Index ¶
- Constants
- type AAAARecord
- type AAAARecordParam
- type AAAARecordSettings
- type AAAARecordSettingsParam
- type AAAARecordType
- type ACL
- type ACLParam
- type ARecord
- type ARecordParam
- type ARecordSettings
- type ARecordSettingsParam
- type ARecordType
- type ASN
- type ASNParam
- type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams
- type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta
- type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelope
- type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AnalyticsReportBytimeService
- type AnalyticsReportGetParams
- type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelope
- type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type AnalyticsReportService
- type AnalyticsService
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogAction
- type AuditLogActor
- type AuditLogActorType
- type AuditLogOwner
- type AuditLogResource
- type BatchPatchAAAARecordParam
- type BatchPatchARecordParam
- type BatchPatchCAARecordParam
- type BatchPatchCERTRecordParam
- type BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam
- type BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam
- type BatchPatchDSRecordParam
- type BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam
- type BatchPatchLOCRecordParam
- type BatchPatchMXRecordParam
- type BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam
- type BatchPatchNSRecordParam
- type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam
- type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam
- type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType
- type BatchPatchPTRRecordParam
- type BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam
- type BatchPatchSRVRecordParam
- type BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam
- type BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam
- type BatchPatchTLSARecordParam
- type BatchPatchTXTRecordParam
- type BatchPatchURIRecordParam
- type BatchPatchUnionParam
- type BatchPutAAAARecordParam
- type BatchPutARecordParam
- type BatchPutCAARecordParam
- type BatchPutCERTRecordParam
- type BatchPutCNAMERecordParam
- type BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam
- type BatchPutDSRecordParam
- type BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam
- type BatchPutLOCRecordParam
- type BatchPutMXRecordParam
- type BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam
- type BatchPutNSRecordParam
- type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam
- type BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam
- type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType
- type BatchPutPTRRecordParam
- type BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam
- type BatchPutSRVRecordParam
- type BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam
- type BatchPutSVCBRecordParam
- type BatchPutTLSARecordParam
- type BatchPutTXTRecordParam
- type BatchPutURIRecordParam
- type BatchPutUnionParam
- type ByTime
- type ByTimeData
- type CAARecord
- type CAARecordData
- type CAARecordDataParam
- type CAARecordParam
- type CAARecordSettings
- type CAARecordSettingsParam
- type CAARecordType
- type CERTRecord
- type CERTRecordData
- type CERTRecordDataParam
- type CERTRecordParam
- type CERTRecordSettings
- type CERTRecordSettingsParam
- type CERTRecordType
- type CNAMERecord
- type CNAMERecordParam
- type CNAMERecordSettings
- type CNAMERecordSettingsParam
- type CNAMERecordType
- type CertificateCA
- type CertificateRequestType
- type CloudflareTunnel
- type CloudflareTunnelConnection
- type CloudflareTunnelStatus
- type CloudflareTunnelTunType
- type DNSAnalyticsNominalMetric
- type DNSAnalyticsQuery
- type DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta
- type DNSKEYRecord
- type DNSKEYRecordData
- type DNSKEYRecordDataParam
- type DNSKEYRecordParam
- type DNSKEYRecordSettings
- type DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam
- type DNSKEYRecordType
- type DNSSEC
- type DNSSECDeleteParams
- type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type DNSSECEditParams
- type DNSSECEditParamsStatus
- type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelope
- type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type DNSSECGetParams
- type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelope
- type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type DNSSECService
- func (r *DNSSECService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body DNSSECDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *string, err error)
- func (r *DNSSECService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params DNSSECEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *DNSSEC, err error)
- func (r *DNSSECService) Get(ctx context.Context, query DNSSECGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *DNSSEC, err error)
- type DNSSECStatus
- type DNSService
- type DSRecord
- type DSRecordData
- type DSRecordDataParam
- type DSRecordParam
- type DSRecordSettings
- type DSRecordSettingsParam
- type DSRecordType
- type DisableTransfer
- type EnableTransfer
- type Error
- type ErrorData
- type ForceAXFR
- type HTTPSRecord
- type HTTPSRecordData
- type HTTPSRecordDataParam
- type HTTPSRecordParam
- type HTTPSRecordSettings
- type HTTPSRecordSettingsParam
- type HTTPSRecordType
- type LOCRecord
- type LOCRecordData
- type LOCRecordDataLatDirection
- type LOCRecordDataLongDirection
- type LOCRecordDataParam
- type LOCRecordParam
- type LOCRecordSettings
- type LOCRecordSettingsParam
- type LOCRecordType
- type MXRecord
- type MXRecordParam
- type MXRecordSettings
- type MXRecordSettingsParam
- type MXRecordType
- type Member
- type MemberPoliciesAccess
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
- type MemberPolicy
- type MemberStatus
- type MemberUser
- type NAPTRRecord
- type NAPTRRecordData
- type NAPTRRecordDataParam
- type NAPTRRecordParam
- type NAPTRRecordSettings
- type NAPTRRecordSettingsParam
- type NAPTRRecordType
- type NSRecord
- type NSRecordParam
- type NSRecordSettings
- type NSRecordSettingsParam
- type NSRecordType
- type PTRRecord
- type PTRRecordParam
- type PTRRecordSettings
- type PTRRecordSettingsParam
- type PTRRecordType
- type Peer
- type PeerParam
- type Permission
- type PermissionGrant
- type PermissionGrantParam
- type RatePlan
- type RatePlanID
- type RatePlanParam
- type RecordBatchParams
- type RecordBatchParamsDelete
- type RecordBatchResponse
- type RecordBatchResponseEnvelope
- type RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordDeleteParams
- type RecordDeleteResponse
- type RecordDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type RecordEditParams
- type RecordEditResponseEnvelope
- type RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordExportParams
- type RecordGetParams
- type RecordGetResponseEnvelope
- type RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordImportParams
- type RecordImportResponse
- type RecordImportResponseEnvelope
- type RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordListParams
- type RecordListParamsComment
- type RecordListParamsContent
- type RecordListParamsMatch
- type RecordListParamsName
- type RecordListParamsOrder
- type RecordListParamsTag
- type RecordListParamsTagMatch
- type RecordListParamsType
- type RecordNewParams
- type RecordNewResponseEnvelope
- type RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordOpenpgpkeyParam
- type RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam
- type RecordOpenpgpkeyType
- type RecordParam
- type RecordResponse
- type RecordResponseAAAARecord
- type RecordResponseARecord
- type RecordResponseCAARecord
- type RecordResponseCERTRecord
- type RecordResponseCNAMERecord
- type RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord
- type RecordResponseDSRecord
- type RecordResponseHTTPSRecord
- type RecordResponseLOCRecord
- type RecordResponseMXRecord
- type RecordResponseNAPTRRecord
- type RecordResponseNSRecord
- type RecordResponseOpenpgpkey
- type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings
- type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType
- type RecordResponsePTRRecord
- type RecordResponseSMIMEARecord
- type RecordResponseSRVRecord
- type RecordResponseSSHFPRecord
- type RecordResponseSVCBRecord
- type RecordResponseTLSARecord
- type RecordResponseTXTRecord
- type RecordResponseType
- type RecordResponseURIRecord
- type RecordResponseUnion
- type RecordScanParams
- type RecordScanResponse
- type RecordScanResponseEnvelope
- type RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RecordService
- func (r *RecordService) Batch(ctx context.Context, params RecordBatchParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordBatchResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Delete(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, body RecordDeleteParams, ...) (res *RecordDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Edit(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, params RecordEditParams, ...) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Export(ctx context.Context, query RecordExportParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *string, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Get(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, query RecordGetParams, ...) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Import(ctx context.Context, params RecordImportParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordImportResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) List(ctx context.Context, params RecordListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[RecordResponse], err error)
- func (r *RecordService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params RecordListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[RecordResponse]
- func (r *RecordService) New(ctx context.Context, params RecordNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Scan(ctx context.Context, params RecordScanParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordScanResponse, err error)
- func (r *RecordService) Update(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, params RecordUpdateParams, ...) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
- type RecordTags
- type RecordTagsParam
- type RecordType
- type RecordUnionParam
- type RecordUpdateParams
- type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type Report
- type ReportData
- type ReportQuery
- type ResponseInfo
- type Role
- type RoleParam
- type RolePermissions
- type RolePermissionsParam
- type SMIMEARecord
- type SMIMEARecordData
- type SMIMEARecordDataParam
- type SMIMEARecordParam
- type SMIMEARecordSettings
- type SMIMEARecordSettingsParam
- type SMIMEARecordType
- type SRVRecord
- type SRVRecordData
- type SRVRecordDataParam
- type SRVRecordParam
- type SRVRecordSettings
- type SRVRecordSettingsParam
- type SRVRecordType
- type SSHFPRecord
- type SSHFPRecordData
- type SSHFPRecordDataParam
- type SSHFPRecordParam
- type SSHFPRecordSettings
- type SSHFPRecordSettingsParam
- type SSHFPRecordType
- type SVCBRecord
- type SVCBRecordData
- type SVCBRecordDataParam
- type SVCBRecordParam
- type SVCBRecordSettings
- type SVCBRecordSettingsParam
- type SVCBRecordType
- type SettingEditParams
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA
- type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode
- type SettingEditResponse
- type SettingEditResponseEnvelope
- type SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA
- type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode
- type SettingGetParams
- type SettingGetResponse
- type SettingGetResponseEnvelope
- type SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA
- type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode
- type SettingService
- type SettingViewDeleteParams
- type SettingViewDeleteResponse
- type SettingViewDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type SettingViewEditParams
- type SettingViewEditResponse
- type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelope
- type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SettingViewGetParams
- type SettingViewGetResponse
- type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelope
- type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SettingViewListParams
- type SettingViewListParamsDirection
- type SettingViewListParamsMatch
- type SettingViewListParamsName
- type SettingViewListParamsOrder
- type SettingViewListResponse
- type SettingViewNewParams
- type SettingViewNewResponse
- type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelope
- type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SettingViewService
- func (r *SettingViewService) Delete(ctx context.Context, viewID string, body SettingViewDeleteParams, ...) (res *SettingViewDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *SettingViewService) Edit(ctx context.Context, viewID string, params SettingViewEditParams, ...) (res *SettingViewEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *SettingViewService) Get(ctx context.Context, viewID string, query SettingViewGetParams, ...) (res *SettingViewGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *SettingViewService) List(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewListParams, ...) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[SettingViewListResponse], err error)
- func (r *SettingViewService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewListParams, ...) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[SettingViewListResponse]
- func (r *SettingViewService) New(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingViewNewResponse, err error)
- type SortDirection
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionFrequency
- type SubscriptionParam
- type SubscriptionState
- type TLSARecord
- type TLSARecordData
- type TLSARecordDataParam
- type TLSARecordParam
- type TLSARecordSettings
- type TLSARecordSettingsParam
- type TLSARecordType
- type TSIG
- type TSIGParam
- type TTL
- type TXTRecord
- type TXTRecordParam
- type TXTRecordSettings
- type TXTRecordSettingsParam
- type TXTRecordType
- type Token
- type TokenCondition
- type TokenConditionCIDRList
- type TokenConditionCIDRListParam
- type TokenConditionParam
- type TokenConditionRequestIP
- type TokenConditionRequestIPParam
- type TokenParam
- type TokenPolicy
- type TokenPolicyEffect
- type TokenPolicyParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
- type TokenStatus
- type TokenValue
- type URIRecord
- type URIRecordData
- type URIRecordDataParam
- type URIRecordParam
- type URIRecordSettings
- type URIRecordSettingsParam
- type URIRecordType
- type ZoneTransferACLDeleteParams
- type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse
- type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferACLGetParams
- type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferACLListParams
- type ZoneTransferACLNewParams
- type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferACLService
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Delete(ctx context.Context, aclID string, body ZoneTransferACLDeleteParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Get(ctx context.Context, aclID string, query ZoneTransferACLGetParams, ...) (res *ACL, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferACLListParams, ...) (res *pagination.SinglePage[ACL], err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferACLListParams, ...) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[ACL]
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferACLNewParams, ...) (res *ACL, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Update(ctx context.Context, aclID string, params ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams, ...) (res *ACL, err error)
- type ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams
- type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams
- type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferForceAXFRService
- type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteParams
- type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse
- type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferIncomingGetParams
- type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse
- type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams
- type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse
- type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferIncomingService
- func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Get(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferIncomingGetParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Update(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse, err error)
- type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams
- type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse
- type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingService
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Disable(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams, ...) (res *DisableTransfer, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Enable(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams, ...) (res *EnableTransfer, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) ForceNotify(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams, ...) (res *string, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Get(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferOutgoingGetParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Update(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse, err error)
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteParams
- type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse
- type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferPeerGetParams
- type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferPeerListParams
- type ZoneTransferPeerNewParams
- type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferPeerService
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Delete(ctx context.Context, peerID string, body ZoneTransferPeerDeleteParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Get(ctx context.Context, peerID string, query ZoneTransferPeerGetParams, ...) (res *Peer, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferPeerListParams, ...) (res *pagination.SinglePage[Peer], err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferPeerListParams, ...) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[Peer]
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferPeerNewParams, ...) (res *Peer, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Update(ctx context.Context, peerID string, params ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams, ...) (res *Peer, err error)
- type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams
- type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferService
- type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteParams
- type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse
- type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferTSIGGetParams
- type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferTSIGListParams
- type ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams
- type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type ZoneTransferTSIGService
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Delete(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, body ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteParams, ...) (res *ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Get(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, query ZoneTransferTSIGGetParams, ...) (res *TSIG, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferTSIGListParams, ...) (res *pagination.SinglePage[TSIG], err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferTSIGListParams, ...) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[TSIG]
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams, ...) (res *TSIG, err error)
- func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Update(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, params ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams, ...) (res *TSIG, err error)
- type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams
- type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelope
- type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess
Constants ¶
const AuditLogActorTypeAdmin = shared.AuditLogActorTypeAdmin
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare = shared.AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeUser = shared.AuditLogActorTypeUser
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCADigicert = shared.CertificateCADigicert
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCAGoogle = shared.CertificateCAGoogle
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCALetsEncrypt = shared.CertificateCALetsEncrypt
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCASSLCom = shared.CertificateCASSLCom
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate = shared.CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDown = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDown
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessAllow = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessDeny = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusAccepted = shared.MemberStatusAccepted
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusPending = shared.MemberStatusPending
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDBusiness = shared.RatePlanIDBusiness
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDEnterprise = shared.RatePlanIDEnterprise
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDFree = shared.RatePlanIDFree
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDLite = shared.RatePlanIDLite
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersBusiness = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersBusiness
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersEnterprise = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersEnterprise
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersFree = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersFree
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersPro = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersPro
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPro = shared.RatePlanIDPro
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDProPlus = shared.RatePlanIDProPlus
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionAsc = shared.SortDirectionAsc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionDesc = shared.SortDirectionDesc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyYearly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyYearly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment = shared.SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateCancelled = shared.SubscriptionStateCancelled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateExpired = shared.SubscriptionStateExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateFailed = shared.SubscriptionStateFailed
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStatePaid = shared.SubscriptionStatePaid
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateProvisioned = shared.SubscriptionStateProvisioned
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateTrial = shared.SubscriptionStateTrial
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectAllow = shared.TokenPolicyEffectAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectDeny = shared.TokenPolicyEffectDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusActive = shared.TokenStatusActive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusDisabled = shared.TokenStatusDisabled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusExpired = shared.TokenStatusExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AAAARecord ¶
type AAAARecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // A valid IPv6 address. Content string `json:"content" format:"ipv6"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings AAAARecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type AAAARecordType `json:"type"` JSON aaaaRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AAAARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AAAARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AAAARecordParam ¶
type AAAARecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid IPv6 address. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content" format:"ipv6"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[AAAARecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[AAAARecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (AAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AAAARecordSettings ¶
type AAAARecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON aaaaRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*AAAARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AAAARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AAAARecordSettingsParam ¶
type AAAARecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (AAAARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r AAAARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type AAAARecordType ¶
type AAAARecordType string
Record type.
