Overview ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter ¶
This file was generated by counterfeiter
Index ¶
- type ARPInserter
- func (fake *ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighbors(ready chan error, ns namespace.Namespace, vxlanName string, ...)
- func (fake *ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighborsArgsForCall(i int) (chan error, namespace.Namespace, string, <-chan watcher.Neighbor)
- func (fake *ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighborsCallCount() int
- type AddController
- type AddressManager
- type AllocatorStore
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) Contains(id string) bool
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsCallCount() int
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsReturns(result1 bool)
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByID(id string) error
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDCallCount() int
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) Reserve(id string, ip net.IP) (bool, error)
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveArgsForCall(i int) (string, net.IP)
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveCallCount() int
- func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- type Command
- func (fake *Command) Execute(context executor.Context) error
- func (fake *Command) ExecuteArgsForCall(i int) executor.Context
- func (fake *Command) ExecuteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Command) ExecuteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Command) String() string
- func (fake *Command) StringCallCount() int
- func (fake *Command) StringReturns(result1 string)
- type CommandBuilder
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutes(interfaceName string, ipConfig *types.IPConfig) executor.Command
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesArgsForCall(i int) (string, *types.IPConfig)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesCallCount() int
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesReturns(result1 executor.Command)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandbox(sandboxName string, vxlanName string, vni int, dnsAddress string) executor.Command
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int, string)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxCallCount() int
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxReturns(result1 executor.Command)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlan(vxlanName string, sandboxName string, sandboxNS namespace.Namespace) executor.Command
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, namespace.Namespace)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanCallCount() int
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanReturns(result1 executor.Command)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridge(vxlanName string, sandboxLinkName string, bridgeName string, ...) executor.Command
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, string, namespace.Namespace, *types.Result)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeCallCount() int
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeReturns(result1 executor.Command)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVeth(containerNS namespace.Namespace, sandboxLinkName string, ...) executor.Command
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVethArgsForCall(i int) (namespace.Namespace, string, string, net.IPNet, string, executor.Command)
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVethCallCount() int
- func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVethReturns(result1 executor.Command)
- type Condition
- func (fake *Condition) Satisfied(context executor.Context) (bool, error)
- func (fake *Condition) SatisfiedArgsForCall(i int) executor.Context
- func (fake *Condition) SatisfiedCallCount() int
- func (fake *Condition) SatisfiedReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
- func (fake *Condition) String() string
- func (fake *Condition) StringCallCount() int
- func (fake *Condition) StringReturns(result1 string)
- type ConfigFactory
- type Context
- func (fake *Context) AddressManager() executor.AddressManager
- func (fake *Context) AddressManagerCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) AddressManagerReturns(result1 executor.AddressManager)
- func (fake *Context) DNSServerFactory() executor.DNSServerFactory
- func (fake *Context) DNSServerFactoryCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) DNSServerFactoryReturns(result1 executor.DNSServerFactory)
- func (fake *Context) LinkFactory() executor.LinkFactory
- func (fake *Context) LinkFactoryCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) LinkFactoryReturns(result1 executor.LinkFactory)
- func (fake *Context) ListenerFactory() executor.ListenerFactory
- func (fake *Context) ListenerFactoryCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) ListenerFactoryReturns(result1 executor.ListenerFactory)
- func (fake *Context) Logger() lager.Logger
- func (fake *Context) LoggerCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) LoggerReturns(result1 lager.Logger)
- func (fake *Context) RouteManager() executor.RouteManager
- func (fake *Context) RouteManagerCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) RouteManagerReturns(result1 executor.RouteManager)
- func (fake *Context) SandboxNamespaceRepository() namespace.Repository
- func (fake *Context) SandboxNamespaceRepositoryCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) SandboxNamespaceRepositoryReturns(result1 namespace.Repository)
- func (fake *Context) SandboxRepository() executor.SandboxRepository
- func (fake *Context) SandboxRepositoryCallCount() int
- func (fake *Context) SandboxRepositoryReturns(result1 executor.SandboxRepository)
- type Creator
- type DNSServerFactory
- type Db
- func (fake *Db) Exec(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func (fake *Db) ExecArgsForCall(i int) (string, []interface{})
- func (fake *Db) ExecCallCount() int
- func (fake *Db) ExecReturns(result1 sql.Result, result2 error)
- func (fake *Db) Get(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (fake *Db) GetArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, string, []interface{})
- func (fake *Db) GetCallCount() int
- func (fake *Db) GetReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Db) NamedExec(query string, arg interface{}) (sql.Result, error)
- func (fake *Db) NamedExecArgsForCall(i int) (string, interface{})
- func (fake *Db) NamedExecCallCount() int
- func (fake *Db) NamedExecReturns(result1 sql.Result, result2 error)
- func (fake *Db) Select(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error
- func (fake *Db) SelectArgsForCall(i int) (interface{}, string, []interface{})
- func (fake *Db) SelectCallCount() int
- func (fake *Db) SelectReturns(result1 error)
- type DelController
- type Deletor
- type Executor
- type HTTPClient
- type IPAllocator
- func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIP(networkID string, containerID string) (*types.Result, error)
- func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPReturns(result1 *types.Result, result2 error)
- func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIP(networkID string, containerID string) error
