Index ¶
- Constants
- type Activity
- type ActivityClient
- type ActivityCompletionError
- type ActivityConcernedItem
- type ActivityState
- type AssignmentClient
- type Backup
- type BackupAssignVirtualDiskRequest
- type BackupAssignVirtualMachineRequest
- type BackupBackupClient
- type BackupClient
- func (c *BackupClient) Backup() *BackupBackupClient
- func (c *BackupClient) Job() *BackupJobClient
- func (c *BackupClient) JobSession() *BackupJobSessionClient
- func (c *BackupClient) Metrics() *BackupMetricsClient
- func (c *BackupClient) OpenIaaS() *BackupOpenIaasClient
- func (c *BackupClient) SLAPolicy() *BackupSLAPolicyClient
- func (c *BackupClient) SPPServer() *BackupSPPServerClient
- func (c *BackupClient) Site() *BackupSiteClient
- func (c *BackupClient) Storage() *BackupStorageClient
- func (c *BackupClient) VCenter() *BackupVCenterClient
- func (c *BackupClient) VirtualDisk() *BackupVirtualDiskClient
- func (c *BackupClient) VirtualMachine() *BackupVirtualMachineClient
- type BackupJob
- type BackupJobClient
- func (c *BackupJobClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *BackupJobFilter) ([]*BackupJob, error)
- func (c *BackupJobClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupJob, error)
- func (c *BackupJobClient) Run(ctx context.Context, req *BackupJobRunRequest) (string, error)
- func (c *BackupJobClient) WaitForCompletion(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*BackupJob, error)
- type BackupJobCompletionError
- type BackupJobFilter
- type BackupJobRunRequest
- type BackupJobSession
- type BackupJobSessionClient
- type BackupMetricsClient
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Coverage(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsCoverage, error)
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) History(ctx context.Context, rang int) (*BackupMetricsHistory, error)
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Platform(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsPlatform, error)
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) PlatformCPU(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsPlatformCPU, error)
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Policies(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupMetricsPolicies, error)
- func (c *BackupMetricsClient) VirtualMachines(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsVirtualMachines, error)
- type BackupMetricsCoverage
- type BackupMetricsHistory
- type BackupMetricsPlatform
- type BackupMetricsPlatformCPU
- type BackupMetricsPolicies
- type BackupMetricsVirtualMachines
- type BackupOpenIaasAssignPolicyRequest
- type BackupOpenIaasBackupClient
- type BackupOpenIaasClient
- type BackupOpenIaasPolicy
- type BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient
- func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Assign(ctx context.Context, req *BackupOpenIaasAssignPolicyRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) List(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupOpenIaasPolicy, error)
- func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupOpenIaasPolicy, error)
- type BackupSLAPolicy
- type BackupSLAPolicyClient
- func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualDisk(ctx context.Context, req *BackupAssignVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
- func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualMachine(ctx context.Context, req *BackupAssignVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *BackupSLAPolicyFilter) ([]*BackupSLAPolicy, error)
- func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupSLAPolicy, error)
- type BackupSLAPolicyFilter
- type BackupSLAPolicyRetention
- type BackupSLAPolicyStub
- type BackupSLAPolicyTarget
- type BackupSLAPolicyTrigger
- type BackupSLASubPolicy
- type BackupSPPServer
- type BackupSPPServerClient
- type BackupSite
- type BackupSiteClient
- type BackupStatistics
- type BackupStorage
- type BackupStorageCapacity
- type BackupStorageClient
- type BackupVCenter
- type BackupVCenterClient
- type BackupVirtualDisk
- type BackupVirtualDiskClient
- type BackupVirtualDiskNotFoundError
- type BackupVirtualMachine
- type BackupVirtualMachineClient
- type BackupVirtualMachineNotFoundError
- type BackupVirtualMachineVolume
- type BaseObject
- type BootOptions
- type Client
- type CloneVirtualMachineRequest
- type CloudInit
- type Company
- type CompanyClient
- type ComputeClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) ContentLibrary() *ContentLibraryClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Datastore() *DatastoreClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) DatastoreCluster() *DatastoreClusterClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Folder() *FolderClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) GuestOperatingSystem() *GuestOperatingSystemClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Host() *HostClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) HostCluster() *HostClusterClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Network() *NetworkClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) NetworkAdapter() *NetworkAdapterClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) OpenIaaS() *ComputeOpenIaaSClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) ResourcePool() *ResourcePoolClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Snapshot() *SnapshotClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualController() *VirtualControllerClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualDatacenter() *VirtualDatacenterClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualDisk() *VirtualDiskClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualMachine() *VirtualMachineClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualSwitch() *VirtualSwitchClient
- func (c *ComputeClient) Worker() *WorkerClient
- type ComputeContentLibraryItemDeployRequest
- type ComputeOpenIaaSClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Host() *OpenIaaSHostClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) MachineManager() *OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Network() *OpenIaaSNetworkClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) NetworkAdapter() *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Pool() *OpenIaasPoolClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Snapshot() *OpenIaaSSnapshotClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) StorageRepository() *OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Template() *OpenIaasTemplateClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualDisk() *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient
- func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualMachine() *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient
- type Config
- type ContentLibrary
- type ContentLibraryClient
- func (c *ContentLibraryClient) Deploy(ctx context.Context, req *ComputeContentLibraryItemDeployRequest) (string, error)
- func (c *ContentLibraryClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *ContentLibraryFilter) ([]*ContentLibrary, error)
- func (c *ContentLibraryClient) ListItems(ctx context.Context, filter *ContentLibraryItemFilter) ([]*ContentLibraryItem, error)
- func (c *ContentLibraryClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*ContentLibrary, error)
- func (c *ContentLibraryClient) ReadItem(ctx context.Context, contentLibraryId, contentLibraryItemId string) (*ContentLibraryItem, error)
- type ContentLibraryFilter
- type ContentLibraryItem
- type ContentLibraryItemFilter
- type CreateNetworkAdapterRequest
- type CreateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest
- type CreateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest
- type CreateTagRequest
- type CreateTagRequestResource
- type CreateVirtualControllerRequest
- type CreateVirtualDiskRequest
- type CreateVirtualMachineRequest
- type CustomAdapterConfig
- type CustomGuestNetworkConfig
- type CustomGuestWindowsConfig
- type CustomizeGuestOSRequest
- type Datastore
- type DatastoreClient
- type DatastoreCluster
- type DatastoreClusterClient
- type DatastoreClusterFilter
- type DatastoreClusterMetrics
- type DatastoreFilter
- type DatastoreLink
- type DeployOption
- type DiskPlacement
- type DvdDrive
- type Feature
- type FeatureAssignment
- type FeatureClient
- type Folder
- type FolderClient
- type GuestOperatingSystem
- type GuestOperatingSystemClient
- type Host
- type HostClient
- type HostCluster
- type HostClusterClient
- type HostClusterFilter
- type HostClusterHostStub
- type HostClusterMetrics
- type HostMetrics
- type HostMetricsCPUStub
- type HostMetricsESXStub
- type HostMetricsMemoryStub
- type HostVirtualMachinesStub
- type IAM
- type LoginToken
- type MountVirtualControllerRequest
- type Network
- type NetworkAdapter
- type NetworkAdapterClient
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Connect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Disconnect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*NetworkAdapter, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*NetworkAdapter, error)
- func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
- type NetworkClient
- type NetworkData
- type NetworkFilter
- type OpenIaaSHost
- type OpenIaaSHostClient
- type OpenIaaSMachineManager