const (
AAAARecordTypeAAAA AAAARecordType = "AAAA"
func (AAAARecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r AAAARecordType) IsKnown() bool
type ACL ¶
type ACL struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // Allowed IPv4/IPv6 address range of primary or secondary nameservers. This will // be applied for the entire account. The IP range is used to allow additional // NOTIFY IPs for secondary zones and IPs Cloudflare allows AXFR/IXFR requests from // for primary zones. CIDRs are limited to a maximum of /24 for IPv4 and /64 for // IPv6 respectively. IPRange string `json:"ip_range,required"` // The name of the acl. Name string `json:"name,required"` JSON aclJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ACL) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ACLParam ¶
type ACLParam struct { // Allowed IPv4/IPv6 address range of primary or secondary nameservers. This will // be applied for the entire account. The IP range is used to allow additional // NOTIFY IPs for secondary zones and IPs Cloudflare allows AXFR/IXFR requests from // for primary zones. CIDRs are limited to a maximum of /24 for IPv4 and /64 for // IPv6 respectively. IPRange param.Field[string] `json:"ip_range,required"` // The name of the acl. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` }
func (ACLParam) MarshalJSON ¶
type ARecord ¶
type ARecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // A valid IPv4 address. Content string `json:"content" format:"ipv4"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings ARecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type ARecordType `json:"type"` JSON aRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ARecordParam ¶
type ARecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid IPv4 address. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content" format:"ipv4"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[ARecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[ARecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (ARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ARecordSettings ¶
type ARecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON aRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*ARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ARecordSettingsParam ¶
type ARecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (ARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ARecordType ¶
type ARecordType string
Record type.
const (
ARecordTypeA ARecordType = "A"
func (ARecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r ARecordType) IsKnown() bool
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams ¶
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // A comma-separated list of dimensions to group results by. Dimensions param.Field[string] `query:"dimensions"` // Segmentation filter in 'attribute operator value' format. Filters param.Field[string] `query:"filters"` // Limit number of returned metrics. Limit param.Field[int64] `query:"limit"` // A comma-separated list of metrics to query. Metrics param.Field[string] `query:"metrics"` // Start date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Since param.Field[time.Time] `query:"since" format:"date-time"` // A comma-separated list of dimensions to sort by, where each dimension may be // prefixed by - (descending) or + (ascending). Sort param.Field[string] `query:"sort"` // Unit of time to group data by. TimeDelta param.Field[AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta] `query:"time_delta"` // End date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Until param.Field[time.Time] `query:"until" format:"date-time"` }
func (AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta ¶
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta string
Unit of time to group data by.
const ( AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaAll AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "all" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaAuto AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "auto" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaYear AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "year" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaQuarter AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "quarter" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaMonth AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "month" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaWeek AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "week" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaDay AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "day" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaHour AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "hour" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaDekaminute AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "dekaminute" AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDeltaMinute AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta = "minute" )
func (AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta) IsKnown ¶
func (r AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParamsTimeDelta) IsKnown() bool
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ByTime `json:"result"` JSON analyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AnalyticsReportBytimeGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AnalyticsReportBytimeService ¶
type AnalyticsReportBytimeService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
AnalyticsReportBytimeService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewAnalyticsReportBytimeService method instead.
func NewAnalyticsReportBytimeService ¶
func NewAnalyticsReportBytimeService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *AnalyticsReportBytimeService)
NewAnalyticsReportBytimeService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*AnalyticsReportBytimeService) Get ¶
func (r *AnalyticsReportBytimeService) Get(ctx context.Context, params AnalyticsReportBytimeGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ByTime, err error)
Retrieves a list of aggregate metrics grouped by time interval.
See [Analytics API properties]( for detailed information about the available query parameters.
type AnalyticsReportGetParams ¶
type AnalyticsReportGetParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // A comma-separated list of dimensions to group results by. Dimensions param.Field[string] `query:"dimensions"` // Segmentation filter in 'attribute operator value' format. Filters param.Field[string] `query:"filters"` // Limit number of returned metrics. Limit param.Field[int64] `query:"limit"` // A comma-separated list of metrics to query. Metrics param.Field[string] `query:"metrics"` // Start date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Since param.Field[time.Time] `query:"since" format:"date-time"` // A comma-separated list of dimensions to sort by, where each dimension may be // prefixed by - (descending) or + (ascending). Sort param.Field[string] `query:"sort"` // End date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Until param.Field[time.Time] `query:"until" format:"date-time"` }
func (AnalyticsReportGetParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r AnalyticsReportGetParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes AnalyticsReportGetParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result Report `json:"result"` JSON analyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r AnalyticsReportGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type AnalyticsReportService ¶
type AnalyticsReportService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Bytimes *AnalyticsReportBytimeService }
AnalyticsReportService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewAnalyticsReportService method instead.
func NewAnalyticsReportService ¶
func NewAnalyticsReportService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *AnalyticsReportService)
NewAnalyticsReportService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*AnalyticsReportService) Get ¶
func (r *AnalyticsReportService) Get(ctx context.Context, params AnalyticsReportGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Report, err error)
Retrieves a list of summarised aggregate metrics over a given time period.
See [Analytics API properties]( for detailed information about the available query parameters.
type AnalyticsService ¶
type AnalyticsService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Reports *AnalyticsReportService }
AnalyticsService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewAnalyticsService method instead.
func NewAnalyticsService ¶
func NewAnalyticsService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *AnalyticsService)
NewAnalyticsService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
type AuditLogAction ¶
type AuditLogAction = shared.AuditLogAction
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActor ¶
type AuditLogActor = shared.AuditLogActor
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActorType ¶
type AuditLogActorType = shared.AuditLogActorType
The type of actor, whether a User, Cloudflare Admin, or an Automated System.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogOwner ¶
type AuditLogOwner = shared.AuditLogOwner
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogResource ¶
type AuditLogResource = shared.AuditLogResource
This is an alias to an internal type.
type BatchPatchAAAARecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchAAAARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` AAAARecordParam }
func (BatchPatchAAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchAAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchARecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` ARecordParam }
func (BatchPatchARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchCAARecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchCAARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` CAARecordParam }
func (BatchPatchCAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchCAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchCERTRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchCERTRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` CERTRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchCERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchCERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` CNAMERecordParam }
func (BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` DNSKEYRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchDSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchDSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` DSRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchDSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchDSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` HTTPSRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchLOCRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchLOCRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` LOCRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchLOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchLOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchMXRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchMXRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` MXRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchMXRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchMXRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` NAPTRRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchNSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchNSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` NSRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchNSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchNSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam ¶
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A single Base64-encoded OpenPGP Transferable Public Key (RFC 4880 Section 11.1) Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType] `json:"type"` }
func (BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam ¶
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType ¶
type BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType string
Record type.
const (
BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyTypeOpenpgpkey BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType = "OPENPGPKEY"
func (BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown ¶
func (r BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown() bool
type BatchPatchPTRRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchPTRRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` PTRRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` SMIMEARecordParam }
func (BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchSRVRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchSRVRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` SRVRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchSRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchSRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` SSHFPRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` SVCBRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchTLSARecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchTLSARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` TLSARecordParam }
func (BatchPatchTLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchTLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchTXTRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchTXTRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` TXTRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchTXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchTXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchURIRecordParam ¶
type BatchPatchURIRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id,required"` URIRecordParam }
func (BatchPatchURIRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPatchURIRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPatchUnionParam ¶
type BatchPatchUnionParam interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Satisfied by dns.BatchPatchARecordParam, dns.BatchPatchAAAARecordParam, dns.BatchPatchCAARecordParam, dns.BatchPatchCERTRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchCNAMERecordParam, dns.BatchPatchDNSKEYRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchDSRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchHTTPSRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchLOCRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchMXRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchNAPTRRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchNSRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchOpenpgpkeyParam, dns.BatchPatchPTRRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchSMIMEARecordParam, dns.BatchPatchSRVRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchSSHFPRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchSVCBRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchTLSARecordParam, dns.BatchPatchTXTRecordParam, dns.BatchPatchURIRecordParam.
type BatchPutAAAARecordParam ¶
type BatchPutAAAARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` AAAARecordParam }
func (BatchPutAAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutAAAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutARecordParam ¶
type BatchPutARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` ARecordParam }
func (BatchPutARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutCAARecordParam ¶
type BatchPutCAARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` CAARecordParam }
func (BatchPutCAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutCAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutCERTRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutCERTRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` CERTRecordParam }
func (BatchPutCERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutCERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutCNAMERecordParam ¶
type BatchPutCNAMERecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` CNAMERecordParam }
func (BatchPutCNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutCNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` DNSKEYRecordParam }
func (BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutDSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutDSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` DSRecordParam }
func (BatchPutDSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutDSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` HTTPSRecordParam }
func (BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutLOCRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutLOCRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` LOCRecordParam }
func (BatchPutLOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutLOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutMXRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutMXRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` MXRecordParam }
func (BatchPutMXRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutMXRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` NAPTRRecordParam }
func (BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutNSRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutNSRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` NSRecordParam }
func (BatchPutNSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutNSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam ¶
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam struct { // A single Base64-encoded OpenPGP Transferable Public Key (RFC 4880 Section 11.1) Content param.Field[string] `json:"content,required"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // Record type. Type param.Field[BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType] `json:"type,required"` // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` }
func (BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam ¶
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType ¶
type BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType string
Record type.
const (
BatchPutOpenpgpkeyTypeOpenpgpkey BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType = "OPENPGPKEY"
func (BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown ¶
func (r BatchPutOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown() bool
type BatchPutPTRRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutPTRRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` PTRRecordParam }
func (BatchPutPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam ¶
type BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` SMIMEARecordParam }
func (BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutSRVRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutSRVRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` SRVRecordParam }
func (BatchPutSRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutSRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` SSHFPRecordParam }
func (BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutSVCBRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutSVCBRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` SVCBRecordParam }
func (BatchPutSVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutSVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutTLSARecordParam ¶
type BatchPutTLSARecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` TLSARecordParam }
func (BatchPutTLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutTLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutTXTRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutTXTRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` TXTRecordParam }
func (BatchPutTXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutTXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutURIRecordParam ¶
type BatchPutURIRecordParam struct { // Identifier ID param.Field[string] `json:"id"` URIRecordParam }
func (BatchPutURIRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r BatchPutURIRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type BatchPutUnionParam ¶
type BatchPutUnionParam interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Satisfied by dns.BatchPutARecordParam, dns.BatchPutAAAARecordParam, dns.BatchPutCAARecordParam, dns.BatchPutCERTRecordParam, dns.BatchPutCNAMERecordParam, dns.BatchPutDNSKEYRecordParam, dns.BatchPutDSRecordParam, dns.BatchPutHTTPSRecordParam, dns.BatchPutLOCRecordParam, dns.BatchPutMXRecordParam, dns.BatchPutNAPTRRecordParam, dns.BatchPutNSRecordParam, dns.BatchPutOpenpgpkeyParam, dns.BatchPutPTRRecordParam, dns.BatchPutSMIMEARecordParam, dns.BatchPutSRVRecordParam, dns.BatchPutSSHFPRecordParam, dns.BatchPutSVCBRecordParam, dns.BatchPutTLSARecordParam, dns.BatchPutTXTRecordParam, dns.BatchPutURIRecordParam.
type ByTime ¶
type ByTime struct { // Array with one row per combination of dimension values. Data []ByTimeData `json:"data,required"` // Number of seconds between current time and last processed event, in another // words how many seconds of data could be missing. DataLag float64 `json:"data_lag,required"` // Maximum results for each metric (object mapping metric names to values). // Currently always an empty object. Max interface{} `json:"max,required"` // Minimum results for each metric (object mapping metric names to values). // Currently always an empty object. Min interface{} `json:"min,required"` Query DNSAnalyticsQuery `json:"query,required"` // Total number of rows in the result. Rows float64 `json:"rows,required"` // Array of time intervals in the response data. Each interval is represented as an // array containing two values: the start time, and the end time. TimeIntervals [][]time.Time `json:"time_intervals,required" format:"date-time"` // Total results for metrics across all data (object mapping metric names to // values). Totals interface{} `json:"totals,required"` JSON byTimeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ByTime) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ByTimeData ¶
type ByTimeData struct { // Array of dimension values, representing the combination of dimension values // corresponding to this row. Dimensions []string `json:"dimensions,required"` // Array with one item per requested metric. Each item is an array of values, // broken down by time interval. Metrics []DNSAnalyticsNominalMetric `json:"metrics,required"` JSON byTimeDataJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ByTimeData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ByTimeData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CAARecord ¶
type CAARecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted CAA content. See 'data' to set CAA properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a CAA record. Data CAARecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings CAARecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type CAARecordType `json:"type"` JSON caaRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CAARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type CAARecordData ¶
type CAARecordData struct { // Flags for the CAA record. Flags float64 `json:"flags"` // Name of the property controlled by this record (e.g.: issue, issuewild, iodef). Tag string `json:"tag"` // Value of the record. This field's semantics depend on the chosen tag. Value string `json:"value"` JSON caaRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a CAA record.
func (*CAARecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CAARecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CAARecordDataParam ¶
type CAARecordDataParam struct { // Flags for the CAA record. Flags param.Field[float64] `json:"flags"` // Name of the property controlled by this record (e.g.: issue, issuewild, iodef). Tag param.Field[string] `json:"tag"` // Value of the record. This field's semantics depend on the chosen tag. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
Components of a CAA record.
