Index ¶
- Constants
- type ASN
- type ASNParam
- type AuditLog
- type AuditLogAction
- type AuditLogActor
- type AuditLogActorType
- type AuditLogOwner
- type AuditLogResource
- type CachePurgeParams
- type CachePurgeParamsBody
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile
- type CachePurgeParamsBodyUnion
- type CachePurgeResponse
- type CachePurgeResponseEnvelope
- type CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type CacheReserve
- type CacheReserveClear
- type CacheReserveClearParams
- type CacheReserveClearResponse
- type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelope
- type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type CacheReserveEditParams
- type CacheReserveEditParamsValue
- type CacheReserveEditResponse
- type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelope
- type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type CacheReserveEditResponseValue
- type CacheReserveGetParams
- type CacheReserveGetResponse
- type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelope
- type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type CacheReserveGetResponseValue
- type CacheReserveService
- func (r *CacheReserveService) Clear(ctx context.Context, params CacheReserveClearParams, ...) (res *CacheReserveClearResponse, err error)
- func (r *CacheReserveService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params CacheReserveEditParams, ...) (res *CacheReserveEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *CacheReserveService) Get(ctx context.Context, query CacheReserveGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CacheReserveGetResponse, err error)
- func (r *CacheReserveService) Status(ctx context.Context, query CacheReserveStatusParams, ...) (res *CacheReserveStatusResponse, err error)
- type CacheReserveStatusParams
- type CacheReserveStatusResponse
- type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelope
- type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type CacheService
- type CertificateCA
- type CertificateRequestType
- type CloudflareTunnel
- type CloudflareTunnelConnection
- type CloudflareTunnelStatus
- type CloudflareTunnelTunType
- type Error
- type ErrorData
- type Member
- type MemberPoliciesAccess
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
- type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
- type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
- type MemberPolicy
- type MemberStatus
- type MemberUser
- type Permission
- type PermissionGrant
- type PermissionGrantParam
- type RatePlan
- type RatePlanID
- type RatePlanParam
- type RegionalTieredCache
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditParams
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue
- type RegionalTieredCacheGetParams
- type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse
- type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope
- type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue
- type RegionalTieredCacheService
- func (r *RegionalTieredCacheService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params RegionalTieredCacheEditParams, ...) (res *RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *RegionalTieredCacheService) Get(ctx context.Context, query RegionalTieredCacheGetParams, ...) (res *RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse, err error)
- type ResponseInfo
- type Role
- type RoleParam
- type RolePermissions
- type RolePermissionsParam
- type SmartTieredCacheDeleteParams
- type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse
- type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID
- type SmartTieredCacheEditParams
- type SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue
- type SmartTieredCacheEditResponse
- type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope
- type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID
- type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue
- type SmartTieredCacheGetParams
- type SmartTieredCacheGetResponse
- type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope
- type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID
- type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue
- type SmartTieredCacheService
- func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body SmartTieredCacheDeleteParams, ...) (res *SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params SmartTieredCacheEditParams, ...) (res *SmartTieredCacheEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Get(ctx context.Context, query SmartTieredCacheGetParams, ...) (res *SmartTieredCacheGetResponse, err error)
- type SortDirection
- type State
- type Subscription
- type SubscriptionFrequency
- type SubscriptionParam
- type SubscriptionState
- type Token
- type TokenCondition
- type TokenConditionCIDRList
- type TokenConditionCIDRListParam
- type TokenConditionParam
- type TokenConditionRequestIP
- type TokenConditionRequestIPParam
- type TokenParam
- type TokenPolicy
- type TokenPolicyEffect
- type TokenPolicyParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
- type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
- type TokenStatus
- type TokenValue
- type VariantDeleteParams
- type VariantDeleteResponse
- type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope
- type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type VariantDeleteResponseID
- type VariantEditParams
- type VariantEditParamsValue
- type VariantEditResponse
- type VariantEditResponseEnvelope
- type VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type VariantEditResponseID
- type VariantGetParams
- type VariantGetResponse
- type VariantGetResponseEnvelope
- type VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess
- type VariantGetResponseID
- type VariantService
- func (r *VariantService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body VariantDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantDeleteResponse, err error)
- func (r *VariantService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params VariantEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantEditResponse, err error)
- func (r *VariantService) Get(ctx context.Context, query VariantGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantGetResponse, err error)
Constants ¶
const AuditLogActorTypeAdmin = shared.AuditLogActorTypeAdmin
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare = shared.AuditLogActorTypeCloudflare
This is an alias to an internal value.