- type OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient
- type OpenIaaSNetwork
- type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter
- type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Connect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Disconnect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
- type OpenIaaSNetworkClient
- type OpenIaaSNetworkFilter
- type OpenIaaSSnapshot
- type OpenIaaSSnapshotClient
- type OpenIaaSStorageRepository
- type OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient
- type OpenIaaSTemplateFilter
- type OpenIaaSVirtualDisk
- type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskAttachRequest
- type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Attach(ctx context.Context, id string, req *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskAttachRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskCreateRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*OpenIaaSVirtualDisk, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSVirtualDisk, error)
- type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskCreateRequest
- type OpenIaaSVirtualMachine
- type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient
- func (c *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineFilter) ([]*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) MountISO(ctx context.Context, id string, virtualDiskId string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Power(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachinePowerRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) UnmountISO(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) UpdateBootOrder(ctx context.Context, id string, bootOrder []string) (string, error)
- func (c *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) WaitForTools(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
- type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineFilter
- type OpenIaasBackupFilter
- type OpenIaasHostFilter
- type OpenIaasPool
- type OpenIaasPoolClient
- type OpenIaasPoolFilter
- type OpenIaasTemplate
- type OpenIaasTemplateClient
- type PATClient
- func (p *PATClient) Create(ctx context.Context, name string, roles []string, expirationDate int) (*Token, error)
- func (p *PATClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, patID string) error
- func (p *PATClient) List(ctx context.Context, userId string, tenantId string) ([]*Token, error)
- func (p *PATClient) Read(ctx context.Context, patID string) (*Token, error)
- type Pool
- type PowerRequest
- type RelocateVirtualMachineRequest
- type ResourcePool
- type ResourcePoolCPUMetrics
- type ResourcePoolClient
- type ResourcePoolMemoryMetrics
- type ResourcePoolMetrics
- type ResourcePoolParent
- type Role
- type RoleClient
- type Snapshot
- type SnapshotClient
- type StatusError
- type StorageRepositoryFilter
- type Tag
- type TagClient
- type TagResourceClient
- type TemplateDisk
- type TemplateNetworkAdapter
- type Tenant
- type TenantAssignment
- type TenantClient
- type Token
- type UpdateGuestRequest
- type UpdateNetworkAdapterRequest
- type UpdateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest
- type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachinePowerRequest
- type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest
- type UpdateVirtualDiskRequest
- type UpdateVirtualMachineRequest
- type User
- type UserClient
- type VirtualController
- type VirtualControllerClient
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Connect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualControllerRequest) (string, error)
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Disconnect(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualControllerClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string, types string) ([]*VirtualController, error)
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Mount(ctx context.Context, req *MountVirtualControllerRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualControllerClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualController, error)
- func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Unmount(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- type VirtualDatacenter
- type VirtualDatacenterClient
- type VirtualDatacenterFilter
- type VirtualDisk
- type VirtualDiskClient
- func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
- func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualDiskClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*VirtualDisk, error)
- func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Mount(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string, path string) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualDiskClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualDisk, error)
- func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Unmount(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
- type VirtualMachine
- type VirtualMachineBootOptions
- type VirtualMachineClient
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Clone(ctx context.Context, req *CloneVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) CustomizeGuestOS(ctx context.Context, id string, req *CustomizeGuestOSRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Delete(ctx context.Context, id string) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Guest(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateGuestRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) List(ctx context.Context, allOptions bool, machineManagerId string, replicated bool, ...) ([]*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Power(ctx context.Context, req *PowerRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualMachine, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Recommendation(ctx context.Context, filter *VirtualMachineRecommendationFilter) ([]*VirtualMachinePowerRecommendation, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Relocate(ctx context.Context, req *RelocateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Rename(ctx context.Context, id string, name string) (string, error)
- func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
- type VirtualMachineDisk
- type VirtualMachineExtraConfig
- type VirtualMachinePowerRecommendation
- type VirtualMachineRecommendationFilter
- type VirtualMachineReplicationConfig
- type VirtualMachineStorage
- type VirtualMachineTriggeredAlarm
- type VirtualSwitch
- type VirtualSwitchClient
- type VirtualSwitchFilter
- type WaiterOptions
- type Worker
- type WorkerClient
Constants ¶
View Source
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type Activity ¶
type Activity struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` TenantId string `terraform:"tenant_id"` Description string `terraform:"description"` Type string `terraform:"type"` Tags []string `terraform:"tags"` CreationDate time.Time `terraform:"creation_date"` ConcernedItems []ActivityConcernedItem `terraform:"concerned_items"` State map[string]ActivityState `terraform:"-"` }
type ActivityClient ¶
type ActivityClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ActivityClient) List ¶
func (c *ActivityClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *struct{}) ([]*Activity, error)
func (*ActivityClient) WaitForCompletion ¶
func (c *ActivityClient) WaitForCompletion(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*Activity, error)
type ActivityCompletionError ¶ added in v0.2.2
type ActivityCompletionError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ActivityCompletionError) Error ¶ added in v0.2.2
func (a *ActivityCompletionError) Error() string
type ActivityConcernedItem ¶
type ActivityState ¶
type AssignmentClient ¶
type AssignmentClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*AssignmentClient) List ¶
func (a *AssignmentClient) List(ctx context.Context, userId, tenantId, roleId string) ([]*TenantAssignment, error)
type Backup ¶ added in v0.15.0
type Backup struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Mode string `terraform:"mode"` IsVirtualMachineDeleted bool `terraform:"is_virtual_machine_deleted"` Size int `terraform:"size"` Timestamp int `terraform:"timestamp"` VirtualMachine struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"virtual_machine"` Policy struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"policy"` }
type BackupAssignVirtualDiskRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BackupAssignVirtualMachineRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BackupBackupClient ¶
type BackupBackupClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type BackupClient ¶
type BackupClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupClient) Backup ¶
func (c *BackupClient) Backup() *BackupBackupClient
func (*BackupClient) Job ¶
func (c *BackupClient) Job() *BackupJobClient
func (*BackupClient) JobSession ¶
func (c *BackupClient) JobSession() *BackupJobSessionClient
func (*BackupClient) Metrics ¶
func (c *BackupClient) Metrics() *BackupMetricsClient
func (*BackupClient) OpenIaaS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *BackupClient) OpenIaaS() *BackupOpenIaasClient
func (*BackupClient) SLAPolicy ¶
func (c *BackupClient) SLAPolicy() *BackupSLAPolicyClient
func (*BackupClient) SPPServer ¶
func (c *BackupClient) SPPServer() *BackupSPPServerClient
