_guid"`
	Params              map[string]interface{} `json:"parameters,omitempty"`

type ServiceOffering

type ServiceOffering struct {
	Plans []ServicePlanFields

type ServiceOfferingFields

type ServiceOfferingFields struct {
	GUID             string
	BrokerGUID       string
	Label            string
	Provider         string
	Version          string
	Description      string
	DocumentationURL string
	Requires         []string

type ServiceOfferings

type ServiceOfferings []ServiceOffering

func (ServiceOfferings) Len

func (s ServiceOfferings) Len() int

func (ServiceOfferings) Less

func (s ServiceOfferings) Less(i, j int) bool

func (ServiceOfferings) Swap

func (s ServiceOfferings) Swap(i, j int)

type ServicePlan

type ServicePlan struct {
	ServiceOffering ServiceOfferingFields

type ServicePlanFields

type ServicePlanFields struct {
	GUID                string
	Name                string
	Free                bool
	Public              bool
	Description         string
	Active              bool
	ServiceOfferingGUID string
	OrgNames            []string

func (ServicePlanFields) OrgHasVisibility

func (servicePlanFields ServicePlanFields) OrgHasVisibility(orgName string) bool

type ServicePlanSummary

type ServicePlanSummary struct {
	GUID string
	Name string

type ServicePlanVisibilityFields

type ServicePlanVisibilityFields struct {
	GUID             string `json:"guid"`
	ServicePlanGUID  string `json:"service_plan_guid"`
	OrganizationGUID string `json:"organization_guid"`

type Space

type Space struct {
	Organization     OrganizationFields
	Applications     []ApplicationFields
	ServiceInstances []ServiceInstanceFields
	Domains          []DomainFields
	SecurityGroups   []SecurityGroupFields
	SpaceQuotaGUID   string

type SpaceFields

type SpaceFields struct {
	GUID     string
	Name     string
	AllowSSH bool

type SpaceQuota

type SpaceQuota struct {
	GUID                    string `json:"guid,omitempty"`
	Name                    string `json:"name"`
	MemoryLimit             int64  `json:"memory_limit"`          // in Megabytes
	InstanceMemoryLimit     int64  `json:"instance_memory_limit"` // in Megabytes
	RoutesLimit             int    `json:"total_routes"`
	ServicesLimit           int    `json:"total_services"`
	NonBasicServicesAllowed bool   `json:"non_basic_services_allowed"`
	OrgGUID                 string `json:"organization_guid"`
	AppInstanceLimit        int    `json:"app_instance_limit"`

func (SpaceQuota) FormattedAppInstanceLimit

func (q SpaceQuota) FormattedAppInstanceLimit() string

func (SpaceQuota) FormattedInstanceMemoryLimit

func (q SpaceQuota) FormattedInstanceMemoryLimit() string

func (SpaceQuota) FormattedMemoryLimit

func (q SpaceQuota) FormattedMemoryLimit() string

type SpaceQuotaResponse

type SpaceQuotaResponse struct {
	GUID                    string      `json:"guid,omitempty"`
	Name                    string      `json:"name"`
	MemoryLimit             int64       `json:"memory_limit"`          // in Megabytes
	InstanceMemoryLimit     int64       `json:"instance_memory_limit"` // in Megabytes
	RoutesLimit             int         `json:"total_routes"`
	ServicesLimit           int         `json:"total_services"`
	NonBasicServicesAllowed bool        `json:"non_basic_services_allowed"`
	OrgGUID                 string      `json:"organization_guid"`
	AppInstanceLimit        json.Number `json:"app_instance_limit"`

type Stack

type Stack struct {
	GUID        string
	Name        string
	Description string

type UserFields

type UserFields struct {
	GUID     string
	Username string
	Password string
	IsAdmin  bool

type UserProvidedService

type UserProvidedService struct {
	Name            string                 `json:"name,omitempty"`
	Credentials     map[string]interface{} `json:"credentials"`
	SpaceGUID       string                 `json:"space_guid,omitempty"`
	SysLogDrainURL  string                 `json:"syslog_drain_url"`
	RouteServiceURL string                 `json:"route_service_url"`

type UserProvidedServiceEntity

type UserProvidedServiceEntity struct {
	UserProvidedService `json:"entity"`

type UserProvidedServiceSummary

type UserProvidedServiceSummary struct {
	Total     int                         `json:"total_results"`
	Resources []UserProvidedServiceEntity `json:"resources"`

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