Overview ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug ¶
Package model is to handle object of CB-Tumblebug
Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func GetLabelConstantsMap() map[string]string
- func GetLabelTypes() []string
- type AgentInstallContent
- type AgentInstallContentWrapper
- type AutoAction
- type AutoCondition
- type BastionInfo
- type BastionNode
- type BenchmarkInfo
- type BenchmarkInfoArray
- type BenchmarkReq
- type CSPDetail
- type CheckMciDynamicReqInfo
- type CheckVmDynamicReqInfo
- type Cloud
- type CloudDriverInfo
- type CloudInfo
- type CloudSetting
- type ConfigInfo
- type ConfigReq
- type ConnConfig
- type ConnConfigList
- type ControlVmResult
- type ControlVmResultWrapper
- type Credential
- type CredentialInfo
- type CredentialReq
- type CspRegion
- type CustomImageStatus
- type DeploymentPlan
- type DfAgentInstallReq
- type DiskStatus
- type FilterCondition
- type FilterInfo
- type FilterSpecsByRangeRequest
- type IID
- type IdList
- type InspectResource
- type InspectResourceAllResult
- type InspectResourceResult
- type K8sClusterDetail
- type K8sClusterInfo
- type K8sClusterNodeGroupsOnCreation
- type K8sClusterNodeImageDetail
- type K8sClusterNodeImageDetailAvailable
- type K8sClusterRootDiskDetail
- type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailSize
- type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailType
- type K8sClusterSetting
- type K8sClusterVersionDetail
- type K8sClusterVersionDetailAvailable
- type KeyValue
- type KeyWithEncryptedValue
- type Label
- type LabelInfo
- type LabelableResource
- type Location
- type McNlbInfo
- type MciAccessInfo
- type MciCmdReq
- type MciConnectionConfigCandidatesReq
- type MciPolicyInfo
- type MciPolicyReq
- type MciRecommendReq
- type MciSshCmdResult
- type MciStatusInfo
- type MciSubGroupAccessInfo
- type MciVmAccessInfo
- type MonAgentInstallReq
- type MonResultSimple
- type MonResultSimpleResponse
- type MultihostBenchmarkReq
- type NLBListenerReq
- type NeededVNet
- type NlbSetting
- type Nlbsw
- type NsInfo
- type NsReq
- type Operation
- type OptionalParameter
- type ParameterKeyVal
- type Policy
- type PriorityCondition
- type PriorityInfo
- type PublicKeyResponse
- type Range
- type RegionDetail
- type RegionInfo
- type RegionList
- type RegionZoneInfo
- type RegisterResourceAllResult
- type RegisterResourceResult
- type RegisterationOverview
- type ResourceCountOverview
- type ResourceIds
- type ResourceOnCsp
- type ResourceOnCspInfo
- type ResourceOnSpider
- type ResourceOnSpiderInfo
- type ResourceOnTumblebug
- type ResourceOnTumblebugInfo
- type ResourcesByManageType
- type RetrievedRegionList
- type RuntimeConfig
- type SimpleMsg
- type SpecBenchmarkInfo
- type SpiderAccessInfo
- type SpiderAddonsInfo
- type SpiderAllList
- type SpiderAllListWrapper
- type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReq
- type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReqInfo
- type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeRes
- type SpiderClusterInfo
- type SpiderClusterReq
- type SpiderClusterReqInfo
- type SpiderClusterRes
- type SpiderClusterStatus
- type SpiderConnConfig
- type SpiderConnectionName
- type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReq
- type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReqWrapper
- type SpiderDiskInfo
- type SpiderDiskReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderDiskUpsizeReq
- type SpiderDiskUpsizeReqWrapper
- type SpiderGpuInfo
- type SpiderImageInfo
- type SpiderImageList
- type SpiderImageReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderImageType
- type SpiderKeyPairInfo
- type SpiderKeyPairReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderMyImageInfo
- type SpiderMyImageRegisterReq
- type SpiderMyImageReq
- type SpiderNLBAddRemoveVMReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerInfo
- type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerReq
- type SpiderNLBHealthInfo
- type SpiderNLBHealthInfoWrapper
- type SpiderNLBInfo
- type SpiderNLBListenerInfo
- type SpiderNLBReqInfo
- type SpiderNLBReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderNLBSubGroupInfo
- type SpiderNLBSubGroupReq
- type SpiderNameIdSystemId
- type SpiderNetworkInfo
- type SpiderNodeGroupInfo
- type SpiderNodeGroupReq
- type SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo
- type SpiderNodeGroupStatus
- type SpiderRegionZoneInfo
- type SpiderSecurityInfo
- type SpiderSecurityInfoList
- type SpiderSecurityReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderSecurityRuleInfo
- type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoIntermediateWrapper
- type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoWrapper
- type SpiderSetAutoscalingReq
- type SpiderSetAutoscalingReqInfo
- type SpiderSetAutoscalingRes
- type SpiderSpecInfo
- type SpiderSpecList
- type SpiderUpgradeClusterReq
- type SpiderUpgradeClusterReqInfo
- type SpiderVCpuInfo
- type SpiderVMInfo
- type SpiderVMReqInfoWrapper
- type SshCmdResult
- type SshInfo
- type StatusCountInfo
- type SystemLabelInfo
- type TbAttachDetachDataDiskReq
- type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeReq
- type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeRes
- type TbCustomImageInfo
- type TbCustomImageReq
- type TbDataDiskInfo
- type TbDataDiskReq
- type TbDataDiskUpsizeReq
- type TbDataDiskVmReq
- type TbFirewallRuleInfo
- type TbIdNameInDetailInfo
- type TbImageInfo
- type TbImageReq
- type TbInspectResourcesResponse
- type TbK8sAccessInfo
- type TbK8sAddonsInfo
- type TbK8sClusterInfo
- type TbK8sClusterNetworkInfo
- type TbK8sClusterReq
- type TbK8sClusterStatus
- type TbK8sNodeGroupInfo
- type TbK8sNodeGroupReq
- type TbK8sNodeGroupStatus
- type TbMciDynamicReq
- type TbMciInfo
- type TbMciReq
- type TbNLBAddRemoveVMReq
- type TbNLBHealthCheckerInfo
- type TbNLBHealthCheckerReq
- type TbNLBHealthInfo
- type TbNLBInfo
- type TbNLBListenerInfo
- type TbNLBReq
- type TbNLBTargetGroupInfo
- type TbNLBTargetGroupReq
- type TbRegisterSubnetReq
- type TbRegisterVNetReq
- type TbScaleOutSubGroupReq
- type TbSecurityGroupInfo
- type TbSecurityGroupReq
- type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingReq
- type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingRes
- type TbSpecInfo
- type TbSpecReq
- type TbSshKeyInfo
- type TbSshKeyReq
- type TbSubGroupInfo
- type TbSubnetInfo
- type TbSubnetReq
- type TbUpgradeK8sClusterReq
- type TbVNetInfo
- type TbVNetReq
- type TbVmDynamicReq
- type TbVmInfo
- type TbVmPriority
- type TbVmRecommendInfo
- type TbVmRecommendReq
- type TbVmReq
- type TbVmSnapshotReq
- type TbVmStatusInfo
- type VNetDesignRequest
- type VNetDesignResponse
Constants ¶
const ( StrManager string = "cb-tumblebug" StrSpiderRestUrl string = "TB_SPIDER_REST_URL" StrDragonflyRestUrl string = "TB_DRAGONFLY_REST_URL" StrTerrariumRestUrl string = "TB_TERRARIUM_REST_URL" StrDBUrl string = "TB_SQLITE_URL" StrDBDatabase string = "TB_SQLITE_DATABASE" StrDBUser string = "TB_SQLITE_USER" StrDBPassword string = "TB_SQLITE_PASSWORD" StrAutocontrolDurationMs string = "TB_AUTOCONTROL_DURATION_MS" StrEtcdEndpoints string = "TB_ETCD_ENDPOINTS" ErrStrKeyNotFound string = "key not found" StrAdd string = "add" StrDelete string = "delete" StrSSHKey string = "sshKey" StrImage string = "image" StrCustomImage string = "customImage" StrSecurityGroup string = "securityGroup" StrSpec string = "spec" StrVNet string = "vNet" StrSubnet string = "subnet" StrDataDisk string = "dataDisk" StrNLB string = "nlb" StrVM string = "vm" StrMCI string = "mci" StrSubGroup string = "subGroup" StrK8s string = "k8s" StrKubernetes string = "kubernetes" StrContainer string = "container" StrNamespace string = "ns" StrCommon string = "common" StrEmpty string = "empty" // SystemCommonNs is const for SystemCommon NameSpace ID SystemCommonNs string = "system" )
const ( AttachDataDisk string = "attach" DetachDataDisk string = "detach" AvailableDataDisk string = "available" )
type DataDiskCmd string
const ( LabelManager string = "sys.manager" LabelNamespace string = "sys.namespace" LabelLabelType string = "sys.labelType" LabelId string = "" LabelName string = "" LabelUid string = "sys.uid" LabelCspResourceId string = "sys.cspResourceId" LabelCspResourceName string = "sys.cspResourceName" LabelMciId string = "sys.mciId" LabelMciName string = "sys.mciName" LabelMciUid string = "sys.mciUid" LabelMciDescription string = "sys.mciDescription" LabelSubGroupId string = "sys.subGroupId" LabelCreatedTime string = "sys.createdTime" LabelConnectionName string = "sys.connectionName" LabelDescription string = "sys.description" LabelRegistered string = "sys.registered" LabelPurpose string = "sys.purpose" LabelDeploymentType string = "sys.deploymentType" LabelDiskType string = "sys.diskType" LabelDiskSize string = "sys.diskSize" LabelVersion string = "sys.version" LabelVNetId string = "sys.vNetId" LabelIpv4_CIDR string = "sys.ipv4_CIDR" LabelZone string = "" LabelStatus string = "sys.status" LabelCspVNetId string = "sys.cspVNetId" LabelCspVNetName string = "sys.cspVNetName" LabelCidr string = "sys.cidr" )
const ( // ActionCreate is const for Create ActionCreate string = "Create" // ActionTerminate is const for Terminate ActionTerminate string = "Terminate" // ActionSuspend is const for Suspend ActionSuspend string = "Suspend" // ActionResume is const for Resume ActionResume string = "Resume" // ActionReboot is const for Reboot ActionReboot string = "Reboot" // ActionRefine is const for Refine ActionRefine string = "Refine" // ActionComplete is const for Complete ActionComplete string = "None" )
const ( // StatusRunning is const for Running StatusRunning string = "Running" // StatusSuspended is const for Suspended StatusSuspended string = "Suspended" // StatusFailed is const for Failed StatusFailed string = "Failed" // StatusTerminated is const for Terminated StatusTerminated string = "Terminated" // StatusCreating is const for Creating StatusCreating string = "Creating" // StatusSuspending is const for Suspending StatusSuspending string = "Suspending" // StatusResuming is const for Resuming StatusResuming string = "Resuming" // StatusRebooting is const for Rebooting StatusRebooting string = "Rebooting" // StatusTerminating is const for Terminating StatusTerminating string = "Terminating" // StatusUndefined is const for Undefined StatusUndefined string = "Undefined" // StatusComplete is const for Complete StatusComplete string = "None" )
const ( // AutoStatusReady is const for "Ready" status. AutoStatusReady string = "Ready" // AutoStatusChecking is const for "Checking" status. AutoStatusChecking string = "Checking" // AutoStatusDetected is const for "Detected" status. AutoStatusDetected string = "Detected" // AutoStatusOperating is const for "Operating" status. AutoStatusOperating string = "Operating" // AutoStatusStabilizing is const for "Stabilizing" status. AutoStatusStabilizing string = "Stabilizing" // AutoStatusTimeout is const for "Timeout" status. AutoStatusTimeout string = "Timeout" // AutoStatusError is const for "Failed" status. AutoStatusError string = "Failed" // AutoStatusSuspended is const for "Suspended" status. AutoStatusSuspended string = "Suspended" )
Status for mci automation
const ( // AutoActionScaleOut is const for "ScaleOut" action. AutoActionScaleOut string = "ScaleOut" // AutoActionScaleIn is const for "ScaleIn" action. AutoActionScaleIn string = "ScaleIn" )
Action for mci automation
const ( MonMetricAll string = "all" MonMetricCpu string = "cpu" MonMetricCpufreq string = "cpufreq" MonMetricMem string = "mem" MonMetricNet string = "net" MonMetricSwap string = "swap" MonMetricDisk string = "disk" MonMetricDiskio string = "diskio" )
const DefaultSystemLabel string = "Managed by CB-Tumblebug"
DefaultSystemLabel is const for string to specify the Default System Label
const MilkywayPort string = ":1324/milkyway/"
MilkywayPort is const for MilkywayPort
const StrAutoGen string = "autogen"
Variables ¶
var AutocontrolDurationMs string
var DBDatabase string
var DBPassword string
var DBUrl string
var DBUser string
var DefaultCredentialHolder string
var DefaultNamespace string
var DragonflyRestUrl string
var EtcdEndpoints string
var MyDB *sql.DB
var ORM *xorm.Engine
var ResourceTypeRegistry = map[string]func() interface{}{ StrSSHKey: func() interface{} { return &TbSshKeyInfo{} }, StrImage: func() interface{} { return &TbImageInfo{} }, StrCustomImage: func() interface{} { return &TbCustomImageInfo{} }, StrSecurityGroup: func() interface{} { return &TbSecurityGroupInfo{} }, StrSpec: func() interface{} { return &TbSpecInfo{} }, StrVNet: func() interface{} { return &TbVNetInfo{} }, StrSubnet: func() interface{} { return &TbSubnetInfo{} }, StrDataDisk: func() interface{} { return &TbDataDiskInfo{} }, StrNLB: func() interface{} { return &TbNLBInfo{} }, StrVM: func() interface{} { return &TbVmInfo{} }, StrMCI: func() interface{} { return &TbMciInfo{} }, StrK8s: func() interface{} { return &TbK8sClusterInfo{} }, StrNamespace: func() interface{} { return &NsInfo{} }, }
ResourceTypeRegistry is map for Resource type
var SelfEndpoint string
var SpiderRestUrl string
var SshDefaultUserName = []string{"cb-user", "ubuntu", "root", "ec2-user"}
SshDefaultUserName is array for temporal constants
var StartTime string
var SystemReady bool
SystemReady is global variable for checking SystemReady status
var TerrariumRestUrl string
Functions ¶
func GetLabelConstantsMap ¶ added in v0.9.12
GetLabelConstantsMap returns a map with label-related system constants as keys and their example values.