func (*BackupClient) Site ¶
func (c *BackupClient) Site() *BackupSiteClient
func (*BackupClient) Storage ¶
func (c *BackupClient) Storage() *BackupStorageClient
func (*BackupClient) VCenter ¶
func (c *BackupClient) VCenter() *BackupVCenterClient
func (*BackupClient) VirtualDisk ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *BackupClient) VirtualDisk() *BackupVirtualDiskClient
func (*BackupClient) VirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *BackupClient) VirtualMachine() *BackupVirtualMachineClient
type BackupJobClient ¶
type BackupJobClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupJobClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupJobClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *BackupJobFilter) ([]*BackupJob, error)
func (*BackupJobClient) Run ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *BackupJobClient) Run(ctx context.Context, req *BackupJobRunRequest) (string, error)
func (*BackupJobClient) WaitForCompletion ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *BackupJobClient) WaitForCompletion(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*BackupJob, error)
type BackupJobCompletionError ¶ added in v0.3.0
type BackupJobCompletionError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupJobCompletionError) Error ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (b *BackupJobCompletionError) Error() string
type BackupJobFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BackupJobFilter struct {
Type string
type BackupJobRunRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BackupJobSession ¶
type BackupJobSession struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` JobName string `terraform:"job_name"` SlaPolicyType string `terraform:"sla_policy_type"` JobId string `terraform:"job_id"` Type string `terraform:"type"` Duration int `terraform:"duration"` Start int `terraform:"start"` End int `terraform:"end"` Status string `terraform:"status"` Statistics BackupStatistics `terraform:"statistics"` SLAPolicies []*BackupSLAPolicyStub `terraform:"sla_policies"` }
type BackupJobSessionClient ¶
type BackupJobSessionClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupJobSessionClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupJobSessionClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *struct{}) ([]*BackupJobSession, error)
type BackupMetricsClient ¶
type BackupMetricsClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupMetricsClient) Coverage ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Coverage(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsCoverage, error)
func (*BackupMetricsClient) History ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) History(ctx context.Context, rang int) (*BackupMetricsHistory, error)
func (*BackupMetricsClient) Platform ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Platform(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsPlatform, error)
func (*BackupMetricsClient) PlatformCPU ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) PlatformCPU(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsPlatformCPU, error)
func (*BackupMetricsClient) Policies ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) Policies(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupMetricsPolicies, error)
func (*BackupMetricsClient) VirtualMachines ¶
func (c *BackupMetricsClient) VirtualMachines(ctx context.Context) (*BackupMetricsVirtualMachines, error)
type BackupMetricsCoverage ¶
type BackupMetricsHistory ¶
type BackupMetricsPlatform ¶
type BackupMetricsPlatformCPU ¶
type BackupMetricsPlatformCPU struct {
CPUUtil int `terraform:"cpu_util"`
type BackupMetricsPolicies ¶
type BackupOpenIaasAssignPolicyRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BackupOpenIaasBackupClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BackupOpenIaasBackupClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupOpenIaasBackupClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *BackupOpenIaasBackupClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaasBackupFilter) ([]*Backup, error)
type BackupOpenIaasClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BackupOpenIaasClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupOpenIaasClient) Backup ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *BackupOpenIaasClient) Backup() *BackupOpenIaasBackupClient
func (*BackupOpenIaasClient) Policy ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *BackupOpenIaasClient) Policy() *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient
type BackupOpenIaasPolicy ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BackupOpenIaasPolicy struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Running bool `terraform:"running"` Mode string `terraform:"mode"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` Schedulers []struct { TemporarilyDisabled bool `terraform:"temporarily_disabled"` Retention int `terraform:"retention"` Cron string `terraform:"cron"` Timezone string `terraform:"timezone"` } `terraform:"schedulers"` }
type BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Assign ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Assign(ctx context.Context, req *BackupOpenIaasAssignPolicyRequest) (string, error)
func (*BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) List(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupOpenIaasPolicy, error)
func (*BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *BackupOpenIaasPolicyClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupOpenIaasPolicy, error)
type BackupSLAPolicy ¶
type BackupSLAPolicy struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` SubPolicies []*BackupSLASubPolicy `terraform:"sub_policies"` }
type BackupSLAPolicyClient ¶
type BackupSLAPolicyClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualDisk ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualDisk(ctx context.Context, req *BackupAssignVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
func (*BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) AssignVirtualMachine(ctx context.Context, req *BackupAssignVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*BackupSLAPolicyClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *BackupSLAPolicyFilter) ([]*BackupSLAPolicy, error)
func (*BackupSLAPolicyClient) Read ¶
func (c *BackupSLAPolicyClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupSLAPolicy, error)
type BackupSLAPolicyFilter ¶ added in v0.2.0
type BackupSLAPolicyRetention ¶
type BackupSLAPolicyRetention struct {
Age int `terraform:"age"`
type BackupSLAPolicyStub ¶
type BackupSLAPolicyTarget ¶
type BackupSLAPolicyTrigger ¶
type BackupSLASubPolicy ¶
type BackupSLASubPolicy struct { Type string `terraform:"type"` UseEncryption bool `terraform:"use_encryption"` Software bool `terraform:"software"` Site string `terraform:"site"` Retention BackupSLAPolicyRetention `terraform:"retention"` Trigger BackupSLAPolicyTrigger `terraform:"trigger"` Target BackupSLAPolicyTarget `terraform:"target"` }
type BackupSPPServer ¶
type BackupSPPServerClient ¶
type BackupSPPServerClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupSPPServerClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupSPPServerClient) List(ctx context.Context, tenantId string) ([]*BackupSPPServer, error)
func (*BackupSPPServerClient) Read ¶
func (c *BackupSPPServerClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupSPPServer, error)
type BackupSite ¶
type BackupSiteClient ¶
type BackupSiteClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupSiteClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupSiteClient) List(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupSite, error)
type BackupStatistics ¶
type BackupStorage ¶
type BackupStorage struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` ResourceType string `terraform:"resource_type"` Type string `terraform:"type"` Site string `terraform:"site"` Name string `terraform:"name"` StorageId string `terraform:"storage_id"` HostAddress string `terraform:"host_address"` PortNumber int `terraform:"port_number"` SSLConnection bool `terraform:"ssl_connection"` InitializeStatus string `terraform:"initialize_status"` Version string `terraform:"version"` IsReady bool `terraform:"is_ready"` Capacity BackupStorageCapacity `terraform:"capacity"` }
type BackupStorageCapacity ¶
type BackupStorageClient ¶
type BackupStorageClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupStorageClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupStorageClient) List(ctx context.Context) ([]*BackupStorage, error)
type BackupVCenter ¶
type BackupVCenterClient ¶
type BackupVCenterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupVCenterClient) List ¶
func (c *BackupVCenterClient) List(ctx context.Context, sppServerId string) ([]*BackupVCenter, error)
type BackupVirtualDisk ¶ added in v0.14.0
type BackupVirtualDiskClient ¶ added in v0.14.0
type BackupVirtualDiskClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupVirtualDiskClient) Read ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *BackupVirtualDiskClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupVirtualDisk, error)
func (*BackupVirtualDiskClient) WaitForInventory ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (c *BackupVirtualDiskClient) WaitForInventory(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*BackupVirtualDisk, error)