const AuditLogActorTypeUser = shared.AuditLogActorTypeUser
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCADigicert = shared.CertificateCADigicert
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCAGoogle = shared.CertificateCAGoogle
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCALetsEncrypt = shared.CertificateCALetsEncrypt
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateCASSLCom = shared.CertificateCASSLCom
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate = shared.CertificateRequestTypeKeylessCertificate
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginECC
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA = shared.CertificateRequestTypeOriginRSA
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDegraded
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusDown = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusDown
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusHealthy
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatusInactive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCNI
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeCfdTunnel
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeGRE
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeIPSec
This is an alias to an internal value.
const CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunTypeWARPConnector
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessAllow = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberPoliciesAccessDeny = shared.MemberPoliciesAccessDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusAccepted = shared.MemberStatusAccepted
This is an alias to an internal value.
const MemberStatusPending = shared.MemberStatusPending
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDBusiness = shared.RatePlanIDBusiness
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDEnterprise = shared.RatePlanIDEnterprise
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDFree = shared.RatePlanIDFree
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDLite = shared.RatePlanIDLite
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersBusiness = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersBusiness
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersEnterprise = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersEnterprise
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersFree = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersFree
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPartnersPro = shared.RatePlanIDPartnersPro
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDPro = shared.RatePlanIDPro
This is an alias to an internal value.
const RatePlanIDProPlus = shared.RatePlanIDProPlus
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionAsc = shared.SortDirectionAsc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SortDirectionDesc = shared.SortDirectionDesc
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyMonthly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyQuarterly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyWeekly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionFrequencyYearly = shared.SubscriptionFrequencyYearly
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment = shared.SubscriptionStateAwaitingPayment
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateCancelled = shared.SubscriptionStateCancelled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateExpired = shared.SubscriptionStateExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateFailed = shared.SubscriptionStateFailed
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStatePaid = shared.SubscriptionStatePaid
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateProvisioned = shared.SubscriptionStateProvisioned
This is an alias to an internal value.
const SubscriptionStateTrial = shared.SubscriptionStateTrial
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectAllow = shared.TokenPolicyEffectAllow
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenPolicyEffectDeny = shared.TokenPolicyEffectDeny
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusActive = shared.TokenStatusActive
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusDisabled = shared.TokenStatusDisabled
This is an alias to an internal value.
const TokenStatusExpired = shared.TokenStatusExpired
This is an alias to an internal value.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type AuditLogAction ¶
type AuditLogAction = shared.AuditLogAction
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActor ¶
type AuditLogActor = shared.AuditLogActor
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogActorType ¶
type AuditLogActorType = shared.AuditLogActorType
The type of actor, whether a User, Cloudflare Admin, or an Automated System.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogOwner ¶
type AuditLogOwner = shared.AuditLogOwner
This is an alias to an internal type.
