WsAccountStatement: Account Statement Method
Account Statement (WsAccountStatement) is a service method to retrieve account statement information from Sriwijaya Air Web Service (SOAP) v.111 [1].
In this example you will learn about using Account Statement Method (WsAccountStatement) with Go (using sjwsdk111 package).
The following are the sections available in this guide.
What you’ll build
Let’s make a real world simple application for retrieving account statement information using Sriwijaya Air Web Services Endpoint. Following diagram demonstrates the account statement use case.
go get
- A Text Editor or an IDE
Sriwijaya Air Agent requirements
- Sriwijaya Air Agent Credential Account (Agent Application)
- Sriwijaya Air Web Service Access (IP Whitelist) ( Production, Development )
- WSDL File ( Production, Development )
If you want to skip the basics, you can download the git repo and directly move to the "Build and Running" section by skipping "Implementation" section.
Example structure
Go is a complete programming language that supports custom project structures. Let's use the following package structure for this example.
├── by-features
│ ├── 01.WsAccountStatement
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └── main.go
└── wsdl
└── wsp-wsdl.eticketv111.wsdl
Create the above directories in your local machine and also create empty
files. -
Download Sriwijaya Air Web Service WSDL and saved to
Developing the application
Let's make a simple application for retrieving account statement information using sjwsdk111
package main
import (
func makeHTTPClient() *http.Client {
// Access via proxy if needed
proxyURL, _ := url.Parse("http://proxy-ip-address:proxy-port")
//proxyURL, _ := url.Parse("http://proxy-user:proxy-password@proxy-ip-address:proxy-port")
// Initite transport with proxy and skip TLS (if needed)
tr := &http.Transport{
Proxy: http.ProxyURL(proxyURL),
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
// Initiate transport without proxy and skip TLS (if needed)
// tr := &http.Transport{
// TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
// }
httpClient := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
return httpClient
func main() {
// Initiate http client
httpClient := makeHTTPClient()
// Initiate NewSoapSJClient version 111
sjClient, err := sjwsdk111.NewSoapSJClient(httpClient, "../../wsdl/wsp-wsdl.eticketv111.wsdl", "file")
if err != nil {
// call Sriwijaya web service operation
// callWsAccountStatement is a function to call WsAccountStatement method
func callWsAccountStatement(s *sjwsdk111.SoapSJClient) {
params := []byte(
<Username xsi:type="xsd:string">SRIWIJAWA_AGENT_USERNAME</Username>
<Password xsi:type="xsd:string">SRIWIJAWA_AGENT_PASSWORD</Password>
<PeriodeStart xsi:type="xsd:string">18-Sep-18</PeriodeStart>
<PeriodeEnd xsi:type="xsd:string">18-Sep-18</PeriodeEnd>
wsResp, errC := s.CallWsAccountStatement(params, false)
if errC != nil {
// Access response variable
// fmt.Println()
// fmt.Println("ReturnData-WsAccountStatement:")
// fmt.Printf("%#v\n", wsResp.Return)
// Marshal response variable to XML
myXML, _ := xml.MarshalIndent(wsResp, " ", " ")
echo "Clean..."
rm ./WsAccountStatement
echo "Build..."
go build -o WsAccountStatement main.go
echo "Build Done."
echo "Run..."
./WsAccountStatement > WsAccountStatement-Result.xml
echo "Done."
Build and Running
You can build and running by execute the "" bash files.
$ sh
After the application is running, you will get the xml response in WsAccountStatement-Result.xml
Sample Response
<DateCreate>18 Sep 2018 08:08 (GMT+7)</DateCreate>
<Description>Ticketing for ABMNYZ</Description>
<DateCreate>18 Sep 2018 08:08 (GMT+7)</DateCreate>
<Description>Agent Commision for ABMNYZ</Description>
<DateCreate>18 Sep 2018 08:08 (GMT+7)</DateCreate>
<Description>Incentive for ABMNYZ</Description>