type BackupVirtualDiskNotFoundError ¶ added in v0.14.0
type BackupVirtualDiskNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupVirtualDiskNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v0.14.0
func (b *BackupVirtualDiskNotFoundError) Error() string
type BackupVirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BackupVirtualMachine struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` InternalId string `terraform:"internal_id"` InternalVCenterId int `terraform:"internal_vcenter_id"` VCenterId string `terraform:"vcenter_id"` Href string `terraform:"href"` MetadataPath string `terraform:"matadata_path"` StorageProfiles []string `terraform:"storage_profiles"` DatacenterName string `terraform:"datacenter_name"` Volumes []BackupVirtualMachineVolume `terraform:"volumes"` }
type BackupVirtualMachineClient ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BackupVirtualMachineClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupVirtualMachineClient) Read ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (c *BackupVirtualMachineClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*BackupVirtualMachine, error)
func (*BackupVirtualMachineClient) WaitForInventory ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (c *BackupVirtualMachineClient) WaitForInventory(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*BackupVirtualMachine, error)
type BackupVirtualMachineNotFoundError ¶ added in v0.7.0
type BackupVirtualMachineNotFoundError struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*BackupVirtualMachineNotFoundError) Error ¶ added in v0.7.0
func (b *BackupVirtualMachineNotFoundError) Error() string
type BackupVirtualMachineVolume ¶ added in v0.6.0
type BaseObject ¶ added in v0.15.0
type BootOptions ¶
type Client ¶
type Client struct { UserAgent string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func (*Client) Activity ¶
func (c *Client) Activity() *ActivityClient
func (*Client) Backup ¶
func (c *Client) Backup() *BackupClient
func (*Client) Compute ¶
func (c *Client) Compute() *ComputeClient
type CloneVirtualMachineRequest ¶ added in v0.2.0
type CloneVirtualMachineRequest struct { Name string `json:"name"` VirtualMachineId string `json:"-"` PowerOn bool `json:"powerOn"` DatacenterId string `json:"datacenterId,omitempty"` HostClusterId string `json:"hostClusterId,omitempty"` HostId string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` DatatoreClusterId string `json:"datastoreClusterId,omitempty"` DatastoreId string `json:"datastoreId,omitempty"` }
type CompanyClient ¶
type CompanyClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type ComputeClient ¶
type ComputeClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ComputeClient) ContentLibrary ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) ContentLibrary() *ContentLibraryClient
func (*ComputeClient) Datastore ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Datastore() *DatastoreClient
func (*ComputeClient) DatastoreCluster ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) DatastoreCluster() *DatastoreClusterClient
func (*ComputeClient) Folder ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Folder() *FolderClient
func (*ComputeClient) GuestOperatingSystem ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) GuestOperatingSystem() *GuestOperatingSystemClient
func (*ComputeClient) Host ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Host() *HostClient
func (*ComputeClient) HostCluster ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) HostCluster() *HostClusterClient
func (*ComputeClient) Network ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Network() *NetworkClient
func (*ComputeClient) NetworkAdapter ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) NetworkAdapter() *NetworkAdapterClient
func (*ComputeClient) OpenIaaS ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeClient) OpenIaaS() *ComputeOpenIaaSClient
func (*ComputeClient) ResourcePool ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) ResourcePool() *ResourcePoolClient
func (*ComputeClient) Snapshot ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Snapshot() *SnapshotClient
func (*ComputeClient) VirtualController ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualController() *VirtualControllerClient
func (*ComputeClient) VirtualDatacenter ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualDatacenter() *VirtualDatacenterClient
func (*ComputeClient) VirtualDisk ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualDisk() *VirtualDiskClient
func (*ComputeClient) VirtualMachine ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualMachine() *VirtualMachineClient
func (*ComputeClient) VirtualSwitch ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) VirtualSwitch() *VirtualSwitchClient
func (*ComputeClient) Worker ¶
func (c *ComputeClient) Worker() *WorkerClient
type ComputeContentLibraryItemDeployRequest ¶ added in v0.3.0
type ComputeContentLibraryItemDeployRequest struct { ContentLibraryId string `json:"-"` ContentLibraryItemId string `json:"contentLibraryItemId"` Name string `json:"name"` HostClusterId string `json:"hostClusterId,omitempty"` HostId string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` DatastoreId string `json:"datastoreId,"` DatacenterId string `json:"datacenterId,omitempty"` PowerOn bool `json:"powerOn"` DisksProvisioningType string `json:"disksProvisioningType,omitempty"` DeployOptions []*DeployOption `json:"deployOptions,omitempty"` NetworkData []*NetworkData `json:"networkData,omitempty"` }
type ComputeOpenIaaSClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type ComputeOpenIaaSClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Host ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Host() *OpenIaaSHostClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) MachineManager ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) MachineManager() *OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Network ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Network() *OpenIaaSNetworkClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) NetworkAdapter ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) NetworkAdapter() *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Pool ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Pool() *OpenIaasPoolClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Snapshot ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Snapshot() *OpenIaaSSnapshotClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) StorageRepository ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) StorageRepository() *OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Template ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) Template() *OpenIaasTemplateClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualDisk ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualDisk() *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient
func (*ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *ComputeOpenIaaSClient) VirtualMachine() *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient
type Config ¶
type Config struct { Address string ApiSuffix bool Scheme string HttpClient *http.Client Transport http.RoundTripper ClientID, SecretID string // contains filtered or unexported fields }
func DefaultConfig ¶
func DefaultConfig() *Config
type ContentLibrary ¶
type ContentLibrary struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` MachineManagerID string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` Type string `terraform:"type"` Datastore DatastoreLink `terraform:"datastore"` }
type ContentLibraryClient ¶
type ContentLibraryClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ContentLibraryClient) Deploy ¶ added in v0.3.0
func (c *ContentLibraryClient) Deploy(ctx context.Context, req *ComputeContentLibraryItemDeployRequest) (string, error)
func (*ContentLibraryClient) List ¶
func (c *ContentLibraryClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *ContentLibraryFilter) ([]*ContentLibrary, error)
func (*ContentLibraryClient) ListItems ¶
func (c *ContentLibraryClient) ListItems(ctx context.Context, filter *ContentLibraryItemFilter) ([]*ContentLibraryItem, error)
func (*ContentLibraryClient) Read ¶
func (c *ContentLibraryClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*ContentLibrary, error)
func (*ContentLibraryClient) ReadItem ¶
func (c *ContentLibraryClient) ReadItem(ctx context.Context, contentLibraryId, contentLibraryItemId string) (*ContentLibraryItem, error)
type ContentLibraryFilter ¶ added in v0.8.0
type ContentLibraryItem ¶
type ContentLibraryItem struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` ContentLibraryId string `terraform:"content_library_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Description string `terraform:"description"` Type string `terraform:"type"` CreationTime time.Time `terraform:"creation_time"` Size int `terraform:"size"` Stored bool `terraform:"stored"` LastModifiedTime string `terraform:"last_modified_time"` OvfProperties []string `terraform:"ovf_properties"` }
type ContentLibraryItemFilter ¶ added in v0.8.0
type CreateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type CreateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type CreateTagRequest ¶