func GetLabelTypes ¶ added in v0.9.12
func GetLabelTypes() []string
GetLabelTypes returns a list of label types.
Types ¶
type AgentInstallContent ¶
type AgentInstallContent struct { MciId string `json:"mciId"` VmId string `json:"vmId"` VmIp string `json:"vmIp"` Result string `json:"result"` }
AgentInstallContent ...
type AgentInstallContentWrapper ¶
type AgentInstallContentWrapper struct {
ResultArray []AgentInstallContent `json:"resultArray"`
AgentInstallContentWrapper ...
type AutoAction ¶
type AutoAction struct { ActionType string `json:"actionType" example:"ScaleOut" enums:"ScaleOut,ScaleIn"` VmDynamicReq TbVmDynamicReq `json:"vmDynamicReq"` // PostCommand is field for providing command to VMs after its creation. example:"wget -O ~/; chmod +x ~/; sudo ~/" PostCommand MciCmdReq `json:"postCommand"` PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo" example:"random"` }
AutoAction is struct for MCI auto-control action.
type AutoCondition ¶
type AutoCondition struct { Metric string `json:"metric" example:"cpu"` Operator string `json:"operator" example:">=" enums:"<,<=,>,>="` Operand string `json:"operand" example:"80"` EvaluationPeriod string `json:"evaluationPeriod" example:"10"` EvaluationValue []string `json:"evaluationValue"` }
AutoCondition is struct for MCI auto-control condition.
type BastionInfo ¶
type BastionInfo struct {
VmId []string `json:"vmId"`
BastionInfo is struct for bastion info
type BastionNode ¶
BastionNode is a struct that represents TB BastionNode object.
type BenchmarkInfo ¶
type BenchmarkInfo struct { Result string `json:"result"` Unit string `json:"unit"` Desc string `json:"desc"` Elapsed string `json:"elapsed"` SpecId string `json:"specid"` RegionName string `json:"regionName"` ResultArray []BenchmarkInfo `json:"resultarray"` // struct-element cycle ? }
BenchmarkInfo is struct for BenchmarkInfo
type BenchmarkInfoArray ¶
type BenchmarkInfoArray struct {
ResultArray []BenchmarkInfo `json:"resultarray"`
BenchmarkInfoArray is struct for BenchmarkInfoArray
type BenchmarkReq ¶
BenchmarkReq is struct for BenchmarkReq
type CSPDetail ¶
type CSPDetail struct { Description string `mapstructure:"description" json:"description"` Driver string `mapstructure:"driver" json:"driver"` Links []string `mapstructure:"link" json:"links"` Regions map[string]RegionDetail `mapstructure:"region" json:"regions"` }
CSPDetail is structure for CSP information
type CheckMciDynamicReqInfo ¶
type CheckMciDynamicReqInfo struct {
ReqCheck []CheckVmDynamicReqInfo `json:"reqCheck" validate:"required"`
CheckMciDynamicReqInfo is struct to check requirements to create a new MCI instance dynamically (with default resource option)
type CheckVmDynamicReqInfo ¶
type CheckVmDynamicReqInfo struct { // ConnectionConfigCandidates will provide ConnectionConfig options ConnectionConfigCandidates []string `json:"connectionConfigCandidates" default:""` Spec TbSpecInfo `json:"spec" default:""` Image []TbImageInfo `json:"image" default:""` Region RegionDetail `json:"region" default:""` // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message }
CheckVmDynamicReqInfo is struct to check requirements to create a new server instance dynamically (with default resource option)
type Cloud ¶
type Cloud struct { Common CloudSetting `yaml:"common"` Aws CloudSetting `yaml:"aws"` Azure CloudSetting `yaml:"azure"` Gcp CloudSetting `yaml:"gcp"` Alibaba CloudSetting `yaml:"alibaba"` Tencent CloudSetting `yaml:"tencent"` Ibm CloudSetting `yaml:"ibm"` Nhncloud CloudSetting `yaml:"nhncloud"` Openstack CloudSetting `yaml:"openstack"` Cloudit CloudSetting `yaml:"cloudit"` }
Cloud is structure for cloud settings per CSP
type CloudDriverInfo ¶
CloudDriverInfo is struct for containing a CB-Spider struct for cloud driver info
type CloudSetting ¶
type CloudSetting struct { Enable string `yaml:"enable"` Nlb NlbSetting `yaml:"nlb"` K8sCluster K8sClusterSetting `yaml:"k8scluster"` }
CloudSetting is structure for cloud settings per CSP in details
type ConfigInfo ¶
type ConfigInfo struct { Id string `json:"id" example:"TB_SPIDER_REST_URL"` Name string `json:"name" example:"TB_SPIDER_REST_URL"` Value string `json:"value" example:"http://localhost:1024/spider"` }
swagger:response ConfigInfo
type ConfigReq ¶
type ConfigReq struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"TB_SPIDER_REST_URL"` Value string `json:"value" example:"http://localhost:1024/spider"` }
swagger:request ConfigReq
type ConnConfig ¶
type ConnConfig struct { ConfigName string `json:"configName"` ProviderName string `json:"providerName"` DriverName string `json:"driverName"` CredentialName string `json:"credentialName"` CredentialHolder string `json:"credentialHolder"` RegionZoneInfoName string `json:"regionZoneInfoName"` RegionZoneInfo RegionZoneInfo `json:"regionZoneInfo"` RegionDetail RegionDetail `json:"regionDetail"` RegionRepresentative bool `json:"regionRepresentative"` Verified bool `json:"verified"` }
ConnConfig is struct for containing modified CB-Spider struct for connection config
type ConnConfigList ¶
type ConnConfigList struct {
Connectionconfig []ConnConfig `json:"connectionconfig"`
ConnConfigList is struct for containing a CB-Spider struct for connection config list
type ControlVmResult ¶
type ControlVmResult struct { VmId string `json:"vmId"` Status string `json:"Status"` Error error `json:"Error"` }
ControlVmResult is struct for result of VM control
type ControlVmResultWrapper ¶
type ControlVmResultWrapper struct {
ResultArray []ControlVmResult `json:"resultarray"`
ControlVmResultWrapper is struct for array of results of VM control
type Credential ¶
type CredentialInfo ¶
type CredentialInfo struct { CredentialName string `json:"credentialName"` CredentialHolder string `json:"credentialHolder"` ProviderName string `json:"providerName"` KeyValueInfoList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueInfoList"` AllConnections ConnConfigList `json:"allConnections"` }
CredentialInfo is struct for containing a struct for credential info
type CredentialReq ¶
type CredentialReq struct { // ProviderName specifies the cloud provider associated with the credential (e.g., AWS, GCP). ProviderName string `json:"providerName" example:"aws"` // CredentialHolder is the entity or user that holds the credential. CredentialHolder string `json:"credentialHolder" example:"admin"` // PublicKeyTokenId is the unique token ID used to retrieve the corresponding private key for decryption. PublicKeyTokenId string `json:"publicKeyTokenId" example:"cr31av30uphc738d7h0g"` // EncryptedClientAesKeyByPublicKey is the client temporary AES key encrypted with the RSA public key. EncryptedClientAesKeyByPublicKey string `` /* 138-byte string literal not displayed */ // CredentialKeyValueList contains key-(encrypted)value pairs that include the sensitive credential data. CredentialKeyValueList []KeyWithEncryptedValue `json:"credentialKeyValueList"` }
CredentialReq is struct for containing a struct for credential request @Description CredentialReq contains the necessary information to register a credential. @Description This includes the AES key encrypted with the RSA public key, which is then used to decrypt the AES key on the server side.
type CspRegion ¶ added in v0.9.10
type CspRegion struct { ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` NeededVNets []NeededVNet `json:"neededVNets"` }
type CustomImageStatus ¶
type CustomImageStatus string
const ( MyImageAvailable CustomImageStatus = "Available" )
type DeploymentPlan ¶
type DeploymentPlan struct { Filter FilterInfo `json:"filter"` Priority PriorityInfo `json:"priority"` Limit string `json:"limit" example:"5" enums:"1,2,30"` }
DeploymentPlan is struct for .