func (CAARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CAARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CAARecordParam ¶
type CAARecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a CAA record. Data param.Field[CAARecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[CAARecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[CAARecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (CAARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CAARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CAARecordSettings ¶
type CAARecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON caaRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*CAARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CAARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CAARecordSettingsParam ¶
type CAARecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (CAARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CAARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CAARecordType ¶
type CAARecordType string
Record type.
const (
CAARecordTypeCAA CAARecordType = "CAA"
func (CAARecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r CAARecordType) IsKnown() bool
type CERTRecord ¶
type CERTRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted CERT content. See 'data' to set CERT properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a CERT record. Data CERTRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings CERTRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type CERTRecordType `json:"type"` JSON certRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CERTRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CERTRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CERTRecordData ¶
type CERTRecordData struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm float64 `json:"algorithm"` // Certificate. Certificate string `json:"certificate"` // Key Tag. KeyTag float64 `json:"key_tag"` // Type. Type float64 `json:"type"` JSON certRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a CERT record.
func (*CERTRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CERTRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CERTRecordDataParam ¶
type CERTRecordDataParam struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm param.Field[float64] `json:"algorithm"` // Certificate. Certificate param.Field[string] `json:"certificate"` // Key Tag. KeyTag param.Field[float64] `json:"key_tag"` // Type. Type param.Field[float64] `json:"type"` }
Components of a CERT record.
func (CERTRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CERTRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CERTRecordParam ¶
type CERTRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a CERT record. Data param.Field[CERTRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[CERTRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[CERTRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (CERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CERTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CERTRecordSettings ¶
type CERTRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON certRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*CERTRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CERTRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CERTRecordSettingsParam ¶
type CERTRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (CERTRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CERTRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CERTRecordType ¶
type CERTRecordType string
Record type.
const (
CERTRecordTypeCERT CERTRecordType = "CERT"
func (CERTRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r CERTRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type CNAMERecord ¶
type CNAMERecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // A valid hostname. Must not match the record's name. Content string `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings CNAMERecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type CNAMERecordType `json:"type"` JSON cnameRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CNAMERecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CNAMERecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CNAMERecordParam ¶
type CNAMERecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid hostname. Must not match the record's name. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[CNAMERecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[CNAMERecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (CNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CNAMERecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CNAMERecordSettings ¶
type CNAMERecordSettings struct { // If enabled, causes the CNAME record to be resolved externally and the resulting // address records (e.g., A and AAAA) to be returned instead of the CNAME record // itself. This setting is unavailable for proxied records, since they are always // flattened. FlattenCNAME bool `json:"flatten_cname"` // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON cnameRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*CNAMERecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CNAMERecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CNAMERecordSettingsParam ¶
type CNAMERecordSettingsParam struct { // If enabled, causes the CNAME record to be resolved externally and the resulting // address records (e.g., A and AAAA) to be returned instead of the CNAME record // itself. This setting is unavailable for proxied records, since they are always // flattened. FlattenCNAME param.Field[bool] `json:"flatten_cname"` // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (CNAMERecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CNAMERecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CNAMERecordType ¶
type CNAMERecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (CNAMERecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r CNAMERecordType) IsKnown() bool
type CertificateCA ¶
type CertificateCA = shared.CertificateCA
The Certificate Authority that will issue the certificate
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateRequestType ¶
type CertificateRequestType = shared.CertificateRequestType
Signature type desired on certificate ("origin-rsa" (rsa), "origin-ecc" (ecdsa), or "keyless-certificate" (for Keyless SSL servers).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnel ¶
type CloudflareTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnel
A Cloudflare Tunnel that connects your origin to Cloudflare's edge.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelConnection ¶
type CloudflareTunnelConnection = shared.CloudflareTunnelConnection
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelStatus ¶
type CloudflareTunnelStatus = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatus
The status of the tunnel. Valid values are `inactive` (tunnel has never been run), `degraded` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic but in an unhealthy state), `healthy` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic), or `down` (tunnel can not serve traffic as it has no connections to the Cloudflare Edge).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelTunType ¶
type CloudflareTunnelTunType = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunType
The type of tunnel.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type DNSAnalyticsNominalMetric ¶
type DNSAnalyticsNominalMetric []interface{}
type DNSAnalyticsQuery ¶
type DNSAnalyticsQuery struct { // Array of dimension names. Dimensions []string `json:"dimensions,required"` // Limit number of returned metrics. Limit int64 `json:"limit,required"` // Array of metric names. Metrics []string `json:"metrics,required"` // Start date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Since time.Time `json:"since,required" format:"date-time"` // Unit of time to group data by. TimeDelta DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta `json:"time_delta,required"` // End date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Until time.Time `json:"until,required" format:"date-time"` // Segmentation filter in 'attribute operator value' format. Filters string `json:"filters"` // Array of dimensions to sort by, where each dimension may be prefixed by - // (descending) or + (ascending). Sort []string `json:"sort"` JSON dnsAnalyticsQueryJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSAnalyticsQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSAnalyticsQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta ¶
type DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta string
Unit of time to group data by.
const ( DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaAll DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "all" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaAuto DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "auto" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaYear DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "year" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaQuarter DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "quarter" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaMonth DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "month" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaWeek DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "week" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaDay DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "day" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaHour DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "hour" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaDekaminute DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "dekaminute" DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDeltaMinute DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta = "minute" )
func (DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSAnalyticsQueryTimeDelta) IsKnown() bool
type DNSKEYRecord ¶
type DNSKEYRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted DNSKEY content. See 'data' to set DNSKEY properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a DNSKEY record. Data DNSKEYRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings DNSKEYRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type DNSKEYRecordType `json:"type"` JSON dnskeyRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSKEYRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSKEYRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSKEYRecordData ¶
type DNSKEYRecordData struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm float64 `json:"algorithm"` // Flags. Flags float64 `json:"flags"` // Protocol. Protocol float64 `json:"protocol"` // Public Key. PublicKey string `json:"public_key"` JSON dnskeyRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a DNSKEY record.
func (*DNSKEYRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSKEYRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSKEYRecordDataParam ¶
type DNSKEYRecordDataParam struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm param.Field[float64] `json:"algorithm"` // Flags. Flags param.Field[float64] `json:"flags"` // Protocol. Protocol param.Field[float64] `json:"protocol"` // Public Key. PublicKey param.Field[string] `json:"public_key"` }
Components of a DNSKEY record.
func (DNSKEYRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DNSKEYRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DNSKEYRecordParam ¶
type DNSKEYRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a DNSKEY record. Data param.Field[DNSKEYRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[DNSKEYRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (DNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DNSKEYRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DNSKEYRecordSettings ¶
type DNSKEYRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON dnskeyRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*DNSKEYRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSKEYRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam ¶
type DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DNSKEYRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DNSKEYRecordType ¶
type DNSKEYRecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (DNSKEYRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSKEYRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type DNSSEC ¶
type DNSSEC struct { // Algorithm key code. Algorithm string `json:"algorithm,nullable"` // Digest hash. Digest string `json:"digest,nullable"` // Type of digest algorithm. DigestAlgorithm string `json:"digest_algorithm,nullable"` // Coded type for digest algorithm. DigestType string `json:"digest_type,nullable"` // If true, multi-signer DNSSEC is enabled on the zone, allowing multiple providers // to serve a DNSSEC-signed zone at the same time. This is required for DNSKEY // records (except those automatically generated by Cloudflare) to be added to the // zone. // // See // [Multi-signer DNSSEC]( // for details. DNSSECMultiSigner bool `json:"dnssec_multi_signer"` // If true, allows Cloudflare to transfer in a DNSSEC-signed zone including // signatures from an external provider, without requiring Cloudflare to sign any // records on the fly. // // Note that this feature has some limitations. See // [Cloudflare as Secondary]( // for details. DNSSECPresigned bool `json:"dnssec_presigned"` // Full DS record. DS string `json:"ds,nullable"` // Flag for DNSSEC record. Flags float64 `json:"flags,nullable"` // Code for key tag. KeyTag float64 `json:"key_tag,nullable"` // Algorithm key type. KeyType string `json:"key_type,nullable"` // When DNSSEC was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` // Public key for DS record. PublicKey string `json:"public_key,nullable"` // Status of DNSSEC, based on user-desired state and presence of necessary records. Status DNSSECStatus `json:"status"` JSON dnssecJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSSEC) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DNSSECDeleteParams ¶
type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result string `json:"result"` JSON dnssecDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSSECDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type DNSSECEditParams ¶
type DNSSECEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // If true, multi-signer DNSSEC is enabled on the zone, allowing multiple providers // to serve a DNSSEC-signed zone at the same time. This is required for DNSKEY // records (except those automatically generated by Cloudflare) to be added to the // zone. // // See // [Multi-signer DNSSEC]( // for details. DNSSECMultiSigner param.Field[bool] `json:"dnssec_multi_signer"` // If true, allows Cloudflare to transfer in a DNSSEC-signed zone including // signatures from an external provider, without requiring Cloudflare to sign any // records on the fly. // // Note that this feature has some limitations. See // [Cloudflare as Secondary]( // for details. DNSSECPresigned param.Field[bool] `json:"dnssec_presigned"` // Status of DNSSEC, based on user-desired state and presence of necessary records. Status param.Field[DNSSECEditParamsStatus] `json:"status"` }
func (DNSSECEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DNSSECEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DNSSECEditParamsStatus ¶
type DNSSECEditParamsStatus string
Status of DNSSEC, based on user-desired state and presence of necessary records.
const ( DNSSECEditParamsStatusActive DNSSECEditParamsStatus = "active" DNSSECEditParamsStatusDisabled DNSSECEditParamsStatus = "disabled" )
func (DNSSECEditParamsStatus) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSSECEditParamsStatus) IsKnown() bool
type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result DNSSEC `json:"result"` JSON dnssecEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSSECEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSSECEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSSECEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type DNSSECGetParams ¶
type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result DNSSEC `json:"result"` JSON dnssecGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DNSSECGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DNSSECGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSSECGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type DNSSECService ¶
type DNSSECService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
DNSSECService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewDNSSECService method instead.
func NewDNSSECService ¶
func NewDNSSECService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *DNSSECService)
NewDNSSECService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*DNSSECService) Delete ¶
func (r *DNSSECService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body DNSSECDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *string, err error)
Delete DNSSEC.
func (*DNSSECService) Edit ¶
func (r *DNSSECService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params DNSSECEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *DNSSEC, err error)
Enable or disable DNSSEC.
func (*DNSSECService) Get ¶
func (r *DNSSECService) Get(ctx context.Context, query DNSSECGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *DNSSEC, err error)
Details about DNSSEC status and configuration.
type DNSSECStatus ¶
type DNSSECStatus string
Status of DNSSEC, based on user-desired state and presence of necessary records.
const ( DNSSECStatusActive DNSSECStatus = "active" DNSSECStatusPending DNSSECStatus = "pending" DNSSECStatusDisabled DNSSECStatus = "disabled" DNSSECStatusPendingDisabled DNSSECStatus = "pending-disabled" DNSSECStatusError DNSSECStatus = "error" )
func (DNSSECStatus) IsKnown ¶
func (r DNSSECStatus) IsKnown() bool
type DNSService ¶
type DNSService struct { Options []option.RequestOption DNSSEC *DNSSECService Records *RecordService Settings *SettingService Analytics *AnalyticsService ZoneTransfers *ZoneTransferService }
DNSService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewDNSService method instead.
func NewDNSService ¶
func NewDNSService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *DNSService)
NewDNSService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
type DSRecord ¶
type DSRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted DS content. See 'data' to set DS properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a DS record. Data DSRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings DSRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type DSRecordType `json:"type"` JSON dsRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*DSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type DSRecordData ¶
type DSRecordData struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm float64 `json:"algorithm"` // Digest. Digest string `json:"digest"` // Digest Type. DigestType float64 `json:"digest_type"` // Key Tag. KeyTag float64 `json:"key_tag"` JSON dsRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a DS record.
func (*DSRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DSRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DSRecordDataParam ¶
type DSRecordDataParam struct { // Algorithm. Algorithm param.Field[float64] `json:"algorithm"` // Digest. Digest param.Field[string] `json:"digest"` // Digest Type. DigestType param.Field[float64] `json:"digest_type"` // Key Tag. KeyTag param.Field[float64] `json:"key_tag"` }
Components of a DS record.
func (DSRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DSRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DSRecordParam ¶
type DSRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a DS record. Data param.Field[DSRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[DSRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[DSRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (DSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DSRecordSettings ¶
type DSRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON dsRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*DSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *DSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type DSRecordSettingsParam ¶
type DSRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (DSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r DSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type DSRecordType ¶
type DSRecordType string
Record type.
const (
DSRecordTypeDS DSRecordType = "DS"
func (DSRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r DSRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type DisableTransfer ¶
type DisableTransfer = string
type EnableTransfer ¶
type EnableTransfer = string
type HTTPSRecord ¶
type HTTPSRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted HTTPS content. See 'data' to set HTTPS properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a HTTPS record. Data HTTPSRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings HTTPSRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type HTTPSRecordType `json:"type"` JSON httpsRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*HTTPSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *HTTPSRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type HTTPSRecordData ¶
type HTTPSRecordData struct { // priority. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // target. Target string `json:"target"` // value. Value string `json:"value"` JSON httpsRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a HTTPS record.
func (*HTTPSRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *HTTPSRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type HTTPSRecordDataParam ¶
type HTTPSRecordDataParam struct { // priority. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // target. Target param.Field[string] `json:"target"` // value. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
Components of a HTTPS record.
func (HTTPSRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r HTTPSRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type HTTPSRecordParam ¶
type HTTPSRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a HTTPS record. Data param.Field[HTTPSRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[HTTPSRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[HTTPSRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (HTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r HTTPSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type HTTPSRecordSettings ¶
type HTTPSRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON httpsRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*HTTPSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *HTTPSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type HTTPSRecordSettingsParam ¶
type HTTPSRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (HTTPSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r HTTPSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type HTTPSRecordType ¶
type HTTPSRecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (HTTPSRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r HTTPSRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type LOCRecord ¶
type LOCRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted LOC content. See 'data' to set LOC properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a LOC record. Data LOCRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings LOCRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type LOCRecordType `json:"type"` JSON locRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*LOCRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type LOCRecordData ¶
type LOCRecordData struct { // Altitude of location in meters. Altitude float64 `json:"altitude"` // Degrees of latitude. LatDegrees float64 `json:"lat_degrees"` // Latitude direction. LatDirection LOCRecordDataLatDirection `json:"lat_direction"` // Minutes of latitude. LatMinutes float64 `json:"lat_minutes"` // Seconds of latitude. LatSeconds float64 `json:"lat_seconds"` // Degrees of longitude. LongDegrees float64 `json:"long_degrees"` // Longitude direction. LongDirection LOCRecordDataLongDirection `json:"long_direction"` // Minutes of longitude. LongMinutes float64 `json:"long_minutes"` // Seconds of longitude. LongSeconds float64 `json:"long_seconds"` // Horizontal precision of location. PrecisionHorz float64 `json:"precision_horz"` // Vertical precision of location. PrecisionVert float64 `json:"precision_vert"` // Size of location in meters. Size float64 `json:"size"` JSON locRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a LOC record.