- func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPCallCount() int
- func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPReturns(result1 error)
- type Invoker
- type LinkFactory
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridge(name string) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummy(name string) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVeth(name string, peerName string, mtu int) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlan(name string, vni int) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanArgsForCall(i int) (string, int)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByName(name string) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) Exists(name string) bool
- func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsReturns(result1 bool)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddress(linkName string) (net.HardwareAddr, error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressReturns(result1 net.HardwareAddr, result2 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMaster(slave string, master string) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespace(intefaceName string, fd uintptr) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceArgsForCall(i int) (string, uintptr)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUp(name string) error
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCount() (int, error)
- func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountCallCount() int
- func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- type ListenerFactory
- func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDP(network string, address *net.UDPAddr) (*net.UDPConn, error)
- func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPArgsForCall(i int) (string, *net.UDPAddr)
- func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPCallCount() int
- func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPReturns(result1 *net.UDPConn, result2 error)
- type Locker
- type MissWatcher
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitor(ns namespace.Namespace, vxlanLinkName string) error
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorArgsForCall(i int) (namespace.Namespace, string)
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorCallCount() int
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitor(ns namespace.Namespace) error
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorArgsForCall(i int) namespace.Namespace
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorCallCount() int
- func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorReturns(result1 error)
- type Namespace
- func (fake *Namespace) Execute(arg1 func(*os.File) error) error
- func (fake *Namespace) ExecuteArgsForCall(i int) func(*os.File) error
- func (fake *Namespace) ExecuteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Namespace) ExecuteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Namespace) Fd() uintptr
- func (fake *Namespace) FdCallCount() int
- func (fake *Namespace) FdReturns(result1 uintptr)
- func (fake *Namespace) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error)
- func (fake *Namespace) MarshalJSONCallCount() int
- func (fake *Namespace) MarshalJSONReturns(result1 []byte, result2 error)
- func (fake *Namespace) Name() string
- func (fake *Namespace) NameCallCount() int
- func (fake *Namespace) NameReturns(result1 string)
- type NetworkMapper
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkID(netPayload models.NetworkPayload) (string, error)
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDArgsForCall(i int) models.NetworkPayload
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDCallCount() int
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDReturns(result1 string, result2 error)
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNI(networkID string) (int, error)
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNIArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNICallCount() int
- func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNIReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- type OSThreadLocker
- type Opener
- type Process
- func (fake *Process) Ready() <-chan struct{}
- func (fake *Process) ReadyCallCount() int
- func (fake *Process) ReadyReturns(result1 <-chan struct{})
- func (fake *Process) Signal(arg1 os.Signal)
- func (fake *Process) SignalArgsForCall(i int) os.Signal
- func (fake *Process) SignalCallCount() int
- func (fake *Process) Wait() <-chan error
- func (fake *Process) WaitCallCount() int
- func (fake *Process) WaitReturns(result1 <-chan error)
- type Repository
- func (fake *Repository) Create(name string) (namespace.Namespace, error)
- func (fake *Repository) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Repository) CreateCallCount() int
- func (fake *Repository) CreateReturns(result1 namespace.Namespace, result2 error)
- func (fake *Repository) Destroy(ns namespace.Namespace) error
- func (fake *Repository) DestroyArgsForCall(i int) namespace.Namespace
- func (fake *Repository) DestroyCallCount() int
- func (fake *Repository) DestroyReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Repository) Get(name string) (namespace.Namespace, error)
- func (fake *Repository) GetArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Repository) GetCallCount() int
- func (fake *Repository) GetReturns(result1 namespace.Namespace, result2 error)
- func (fake *Repository) PathOf(path string) string
- func (fake *Repository) PathOfArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Repository) PathOfCallCount() int
- func (fake *Repository) PathOfReturns(result1 string)
- type Resolver
- type RoundTripper
- type RouteManager
- type Runner
- type Sandbox
- func (fake *Sandbox) LaunchDNS(arg1 ifrit.Runner) error
- func (fake *Sandbox) LaunchDNSArgsForCall(i int) ifrit.Runner
- func (fake *Sandbox) LaunchDNSCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) LaunchDNSReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Sandbox) Lock()
- func (fake *Sandbox) LockCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) Namespace() namespace.Namespace
- func (fake *Sandbox) NamespaceCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) NamespaceReturns(result1 namespace.Namespace)
- func (fake *Sandbox) Setup() error
- func (fake *Sandbox) SetupCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) SetupReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Sandbox) Teardown() error
- func (fake *Sandbox) TeardownCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) TeardownReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Sandbox) Unlock()
- func (fake *Sandbox) UnlockCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) VethDeviceCount() (int, error)
- func (fake *Sandbox) VethDeviceCountCallCount() int
- func (fake *Sandbox) VethDeviceCountReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
- type SandboxCallback
- type SandboxFactory
- func (fake *SandboxFactory) New(arg1 lager.Logger, arg2 namespace.Namespace, arg3 sandbox.Invoker, ...) sandbox.Sandbox
- func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewArgsForCall(i int) (lager.Logger, namespace.Namespace, sandbox.Invoker, sandbox.LinkFactory, ...)
