Note: This repository should be imported as code.cloudfoundry.org/diego-ssh
Diego-ssh is an implementation of an ssh proxy server and a lightweight ssh
daemon that supports command execution, secure file copies via scp
, and
secure file transfer via sftp
. When deployed and configured correctly, these
provide a simple and scalable way to access containers associated with Diego
long running processes.
Reporting issues and requesting features
Please report all issues and feature requests in cloudfoundry/diego-release.
The ssh proxy hosts the user-accessible ssh endpoint and is responsible for
authentication, policy enforcement, and access controls in the context of
Cloud Foundry. After a user has successfully authenticated with the proxy, the
proxy will attempt to locate the target container and create an ssh session to
a daemon running inside the container. After both sessions have been
established, the proxy will manage the communication between the user's ssh
client and the container's ssh daemon.
Proxy Authentication
Clients authenticate with the proxy using a specially formed user name that
describes the authentication domain and target container and a password that
contains the appropriate credentials for the domain.
The proxy currently supports authentication against a diego
domain and a
domain. Each authentication domain can be enabled independently via
command line arguments.
Diego via custom credentials
For Diego, the user is of the form diego:
process-guid/index and the
password must hold the configured credentials.
Client example:
$ ssh -p 2222 'diego:my-process-guid/1'@ssh.bosh-lite.com
$ scp -P 2222 -oUser='diego:ssh-process-guid/0' my-local-file.json ssh.bosh-lite.com:my-remote-file.json
The credentials checked by the proxy are configurable via the
flag. The password provided by the client to the proxy
must match what is present in the flag for successful authentication.
This support is enabled with the --enableDiegoAuth
Cloud Foundry via Cloud Controller and UAA
For Cloud Foundry, the user is of the form cf:
app-guid/instance and the
password must be an authorization code that the ssh proxy server can exchange
for an authorization token. The SSH proxy must be configured to use an OAuth
client id that has been defined in the UAA. The client id used by the proxy
must be advertised in the /v2/info
endpoint under the app_ssh_oauth_client
key. Please see the UAA documentation for
details on how to allocate an authorization code.
The proxy will contact the Cloud Controller as the user to determine if the
policy allows the user to access application containers via SSH.
Client example:
$ curl -k -v -H "Authorization: $(cf oauth-token | tail -1)" \
https://uaa.bosh-lite.com/oauth/authorize \
--data-urlencode "client_id=$(cf curl /v2/info | jq -r .app_ssh_oauth_client)" \
--data-urlencode 'response_type=code' 2>&1 | \
grep Location: | \
cut -f2 -d'?' | \
cut -f2 -d'=' | \
pbcopy # paste authoriztion code when prompted for password
or, with the Cloud Foundry cf
command line interface;
$ cf ssh-code | pbcopy # paste authorization code when prompted for password
The authorization code can then be used as the password:
$ ssh -p 2222 cf:$(cf app app-name --guid)/0@ssh.bosh-lite.com
$ scp -P 2222 -oUser=cf:$(cf app app-name --guid)/0 my-local-file.json ssh.bosh-lite.com:my-remote-file.json
$ sftp -P 2222 cf:$(cf app app-name --guid)/0@ssh.bosh-lite.com
The Cloud Foundry cf
command line interface (v6.13 and newer) can
also be used to access an interactive shell in an application container:
$ cf ssh app-name
$ cf ssh app-name -i 3 # access the container hosting index 3 of the app
This support is enabled with the --enableCFAuth
Daemon discovery
To be accessible via the SSH proxy, containers must host an ssh daemon, expose
it via a mapped port, and advertise the port in a diego-ssh
route. The proxy
will fail end user authentication if the target LRP or a route is not found.
"routes": {
"diego-ssh": { "container_port": 2222 }
The CC-Bridge components of Diego will generate the appropriate LRP
definitions for Cloud Foundry applications which reflect the policies that are
in effect.
Proxy to Container Authentication
When the proxy attempts to handshake with the SSH daemon inside the target
container, it will use the information associated with the diego-ssh
key in
the LRP routes.
indicates which port inside the container the ssh daemon is
listening on. The proxy will attempt to connect to host side mapping of this
port after authenticating the client.
When present, host_fingerprint
declares the expected fingerprint of the SSH
daemon's host public key. When the fingerprint of the actual target's host key
does not match the expected fingerprint, the connection is terminated. The
fingerprint should only contain the hex string generated by ssh-keygen -l
declares the user ID to use during authentication with the container's
SSH daemon. While it's not a required part of the routing data, it is required
for password authentication and may be required for public key authentication.
declares the password to use during password authentication with
the container's ssh daemon.
declares the private key to use when authenticating with the
container's SSH daemon. If present, the key must be a PEM encoded RSA or DSA
public key.
Example LRP
"process_guid": "ssh-process-guid",
"domain": "ssh-experiments",
"rootfs": "preloaded:cflinuxfs3",
"instances": 1,
"start_timeout": 30,
"setup": {
"download": {
"artifact": "diego-sshd",
"from": "http://file-server.service.cf.internal:8080/v1/static/diego-sshd/diego-sshd.tgz",
"to": "/tmp",
"cache_key": "diego-sshd"
"action": {
"run": {
"path": "/tmp/diego-sshd",
"args": [
"-authorizedKey=ssh-rsa ..."
"env": [],
"resource_limits": {}
"ports": [ 2222 ],
"routes": {
"diego-ssh": {
"container_port": 2222,
"private_key": "PEM encoded PKCS#1 private key"
SSH Daemon
The ssh daemon is a lightweight implementation that is built around go's ssh
library. It supports command execution, interactive shells, local port
forwarding, scp, and sftp. The daemon is self-contained and has no
dependencies on the container root file system.
The daemon is focused on delivering basic access to application instances in
Cloud Foundry. It is intended to run as an unprivileged process and
interactive shells and commands will run as the daemon user. The daemon only
supports one authorized key is not intended to support multiple users.
The daemon can be made available on a file server and Diego LRPs that
want to use it can include a download action to acquire the binary and a run
action to start it. Cloud Foundry applications will download the daemon as
part of the lifecycle bundle.