func (*LOCRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LOCRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LOCRecordDataLatDirection ¶
type LOCRecordDataLatDirection string
Latitude direction.
const ( LOCRecordDataLatDirectionN LOCRecordDataLatDirection = "N" LOCRecordDataLatDirectionS LOCRecordDataLatDirection = "S" )
func (LOCRecordDataLatDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r LOCRecordDataLatDirection) IsKnown() bool
type LOCRecordDataLongDirection ¶
type LOCRecordDataLongDirection string
Longitude direction.
const ( LOCRecordDataLongDirectionE LOCRecordDataLongDirection = "E" LOCRecordDataLongDirectionW LOCRecordDataLongDirection = "W" )
func (LOCRecordDataLongDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r LOCRecordDataLongDirection) IsKnown() bool
type LOCRecordDataParam ¶
type LOCRecordDataParam struct { // Altitude of location in meters. Altitude param.Field[float64] `json:"altitude"` // Degrees of latitude. LatDegrees param.Field[float64] `json:"lat_degrees"` // Latitude direction. LatDirection param.Field[LOCRecordDataLatDirection] `json:"lat_direction"` // Minutes of latitude. LatMinutes param.Field[float64] `json:"lat_minutes"` // Seconds of latitude. LatSeconds param.Field[float64] `json:"lat_seconds"` // Degrees of longitude. LongDegrees param.Field[float64] `json:"long_degrees"` // Longitude direction. LongDirection param.Field[LOCRecordDataLongDirection] `json:"long_direction"` // Minutes of longitude. LongMinutes param.Field[float64] `json:"long_minutes"` // Seconds of longitude. LongSeconds param.Field[float64] `json:"long_seconds"` // Horizontal precision of location. PrecisionHorz param.Field[float64] `json:"precision_horz"` // Vertical precision of location. PrecisionVert param.Field[float64] `json:"precision_vert"` // Size of location in meters. Size param.Field[float64] `json:"size"` }
Components of a LOC record.
func (LOCRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r LOCRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type LOCRecordParam ¶
type LOCRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a LOC record. Data param.Field[LOCRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[LOCRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[LOCRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (LOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r LOCRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type LOCRecordSettings ¶
type LOCRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON locRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*LOCRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *LOCRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type LOCRecordSettingsParam ¶
type LOCRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (LOCRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r LOCRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type LOCRecordType ¶
type LOCRecordType string
Record type.
const (
LOCRecordTypeLOC LOCRecordType = "LOC"
func (LOCRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r LOCRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type MXRecord ¶
type MXRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // A valid mail server hostname. Content string `json:"content" format:"hostname"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings MXRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type MXRecordType `json:"type"` JSON mxRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*MXRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type MXRecordParam ¶
type MXRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid mail server hostname. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content" format:"hostname"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[MXRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[MXRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (MXRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r MXRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type MXRecordSettings ¶
type MXRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON mxRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*MXRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *MXRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type MXRecordSettingsParam ¶
type MXRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (MXRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r MXRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type MXRecordType ¶
type MXRecordType string
Record type.
const (
MXRecordTypeMX MXRecordType = "MX"
func (MXRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r MXRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type MemberPoliciesAccess ¶
type MemberPoliciesAccess = shared.MemberPoliciesAccess
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
A group of scoped resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the resource group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
A scope is a combination of scope objects which provides additional context.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
A scope object represents any resource that can have actions applied against invite.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberStatus ¶
type MemberStatus = shared.MemberStatus
A member's status in the account.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberUser ¶
type MemberUser = shared.MemberUser
Details of the user associated to the membership.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type NAPTRRecord ¶
type NAPTRRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted NAPTR content. See 'data' to set NAPTR properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a NAPTR record. Data NAPTRRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings NAPTRRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type NAPTRRecordType `json:"type"` JSON naptrRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*NAPTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *NAPTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type NAPTRRecordData ¶
type NAPTRRecordData struct { // Flags. Flags string `json:"flags"` // Order. Order float64 `json:"order"` // Preference. Preference float64 `json:"preference"` // Regex. Regex string `json:"regex"` // Replacement. Replacement string `json:"replacement"` // Service. Service string `json:"service"` JSON naptrRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a NAPTR record.
func (*NAPTRRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *NAPTRRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type NAPTRRecordDataParam ¶
type NAPTRRecordDataParam struct { // Flags. Flags param.Field[string] `json:"flags"` // Order. Order param.Field[float64] `json:"order"` // Preference. Preference param.Field[float64] `json:"preference"` // Regex. Regex param.Field[string] `json:"regex"` // Replacement. Replacement param.Field[string] `json:"replacement"` // Service. Service param.Field[string] `json:"service"` }
Components of a NAPTR record.
func (NAPTRRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r NAPTRRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type NAPTRRecordParam ¶
type NAPTRRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a NAPTR record. Data param.Field[NAPTRRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[NAPTRRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[NAPTRRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (NAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r NAPTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type NAPTRRecordSettings ¶
type NAPTRRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON naptrRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*NAPTRRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *NAPTRRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type NAPTRRecordSettingsParam ¶
type NAPTRRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (NAPTRRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r NAPTRRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type NAPTRRecordType ¶
type NAPTRRecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (NAPTRRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r NAPTRRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type NSRecord ¶
type NSRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // A valid name server host name. Content string `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings NSRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type NSRecordType `json:"type"` JSON nsRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*NSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type NSRecordParam ¶
type NSRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid name server host name. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[NSRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[NSRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (NSRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r NSRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type NSRecordSettings ¶
type NSRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON nsRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*NSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *NSRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type NSRecordSettingsParam ¶
type NSRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (NSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r NSRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type NSRecordType ¶
type NSRecordType string
Record type.
const (
NSRecordTypeNS NSRecordType = "NS"
func (NSRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r NSRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type PTRRecord ¶
type PTRRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Domain name pointing to the address. Content string `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings PTRRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type PTRRecordType `json:"type"` JSON ptrRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*PTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PTRRecordParam ¶
type PTRRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Domain name pointing to the address. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[PTRRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[PTRRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (PTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r PTRRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type PTRRecordSettings ¶
type PTRRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON ptrRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*PTRRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *PTRRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type PTRRecordSettingsParam ¶
type PTRRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (PTRRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r PTRRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type PTRRecordType ¶
type PTRRecordType string
Record type.
const (
PTRRecordTypePTR PTRRecordType = "PTR"
func (PTRRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r PTRRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type Peer ¶
type Peer struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // The name of the peer. Name string `json:"name,required"` // IPv4/IPv6 address of primary or secondary nameserver, depending on what zone // this peer is linked to. For primary zones this IP defines the IP of the // secondary nameserver Cloudflare will NOTIFY upon zone changes. For secondary // zones this IP defines the IP of the primary nameserver Cloudflare will send // AXFR/IXFR requests to. IP string `json:"ip"` // Enable IXFR transfer protocol, default is AXFR. Only applicable to secondary // zones. IxfrEnable bool `json:"ixfr_enable"` // DNS port of primary or secondary nameserver, depending on what zone this peer is // linked to. Port float64 `json:"port"` // TSIG authentication will be used for zone transfer if configured. TSIGID string `json:"tsig_id"` JSON peerJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Peer) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type PeerParam ¶
type PeerParam struct { // The name of the peer. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // IPv4/IPv6 address of primary or secondary nameserver, depending on what zone // this peer is linked to. For primary zones this IP defines the IP of the // secondary nameserver Cloudflare will NOTIFY upon zone changes. For secondary // zones this IP defines the IP of the primary nameserver Cloudflare will send // AXFR/IXFR requests to. IP param.Field[string] `json:"ip"` // Enable IXFR transfer protocol, default is AXFR. Only applicable to secondary // zones. IxfrEnable param.Field[bool] `json:"ixfr_enable"` // DNS port of primary or secondary nameserver, depending on what zone this peer is // linked to. Port param.Field[float64] `json:"port"` // TSIG authentication will be used for zone transfer if configured. TSIGID param.Field[string] `json:"tsig_id"` }
func (PeerParam) MarshalJSON ¶
type PermissionGrant ¶
type PermissionGrant = shared.PermissionGrant
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrantParam ¶
type PermissionGrantParam = shared.PermissionGrantParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RatePlanID ¶ added in v4.1.0
type RatePlanID = shared.RatePlanID
The ID of the rate plan.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RatePlanParam ¶
type RatePlanParam = shared.RatePlanParam
The rate plan applied to the subscription.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RecordBatchParams ¶
type RecordBatchParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Deletes param.Field[[]RecordBatchParamsDelete] `json:"deletes"` Patches param.Field[[]BatchPatchUnionParam] `json:"patches"` Posts param.Field[[]RecordUnionParam] `json:"posts"` Puts param.Field[[]BatchPutUnionParam] `json:"puts"` }
func (RecordBatchParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordBatchParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordBatchParamsDelete ¶
func (RecordBatchParamsDelete) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordBatchParamsDelete) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordBatchResponse ¶
type RecordBatchResponse struct { Deletes []RecordResponse `json:"deletes"` Patches []RecordResponse `json:"patches"` Posts []RecordResponse `json:"posts"` Puts []RecordResponse `json:"puts"` JSON recordBatchResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordBatchResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordBatchResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordBatchResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordBatchResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordBatchResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordBatchResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordBatchResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordBatchResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordBatchResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordDeleteParams ¶
type RecordDeleteResponse ¶
type RecordDeleteResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id"` JSON recordDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Result RecordDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordEditParams ¶
type RecordEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Record RecordUnionParam `json:"record,required"` }
func (RecordEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordExportParams ¶
type RecordGetParams ¶
type RecordGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordImportParams ¶
type RecordImportParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // BIND config to import. // // **Tip:** When using cURL, a file can be uploaded using // `--form 'file=@bind_config.txt'`. File param.Field[string] `json:"file,required"` // Whether or not proxiable records should receive the performance and security // benefits of Cloudflare. // // The value should be either `true` or `false`. Proxied param.Field[string] `json:"proxied"` }
func (RecordImportParams) MarshalMultipart ¶
func (r RecordImportParams) MarshalMultipart() (data []byte, contentType string, err error)
type RecordImportResponse ¶
type RecordImportResponse struct { // Number of DNS records added. RecsAdded float64 `json:"recs_added"` // Total number of DNS records parsed. TotalRecordsParsed float64 `json:"total_records_parsed"` JSON recordImportResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordImportResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordImportResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordImportResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordImportResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordImportResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordImportResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordImportResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordImportResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordImportResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordListParams ¶
type RecordListParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Comment param.Field[RecordListParamsComment] `query:"comment"` Content param.Field[RecordListParamsContent] `query:"content"` // Direction to order DNS records in. Direction param.Field[shared.SortDirection] `query:"direction"` // Whether to match all search requirements or at least one (any). If set to `all`, // acts like a logical AND between filters. If set to `any`, acts like a logical OR // instead. Note that the interaction between tag filters is controlled by the // `tag-match` parameter instead. Match param.Field[RecordListParamsMatch] `query:"match"` Name param.Field[RecordListParamsName] `query:"name"` // Field to order DNS records by. Order param.Field[RecordListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // Number of DNS records per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `query:"proxied"` // Allows searching in multiple properties of a DNS record simultaneously. This // parameter is intended for human users, not automation. Its exact behavior is // intentionally left unspecified and is subject to change in the future. This // parameter works independently of the `match` setting. For automated searches, // please use the other available parameters. Search param.Field[string] `query:"search"` Tag param.Field[RecordListParamsTag] `query:"tag"` // Whether to match all tag search requirements or at least one (any). If set to // `all`, acts like a logical AND between tag filters. If set to `any`, acts like a // logical OR instead. Note that the regular `match` parameter is still used to // combine the resulting condition with other filters that aren't related to tags. TagMatch param.Field[RecordListParamsTagMatch] `query:"tag_match"` // Record type. Type param.Field[RecordListParamsType] `query:"type"` }
func (RecordListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r RecordListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RecordListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RecordListParamsComment ¶
type RecordListParamsComment struct { // If this parameter is present, only records _without_ a comment are returned. Absent param.Field[string] `query:"absent"` // Substring of the DNS record comment. Comment filters are case-insensitive. Contains param.Field[string] `query:"contains"` // Suffix of the DNS record comment. Comment filters are case-insensitive. Endswith param.Field[string] `query:"endswith"` // Exact value of the DNS record comment. Comment filters are case-insensitive. Exact param.Field[string] `query:"exact"` // If this parameter is present, only records _with_ a comment are returned. Present param.Field[string] `query:"present"` // Prefix of the DNS record comment. Comment filters are case-insensitive. Startswith param.Field[string] `query:"startswith"` }
func (RecordListParamsComment) URLQuery ¶
func (r RecordListParamsComment) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RecordListParamsComment's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RecordListParamsContent ¶
type RecordListParamsContent struct { // Substring of the DNS record content. Content filters are case-insensitive. Contains param.Field[string] `query:"contains"` // Suffix of the DNS record content. Content filters are case-insensitive. Endswith param.Field[string] `query:"endswith"` // Exact value of the DNS record content. Content filters are case-insensitive. Exact param.Field[string] `query:"exact"` // Prefix of the DNS record content. Content filters are case-insensitive. Startswith param.Field[string] `query:"startswith"` }
func (RecordListParamsContent) URLQuery ¶
func (r RecordListParamsContent) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RecordListParamsContent's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RecordListParamsMatch ¶
type RecordListParamsMatch string
Whether to match all search requirements or at least one (any). If set to `all`, acts like a logical AND between filters. If set to `any`, acts like a logical OR instead. Note that the interaction between tag filters is controlled by the `tag-match` parameter instead.