- func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewCallCount() int
- func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox)
- type SandboxRepository
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) Create(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error)
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateCallCount() int
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox, result2 error)
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) Destroy(sandboxName string) error
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyCallCount() int
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) Get(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error)
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetCallCount() int
- func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox, result2 error)
- type SqlResult
- func (fake *SqlResult) LastInsertId() (int64, error)
- func (fake *SqlResult) LastInsertIdCallCount() int
- func (fake *SqlResult) LastInsertIdReturns(result1 int64, result2 error)
- func (fake *SqlResult) RowsAffected() (int64, error)
- func (fake *SqlResult) RowsAffectedCallCount() int
- func (fake *SqlResult) RowsAffectedReturns(result1 int64, result2 error)
- type Store
- func (fake *Store) All() ([]models.Container, error)
- func (fake *Store) AllCallCount() int
- func (fake *Store) AllReturns(result1 []models.Container, result2 error)
- func (fake *Store) Create(container models.Container) error
- func (fake *Store) CreateArgsForCall(i int) models.Container
- func (fake *Store) CreateCallCount() int
- func (fake *Store) CreateReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Store) Delete(id string) error
- func (fake *Store) DeleteArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Store) DeleteCallCount() int
- func (fake *Store) DeleteReturns(result1 error)
- func (fake *Store) Get(id string) (models.Container, error)
- func (fake *Store) GetArgsForCall(i int) string
- func (fake *Store) GetCallCount() int
- func (fake *Store) GetReturns(result1 models.Container, result2 error)
- type StoreFactory
- type Subscriber
- func (fake *Subscriber) Subscribe(ns namespace.Namespace, ch chan<- *watcher.Neigh, done <-chan struct{}) error
- func (fake *Subscriber) SubscribeArgsForCall(i int) (namespace.Namespace, chan<- *watcher.Neigh, <-chan struct{})
- func (fake *Subscriber) SubscribeCallCount() int
- func (fake *Subscriber) SubscribeReturns(result1 error)
- type Writer
- type WriterDecoratorFactory
- func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) Decorate(arg1 lager.Logger, arg2 namespace.Namespace) dns.DecorateWriter
- func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateArgsForCall(i int) (lager.Logger, namespace.Namespace)
- func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateCallCount() int
- func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateReturns(result1 dns.DecorateWriter)
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ARPInserter ¶
type ARPInserter struct { HandleResolvedNeighborsStub func(ready chan error, ns namespace.Namespace, vxlanName string, resolvedNeighbors <-chan watcher.Neighbor) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighbors ¶
func (*ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighborsArgsForCall ¶
func (*ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighborsCallCount ¶
func (fake *ARPInserter) HandleResolvedNeighborsCallCount() int
type AddController ¶
type AddController struct { AddStub func(models.CNIAddPayload) (*types.Result, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AddController) Add ¶
func (fake *AddController) Add(arg1 models.CNIAddPayload) (*types.Result, error)
func (*AddController) AddArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *AddController) AddArgsForCall(i int) models.CNIAddPayload
func (*AddController) AddCallCount ¶
func (fake *AddController) AddCallCount() int
func (*AddController) AddReturns ¶
func (fake *AddController) AddReturns(result1 *types.Result, result2 error)
type AddressManager ¶
type AddressManager struct { AddAddressStub func(interfaceName string, address *net.IPNet) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AddressManager) AddAddress ¶
func (fake *AddressManager) AddAddress(interfaceName string, address *net.IPNet) error
func (*AddressManager) AddAddressArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *AddressManager) AddAddressArgsForCall(i int) (string, *net.IPNet)
func (*AddressManager) AddAddressCallCount ¶
func (fake *AddressManager) AddAddressCallCount() int
func (*AddressManager) AddAddressReturns ¶
func (fake *AddressManager) AddAddressReturns(result1 error)
type AllocatorStore ¶
type AllocatorStore struct { ReserveStub func(id string, ip net.IP) (bool, error) ReleaseByIDStub func(id string) error ContainsStub func(id string) bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*AllocatorStore) Contains ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) Contains(id string) bool
func (*AllocatorStore) ContainsArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*AllocatorStore) ContainsCallCount ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsCallCount() int
func (*AllocatorStore) ContainsReturns ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ContainsReturns(result1 bool)
func (*AllocatorStore) ReleaseByID ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByID(id string) error
func (*AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDCallCount ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDCallCount() int
func (*AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDReturns ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReleaseByIDReturns(result1 error)
func (*AllocatorStore) ReserveArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveArgsForCall(i int) (string, net.IP)
func (*AllocatorStore) ReserveCallCount ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveCallCount() int
func (*AllocatorStore) ReserveReturns ¶
func (fake *AllocatorStore) ReserveReturns(result1 bool, result2 error)
type Command ¶
type Command struct { ExecuteStub func(context executor.Context) error StringStub func() string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Command) ExecuteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Command) ExecuteCallCount ¶