type DfAgentInstallReq ¶
type DfAgentInstallReq struct { NsId string `json:"ns_id"` MciId string `json:"mci_id"` VmId string `json:"vm_id"` PublicIp string `json:"public_ip"` UserName string `json:"user_name"` SshKey string `json:"ssh_key"` CspType string `json:"cspType"` ServiceType string `json:"service_type"` Port string `json:"port"` }
DfAgentInstallReq is struct for CB-Dragonfly monitoring agent installation request
type DiskStatus ¶
type DiskStatus string
const ( DiskCreating DiskStatus = "Creating" DiskAvailable DiskStatus = "Available" DiskAttached DiskStatus = "Attached" DiskDeleting DiskStatus = "Deleting" DiskError DiskStatus = "Error" )
type FilterCondition ¶
type FilterCondition struct { Metric string `json:"metric" example:"vCPU" enums:"vCPU,memoryGiB,costPerHour"` Condition []Operation `json:"condition"` }
FilterCondition is struct for .
type FilterInfo ¶
type FilterInfo struct {
Policy []FilterCondition `json:"policy"`
FilterInfo is struct for .
type FilterSpecsByRangeRequest ¶
type FilterSpecsByRangeRequest struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` ProviderName string `json:"providerName"` RegionName string `json:"regionName"` CspSpecName string `json:"cspSpecName"` InfraType string `json:"infraType"` OsType string `json:"osType"` VCPU Range `json:"vCPU"` MemoryGiB Range `json:"memoryGiB"` StorageGiB Range `json:"storageGiB"` MaxTotalStorageTiB Range `json:"maxTotalStorageTiB"` NetBwGbps Range `json:"netBwGbps"` AcceleratorModel string `json:"acceleratorModel"` AcceleratorCount Range `json:"acceleratorCount"` AcceleratorMemoryGB Range `json:"acceleratorMemoryGB"` AcceleratorType string `json:"acceleratorType"` CostPerHour Range `json:"costPerHour"` Description string `json:"description"` EvaluationStatus string `json:"evaluationStatus"` EvaluationScore01 Range `json:"evaluationScore01"` EvaluationScore02 Range `json:"evaluationScore02"` EvaluationScore03 Range `json:"evaluationScore03"` EvaluationScore04 Range `json:"evaluationScore04"` EvaluationScore05 Range `json:"evaluationScore05"` EvaluationScore06 Range `json:"evaluationScore06"` EvaluationScore07 Range `json:"evaluationScore07"` EvaluationScore08 Range `json:"evaluationScore08"` EvaluationScore09 Range `json:"evaluationScore09"` EvaluationScore10 Range `json:"evaluationScore10"` }
FilterSpecsByRangeRequest is for 'FilterSpecsByRange'
type IID ¶
Spider 2020-03-30
type IdList ¶
type IdList struct { IdList []string `json:"output"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
type InspectResource ¶
type InspectResource struct { ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage"` ResourceOverview ResourceCountOverview `json:"resourceOverview"` Resources ResourcesByManageType `json:"resources"` }
InspectResource is struct for InspectResource per Cloud Connection
type InspectResourceAllResult ¶
type InspectResourceAllResult struct { ElapsedTime int `json:"elapsedTime"` RegisteredConnection int `json:"registeredConnection"` AvailableConnection int `json:"availableConnection"` TumblebugOverview inspectOverview `json:"tumblebugOverview"` CspOnlyOverview inspectOverview `json:"cspOnlyOverview"` InspectResult []InspectResourceResult `json:"inspectResult"` }
InspectResourceAllResult is struct for Inspect Resource Result for All Clouds
type InspectResourceResult ¶
type InspectResourceResult struct { ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage"` ElapsedTime int `json:"elapsedTime"` TumblebugOverview inspectOverview `json:"tumblebugOverview"` CspOnlyOverview inspectOverview `json:"cspOnlyOverview"` }
InspectResourceResult is struct for Inspect Resource Result
type K8sClusterDetail ¶
type K8sClusterDetail struct { NodeGroupsOnCreation bool `mapstructure:"nodeGroupsOnCreation" json:"nodegroups_on_creation"` Version []K8sClusterVersionDetail `mapstructure:"version" json:"versions"` NodeImage []K8sClusterNodeImageDetail `mapstructure:"nodeImage" json:"node_images"` RootDisk []K8sClusterRootDiskDetail `mapstructure:"rootDisk" json:"root_disks"` }
K8sClusterDetail is structure for kubernetes cluster detail information
type K8sClusterInfo ¶
type K8sClusterInfo struct {
CSPs map[string]K8sClusterDetail `mapstructure:"k8scluster" json:"k8s_cluster"`
K8sClusterInfo is structure for kubernetes cluster information
type K8sClusterNodeGroupsOnCreation ¶
type K8sClusterNodeGroupsOnCreation struct {
Result string `json:"result" example:"true"`
type K8sClusterNodeImageDetail ¶
type K8sClusterNodeImageDetail struct { Region []string `mapstructure:"region" json:"region"` Available []K8sClusterNodeImageDetailAvailable `mapstructure:"available" json:"availables"` }
K8sClusterNodeImageDetail is structure for kubernetes cluster node image detail information
type K8sClusterNodeImageDetailAvailable ¶
type K8sClusterNodeImageDetailAvailable struct { Name string `mapstructure:"name" json:"name"` Id string `mapstructure:"id" json:"id"` }
K8sClusterNodeImageDetailAvailable is structure for kubernetes cluster node image detail's available information
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetail ¶
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetail struct { Region []string `mapstructure:"region" json:"region"` Type []K8sClusterRootDiskDetailType `mapstructure:"type" json:"type"` Size K8sClusterRootDiskDetailSize `mapstructure:"size" json:"size"` }
K8sClusterRootDiskDetail is structure for kubernetes cluster root disk detail information
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailSize ¶
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailSize struct { Min uint `mapstructure:"min" json:"min"` Max uint `mapstructure:"max" json:"max"` }
K8sClusterRootDiskDetailSize is structure for kubernetes cluster root disk detail's size information
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailType ¶
type K8sClusterRootDiskDetailType struct { Name string `mapstructure:"name" json:"name"` Id string `mapstructure:"id" json:"id"` }
K8sClusterRootDiskDetailType is structure for kubernetes cluster root disk detail's type information
type K8sClusterSetting ¶
type K8sClusterSetting struct {
Enable string `yaml:"enable"`
K8sClusterSetting is structure for K8sCluster setting
type K8sClusterVersionDetail ¶
type K8sClusterVersionDetail struct { Region []string `mapstructure:"region" json:"region"` Available []K8sClusterVersionDetailAvailable `mapstructure:"available" json:"availables"` }
K8sClusterVersionDetail is structure for kubernetes cluster version detail information
type K8sClusterVersionDetailAvailable ¶
type K8sClusterVersionDetailAvailable struct { Name string `mapstructure:"name" json:"name" example:"1.30"` Id string `mapstructure:"id" json:"id" example:"1.30.1-aliyun.1"` }
K8sClusterVersionDetailAvailable is structure for kubernetes cluster version detail's available information
type KeyWithEncryptedValue ¶
type KeyWithEncryptedValue struct { // Key for the value Key string `json:"key"` // Should be encrypted by the public key issued by GET /credential/publicKey Value string `json:"value"` }
KeyWithEncryptedValue is struct for key-(encrypted)value pair
type LabelInfo ¶
type LabelInfo struct { ResourceKey string `json:"resourceKey"` Labels map[string]string `json:"labels"` }
LabelInfo represents the label-related information for a resource.
type LabelableResource ¶
type LabelableResource interface { GetLabels() map[string]string SetLabels(labels map[string]string) }
LabelableResource is an interface for resources that support labels.
type Location ¶
type Location struct { Display string `mapstructure:"display" json:"display"` Latitude float64 `mapstructure:"latitude" json:"latitude"` Longitude float64 `mapstructure:"longitude" json:"longitude"` }
Location is structure for location information
type McNlbInfo ¶
type McNlbInfo struct { MciAccessInfo *MciAccessInfo `json:"mciAccessInfo"` McNlbHostInfo *TbMciInfo `json:"mcNlbHostInfo"` DeploymentLog MciSshCmdResult `json:"deploymentLog"` }
McNlbInfo is a struct for response of CreateMcSwNlb
type MciAccessInfo ¶
type MciAccessInfo struct { MciId string MciNlbListener *MciAccessInfo `json:"mciNlbListener,omitempty"` MciSubGroupAccessInfo []MciSubGroupAccessInfo }
MciAccessInfo is struct to retrieve overall access information of a MCI
type MciCmdReq ¶
type MciCmdReq struct { UserName string `json:"userName" example:"cb-user" default:""` Command []string `` /* 128-byte string literal not displayed */ }
MciCmdReq is struct for remote command
type MciConnectionConfigCandidatesReq ¶
type MciConnectionConfigCandidatesReq struct { // CommonSpec is field for id of a spec in common namespace CommonSpecs []string `json:"commonSpec" validate:"required" example:"aws+ap-northeast-2+t2.small,gcp+us-west1+g1-small"` }
MciConnectionConfigCandidatesReq is struct for a request to check requirements to create a new MCI instance dynamically (with default resource option)
type MciPolicyInfo ¶
type MciPolicyInfo struct { Name string `json:"Name"` //MCI Name (for request) Id string `json:"Id"` //MCI Id (generated ID by the Name) Policy []Policy `json:"policy"` ActionLog string `json:"actionLog"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Description"` }
MciPolicyInfo is struct for MCI auto-control Policy object.
type MciPolicyReq ¶
type MciPolicyReq struct { Policy []Policy `json:"policy"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Description"` }
MciPolicyReq is struct for MCI auto-control Policy Request.