type CreateTagRequest struct { Key string `json:"key"` Value string `json:"value"` Resources []*CreateTagRequestResource `json:"resources"` }
type CreateVirtualControllerRequest ¶ added in v0.11.0
type CreateVirtualDiskRequest ¶
type CreateVirtualDiskRequest struct { ControllerId string `json:"controllerId,omitempty"` ProvisioningType string `json:"provisioningType"` DiskMode string `json:"diskMode"` Capacity int `json:"capacity"` VirtualMachineId string `json:"virtualMachineId"` DatastoreId string `json:"datastoreId,omitempty"` DatastoreClusterId string `json:"datastoreClusterId,omitempty"` }
type CreateVirtualMachineRequest ¶
type CreateVirtualMachineRequest struct { DatacenterId string `json:"datacenterId,omitempty"` HostId string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` HostClusterId string `json:"hostClusterId,omitempty"` DatastoreId string `json:"datastoreId,omitempty"` DatastoreClusterId string `json:"datastoreClusterId,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Memory int `json:"memory,omitempty"` CPU int `json:"cpu,omitempty"` GuestOperatingSystemMoref string `json:"guestOperatingSystemMoref,omitempty"` }
type CustomAdapterConfig ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CustomGuestNetworkConfig ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CustomGuestNetworkConfig struct { Hostname string `json:"hostname"` Domain string `json:"domain"` DnsServerList []string `json:"dnsServerList,omitempty"` DnsSuffixList []string `json:"dnsSuffixList,omitempty"` Adapters []*CustomAdapterConfig `json:"adapters,omitempty"` }
type CustomGuestWindowsConfig ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CustomGuestWindowsConfig struct { AutoLogon bool `json:"autoLogon"` AutoLogonCount int `json:"autoLogonCount"` TimeZone int `json:"timezone"` Password string `json:"password"` JoinDomain string `json:"joinDomain,omitempty"` DomainAdmin string `json:"domainAdmin,omitempty"` DomainAdminPassword string `json:"domainAdminPassword,omitempty"` JoinWorkgroup string `json:"joinWorkgroup,omitempty"` }
type CustomizeGuestOSRequest ¶ added in v0.12.0
type CustomizeGuestOSRequest struct { NetworkConfig *CustomGuestNetworkConfig `json:"networkConfig"` WindowsConfig *CustomGuestWindowsConfig `json:"windowsConfig,omitempty"` }
type Datastore ¶
type Datastore struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` MaxCapacity int `terraform:"max_capacity"` FreeCapacity int `terraform:"free_capacity"` Accessible int `terraform:"accessible"` MaintenanceStatus bool `terraform:"maintenance_status"` UniqueId string `terraform:"unique_id"` MachineManagerId string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` Type string `terraform:"type"` VirtualMachinesNumber int `terraform:"virtual_machines_number"` HostsNumber int `terraform:"hosts_number"` HostsNames []string `terraform:"hosts_names"` AssociatedFolder string `terraform:"associated_folder"` }
type DatastoreClient ¶
type DatastoreClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DatastoreClient) List ¶
func (d *DatastoreClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *DatastoreFilter) ([]*Datastore, error)
type DatastoreCluster ¶
type DatastoreClusterClient ¶
type DatastoreClusterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*DatastoreClusterClient) List ¶
func (d *DatastoreClusterClient) List(ctx context.Context, filter *DatastoreClusterFilter) ([]*DatastoreCluster, error)
func (*DatastoreClusterClient) Read ¶
func (d *DatastoreClusterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*DatastoreCluster, error)
type DatastoreClusterFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type DatastoreClusterMetrics ¶
type DatastoreClusterMetrics struct { FreeCapacity int `terraform:"free_capacity"` MaxCapacity int `terraform:"max_capacity"` Enabled bool `terraform:"enabled"` DefaultVmBehavior string `terraform:"default_vm_behavior"` LoadBalanceInterval int `terraform:"load_balance_interval"` SpaceThresholdMode string `terraform:"space_threshold_mode"` SpaceUtilizationThreshold int `terraform:"space_utilization_threshold"` MinSpaceUtilizationDifference int `terraform:"min_space_utilization_difference"` ReservablePercentThreshold int `terraform:"reservable_percent_threshold"` ReservableThresholdMode string `terraform:"reservable_threshold_mode"` IoLatencyThreshold int `terraform:"io_latency_threshold"` IoLoadImbalanceThreshold int `terraform:"io_load_imbalance_threshold"` IoLoadBalanceEnabled bool `terraform:"io_load_balance_enabled"` }
type DatastoreFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type DatastoreLink ¶
type DeployOption ¶ added in v0.3.0
type DiskPlacement ¶ added in v0.4.0
type FeatureAssignment ¶
type FeatureClient ¶
type FeatureClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*FeatureClient) ListAssignments ¶
func (f *FeatureClient) ListAssignments(ctx context.Context, tenantID string) ([]*FeatureAssignment, error)
type FolderClient ¶
type FolderClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type GuestOperatingSystem ¶
type GuestOperatingSystemClient ¶
type GuestOperatingSystemClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*GuestOperatingSystemClient) List ¶
func (g *GuestOperatingSystemClient) List( ctx context.Context, machineManagerId string, hostClusterId string, hostId string, osFamily string) ([]*GuestOperatingSystem, error)
func (*GuestOperatingSystemClient) Read ¶
func (g *GuestOperatingSystemClient) Read(ctx context.Context, machineManagerId string, moref string) (*GuestOperatingSystem, error)
type Host ¶
type Host struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` MachineManagerID string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` Metrics HostMetrics `terraform:"metrics"` VirtualMachines []HostVirtualMachinesStub `terraform:"virtual_machines"` }
type HostClient ¶
type HostClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type HostCluster ¶
type HostCluster struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` Hosts []HostClusterHostStub `terraform:"hosts"` Metrics HostClusterMetrics `terraform:"metrics"` VirtualMachinesNumber int `terraform:"virtual_machines_number"` MachineManagerId string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` }
type HostClusterClient ¶
type HostClusterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*HostClusterClient) List ¶
func (h *HostClusterClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *HostClusterFilter) ([]*HostCluster, error)
func (*HostClusterClient) Read ¶
func (h *HostClusterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*HostCluster, error)
type HostClusterFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type HostClusterHostStub ¶
type HostClusterMetrics ¶
type HostMetrics ¶
type HostMetrics struct { ESX HostMetricsESXStub `terraform:"esx"` CPU HostMetricsCPUStub `terraform:"cpu"` Memory HostMetricsMemoryStub `terraform:"memory"` MaintenanceStatus bool `terraform:"maintenance_status"` Uptime int `terraform:"uptime"` Connected bool `terraform:"connected"` }
type HostMetricsCPUStub ¶
type HostMetricsESXStub ¶
type HostMetricsMemoryStub ¶
type HostVirtualMachinesStub ¶
type IAM ¶
type IAM struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*IAM) Assignment ¶
func (i *IAM) Assignment() *AssignmentClient
func (*IAM) Company ¶
func (i *IAM) Company() *CompanyClient
func (*IAM) Feature ¶
func (i *IAM) Feature() *FeatureClient
func (*IAM) Role ¶
func (i *IAM) Role() *RoleClient
func (*IAM) Tenant ¶
func (i *IAM) Tenant() *TenantClient
func (*IAM) User ¶
func (i *IAM) User() *UserClient
type LoginToken ¶
type LoginToken struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*LoginToken) CompanyID ¶
func (l *LoginToken) CompanyID() string
func (*LoginToken) TenantID ¶
func (l *LoginToken) TenantID() string
func (*LoginToken) UserID ¶
func (l *LoginToken) UserID() string
type MountVirtualControllerRequest ¶ added in v0.11.0
type Network ¶
type Network struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` MachineManagerId string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` VirtualMachinesNumber int `terraform:"virtual_machines_number"` HostNumber int `terraform:"host_number"` HostNames []string `terraform:"host_names"` }
type NetworkAdapter ¶
type NetworkAdapter struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` VirtualMachineId string `terraform:"virtual_machine_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` NetworkId string `terraform:"network_id"` Type string `terraform:"type"` MacType string `terraform:"mac_type"` MacAddress string `terraform:"mac_address"` Connected bool `terraform:"connected"` AutoConnect bool `terraform:"auto_connect"` }
type NetworkAdapterClient ¶
type NetworkAdapterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NetworkAdapterClient) Create ¶
func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
func (*NetworkAdapterClient) Disconnect ¶
func (*NetworkAdapterClient) List ¶
func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*NetworkAdapter, error)
func (*NetworkAdapterClient) Read ¶
func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*NetworkAdapter, error)
func (*NetworkAdapterClient) Update ¶
func (n *NetworkAdapterClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
type NetworkClient ¶
type NetworkClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*NetworkClient) List ¶