func (*Command) ExecuteReturns ¶
func (*Command) StringCallCount ¶
func (*Command) StringReturns ¶
type CommandBuilder ¶
type CommandBuilder struct { IdempotentlyCreateSandboxStub func(sandboxName, vxlanName string, vni int, dnsAddress string) executor.Command IdempotentlyCreateVxlanStub func(vxlanName string, sandboxName string, sandboxNS namespace.Namespace) executor.Command AddRoutesStub func(interfaceName string, ipConfig *types.IPConfig) executor.Command SetupVethStub func(containerNS namespace.Namespace, sandboxLinkName string, containerLinkName string, address net.IPNet, sandboxName string, routeCommand executor.Command) executor.Command IdempotentlySetupBridgeStub func(vxlanName, sandboxLinkName, bridgeName string, sandboxNS namespace.Namespace, ipamResult *types.Result) executor.Command // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*CommandBuilder) AddRoutesArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesArgsForCall(i int) (string, *types.IPConfig)
func (*CommandBuilder) AddRoutesCallCount ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesCallCount() int
func (*CommandBuilder) AddRoutesReturns ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) AddRoutesReturns(result1 executor.Command)
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandbox ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxArgsForCall ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxCallCount ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxCallCount() int
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxReturns ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateSandboxReturns(result1 executor.Command)
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlan ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanArgsForCall ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanCallCount ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanCallCount() int
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanReturns ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlyCreateVxlanReturns(result1 executor.Command)
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridge ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeArgsForCall ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeCallCount ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeCallCount() int
func (*CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeReturns ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) IdempotentlySetupBridgeReturns(result1 executor.Command)
func (*CommandBuilder) SetupVethArgsForCall ¶
func (*CommandBuilder) SetupVethCallCount ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVethCallCount() int
func (*CommandBuilder) SetupVethReturns ¶
func (fake *CommandBuilder) SetupVethReturns(result1 executor.Command)
type Condition ¶
type Condition struct { SatisfiedStub func(context executor.Context) (bool, error) StringStub func() string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Condition) SatisfiedArgsForCall ¶
func (*Condition) SatisfiedCallCount ¶
func (*Condition) SatisfiedReturns ¶
func (*Condition) StringCallCount ¶
func (*Condition) StringReturns ¶
type ConfigFactory ¶
type ConfigFactory struct { CreateStub func(networkID string) (types.IPConfig, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ConfigFactory) Create ¶
func (fake *ConfigFactory) Create(networkID string) (types.IPConfig, error)
func (*ConfigFactory) CreateArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ConfigFactory) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*ConfigFactory) CreateCallCount ¶
func (fake *ConfigFactory) CreateCallCount() int
func (*ConfigFactory) CreateReturns ¶
func (fake *ConfigFactory) CreateReturns(result1 types.IPConfig, result2 error)
type Context ¶
type Context struct { LoggerStub func() lager.Logger AddressManagerStub func() executor.AddressManager LinkFactoryStub func() executor.LinkFactory RouteManagerStub func() executor.RouteManager SandboxNamespaceRepositoryStub func() namespace.Repository SandboxRepositoryStub func() executor.SandboxRepository ListenerFactoryStub func() executor.ListenerFactory DNSServerFactoryStub func() executor.DNSServerFactory // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Context) AddressManager ¶
func (fake *Context) AddressManager() executor.AddressManager
func (*Context) AddressManagerCallCount ¶
func (*Context) AddressManagerReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) AddressManagerReturns(result1 executor.AddressManager)
func (*Context) DNSServerFactory ¶
func (fake *Context) DNSServerFactory() executor.DNSServerFactory
func (*Context) DNSServerFactoryCallCount ¶
func (*Context) DNSServerFactoryReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) DNSServerFactoryReturns(result1 executor.DNSServerFactory)
func (*Context) LinkFactory ¶
func (fake *Context) LinkFactory() executor.LinkFactory
func (*Context) LinkFactoryCallCount ¶
func (*Context) LinkFactoryReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) LinkFactoryReturns(result1 executor.LinkFactory)
func (*Context) ListenerFactory ¶
func (fake *Context) ListenerFactory() executor.ListenerFactory
func (*Context) ListenerFactoryCallCount ¶
func (*Context) ListenerFactoryReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) ListenerFactoryReturns(result1 executor.ListenerFactory)
func (*Context) LoggerCallCount ¶
func (*Context) LoggerReturns ¶
func (*Context) RouteManager ¶
func (fake *Context) RouteManager() executor.RouteManager
func (*Context) RouteManagerCallCount ¶
func (*Context) RouteManagerReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) RouteManagerReturns(result1 executor.RouteManager)
func (*Context) SandboxNamespaceRepository ¶
func (fake *Context) SandboxNamespaceRepository() namespace.Repository
func (*Context) SandboxNamespaceRepositoryCallCount ¶
func (*Context) SandboxNamespaceRepositoryReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) SandboxNamespaceRepositoryReturns(result1 namespace.Repository)
func (*Context) SandboxRepository ¶
func (fake *Context) SandboxRepository() executor.SandboxRepository
func (*Context) SandboxRepositoryCallCount ¶