type AuditLogResource ¶
type AuditLogResource = shared.AuditLogResource
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CachePurgeParams ¶
type CachePurgeParams struct { ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body CachePurgeParamsBodyUnion `json:"body,required"` }
func (CachePurgeParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBody ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBody struct { Files param.Field[interface{}] `json:"files"` Hosts param.Field[interface{}] `json:"hosts"` Prefixes param.Field[interface{}] `json:"prefixes"` // For more information, please refer to // [purge everything documentation page]( PurgeEverything param.Field[bool] `json:"purge_everything"` Tags param.Field[interface{}] `json:"tags"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBody) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBody) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything struct { // For more information, please refer to // [purge everything documentation page]( PurgeEverything param.Field[bool] `json:"purge_everything"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames struct { // For more information purging by hostnames, please refer to // [purge by hostname documentation page]( Hosts param.Field[[]string] `json:"hosts"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes struct { // For more information on purging by prefixes, please refer to // [purge by prefix documentation page]( Prefixes param.Field[[]string] `json:"prefixes"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags struct { // For more information on cache tags and purging by tags, please refer to // [purge by cache-tags documentation page]( Tags param.Field[[]string] `json:"tags"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile struct { // For more information on purging files, please refer to // [purge by single-file documentation page]( Files param.Field[[]string] `json:"files"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders struct { // For more information on purging files with URL and headers, please refer to // [purge by single-file documentation page]( Files param.Field[[]CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile] `json:"files"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile struct { Headers param.Field[interface{}] `json:"headers"` URL param.Field[string] `json:"url"` }
func (CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeadersFile) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CachePurgeParamsBodyUnion ¶
type CachePurgeParamsBodyUnion interface {
// contains filtered or unexported methods
Satisfied by cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByTags, cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByHostnames, cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeFlexPurgeByPrefixes, cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeEverything, cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFile, cache.CachePurgeParamsBodyCachePurgeSingleFileWithURLAndHeaders, CachePurgeParamsBody.
type CachePurgeResponse ¶
type CachePurgeResponse struct { // Identifier ID string `json:"id,required"` JSON cachePurgeResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CachePurgeResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CachePurgeResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CachePurgeResponseEnvelope ¶
type CachePurgeResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result CachePurgeResponse `json:"result,nullable"` JSON cachePurgeResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CachePurgeResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CachePurgeResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r CachePurgeResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserve ¶
type CacheReserve string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
CacheReserveCacheReserve CacheReserve = "cache_reserve"
func (CacheReserve) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserve) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveClear ¶
type CacheReserveClear string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
CacheReserveClearCacheReserveClear CacheReserveClear = "cache_reserve_clear"
func (CacheReserveClear) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveClear) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveClearParams ¶
type CacheReserveClearParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` Body interface{} `json:"body,required"` }
func (CacheReserveClearParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CacheReserveClearParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CacheReserveClearResponse ¶
type CacheReserveClearResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID CacheReserveClear `json:"id,required"` // The time that the latest Cache Reserve Clear operation started. StartTs time.Time `json:"start_ts,required" format:"date-time"` // The current state of the Cache Reserve Clear operation. State State `json:"state,required"` // The time that the latest Cache Reserve Clear operation completed. EndTs time.Time `json:"end_ts" format:"date-time"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON cacheReserveClearResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind that you cannot undo or cancel this operation.
func (*CacheReserveClearResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveClearResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelope ¶
type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first // disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. // You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind // that you cannot undo or cancel this operation. Result CacheReserveClearResponse `json:"result"` JSON cacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveClearResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveEditParams ¶
type CacheReserveEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Value of the Cache Reserve zone setting. Value param.Field[CacheReserveEditParamsValue] `json:"value,required"` }
func (CacheReserveEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r CacheReserveEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type CacheReserveEditParamsValue ¶
type CacheReserveEditParamsValue string
Value of the Cache Reserve zone setting.