const ( RecordListParamsMatchAny RecordListParamsMatch = "any" RecordListParamsMatchAll RecordListParamsMatch = "all" )
func (RecordListParamsMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordListParamsMatch) IsKnown() bool
type RecordListParamsName ¶
type RecordListParamsName struct { // Substring of the DNS record name. Name filters are case-insensitive. Contains param.Field[string] `query:"contains"` // Suffix of the DNS record name. Name filters are case-insensitive. Endswith param.Field[string] `query:"endswith"` // Exact value of the DNS record name. Name filters are case-insensitive. Exact param.Field[string] `query:"exact"` // Prefix of the DNS record name. Name filters are case-insensitive. Startswith param.Field[string] `query:"startswith"` }
func (RecordListParamsName) URLQuery ¶
func (r RecordListParamsName) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RecordListParamsName's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RecordListParamsOrder ¶
type RecordListParamsOrder string
Field to order DNS records by.
const ( RecordListParamsOrderType RecordListParamsOrder = "type" RecordListParamsOrderName RecordListParamsOrder = "name" RecordListParamsOrderContent RecordListParamsOrder = "content" RecordListParamsOrderTTL RecordListParamsOrder = "ttl" RecordListParamsOrderProxied RecordListParamsOrder = "proxied" )
func (RecordListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type RecordListParamsTag ¶
type RecordListParamsTag struct { // Name of a tag which must _not_ be present on the DNS record. Tag filters are // case-insensitive. Absent param.Field[string] `query:"absent"` // A tag and value, of the form `<tag-name>:<tag-value>`. The API will only return // DNS records that have a tag named `<tag-name>` whose value contains // `<tag-value>`. Tag filters are case-insensitive. Contains param.Field[string] `query:"contains"` // A tag and value, of the form `<tag-name>:<tag-value>`. The API will only return // DNS records that have a tag named `<tag-name>` whose value ends with // `<tag-value>`. Tag filters are case-insensitive. Endswith param.Field[string] `query:"endswith"` // A tag and value, of the form `<tag-name>:<tag-value>`. The API will only return // DNS records that have a tag named `<tag-name>` whose value is `<tag-value>`. Tag // filters are case-insensitive. Exact param.Field[string] `query:"exact"` // Name of a tag which must be present on the DNS record. Tag filters are // case-insensitive. Present param.Field[string] `query:"present"` // A tag and value, of the form `<tag-name>:<tag-value>`. The API will only return // DNS records that have a tag named `<tag-name>` whose value starts with // `<tag-value>`. Tag filters are case-insensitive. Startswith param.Field[string] `query:"startswith"` }
func (RecordListParamsTag) URLQuery ¶
func (r RecordListParamsTag) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes RecordListParamsTag's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type RecordListParamsTagMatch ¶
type RecordListParamsTagMatch string
Whether to match all tag search requirements or at least one (any). If set to `all`, acts like a logical AND between tag filters. If set to `any`, acts like a logical OR instead. Note that the regular `match` parameter is still used to combine the resulting condition with other filters that aren't related to tags.
const ( RecordListParamsTagMatchAny RecordListParamsTagMatch = "any" RecordListParamsTagMatchAll RecordListParamsTagMatch = "all" )
func (RecordListParamsTagMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordListParamsTagMatch) IsKnown() bool
type RecordListParamsType ¶
type RecordListParamsType string
Record type.
const ( RecordListParamsTypeA RecordListParamsType = "A" RecordListParamsTypeAAAA RecordListParamsType = "AAAA" RecordListParamsTypeCAA RecordListParamsType = "CAA" RecordListParamsTypeCERT RecordListParamsType = "CERT" RecordListParamsTypeCNAME RecordListParamsType = "CNAME" RecordListParamsTypeDNSKEY RecordListParamsType = "DNSKEY" RecordListParamsTypeDS RecordListParamsType = "DS" RecordListParamsTypeHTTPS RecordListParamsType = "HTTPS" RecordListParamsTypeLOC RecordListParamsType = "LOC" RecordListParamsTypeMX RecordListParamsType = "MX" RecordListParamsTypeNAPTR RecordListParamsType = "NAPTR" RecordListParamsTypeNS RecordListParamsType = "NS" RecordListParamsTypeOpenpgpkey RecordListParamsType = "OPENPGPKEY" RecordListParamsTypePTR RecordListParamsType = "PTR" RecordListParamsTypeSMIMEA RecordListParamsType = "SMIMEA" RecordListParamsTypeSRV RecordListParamsType = "SRV" RecordListParamsTypeSSHFP RecordListParamsType = "SSHFP" RecordListParamsTypeSVCB RecordListParamsType = "SVCB" RecordListParamsTypeTLSA RecordListParamsType = "TLSA" RecordListParamsTypeTXT RecordListParamsType = "TXT" RecordListParamsTypeURI RecordListParamsType = "URI" )
func (RecordListParamsType) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordListParamsType) IsKnown() bool
type RecordNewParams ¶
type RecordNewParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Record RecordUnionParam `json:"record,required"` }
func (RecordNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordOpenpgpkeyParam ¶
type RecordOpenpgpkeyParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A single Base64-encoded OpenPGP Transferable Public Key (RFC 4880 Section 11.1) Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[RecordOpenpgpkeyType] `json:"type"` }
func (RecordOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordOpenpgpkeyParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam ¶
type RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordOpenpgpkeySettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordOpenpgpkeyType ¶
type RecordOpenpgpkeyType string
Record type.
const (
RecordOpenpgpkeyTypeOpenpgpkey RecordOpenpgpkeyType = "OPENPGPKEY"
func (RecordOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown() bool
type RecordParam ¶
type RecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // A valid IPv4 address. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content" format:"ipv4"` Data param.Field[interface{}] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` Settings param.Field[interface{}] `json:"settings"` Tags param.Field[interface{}] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[RecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (RecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordResponse ¶
type RecordResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id"` // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // A valid IPv4 address. Content string `json:"content" format:"ipv4"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on" format:"date-time"` // This field can have the runtime type of [CAARecordData], [CERTRecordData], // [DNSKEYRecordData], [DSRecordData], [HTTPSRecordData], [LOCRecordData], // [NAPTRRecordData], [SMIMEARecordData], [SRVRecordData], [SSHFPRecordData], // [SVCBRecordData], [TLSARecordData], [URIRecordData]. Data interface{} `json:"data"` // This field can have the runtime type of [interface{}]. Meta interface{} `json:"meta"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on" format:"date-time"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // This field can have the runtime type of [ARecordSettings], [AAAARecordSettings], // [CAARecordSettings], [CERTRecordSettings], [CNAMERecordSettings], // [DNSKEYRecordSettings], [DSRecordSettings], [HTTPSRecordSettings], // [LOCRecordSettings], [MXRecordSettings], [NAPTRRecordSettings], // [NSRecordSettings], [RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings], [PTRRecordSettings], // [SMIMEARecordSettings], [SRVRecordSettings], [SSHFPRecordSettings], // [SVCBRecordSettings], [TLSARecordSettings], [TXTRecordSettings], // [URIRecordSettings]. Settings interface{} `json:"settings"` // This field can have the runtime type of [[]RecordTags]. Tags interface{} `json:"tags"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type RecordResponseType `json:"type"` JSON recordResponseJSON `json:"-"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (RecordResponse) AsUnion ¶
func (r RecordResponse) AsUnion() RecordResponseUnion
AsUnion returns a RecordResponseUnion interface which you can cast to the specific types for more type safety.
Possible runtime types of the union are dns.RecordResponseARecord, dns.RecordResponseAAAARecord, dns.RecordResponseCAARecord, dns.RecordResponseCERTRecord, dns.RecordResponseCNAMERecord, dns.RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord, dns.RecordResponseDSRecord, dns.RecordResponseHTTPSRecord, dns.RecordResponseLOCRecord, dns.RecordResponseMXRecord, dns.RecordResponseNAPTRRecord, dns.RecordResponseNSRecord, dns.RecordResponseOpenpgpkey, dns.RecordResponsePTRRecord, dns.RecordResponseSMIMEARecord, dns.RecordResponseSRVRecord, dns.RecordResponseSSHFPRecord, dns.RecordResponseSVCBRecord, dns.RecordResponseTLSARecord, dns.RecordResponseTXTRecord, dns.RecordResponseURIRecord.
func (*RecordResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseAAAARecord ¶
type RecordResponseAAAARecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseAAAARecordJSON `json:"-"` AAAARecord }
func (*RecordResponseAAAARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseAAAARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseARecord ¶
type RecordResponseARecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseARecordJSON `json:"-"` ARecord }
func (*RecordResponseARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseCAARecord ¶
type RecordResponseCAARecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseCAARecordJSON `json:"-"` CAARecord }
func (*RecordResponseCAARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseCAARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseCERTRecord ¶
type RecordResponseCERTRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseCERTRecordJSON `json:"-"` CERTRecord }
func (*RecordResponseCERTRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseCERTRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseCNAMERecord ¶
type RecordResponseCNAMERecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseCNAMERecordJSON `json:"-"` CNAMERecord }
func (*RecordResponseCNAMERecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseCNAMERecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord ¶
type RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseDNSKEYRecordJSON `json:"-"` DNSKEYRecord }
func (*RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseDSRecord ¶
type RecordResponseDSRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseDSRecordJSON `json:"-"` DSRecord }
func (*RecordResponseDSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseDSRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseHTTPSRecord ¶
type RecordResponseHTTPSRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseHTTPSRecordJSON `json:"-"` HTTPSRecord }
func (*RecordResponseHTTPSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseHTTPSRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseLOCRecord ¶
type RecordResponseLOCRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseLOCRecordJSON `json:"-"` LOCRecord }
func (*RecordResponseLOCRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseLOCRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseMXRecord ¶
type RecordResponseMXRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseMXRecordJSON `json:"-"` MXRecord }
func (*RecordResponseMXRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseMXRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseNAPTRRecord ¶
type RecordResponseNAPTRRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseNAPTRRecordJSON `json:"-"` NAPTRRecord }
func (*RecordResponseNAPTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseNAPTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseNSRecord ¶
type RecordResponseNSRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseNSRecordJSON `json:"-"` NSRecord }
func (*RecordResponseNSRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseNSRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkey ¶
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkey struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment,required"` // A single Base64-encoded OpenPGP Transferable Public Key (RFC 4880 Section 11.1) Content string `json:"content,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name,required"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied,required"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings `json:"settings,required"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags,required"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl,required"` // Record type. Type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType `json:"type,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseOpenpgpkeyJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordResponseOpenpgpkey) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseOpenpgpkey) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings ¶
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON recordResponseOpenpgpkeySettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseOpenpgpkeySettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType ¶
type RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType string
Record type.
const (
RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyTypeOpenpgpkey RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType = "OPENPGPKEY"
func (RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordResponseOpenpgpkeyType) IsKnown() bool
type RecordResponsePTRRecord ¶
type RecordResponsePTRRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponsePTRRecordJSON `json:"-"` PTRRecord }
func (*RecordResponsePTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponsePTRRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseSMIMEARecord ¶
type RecordResponseSMIMEARecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseSMIMEARecordJSON `json:"-"` SMIMEARecord }
func (*RecordResponseSMIMEARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseSMIMEARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseSRVRecord ¶
type RecordResponseSRVRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseSRVRecordJSON `json:"-"` SRVRecord }
func (*RecordResponseSRVRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseSRVRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseSSHFPRecord ¶
type RecordResponseSSHFPRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseSSHFPRecordJSON `json:"-"` SSHFPRecord }
func (*RecordResponseSSHFPRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseSSHFPRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseSVCBRecord ¶
type RecordResponseSVCBRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseSVCBRecordJSON `json:"-"` SVCBRecord }
func (*RecordResponseSVCBRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseSVCBRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseTLSARecord ¶
type RecordResponseTLSARecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseTLSARecordJSON `json:"-"` TLSARecord }
func (*RecordResponseTLSARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseTLSARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseTXTRecord ¶
type RecordResponseTXTRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseTXTRecordJSON `json:"-"` TXTRecord }
func (*RecordResponseTXTRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseTXTRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseType ¶
type RecordResponseType string
Record type.
const ( RecordResponseTypeA RecordResponseType = "A" RecordResponseTypeAAAA RecordResponseType = "AAAA" RecordResponseTypeCAA RecordResponseType = "CAA" RecordResponseTypeCERT RecordResponseType = "CERT" RecordResponseTypeCNAME RecordResponseType = "CNAME" RecordResponseTypeDNSKEY RecordResponseType = "DNSKEY" RecordResponseTypeDS RecordResponseType = "DS" RecordResponseTypeHTTPS RecordResponseType = "HTTPS" RecordResponseTypeLOC RecordResponseType = "LOC" RecordResponseTypeMX RecordResponseType = "MX" RecordResponseTypeNAPTR RecordResponseType = "NAPTR" RecordResponseTypeNS RecordResponseType = "NS" RecordResponseTypeOpenpgpkey RecordResponseType = "OPENPGPKEY" RecordResponseTypePTR RecordResponseType = "PTR" RecordResponseTypeSMIMEA RecordResponseType = "SMIMEA" RecordResponseTypeSRV RecordResponseType = "SRV" RecordResponseTypeSSHFP RecordResponseType = "SSHFP" RecordResponseTypeSVCB RecordResponseType = "SVCB" RecordResponseTypeTLSA RecordResponseType = "TLSA" RecordResponseTypeTXT RecordResponseType = "TXT" RecordResponseTypeURI RecordResponseType = "URI" )
func (RecordResponseType) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordResponseType) IsKnown() bool
type RecordResponseURIRecord ¶
type RecordResponseURIRecord struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the record was created. CreatedOn time.Time `json:"created_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Extra Cloudflare-specific information about the record. Meta interface{} `json:"meta,required"` // When the record was last modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,required" format:"date-time"` // Whether the record can be proxied by Cloudflare or not. Proxiable bool `json:"proxiable,required"` // When the record comment was last modified. Omitted if there is no comment. CommentModifiedOn time.Time `json:"comment_modified_on" format:"date-time"` // When the record tags were last modified. Omitted if there are no tags. TagsModifiedOn time.Time `json:"tags_modified_on" format:"date-time"` JSON recordResponseURIRecordJSON `json:"-"` URIRecord }
func (*RecordResponseURIRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordResponseURIRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordResponseUnion ¶
type RecordResponseUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Union satisfied by dns.RecordResponseARecord, dns.RecordResponseAAAARecord, dns.RecordResponseCAARecord, dns.RecordResponseCERTRecord, dns.RecordResponseCNAMERecord, dns.RecordResponseDNSKEYRecord, dns.RecordResponseDSRecord, dns.RecordResponseHTTPSRecord, dns.RecordResponseLOCRecord, dns.RecordResponseMXRecord, dns.RecordResponseNAPTRRecord, dns.RecordResponseNSRecord, dns.RecordResponseOpenpgpkey, dns.RecordResponsePTRRecord, dns.RecordResponseSMIMEARecord, dns.RecordResponseSRVRecord, dns.RecordResponseSSHFPRecord, dns.RecordResponseSVCBRecord, dns.RecordResponseTLSARecord, dns.RecordResponseTXTRecord or dns.RecordResponseURIRecord.
type RecordScanParams ¶
type RecordScanParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (RecordScanParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordScanParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordScanResponse ¶
type RecordScanResponse struct { // Number of DNS records added. RecsAdded float64 `json:"recs_added"` // Total number of DNS records parsed. TotalRecordsParsed float64 `json:"total_records_parsed"` JSON recordScanResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordScanResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordScanResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordScanResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordScanResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordScanResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordScanResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordScanResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordScanResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordScanResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RecordService ¶
type RecordService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
RecordService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewRecordService method instead.
func NewRecordService ¶
func NewRecordService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *RecordService)
NewRecordService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*RecordService) Batch ¶
func (r *RecordService) Batch(ctx context.Context, params RecordBatchParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordBatchResponse, err error)
Send a Batch of DNS Record API calls to be executed together.