func (n *NetworkClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *NetworkFilter) ([]*Network, error)
type NetworkData ¶ added in v0.3.0
type NetworkFilter ¶ added in v0.8.1
type NetworkFilter struct { Name string `filter:"name"` MachineManagerId string `filter:"machineManagerId"` DatacenterId string `filter:"datacenterId"` VirtualMachineId string `filter:"virtualMachineId"` Type string `filter:"type"` VirtualSwitchId string `filter:"virtualSwitchId"` HostId string `filter:"hostId"` HostClusterId string `filter:"hostClusterId"` FolderId string `filter:"folderId"` }
type OpenIaaSHost ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSHost struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type string `terraform:"type"` } `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` InternalId string `terraform:"internal_id"` Pool struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type struct { Key string `terraform:"key"` Description string `terraform:"description"` } `terraform:"type"` } `terraform:"pool"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Master bool `terraform:"master"` Uptime int `terraform:"uptime"` PowerState string `terraform:"power_state"` UpdateData struct { MaintenanceMode bool `terraform:"maintenance_mode"` Status string `terraform:"status"` } `terraform:"update_data"` RebootRequired bool `terraform:"reboot_required"` VirtualMachines []string `terraform:"virtual_machines"` Metrics struct { XOA struct { Version string `terraform:"version"` FullName string `terraform:"full_name"` Build string `terraform:"build"` } `terraform:"xoa"` Memory struct { Usage int `terraform:"usage"` Size int `terraform:"size"` } `terraform:"memory"` Cpu struct { Sockets int `terraform:"sockets"` Cores int `terraform:"cores"` Model string `terraform:"model"` ModelName string `terraform:"model_name"` } `terraform:"cpu"` } `terraform:"metrics"` }
type OpenIaaSHostClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSHostClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSHostClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (h *OpenIaaSHostClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaasHostFilter) ([]*OpenIaaSHost, error)
func (*OpenIaaSHostClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (h *OpenIaaSHostClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSHost, error)
type OpenIaaSMachineManager ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient) List(ctx context.Context) ([]*OpenIaaSMachineManager, error)
func (*OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSMachineManagerClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSMachineManager, error)
type OpenIaaSNetwork ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSNetwork struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Pool Pool `terraform:"pool"` MaximumTransmissionUnit int `terraform:"maximum_transmission_unit"` NetworkAdapters []string `terraform:"network_adapters"` NetworkBlockDevice bool `terraform:"network_block_device"` InsecureNetworkBlockDevice bool `terraform:"insecure_network_block_device"` }
type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` MachineManagerID string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` VirtualMachineID string `terraform:"virtual_machine_id"` MacAddress string `terraform:"mac_address"` MTU int `terraform:"mtu"` Attached bool `terraform:"attached"` Network struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"network"` }
type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Create ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter, error)
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapter, error)
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Update ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSNetworkAdapterClient) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest) (string, error)
type OpenIaaSNetworkClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSNetworkClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (n *OpenIaaSNetworkClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaaSNetworkFilter) ([]*OpenIaaSNetwork, error)
func (*OpenIaaSNetworkClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (n *OpenIaaSNetworkClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSNetwork, error)
type OpenIaaSNetworkFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSNetworkFilter struct {
MachineManagerID string `filter:"machineManagerId"`
type OpenIaaSSnapshot ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSSnapshotClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSSnapshotClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSSnapshotClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSSnapshotClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*OpenIaaSSnapshot, error)
func (*OpenIaaSSnapshotClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSSnapshotClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSSnapshot, error)
type OpenIaaSStorageRepository ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSStorageRepository struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` InternalId string `terraform:"internal_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Description string `terraform:"description"` MaintenanceStatus bool `terraform:"maintenance_status"` MaxCapacity int `terraform:"max_capacity"` FreeCapacity int `terraform:"free_capacity"` StorageType string `terraform:"storage_type"` VirtualDisks []string `terraform:"virtual_disks"` Accessible int `terraform:"accessible"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` Host struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"host"` Pool struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` } `terraform:"pool"` }
type OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (h *OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *StorageRepositoryFilter) ([]*OpenIaaSStorageRepository, error)
func (*OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (h *OpenIaaSStorageRepositoryClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSStorageRepository, error)
type OpenIaaSTemplateFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualDisk ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualDisk struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Description string `terraform:"description"` Size int `terraform:"size"` Usage int `terraform:"usage"` Snapshots []string `terraform:"snapshots"` StorageRepository struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Description string `terraform:"description"` } `terraform:"storage_repository"` VirtualMachines []struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` ReadOnly bool `terraform:"read_only"` } `terraform:"virtual_machines"` }
type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskAttachRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Attach ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Attach(ctx context.Context, id string, req *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskAttachRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Create ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskCreateRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*OpenIaaSVirtualDisk, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualDiskClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSVirtualDisk, error)
type OpenIaaSVirtualDiskCreateRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachine ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachine struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` PowerState string `terraform:"power_state"` SecureBoot bool `terraform:"secure_boot"` AutoPowerOn bool `terraform:"auto_power_on"` DvdDrive DvdDrive `terraform:"dvd_drive"` BootOrder []string `terraform:"boot_order"` OperatingSystemName string `terraform:"operating_system_name"` CPU int `terraform:"cpu"` NumCoresPerSocket int `terraform:"num_cores_per_socket"` Memory int `terraform:"memory"` Tools struct { Detected bool `terraform:"detected"` Version string `terraform:"version"` } `terraform:"tools"` Addresses struct { IPv6 string `terraform:"ipv6"` IPv4 string `terraform:"ipv4"` } `terraform:"addresses"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type string `terraform:"type"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` Host BaseObject `terraform:"host"` Pool BaseObject `terraform:"pool"` }
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Create ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineFilter) ([]*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Power ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Power(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachinePowerRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) UnmountISO ¶ added in v0.15.1
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Update ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (v *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) Update(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) UpdateBootOrder ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) WaitForTools ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (c *OpenIaaSVirtualMachineClient) WaitForTools(ctx context.Context, id string, options *WaiterOptions) (*OpenIaaSVirtualMachine, error)