type MciRecommendReq ¶
type MciRecommendReq struct { VmReq []TbVmRecommendReq `json:"vmReq"` PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo"` PlacementParam []KeyValue `json:"placementParam"` MaxResultNum string `json:"maxResultNum"` }
MciRecommendReq is struct for MciRecommendReq
type MciSshCmdResult ¶
type MciSshCmdResult struct {
Results []SshCmdResult `json:"results"`
MciSshCmdResult is struct for Set of SshCmd Results in terms of MCI
type MciStatusInfo ¶
type MciStatusInfo struct { Id string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Status string `json:"status"` StatusCount StatusCountInfo `json:"statusCount"` TargetStatus string `json:"targetStatus"` TargetAction string `json:"targetAction"` // InstallMonAgent Option for CB-Dragonfly agent installation ([yes/no] default:yes) InstallMonAgent string `json:"installMonAgent" example:"[yes, no]"` // yes or no MasterVmId string `json:"masterVmId" example:"vm-asiaeast1-cb-01"` MasterIp string `json:"masterIp" example:""` MasterSSHPort string `json:"masterSSHPort"` // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` // SystemLabel is for describing the mci in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` Vm []TbVmStatusInfo `json:"vm"` }
MciStatusInfo is struct to define simple information of MCI with updated status of all VMs
type MciSubGroupAccessInfo ¶
type MciSubGroupAccessInfo struct { SubGroupId string NlbListener *TbNLBListenerInfo `json:"nlbListener,omitempty"` BastionVmId string MciVmAccessInfo []MciVmAccessInfo }
MciSubGroupAccessInfo is struct for MciSubGroupAccessInfo
type MciVmAccessInfo ¶
type MciVmAccessInfo struct { VmId string `json:"vmId"` PublicIP string `json:"publicIP"` PrivateIP string `json:"privateIP"` SSHPort string `json:"sshPort"` PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` VmUserName string `json:"vmUserName,omitempty"` VmUserPassword string `json:"vmUserPassword,omitempty"` }
MciVmAccessInfo is struct for MciVmAccessInfo
type MonAgentInstallReq ¶
type MonAgentInstallReq struct { NsId string `json:"nsId,omitempty"` MciId string `json:"mciId,omitempty"` VmId string `json:"vmId,omitempty"` PublicIp string `json:"publicIp,omitempty"` Port string `json:"port,omitempty"` UserName string `json:"userName,omitempty"` SshKey string `json:"sshKey,omitempty"` CspType string `json:"cspType,omitempty"` }
MonAgentInstallReq struct
type MonResultSimple ¶
type MonResultSimple struct { Metric string `json:"metric"` VmId string `json:"vmId"` Value string `json:"value"` Err string `json:"err"` }
MonResultSimple struct is for containing vm monitoring results
type MonResultSimpleResponse ¶
type MonResultSimpleResponse struct { NsId string `json:"nsId"` MciId string `json:"mciId"` MciMonitoring []MonResultSimple `json:"mciMonitoring"` }
MonResultSimpleResponse struct is for containing Mci monitoring results
type MultihostBenchmarkReq ¶
type MultihostBenchmarkReq struct {
Multihost []BenchmarkReq `json:"multihost"`
MultihostBenchmarkReq is struct for MultihostBenchmarkReq
type NLBListenerReq ¶
type NLBListenerReq struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|UDP Port string `json:"port" example:"80"` // 1-65535 }
NLBListenerReq is a struct to handle NLB Listener information of the CB-Spider's & CB-Tumblebug's REST API request
type NeededVNet ¶ added in v0.9.10
type NlbSetting ¶
type NlbSetting struct { Enable string `yaml:"enable"` Interval string `yaml:"interval"` Timeout string `yaml:"timeout"` Threshold string `yaml:"threshold"` }
NlbSetting is structure for NLB setting
type Nlbsw ¶
type Nlbsw struct { Sw string `yaml:"sw"` Version string `yaml:"version"` CommandNlbPrepare string `yaml:"commandNlbPrepare"` CommandNlbDeploy string `yaml:"commandNlbDeploy"` CommandNlbAddTargetNode string `yaml:"commandNlbAddTargetNode"` CommandNlbApplyConfig string `yaml:"commandNlbApplyConfig"` NlbMciCommonSpec string `yaml:"nlbMciCommonSpec"` NlbMciCommonImage string `yaml:"nlbMciCommonImage"` NlbMciSubGroupSize string `yaml:"nlbMciSubGroupSize"` }
Nlbsw is structure for NLB setting
type NsInfo ¶
type NsInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"default"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"default"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Description for this namespace"` }
swagger:response NsInfo
type Operation ¶
type Operation struct { Operator string `json:"operator" example:"<=" enums:">=,<=,=="` // >=, <=, == Operand string `json:"operand" example:"4" enums:"4,8,.."` // 10, 70, 80, 98, ... }
Operation is struct for .
type OptionalParameter ¶
OptionalParameter is struct for optional parameter for function (ex. VmId)
type ParameterKeyVal ¶
type ParameterKeyVal struct { Key string `json:"key" example:"coordinateClose" enums:"coordinateClose,coordinateWithin,coordinateFair"` // coordinate Val []string `json:"val" example:"44.146838/-116.411403"` // ["Latitude,Longitude","12,543",..,"31,433"] }
Operation is struct for .
type Policy ¶
type Policy struct { AutoCondition AutoCondition `json:"autoCondition"` AutoAction AutoAction `json:"autoAction"` Status string `json:"status"` }
Policy is struct for MCI auto-control Policy request that includes AutoCondition, AutoAction, Status.
type PriorityCondition ¶
type PriorityCondition struct { Metric string `json:"metric" example:"location" enums:"location,cost,random,performance,latency"` Weight string `json:"weight" example:"0.3" enums:"0.1,0.2,..."` Parameter []ParameterKeyVal `json:"parameter,omitempty"` }
FilterCondition is struct for .
type PriorityInfo ¶
type PriorityInfo struct {
Policy []PriorityCondition `json:"policy"`
PriorityInfo is struct for .
type PublicKeyResponse ¶
type PublicKeyResponse struct { PublicKeyTokenId string `json:"publicKeyTokenId"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` }
PublicKeyResponse is struct for containing the public key response
type RegionDetail ¶
type RegionDetail struct { RegionId string `mapstructure:"id" json:"regionId"` RegionName string `mapstructure:"regionName" json:"regionName"` Description string `mapstructure:"description" json:"description"` Location Location `mapstructure:"location" json:"location"` Zones []string `mapstructure:"zone" json:"zones"` }
RegionDetail is structure for region information
type RegionInfo ¶
RegionInfo is struct for region information
type RegionList ¶
type RegionList struct {
Regions []RegionDetail `mapstructure:"regions" json:"regions"`
RegionList is structure for region list
type RegionZoneInfo ¶
type RegionZoneInfo struct { AssignedRegion string `json:"assignedRegion"` AssignedZone string `json:"assignedZone"` }
RegionZoneInfo is struct for containing region struct
type RegisterResourceAllResult ¶
type RegisterResourceAllResult struct { ElapsedTime int `json:"elapsedTime"` RegisteredConnection int `json:"registeredConnection"` AvailableConnection int `json:"availableConnection"` RegisterationOverview RegisterationOverview `json:"registerationOverview"` RegisterationResult []RegisterResourceResult `json:"registerationResult"` }
RegisterResourceAllResult is struct for Register Resource Result for All Clouds
type RegisterResourceResult ¶
type RegisterResourceResult struct { ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage"` ElapsedTime int `json:"elapsedTime"` RegisterationOverview RegisterationOverview `json:"registerationOverview"` RegisterationOutputs IdList `json:"registerationOutputs"` }
RegisterResourceResult is struct for Register Resource Result
type RegisterationOverview ¶
type RegisterationOverview struct { VNet int `json:"vNet"` SecurityGroup int `json:"securityGroup"` SshKey int `json:"sshKey"` DataDisk int `json:"dataDisk"` CustomImage int `json:"customImage"` Vm int `json:"vm"` NLB int `json:"nlb"` Failed int `json:"failed"` }
RegisterResource is struct for Register Resource
type ResourceCountOverview ¶
type ResourceCountOverview struct { OnTumblebug int `json:"onTumblebug"` OnSpider int `json:"onSpider"` OnCspTotal int `json:"onCspTotal"` OnCspOnly int `json:"onCspOnly"` }
ResourceCountOverview is struct for Resource Count Overview
type ResourceIds ¶ added in v0.9.10
ResourceIds is struct for containing id and name of each Resource type
type ResourceOnCsp ¶
type ResourceOnCsp struct { Count int `json:"count"` Info []ResourceOnCspInfo `json:"info"` }
ResourceOnCsp is struct for Resource on CSP
type ResourceOnCspInfo ¶
type ResourceOnCspInfo struct { CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` RefNameOrId string `json:"refNameOrId"` }
ResourceOnCspInfo is struct for Resource on CSP Info
type ResourceOnSpider ¶
type ResourceOnSpider struct { Count int `json:"count"` Info []ResourceOnSpiderInfo `json:"info"` }
ResourceOnSpider is struct for Resource on Spider
type ResourceOnSpiderInfo ¶
type ResourceOnSpiderInfo struct { IdBySp string `json:"idBySp"` CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` }
ResourceOnSpiderInfo is struct for Resource on Spider Info
type ResourceOnTumblebug ¶
type ResourceOnTumblebug struct { Count int `json:"count"` Info []ResourceOnTumblebugInfo `json:"info"` }
ResourceOnTumblebug is struct for Resource on Tumblebug
type ResourceOnTumblebugInfo ¶
type ResourceOnTumblebugInfo struct { IdByTb string `json:"idByTb"` CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` NsId string `json:"nsId"` MciId string `json:"mciId,omitempty"` ObjectKey string `json:"objectKey"` }
ResourceOnTumblebugInfo is struct for Resource on Tumblebug Info
type ResourcesByManageType ¶
type ResourcesByManageType struct { OnTumblebug ResourceOnTumblebug `json:"onTumblebug"` OnSpider ResourceOnSpider `json:"onSpider"` OnCspTotal ResourceOnCsp `json:"onCspTotal"` OnCspOnly ResourceOnCsp `json:"onCspOnly"` }
ResourcesByManageType is struct for Resources by Manage Type
type RetrievedRegionList ¶ added in v0.9.10
type RetrievedRegionList struct {
Region []SpiderRegionZoneInfo `json:"region"`
RetrievedRegionList is array struct for Region
type RuntimeConfig ¶
RuntimeConfig is structure for global variable for cloud config
type SimpleMsg ¶
type SimpleMsg struct {
Message string `json:"message" example:"Any message"`
SimpleMsg is struct for JSON Simple message
type SpecBenchmarkInfo ¶
type SpecBenchmarkInfo struct { SpecId string `json:"specid"` Cpus string `json:"cpus"` Cpum string `json:"cpum"` MemR string `json:"memR"` MemW string `json:"memW"` FioR string `json:"fioR"` FioW string `json:"fioW"` DbR string `json:"dbR"` DbW string `json:"dbW"` Rtt string `json:"rtt"` EvaledTime string `json:"evaledTime"` }
SpecBenchmarkInfo is struct for SpecBenchmarkInfo
type SpiderAccessInfo ¶
type SpiderAccessInfo struct { Endpoint string // ex) Kubeconfig string }
SpiderAccessInfo is a struct to handle Cluster Access information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderAddonsInfo ¶
type SpiderAddonsInfo struct {
KeyValueList []KeyValue
SpiderAddonsInfo is a struct to handle Cluster Addons information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderAllList ¶
type SpiderAllList struct { MappedList []SpiderNameIdSystemId OnlySpiderList []SpiderNameIdSystemId OnlyCSPList []SpiderNameIdSystemId }
type SpiderAllListWrapper ¶
type SpiderAllListWrapper struct {
AllList SpiderAllList
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReq ¶
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReq struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReqInfo }
SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Change Autoscale Size' request.
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReqInfo ¶
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReqInfo struct { DesiredNodeSize string MinNodeSize string MaxNodeSize string }
SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeReqInfo is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Change Autoscale Size' request.