func (*Context) SandboxRepositoryReturns ¶
func (fake *Context) SandboxRepositoryReturns(result1 executor.SandboxRepository)
type Creator ¶
type Creator struct { SetupStub func(container.CreatorConfig) (models.Container, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Creator) SetupArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Creator) SetupArgsForCall(i int) container.CreatorConfig
func (*Creator) SetupCallCount ¶
type DNSServerFactory ¶
type DNSServerFactory struct { NewStub func(listener net.PacketConn, ns namespace.Namespace) ifrit.Runner // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DNSServerFactory) New ¶
func (fake *DNSServerFactory) New(listener net.PacketConn, ns namespace.Namespace) ifrit.Runner
func (*DNSServerFactory) NewArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *DNSServerFactory) NewArgsForCall(i int) (net.PacketConn, namespace.Namespace)
func (*DNSServerFactory) NewCallCount ¶
func (fake *DNSServerFactory) NewCallCount() int
func (*DNSServerFactory) NewReturns ¶
func (fake *DNSServerFactory) NewReturns(result1 ifrit.Runner)
type Db ¶
type Db struct { ExecStub func(query string, args ...interface{}) (sql.Result, error) NamedExecStub func(query string, arg interface{}) (sql.Result, error) GetStub func(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error SelectStub func(dest interface{}, query string, args ...interface{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Db) ExecArgsForCall ¶
func (*Db) ExecCallCount ¶
func (*Db) GetArgsForCall ¶
func (*Db) GetCallCount ¶
func (*Db) GetReturns ¶
func (*Db) NamedExecArgsForCall ¶
func (*Db) NamedExecCallCount ¶
func (*Db) SelectArgsForCall ¶
func (*Db) SelectCallCount ¶
func (*Db) SelectReturns ¶
type DelController ¶
type DelController struct { DelStub func(models.CNIDelPayload) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*DelController) Del ¶
func (fake *DelController) Del(arg1 models.CNIDelPayload) error
func (*DelController) DelArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *DelController) DelArgsForCall(i int) models.CNIDelPayload
func (*DelController) DelCallCount ¶
func (fake *DelController) DelCallCount() int
func (*DelController) DelReturns ¶
func (fake *DelController) DelReturns(result1 error)
type Deletor ¶
type Deletor struct { DeleteStub func(interfaceName string, containerNSPath string, sandboxName string, vxlanDeviceName string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Deletor) DeleteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Deletor) DeleteCallCount ¶
func (*Deletor) DeleteReturns ¶
type Executor ¶
type Executor struct { ExecuteStub func(executor.Command) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Executor) ExecuteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Executor) ExecuteCallCount ¶
func (*Executor) ExecuteReturns ¶
type HTTPClient ¶
type HTTPClient struct { DoStub func(req *http.Request) (resp *http.Response, err error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*HTTPClient) DoArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) DoArgsForCall(i int) *http.Request
func (*HTTPClient) DoCallCount ¶
func (fake *HTTPClient) DoCallCount() int
type IPAllocator ¶
type IPAllocator struct { AllocateIPStub func(networkID, containerID string) (*types.Result, error) ReleaseIPStub func(networkID, containerID string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*IPAllocator) AllocateIP ¶
func (*IPAllocator) AllocateIPArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPAllocator) AllocateIPCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPCallCount() int
func (*IPAllocator) AllocateIPReturns ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) AllocateIPReturns(result1 *types.Result, result2 error)
func (*IPAllocator) ReleaseIP ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIP(networkID string, containerID string) error
func (*IPAllocator) ReleaseIPArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*IPAllocator) ReleaseIPCallCount ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPCallCount() int
func (*IPAllocator) ReleaseIPReturns ¶
func (fake *IPAllocator) ReleaseIPReturns(result1 error)
type Invoker ¶
type Invoker struct { InvokeStub func(ifrit.Runner) ifrit.Process // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Invoker) InvokeCallCount ¶
func (*Invoker) InvokeReturns ¶
type LinkFactory ¶
type LinkFactory struct { CreateBridgeStub func(name string) error CreateDummyStub func(name string) error CreateVethStub func(name, peerName string, mtu int) error CreateVxlanStub func(name string, vni int) error DeleteLinkByNameStub func(name string) error ExistsStub func(name string) bool HardwareAddressStub func(linkName string) (net.HardwareAddr, error) SetMasterStub func(slave, master string) error SetNamespaceStub func(intefaceName string, fd uintptr) error SetUpStub func(name string) error VethDeviceCountStub func() (int, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*LinkFactory) CreateBridge ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridge(name string) error
func (*LinkFactory) CreateBridgeArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) CreateBridgeCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) CreateBridgeReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateBridgeReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) CreateDummy ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummy(name string) error
func (*LinkFactory) CreateDummyArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) CreateDummyCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) CreateDummyReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateDummyReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVeth ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVeth(name string, peerName string, mtu int) error
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVethArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethArgsForCall(i int) (string, string, int)
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVethCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVethReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVethReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVxlan ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlan(name string, vni int) error