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaaSVirtualMachineFilter struct {
MachineManagerID string `filter:"machineManagerId"`
type OpenIaasBackupFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasHostFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasHostFilter struct { // TODO : Add filter by name MachineManagerId string `filter:"machineManagerId"` }
type OpenIaasPool ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasPool struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type string `terraform:"type"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` HighAvailabilityEnabled bool `terraform:"high_availability_enabled"` Hosts []string `terraform:"hosts"` Cpu struct { Cores int `terraform:"cores"` Sockets int `terraform:"sockets"` } `terraform:"cpu"` Type struct { Key string `terraform:"key"` Description string `terraform:"description"` } `terraform:"type"` }
type OpenIaasPoolClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasPoolClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaasPoolClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (p *OpenIaasPoolClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaasPoolFilter) ([]*OpenIaasPool, error)
func (*OpenIaasPoolClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (p *OpenIaasPoolClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaasPool, error)
type OpenIaasPoolFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasPoolFilter struct { // TODO : Add filter by name MachineManagerId string `filter:"machineManagerId"` }
type OpenIaasTemplate ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasTemplate struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` MachineManager struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type string `terraform:"type"` } `terraform:"machine_manager"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` CPU int `terraform:"cpu"` NumCoresPerSocket int `terraform:"num_cores_per_socket"` Memory int `terraform:"memory"` PowerState string `terraform:"power_state"` Snapshots []string `terraform:"snapshots"` SLAPolicies []string `terraform:"sla_policies"` Disks []TemplateDisk `terraform:"disks"` NetworkAdapters []TemplateNetworkAdapter `terraform:"network_adapters"` }
type OpenIaasTemplateClient ¶ added in v0.15.0
type OpenIaasTemplateClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*OpenIaasTemplateClient) List ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (p *OpenIaasTemplateClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *OpenIaaSTemplateFilter) ([]*OpenIaasTemplate, error)
func (*OpenIaasTemplateClient) Read ¶ added in v0.15.0
func (p *OpenIaasTemplateClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*OpenIaasTemplate, error)
type PATClient ¶
type PATClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type PowerRequest ¶
type PowerRequest struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` DatacenterId string `json:"datacenterId,omitempty"` PowerAction string `json:"powerAction,omitempty"` ForceEnterBIOS bool `json:"forceEnterBIOS,omitempty"` Recommendation *VirtualMachinePowerRecommendation `json:"recommendation,omitempty"` }
type RelocateVirtualMachineRequest ¶ added in v0.4.0
type RelocateVirtualMachineRequest struct { VirtualMachines []string `json:"virtualMachines"` Priority string `json:"priority"` DatacenterId string `json:"datacenterId,omitempty"` HostId string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` HostClusterId string `json:"hostClusterId,omitempty"` DatastoreId string `json:"datastoreId,omitempty"` DatastoreClusterId string `json:"datastoreClusterId,omitempty"` NetworkData []*NetworkData `json:"networkData,omitempty"` DiskPlacements []*DiskPlacement `json:"diskPlacements,omitempty"` }
type ResourcePool ¶
type ResourcePool struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` MachineManagerID string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` Parent ResourcePoolParent `terraform:"parent"` Metrics ResourcePoolMetrics `terraform:"metrics"` }
type ResourcePoolCPUMetrics ¶
type ResourcePoolClient ¶
type ResourcePoolClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*ResourcePoolClient) List ¶
func (rp *ResourcePoolClient) List( ctx context.Context, machineManagerID string, DatacenterID string, hostClusterID string) ([]*ResourcePool, error)
func (*ResourcePoolClient) Read ¶
func (rp *ResourcePoolClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*ResourcePool, error)
type ResourcePoolMetrics ¶
type ResourcePoolMetrics struct { CPU ResourcePoolCPUMetrics `terraform:"cpu"` Memory ResourcePoolMemoryMetrics `terraform:"memory"` }
type ResourcePoolParent ¶
type RoleClient ¶
type RoleClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type SnapshotClient ¶
type SnapshotClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type StatusError ¶
func (StatusError) Error ¶
func (e StatusError) Error() string
type StorageRepositoryFilter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type TagClient ¶
type TagClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TagClient) Resource ¶
func (c *TagClient) Resource() *TagResourceClient
type TagResourceClient ¶
type TagResourceClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*TagResourceClient) Create ¶
func (c *TagResourceClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateTagRequest) error
type TemplateDisk ¶ added in v0.15.0
type TemplateDisk struct { Name string `terraform:"name"` Description string `terraform:"description"` Size int `terraform:"size"` StorageRepository BaseObject `terraform:"storage_repository"` }
type TemplateNetworkAdapter ¶ added in v0.15.0
type TemplateNetworkAdapter struct { Name string `terraform:"name"` MacAddress string `terraform:"mac_address"` MTU int `terraform:"mtu"` Attached bool `terraform:"attached"` Network BaseObject `terraform:"network"` }
type TenantAssignment ¶
type TenantClient ¶
type TenantClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type UpdateGuestRequest ¶ added in v0.6.0
type UpdateGuestRequest struct {
GuestOperatingSystemMoref string `json:"guestOperatingSystemMoref"`
type UpdateOpenIaasNetworkAdapterRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachinePowerRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachinePowerRequest struct { PowerState string `json:"powerState"` HostId string `json:"hostId,omitempty"` Force bool `json:"force,omitempty"` BypassMacAddressesCheck bool `json:"bypassMacAddressesCheck,omitempty"` ForceShutdownDelay int `json:"forceShutdownDelay,omitempty"` BypassBlockedOperation bool `json:"bypassBlockedOperation,omitempty"` }
type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest ¶ added in v0.15.0
type UpdateOpenIaasVirtualMachineRequest struct { Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` CPU int `json:"cpu,omitempty"` NumCoresPerSocket int `json:"numCoresPerSocket,omitempty"` Memory int `json:"memory,omitempty"` SecureBoot bool `json:"secureBoot,omitempty"` BootFirmware string `json:"bootFirmware,omitempty"` AutoPowerOn bool `json:"autoPowerOn,omitempty"` HighAvailability string `json:"highAvailability,omitempty"` }
type UpdateVirtualMachineRequest ¶
type UpdateVirtualMachineRequest struct { Id string `json:"id"` Ram int `json:"ram"` Cpu int `json:"cpu"` CorePerSocket int `json:"corePerSocket"` HotCpuAdd bool `json:"hotCpuAdd"` HotCpuRemove bool `json:"hotCpuRemove"` HotMemAdd bool `json:"hotMemAdd"` BootOptions *BootOptions `json:"bootOptions,omitempty"` ExposeHardwareVirtualization bool `json:"exposeHardwareVirtualization,omitempty"` }
type User ¶
type User struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` InternalID string `terraform:"internal_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Type string `terraform:"type"` Source []string `terraform:"source"` SourceID string `terraform:"source_id"` EmailVerified bool `terraform:"email_verified"` Email string `terraform:"email"` }
type UserClient ¶
type UserClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
type VirtualController ¶
type VirtualController struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` VirtualMachineId string `terraform:"virtual_machine_id"` HotAddRemove bool `terraform:"hot_add_remove"` Type string `terraform:"type"` SubType string `terraform:"sub_type"` Label string `terraform:"label"` Summary string `terraform:"summary"` VirtualDisks []string `terraform:"virtual_disks"` }
type VirtualControllerClient ¶
type VirtualControllerClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VirtualControllerClient) Create ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualControllerRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualControllerClient) Disconnect ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (*VirtualControllerClient) List ¶
func (v *VirtualControllerClient) List( ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string, types string) ([]*VirtualController, error)
func (*VirtualControllerClient) Mount ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (n *VirtualControllerClient) Mount(ctx context.Context, req *MountVirtualControllerRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualControllerClient) Read ¶ added in v0.11.0
func (v *VirtualControllerClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualController, error)
type VirtualDatacenter ¶
type VirtualDatacenterClient ¶
type VirtualDatacenterClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VirtualDatacenterClient) List ¶
func (v *VirtualDatacenterClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *VirtualDatacenterFilter) ([]*VirtualDatacenter, error)
func (*VirtualDatacenterClient) Read ¶
func (v *VirtualDatacenterClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualDatacenter, error)
type VirtualDatacenterFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type VirtualDisk ¶
type VirtualDisk struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` VirtualMachineId string `terraform:"virtual_machine_id"` MachineManagerId string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Capacity int `terraform:"capacity"` DiskUnitNumber int `terraform:"disk_unit_number"` ControllerBusNumber int `terraform:"controller_bus_number"` ControllerId string `terraform:"controller_id"` DatastoreId string `terraform:"datastore_id"` DatastoreName string `terraform:"datastore_name"` InstantAccess bool `terraform:"instant_access"` NativeId string `terraform:"native_id"` DiskPath string `terraform:"disk_path"` ProvisioningType string `terraform:"provisioning_type"` DiskMode string `terraform:"disk_mode"` Editable bool `terraform:"editable"` }
type VirtualDiskClient ¶
type VirtualDiskClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VirtualDiskClient) Create ¶
func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualDiskClient) List ¶
func (v *VirtualDiskClient) List(ctx context.Context, virtualMachineId string) ([]*VirtualDisk, error)
func (*VirtualDiskClient) Read ¶
func (v *VirtualDiskClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualDisk, error)
func (*VirtualDiskClient) Update ¶
func (n *VirtualDiskClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateVirtualDiskRequest) (string, error)
type VirtualMachine ¶
type VirtualMachine struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` Moref string `terraform:"moref"` MachineManagerType string `terraform:"machine_manager_type"` MachineManagerId string `terraform:"machine_manager_id"` MachineManagerName string `terraform:"machine_manager_name"` DatastoreName string `terraform:"datastore_name"` ConsolidationNeeded bool `terraform:"consolidation_needed"` Template bool `terraform:"template"` PowerState string `terraform:"power_state"` HardwareVersion string `terraform:"hardware_version"` NumCoresPerSocket int `terraform:"num_cores_per_socket"` OperatingSystemName string `terraform:"operating_system_name"` OperatingSystemMoref string `terraform:"guest_operating_system_moref"` Cpu int `terraform:"cpu"` CpuHotAddEnabled bool `terraform:"cpu_hot_add_enabled"` CpuHotRemoveEnabled bool `terraform:"cpu_hot_remove_enabled"` MemoryHotAddEnabled bool `terraform:"memory_hot_add_enabled"` Memory int `terraform:"memory"` CpuUsage int `terraform:"cpu_usage"` MemoryUsage int `terraform:"memory_usage"` Tools string `terraform:"tools"` ToolsVersion int `terraform:"tools_version"` DatacenterId string `terraform:"datacenter_id"` HostClusterId string `terraform:"host_cluster_id"` DatastoreId string `terraform:"datastore_id"` DatastoreClusterId string `terraform:"datastore_cluster_id"` DistributedVirtualPortGroupIds []string `terraform:"distributed_virtual_port_group_ids"` SppMode string `terraform:"spp_mode"` Snapshoted bool `terraform:"snapshoted"` TriggeredAlarms []VirtualMachineTriggeredAlarm `terraform:"triggered_alarms"` ReplicationConfig VirtualMachineReplicationConfig `terraform:"replication_config"` ExtraConfig []VirtualMachineExtraConfig `terraform:"extra_config"` Storage VirtualMachineStorage `terraform:"storage"` BootOptions VirtualMachineBootOptions `terraform:"boot_options"` ExposeHardwareVirtualization bool `terraform:"expose_hardware_virtualization"` }
type VirtualMachineBootOptions ¶
type VirtualMachineBootOptions struct { Firmware string `terraform:"firmware"` BootDelay int `terraform:"boot_delay"` EnterBIOSSetup bool `terraform:"enter_bios_setup"` BootRetryEnabled bool `terraform:"boot_retry_enabled"` BootRetryDelay int `terraform:"boot_retry_delay"` EFISecureBootEnabled bool `terraform:"efi_secure_boot_enabled"` }
type VirtualMachineClient ¶
type VirtualMachineClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Clone ¶ added in v0.2.0
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Clone(ctx context.Context, req *CloneVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Create ¶
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Create(ctx context.Context, req *CreateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) CustomizeGuestOS ¶ added in v0.12.0
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) CustomizeGuestOS(ctx context.Context, id string, req *CustomizeGuestOSRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Guest ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Guest(ctx context.Context, id string, req *UpdateGuestRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Power ¶
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Power(ctx context.Context, req *PowerRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Read ¶
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualMachine, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Recommendation ¶ added in v0.6.0
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Recommendation(ctx context.Context, filter *VirtualMachineRecommendationFilter) ([]*VirtualMachinePowerRecommendation, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Relocate ¶ added in v0.4.0
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Relocate(ctx context.Context, req *RelocateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
func (*VirtualMachineClient) Update ¶
func (v *VirtualMachineClient) Update(ctx context.Context, req *UpdateVirtualMachineRequest) (string, error)
type VirtualMachineDisk ¶
type VirtualMachinePowerRecommendation ¶ added in v0.6.0
type VirtualMachineRecommendationFilter ¶ added in v0.6.0
type VirtualMachineReplicationConfig ¶
type VirtualMachineReplicationConfig struct { Generation int `terraform:"generation"` VmReplicationId string `terraform:"vm_replication_id"` Rpo int `terraform:"rpo"` QuiesceGuestEnabled bool `terraform:"quiesce_guest_enabled"` Paused bool `terraform:"paused"` OppUpdatesEnabled bool `terraform:"opp_updates_enabled"` NetCompressionEnabled bool `terraform:"net_compression_enabled"` NetEncryptionEnabled bool `terraform:"net_encryption_enabled"` EncryptionDestination bool `terraform:"encryption_destination"` Disk []VirtualMachineDisk `terraform:"disk"` }
type VirtualMachineStorage ¶
type VirtualMachineTriggeredAlarm ¶ added in v0.2.1
type VirtualSwitch ¶
type VirtualSwitchClient ¶
type VirtualSwitchClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*VirtualSwitchClient) List ¶
func (v *VirtualSwitchClient) List( ctx context.Context, filter *VirtualSwitchFilter) ([]*VirtualSwitch, error)
func (*VirtualSwitchClient) Read ¶
func (v *VirtualSwitchClient) Read(ctx context.Context, id string) (*VirtualSwitch, error)
type VirtualSwitchFilter ¶ added in v0.8.1
type WaiterOptions ¶ added in v0.3.0
type WaiterOptions struct {
Logger func(msg string)
type Worker ¶
type Worker struct { ID string `terraform:"id"` Name string `terraform:"name"` FullName string `terraform:"full_name"` Vendor string `terraform:"vendor"` Version string `terraform:"version"` Build int `terraform:"build"` LocaleVersion string `terraform:"locale_version"` LocaleBuild int `terraform:"locale_build"` OsType string `terraform:"os_type"` ProductLineID string `terraform:"product_line_id"` ApiType string `terraform:"api_type"` ApiVersion string `terraform:"api_version"` InstanceUuid string `terraform:"instance_uuid"` LicenseProductName string `terraform:"license_product_name"` LicenseProductVersion int `terraform:"license_product_version"` TenantID string `terraform:"tenant_id"` TenantName string `terraform:"tenant_name"` }
type WorkerClient ¶
type WorkerClient struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Source Files
- activity.go
- api.go
- backup.go
- backup_backup.go
- backup_job.go
- backup_job_session.go
- backup_metrics.go
- backup_openiaas.go
- backup_openiaas_backup.go
- backup_openiaas_policy.go
- backup_site.go
- backup_sla_policy.go
- backup_spp_server.go
- backup_storage.go
- backup_vcenter.go
- backup_virtual_disk.go
- backup_virtual_machine.go
- compute.go
- compute_content_library.go
- compute_datastore.go
- compute_datastore_cluster.go
- compute_folder.go
- compute_guest_operating_system.go
- compute_host.go
- compute_host_cluster.go
- compute_network.go
- compute_network_adapter.go
- compute_openiaas.go
- compute_openiaas_host.go
- compute_openiaas_machine_manager.go
- compute_openiaas_network.go
- compute_openiaas_network_adapter.go
- compute_openiaas_pool.go
- compute_openiaas_snapshot.go
- compute_openiaas_storage_repository.go
- compute_openiaas_template.go
- compute_openiaas_virtual_disk.go
- compute_openiaas_virtual_machine.go
- compute_resource_pool.go
- compute_snapshot.go
- compute_virtual_controller.go
- compute_virtual_datacenter.go
- compute_virtual_disk.go
- compute_virtual_machine.go
- compute_virtual_switch.go
- compute_worker.go
- iam.go
- iam_assignment.go
- iam_company.go
- iam_feature.go
- iam_pat.go
- iam_role.go
- iam_tenant.go
- iam_user.go
- tag.go
- tag_resource.go
Click to show internal directories.
Click to hide internal directories.