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeRes ¶
type SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeRes struct { ConnectionName string NodeGroupInfo SpiderNodeGroupInfo }
SpiderChangeAutoscaleSizeRes is a wrapper struct to get JSON body of 'Change Autoscale Size' response
type SpiderClusterInfo ¶
type SpiderClusterInfo struct { IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} Version string // Kubernetes Version, ex) 1.23.3 Network SpiderNetworkInfo NodeGroupList []SpiderNodeGroupInfo AccessInfo SpiderAccessInfo Addons SpiderAddonsInfo Status SpiderClusterStatus CreatedTime time.Time KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderClusterInfo is a struct to handle Cluster information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderClusterReq ¶
type SpiderClusterReq struct { NameSpace string // should be empty string from Tumblebug ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderClusterReqInfo }
SpiderClusterReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Create Cluster request'
type SpiderClusterReqInfo ¶
type SpiderClusterReqInfo struct { // (1) Cluster Info Name string Version string // (2) Network Info VPCName string SubnetNames []string SecurityGroupNames []string // (3) NodeGroupInfo List NodeGroupList []SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo }
SpiderClusterReqInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Create Cluster request'
type SpiderClusterRes ¶
type SpiderClusterRes struct { ConnectionName string ClusterInfo SpiderClusterInfo }
SpiderClusterRes is a wrapper struct to handle a Cluster information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderClusterStatus ¶
type SpiderClusterStatus string
const ( SpiderClusterCreating SpiderClusterStatus = "Creating" SpiderClusterActive SpiderClusterStatus = "Active" SpiderClusterInactive SpiderClusterStatus = "Inactive" SpiderClusterUpdating SpiderClusterStatus = "Updating" SpiderClusterDeleting SpiderClusterStatus = "Deleting" )
type SpiderConnConfig ¶
type SpiderConnConfig struct { ConfigName string ProviderName string DriverName string CredentialName string RegionName string }
SpiderConnConfig is struct for containing a CB-Spider struct for connection config
type SpiderConnectionName ¶
type SpiderConnectionName struct {
ConnectionName string `json:"ConnectionName"`
type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReq ¶
type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReq struct {
VMName string
SpiderDiskAttachDetachReq is a struct to create JSON body of 'Attach/Detach disk request'
type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReqWrapper ¶
type SpiderDiskAttachDetachReqWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderDiskAttachDetachReq }
SpiderDiskAttachDetachReqWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Attach/Detach disk request'
type SpiderDiskInfo ¶
type SpiderDiskInfo struct { // Fields for request Name string CSPid string // Fields for both request and response DiskType string // "", "SSD(gp2)", "Premium SSD", ... DiskSize string // "", "default", "50", "1000" # (GB) // Fields for response IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} Status DiskStatus // DiskCreating | DiskAvailable | DiskAttached | DiskDeleting | DiskError OwnerVM IID // When the Status is DiskAttached CreatedTime time.Time KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderDiskInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Get disk request'
type SpiderDiskReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderDiskReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderDiskInfo }
SpiderDiskReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Get disk request'
type SpiderDiskUpsizeReq ¶
type SpiderDiskUpsizeReq struct {
Size string // "", "default", "50", "1000" # (GB)
SpiderDiskUpsizeReq is a struct to create JSON body of 'Upsize disk request'
type SpiderDiskUpsizeReqWrapper ¶
type SpiderDiskUpsizeReqWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderDiskUpsizeReq }
SpiderDiskUpsizeReqWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Upsize disk request'
type SpiderGpuInfo ¶
SpiderGpuInfo is a struct to handle GPU Info from CB-Spider.
type SpiderImageInfo ¶
type SpiderImageInfo struct { // Fields for request Name string // Fields for response IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} GuestOS string // Windows7, Ubuntu etc. Status string // available, unavailable KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderImageInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Get image request'
type SpiderImageList ¶
type SpiderImageList struct {
Image []SpiderImageInfo `json:"image"`
SpiderImageList is struct for Spider Image List
type SpiderImageReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderImageReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderImageInfo }
SpiderImageReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Get image request'
type SpiderImageType ¶
type SpiderImageType string
const ( PublicImage SpiderImageType = "PublicImage" MyImage SpiderImageType = "MyImage" )
type SpiderKeyPairInfo ¶
type SpiderKeyPairInfo struct { // Fields for request Name string CSPId string // Fields for response IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} Fingerprint string PublicKey string PrivateKey string VMUserID string KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderKeyPairInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Create keypair request'
type SpiderKeyPairReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderKeyPairReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderKeyPairInfo }
SpiderKeyPairReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Create keypair request'
type SpiderMyImageInfo ¶
type SpiderMyImageReq ¶
type SpiderNLBAddRemoveVMReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderNLBAddRemoveVMReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderNLBSubGroupReq }
SpiderNLBAddRemoveVMReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Add/Remove VMs to/from NLB' request
type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerInfo struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|HTTP|HTTPS Port string `json:"port" example:"22"` // Listener Port or 1-65535 Interval int `json:"interval" example:"10"` // secs, Interval time between health checks. Timeout int `json:"timeout" example:"10"` // secs, Waiting time to decide an unhealthy VM when no response. Threshold int `json:"threshold" example:"3"` // num, The number of continuous health checks to change the VM status. CspID string `json:"cspID"` // Optional, May be Used by Driver. KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerReq ¶
type SpiderNLBHealthCheckerReq struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|HTTP|HTTPS Port string `json:"port" example:"22"` // Listener Port or 1-65535 Interval string `json:"interval" example:"default"` // secs, Interval time between health checks. Timeout string `json:"timeout" example:"default"` // secs, Waiting time to decide an unhealthy VM when no response. Threshold string `json:"threshold" example:"default"` // num, The number of continuous health checks to change the VM status. }
type SpiderNLBHealthInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBHealthInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderNLBHealthInfoWrapper struct {
Healthinfo SpiderNLBHealthInfo
type SpiderNLBInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBInfo struct { IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} VpcIID IID // {NameId, SystemId} Type string // PUBLIC(V) | INTERNAL Scope string // REGION(V) | GLOBAL //------ Frontend Listener SpiderNLBListenerInfo //------ Backend VMGroup SpiderNLBSubGroupInfo HealthChecker SpiderNLBHealthCheckerInfo CreatedTime time.Time KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderNLBInfo is a struct to handle NLB information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderNLBListenerInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBListenerInfo struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|UDP IP string `json:"ip" example:""` // Auto Generated and attached Port string `json:"port" example:"80"` // 1-65535 DNSName string `json:"dnsName" example:""` // Optional, Auto Generated and attached CspID string `json:"cspID"` // Optional, May be Used by Driver. KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
SpiderNLBListenerInfo is a struct to handle NLB Listener information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderNLBReqInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBReqInfo struct { Name string VPCName string Type string // PUBLIC(V) | INTERNAL Scope string // REGION(V) | GLOBAL Listener NLBListenerReq VMGroup SpiderNLBSubGroupReq HealthChecker SpiderNLBHealthCheckerReq }
SpiderNLBReqInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Create NLB request'
type SpiderNLBReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderNLBReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderNLBReqInfo }
SpiderNLBReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Create NLB request'
type SpiderNLBSubGroupInfo ¶
type SpiderNLBSubGroupInfo struct { Protocol string // TCP|UDP|HTTP|HTTPS Port string // 1-65535 VMs *[]IID CspID string `json:"cspID"` // Optional, May be Used by Driver. KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
SpiderNLBSubGroupInfo is a struct from NLBSubGroupInfo from Spider
type SpiderNLBSubGroupReq ¶
type SpiderNameIdSystemId ¶
type SpiderNetworkInfo ¶
type SpiderNetworkInfo struct { VpcIID IID // {NameId, SystemId} SubnetIIDs []IID SecurityGroupIIDs []IID KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderNetworkInfo is a struct to handle Cluster Network information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderNodeGroupInfo ¶
type SpiderNodeGroupInfo struct { IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} // VM config. ImageIID IID VMSpecName string RootDiskType string // "SSD(gp2)", "Premium SSD", ... RootDiskSize string // "", "default", "50", "1000" (GB) KeyPairIID IID // Scaling config. OnAutoScaling bool // default: true DesiredNodeSize int MinNodeSize int MaxNodeSize int Status SpiderNodeGroupStatus Nodes []IID KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderNodeGroupInfo is a struct to handle Cluster Node Group information from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderNodeGroupReq ¶
type SpiderNodeGroupReq struct { NameSpace string // should be empty string from Tumblebug ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo }
SpiderNodeGroupReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Add NodeGroup' request
type SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo ¶
type SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo struct { Name string ImageName string VMSpecName string RootDiskType string RootDiskSize string KeyPairName string // autoscale config. OnAutoScaling string DesiredNodeSize string MinNodeSize string MaxNodeSize string }
SpiderNodeGroupReqInfo is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Add NodeGroup' request
type SpiderNodeGroupStatus ¶
type SpiderNodeGroupStatus string
const ( SpiderNodeGroupCreating SpiderNodeGroupStatus = "Creating" SpiderNodeGroupActive SpiderNodeGroupStatus = "Active" SpiderNodeGroupInactive SpiderNodeGroupStatus = "Inactive" SpiderNodeGroupUpdating SpiderNodeGroupStatus = "Updating" SpiderNodeGroupDeleting SpiderNodeGroupStatus = "Deleting" )
type SpiderRegionZoneInfo ¶
type SpiderRegionZoneInfo struct { RegionName string // ex) "region01" ProviderName string // ex) "GCP" KeyValueInfoList []KeyValue // ex) { {region, us-east1}, {zone, us-east1-c} } AvailableZoneList []string }
SpiderRegionZoneInfo is struct for containing region struct of CB-Spider
type SpiderSecurityInfo ¶
type SpiderSecurityInfo struct { // Fields for request Name string VPCName string CSPId string // Fields for both request and response SecurityRules []SpiderSecurityRuleInfo // Fields for response IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} VpcIID IID // {NameId, SystemId} Direction string // @todo userd?? KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderSecurityRuleInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Create security group request'
type SpiderSecurityInfoList ¶
type SpiderSecurityInfoList struct {
SecurityGroup []SpiderSecurityInfo
SpiderSecurityInfoList is a struct to handle 'List security group' response from CB-Spider.
type SpiderSecurityReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderSecurityReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderSecurityInfo }
SpiderSecurityReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Create security group request'
type SpiderSecurityRuleInfo ¶
type SpiderSecurityRuleInfo struct { FromPort string //`json:"fromPort"` ToPort string //`json:"toPort"` IPProtocol string //`json:"ipProtocol"` Direction string //`json:"direction"` CIDR string }
SpiderSecurityRuleInfo is a struct to handle security group rule info from/to CB-Spider.
type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoIntermediateWrapper ¶
type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoIntermediateWrapper struct {
RuleInfoList []SpiderSecurityRuleInfo
SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoIntermediateWrapper is a intermediate wrapper struct between SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoWrapper and SpiderSecurityRuleInfo.
type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoIntermediateWrapper }
SpiderSecurityRuleReqInfoWrapper is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Create security rule'
type SpiderSetAutoscalingReq ¶
type SpiderSetAutoscalingReq struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderSetAutoscalingReqInfo }
SpiderSetAutoscalingReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Set Autoscaling On/Off' request.
type SpiderSetAutoscalingReqInfo ¶
type SpiderSetAutoscalingReqInfo struct {
OnAutoScaling string
SpiderSetAutoscalingReqInfo is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Set Autoscaling On/Off' request.
type SpiderSetAutoscalingRes ¶
type SpiderSetAutoscalingRes struct {
Result string
SpiderSetAutoscalingRes is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Set Autoscaling On/Off' response.
type SpiderSpecInfo ¶
type SpiderSpecInfo struct { Region string Name string VCpu SpiderVCpuInfo Mem string Gpu []SpiderGpuInfo KeyValueList []KeyValue }
SpiderSpecInfo is a struct to create JSON body of 'Get spec request'
type SpiderSpecList ¶
type SpiderSpecList struct {
Vmspec []SpiderSpecInfo `json:"vmspec"`
SpiderSpecList is a struct to handle spec list from the CB-Spider's REST API response
type SpiderUpgradeClusterReq ¶
type SpiderUpgradeClusterReq struct { NameSpace string // should be empty string from Tumblebug ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderUpgradeClusterReqInfo }
SpiderUpgradeClusterReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Upgrade Cluster' request
type SpiderUpgradeClusterReqInfo ¶
type SpiderUpgradeClusterReqInfo struct {
Version string
SpiderUpgradeClusterReqInfo is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Upgrade Cluster' request
type SpiderVCpuInfo ¶
SpiderVCpuInfo is a struct to handle vCPU Info from CB-Spider.