const ( CacheReserveEditParamsValueOn CacheReserveEditParamsValue = "on" CacheReserveEditParamsValueOff CacheReserveEditParamsValue = "off" )
func (CacheReserveEditParamsValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveEditParamsValue) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveEditResponse ¶
type CacheReserveEditResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID CacheReserve `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value CacheReserveEditResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON cacheReserveEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result CacheReserveEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON cacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveEditResponseValue ¶
type CacheReserveEditResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( CacheReserveEditResponseValueOn CacheReserveEditResponseValue = "on" CacheReserveEditResponseValueOff CacheReserveEditResponseValue = "off" )
func (CacheReserveEditResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveEditResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveGetParams ¶
type CacheReserveGetResponse ¶
type CacheReserveGetResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID CacheReserve `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value CacheReserveGetResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON cacheReserveGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result CacheReserveGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON cacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveGetResponseValue ¶
type CacheReserveGetResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( CacheReserveGetResponseValueOn CacheReserveGetResponseValue = "on" CacheReserveGetResponseValueOff CacheReserveGetResponseValue = "off" )
func (CacheReserveGetResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveGetResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type CacheReserveService ¶
type CacheReserveService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
CacheReserveService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewCacheReserveService method instead.
func NewCacheReserveService ¶
func NewCacheReserveService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *CacheReserveService)
NewCacheReserveService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*CacheReserveService) Clear ¶
func (r *CacheReserveService) Clear(ctx context.Context, params CacheReserveClearParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CacheReserveClearResponse, err error)
You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind that you cannot undo or cancel this operation.
func (*CacheReserveService) Edit ¶
func (r *CacheReserveService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params CacheReserveEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CacheReserveEditResponse, err error)
Increase cache lifetimes by automatically storing all cacheable files into Cloudflare's persistent object storage buckets. Requires Cache Reserve subscription. Note: using Tiered Cache with Cache Reserve is highly recommended to reduce Reserve operations costs. See the [developer docs]( for more information.
func (*CacheReserveService) Get ¶
func (r *CacheReserveService) Get(ctx context.Context, query CacheReserveGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CacheReserveGetResponse, err error)
Increase cache lifetimes by automatically storing all cacheable files into Cloudflare's persistent object storage buckets. Requires Cache Reserve subscription. Note: using Tiered Cache with Cache Reserve is highly recommended to reduce Reserve operations costs. See the [developer docs]( for more information.
func (*CacheReserveService) Status ¶
func (r *CacheReserveService) Status(ctx context.Context, query CacheReserveStatusParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CacheReserveStatusResponse, err error)
You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind that you cannot undo or cancel this operation.
type CacheReserveStatusResponse ¶
type CacheReserveStatusResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID CacheReserveClear `json:"id,required"` // The time that the latest Cache Reserve Clear operation started. StartTs time.Time `json:"start_ts,required" format:"date-time"` // The current state of the Cache Reserve Clear operation. State State `json:"state,required"` // The time that the latest Cache Reserve Clear operation completed. EndTs time.Time `json:"end_ts" format:"date-time"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON cacheReserveStatusResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind that you cannot undo or cancel this operation.
func (*CacheReserveStatusResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveStatusResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelope ¶
type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` // You can use Cache Reserve Clear to clear your Cache Reserve, but you must first // disable Cache Reserve. In most cases, this will be accomplished within 24 hours. // You cannot re-enable Cache Reserve while this process is ongoing. Keep in mind // that you cannot undo or cancel this operation. Result CacheReserveStatusResponse `json:"result"` JSON cacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r CacheReserveStatusResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type CacheService ¶
type CacheService struct { Options []option.RequestOption CacheReserve *CacheReserveService SmartTieredCache *SmartTieredCacheService Variants *VariantService RegionalTieredCache *RegionalTieredCacheService }
CacheService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewCacheService method instead.
func NewCacheService ¶
func NewCacheService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *CacheService)
NewCacheService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*CacheService) Purge ¶
func (r *CacheService) Purge(ctx context.Context, params CachePurgeParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *CachePurgeResponse, err error)
### Purge All Cached Content
Removes ALL files from Cloudflare's cache. All tiers can purge everything.
``` {"purge_everything": true} ```
### Purge Cached Content by URL
Granularly removes one or more files from Cloudflare's cache by specifying URLs. All tiers can purge by URL.