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVxlanArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanArgsForCall(i int) (string, int)
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVxlanCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) CreateVxlanReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) CreateVxlanReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByName ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByName(name string) error
func (*LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) DeleteLinkByNameReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) Exists ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) Exists(name string) bool
func (*LinkFactory) ExistsArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) ExistsCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) ExistsReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) ExistsReturns(result1 bool)
func (*LinkFactory) HardwareAddress ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddress(linkName string) (net.HardwareAddr, error)
func (*LinkFactory) HardwareAddressArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) HardwareAddressCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) HardwareAddressReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) HardwareAddressReturns(result1 net.HardwareAddr, result2 error)
func (*LinkFactory) SetMaster ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMaster(slave string, master string) error
func (*LinkFactory) SetMasterArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterArgsForCall(i int) (string, string)
func (*LinkFactory) SetMasterCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) SetMasterReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetMasterReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) SetNamespace ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespace(intefaceName string, fd uintptr) error
func (*LinkFactory) SetNamespaceArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceArgsForCall(i int) (string, uintptr)
func (*LinkFactory) SetNamespaceCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) SetNamespaceReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetNamespaceReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) SetUp ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUp(name string) error
func (*LinkFactory) SetUpArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*LinkFactory) SetUpCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) SetUpReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) SetUpReturns(result1 error)
func (*LinkFactory) VethDeviceCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCount() (int, error)
func (*LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountCallCount ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountCallCount() int
func (*LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountReturns ¶
func (fake *LinkFactory) VethDeviceCountReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
type ListenerFactory ¶
type ListenerFactory struct { ListenUDPStub func(network string, address *net.UDPAddr) (*net.UDPConn, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*ListenerFactory) ListenUDPArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPArgsForCall(i int) (string, *net.UDPAddr)
func (*ListenerFactory) ListenUDPCallCount ¶
func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPCallCount() int
func (*ListenerFactory) ListenUDPReturns ¶
func (fake *ListenerFactory) ListenUDPReturns(result1 *net.UDPConn, result2 error)
type Locker ¶
type Locker struct { LockStub func() UnlockStub func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Locker) LockCallCount ¶
func (*Locker) UnlockCallCount ¶
type MissWatcher ¶
type MissWatcher struct { StartMonitorStub func(ns namespace.Namespace, vxlanLinkName string) error StopMonitorStub func(ns namespace.Namespace) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*MissWatcher) StartMonitor ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitor(ns namespace.Namespace, vxlanLinkName string) error
func (*MissWatcher) StartMonitorArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorArgsForCall(i int) (namespace.Namespace, string)
func (*MissWatcher) StartMonitorCallCount ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorCallCount() int
func (*MissWatcher) StartMonitorReturns ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StartMonitorReturns(result1 error)
func (*MissWatcher) StopMonitor ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitor(ns namespace.Namespace) error
func (*MissWatcher) StopMonitorArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorArgsForCall(i int) namespace.Namespace
func (*MissWatcher) StopMonitorCallCount ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorCallCount() int
func (*MissWatcher) StopMonitorReturns ¶
func (fake *MissWatcher) StopMonitorReturns(result1 error)
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace struct { ExecuteStub func(func(*os.File) error) error NameStub func() string FdStub func() uintptr MarshalJSONStub func() ([]byte, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Namespace) ExecuteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Namespace) ExecuteCallCount ¶
func (*Namespace) ExecuteReturns ¶
func (*Namespace) FdCallCount ¶
func (*Namespace) MarshalJSON ¶
func (*Namespace) MarshalJSONCallCount ¶
func (*Namespace) MarshalJSONReturns ¶
func (*Namespace) NameCallCount ¶
func (*Namespace) NameReturns ¶
type NetworkMapper ¶
type NetworkMapper struct { GetVNIStub func(networkID string) (int, error) GetNetworkIDStub func(netPayload models.NetworkPayload) (string, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*NetworkMapper) GetNetworkID ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkID(netPayload models.NetworkPayload) (string, error)
func (*NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDArgsForCall(i int) models.NetworkPayload
func (*NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDCallCount ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDCallCount() int