type SpiderVMInfo ¶
type SpiderVMInfo struct { // Fields for request Name string ImageName string VPCName string SubnetName string SecurityGroupNames []string KeyPairName string CSPid string // VM ID given by CSP (required for registering VM) DataDiskNames []string // Fields for both request and response VMSpecName string // instance type or flavour, etc... ex) t2.micro or f1.micro VMUserId string // ex) user1 VMUserPasswd string RootDiskType string // "SSD(gp2)", "Premium SSD", ... RootDiskSize string // "default", "50", "1000" (GB) ImageType SpiderImageType // Fields for response IId IID // {NameId, SystemId} ImageIId IID VpcIID IID SubnetIID IID // AWS, ex) subnet-8c4a53e4 SecurityGroupIIds []IID // AWS, ex) sg-0b7452563e1121bb6 KeyPairIId IID DataDiskIIDs []IID StartTime time.Time Region RegionInfo // ex) {us-east1, us-east1-c} or {ap-northeast-2} NetworkInterface string // ex) eth0 PublicIP string PublicDNS string PrivateIP string PrivateDNS string RootDeviceName string // "/dev/sda1", ... SSHAccessPoint string KeyValueList []KeyValue }
Ref: cb-spider/cloud-control-manager/cloud-driver/interfaces/resources/VMHandler.go SpiderVMInfo is struct from CB-Spider for VM information
type SpiderVMReqInfoWrapper ¶
type SpiderVMReqInfoWrapper struct { ConnectionName string ReqInfo SpiderVMInfo }
SpiderVMReqInfoWrapper is struct from CB-Spider (VMHandler.go) for wrapping SpiderVMInfo
type SshCmdResult ¶
type SshCmdResult struct { MciId string `json:"mciId"` VmId string `json:"vmId"` VmIp string `json:"vmIp"` Command map[int]string `json:"command"` Stdout map[int]string `json:"stdout"` Stderr map[int]string `json:"stderr"` Err error `json:"err"` }
SshCmdResult is struct for SshCmd Result
type SshInfo ¶
type SshInfo struct { UserName string // ex) root PrivateKey []byte // ex) -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- EndPoint string // ex) node12:22 }
SshInfo is struct for ssh info
type StatusCountInfo ¶
type StatusCountInfo struct { // CountTotal is for Total VMs CountTotal int `json:"countTotal"` // CountCreating is for counting Creating CountCreating int `json:"countCreating"` // CountRunning is for counting Running CountRunning int `json:"countRunning"` // CountFailed is for counting Failed CountFailed int `json:"countFailed"` // CountSuspended is for counting Suspended CountSuspended int `json:"countSuspended"` // CountRebooting is for counting Rebooting CountRebooting int `json:"countRebooting"` // CountTerminated is for counting Terminated CountTerminated int `json:"countTerminated"` // CountSuspending is for counting Suspending CountSuspending int `json:"countSuspending"` // CountResuming is for counting Resuming CountResuming int `json:"countResuming"` // CountTerminating is for counting Terminating CountTerminating int `json:"countTerminating"` // CountUndefined is for counting Undefined CountUndefined int `json:"countUndefined"` }
StatusCountInfo is struct to count the number of VMs in each status. ex: Running=4, Suspended=8.
type SystemLabelInfo ¶ added in v0.9.12
type SystemLabelInfo struct { LabelTypes []string `json:"labelTypes"` SystemLabels map[string]string `json:"systemLabels"` }
SystemLabelInfo is a struct to return LabelTypes and System label Keys
type TbAttachDetachDataDiskReq ¶
type TbAttachDetachDataDiskReq struct {
DataDiskId string `json:"dataDiskId" validate:"required"`
TbAttachDetachDataDiskReq is a wrapper struct to create JSON body of 'Attach/Detach disk request'
type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeReq ¶
type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeReq struct { DesiredNodeSize string `json:"desiredNodeSize" example:"1"` MinNodeSize string `json:"minNodeSize" example:"1"` MaxNodeSize string `json:"maxNodeSize" example:"3"` }
TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeReq is a struct to handle 'Change K8sNodeGroup's Autoscale Size' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeRes ¶
type TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeRes struct {
TbChangeK8sNodeGroupAutoscaleSizeRes is a struct to handle 'Change K8sNodeGroup's Autoscale Size' response from CB-Tumblebug.
type TbCustomImageInfo ¶
type TbCustomImageInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" example:"default"` // required to save in RDB ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` SourceVmId string `json:"sourceVmId" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1-1"` Description string `json:"description"` CreationDate time.Time `json:"creationDate,omitempty" example:"2022-10-18T08:12:48Z"` GuestOS string `json:"guestOS,omitempty"` // Windows7, Ubuntu etc. Status CustomImageStatus `json:"status" example:"Available"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList,omitempty" example:"/ns/default/mci/mci01/vm/aws-ap-southeast-1-1"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel,omitempty" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbCustomImageInfo is a struct for custom image (VM snapshot)
type TbCustomImageReq ¶
type TbCustomImageReq struct { // This field is for 'Register existing custom image' CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` SourceVmId string `json:"sourceVmId"` Description string `json:"description"` }
TbCustomImageReq is a struct to handle a request for Create custom image (VM snapshot)
type TbDataDiskInfo ¶
type TbDataDiskInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName,omitempty" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` DiskType string `json:"diskType" example:"standard"` DiskSize string `json:"diskSize" example:"77"` Status DiskStatus `json:"status" example:"Available"` // Available, Unavailable, Attached, ... AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList" example:"/ns/default/mci/mci01/vm/aws-ap-southeast-1-1"` CreatedTime time.Time `json:"createdTime,omitempty" example:"2022-10-12T05:09:51.05Z"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" example:"Available"` // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel,omitempty" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbDataDiskInfo is a struct that represents TB dataDisk object.
type TbDataDiskReq ¶
type TbDataDiskReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1-datadisk"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` DiskType string `json:"diskType" example:"default"` DiskSize string `json:"diskSize" validate:"required" example:"77" default:"100"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` // Fields for "Register existing dataDisk" feature // CspResourceId is required to register object from CSP (option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` }
TbDataDiskReq is a struct to handle 'Register dataDisk' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbDataDiskUpsizeReq ¶
type TbDataDiskUpsizeReq struct { DiskSize string `json:"diskSize" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description"` }
TbDataDiskUpsizeReq is a struct to handle 'Upsize dataDisk' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbDataDiskVmReq ¶
type TbDataDiskVmReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1-datadisk"` DiskType string `json:"diskType" example:"default"` DiskSize string `json:"diskSize" validate:"required" example:"77" default:"100"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
TbDataDiskVmReq is a struct to handle 'Provisioning dataDisk to VM' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbFirewallRuleInfo ¶
type TbFirewallRuleInfo struct { FromPort string `validate:"required"` //`json:"fromPort"` ToPort string `validate:"required"` //`json:"toPort"` IPProtocol string `validate:"required"` //`json:"ipProtocol"` Direction string `validate:"required"` //`json:"direction"` CIDR string }
TbFirewallRuleInfo is a struct to handle firewall rule info of CB-Tumblebug.
type TbIdNameInDetailInfo ¶
type TbIdNameInDetailInfo struct { IdInTb string `json:"idInTb"` IdInSp string `json:"idInSp"` IdInCsp string `json:"idInCsp"` NameInCsp string `json:"nameInCsp"` }
TbVmIdNameInDetailInfo is struct for details related with ID and Name
type TbImageInfo ¶
type TbImageInfo struct { // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspImageName is name of the image given by CSP CspImageName string `json:"cspImageName,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" example:"default"` // required to save in RDB ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName,omitempty"` InfraType string `json:"infraType,omitempty"` // vm|k8s|kubernetes|container, etc. Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` CreationDate string `json:"creationDate,omitempty"` GuestOS string `json:"guestOS,omitempty"` // Windows7, Ubuntu etc. Status string `json:"status,omitempty"` // available, unavailable KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList,omitempty"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel,omitempty" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbImageInfo is a struct that represents TB image object.
type TbImageReq ¶
type TbImageReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required"` CspImageName string `json:"cspImageName" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description"` }
TbImageReq is a struct to handle 'Register image' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbInspectResourcesResponse ¶
type TbInspectResourcesResponse struct {
InspectResources []InspectResource `json:"inspectResources"`
TbInspectResourcesResponse is struct for response of InspectResources request
type TbK8sAccessInfo ¶
type TbK8sAccessInfo struct { Endpoint string `json:"endpoint" example:""` Kubeconfig string `json:"kubeconfig" example:"apiVersion: v1\nclusters:\n- cluster:\n certificate-authority-data: LS0..."` }
TbK8sAccessInfo is a struct to handle K8sCluster Access information from the CB-Tumblebug's REST API response
type TbK8sAddonsInfo ¶
type TbK8sAddonsInfo struct {
KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"`
TbK8sAddonsInfo is a struct to handle K8sCluster Addons information from the CB-Tumblebug's REST API response
type TbK8sClusterInfo ¶
type TbK8sClusterInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" example:"alibaba-ap-northeast-2"` // ConnectionConfig shows connection info to cloud service provider ConnectionConfig ConnConfig `json:"connectionConfig"` Description string `json:"description" example:"My K8sCluster"` // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` CspViewK8sClusterDetail SpiderClusterInfo `json:cspViewK8sClusterDetail,omitempty"` }
TbK8sClusterInfo is a struct that represents TB K8sCluster object.
