Overview ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter
Index ¶
- type Chunker
- type Datastore
- func (fake *Datastore) Add(handle string, ip string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error
- func (fake *Datastore) AddArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, map[string]interface{})
- func (fake *Datastore) AddCallCount() int
- func (fake *Datastore) AddReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Datastore) Delete(handle string) (datastore.Container, error)
- func (fake *Datastore) DeleteArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Datastore) DeleteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Datastore) DeleteReturns(result1 datastore.Container, result2 error)
- func (fake *Datastore) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *Datastore) ReadAll() (map[string]datastore.Container, error)
- func (fake *Datastore) ReadAllCallCount() int
- func (fake *Datastore) ReadAllReturns(result1 map[string]datastore.Container, result2 error)
- type ExternalPolicyClient
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPolicies(token string, policies []models.Policy) error
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesArgsForCall(i int) (string, []models.Policy)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesCallCount() int
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePolicies(token string, policies []models.Policy) error
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesArgsForCall(i int) (string, []models.Policy)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesCallCount() int
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPolicies(token string) ([]models.Policy, error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByID(token string, ids ...string) ([]models.Policy, error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDArgsForCall(i int) (string, []string)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDCallCount() int
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDReturns(result1 []models.Policy, result2 error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesCallCount() int
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesReturns(result1 []models.Policy, result2 error)
- func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type FileLocker
- type HTTPClient
- func (fake *HTTPClient) Do(arg1 *http.Request) (*http.Response, error)
- func (fake *HTTPClient) DoArgsForCall(i int) *http.Request
- func (fake *HTTPClient) DoCallCount() int
- func (fake *HTTPClient) DoReturns(result1 *http.Response, result2 error)
- func (fake *HTTPClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type IPTables
- func (fake *IPTables) AppendUnique(table string, chain string, rulespec ...string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) AppendUniqueArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, []string)
- func (fake *IPTables) AppendUniqueCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) AppendUniqueReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) ClearChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) ClearChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTables) ClearChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) ClearChainReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) Delete(table string, chain string, rulespec ...string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, []string)
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteChainReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) DeleteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) Exists(table string, chain string, rulespec ...string) (bool, error)
- func (fake *IPTables) ExistsArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, []string)
- func (fake *IPTables) ExistsCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) ExistsReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) Insert(table string, chain string, pos int, rulespec ...string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) InsertArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int, []string)
- func (fake *IPTables) InsertCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) InsertReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *IPTables) List(table string, chain string) ([]string, error)
- func (fake *IPTables) ListArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTables) ListCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) ListReturns(result1 []string, result2 error)
- func (fake *IPTables) NewChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTables) NewChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTables) NewChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTables) NewChainReturns(result1 error)
- type IPTablesAdapter
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppend(table string, chain string, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, []rules.IPTablesRule)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsert(table string, chain string, pos int, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int, []rules.IPTablesRule)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Delete(table string, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, rules.IPTablesRule)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Exists(table string, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) (bool, error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, rules.IPTablesRule)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) List(table string, chain string) ([]string, error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListReturns(result1 []string, result2 error)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChain(table string, chain string) error
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainReturns(result1 error)
- type JSONClient
- func (fake *JSONClient) Do(method string, route string, reqData interface{}, respData interface{}, ...) error
- func (fake *JSONClient) DoArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, interface{}, interface{}, string)
- func (fake *JSONClient) DoCallCount() int
- func (fake *JSONClient) DoReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *JSONClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type Locker
- func (fake *Locker) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *Locker) Lock() error
- func (fake *Locker) LockCallCount() int
- func (fake *Locker) LockReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Locker) Unlock() error
- func (fake *Locker) UnlockCallCount() int
- func (fake *Locker) UnlockReturns(result1 error)
- type Marshaler
- func (fake *Marshaler) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *Marshaler) Marshal(input interface{}) ([]byte, error)
- func (fake *Marshaler) MarshalArgsForCall(i int) interface{}
- func (fake *Marshaler) MarshalCallCount() int
- func (fake *Marshaler) MarshalReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- type OverwriteableFile
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadCallCount() int
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekArgsForCall(i int) (int64, int)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekCallCount() int
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekReturns(result1 int64, result2 error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Truncate(size int64) error
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateArgsForCall(i int) int64
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateCallCount() int
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Write(p []byte) (n int, err error)
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteArgsForCall(i int) []byte
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteCallCount() int
- func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- type Restorer
- type Serializer
- func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAll(file io.ReadSeeker, outData interface{}) error
- func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllArgsForCall(i int) (io.ReadSeeker, interface{})