func (*NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDReturns ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetNetworkIDReturns(result1 string, result2 error)
func (*NetworkMapper) GetVNIArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNIArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*NetworkMapper) GetVNICallCount ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNICallCount() int
func (*NetworkMapper) GetVNIReturns ¶
func (fake *NetworkMapper) GetVNIReturns(result1 int, result2 error)
type OSThreadLocker ¶
type OSThreadLocker struct { LockOSThreadStub func() UnlockOSThreadStub func() // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*OSThreadLocker) LockOSThread ¶
func (fake *OSThreadLocker) LockOSThread()
func (*OSThreadLocker) LockOSThreadCallCount ¶
func (fake *OSThreadLocker) LockOSThreadCallCount() int
func (*OSThreadLocker) UnlockOSThread ¶
func (fake *OSThreadLocker) UnlockOSThread()
func (*OSThreadLocker) UnlockOSThreadCallCount ¶
func (fake *OSThreadLocker) UnlockOSThreadCallCount() int
type Opener ¶
type Opener struct { OpenPathStub func(path string) (namespace.Namespace, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Opener) OpenPathArgsForCall ¶
func (*Opener) OpenPathCallCount ¶
type Process ¶
type Process struct { ReadyStub func() <-chan struct{} WaitStub func() <-chan error SignalStub func(os.Signal) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Process) ReadyCallCount ¶
func (*Process) ReadyReturns ¶
func (fake *Process) ReadyReturns(result1 <-chan struct{})
func (*Process) SignalCallCount ¶
func (*Process) WaitCallCount ¶
func (*Process) WaitReturns ¶
type Repository ¶
type Repository struct { GetStub func(name string) (namespace.Namespace, error) CreateStub func(name string) (namespace.Namespace, error) DestroyStub func(ns namespace.Namespace) error PathOfStub func(path string) string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Repository) Create ¶
func (fake *Repository) Create(name string) (namespace.Namespace, error)
func (*Repository) CreateArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Repository) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*Repository) CreateCallCount ¶
func (fake *Repository) CreateCallCount() int
func (*Repository) CreateReturns ¶
func (fake *Repository) CreateReturns(result1 namespace.Namespace, result2 error)
func (*Repository) DestroyArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Repository) DestroyArgsForCall(i int) namespace.Namespace
func (*Repository) DestroyCallCount ¶
func (fake *Repository) DestroyCallCount() int
func (*Repository) DestroyReturns ¶
func (fake *Repository) DestroyReturns(result1 error)
func (*Repository) GetArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Repository) GetArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*Repository) GetCallCount ¶
func (fake *Repository) GetCallCount() int
func (*Repository) GetReturns ¶
func (fake *Repository) GetReturns(result1 namespace.Namespace, result2 error)
func (*Repository) PathOf ¶
func (fake *Repository) PathOf(path string) string
func (*Repository) PathOfArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *Repository) PathOfArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*Repository) PathOfCallCount ¶
func (fake *Repository) PathOfCallCount() int
func (*Repository) PathOfReturns ¶
func (fake *Repository) PathOfReturns(result1 string)
type Resolver ¶
type Resolver struct { ResolveMissesStub func(misses <-chan watcher.Neighbor, knownNeighbors chan<- watcher.Neighbor) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Resolver) ResolveMisses ¶
func (*Resolver) ResolveMissesArgsForCall ¶
func (*Resolver) ResolveMissesCallCount ¶
type RoundTripper ¶
type RoundTripper struct { RoundTripStub func(*http.Request) (*http.Response, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RoundTripper) RoundTripArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *RoundTripper) RoundTripArgsForCall(i int) *http.Request
func (*RoundTripper) RoundTripCallCount ¶
func (fake *RoundTripper) RoundTripCallCount() int
func (*RoundTripper) RoundTripReturns ¶
func (fake *RoundTripper) RoundTripReturns(result1 *http.Response, result2 error)
type RouteManager ¶
type RouteManager struct { AddRouteStub func(interfaceName string, destination *net.IPNet, gateway net.IP) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*RouteManager) AddRouteArgsForCall ¶
func (*RouteManager) AddRouteCallCount ¶
func (fake *RouteManager) AddRouteCallCount() int
func (*RouteManager) AddRouteReturns ¶
func (fake *RouteManager) AddRouteReturns(result1 error)
type Runner ¶
type Runner struct { RunStub func(signals <-chan os.Signal, ready chan<- struct{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Runner) RunArgsForCall ¶
func (*Runner) RunCallCount ¶
func (*Runner) RunReturns ¶
type Sandbox ¶
type Sandbox struct { LockStub func() UnlockStub func() SetupStub func() error TeardownStub func() error NamespaceStub func() namespace.Namespace LaunchDNSStub func(ifrit.Runner) error VethDeviceCountStub func() (int, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Sandbox) LaunchDNSArgsForCall ¶
func (*Sandbox) LaunchDNSCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) LaunchDNSReturns ¶
func (*Sandbox) LockCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) NamespaceCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) NamespaceReturns ¶
func (*Sandbox) SetupCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) SetupReturns ¶
func (*Sandbox) TeardownCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) TeardownReturns ¶
func (*Sandbox) UnlockCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) VethDeviceCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) VethDeviceCountCallCount ¶
func (*Sandbox) VethDeviceCountReturns ¶
type SandboxCallback ¶
type SandboxCallback struct { CallbackStub func(ns namespace.Namespace) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SandboxCallback) Callback ¶
func (fake *SandboxCallback) Callback(ns namespace.Namespace) error
func (*SandboxCallback) CallbackArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *SandboxCallback) CallbackArgsForCall(i int) namespace.Namespace
func (*SandboxCallback) CallbackCallCount ¶
func (fake *SandboxCallback) CallbackCallCount() int
func (*SandboxCallback) CallbackReturns ¶