type TbK8sClusterNetworkInfo ¶
type TbK8sClusterNetworkInfo struct { VNetId string `json:"vNetId" example:"vpc-01"` SubnetIds []string `json:"subnetIds" example:"subnet-01"` SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"securityGroupIds" example:"sg-01"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
TbK8sClusterNetworkInfo is a struct to handle K8sCluster Network information from the CB-Tumblebug's REST API response
type TbK8sClusterReq ¶
type TbK8sClusterReq struct { //Namespace string `json:"namespace" validate:"required" example:"default"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required" example:"alibaba-ap-northeast-2"` Description string `json:"description" example:"My K8sCluster"` // (1) K8sCluster Info Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"k8scluster-01"` Version string `json:"version" example:"1.30.1-aliyun.1"` // (2) Network Info VNetId string `json:"vNetId" validate:"required" example:"vpc-01"` SubnetIds []string `json:"subnetIds" validate:"required" example:"subnet-01"` SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"securityGroupIds" validate:"required" example:"sg-01"` // (3) NodeGroupInfo List K8sNodeGroupList []TbK8sNodeGroupReq `json:"k8sNodeGroupList"` // Fields for "Register existing K8sCluster" feature // @description CspResourceId is required to register a k8s cluster from CSP (option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId" example:"required when option is register"` }
TbK8sClusterReq is a struct to handle 'Create K8sCluster' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbK8sClusterStatus ¶
type TbK8sClusterStatus string
const ( TbK8sClusterCreating TbK8sClusterStatus = "Creating" TbK8sClusterActive TbK8sClusterStatus = "Active" TbK8sClusterInactive TbK8sClusterStatus = "Inactive" TbK8sClusterUpdating TbK8sClusterStatus = "Updating" TbK8sClusterDeleting TbK8sClusterStatus = "Deleting" )
type TbK8sNodeGroupInfo ¶
type TbK8sNodeGroupInfo struct { // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` CspViewK8sNodeGroupDetail SpiderNodeGroupInfo `json:"cspViewK8sNodeGroupDetail,omitempty"` }
TbK8sNodeGroupInfo is a struct to handle K8sCluster's Node Group information from the CB-Tumblebug's REST API response
type TbK8sNodeGroupReq ¶
type TbK8sNodeGroupReq struct { Name string `json:"name" example:"ng-01"` ImageId string `json:"imageId" example:"image-01"` SpecId string `json:"specId" example:"spec-01"` RootDiskType string `json:"rootDiskType" example:"cloud_essd" enum:"default, TYPE1, ..."` // "", "default", "TYPE1", AWS: ["standard", "gp2", "gp3"], Azure: ["PremiumSSD", "StandardSSD", "StandardHDD"], GCP: ["pd-standard", "pd-balanced", "pd-ssd", "pd-extreme"], ALIBABA: ["cloud_efficiency", "cloud", "cloud_ssd"], TENCENT: ["CLOUD_PREMIUM", "CLOUD_SSD"] RootDiskSize string `json:"rootDiskSize" example:"40" enum:"default, 30, 42, ..."` // "default", Integer (GB): ["50", ..., "1000"] SshKeyId string `json:"sshKeyId" example:"sshkey-01"` // autoscale config. OnAutoScaling string `json:"onAutoScaling" example:"true"` DesiredNodeSize string `json:"desiredNodeSize" example:"1"` MinNodeSize string `json:"minNodeSize" example:"1"` MaxNodeSize string `json:"maxNodeSize" example:"3"` }
TbK8sNodeGroupReq is a struct to handle requests related to K8sNodeGroup toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbK8sNodeGroupStatus ¶
type TbK8sNodeGroupStatus string
const ( TbK8sNodeGroupCreating TbK8sNodeGroupStatus = "Creating" TbK8sNodeGroupActive TbK8sNodeGroupStatus = "Active" TbK8sNodeGroupInactive TbK8sNodeGroupStatus = "Inactive" TbK8sNodeGroupUpdating TbK8sNodeGroupStatus = "Updating" TbK8sNodeGroupDeleting TbK8sNodeGroupStatus = "Deleting" )
type TbMciDynamicReq ¶
type TbMciDynamicReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"mci01"` // InstallMonAgent Option for CB-Dragonfly agent installation ([yes/no] default:yes) InstallMonAgent string `json:"installMonAgent" example:"no" default:"no" enums:"yes,no"` // yes or no // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` // SystemLabel is for describing the mci in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"" default:""` Description string `json:"description" example:"Made in CB-TB"` Vm []TbVmDynamicReq `json:"vm" validate:"required"` }
TbMciDynamicReq is struct for requirements to create MCI dynamically (with default resource option)
type TbMciInfo ¶
type TbMciInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` Status string `json:"status"` StatusCount StatusCountInfo `json:"statusCount"` TargetStatus string `json:"targetStatus"` TargetAction string `json:"targetAction"` // InstallMonAgent Option for CB-Dragonfly agent installation ([yes/no] default:yes) InstallMonAgent string `json:"installMonAgent" example:"yes" default:"yes" enums:"yes,no"` // yes or no // ConfigureCloudAdaptiveNetwork is an option to configure Cloud Adaptive Network (CLADNet) ([yes/no] default:yes) ConfigureCloudAdaptiveNetwork string `json:"configureCloudAdaptiveNetwork" example:"yes" default:"no" enums:"yes,no"` // yes or no // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` // SystemLabel is for describing the mci in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` Vm []TbVmInfo `json:"vm"` // List of IDs for new VMs. Return IDs if the VMs are newly added. This field should be used for return body only. NewVmList []string `json:"newVmList"` }
TbMciInfo is struct for MCI info
type TbMciReq ¶
type TbMciReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"mci01"` // InstallMonAgent Option for CB-Dragonfly agent installation ([yes/no] default:yes) InstallMonAgent string `json:"installMonAgent" example:"no" default:"yes" enums:"yes,no"` // yes or no // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` // SystemLabel is for describing the mci in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"" default:""` PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Made in CB-TB"` Vm []TbVmReq `json:"vm" validate:"required"` }
TbMciReq is struct for requirements to create MCI
type TbNLBAddRemoveVMReq ¶
type TbNLBAddRemoveVMReq struct {
TargetGroup TbNLBTargetGroupInfo `json:"targetGroup"`
TbNLBAddRemoveVMReq is a struct to handle 'Add/Remove VMs to/from NLB' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbNLBHealthCheckerInfo ¶
type TbNLBHealthCheckerInfo struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|HTTP|HTTPS Port string `json:"port" example:"22"` // Listener Port or 1-65535 Interval int `json:"interval" example:"10"` // secs, Interval time between health checks. Timeout int `json:"timeout" example:"10"` // secs, Waiting time to decide an unhealthy VM when no response. Threshold int `json:"threshold" example:"3"` // num, The number of continuous health checks to change the VM status. KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
type TbNLBHealthCheckerReq ¶
type TbNLBHealthCheckerReq struct { Interval string `json:"interval" example:"default"` // secs, Interval time between health checks. Timeout string `json:"timeout" example:"default"` // secs, Waiting time to decide an unhealthy VM when no response. Threshold string `json:"threshold" example:"default"` // num, The number of continuous health checks to change the VM status. }
type TbNLBHealthInfo ¶
type TbNLBInfo ¶
type TbNLBInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` Type string // PUBLIC(V) | INTERNAL Scope string // REGION(V) | GLOBAL Listener TbNLBListenerInfo `json:"listener"` TargetGroup TbNLBTargetGroupInfo `json:"targetGroup"` HealthChecker TbNLBHealthCheckerInfo `json:"healthChecker"` CreatedTime time.Time Description string `json:"description"` Status string `json:"status"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated"` Location Location `json:"location"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbNLBInfo is a struct that represents TB nlb object.
type TbNLBListenerInfo ¶
type TbNLBListenerInfo struct { Protocol string `json:"protocol" example:"TCP"` // TCP|UDP IP string `json:"ip" example:"x.x.x.x"` // Auto Generated and attached Port string `json:"port" example:"80"` // 1-65535 DNSName string `json:"dnsName" example:""` // Optional, Auto Generated and attached KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` }
TbNLBListenerInfo is a struct to handle NLB Listener information from the CB-Tumblebug's REST API response
type TbNLBReq ¶
type TbNLBReq struct { Description string `json:"description"` // Existing NLB (used only for option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` Type string `json:"type" validate:"required" enums:"PUBLIC,INTERNAL" example:"PUBLIC"` // PUBLIC(V) | INTERNAL Scope string `json:"scope" validate:"required" enums:"REGION,GLOBAL" example:"REGION"` // REGION(V) | GLOBAL // Frontend Listener NLBListenerReq `json:"listener" validate:"required"` // Backend TargetGroup TbNLBTargetGroupReq `json:"targetGroup" validate:"required"` // HealthChecker HealthChecker TbNLBHealthCheckerReq `json:"healthChecker" validate:"required"` }
TbNLBReq is a struct to handle 'Create nlb' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbNLBTargetGroupInfo ¶
type TbNLBTargetGroupReq ¶
type TbRegisterSubnetReq ¶ added in v0.9.9
type TbRegisterVNetReq ¶ added in v0.9.9
type TbRegisterVNetReq struct { ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required"` CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId" validate:"required"` Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
TbRegisterVNetReq TbRegisterVNetReq contains the information needed to register a vNet that has already been created via another external method.
type TbScaleOutSubGroupReq ¶
type TbScaleOutSubGroupReq struct { // Define addtional VMs to scaleOut NumVMsToAdd string `json:"numVMsToAdd" validate:"required" example:"2"` }
TbVmReq is struct to get requirements to create a new server instance
type TbSecurityGroupInfo ¶
type TbSecurityGroupInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` VNetId string `json:"vNetId"` Description string `json:"description"` FirewallRules []TbFirewallRuleInfo `json:"firewallRules"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbSecurityGroupInfo is a struct that represents TB security group object.
type TbSecurityGroupReq ¶
type TbSecurityGroupReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required"` VNetId string `json:"vNetId" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description"` FirewallRules *[]TbFirewallRuleInfo `json:"firewallRules"` // validate:"required"` // CspResourceId is required to register object from CSP (option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` }
TbSecurityGroupReq is a struct to handle 'Create security group' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingReq ¶
type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingReq struct {
OnAutoScaling string `json:"onAutoScaling" example:"true"`
TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingReq is a struct to handle 'Set K8sNodeGroup's Autoscaling' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingRes ¶
type TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingRes struct {
Result string `json:"result" example:"true"`
TbSetK8sNodeGroupAutoscalingRes is a struct to handle 'Set K8sNodeGroup's Autoscaling' response from CB-Tumblebug.
type TbSpecInfo ¶
type TbSpecInfo struct { // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspSpecName is name of the spec given by CSP CspSpecName string `json:"cspSpecName,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty" example:"default"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName,omitempty"` ProviderName string `json:"providerName,omitempty"` RegionName string `json:"regionName,omitempty"` // InfraType can be one of vm|k8s|kubernetes|container, etc. InfraType string `json:"infraType,omitempty"` OsType string `json:"osType,omitempty"` VCPU uint16 `json:"vCPU,omitempty"` MemoryGiB float32 `json:"memoryGiB,omitempty"` StorageGiB uint32 `json:"storageGiB,omitempty"` MaxTotalStorageTiB uint16 `json:"maxTotalStorageTiB,omitempty"` NetBwGbps uint16 `json:"netBwGbps,omitempty"` AcceleratorModel string `json:"acceleratorModel,omitempty"` AcceleratorCount uint8 `json:"acceleratorCount,omitempty"` AcceleratorMemoryGB float32 `json:"acceleratorMemoryGB,omitempty"` AcceleratorType string `json:"acceleratorType,omitempty"` CostPerHour float32 `json:"costPerHour,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` OrderInFilteredResult uint16 `json:"orderInFilteredResult,omitempty"` EvaluationStatus string `json:"evaluationStatus,omitempty"` EvaluationScore01 float32 `json:"evaluationScore01"` EvaluationScore02 float32 `json:"evaluationScore02"` EvaluationScore03 float32 `json:"evaluationScore03"` EvaluationScore04 float32 `json:"evaluationScore04"` EvaluationScore05 float32 `json:"evaluationScore05"` EvaluationScore06 float32 `json:"evaluationScore06"` EvaluationScore07 float32 `json:"evaluationScore07"` EvaluationScore08 float32 `json:"evaluationScore08"` EvaluationScore09 float32 `json:"evaluationScore09"` EvaluationScore10 float32 `json:"evaluationScore10"` RootDiskType string `json:"rootDiskType"` RootDiskSize string `json:"rootDiskSize"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList,omitempty"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel,omitempty" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbSpecInfo is a struct that represents TB spec object.
type TbSpecReq ¶
type TbSpecReq struct { // Name is human-readable string to represent the object, used to generate Id Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required"` // CspSpecName is name of the spec given by CSP CspSpecName string `json:"cspSpecName" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description"` }
TbSpecReq is a struct to handle 'Register spec' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbSshKeyInfo ¶
type TbSshKeyInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` VerifiedUsername string `json:"verifiedUsername,omitempty"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey,omitempty"` PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey,omitempty"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList,omitempty"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated,omitempty"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel,omitempty" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbSshKeyInfo is a struct that represents TB SSH key object.