- func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllCallCount() int
- func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwrite(file serial.OverwriteableFile, outData interface{}) error
- func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteArgsForCall(i int) (serial.OverwriteableFile, interface{})
- func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Serializer) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- type Sleeper
- type Unmarshaler
- func (fake *Unmarshaler) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
- func (fake *Unmarshaler) Unmarshal(input []byte, output interface{}) error
- func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalArgsForCall(i int) ([]byte, interface{})
- func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalCallCount() int
- func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalReturns(result1 error)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Chunker ¶
type Chunker struct { ChunkStub func(allPolicies []models.Policy) [][]models.Policy // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Chunker) ChunkCallCount ¶
func (*Chunker) ChunkReturns ¶
func (*Chunker) Invocations ¶
type Datastore ¶
type Datastore struct { AddStub func(handle, ip string, metadata map[string]interface{}) error DeleteStub func(handle string) (datastore.Container, error) ReadAllStub func() (map[string]datastore.Container, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Datastore) AddArgsForCall ¶
func (*Datastore) AddCallCount ¶
func (*Datastore) AddReturns ¶
func (*Datastore) DeleteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Datastore) DeleteCallCount ¶
func (*Datastore) DeleteReturns ¶
func (*Datastore) Invocations ¶
func (*Datastore) ReadAllCallCount ¶
type ExternalPolicyClient ¶
type ExternalPolicyClient struct { GetPoliciesStub func(token string) ([]models.Policy, error) GetPoliciesByIDStub func(token string, ids ...string) ([]models.Policy, error) DeletePoliciesStub func(token string, policies []models.Policy) error AddPoliciesStub func(token string, policies []models.Policy) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) AddPolicies ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPolicies(token string, policies []models.Policy) error
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesArgsForCall(i int) (string, []models.Policy)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesCallCount ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesCallCount() int
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesReturns ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) AddPoliciesReturns(result1 error)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePolicies ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePolicies(token string, policies []models.Policy) error
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesArgsForCall(i int) (string, []models.Policy)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesCallCount ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesCallCount() int
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesReturns ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) DeletePoliciesReturns(result1 error)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPolicies ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPolicies(token string) ([]models.Policy, error)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByID ¶
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDArgsForCall(i int) (string, []string)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDCallCount ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDCallCount() int
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDReturns ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesByIDReturns(result1 []models.Policy, result2 error)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesCallCount ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesCallCount() int
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesReturns ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) GetPoliciesReturns(result1 []models.Policy, result2 error)
func (*ExternalPolicyClient) Invocations ¶
func (fake *ExternalPolicyClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type FileLocker ¶
type FileLocker struct { OpenStub func() (*os.File, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*FileLocker) Invocations ¶
func (fake *FileLocker) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*FileLocker) OpenCallCount ¶
func (fake *FileLocker) OpenCallCount() int
func (*FileLocker) OpenReturns ¶
func (fake *FileLocker) OpenReturns(result1 *os.File, result2 error)
type HTTPClient ¶
type HTTPClient struct { DoStub func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HTTPClient) DoArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) DoArgsForCall(i int) *http.Request
func (*HTTPClient) DoCallCount ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) DoCallCount() int
func (*HTTPClient) DoReturns ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) DoReturns(result1 *http.Response, result2 error)
func (*HTTPClient) Invocations ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type IPTables ¶
type IPTables struct { ExistsStub func(table, chain string, rulespec ...string) (bool, error) InsertStub func(table, chain string, pos int, rulespec ...string) error AppendUniqueStub func(table, chain string, rulespec ...string) error DeleteStub func(table, chain string, rulespec ...string) error ListStub func(table, chain string) ([]string, error) NewChainStub func(table, chain string) error ClearChainStub func(table, chain string) error DeleteChainStub func(table, chain string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IPTables) AppendUnique ¶
func (*IPTables) AppendUniqueArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) AppendUniqueCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) AppendUniqueReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) ClearChainArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) ClearChainCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) ClearChainReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteChainArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteChainCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteChainReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) DeleteReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) ExistsArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) ExistsCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) ExistsReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) InsertArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) InsertCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) InsertReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) Invocations ¶
func (*IPTables) ListCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) ListReturns ¶
func (*IPTables) NewChainArgsForCall ¶
func (*IPTables) NewChainCallCount ¶
func (*IPTables) NewChainReturns ¶
type IPTablesAdapter ¶