Although Cloudflare will execute the batched operations in a single database transaction, Cloudflare's distributed KV store must treat each record change as a single key-value pair. This means that the propagation of changes is not atomic. See [the documentation]( "Batch DNS records") for more information.
The operations you specify within the /batch request body are always executed in the following order:
func (*RecordService) Delete ¶
func (r *RecordService) Delete(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, body RecordDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete DNS Record
func (*RecordService) Edit ¶
func (r *RecordService) Edit(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, params RecordEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
Update an existing DNS record.
- A/AAAA records cannot exist on the same name as CNAME records.
- NS records cannot exist on the same name as any other record type.
- Domain names are always represented in Punycode, even if Unicode characters were used when creating the record.
func (*RecordService) Export ¶
func (r *RecordService) Export(ctx context.Context, query RecordExportParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *string, err error)
You can export your [BIND config]( "Zone file") through this endpoint.
See [the documentation]( "Import and export records") for more information.
func (*RecordService) Get ¶
func (r *RecordService) Get(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, query RecordGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
DNS Record Details
func (*RecordService) Import ¶
func (r *RecordService) Import(ctx context.Context, params RecordImportParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordImportResponse, err error)
You can upload your [BIND config]( "Zone file") through this endpoint. It assumes that cURL is called from a location with bind_config.txt (valid BIND config) present.
See [the documentation]( "Import and export records") for more information.
func (*RecordService) List ¶
func (r *RecordService) List(ctx context.Context, params RecordListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[RecordResponse], err error)
List, search, sort, and filter a zones' DNS records.
func (*RecordService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *RecordService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params RecordListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[RecordResponse]
List, search, sort, and filter a zones' DNS records.
func (*RecordService) New ¶
func (r *RecordService) New(ctx context.Context, params RecordNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
Create a new DNS record for a zone.
- A/AAAA records cannot exist on the same name as CNAME records.
- NS records cannot exist on the same name as any other record type.
- Domain names are always represented in Punycode, even if Unicode characters were used when creating the record.
func (*RecordService) Scan ¶
func (r *RecordService) Scan(ctx context.Context, params RecordScanParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordScanResponse, err error)
Scan for common DNS records on your domain and automatically add them to your zone. Useful if you haven't updated your nameservers yet.
func (*RecordService) Update ¶
func (r *RecordService) Update(ctx context.Context, dnsRecordID string, params RecordUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RecordResponse, err error)
Overwrite an existing DNS record.
- A/AAAA records cannot exist on the same name as CNAME records.
- NS records cannot exist on the same name as any other record type.
- Domain names are always represented in Punycode, even if Unicode characters were used when creating the record.
type RecordTags ¶
type RecordTags = string
type RecordTagsParam ¶
type RecordTagsParam = string
type RecordType ¶
type RecordType string
Record type.
const ( RecordTypeA RecordType = "A" RecordTypeAAAA RecordType = "AAAA" RecordTypeCAA RecordType = "CAA" RecordTypeCERT RecordType = "CERT" RecordTypeCNAME RecordType = "CNAME" RecordTypeDNSKEY RecordType = "DNSKEY" RecordTypeDS RecordType = "DS" RecordTypeHTTPS RecordType = "HTTPS" RecordTypeLOC RecordType = "LOC" RecordTypeMX RecordType = "MX" RecordTypeNAPTR RecordType = "NAPTR" RecordTypeNS RecordType = "NS" RecordTypeOpenpgpkey RecordType = "OPENPGPKEY" RecordTypePTR RecordType = "PTR" RecordTypeSMIMEA RecordType = "SMIMEA" RecordTypeSRV RecordType = "SRV" RecordTypeSSHFP RecordType = "SSHFP" RecordTypeSVCB RecordType = "SVCB" RecordTypeTLSA RecordType = "TLSA" RecordTypeTXT RecordType = "TXT" RecordTypeURI RecordType = "URI" )
func (RecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordType) IsKnown() bool
type RecordUnionParam ¶
type RecordUnionParam interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Satisfied by dns.ARecordParam, dns.AAAARecordParam, dns.CAARecordParam, dns.CERTRecordParam, dns.CNAMERecordParam, dns.DNSKEYRecordParam, dns.DSRecordParam, dns.HTTPSRecordParam, dns.LOCRecordParam, dns.MXRecordParam, dns.NAPTRRecordParam, dns.NSRecordParam, dns.RecordOpenpgpkeyParam, dns.PTRRecordParam, dns.SMIMEARecordParam, dns.SRVRecordParam, dns.SSHFPRecordParam, dns.SVCBRecordParam, dns.TLSARecordParam, dns.TXTRecordParam, dns.URIRecordParam, RecordParam.
type RecordUpdateParams ¶
type RecordUpdateParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Record RecordUnionParam `json:"record,required"` }
func (RecordUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RecordUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RecordResponse `json:"result"` JSON recordUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RecordUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RecordUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RecordUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type Report ¶
type Report struct { // Array with one row per combination of dimension values. Data []ReportData `json:"data,required"` // Number of seconds between current time and last processed event, in another // words how many seconds of data could be missing. DataLag float64 `json:"data_lag,required"` // Maximum results for each metric (object mapping metric names to values). // Currently always an empty object. Max interface{} `json:"max,required"` // Minimum results for each metric (object mapping metric names to values). // Currently always an empty object. Min interface{} `json:"min,required"` Query ReportQuery `json:"query,required"` // Total number of rows in the result. Rows float64 `json:"rows,required"` // Total results for metrics across all data (object mapping metric names to // values). Totals interface{} `json:"totals,required"` JSON reportJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*Report) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type ReportData ¶
type ReportData struct { // Array of dimension values, representing the combination of dimension values // corresponding to this row. Dimensions []string `json:"dimensions,required"` // Array with one item per requested metric. Each item is a single value. Metrics []float64 `json:"metrics,required"` JSON reportDataJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ReportData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ReportData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ReportQuery ¶
type ReportQuery struct { // Array of dimension names. Dimensions []string `json:"dimensions,required"` // Limit number of returned metrics. Limit int64 `json:"limit,required"` // Array of metric names. Metrics []string `json:"metrics,required"` // Start date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Since time.Time `json:"since,required" format:"date-time"` // End date and time of requesting data period in ISO 8601 format. Until time.Time `json:"until,required" format:"date-time"` // Segmentation filter in 'attribute operator value' format. Filters string `json:"filters"` // Array of dimensions to sort by, where each dimension may be prefixed by - // (descending) or + (ascending). Sort []string `json:"sort"` JSON reportQueryJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ReportQuery) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ReportQuery) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RolePermissions ¶
type RolePermissions = shared.RolePermissions
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RolePermissionsParam ¶
type RolePermissionsParam = shared.RolePermissionsParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SMIMEARecord ¶
type SMIMEARecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted SMIMEA content. See 'data' to set SMIMEA properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a SMIMEA record. Data SMIMEARecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings SMIMEARecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type SMIMEARecordType `json:"type"` JSON smimeaRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SMIMEARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SMIMEARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SMIMEARecordData ¶
type SMIMEARecordData struct { // Certificate. Certificate string `json:"certificate"` // Matching Type. MatchingType float64 `json:"matching_type"` // Selector. Selector float64 `json:"selector"` // Usage. Usage float64 `json:"usage"` JSON smimeaRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a SMIMEA record.
func (*SMIMEARecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SMIMEARecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SMIMEARecordDataParam ¶
type SMIMEARecordDataParam struct { // Certificate. Certificate param.Field[string] `json:"certificate"` // Matching Type. MatchingType param.Field[float64] `json:"matching_type"` // Selector. Selector param.Field[float64] `json:"selector"` // Usage. Usage param.Field[float64] `json:"usage"` }
Components of a SMIMEA record.
func (SMIMEARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SMIMEARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SMIMEARecordParam ¶
type SMIMEARecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a SMIMEA record. Data param.Field[SMIMEARecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[SMIMEARecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[SMIMEARecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (SMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SMIMEARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SMIMEARecordSettings ¶
type SMIMEARecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON smimeaRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*SMIMEARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SMIMEARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SMIMEARecordSettingsParam ¶
type SMIMEARecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (SMIMEARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SMIMEARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SMIMEARecordType ¶
type SMIMEARecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (SMIMEARecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SMIMEARecordType) IsKnown() bool
type SRVRecord ¶
type SRVRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Priority, weight, port, and SRV target. See 'data' for setting the individual // component values. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a SRV record. Data SRVRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings SRVRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type SRVRecordType `json:"type"` JSON srvRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SRVRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type SRVRecordData ¶
type SRVRecordData struct { // The port of the service. Port float64 `json:"port"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // A valid hostname. Target string `json:"target" format:"hostname"` // The record weight. Weight float64 `json:"weight"` JSON srvRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a SRV record.
func (*SRVRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SRVRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SRVRecordDataParam ¶
type SRVRecordDataParam struct { // The port of the service. Port param.Field[float64] `json:"port"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // A valid hostname. Target param.Field[string] `json:"target" format:"hostname"` // The record weight. Weight param.Field[float64] `json:"weight"` }
Components of a SRV record.
func (SRVRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SRVRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SRVRecordParam ¶
type SRVRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a SRV record. Data param.Field[SRVRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[SRVRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[SRVRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (SRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SRVRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SRVRecordSettings ¶
type SRVRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON srvRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*SRVRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SRVRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SRVRecordSettingsParam ¶
type SRVRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (SRVRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SRVRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SRVRecordType ¶
type SRVRecordType string
Record type.
const (
SRVRecordTypeSRV SRVRecordType = "SRV"
func (SRVRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SRVRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type SSHFPRecord ¶
type SSHFPRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted SSHFP content. See 'data' to set SSHFP properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a SSHFP record. Data SSHFPRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings SSHFPRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type SSHFPRecordType `json:"type"` JSON sshfpRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SSHFPRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SSHFPRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SSHFPRecordData ¶
type SSHFPRecordData struct { // algorithm. Algorithm float64 `json:"algorithm"` // fingerprint. Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"` // type. Type float64 `json:"type"` JSON sshfpRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a SSHFP record.
func (*SSHFPRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SSHFPRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SSHFPRecordDataParam ¶
type SSHFPRecordDataParam struct { // algorithm. Algorithm param.Field[float64] `json:"algorithm"` // fingerprint. Fingerprint param.Field[string] `json:"fingerprint"` // type. Type param.Field[float64] `json:"type"` }
Components of a SSHFP record.
func (SSHFPRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SSHFPRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SSHFPRecordParam ¶
type SSHFPRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a SSHFP record. Data param.Field[SSHFPRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[SSHFPRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[SSHFPRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (SSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SSHFPRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SSHFPRecordSettings ¶
type SSHFPRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON sshfpRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*SSHFPRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SSHFPRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SSHFPRecordSettingsParam ¶
type SSHFPRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (SSHFPRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SSHFPRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SSHFPRecordType ¶
type SSHFPRecordType string
Record type.
const (
func (SSHFPRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SSHFPRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type SVCBRecord ¶
type SVCBRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted SVCB content. See 'data' to set SVCB properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a SVCB record. Data SVCBRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings SVCBRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type SVCBRecordType `json:"type"` JSON svcbRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SVCBRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SVCBRecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SVCBRecordData ¶
type SVCBRecordData struct { // priority. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // target. Target string `json:"target"` // value. Value string `json:"value"` JSON svcbRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a SVCB record.
func (*SVCBRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SVCBRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SVCBRecordDataParam ¶
type SVCBRecordDataParam struct { // priority. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // target. Target param.Field[string] `json:"target"` // value. Value param.Field[string] `json:"value"` }
Components of a SVCB record.
func (SVCBRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SVCBRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SVCBRecordParam ¶
type SVCBRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a SVCB record. Data param.Field[SVCBRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[SVCBRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[SVCBRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (SVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SVCBRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SVCBRecordSettings ¶
type SVCBRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON svcbRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*SVCBRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SVCBRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SVCBRecordSettingsParam ¶
type SVCBRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (SVCBRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SVCBRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SVCBRecordType ¶
type SVCBRecordType string
Record type.
const (
SVCBRecordTypeSVCB SVCBRecordType = "SVCB"
func (SVCBRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SVCBRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type SettingEditParams ¶
type SettingEditParams struct { // The Account ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Zone ID. AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id"` // The Zone ID to use for this endpoint. Mutually exclusive with the Account ID. ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id"` ZoneDefaults param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults] `json:"zone_defaults"` }
func (SettingEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults ¶
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults struct { // Whether to flatten all CNAME records in the zone. Note that, due to DNS // limitations, a CNAME record at the zone apex will always be flattened. FlattenAllCNAMEs param.Field[bool] `json:"flatten_all_cnames"` // Whether to enable Foundation DNS Advanced Nameservers on the zone. FoundationDNS param.Field[bool] `json:"foundation_dns"` // Settings for this internal zone. InternalDNS param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS] `json:"internal_dns"` // Whether to enable multi-provider DNS, which causes Cloudflare to activate the // zone even when non-Cloudflare NS records exist, and to respect NS records at the // zone apex during outbound zone transfers. MultiProvider param.Field[bool] `json:"multi_provider"` // Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available. Nameservers param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers] `json:"nameservers"` // The time to live (TTL) of the zone's nameserver (NS) records. NSTTL param.Field[float64] `json:"ns_ttl"` // Allows a Secondary DNS zone to use (proxied) override records and CNAME // flattening at the zone apex. SecondaryOverrides param.Field[bool] `json:"secondary_overrides"` // Components of the zone's SOA record. SOA param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA] `json:"soa"` // Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone. ZoneMode param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode] `json:"zone_mode"` }
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaults) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS ¶ added in v4.1.0
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS struct { // The ID of the zone to fallback to. ReferenceZoneID param.Field[string] `json:"reference_zone_id"` }
Settings for this internal zone.