To purge files with custom cache keys, include the headers used to compute the cache key as in the example. If you have a device type or geo in your cache key, you will need to include the CF-Device-Type or CF-IPCountry headers. If you have lang in your cache key, you will need to include the Accept-Language header.
**NB:** When including the Origin header, be sure to include the **scheme** and **hostname**. The port number can be omitted if it is the default port (80 for http, 443 for https), but must be included otherwise.
**NB:** For Zones on Free/Pro/Business plan, you may purge up to 30 URLs in one API call. For Zones on Enterprise plan, you may purge up to 500 URLs in one API call.
Single file purge example with files:
``` {"files": ["", ""]} ```
Single file purge example with url and header pairs:
``` {"files": [{url: "", headers: { "CF-IPCountry": "US", "CF-Device-Type": "desktop", "Accept-Language": "zh-CN" }}, {url: "", headers: { "CF-IPCountry": "EU", "CF-Device-Type": "mobile", "Accept-Language": "en-US" }}]} ```
### Purge Cached Content by Tag, Host or Prefix
Granularly removes one or more files from Cloudflare's cache either by specifying the host, the associated Cache-Tag, or a Prefix. Only Enterprise customers are permitted to purge by Tag, Host or Prefix.
**NB:** Cache-Tag, host, and prefix purging each have a rate limit of 30,000 purge API calls in every 24 hour period. You may purge up to 30 tags, hosts, or prefixes in one API call. This rate limit can be raised for customers who need to purge at higher volume.
Flex purge with tags:
``` {"tags": ["a-cache-tag", "another-cache-tag"]} ```
Flex purge with hosts:
``` {"hosts": ["", ""]} ```
Flex purge with prefixes:
``` {"prefixes": ["", ""]} ```
type CertificateCA ¶
type CertificateCA = shared.CertificateCA
The Certificate Authority that will issue the certificate
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CertificateRequestType ¶
type CertificateRequestType = shared.CertificateRequestType
Signature type desired on certificate ("origin-rsa" (rsa), "origin-ecc" (ecdsa), or "keyless-certificate" (for Keyless SSL servers).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnel ¶
type CloudflareTunnel = shared.CloudflareTunnel
A Cloudflare Tunnel that connects your origin to Cloudflare's edge.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelConnection ¶
type CloudflareTunnelConnection = shared.CloudflareTunnelConnection
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelStatus ¶
type CloudflareTunnelStatus = shared.CloudflareTunnelStatus
The status of the tunnel. Valid values are `inactive` (tunnel has never been run), `degraded` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic but in an unhealthy state), `healthy` (tunnel is active and able to serve traffic), or `down` (tunnel can not serve traffic as it has no connections to the Cloudflare Edge).
This is an alias to an internal type.
type CloudflareTunnelTunType ¶
type CloudflareTunnelTunType = shared.CloudflareTunnelTunType
The type of tunnel.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesAccess ¶
type MemberPoliciesAccess = shared.MemberPoliciesAccess
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroup = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroup
A group of scoped resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the resource group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScope
A scope is a combination of scope objects which provides additional context.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject ¶
type MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject = shared.MemberPoliciesResourceGroupsScopeObject
A scope object represents any resource that can have actions applied against invite.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberStatus ¶
type MemberStatus = shared.MemberStatus
A member's status in the account.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type MemberUser ¶
type MemberUser = shared.MemberUser
Details of the user associated to the membership.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrant ¶
type PermissionGrant = shared.PermissionGrant
This is an alias to an internal type.
type PermissionGrantParam ¶
type PermissionGrantParam = shared.PermissionGrantParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RatePlanID ¶ added in v4.1.0
type RatePlanID = shared.RatePlanID
The ID of the rate plan.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RatePlanParam ¶
type RatePlanParam = shared.RatePlanParam
The rate plan applied to the subscription.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RegionalTieredCache ¶
type RegionalTieredCache string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
RegionalTieredCacheTcRegional RegionalTieredCache = "tc_regional"
func (RegionalTieredCache) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCache) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheEditParams ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Value of the Regional Tiered Cache zone setting. Value param.Field[RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue] `json:"value,required"` }
func (RegionalTieredCacheEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue string
Value of the Regional Tiered Cache zone setting.
const ( RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValueOn RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue = "on" RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValueOff RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue = "off" )
func (RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheEditParamsValue) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID RegionalTieredCache `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON regionalTieredCacheEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON regionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValueOn RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue = "on" RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValueOff RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue = "off" )
func (RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheEditResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID RegionalTieredCache `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON regionalTieredCacheGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON regionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValueOn RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue = "on" RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValueOff RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue = "off" )
func (RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r RegionalTieredCacheGetResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type RegionalTieredCacheService ¶
type RegionalTieredCacheService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
RegionalTieredCacheService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewRegionalTieredCacheService method instead.
func NewRegionalTieredCacheService ¶
func NewRegionalTieredCacheService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *RegionalTieredCacheService)
NewRegionalTieredCacheService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*RegionalTieredCacheService) Edit ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params RegionalTieredCacheEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RegionalTieredCacheEditResponse, err error)
Instructs Cloudflare to check a regional hub data center on the way to your upper tier. This can help improve performance for smart and custom tiered cache topologies.
func (*RegionalTieredCacheService) Get ¶
func (r *RegionalTieredCacheService) Get(ctx context.Context, query RegionalTieredCacheGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *RegionalTieredCacheGetResponse, err error)
Instructs Cloudflare to check a regional hub data center on the way to your upper tier. This can help improve performance for smart and custom tiered cache topologies.
type RolePermissions ¶
type RolePermissions = shared.RolePermissions
This is an alias to an internal type.
type RolePermissionsParam ¶
type RolePermissionsParam = shared.RolePermissionsParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse ¶
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON smartTieredCacheDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON smartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID ¶
type SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseIDTieredCacheSmartTopologyEnable SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID = "tiered_cache_smart_topology_enable"
func (SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheEditParams ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Enable or disable the Smart Tiered Cache Value param.Field[SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue] `json:"value,required"` }
func (SmartTieredCacheEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue string
Enable or disable the Smart Tiered Cache
const ( SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValueOn SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue = "on" SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValueOff SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue = "off" )
func (SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheEditParamsValue) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponse ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON smartTieredCacheEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SmartTieredCacheEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON smartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
SmartTieredCacheEditResponseIDTieredCacheSmartTopologyEnable SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID = "tiered_cache_smart_topology_enable"
func (SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheEditResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue ¶
type SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValueOn SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue = "on" SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValueOff SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue = "off" )
func (SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheEditResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponse ¶
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON smartTieredCacheGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result SmartTieredCacheGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON smartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID ¶
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
SmartTieredCacheGetResponseIDTieredCacheSmartTopologyEnable SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID = "tiered_cache_smart_topology_enable"
func (SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheGetResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue ¶
type SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue string
The value of the feature
const ( SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValueOn SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue = "on" SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValueOff SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue = "off" )
func (SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue) IsKnown ¶
func (r SmartTieredCacheGetResponseValue) IsKnown() bool
type SmartTieredCacheService ¶
type SmartTieredCacheService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
SmartTieredCacheService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewSmartTieredCacheService method instead.
func NewSmartTieredCacheService ¶
func NewSmartTieredCacheService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *SmartTieredCacheService)
NewSmartTieredCacheService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*SmartTieredCacheService) Delete ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body SmartTieredCacheDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SmartTieredCacheDeleteResponse, err error)
Smart Tiered Cache dynamically selects the single closest upper tier for each of your website’s origins with no configuration required, using our in-house performance and routing data. Cloudflare collects latency data for each request to an origin, and uses the latency data to determine how well any upper-tier data center is connected with an origin. As a result, Cloudflare can select the data center with the lowest latency to be the upper-tier for an origin.