type IPTablesAdapter struct { ExistsStub func(table, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) (bool, error) DeleteStub func(table, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) error ListStub func(table, chain string) ([]string, error) NewChainStub func(table, chain string) error ClearChainStub func(table, chain string) error DeleteChainStub func(table, chain string) error BulkInsertStub func(table, chain string, pos int, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error BulkAppendStub func(table, chain string, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppend ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppend(table string, chain string, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, []rules.IPTablesRule)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkAppendReturns(result1 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsert ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsert(table string, chain string, pos int, rulespec ...rules.IPTablesRule) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int, []rules.IPTablesRule)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) BulkInsertReturns(result1 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ClearChain ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChain(table string, chain string) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ClearChainReturns(result1 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) Delete ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Delete(table string, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, rules.IPTablesRule)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChain ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChain(table string, chain string) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteChainReturns(result1 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) DeleteReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) DeleteReturns(result1 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) Exists ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Exists(table string, chain string, rulespec rules.IPTablesRule) (bool, error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ExistsArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, rules.IPTablesRule)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ExistsCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ExistsReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ExistsReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) Invocations ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*IPTablesAdapter) List ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) List(table string, chain string) ([]string, error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ListArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ListCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) ListReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) ListReturns(result1 []string, result2 error)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) NewChain ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChain(table string, chain string) error
func (*IPTablesAdapter) NewChainArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPTablesAdapter) NewChainCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainCallCount() int
func (*IPTablesAdapter) NewChainReturns ¶
func (fake *IPTablesAdapter) NewChainReturns(result1 error)
type JSONClient ¶
type JSONClient struct { DoStub func(method, route string, reqData, respData interface{}, token string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*JSONClient) Do ¶
func (fake *JSONClient) Do(method string, route string, reqData interface{}, respData interface{}, token string) error
func (*JSONClient) DoArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *JSONClient) DoArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, interface{}, interface{}, string)
func (*JSONClient) DoCallCount ¶
func (fake *JSONClient) DoCallCount() int
func (*JSONClient) DoReturns ¶
func (fake *JSONClient) DoReturns(result1 error)
func (*JSONClient) Invocations ¶
func (fake *JSONClient) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type Locker ¶
type Locker struct { LockStub func() error UnlockStub func() error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Locker) Invocations ¶
func (*Locker) LockCallCount ¶
func (*Locker) LockReturns ¶
func (*Locker) UnlockCallCount ¶
func (*Locker) UnlockReturns ¶
type Marshaler ¶
type Marshaler struct { MarshalStub func(input interface{}) ([]byte, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Marshaler) Invocations ¶
func (*Marshaler) MarshalArgsForCall ¶
func (*Marshaler) MarshalCallCount ¶
func (*Marshaler) MarshalReturns ¶
type OverwriteableFile ¶
type OverwriteableFile struct { ReadStub func(p []byte) (n int, err error) WriteStub func(p []byte) (n int, err error) SeekStub func(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) TruncateStub func(size int64) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*OverwriteableFile) Invocations ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*OverwriteableFile) ReadArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadArgsForCall(i int) []byte
func (*OverwriteableFile) ReadCallCount ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadCallCount() int
func (*OverwriteableFile) ReadReturns ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) ReadReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
func (*OverwriteableFile) Seek ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error)
func (*OverwriteableFile) SeekArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekArgsForCall(i int) (int64, int)
func (*OverwriteableFile) SeekCallCount ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekCallCount() int
func (*OverwriteableFile) SeekReturns ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) SeekReturns(result1 int64, result2 error)
func (*OverwriteableFile) Truncate ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) Truncate(size int64) error
func (*OverwriteableFile) TruncateArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateArgsForCall(i int) int64
func (*OverwriteableFile) TruncateCallCount ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateCallCount() int
func (*OverwriteableFile) TruncateReturns ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) TruncateReturns(result1 error)
func (*OverwriteableFile) WriteArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteArgsForCall(i int) []byte
func (*OverwriteableFile) WriteCallCount ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteCallCount() int
func (*OverwriteableFile) WriteReturns ¶
func (fake *OverwriteableFile) WriteReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
type Restorer ¶
type Restorer struct { RestoreStub func(ruleState string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Restorer) Invocations ¶
func (*Restorer) RestoreArgsForCall ¶
func (*Restorer) RestoreCallCount ¶
func (*Restorer) RestoreReturns ¶
type Serializer ¶
type Serializer struct { DecodeAllStub func(file io.ReadSeeker, outData interface{}) error EncodeAndOverwriteStub func(file serial.OverwriteableFile, outData interface{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Serializer) DecodeAll ¶
func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAll(file io.ReadSeeker, outData interface{}) error
func (*Serializer) DecodeAllArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllArgsForCall(i int) (io.ReadSeeker, interface{})
func (*Serializer) DecodeAllCallCount ¶
func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllCallCount() int
func (*Serializer) DecodeAllReturns ¶
func (fake *Serializer) DecodeAllReturns(result1 error)
func (*Serializer) EncodeAndOverwrite ¶
func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwrite(file serial.OverwriteableFile, outData interface{}) error
func (*Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteArgsForCall(i int) (serial.OverwriteableFile, interface{})
func (*Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteCallCount ¶
func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteCallCount() int
func (*Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteReturns ¶
func (fake *Serializer) EncodeAndOverwriteReturns(result1 error)
func (*Serializer) Invocations ¶
func (fake *Serializer) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
type Unmarshaler ¶
type Unmarshaler struct { UnmarshalStub func(input []byte, output interface{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Unmarshaler) Invocations ¶
func (fake *Unmarshaler) Invocations() map[string][][]interface{}
func (*Unmarshaler) Unmarshal ¶
func (fake *Unmarshaler) Unmarshal(input []byte, output interface{}) error
func (*Unmarshaler) UnmarshalArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalArgsForCall(i int) ([]byte, interface{})
func (*Unmarshaler) UnmarshalCallCount ¶
func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalCallCount() int
func (*Unmarshaler) UnmarshalReturns ¶
func (fake *Unmarshaler) UnmarshalReturns(result1 error)
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