type TbSshKeyReq ¶
type TbSshKeyReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required"` Description string `json:"description"` // Fields for "Register existing SSH keys" feature // CspResourceId is required to register object from CSP (option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId"` Fingerprint string `json:"fingerprint"` Username string `json:"username"` VerifiedUsername string `json:"verifiedUsername"` PublicKey string `json:"publicKey"` PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"` }
TbSshKeyReq is a struct to handle 'Create SSH key' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbSubGroupInfo ¶
type TbSubGroupInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` VmId []string `json:"vmId"` SubGroupSize string `json:"subGroupSize"` }
TbSubGroupInfo is struct to define an object that includes homogeneous VMs
type TbSubnetInfo ¶
type TbSubnetInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` // CspVNetName is identifier to handle CSP vNet resource CspVNetName string `json:"cspVNetName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspVNetId is vNet resource identifier managed by CSP CspVNetId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-45eb41e14121c550a"` Status string `json:"status"` IPv4_CIDR string `json:"ipv4_CIDR"` Zone string `json:"zone,omitempty"` BastionNodes []BastionNode `json:"bastionNodes,omitempty"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description"` }
TbSubnetInfo is a struct that represents TB subnet object.
type TbSubnetReq ¶
type TbSubnetReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"subnet00"` IPv4_CIDR string `json:"ipv4_CIDR" validate:"required" example:""` Zone string `json:"zone,omitempty"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty" example:"subnet00 managed by CB-Tumblebug"` }
TbSubnetReq is a struct that represents TB subnet object.
type TbUpgradeK8sClusterReq ¶
type TbUpgradeK8sClusterReq struct {
Version string `json:"version" example:"1.30.1-alyun.1"`
TbUpgradeK8sClusterReq is a struct to handle 'Upgrade K8sCluster' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbVNetInfo ¶
type TbVNetInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock"` SubnetInfoList []TbSubnetInfo `json:"subnetInfoList"` Description string `json:"description"` Status string `json:"status"` KeyValueList []KeyValue `json:"keyValueList,omitempty"` AssociatedObjectList []string `json:"associatedObjectList"` IsAutoGenerated bool `json:"isAutoGenerated"` // SystemLabel is for describing the Resource in a keyword (any string can be used) for special System purpose SystemLabel string `json:"systemLabel" example:"Managed by CB-Tumblebug" default:""` }
TbVNetInfo is a struct that represents TB vNet object.
type TbVNetReq ¶
type TbVNetReq struct { Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"vnet00"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required" example:"aws-ap-northeast-2"` CidrBlock string `json:"cidrBlock" example:""` SubnetInfoList []TbSubnetReq `json:"subnetInfoList"` Description string `json:"description" example:"vnet00 managed by CB-Tumblebug"` }
TbVNetReq is a struct to handle 'Create vNet' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbVmDynamicReq ¶
type TbVmDynamicReq struct { // VM name or subGroup name if is (not empty) && (> 0). If it is a group, actual VM name will be generated with -N postfix. Name string `json:"name" example:"g1-1"` // if subGroupSize is (not empty) && (> 0), subGroup will be generated. VMs will be created accordingly. SubGroupSize string `json:"subGroupSize" example:"3" default:"1"` // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Description"` // CommonSpec is field for id of a spec in common namespace CommonSpec string `json:"commonSpec" validate:"required" example:"aws+ap-northeast-2+t2.small"` // CommonImage is field for id of a image in common namespace CommonImage string `json:"commonImage" validate:"required" example:"ubuntu18.04"` RootDiskType string `json:"rootDiskType,omitempty" example:"default, TYPE1, ..." default:"default"` // "", "default", "TYPE1", AWS: ["standard", "gp2", "gp3"], Azure: ["PremiumSSD", "StandardSSD", "StandardHDD"], GCP: ["pd-standard", "pd-balanced", "pd-ssd", "pd-extreme"], ALIBABA: ["cloud_efficiency", "cloud", "cloud_essd"], TENCENT: ["CLOUD_PREMIUM", "CLOUD_SSD"] RootDiskSize string `json:"rootDiskSize,omitempty" example:"default, 30, 42, ..." default:"default"` // "default", Integer (GB): ["50", ..., "1000"] VmUserPassword string `json:"vmUserPassword,omitempty" default:""` // if ConnectionName is given, the VM tries to use associtated credential. // if not, it will use predefined ConnectionName in Spec objects ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName,omitempty" default:""` }
TbVmDynamicReq is struct to get requirements to create a new server instance dynamically (with default resource option)
type TbVmInfo ¶
type TbVmInfo struct { // ResourceType is the type of the resource ResourceType string `json:"resourceType"` // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // defined if the VM is in a group SubGroupId string `json:"subGroupId"` Location Location `json:"location"` // Required by CB-Tumblebug Status string `json:"status"` TargetStatus string `json:"targetStatus"` TargetAction string `json:"targetAction"` // Montoring agent status MonAgentStatus string `json:"monAgentStatus" example:"[installed, notInstalled, failed]"` // yes or no// installed, notInstalled, failed // NetworkAgent status NetworkAgentStatus string `json:"networkAgentStatus" example:"[notInstalled, installing, installed, failed]"` // notInstalled, installing, installed, failed // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message // Created time CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime" example:"2022-11-10 23:00:00" default:""` Label map[string]string `json:"label"` Description string `json:"description"` Region RegionInfo `json:"region"` // AWS, ex) {us-east1, us-east1-c} or {ap-northeast-2} PublicIP string `json:"publicIP"` SSHPort string `json:"sshPort"` PublicDNS string `json:"publicDNS"` PrivateIP string `json:"privateIP"` PrivateDNS string `json:"privateDNS"` RootDiskType string `json:"rootDiskType"` RootDiskSize string `json:"rootDiskSize"` RootDeviceName string `json:"rootDeviceName"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName"` ConnectionConfig ConnConfig `json:"connectionConfig"` SpecId string `json:"specId"` CspSpecName string `json:"cspSpecName"` ImageId string `json:"imageId"` CspImageName string `json:"cspImageName"` VNetId string `json:"vNetId"` CspVNetId string `json:"cspVNetId"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId"` CspSubnetId string `json:"cspSubnetId"` NetworkInterface string `json:"networkInterface"` SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"securityGroupIds"` DataDiskIds []string `json:"dataDiskIds"` SshKeyId string `json:"sshKeyId"` CspSshKeyId string `json:"cspSshKeyId"` VmUserName string `json:"vmUserName,omitempty"` VmUserPassword string `json:"vmUserPassword,omitempty"` AddtionalDetails []KeyValue `json:"addtionalDetails,omitempty"` }
TbVmInfo is struct to define a server instance object
type TbVmPriority ¶
type TbVmPriority struct { Priority string `json:"priority"` VmSpec TbSpecInfo `json:"vmSpec"` }
TbVmPriority is struct for TbVmPriority
type TbVmRecommendInfo ¶
type TbVmRecommendInfo struct { VmReq TbVmRecommendReq `json:"vmReq"` VmPriority []TbVmPriority `json:"vmPriority"` PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo"` PlacementParam []KeyValue `json:"placementParam"` }
TbVmRecommendInfo is struct for TbVmRecommendInfo
type TbVmRecommendReq ¶
type TbVmRecommendReq struct { RequestName string `json:"requestName"` MaxResultNum string `json:"maxResultNum"` VcpuSize string `json:"vcpuSize"` MemorySize string `json:"memorySize"` DiskSize string `json:"diskSize"` PlacementAlgo string `json:"placementAlgo"` PlacementParam []KeyValue `json:"placementParam"` }
TbVmRecommendReq is struct for TbVmRecommendReq
type TbVmReq ¶
type TbVmReq struct { // VM name or subGroup name if is (not empty) && (> 0). If it is a group, actual VM name will be generated with -N postfix. Name string `json:"name" validate:"required" example:"g1-1"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP (required for option=register) CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"i-014fa6ede6ada0b2c"` // if subGroupSize is (not empty) && (> 0), subGroup will be generated. VMs will be created accordingly. SubGroupSize string `json:"subGroupSize" example:"3" default:""` // Label is for describing the object by keywords Label map[string]string `json:"label"` Description string `json:"description" example:"Description"` ConnectionName string `json:"connectionName" validate:"required" example:"testcloud01-seoul"` SpecId string `json:"specId" validate:"required"` // ImageType string `json:"imageType"` ImageId string `json:"imageId" validate:"required"` VNetId string `json:"vNetId" validate:"required"` SubnetId string `json:"subnetId" validate:"required"` SecurityGroupIds []string `json:"securityGroupIds" validate:"required"` SshKeyId string `json:"sshKeyId" validate:"required"` VmUserName string `json:"vmUserName,omitempty"` VmUserPassword string `json:"vmUserPassword,omitempty"` RootDiskType string `json:"rootDiskType,omitempty" example:"default, TYPE1, ..."` // "", "default", "TYPE1", AWS: ["standard", "gp2", "gp3"], Azure: ["PremiumSSD", "StandardSSD", "StandardHDD"], GCP: ["pd-standard", "pd-balanced", "pd-ssd", "pd-extreme"], ALIBABA: ["cloud_efficiency", "cloud", "cloud_ssd"], TENCENT: ["CLOUD_PREMIUM", "CLOUD_SSD"] RootDiskSize string `json:"rootDiskSize,omitempty" example:"default, 30, 42, ..."` // "default", Integer (GB): ["50", ..., "1000"] DataDiskIds []string `json:"dataDiskIds"` }
TbVmReq is struct to get requirements to create a new server instance
type TbVmSnapshotReq ¶
type TbVmSnapshotReq struct {
Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1-snapshot"`
TbVmSnapshotReq is a struct to handle 'Create VM snapshot' request toward CB-Tumblebug.
type TbVmStatusInfo ¶
type TbVmStatusInfo struct { // Id is unique identifier for the object Id string `json:"id" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` // Uid is universally unique identifier for the object, used for labelSelector Uid string `json:"uid,omitempty" example:"wef12awefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceName is name assigned to the CSP resource. This name is internally used to handle the resource. CspResourceName string `json:"cspResourceName,omitempty" example:"we12fawefadf1221edcf"` // CspResourceId is resource identifier managed by CSP CspResourceId string `json:"cspResourceId,omitempty" example:"csp-06eb41e14121c550a"` // Name is human-readable string to represent the object Name string `json:"name" example:"aws-ap-southeast-1"` Status string `json:"status"` TargetStatus string `json:"targetStatus"` TargetAction string `json:"targetAction"` NativeStatus string `json:"nativeStatus"` // Montoring agent status MonAgentStatus string `json:"monAgentStatus" example:"[installed, notInstalled, failed]"` // yes or no// installed, notInstalled, failed // Latest system message such as error message SystemMessage string `json:"systemMessage" example:"Failed because ..." default:""` // systeam-given string message // Created time CreatedTime string `json:"createdTime" example:"2022-11-10 23:00:00" default:""` PublicIp string `json:"publicIp"` PrivateIp string `json:"privateIp"` SSHPort string `json:"sshPort"` Location Location `json:"location"` }
TbVmStatusInfo is to define simple information of VM with updated status
type VNetDesignRequest ¶ added in v0.9.10
type VNetDesignRequest struct { TargetPrivateNetwork string `json:"targetPrivateNetwork"` SupernettingEnabled string `json:"supernettingEnabled"` CspRegions []CspRegion `json:"cspRegions"` }
VNetDesignRequest is a struct to handle the utility function, DesignVNet()