Nagios -> Prometheus Alertmanager integration
When transitioning from Nagios to Prometheus it is useful to be able to maintain the alerts configured in nagios. Promsaint allows you to push alerts generated in Nagios into the Prometheus Alertmanager so that you can have one consistent alerting and control plane.
"Prometheus Ain't Gonna Insist On Sainthood"
Promsaint is a portmanteau of Prometheus and the original name for Nagios NetSaint.
A Makefile is provided with this project to make it extremely easy to just clone and build all the binaries
Running the Daemon
Usage of ./bin/promsaint:
-alertmanager string
Alertmanager host (default "http://localhost:9093")
-forgetage duration
How long to persist an alert after nagios forgets about it before removing it (default 1m0s)
-generator_url string
Breakdown Source for nagios (default "")
-listen string
HTTP endpoint (default ":8080")
-log.format value
Set log formatter
-log.level value
Set log level
-pruneage duration
How old of alerts to keep around (default 1m0s)
-pruneinterval duration
How often to prune the database (default 2m0s)
-publishinterval duration
How often to publish the database (default 1m0s)
-publishminimum duration
Minimum time to wait between alertmanager pushes (default 5s)
Alternately you can start an Promsaint and Alertmanager instance automatically using docker-compose
docker-compose up
Running the CLI
The primary interaction method from Nagios to the Promsaint Daemon is done through the included promsaint-cli.
Host Alerts
./promsaint-cli -hostalert -host testbox1 -state DOWN -ntype PROBLEM
And the recovery
./promsaint-cli -hostalert -host testbox1 -state UP -ntype RECOVERY
Service Alert
./promsaint-cli -servicealert -host testbox1 -service exampleSVC -state CRITICAL -ntype PROBLEM -msg "Example Service is Down!" -note "Check example for a fix"
./promsaint-cli -servicealert -host testbox1 -service exampleSVC -state OK -ntype RECOVERY
Nagios Configuration
Included in this repo is a sample config file that use can use to start sending alerts from Nagios into Alertmanager.
Drop that file in your Nagios config directory and include the users in contact sections of your configured services and after a quick reload you should see alerts appearing in Alertmanager!
Smoke Tests
An end-to-end testing tool is provided promsaint-smoke
which will create a testing alert in promsaint and check alertmanager to ensure that it was created there. At this point it will resolve the alert.
Multiple Alertmanagers
I haven't writen this yet :p. Someday in the future I would like to get to this.
Pull Requests Welcome!