func (*SmartTieredCacheService) Edit ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params SmartTieredCacheEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SmartTieredCacheEditResponse, err error)
Smart Tiered Cache dynamically selects the single closest upper tier for each of your website’s origins with no configuration required, using our in-house performance and routing data. Cloudflare collects latency data for each request to an origin, and uses the latency data to determine how well any upper-tier data center is connected with an origin. As a result, Cloudflare can select the data center with the lowest latency to be the upper-tier for an origin.
func (*SmartTieredCacheService) Get ¶
func (r *SmartTieredCacheService) Get(ctx context.Context, query SmartTieredCacheGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *SmartTieredCacheGetResponse, err error)
Smart Tiered Cache dynamically selects the single closest upper tier for each of your website’s origins with no configuration required, using our in-house performance and routing data. Cloudflare collects latency data for each request to an origin, and uses the latency data to determine how well any upper-tier data center is connected with an origin. As a result, Cloudflare can select the data center with the lowest latency to be the upper-tier for an origin.
type SortDirection ¶
type SortDirection = shared.SortDirection
Direction to order DNS records in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionFrequency ¶
type SubscriptionFrequency = shared.SubscriptionFrequency
How often the subscription is renewed automatically.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionParam ¶
type SubscriptionParam = shared.SubscriptionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type SubscriptionState ¶
type SubscriptionState = shared.SubscriptionState
The state that the subscription is in.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenCondition ¶
type TokenCondition = shared.TokenCondition
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRList ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRList = shared.TokenConditionCIDRList
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam ¶
type TokenConditionCIDRListParam = shared.TokenConditionCIDRListParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionParam ¶
type TokenConditionParam = shared.TokenConditionParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIP ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIP = shared.TokenConditionRequestIP
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam ¶
type TokenConditionRequestIPParam = shared.TokenConditionRequestIPParam
Client IP restrictions.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyEffect ¶
type TokenPolicyEffect = shared.TokenPolicyEffect
Allow or deny operations against the resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyParam ¶
type TokenPolicyParam = shared.TokenPolicyParam
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroup = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroup
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupParam
A named group of permissions that map to a group of operations against resources.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMeta
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam ¶
type TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam = shared.TokenPolicyPermissionGroupsMetaParam
Attributes associated to the permission group.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenStatus ¶
type TokenStatus = shared.TokenStatus
Status of the token.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type TokenValue ¶
type TokenValue = shared.TokenValue
The token value.
This is an alias to an internal type.
type VariantDeleteParams ¶
type VariantDeleteResponse ¶
type VariantDeleteResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID VariantDeleteResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON variantDeleteResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantDeleteResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope ¶
type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result VariantDeleteResponse `json:"result"` JSON variantDeleteResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantDeleteResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantDeleteResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type VariantDeleteResponseID ¶
type VariantDeleteResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
VariantDeleteResponseIDVariants VariantDeleteResponseID = "variants"
func (VariantDeleteResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantDeleteResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type VariantEditParams ¶
type VariantEditParams struct { // Identifier ZoneID param.Field[string] `path:"zone_id,required"` // Value of the zone setting. Value param.Field[VariantEditParamsValue] `json:"value,required"` }
func (VariantEditParams) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r VariantEditParams) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type VariantEditParamsValue ¶
type VariantEditParamsValue struct { // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for avif. AVIF param.Field[[]string] `json:"avif"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for bmp. BMP param.Field[[]string] `json:"bmp"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for gif. GIF param.Field[[]string] `json:"gif"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for jp2. JP2 param.Field[[]string] `json:"jp2"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for jpeg. JPEG param.Field[[]string] `json:"jpeg"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for jpg. JPG param.Field[[]string] `json:"jpg"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for jpg2. JPG2 param.Field[[]string] `json:"jpg2"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for png. PNG param.Field[[]string] `json:"png"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for tif. TIF param.Field[[]string] `json:"tif"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for tiff. TIFF param.Field[[]string] `json:"tiff"` // List of strings with the MIME types of all the variants that should be served // for webp. WebP param.Field[[]string] `json:"webp"` }
Value of the zone setting.