func (fake *SandboxCallback) CallbackReturns(result1 error)
type SandboxFactory ¶
type SandboxFactory struct { NewStub func(lager.Logger, namespace.Namespace, sandbox.Invoker, sandbox.LinkFactory, watcher.MissWatcher) sandbox.Sandbox // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SandboxFactory) New ¶
func (fake *SandboxFactory) New(arg1 lager.Logger, arg2 namespace.Namespace, arg3 sandbox.Invoker, arg4 sandbox.LinkFactory, arg5 watcher.MissWatcher) sandbox.Sandbox
func (*SandboxFactory) NewArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewArgsForCall(i int) (lager.Logger, namespace.Namespace, sandbox.Invoker, sandbox.LinkFactory, watcher.MissWatcher)
func (*SandboxFactory) NewCallCount ¶
func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewCallCount() int
func (*SandboxFactory) NewReturns ¶
func (fake *SandboxFactory) NewReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox)
type SandboxRepository ¶
type SandboxRepository struct { CreateStub func(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error) GetStub func(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error) DestroyStub func(sandboxName string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SandboxRepository) Create ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) Create(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error)
func (*SandboxRepository) CreateArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*SandboxRepository) CreateCallCount ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateCallCount() int
func (*SandboxRepository) CreateReturns ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) CreateReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox, result2 error)
func (*SandboxRepository) Destroy ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) Destroy(sandboxName string) error
func (*SandboxRepository) DestroyArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*SandboxRepository) DestroyCallCount ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyCallCount() int
func (*SandboxRepository) DestroyReturns ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) DestroyReturns(result1 error)
func (*SandboxRepository) Get ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) Get(sandboxName string) (sandbox.Sandbox, error)
func (*SandboxRepository) GetArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*SandboxRepository) GetCallCount ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetCallCount() int
func (*SandboxRepository) GetReturns ¶
func (fake *SandboxRepository) GetReturns(result1 sandbox.Sandbox, result2 error)
type SqlResult ¶
type SqlResult struct { LastInsertIdStub func() (int64, error) RowsAffectedStub func() (int64, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*SqlResult) LastInsertId ¶
func (*SqlResult) LastInsertIdCallCount ¶
func (*SqlResult) LastInsertIdReturns ¶
func (*SqlResult) RowsAffected ¶
func (*SqlResult) RowsAffectedCallCount ¶
func (*SqlResult) RowsAffectedReturns ¶
type Store ¶
type Store struct { CreateStub func(container models.Container) error GetStub func(id string) (models.Container, error) AllStub func() ([]models.Container, error) DeleteStub func(id string) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Store) AllCallCount ¶
func (*Store) CreateCallCount ¶
func (*Store) CreateReturns ¶
func (*Store) DeleteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Store) DeleteCallCount ¶
func (*Store) DeleteReturns ¶
func (*Store) GetArgsForCall ¶
func (*Store) GetCallCount ¶
type StoreFactory ¶
type StoreFactory struct { CreateStub func(path string) (ipam.AllocatorStore, error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*StoreFactory) Create ¶
func (fake *StoreFactory) Create(path string) (ipam.AllocatorStore, error)
func (*StoreFactory) CreateArgsForCall ¶
func (fake *StoreFactory) CreateArgsForCall(i int) string
func (*StoreFactory) CreateCallCount ¶
func (fake *StoreFactory) CreateCallCount() int
func (*StoreFactory) CreateReturns ¶
func (fake *StoreFactory) CreateReturns(result1 ipam.AllocatorStore, result2 error)
type Subscriber ¶
type Subscriber struct { SubscribeStub func(ns namespace.Namespace, ch chan<- *watcher.Neigh, done <-chan struct{}) error // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Subscriber) SubscribeArgsForCall ¶
func (*Subscriber) SubscribeCallCount ¶
func (fake *Subscriber) SubscribeCallCount() int
func (*Subscriber) SubscribeReturns ¶
func (fake *Subscriber) SubscribeReturns(result1 error)
type Writer ¶
type Writer struct { WriteStub func(p []byte) (n int, err error) // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Writer) WriteArgsForCall ¶
func (*Writer) WriteCallCount ¶
func (*Writer) WriteReturns ¶
type WriterDecoratorFactory ¶
type WriterDecoratorFactory struct { DecorateStub func(lager.Logger, namespace.Namespace) dns.DecorateWriter // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*WriterDecoratorFactory) Decorate ¶
func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) Decorate(arg1 lager.Logger, arg2 namespace.Namespace) dns.DecorateWriter
func (*WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateArgsForCall ¶
func (*WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateCallCount ¶
func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateCallCount() int
func (*WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateReturns ¶
func (fake *WriterDecoratorFactory) DecorateReturns(result1 dns.DecorateWriter)
Source Files
- add_controller.go
- address_manager.go
- allocator_store.go
- arp_inserter.go
- command.go
- command_builder.go
- condition.go
- config_factory.go
- context.go
- creator.go
- db.go
- del_controller.go
- deletor.go
- dns_server_factory.go
- executor.go
- http_client.go
- invoker.go
- ip_allocator.go
- link_factory.go
- listener_factory.go
- locker.go
- namespace.go
- network_mapper.go
- opener.go
- os_thread_locker.go
- process.go
- repository.go
- resolver.go
- round_tripper.go
- route_manager.go
- runner.go
- sandbox.go
- sandbox_callback.go
- sandbox_factory.go
- sandbox_repository.go
- sql_result.go
- store.go
- store_factory.go
- subscriber.go
- watcher.go
- writer.go
- writer_decorator_factory.go
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