Hipache Health-Checker
This is an active health-checker for the Hipache proxy solution. The checker
will check the backends at a regular interval and it will update Hipache's
Redis to mark them as dead (or alive) almost instantly.
- Compile
go build
- Run it
It connects on the local redis (localhost:6379), so it's supposed to be run
on the same machine than Hipache.
- Modify the behavior
./hchecker -h
Usage of ./hchecker:
-connect=3: TCP connection timeout (seconds)
-cpuprofile=false: Write CPU profile to "hchecker.prof" (current directory)
-dryrun=false: Enable dry run (or simulation mode). Do not update the Redis.
-host="ping": HTTP host header
-interval=3: Check interval (seconds)
-io=3: Socket read/write timeout (seconds)
-method="HEAD": HTTP method
-redis="localhost:6379": Network address of Redis
-uri="/CloudHealthCheck": HTTP URI
- Run the tests
$ cd test ; python -m unittest discover