func (VariantEditParamsValue) MarshalJSON ¶
func (r VariantEditParamsValue) MarshalJSON() (data []byte, err error)
type VariantEditResponse ¶
type VariantEditResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID VariantEditResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value string `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON variantEditResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantEditResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantEditResponseEnvelope ¶
type VariantEditResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result VariantEditResponse `json:"result"` JSON variantEditResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantEditResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantEditResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type VariantEditResponseID ¶
type VariantEditResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
VariantEditResponseIDVariants VariantEditResponseID = "variants"
func (VariantEditResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantEditResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type VariantGetParams ¶
type VariantGetResponse ¶
type VariantGetResponse struct { // ID of the zone setting. ID VariantGetResponseID `json:"id,required"` // Whether the setting is editable Editable bool `json:"editable,required"` // The value of the feature Value string `json:"value,required"` // Last time this setting was modified. ModifiedOn time.Time `json:"modified_on,nullable" format:"date-time"` JSON variantGetResponseJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantGetResponse) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantGetResponseEnvelope ¶
type VariantGetResponseEnvelope struct { Errors []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"errors,required"` Messages []shared.ResponseInfo `json:"messages,required"` // Whether the API call was successful Success VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess `json:"success,required"` Result VariantGetResponse `json:"result"` JSON variantGetResponseEnvelopeJSON `json:"-"` }
func (*VariantGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON ¶
func (r *VariantGetResponseEnvelope) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) (err error)
type VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess ¶
type VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess bool
Whether the API call was successful
const (
VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccessTrue VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess = true
func (VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantGetResponseEnvelopeSuccess) IsKnown() bool
type VariantGetResponseID ¶
type VariantGetResponseID string
ID of the zone setting.
const (
VariantGetResponseIDVariants VariantGetResponseID = "variants"
func (VariantGetResponseID) IsKnown ¶
func (r VariantGetResponseID) IsKnown() bool
type VariantService ¶
type VariantService struct {
Options []option.RequestOption
VariantService contains methods and other services that help with interacting with the cloudflare API.
Note, unlike clients, this service does not read variables from the environment automatically. You should not instantiate this service directly, and instead use the NewVariantService method instead.
func NewVariantService ¶
func NewVariantService(opts ...option.RequestOption) (r *VariantService)
NewVariantService generates a new service that applies the given options to each request. These options are applied after the parent client's options (if there is one), and before any request-specific options.
func (*VariantService) Delete ¶
func (r *VariantService) Delete(ctx context.Context, body VariantDeleteParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantDeleteResponse, err error)
Variant support enables caching variants of images with certain file extensions in addition to the original. This only applies when the origin server sends the 'Vary: Accept' response header. If the origin server sends 'Vary: Accept' but does not serve the variant requested, the response will not be cached. This will be indicated with BYPASS cache status in the response headers.
func (*VariantService) Edit ¶
func (r *VariantService) Edit(ctx context.Context, params VariantEditParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantEditResponse, err error)
Variant support enables caching variants of images with certain file extensions in addition to the original. This only applies when the origin server sends the 'Vary: Accept' response header. If the origin server sends 'Vary: Accept' but does not serve the variant requested, the response will not be cached. This will be indicated with BYPASS cache status in the response headers.
func (*VariantService) Get ¶
func (r *VariantService) Get(ctx context.Context, query VariantGetParams, opts ...option.RequestOption) (res *VariantGetResponse, err error)
Variant support enables caching variants of images with certain file extensions in addition to the original. This only applies when the origin server sends the 'Vary: Accept' response header. If the origin server sends 'Vary: Accept' but does not serve the variant requested, the response will not be cached. This will be indicated with BYPASS cache status in the response headers.