Loggregatorlib includes packages and libraries used by loggregator.
The emitter is an external library used to emit messages to the loggregator server.
This library and its contents are no longer in use by Loggregator components.
Packages that were still in use have been moved to the loggregator repository.
export GOPATH=`pwd`
go get github.com/cloudfoundry/loggregatorlib
Running Tests:
cd loggregatorlib
go get ./...
go test -i --race ./...
go test -v --race ./...
go vet ./...
- cfcomponent: Components used by Loggregator for use with CloudFoundry.
- emitter: GO library to emit messages to the loggregator. For instructions see the emitter/README.
- loggregatorclient: A package used to send UDP messages. Used by Emitter and DEAagent.
- logmessage: The package for loggregator protobuffer messages.
- appid: Contains the id of an app that is the target of a logmessage
- lib_testhelpers: Helpers for testing