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) MarshalJSON ¶ added in v4.1.0
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers ¶
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers struct { // Nameserver type Type param.Field[SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType] `json:"type,required"` }
Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available.
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameservers) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType ¶
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType string
Nameserver type
const ( SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandard SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard" SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandardRandom SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard.random" SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomAccount SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.account" SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomTenant SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.tenant" )
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown() bool
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA ¶
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA struct { // Time in seconds of being unable to query the primary server after which // secondary servers should stop serving the zone. Expire param.Field[float64] `json:"expire,required"` // The time to live (TTL) for negative caching of records within the zone. MinTTL param.Field[float64] `json:"min_ttl,required"` // The primary nameserver, which may be used for outbound zone transfers. MNAME param.Field[string] `json:"mname,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should re-check the SOA record to // see if the zone has been updated. Refresh param.Field[float64] `json:"refresh,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should retry queries after the // primary server was unresponsive. Retry param.Field[float64] `json:"retry,required"` // The email address of the zone administrator, with the first label representing // the local part of the email address. RNAME param.Field[string] `json:"rname,required"` // The time to live (TTL) of the SOA record itself. TTL param.Field[float64] `json:"ttl,required"` }
Components of the zone's SOA record.
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsSOA) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode ¶
type SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode string
Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone.
const ( SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneModeStandard SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "standard" SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneModeCDNOnly SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "cdn_only" SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneModeDNSOnly SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "dns_only" )
func (SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingEditParamsZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown() bool
type SettingEditResponse ¶
type SettingEditResponse struct { ZoneDefaults SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults `json:"zone_defaults"` JSON settingEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SettingEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults ¶
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults struct { // Whether to flatten all CNAME records in the zone. Note that, due to DNS // limitations, a CNAME record at the zone apex will always be flattened. FlattenAllCNAMEs bool `json:"flatten_all_cnames"` // Whether to enable Foundation DNS Advanced Nameservers on the zone. FoundationDNS bool `json:"foundation_dns"` // Settings for this internal zone. InternalDNS SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS `json:"internal_dns"` // Whether to enable multi-provider DNS, which causes Cloudflare to activate the // zone even when non-Cloudflare NS records exist, and to respect NS records at the // zone apex during outbound zone transfers. MultiProvider bool `json:"multi_provider"` // Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available. Nameservers SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers `json:"nameservers"` // The time to live (TTL) of the zone's nameserver (NS) records. NSTTL float64 `json:"ns_ttl"` // Allows a Secondary DNS zone to use (proxied) override records and CNAME // flattening at the zone apex. SecondaryOverrides bool `json:"secondary_overrides"` // Components of the zone's SOA record. SOA SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA `json:"soa"` // Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone. ZoneMode SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode `json:"zone_mode"` JSON settingEditResponseZoneDefaultsJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingEditResponseZoneDefaults) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS ¶ added in v4.1.0
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS struct { // The ID of the zone to fallback to. ReferenceZoneID string `json:"reference_zone_id"` JSON settingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNSJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for this internal zone.
func (*SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v4.1.0
func (r *SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers ¶
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers struct { // Nameserver type Type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType `json:"type,required"` JSON settingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available.
func (*SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType ¶
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType string
Nameserver type
const ( SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandard SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard" SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandardRandom SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard.random" SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomAccount SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.account" SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomTenant SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.tenant" )
func (SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown() bool
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA ¶
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA struct { // Time in seconds of being unable to query the primary server after which // secondary servers should stop serving the zone. Expire float64 `json:"expire,required"` // The time to live (TTL) for negative caching of records within the zone. MinTTL float64 `json:"min_ttl,required"` // The primary nameserver, which may be used for outbound zone transfers. MNAME string `json:"mname,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should re-check the SOA record to // see if the zone has been updated. Refresh float64 `json:"refresh,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should retry queries after the // primary server was unresponsive. Retry float64 `json:"retry,required"` // The email address of the zone administrator, with the first label representing // the local part of the email address. RNAME string `json:"rname,required"` // The time to live (TTL) of the SOA record itself. TTL float64 `json:"ttl,required"` JSON settingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOAJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of the zone's SOA record.
func (*SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsSOA) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode ¶
type SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode string
Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone.
const ( SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeStandard SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "standard" SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeCDNOnly SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "cdn_only" SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeDNSOnly SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "dns_only" )
func (SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingEditResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown() bool
type SettingGetParams ¶
type SettingGetResponse ¶
type SettingGetResponse struct { ZoneDefaults SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults `json:"zone_defaults"` JSON settingGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SettingGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults ¶
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults struct { // Whether to flatten all CNAME records in the zone. Note that, due to DNS // limitations, a CNAME record at the zone apex will always be flattened. FlattenAllCNAMEs bool `json:"flatten_all_cnames"` // Whether to enable Foundation DNS Advanced Nameservers on the zone. FoundationDNS bool `json:"foundation_dns"` // Settings for this internal zone. InternalDNS SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS `json:"internal_dns"` // Whether to enable multi-provider DNS, which causes Cloudflare to activate the // zone even when non-Cloudflare NS records exist, and to respect NS records at the // zone apex during outbound zone transfers. MultiProvider bool `json:"multi_provider"` // Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available. Nameservers SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers `json:"nameservers"` // The time to live (TTL) of the zone's nameserver (NS) records. NSTTL float64 `json:"ns_ttl"` // Allows a Secondary DNS zone to use (proxied) override records and CNAME // flattening at the zone apex. SecondaryOverrides bool `json:"secondary_overrides"` // Components of the zone's SOA record. SOA SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA `json:"soa"` // Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone. ZoneMode SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode `json:"zone_mode"` JSON settingGetResponseZoneDefaultsJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingGetResponseZoneDefaults) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS ¶ added in v4.1.0
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS struct { // The ID of the zone to fallback to. ReferenceZoneID string `json:"reference_zone_id"` JSON settingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNSJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for this internal zone.
func (*SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) UnmarshalJSON ¶ added in v4.1.0
func (r *SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsInternalDNS) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers ¶
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers struct { // Nameserver type Type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType `json:"type,required"` JSON settingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings determining the nameservers through which the zone should be available.
func (*SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameservers) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType ¶
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType string
Nameserver type
const ( SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandard SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard" SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCloudflareStandardRandom SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "cloudflare.standard.random" SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomAccount SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.account" SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversTypeCustomTenant SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType = "custom.tenant" )
func (SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsNameserversType) IsKnown() bool
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA ¶
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA struct { // Time in seconds of being unable to query the primary server after which // secondary servers should stop serving the zone. Expire float64 `json:"expire,required"` // The time to live (TTL) for negative caching of records within the zone. MinTTL float64 `json:"min_ttl,required"` // The primary nameserver, which may be used for outbound zone transfers. MNAME string `json:"mname,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should re-check the SOA record to // see if the zone has been updated. Refresh float64 `json:"refresh,required"` // Time in seconds after which secondary servers should retry queries after the // primary server was unresponsive. Retry float64 `json:"retry,required"` // The email address of the zone administrator, with the first label representing // the local part of the email address. RNAME string `json:"rname,required"` // The time to live (TTL) of the SOA record itself. TTL float64 `json:"ttl,required"` JSON settingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOAJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of the zone's SOA record.
func (*SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsSOA) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode ¶
type SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode string
Whether the zone mode is a regular or CDN/DNS only zone.
const ( SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeStandard SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "standard" SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeCDNOnly SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "cdn_only" SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneModeDNSOnly SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode = "dns_only" )
func (SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingGetResponseZoneDefaultsZoneMode) IsKnown() bool
type SettingService ¶
type SettingService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Views *SettingViewService }
SettingService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewSettingService method instead.
func NewSettingService ¶
func NewSettingService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *SettingService)
NewSettingService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*SettingService) Edit ¶
func (r *SettingService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params SettingEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingEditResponse, err error)
Update DNS settings for an account or zone
func (*SettingService) Get ¶
func (r *SettingService) Get(ctx context.Context, query SettingGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingGetResponse, err error)
Show DNS settings for an account or zone
type SettingViewDeleteParams ¶
type SettingViewDeleteResponse ¶
type SettingViewDeleteResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id"` JSON settingViewDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingViewDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Result SettingViewDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingViewDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewEditParams ¶
type SettingViewEditParams struct { // Identifier AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // The name of the view. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones param.Field[[]string] `json:"zones"` }
func (SettingViewEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingViewEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingViewEditResponse ¶
type SettingViewEditResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the view was created. CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time,required" format:"date-time"` // When the view was last modified. ModifiedTime time.Time `json:"modified_time,required" format:"date-time"` // The name of the view. Name string `json:"name,required"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones []string `json:"zones,required"` JSON settingViewEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SettingViewEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingViewEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewGetParams ¶
type SettingViewGetResponse ¶
type SettingViewGetResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the view was created. CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time,required" format:"date-time"` // When the view was last modified. ModifiedTime time.Time `json:"modified_time,required" format:"date-time"` // The name of the view. Name string `json:"name,required"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones []string `json:"zones,required"` JSON settingViewGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SettingViewGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingViewGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewListParams ¶
type SettingViewListParams struct { // Identifier AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Direction to order DNS views in. Direction param.Field[SettingViewListParamsDirection] `query:"direction"` // Whether to match all search requirements or at least one (any). If set to `all`, // acts like a logical AND between filters. If set to `any`, acts like a logical OR // instead. Match param.Field[SettingViewListParamsMatch] `query:"match"` Name param.Field[SettingViewListParamsName] `query:"name"` // Field to order DNS views by. Order param.Field[SettingViewListParamsOrder] `query:"order"` // Page number of paginated results. Page param.Field[float64] `query:"page"` // Number of DNS views per page. PerPage param.Field[float64] `query:"per_page"` // A zone ID that exists in the zones list for the view. ZoneID param.Field[string] `query:"zone_id"` // A zone name that exists in the zones list for the view. ZoneName param.Field[string] `query:"zone_name"` }
func (SettingViewListParams) URLQuery ¶
func (r SettingViewListParams) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes SettingViewListParams's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type SettingViewListParamsDirection ¶
type SettingViewListParamsDirection string
Direction to order DNS views in.
const ( SettingViewListParamsDirectionAsc SettingViewListParamsDirection = "asc" SettingViewListParamsDirectionDesc SettingViewListParamsDirection = "desc" )
func (SettingViewListParamsDirection) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewListParamsDirection) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewListParamsMatch ¶
type SettingViewListParamsMatch string
Whether to match all search requirements or at least one (any). If set to `all`, acts like a logical AND between filters. If set to `any`, acts like a logical OR instead.
const ( SettingViewListParamsMatchAny SettingViewListParamsMatch = "any" SettingViewListParamsMatchAll SettingViewListParamsMatch = "all" )
func (SettingViewListParamsMatch) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewListParamsMatch) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewListParamsName ¶
type SettingViewListParamsName struct { // Substring of the DNS view name. Contains param.Field[string] `query:"contains"` // Suffix of the DNS view name. Endswith param.Field[string] `query:"endswith"` // Exact value of the DNS view name. Exact param.Field[string] `query:"exact"` // Prefix of the DNS view name. Startswith param.Field[string] `query:"startswith"` }
func (SettingViewListParamsName) URLQuery ¶
func (r SettingViewListParamsName) URLQuery() (v url.Values)
URLQuery serializes SettingViewListParamsName's query parameters as `url.Values`.
type SettingViewListParamsOrder ¶
type SettingViewListParamsOrder string
Field to order DNS views by.
const ( SettingViewListParamsOrderName SettingViewListParamsOrder = "name" SettingViewListParamsOrderCreatedOn SettingViewListParamsOrder = "created_on" SettingViewListParamsOrderModifiedOn SettingViewListParamsOrder = "modified_on" )
func (SettingViewListParamsOrder) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewListParamsOrder) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewListResponse ¶
type SettingViewListResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the view was created. CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time,required" format:"date-time"` // When the view was last modified. ModifiedTime time.Time `json:"modified_time,required" format:"date-time"` // The name of the view. Name string `json:"name,required"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones []string `json:"zones,required"` JSON settingViewListResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewListResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewListResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewNewParams ¶
type SettingViewNewParams struct { // Identifier AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // The name of the view. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones param.Field[[]string] `json:"zones"` }
func (SettingViewNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SettingViewNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SettingViewNewResponse ¶
type SettingViewNewResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` // When the view was created. CreatedTime time.Time `json:"created_time,required" format:"date-time"` // When the view was last modified. ModifiedTime time.Time `json:"modified_time,required" format:"date-time"` // The name of the view. Name string `json:"name,required"` // The list of zones linked to this view. Zones []string `json:"zones,required"` JSON settingViewNewResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SettingViewNewResponse `json:"result"` JSON settingViewNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SettingViewNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SettingViewNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SettingViewNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SettingViewService ¶
type SettingViewService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
SettingViewService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewSettingViewService method instead.
func NewSettingViewService ¶
func NewSettingViewService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *SettingViewService)
NewSettingViewService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*SettingViewService) Delete ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) Delete(ctx context.Context, viewID string, body SettingViewDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingViewDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete an existing Internal DNS View
func (*SettingViewService) Edit ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) Edit(ctx context.Context, viewID string, params SettingViewEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingViewEditResponse, err error)
Update an existing Internal DNS View
func (*SettingViewService) Get ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) Get(ctx context.Context, viewID string, query SettingViewGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingViewGetResponse, err error)
Get DNS Internal View
func (*SettingViewService) List ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) List(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.V4PagePaginationArray[SettingViewListResponse], err error)
List DNS Internal Views for an Account
func (*SettingViewService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.V4PagePaginationArrayAutoPager[SettingViewListResponse]
List DNS Internal Views for an Account
func (*SettingViewService) New ¶
func (r *SettingViewService) New(ctx context.Context, params SettingViewNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SettingViewNewResponse, err error)
Create Internal DNS View for an account
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection = shared.SortDirection
Direction to order DNS records in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionFrequency ¶
type SubscriptionFrequency = shared.SubscriptionFrequency
How often the subscription is renewed automatically.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionParam ¶
type SubscriptionParam = shared.SubscriptionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionState ¶
type SubscriptionState = shared.SubscriptionState
The state that the subscription is in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TLSARecord ¶
type TLSARecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted TLSA content. See 'data' to set TLSA properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a TLSA record. Data TLSARecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings TLSARecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type TLSARecordType `json:"type"` JSON tlsaRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*TLSARecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *TLSARecord) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type TLSARecordData ¶
type TLSARecordData struct { // certificate. Certificate string `json:"certificate"` // Matching Type. MatchingType float64 `json:"matching_type"` // Selector. Selector float64 `json:"selector"` // Usage. Usage float64 `json:"usage"` JSON tlsaRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a TLSA record.
func (*TLSARecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *TLSARecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type TLSARecordDataParam ¶
type TLSARecordDataParam struct { // certificate. Certificate param.Field[string] `json:"certificate"` // Matching Type. MatchingType param.Field[float64] `json:"matching_type"` // Selector. Selector param.Field[float64] `json:"selector"` // Usage. Usage param.Field[float64] `json:"usage"` }
Components of a TLSA record.
func (TLSARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r TLSARecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type TLSARecordParam ¶
type TLSARecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a TLSA record. Data param.Field[TLSARecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[TLSARecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[TLSARecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (TLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r TLSARecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type TLSARecordSettings ¶
type TLSARecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON tlsaRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*TLSARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *TLSARecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type TLSARecordSettingsParam ¶
type TLSARecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (TLSARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r TLSARecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type TLSARecordType ¶
type TLSARecordType string
Record type.
const (
TLSARecordTypeTLSA TLSARecordType = "TLSA"
func (TLSARecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r TLSARecordType) IsKnown() bool
type TSIG ¶
type TSIG struct { ID string `json:"id,required"` // TSIG algorithm. Algo string `json:"algo,required"` // TSIG key name. Name string `json:"name,required"` // TSIG secret. Secret string `json:"secret,required"` JSON tsigJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*TSIG) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TSIGParam ¶
type TSIGParam struct { // TSIG algorithm. Algo param.Field[string] `json:"algo,required"` // TSIG key name. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // TSIG secret. Secret param.Field[string] `json:"secret,required"` }
func (TSIGParam) MarshalJSON ¶
type TTL ¶
type TTL float64
Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for Enterprise zones.
const (
TTL1 TTL = 1
type TXTRecord ¶
type TXTRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Text content for the record. The content must consist of quoted "character // strings" (RFC 1035), each with a length of up to 255 bytes. Strings exceeding // this allowed maximum length are automatically split. // // Learn more at // <>. Content string `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings TXTRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type TXTRecordType `json:"type"` JSON txtRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*TXTRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type TXTRecordParam ¶
type TXTRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Text content for the record. The content must consist of quoted "character // strings" (RFC 1035), each with a length of up to 255 bytes. Strings exceeding // this allowed maximum length are automatically split. // // Learn more at // <>. Content param.Field[string] `json:"content"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[TXTRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[TXTRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (TXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r TXTRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type TXTRecordSettings ¶
type TXTRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON txtRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*TXTRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *TXTRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type TXTRecordSettingsParam ¶
type TXTRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (TXTRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r TXTRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type TXTRecordType ¶
type TXTRecordType string
Record type.
const (
TXTRecordTypeTXT TXTRecordType = "TXT"
func (TXTRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r TXTRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type TokenCondition ¶
type TokenCondition = shared.TokenCondition
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRList ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRList = shared.TokenConditionCIDRList
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam = shared.TokenConditionCIDRListParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionParam ¶
type TokenConditionParam = shared.TokenConditionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIP ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIP = shared.TokenConditionRequestIP
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam = shared.TokenConditionRequestIPParam
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyEffect ¶
type TokenPolicyEffect = shared.TokenPolicyEffect
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyParam ¶
type TokenPolicyParam = shared.TokenPolicyParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenStatus ¶
type TokenStatus = shared.TokenStatus
Status of the token.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenValue ¶
type TokenValue = shared.TokenValue
The token value.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type URIRecord ¶
type URIRecord struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment string `json:"comment"` // Formatted URI content. See 'data' to set URI properties. Content string `json:"content"` // Components of a URI record. Data URIRecordData `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name string `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority float64 `json:"priority"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied bool `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings URIRecordSettings `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags []RecordTags `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL TTL `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type URIRecordType `json:"type"` JSON uriRecordJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*URIRecord) UnmarshalJSON ¶
type URIRecordData ¶
type URIRecordData struct { // The record content. Target string `json:"target"` // The record weight. Weight float64 `json:"weight"` JSON uriRecordDataJSON `json:"-"` }
Components of a URI record.
func (*URIRecordData) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *URIRecordData) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type URIRecordDataParam ¶
type URIRecordDataParam struct { // The record content. Target param.Field[string] `json:"target"` // The record weight. Weight param.Field[float64] `json:"weight"` }
Components of a URI record.
func (URIRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r URIRecordDataParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type URIRecordParam ¶
type URIRecordParam struct { // Comments or notes about the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS // responses. Comment param.Field[string] `json:"comment"` // Components of a URI record. Data param.Field[URIRecordDataParam] `json:"data"` // DNS record name (or @ for the zone apex) in Punycode. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name"` // Required for MX, SRV and URI records; unused by other record types. Records with // lower priorities are preferred. Priority param.Field[float64] `json:"priority"` // Whether the record is receiving the performance and security benefits of // Cloudflare. Proxied param.Field[bool] `json:"proxied"` // Settings for the DNS record. Settings param.Field[URIRecordSettingsParam] `json:"settings"` // Custom tags for the DNS record. This field has no effect on DNS responses. Tags param.Field[[]RecordTagsParam] `json:"tags"` // Time To Live (TTL) of the DNS record in seconds. Setting to 1 means 'automatic'. // Value must be between 60 and 86400, with the minimum reduced to 30 for // Enterprise zones. TTL param.Field[TTL] `json:"ttl"` // Record type. Type param.Field[URIRecordType] `json:"type"` }
func (URIRecordParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r URIRecordParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type URIRecordSettings ¶
type URIRecordSettings struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only bool `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only bool `json:"ipv6_only"` JSON uriRecordSettingsJSON `json:"-"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (*URIRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *URIRecordSettings) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type URIRecordSettingsParam ¶
type URIRecordSettingsParam struct { // When enabled, only A records will be generated, and AAAA records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV4Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv4_only"` // When enabled, only AAAA records will be generated, and A records will not be // created. This setting is intended for exceptional cases. Note that this option // only applies to proxied records and it has no effect on whether Cloudflare // communicates with the origin using IPv4 or IPv6. IPV6Only param.Field[bool] `json:"ipv6_only"` }
Settings for the DNS record.
func (URIRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r URIRecordSettingsParam) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type URIRecordType ¶
type URIRecordType string
Record type.
const (
URIRecordTypeURI URIRecordType = "URI"
func (URIRecordType) IsKnown ¶
func (r URIRecordType) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` JSON zoneTransferACLDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ACL `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferACLNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferACLNewParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // Allowed IPv4/IPv6 address range of primary or secondary nameservers. This will // be applied for the entire account. The IP range is used to allow additional // NOTIFY IPs for secondary zones and IPs Cloudflare allows AXFR/IXFR requests from // for primary zones. CIDRs are limited to a maximum of /24 for IPv4 and /64 for // IPv6 respectively. IPRange param.Field[string] `json:"ip_range,required"` // The name of the acl. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferACLNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ACL `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferACLService ¶
type ZoneTransferACLService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferACLService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferACLService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferACLService ¶
func NewZoneTransferACLService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferACLService)
NewZoneTransferACLService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) Delete ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Delete(ctx context.Context, aclID string, body ZoneTransferACLDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferACLDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete ACL.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Get(ctx context.Context, aclID string, query ZoneTransferACLGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ACL, err error)
Get ACL.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) List ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferACLListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.SinglePage[ACL], err error)
List ACLs.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferACLListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[ACL]
List ACLs.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferACLNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ACL, err error)
Create ACL.
func (*ZoneTransferACLService) Update ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLService) Update(ctx context.Context, aclID string, params ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ACL, err error)
Modify ACL.
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams ¶
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` ACL ACLParam `json:"acl,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ACL `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferACLUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // When force_axfr query parameter is set to true, the response is a simple string Result ForceAXFR `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRService ¶
type ZoneTransferForceAXFRService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferForceAXFRService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferForceAXFRService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferForceAXFRService ¶
func NewZoneTransferForceAXFRService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferForceAXFRService)
NewZoneTransferForceAXFRService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferForceAXFRService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferForceAXFRService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferForceAXFRNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ForceAXFR, err error)
Sends AXFR zone transfer request to primary nameserver(s).
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // How often should a secondary zone auto refresh regardless of DNS NOTIFY. Not // applicable for primary zones. AutoRefreshSeconds float64 `json:"auto_refresh_seconds"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. ModifiedTime string `json:"modified_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // How often should a secondary zone auto refresh regardless of DNS NOTIFY. Not // applicable for primary zones. AutoRefreshSeconds param.Field[float64] `json:"auto_refresh_seconds,required"` // Zone name. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // A list of peer tags. Peers param.Field[[]string] `json:"peers,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // How often should a secondary zone auto refresh regardless of DNS NOTIFY. Not // applicable for primary zones. AutoRefreshSeconds float64 `json:"auto_refresh_seconds"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. ModifiedTime string `json:"modified_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingNewResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferIncomingService ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferIncomingService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferIncomingService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferIncomingService ¶
func NewZoneTransferIncomingService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService)
NewZoneTransferIncomingService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingService) Delete ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete secondary zone configuration for incoming zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Get(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferIncomingGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingGetResponse, err error)
Get secondary zone configuration for incoming zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferIncomingNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingNewResponse, err error)
Create secondary zone configuration for incoming zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingService) Update ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingService) Update(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse, err error)
Update secondary zone configuration for incoming zone transfers.
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // How often should a secondary zone auto refresh regardless of DNS NOTIFY. Not // applicable for primary zones. AutoRefreshSeconds param.Field[float64] `json:"auto_refresh_seconds,required"` // Zone name. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // A list of peer tags. Peers param.Field[[]string] `json:"peers,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // How often should a secondary zone auto refresh regardless of DNS NOTIFY. Not // applicable for primary zones. AutoRefreshSeconds float64 `json:"auto_refresh_seconds"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. ModifiedTime string `json:"modified_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferIncomingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // The zone transfer status of a primary zone Result DisableTransfer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // The zone transfer status of a primary zone Result EnableTransfer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // When force_notify query parameter is set to true, the response is a simple // string Result string `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. LastTransferredTime string `json:"last_transferred_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Zone name. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // A list of peer tags. Peers param.Field[[]string] `json:"peers,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. LastTransferredTime string `json:"last_transferred_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingService ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingService struct { Options []option.RequestOption Status *ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService }
ZoneTransferOutgoingService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferOutgoingService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferOutgoingService ¶
func NewZoneTransferOutgoingService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService)
NewZoneTransferOutgoingService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Delete ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete primary zone configuration for outgoing zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Disable ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Disable(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingDisableParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *DisableTransfer, err error)
Disable outgoing zone transfers for primary zone and clears IXFR backlog of primary zone.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Enable ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Enable(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingEnableParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *EnableTransfer, err error)
Enable outgoing zone transfers for primary zone.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) ForceNotify ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) ForceNotify(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingForceNotifyParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *string, err error)
Notifies the secondary nameserver(s) and clears IXFR backlog of primary zone.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Get(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferOutgoingGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingGetResponse, err error)
Get primary zone configuration for outgoing zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingNewResponse, err error)
Create primary zone configuration for outgoing zone transfers.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Update ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingService) Update(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse, err error)
Update primary zone configuration for outgoing zone transfers.
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // The zone transfer status of a primary zone Result EnableTransfer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService ¶
func NewZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService)
NewZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusService) Get(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferOutgoingStatusGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *EnableTransfer, err error)
Get primary zone transfer status.
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Zone name. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` // A list of peer tags. Peers param.Field[[]string] `json:"peers,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` // The time for a specific event. CheckedTime string `json:"checked_time"` // The time for a specific event. CreatedTime string `json:"created_time"` // The time for a specific event. LastTransferredTime string `json:"last_transferred_time"` // Zone name. Name string `json:"name"` // A list of peer tags. Peers []string `json:"peers"` // The serial number of the SOA for the given zone. SOASerial float64 `json:"soa_serial"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferOutgoingUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` JSON zoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result Peer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferPeerNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerNewParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` // The name of the peer. Name param.Field[string] `json:"name,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferPeerNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result Peer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferPeerService ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferPeerService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferPeerService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferPeerService ¶
func NewZoneTransferPeerService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferPeerService)
NewZoneTransferPeerService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) Delete ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Delete(ctx context.Context, peerID string, body ZoneTransferPeerDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferPeerDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete Peer.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Get(ctx context.Context, peerID string, query ZoneTransferPeerGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Peer, err error)
Get Peer.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) List ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferPeerListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.SinglePage[Peer], err error)
List Peers.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferPeerListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[Peer]
List Peers.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferPeerNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Peer, err error)
Create Peer.
func (*ZoneTransferPeerService) Update ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerService) Update(ctx context.Context, peerID string, params ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *Peer, err error)
Modify Peer.
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` Peer PeerParam `json:"peer,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result Peer `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferPeerUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferService ¶
type ZoneTransferService struct { Options []option.RequestOption ForceAXFR *ZoneTransferForceAXFRService Incoming *ZoneTransferIncomingService Outgoing *ZoneTransferOutgoingService ACLs *ZoneTransferACLService Peers *ZoneTransferPeerService TSIGs *ZoneTransferTSIGService }
ZoneTransferService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferService ¶
func NewZoneTransferService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferService)
NewZoneTransferService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse struct { ID string `json:"id"` JSON zoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result TSIG `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` TSIG TSIGParam `json:"tsig,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result TSIG `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGNewResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type ZoneTransferTSIGService ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
ZoneTransferTSIGService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewZoneTransferTSIGService method instead.
func NewZoneTransferTSIGService ¶
func NewZoneTransferTSIGService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService)
NewZoneTransferTSIGService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) Delete ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Delete(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, body ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *ZoneTransferTSIGDeleteResponse, err error)
Delete TSIG.
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) Get ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Get(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, query ZoneTransferTSIGGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *TSIG, err error)
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) List ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) List(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferTSIGListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *pagination.SinglePage[TSIG], err error)
List TSIGs.
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) ListAutoPaging ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) ListAutoPaging(ctx context.Context, query ZoneTransferTSIGListParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) *pagination.SinglePageAutoPager[TSIG]
List TSIGs.
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) New ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) New(ctx context.Context, params ZoneTransferTSIGNewParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *TSIG, err error)
Create TSIG.
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGService) Update ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGService) Update(ctx context.Context, tsigID string, params ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *TSIG, err error)
Modify TSIG.
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams struct { AccountID param.Field[string] `path:"account_id,required"` TSIG TSIGParam `json:"tsig,required"` }
func (ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelope ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result TSIG `json:"result"` JSON zoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r ZoneTransferTSIGUpdateResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool