
v1.0.1 Latest Latest

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Published: Oct 25, 2024 License: MIT Imports: 7 Imported by: 0




View Source
const (
	DefaultPaginationSize = 20


This section is empty.


This section is empty.


type APIListItem

type APIListItem struct {
	Path   string `json:"path"`
	Method string `json:"method"`

type APIPermItem

type APIPermItem struct {
	Method string `json:"method"`
	Path   string `json:"path"`

type ActItem

type ActItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Desc string `json:"desc"`

type AlarmFilterItem

type AlarmFilterItem struct {
	Exp string

type AppAvailableRoles

type AppAvailableRoles struct {
	AppId   int        `json:"app_id"`
	Default []RoleItem `json:"default"` // 不允许app内修改
	Custom  []RoleItem `json:"custom"`  // 支持app内修改

type AppPermItem

type AppPermItem struct {
	Aid           int      `json:"aid"`
	AppName       string   `json:"app_name"`
	AvailableEnvs []string `json:"available_envs"` // 可选的环境
	AllowEnvs     []string `json:"allow_envs"`     // 可用的环境

type AppRoleInfoItem

type AppRoleInfoItem struct {
	RoleItem `json:",inline"`
	// SubResources []ResourceItem		`json:"sub_resources"`  // 角色所对应app下的子资源
	// Acts 		[]ActItem			`json:"acts"`			// 角色对app子资源的action
	// PmsDetails 		[]RolePmsDetail `json:"pms_details"`
	Uids []int `json:"uids"` // 当前是该角色的用户的id

type At

type At struct {
	AtMobiles []string `json:"atMobiles"`
	IsAtAll   bool     `json:"isAtAll"`

type CascaderItem

type CascaderItem struct {
	Value    string         `json:"value"`
	Label    string         `json:"label"`
	Children []CascaderItem `json:"children,omitempty"`

type ClickhouseSystemClusters

type ClickhouseSystemClusters struct {
	Cluster     string `json:"cluster"`
	ShardNum    uint32 `json:"shardNum"`
	ShardWeight uint32 `json:"ShardWeight"`
	ReplicaNum  uint32 `json:"replicaNum"`

type Cluster

type Cluster struct {
	Cluster     string
	ShardNum    int
	ReplicaNum  int
	HostName    string
	HostAddress string
	Port        int

type Column

type Column struct {
	Field   string `json:"field" form:"field"`
	Type    string `json:"type" form:"type"`
	Comment string `json:"comment" form:"comment"`

type ConfigFormat

type ConfigFormat string

ConfigFormat ..

const (
	ConfigFormatToml       ConfigFormat = "toml"
	ConfigFormatYaml       ConfigFormat = "yaml"
	ConfigFormatJson       ConfigFormat = "json"
	ConfigFormatXml        ConfigFormat = "xml"
	ConfigFormatProperties ConfigFormat = "properties"
	ConfigFormatIni        ConfigFormat = "ini"
	ConfigFormatConf       ConfigFormat = "conf"

type ConfigMetadata

type ConfigMetadata struct {
	Version     string `json:"version"`
	ChangeLog   string `json:"changeLog"`
	PublishedBy int    `json:"uid"`

ConfigMetadata 用于记录某个配置的版本信息

type CustomRolePms

type CustomRolePms struct {

type DagExecFlow

type DagExecFlow struct {
	NodeId   int           `json:"nodeId"`
	Children []DagExecFlow `json:"children"`

DAG ...

type DatabendSystemClusters

type DatabendSystemClusters struct {
	Host    string `json:"host"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Port    uint16 `json:"port"`
	Version string `json:"version"`

type DefaultRolePms

type DefaultRolePms struct {

type DingTalkMarkdown

type DingTalkMarkdown struct {
	MsgType  string    `json:"msgtype"`
	At       *At       `json:"at"`
	Markdown *Markdown `json:"markdown"`

type DomainUids

type DomainUids map[string][]int // like {"ent__1":[uid1, uid2, ...], "*": [uids...]}  note, the key with value "*" means allDomain

type HiddenFieldCreate

type HiddenFieldCreate struct {
	Fields []string `json:"fields" binding:"required"`

type HighChart

type HighChart struct {
	Count    uint64 `json:"count"`
	Progress string `json:"progress"`
	From     int64  `json:"from"`
	To       int64  `json:"to"`

type HighCharts

type HighCharts struct {
	Histograms []*HighChart `json:"histograms"`
	Count      uint64       `json:"count"`
	Progress   string       `json:"progress"`

type IndexItem

type IndexItem struct {
	Field    string `json:"field" form:"field"`
	Alias    string `json:"alias" form:"alias"`
	Typ      int    `json:"typ" form:"typ"`
	RootName string `json:"rootName" form:"rootName"`
	HashTyp  int    `json:"hashTyp" form:"hashTyp"`

func (*IndexItem) Name

func (i *IndexItem) Name() string

type InfoItem

type InfoItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Desc string `json:"desc"`

type InnerNodeRun

type InnerNodeRun struct {
	N  *db2.BigdataNode
	NC *db2.BigdataNodeContent

type IntegrationFlat

type IntegrationFlat struct {
	Typ      string `json:"typ"` // clickhouse mysql
	SourceId int    `json:"sourceId"`
	Cluster  string `json:"cluster"`
	Database string `json:"database"`
	Table    string `json:"table"`

	SourceFilter string `json:"sourceFilter"`

	// Deprecated
	TargetBefore string `json:"targetBefore"`
	// Deprecated
	TargetAfter string `json:"targetAfter"`

	TargetBeforeList []string `json:"targetBeforeList"`
	TargetAfterList  []string `json:"targetAfterList"`

IntegrationFlat integration offline sync step 1

type IntegrationMapping

type IntegrationMapping struct {
	Source     string `json:"source"`
	SourceType string `json:"sourceType"`
	Target     string `json:"target"`
	TargetType string `json:"targetType"`

IntegrationMapping integration offline sync step 2

type JaegerDependencyDataModel

type JaegerDependencyDataModel struct {
	Timestamp         time.Time
	Parent            string
	Child             string
	CallCount         int64
	ServerDurationP50 float64
	ServerDurationP90 float64
	ServerDurationP99 float64
	ClientDurationP50 float64
	ClientDurationP90 float64
	ClientDurationP99 float64
	ServerSuccessRate float64
	ClientSuccessRate float64
	Time              time.Time

type ListGroupItem

type ListGroupItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type ListUserItem

type ListUserItem struct {
	UID      uint     `json:"uid"`
	UserName string   `json:"user_name"`
	NickName string   `json:"nick_name"`
	Access   string   `json:"access"`
	Groups   []string `json:"groups"`

type Markdown

type Markdown struct {
	Title string `json:"title"`
	Text  string `json:"text"`

type MentionedList

type MentionedList struct {
	UserIdList []string `json:"userIdList"`
	MobileList []string `json:"mobileList"`
type MenuTree []MenuTreeItem
type MenuTreeItem struct {
	Name     string   `json:"name"`
	Path     string   `json:"path"`
	Icon     string   `json:"icon"`
	Children MenuTree `json:"children"`

type NodeHistoryItem

type NodeHistoryItem struct {
	UUID     string `json:"uuid"`
	Utime    int64  `json:"utime"`
	Uid      int    `json:"uid"`
	UserName string `json:"userName"`
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`

type OperatorViewParams

type OperatorViewParams struct {
	Typ              int
	Tid              int
	Did              int
	TableName        string
	CustomTimeField  string
	Current          *db2.BaseView
	List             []*db2.BaseView
	Indexes          map[string]*db2.BaseIndex
	IsCreate         bool
	TimeField        string
	RawLogField      string
	IsKafkaTimestamp int
	Database         *db2.BaseDatabase

type Pagination

type Pagination struct {
	// Current 总记录数
	Current int `json:"current" form:"current"`
	// PageSize 每页记录数
	PageSize int `json:"pageSize" form:"pageSize"`
	// Total 总页数
	Total int64 `json:"total" form:"total"`
	// Sort 顺序
	Sort string `json:"sort"  form:"sort"`

func NewPagination

func NewPagination(current int, pageSize int) *Pagination

func (*Pagination) List

func (p *Pagination) List(db *gorm.DB, list interface{})

func (*Pagination) Valid

func (p *Pagination) Valid() error

type ReqAlarmConditionCreate

type ReqAlarmConditionCreate struct {
	SetOperatorTyp int `json:"typ" form:"typ"`                      // 0 when 1 and  2 or
	SetOperatorExp int `json:"exp" form:"exp"`                      // 0 avg 1 min 2 max 3 sum 4 count
	Cond           int `json:"cond" form:"cond"`                    // 0 above 1 below 2 outside range 3 within range
	Val1           int `json:"val1" form:"val1" binding:"required"` // 基准值/最小值
	Val2           int `json:"val2" form:"val2"`                    // 最大值

type ReqAlarmCreate

type ReqAlarmCreate struct {
	Name             string                    `json:"alarmName" form:"alarmName"` // 告警名称
	Desc             string                    `json:"desc" form:"desc"`           // 描述说明
	Interval         int                       `json:"interval" form:"interval"`   // 告警频率
	Unit             int                       `json:"unit" form:"unit"`           // 0 m 1 s 2 h 3 d 4 w 5 y
	Status           int                       `json:"status" form:"status"`
	AlertRule        string                    `json:"alertRule" form:"alertRule"` // prometheus alert rule
	View             string                    `json:"view" form:"view"`           // 数据转换视图
	NoDataOp         int                       `json:"noDataOp" form:"noDataOp"`
	Tags             map[string]string         `json:"tags" form:"tags"` //
	ChannelIds       []int                     `json:"channelIds" form:"channelIds"`
	Filters          []ReqAlarmFilterCreate    `json:"filters" form:"filters"`
	Conditions       []ReqAlarmConditionCreate `json:"conditions" form:"conditions"`
	Level            int                       `json:"level" form:"level"`
	DutyOfficers     []int                     `json:"dutyOfficers" form:"dutyOfficers"`
	IsDisableResolve int                       `json:"isDisableResolve" form:"isDisableResolve"`

func (*ReqAlarmCreate) ConvertV2

func (r *ReqAlarmCreate) ConvertV2()

type ReqAlarmFilterCreate

type ReqAlarmFilterCreate struct {
	Tid            int                       `json:"tid" form:"tid" binding:"required"`
	When           string                    `json:"when" form:"when" binding:"required"` // 执行条件
	SetOperatorTyp int                       `json:"typ" form:"typ"`                      // 0 default 1 INNER 2 LEFT OUTER 3 RIGHT OUTER 4 FULL OUTER 5 CROSS
	SetOperatorExp string                    `json:"exp" form:"exp"`                      // 操作
	Mode           int                       `json:"mode" form:"mode"`
	Conditions     []ReqAlarmConditionCreate `json:"conditions" form:"conditions"`

type ReqAlarmHistoryList

type ReqAlarmHistoryList struct {
	AlarmId   int `json:"alarmId" form:"alarmId"`
	StartTime int `json:"startTime" form:"startTime"`
	EndTime   int `json:"endTime" form:"endTime"` // 0 m 1 s 2 h 3 d 4 w 5 y

type ReqChangeAppGroup

type ReqChangeAppGroup struct {
	AppName   string `json:"app_name"`
	AppEnv    string `json:"app_env"`
	GroupName string `json:"group_name"`

type ReqChangeUserGroup

type ReqChangeUserGroup struct {
	UID    uint     `json:"uid"`
	Groups []string `json:"groups"`

type ReqComplete

type ReqComplete struct {
	Query string `form:"query" binding:"required"`

type ReqConfigMapInfo

type ReqConfigMapInfo struct {
	Key string `form:"key" binding:"required"`

ReqConfigMapInfo ..

type ReqCreateAgentStorage

type ReqCreateAgentStorage struct {
	Name       string `form:"name" binding:"required"`
	DatabaseId int    `form:"databaseId" binding:"required"`

type ReqCreateCluster

type ReqCreateCluster struct {
	Name        string `json:"clusterName"`
	Description string `json:"description"`
	Status      int    `json:"status"`
	ApiServer   string `json:"apiServer"`
	KubeConfig  string `json:"kubeConfig"`

type ReqCreateConfig

type ReqCreateConfig struct {
	Name                  string       `gorm:"column:name;type:varchar(64)" json:"configurationName" binding:"required"`
	Format                ConfigFormat `json:"format" binding:"required,oneof=yaml toml ini json conf"` // 格式后缀名(比如: toml, yaml)
	K8SConfigMapId        int          `form:"k8sConfigMapId"`
	K8SConfigMapName      string       `form:"k8sConfigMapName" binding:"required"`
	K8SConfigMapNamespace string       `form:"k8sConfigMapNameSpace" binding:"required"`
	ClusterId             int          `form:"clusterId" binding:"required"`

ReqCreateConfig ..

type ReqCreateConfigMap

type ReqCreateConfigMap struct {
	ConfigmapName string `form:"configmapName" binding:"required"`
	Namespace     string `form:"namespace" binding:"required"`

ReqCreateConfigMap ..

type ReqCreateCrontab

type ReqCreateCrontab struct {

crontab struct

type ReqCreateFolder

type ReqCreateFolder struct {
	Iid       int `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`
	Primary   int `json:"primary" form:"primary" binding:"required"`
	Secondary int `json:"secondary" form:"secondary"`


type ReqCreateIndex

type ReqCreateIndex struct {
	Tid  int         `json:"tid" form:"tid"`
	Data []IndexItem `json:"data"`

type ReqCreateInstance

type ReqCreateInstance struct {
	Datasource       string `json:"datasource" binding:"required"`
	Name             string `json:"name" binding:"required"`
	Dsn              string `json:"dsn"`
	RuleStoreType    int    `json:"ruleStoreType"`
	FilePath         string `json:"filePath"`
	Desc             string `json:"desc"`
	ClusterId        int    `json:"clusterId"`
	Namespace        string `json:"namespace"`
	Configmap        string `json:"configmap"`
	PrometheusTarget string `json:"prometheusTarget"`

type ReqCreateNode

type ReqCreateNode struct {
	Primary    int `json:"primary" form:"primary" binding:"required"`
	Secondary  int `json:"secondary" form:"secondary" binding:"required"`
	Tertiary   int `json:"tertiary" form:"tertiary"`
	Iid        int `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`
	WorkflowId int `json:"workflowId" form:"workflowId"`
	SourceId   int `json:"sourceId" form:"sourceId"`

ReqCreateNode Node

type ReqCreateSource

type ReqCreateSource struct {
	Iid int `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`

type ReqCreateStorageByTemplateEgo

type ReqCreateStorageByTemplateEgo struct {
	Brokers    string `form:"brokers" binding:"required"`
	DatabaseId int    `form:"databaseId" binding:"required"`

	TopicsApp           string `form:"topicsApp" binding:"required"`
	TopicsEgo           string `form:"topicsEgo" binding:"required"`
	TopicsIngressStdout string `form:"topicsIngressStdout" binding:"required"`
	TopicsIngressStderr string `form:"topicsIngressStderr" binding:"required"`

type ReqCreateStorageByTemplateILogtail

type ReqCreateStorageByTemplateILogtail struct {
	Brokers    string `form:"brokers" binding:"required"`
	DatabaseId int    `form:"databaseId" binding:"required"`
	Days       int    `form:"days" binding:"required"`
	Name       string `form:"name" binding:"required"`
	Topic      string `form:"topic" binding:"required"`

type ReqCreateWorkflow

type ReqCreateWorkflow struct {
	Iid int `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`

type ReqCrontabArg

type ReqCrontabArg struct {
	Key string `json:"key" form:"key"`
	Val string `json:"val" form:"val"`

crontab struct

type ReqDAG

type ReqDAG struct {
	BoardNodeList []ReqDagNode `json:"boardNodeList"`
	BoardEdges    []ReqDagEdge `json:"boardEdges"`

DAG ...

type ReqDagEdge

type ReqDagEdge struct {
	Source string `json:"source"`
	Target string `json:"target"`

DAG ...

type ReqDagNode

type ReqDagNode struct {
	Id int `json:"id"` // node id

DAG ...

type ReqDatabaseCreate

type ReqDatabaseCreate struct {
	Name    string `json:"databaseName" form:"databaseName" binding:"required"`
	Cluster string `json:"cluster" form:"cluster"`
	Desc    string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	Type    int    `json:"type" form:"type"`

type ReqDeletePmsRole

type ReqDeletePmsRole struct {

type ReqDetailConfig

type ReqDetailConfig struct {
	ID uint `form:"id" binding:"required"`

ReqDetailConfig ..

type ReqDiffConfig

type ReqDiffConfig struct {
	ID        int `form:"id"`                           // 配置ID
	HistoryID int `form:"historyId" binding:"required"` // 版本ID

ReqDiffConfig ..

type ReqEnsureFuzzyDefaultRole

type ReqEnsureFuzzyDefaultRole struct {
	BelongType   string `json:"belong_type"`    // value in ["app", "configResource] currently
	ReferIdx     string `json:"refer_idx"`      // 所对应的belongType资源的id(如果belongTypes是"app") or name
	RoleNameLike string `json:"role_name_like"` // 角色模糊名称
	DomainType   string `json:"domain_type"`    // 角色所在domain类型 可为空
	DomainId     int    `json:"domain_id"`      // domainType不为空时, 对应的id; domainType为空时, 此处值为0

type ReqEventList

type ReqEventList struct {
	Source    string `json:"source" form:"source"`
	Operation string `json:"operation" form:"operation"`
	Uid       int    `json:"uid" form:"uid"`

type ReqGetAppPerm

type ReqGetAppPerm struct {
	GroupName     string `json:"group_name"`
	AppNameSearch string `json:"app_name_search"`
	PageSize      uint   `json:"size"`
	Page          uint   `json:"page"`

type ReqGetGroupAPIPerm

type ReqGetGroupAPIPerm struct {
	GroupName string `query:"group_name" valid:"required"`

type ReqGetGroupMenuPerm

type ReqGetGroupMenuPerm struct {
	GroupName string `query:"group_name"`

type ReqKafkaJSONMapping

type ReqKafkaJSONMapping struct {
	Data string `json:"data" form:"data"`

type ReqListConfig

type ReqListConfig struct {
	K8SConfigMapId        int    `form:"k8sConfigMapId"`
	K8SConfigMapName      string `form:"k8sConfigMapName"`
	K8SConfigMapNamespace string `form:"k8sConfigMapNameSpace"`
	ClusterId             int    `form:"clusterId"`

type ReqListNode

type ReqListNode struct {
	Iid        int `json:"iid" form:"iid"  binding:"required"`
	Primary    int `json:"primary" form:"primary" binding:"required"`
	Secondary  int `json:"secondary" form:"secondary"`
	FolderId   int `json:"folderId" form:"folderId"`
	WorkflowId int `json:"workflowId" form:"workflowId"`

type ReqListSource

type ReqListSource struct {
	Iid  int    `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`
	Typ  int    `json:"typ" form:"typ"`
	Name string `json:"name" form:"name"`

type ReqListSourceColumn

type ReqListSourceColumn struct {
	Database string `json:"database" form:"database" binding:"required"`
	Table    string `json:"table" form:"table" binding:"required"`

type ReqListSourceTable

type ReqListSourceTable struct {
	Database string `json:"database" form:"database" binding:"required"`

type ReqListUser

type ReqListUser struct {
	GroupName string `query:"group_name"`
	Search    string `query:"search"`
	Page      uint   `query:"page"`
	PageSize  uint   `query:"page_size"`

type ReqListWorkflow

type ReqListWorkflow struct {
	Iid int `json:"iid" form:"iid" binding:"required"`

type ReqNewPmsRole

type ReqNewPmsRole struct {

type ReqNodeHistoryList

type ReqNodeHistoryList struct {

	IsExcludeCrontabResult int `json:"isExcludeCrontabResult" form:"isExcludeCrontabResult"`

type ReqNodeResultList

type ReqNodeResultList struct {

type ReqNodeRunOpenAPI

type ReqNodeRunOpenAPI struct {
	Token string `json:"token" form:"token" binding:"required"`

type ReqNodeRunResult

type ReqNodeRunResult struct {
	ExcelProcess string `json:"excelProcess" form:"excelProcess"`

crontab struct

type ReqPermission

type ReqPermission struct {
	UserId      int      `json:"userId"`                      // request userId
	ObjectType  string   `json:"objectType" valid:"required"` // the type of ObjectIdx. its value must be a valid PermittedPrefix
	ObjectIdx   string   `json:"objectIdx"`                   // referId(e.g. aid) or other NameStr(e.g. configResourceName, url etc.)
	SubResource string   `json:"subResource"`                 // the subResource of target Object(Type+Idx). If target Obj has no subResource, please set it to "*"
	Acts        []string `json:"acts"`                        // require(or want) actions. i.e. the key of PermittedActMap
	DomainType  string   `json:"domainType"`                  // env or ent. i.e. the keys of PermittedDomPrefixMap
	DomainId    string   `json:"domainId"`                    // envId or entId based on DomainType respectively

type ReqPmsCommonInfo

type ReqPmsCommonInfo struct {
	Iid int `json:"iid" form:"iid"` // request instance id

type ReqPmsRoles

type ReqPmsRoles struct {
	// RoleType       int    `form:"roleType"`
	Name           string `form:"name"`
	BelongResource string `form:"belongResource"`
	ResourceId     int    `form:"resourceId"` // 0: means req default pmsRoles

type ReqPublishConfig

type ReqPublishConfig struct {
	ID      int     `json:"id"`                         // 配置ID
	Version *string `json:"version" binding:"required"` // 版本号

ReqPublishConfig ..

type ReqQuery

type ReqQuery struct {
	Tid           int      `json:"tid" form:"tid"`
	Database      string   `form:"database"`
	Table         string   `form:"table"`
	DatabaseTable string   `form:"databaseTable"`
	Field         string   `form:"field"`
	Query         string   `form:"query"`
	TimeField     string   `form:"timeField"`
	TimeFieldType int      `form:"timeFieldType"`
	ST            int64    `form:"st"`
	ET            int64    `form:"et"`
	Page          uint32   `form:"page"`
	PageSize      uint32   `form:"pageSize"`
	AlarmMode     int      `form:"alarmMode"`
	Filters       []string `form:"filters[]"`
	GroupByCond   string   `form:"groupByCond"`
	IsQueryCount  int      `form:"isQueryCount"` // 是否请求日志总数 0 不请求 1 请求
	Date          string   `form:"date"`
	K8SContainer  []string `form:"k8sContainer"`
	Dir           string   `json:"dir"`
	Path          string   `form:"path" json:"path"`
	Interval      int64    `json:"interval"`

type ReqSetGroupAPIPerm

type ReqSetGroupAPIPerm struct {
	GroupName string        `json:"group_name"`
	APIList   []APIListItem `json:"api_list"`

type ReqSetGroupAppPerm

type ReqSetGroupAppPerm struct {
	GroupName string   `json:"group_name" valid:"required"`
	AppName   string   `json:"app_name" valid:"required"`
	Env       []string `json:"env"`
	Action    []string `json:"action"`

type ReqSetGroupMenuPerm

type ReqSetGroupMenuPerm struct {
	GroupName string   `json:"group_name"`
	Menu      []string `json:"permission"`

type ReqStorageCreate

type ReqStorageCreate struct {
	TableName               string       `form:"tableName" binding:"required"`
	Typ                     int          `form:"typ" binding:"required"` // 1 string 2 float
	Days                    int          `form:"days" binding:"required"`
	Brokers                 string       `form:"brokers" binding:"required"`
	Topics                  string       `form:"topics" binding:"required"`
	Consumers               int          `form:"consumers" binding:"required"`
	KafkaSkipBrokenMessages int          `form:"kafkaSkipBrokenMessages"`
	Desc                    string       `form:"desc"`
	Source                  string       `form:"source" binding:"required"` // Raw JSON data
	DatabaseId              int          `form:"databaseId" binding:"required"`
	TimeField               string       `form:"timeField" binding:"required"`
	TimeFieldParent         string       `form:"timeFieldParent"`
	RawLogField             string       `form:"rawLogField"`
	RawLogFieldParent       string       `form:"rawLogFieldParent"`
	SourceMapping           mapping.List `form:"-"`
	CreateType              int          `form:"createType"`

func ReqStorageCreateUnmarshal

func ReqStorageCreateUnmarshal(res string) ReqStorageCreate

func (*ReqStorageCreate) GetRawLogField

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) GetRawLogField() string

func (*ReqStorageCreate) IsRawLogFieldString

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) IsRawLogFieldString() bool

IsRawLogFieldString 判断 raw log 字段是否是 string 类型

func (*ReqStorageCreate) JSON

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) JSON() string

func (*ReqStorageCreate) Mapping2Fields

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) Mapping2Fields(rawLogFieldParent string) string

func (*ReqStorageCreate) Mapping2String

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) Mapping2String(withType bool, rawLogFieldParent string) string

func (*ReqStorageCreate) SelectFields

func (r *ReqStorageCreate) SelectFields() string

type ReqStorageGetTraceGraph

type ReqStorageGetTraceGraph struct {
	StartTime int `form:"startTime"`
	EndTime   int `form:"endTime"`

type ReqStorageUpdate

type ReqStorageUpdate struct {
	MergeTreeTTL            int    `form:"mergeTreeTTL"`
	KafkaBrokers            string `form:"kafkaBrokers"`
	KafkaTopic              string `form:"kafkaTopic"`
	KafkaConsumerNum        int    `form:"kafkaConsumerNum"` // min 1 max 8
	KafkaSkipBrokenMessages int    `form:"kafkaSkipBrokenMessages"`
	Desc                    string `form:"desc"`
	V3TableType             int    `form:"v3TableType"`

type ReqStorageUpdateTraceInfo

type ReqStorageUpdateTraceInfo struct {
	TraceTableId int `form:"traceTableId"`

type ReqStructuralTransfer

type ReqStructuralTransfer struct {
	Source  string   `json:"source" form:"source"`
	Target  string   `json:"target" form:"target"`
	Columns []Column `json:"columns" form:"columns"`

type ReqSyncConfig

type ReqSyncConfig struct {
	K8SConfigMapId        int    `form:"k8sConfigMapId"`
	K8SConfigMapName      string `form:"k8sConfigMapName" binding:"required"`
	K8SConfigMapNamespace string `form:"k8sConfigMapNameSpace" binding:"required"`
	ClusterId             int    `form:"clusterId" binding:"required"`

ReqSyncConfig ..

type ReqTableCreate

type ReqTableCreate struct {
	TableName               string `form:"tableName" binding:"required"`
	Typ                     int    `form:"typ" binding:"required"`
	Days                    int    `form:"days" binding:"required"`
	Brokers                 string `form:"brokers" binding:"required"`
	Topics                  string `form:"topics" binding:"required"`
	Consumers               int    `form:"consumers" binding:"required"`
	KafkaSkipBrokenMessages int    `form:"kafkaSkipBrokenMessages"`
	Desc                    string `form:"desc"`

type ReqTableCreateExist

type ReqTableCreateExist struct {
	DatabaseName  string `form:"databaseName" json:"databaseName" binding:"required"`
	TableName     string `form:"tableName" json:"tableName" binding:"required"`
	TimeField     string `form:"timeField" json:"timeField"`
	TimeFieldType int    `form:"timeFieldType" json:"timeFieldType"`
	Cluster       string `form:"cluster" json:"cluster"`
	Desc          string `form:"desc" json:"desc"`

type ReqTableCreateExistBatch

type ReqTableCreateExistBatch struct {
	TableList []ReqTableCreateExist `form:"tableList" json:"tableList"`

type ReqTableDependencies

type ReqTableDependencies struct {
	DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName" form:"databaseName" binding:"required"`
	TableName    string `json:"tableName" form:"tableName" binding:"required"`

type ReqTableId

type ReqTableId struct {
	Instance   string `form:"instance" binding:"required"`
	Database   string `form:"database" binding:"required"`
	Table      string `form:"table" binding:"required"`
	Datasource string `form:"datasource" binding:"required"`

type ReqTableUpdate

type ReqTableUpdate struct {
	Desc string `form:"desc"`

type ReqTemplateClusterNoReplica

type ReqTemplateClusterNoReplica struct {
	Dsn                 string `json:"dsn" binding:"required"`
	K8sClusterName      string `json:"k8sClusterName" binding:"required"`
	Brokers             string `json:"brokers" binding:"required"`
	InstanceClusterName string `json:"instanceClusterName" binding:"required"`

type ReqTemplateStandalone

type ReqTemplateStandalone struct {
	Dsn         string `json:"dsn" binding:"required"`
	ClusterName string `json:"clusterName" binding:"required"`
	Brokers     string `json:"brokers" binding:"required"`

type ReqTestInstance

type ReqTestInstance struct {
	Datasource string `json:"datasource" binding:"required"`
	Dsn        string `json:"dsn" binding:"required"`

type ReqUpdateConfig

type ReqUpdateConfig struct {
	ID      int    `json:"id"` // the id of configuration
	Message string `json:"message" binding:"required"`
	Content string `json:"content" binding:"required"`

ReqUpdateConfig ..

type ReqUpdateCrontab

type ReqUpdateCrontab struct {
	Desc          string          `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	DutyUid       int             `json:"dutyUid" form:"dutyUid" required:"true"`
	Cron          string          `json:"cron" form:"cron" required:"true"`
	Typ           int             `json:"typ" form:"typ"`
	Args          []ReqCrontabArg `json:"args" form:"args"`
	IsRetry       int             `json:"isRetry" form:"isRetry"` // isRetry: 0 no 1 yes
	RetryTimes    int             `json:"retryTimes" form:"retryTimes"`
	RetryInterval int             `json:"retryInterval" form:"retryInterval"` // retryInterval: the unit is in seconds, 100 means 100s
	ChannelIds    []int           `json:"channelIds" form:"channelIds"`

crontab struct

type ReqUpdateFolder

type ReqUpdateFolder struct {
	Name       string `json:"name" form:"name" binding:"required"`
	Desc       string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	ParentId   int    `json:"parentId" form:"parentId"`
	WorkflowId int    `json:"workflowId" form:"workflowId"`

type ReqUpdateGroup

type ReqUpdateGroup struct {
	OriginalName string `json:"name"`
	CurrentName  string `json:"current_name"`

type ReqUpdateNode

type ReqUpdateNode struct {
	FolderId int    `json:"folderId" form:"folderId"`
	Name     string `json:"name" form:"name"`
	Desc     string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	Content  string `json:"content" form:"content"`
	SourceId int    `json:"sourceId" form:"sourceId"`
	Tertiary int    `json:"tertiary" form:"tertiary"`

type ReqUpdatePmsRole

type ReqUpdatePmsRole struct {

type ReqUpdateSource

type ReqUpdateSource struct {
	Name     string `json:"name" form:"name" binding:"required"`
	Desc     string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`
	URL      string `json:"url" form:"url"`
	UserName string `json:"username" form:"username"`
	Password string `json:"password" form:"password"`
	Typ      int    `json:"typ" form:"typ"`

type ReqUpdateWorkflow

type ReqUpdateWorkflow struct {
	Name string `json:"name" form:"name" binding:"required"`
	Desc string `json:"desc" form:"desc"`

type ReqUserCreate

type ReqUserCreate struct {
	Username string `json:"username" form:"username"` // 登陆账号
	Nickname string `json:"nickname" form:"nickname"` // 显示用户名

type ReqUserList

type ReqUserList struct {
	Username string `json:"username" form:"username"`

type ReqViewCreate

type ReqViewCreate struct {
	Name             string `json:"viewName"`
	IsUseDefaultTime int    `json:"isUseDefaultTime"`
	Key              string `json:"key"`
	Format           string `json:"format"`

type ReqViewList

type ReqViewList struct {
	ID   int    `json:"id"`
	Name string `json:"viewName"`

type ReqWorkerDashboard

type ReqWorkerDashboard struct {
	Start      int64 `json:"start" form:"start"`
	End        int64 `json:"end" form:"end"`
	Iid        int   `json:"iid" form:"iid"`
	IsInCharge int   `json:"isInCharge" form:"isInCharge"`

ReqWorkerDashboard Request start and end time

type ReqWorkerList

type ReqWorkerList struct {
	Start    int    `json:"start" form:"start"`
	End      int    `json:"end" form:"end"`
	NodeName string `json:"nodeName" form:"nodeName"`
	Tertiary int    `json:"tertiary" form:"tertiary"` // ClickHouse 10; MySQL 11; OfflineSync 20
	Iid      int    `json:"iid" form:"iid"`
	Status   int    `json:"status" form:"status"` // 0 未知;1 成功;2 失败

type ResPmsCommonInfo

type ResPmsCommonInfo struct {
	RulesInfo                  []InfoItem     `json:"rules_info"`
	PrefixesInfo               []InfoItem     `json:"prefixes_info"`
	AllActsInfo                []InfoItem     `json:"all_acts_info"`
	NormalActsInfo             []InfoItem     `json:"normal_acts_info"`
	AppSubResourcesInfo        []InfoItem     `json:"app_subResources_info"`
	ConfigRsrcSubResourcesInfo []InfoItem     `json:"configRsrc_subResources_info"`
	DomainCascader             []CascaderItem `json:"domainCascader"`

type ResourceItem

type ResourceItem struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
	Desc string `json:"desc"`

type RespAgentChartsSearch

type RespAgentChartsSearch struct {
	Data          map[int64]int64 `json:"data"`
	MinOffset     int64           `json:"minOffset"`
	MaxOffset     int64           `json:"maxOffset"`
	K8sClientType string          `json:"k8sClientType"`

type RespAgentSearch

type RespAgentSearch struct {
	Data          []RespAgentSearchItem `json:"data"`
	K8sClientType string                `json:"k8sClientType"`

type RespAgentSearchItem

type RespAgentSearchItem struct {
	Line string                 `json:"line"`
	Ext  map[string]interface{} `json:"ext"`

type RespAlarmHistoryList

type RespAlarmHistoryList struct {
	Total int64               `json:"total"`
	Succ  int64               `json:"succ"`
	List  []*db2.AlarmHistory `json:"list"`

type RespAlarmInfo

type RespAlarmInfo struct {
	Filters     []RespAlarmInfoFilter           `json:"filters"`
	RelatedList []*db2.RespAlarmListRelatedInfo `json:"relatedList"`

	Ctime int64 `json:"ctime"`
	Utime int64 `json:"utime"`


	Uid              int    `gorm:"-" json:"uid"`
	OaId             int64  `gorm:"column:oa_id;type:bigint(20);NOT NULL" json:"oaId"`                                // oa_id
	Username         string `gorm:"column:username;type:varchar(128);NOT NULL;index:uix_user,unique" json:"username"` // 用户名
	Nickname         string `gorm:"column:nickname;type:varchar(128);NOT NULL;index:uix_user,unique" json:"nickname"` // 昵称
	Secret           string `gorm:"column:secret;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"secret"`                           // 实例名称
	Phone            string `gorm:"column:phone;type:varchar(64);NOT NULL" json:"phone"`                              // phone
	Email            string `gorm:"column:email;type:varchar(64);NOT NULL" json:"email"`                              // email
	Avatar           string `gorm:"column:avatar;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"avatar"`                           // avatar
	Hash             string `gorm:"column:hash;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"hash"`                               // hash
	WebUrl           string `gorm:"column:web_url;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"webUrl"`                          // webUrl
	Oauth            string `gorm:"column:oauth;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"oauth"`                             // oauth
	State            string `gorm:"column:state;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"state"`                             // state
	OauthId          string `gorm:"column:oauth_id;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"oauthId"`                        // oauthId
	Password         string `gorm:"column:password;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"password"`                       // password
	CurrentAuthority string `gorm:"column:current_authority;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"currentAuthority"`      // currentAuthority
	Access           string `gorm:"column:access;type:varchar(256);NOT NULL" json:"access"`                           // access

	// Deprecated:
	Table db2.BaseTable `json:"table"`
	// Deprecated:
	Instance db2.BaseInstance `json:"instance"`
	// Deprecated: Conditions
	Conditions []*db2.AlarmCondition `json:"conditions"`

type RespAlarmInfoFilter

type RespAlarmInfoFilter struct {
	TableName  string                `json:"tableName"`
	Conditions []*db2.AlarmCondition `json:"conditions"`

type RespAlarmList

type RespAlarmList struct {
	RelatedList []*db2.RespAlarmListRelatedInfo `json:"relatedList"`

	// Deprecated:
	TableName string `json:"tableName"`
	// Deprecated:
	TableDesc string `json:"tableDesc"`
	// Deprecated:
	Tid int `json:"tid"`
	// Deprecated:
	DatabaseName string `json:"databaseName"`
	// Deprecated:
	DatabaseDesc string `json:"databaseDesc"`
	// Deprecated:
	Did int `json:"did"`
	// Deprecated:
	InstanceName string `json:"instanceName"`
	// Deprecated:
	InstanceDesc string `json:"instanceDesc"`
	// Deprecated:
	Iid int `json:"iid"`

type RespChart

type RespChart struct {

type RespColumn

type RespColumn struct {
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	TypeDesc string `json:"typeDesc"`
	Type     int    `json:"type"`

type RespComplete

type RespComplete struct {
	Logs       []map[string]interface{} `json:"logs"`
	IsNeedSort bool                     `json:"isNeedSort"`
	SortRule   []string                 `json:"sortRule"`

type RespConfigmap

type RespConfigmap struct {
	Name string `json:"configmapName"`

type RespCreateNode

type RespCreateNode struct {
	Id      int    `json:"id"`
	Name    string `json:"name"`
	Desc    string `json:"desc"`
	Content string `json:"content"`
	LockUid int    `json:"lockUid"`
	LockAt  int64  `json:"lockAt"`

type RespDatabase

type RespDatabase struct {
	DatabaseName   string `json:"databaseName"`
	InstanceName   string `json:"instanceName"`
	DatasourceType string `json:"datasourceType"`
	InstanceId     int    `json:"instanceId"`

type RespDatabaseItem

type RespDatabaseItem struct {
	Id             int      `json:"id"`   // id
	Iid            int      `json:"iid"`  // 实例 id
	Name           string   `json:"name"` // 数据库名称
	Uid            int      `json:"uid"`  // 操作人
	DatasourceType string   `json:"datasourceType"`
	InstanceName   string   `json:"instanceName"`
	InstanceDesc   string   `json:"instanceDesc"`
	Mode           int      `json:"mode"`
	Clusters       []string `json:"clusters"`
	Cluster        string   `json:"cluster"`
	Desc           string   `json:"desc"`

type RespDatabaseSelfBuilt

type RespDatabaseSelfBuilt struct {
	Name   string                 `json:"name"`
	Tables []*RespTablesSelfBuilt `json:"tables"`

type RespDatabaseSimple

type RespDatabaseSimple struct {
	Id           int               `json:"id"`
	Iid          int               `json:"iid"`
	DatabaseName string            `json:"databaseName"`
	IsCreateByCV int               `json:"isCreateByCV"`
	Desc         string            `json:"desc"`
	Cluster      string            `json:"cluster"`
	Tables       []RespTableSimple `json:"tables"`

instance list filter with pms

type RespDetailConfig

type RespDetailConfig struct {
	ID              int      `json:"id"` // ConfigurationHistory.ID
	ConfigmapId     int      `json:"k8sConfigmapId"`
	Name            string   `json:"name"`
	Content         string   `json:"content"`
	Format          string   `json:"format"` // Yaml/Toml
	EnvId           int      `json:"envId"`  // 环境id
	ZoneId          int      `json:"zoneId"`
	Ctime           int64    `json:"ctime"`
	Utime           int64    `json:"utime"`
	PublishTime     int64    `json:"ptime"`           // 未发布/发布时间
	CurrentEditUser *db.User `json:"currentEditUser"` // 当前正在编辑的用户名

RespDetailConfig Contains configuration content

type RespDiffConfig

type RespDiffConfig struct {
	Origin   *RespDetailConfig `json:"origin,omitempty"`
	Modified RespDetailConfig  `json:"modified"`

RespDiffConfig ..

type RespDomainCascader

type RespDomainCascader []CascaderItem

type RespGetAppPerm

type RespGetAppPerm struct {
	List       []AppPermItem `json:"list"`
	Pagination Pagination    `json:"pagination"`

type RespGetGroupAPIPerm

type RespGetGroupAPIPerm []APIPermItem

type RespGetMenuPerm

type RespGetMenuPerm []string

type RespHistoryConfigItem

type RespHistoryConfigItem struct {
	ID              int    `json:"id"`
	UID             int    `json:"uid"` // 发布人ID
	UserName        string `json:"username"`
	ChangeLog       string `json:"changeLog"`
	ConfigurationID int    `json:"configurationId"`
	Version         string `json:"version"` // 发布到Juno Proxy的版本号
	Ctime           int64  `json:"ctime"`

type RespIndexItem

type RespIndexItem struct {
	IndexName string  `json:"indexName"`
	Count     uint64  `json:"count"`
	Percent   float64 `json:"percent"`

type RespInfoFolder

type RespInfoFolder struct {
	UserName string `json:"userName"`
	NickName string `json:"nickName"`

type RespInfoNode

type RespInfoNode struct {
	Id              int    `json:"id"`
	Name            string `json:"name"`
	Desc            string `json:"desc"`
	Content         string `json:"content"`
	LockUid         int    `json:"lockUid"`
	LockAt          int64  `json:"lockAt"`
	Username        string `json:"username"`
	Nickname        string `json:"nickname"`
	Status          int    `json:"status"`
	PreviousContent string `json:"previousContent"`
	Result          string `json:"result"`

type RespInstance

type RespInstance struct {
	Id          int      `json:"id"`
	Name        string   `json:"name"`
	Clusters    []string `json:"clusters"`
	ClusterInfo []string `json:"clusterInfo"`
	Desc        string   `json:"desc"`
	Mode        int      `json:"mode"`
	Error       string   `json:"error"`

type RespInstanceSimple

type RespInstanceSimple struct {
	Id           int                  `json:"id"`
	InstanceName string               `json:"instanceName"`
	Desc         string               `json:"desc"`
	Databases    []RespDatabaseSimple `json:"databases"`

instance list filter with pms

type RespJaegerDependencyDataModel

type RespJaegerDependencyDataModel struct {
	Parent            string  `json:"parent"`
	Child             string  `json:"child"`
	CallCount         int64   `json:"callCount"`
	ServerDurationP50 float64 `json:"serverDurationP50"`
	ServerDurationP90 float64 `json:"serverDurationP90"`
	ServerDurationP99 float64 `json:"serverDurationP99"`
	ClientDurationP50 float64 `json:"clientDurationP50"`
	ClientDurationP90 float64 `json:"clientDurationP90"`
	ClientDurationP99 float64 `json:"clientDurationP99"`
	ServerSuccessRate float64 `json:"serverSuccessRate"`
	ClientSuccessRate float64 `json:"clientSuccessRate"`

type RespListAppGroup

type RespListAppGroup []ListGroupItem

type RespListConfig

type RespListConfig []RespListConfigItem

RespListConfig ..

type RespListConfigItem

type RespListConfigItem struct {
	ID          int    `json:"id"`
	Name        string `json:"name"`
	Format      string `json:"format"`         // Yaml/Toml
	K8SCmId     int    `json:"k8sConfigmapId"` // 环境id
	Ctime       int64  `json:"ctime"`
	Utime       int64  `json:"utime"`
	PublishTime int64  `json:"publishTime"`

RespListConfigItem Does not contain configuration content to prevent configuration form being too long

type RespListFolder

type RespListFolder struct {
	Id        int                `json:"id"`
	Name      string             `json:"name"`
	Desc      string             `json:"desc"`
	Primary   int                `json:"primary"`
	Secondary int                `json:"secondary"`
	ParentId  int                `json:"parentId"`
	Children  []RespListFolder   `json:"children"`
	Nodes     []*db2.BigdataNode `json:"nodes"`

type RespListNode

type RespListNode struct {
	FolderId int    `json:"folderId"`
	Name     string `json:"name"`
	Desc     string `json:"desc"`
	Uid      int    `json:"uid"`
	UserName string `json:"userName"`

type RespListUser

type RespListUser struct {
	List       []ListUserItem `json:"list"`
	Pagination Pagination     `json:"pagination"`

type RespListUserGroup

type RespListUserGroup []ListGroupItem

type RespNamespaceConfigmaps

type RespNamespaceConfigmaps struct {
	Namespace  string          `json:"namespace"`
	Configmaps []RespConfigmap `json:"configmaps"`

type RespNodeHistoryList

type RespNodeHistoryList struct {
	Total int64             `json:"total"`
	List  []NodeHistoryItem `json:"list"`

type RespNodeResult

type RespNodeResult struct {
	ID           int    `json:"id"`
	Ctime        int64  `json:"ctime"`
	NodeId       int    `json:"nodeId"`
	Content      string `json:"content,omitempty"`
	Result       string `json:"result,omitempty"`
	Cost         int64  `json:"cost,omitempty"`
	ExcelProcess string `json:"excelProcess,omitempty"`
	Status       int    `json:"status"`

type RespNodeResultList

type RespNodeResultList struct {
	Total int64            `json:"total"`
	List  []RespNodeResult `json:"list"`

type RespQuery

type RespQuery struct {
	Limited       uint32                   `json:"limited"`
	Keys          []*db2.BaseIndex         `json:"keys"`
	ShowKeys      []string                 `json:"showKeys"`
	Count         uint64                   `json:"count"`
	Terms         [][]string               `json:"terms"`
	HiddenFields  []string                 `json:"hiddenFields"`
	DefaultFields []string                 `json:"defaultFields"`
	Logs          []map[string]interface{} `json:"logs"`
	Query         string                   `json:"query"`
	Cost          int64                    `json:"cost"`
	Where         string                   `json:"where"`
	IsTrace       int                      `json:"isTrace"`

type RespRunNode

type RespRunNode struct {
	Result string `json:"result"`
	Status int    `json:"status"`

type RespStorageAnalysisFields

type RespStorageAnalysisFields struct {
	BaseFields []StorageAnalysisField `json:"baseFields"`
	LogFields  []StorageAnalysisField `json:"logFields"`

type RespTableDependencies

type RespTableDependencies struct {
	Utime int64           `json:"utime"`
	Data  []RespTableDeps `json:"data"`

type RespTableDeps

type RespTableDeps struct {
	Database   string   `json:"database"`
	Table      string   `json:"table"`
	Engine     string   `json:"engine"`
	TotalRows  uint64   `json:"totalRows"`
	TotalBytes uint64   `json:"totalBytes"`
	Deps       []string `json:"deps"`
	ShardNum   uint32   `json:"shardNum"`
	ReplicaNum uint32   `json:"replicaNum"`

func (*RespTableDeps) Name

func (r *RespTableDeps) Name() string

type RespTableDetail

type RespTableDetail struct {
	Did                     int    `json:"did"`     // 数据库 id
	Name                    string `json:"name"`    // table
	Typ                     int    `json:"typ"`     // table 类型 1 app 2 ego 3 ingress
	Days                    int    `json:"days"`    // 数据过期时间
	Brokers                 string `json:"brokers"` // kafka broker
	Topic                   string `json:"topic"`   // kafka topic
	Uid                     int    `json:"uid"`     // 操作人
	Desc                    string `json:"desc"`
	ConsumerNum             int    `json:"consumerNum"`
	KafkaSkipBrokenMessages int    `json:"kafkaSkipBrokenMessages"`
	SQLContent              struct {
		Keys []string          `json:"keys"`
		Data map[string]string `json:"data"`
	} `json:"sqlContent"`
	Database    RespDatabaseItem `json:"database"`
	CreateType  int              `json:"createType"`
	TimeField   string           `json:"timeField"`
	RawLogField string           `json:"rawLogField"`
	Ctime       int64            `json:"ctime"`
	Utime       int64            `json:"utime"`

	TraceTableId int `json:"traceTableId"`
	V3TableType  int `json:"v3TableType"`

	IsNotSupAnalysisField int `json:"isNotSupAnalysisField"`

type RespTableSimple

type RespTableSimple struct {
	Id              int    `json:"id"`
	Did             int    `json:"did"`
	TableName       string `json:"tableName"`
	CreateType      int    `json:"createType"`
	Desc            string `json:"desc"`
	V3TableType     int    `json:"v3TableType"`
	RelTraceTableId int    `json:"relTraceTableId"`

instance list filter with pms

type RespTablesSelfBuilt

type RespTablesSelfBuilt struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`

type RespUserCreate

type RespUserCreate struct {
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Password string `json:"password"`

type RespUserSimpleInfo

type RespUserSimpleInfo struct {
	Uid      int    `json:"uid"`
	Username string `json:"username"`
	Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
	Email    string `json:"email"`
	Avatar   string `json:"avatar"`
	Phone    string `json:"phone"`

func (*RespUserSimpleInfo) Gen

func (r *RespUserSimpleInfo) Gen(u db.User)

type RespUserSimpleList

type RespUserSimpleList struct {
	Total int64                `json:"total"`
	List  []RespUserSimpleInfo `json:"list"`

type RespWorkerDashboard

type RespWorkerDashboard struct {
	NodeFailed    int              `json:"nodeFailed"`    // node status
	NodeSuccess   int              `json:"nodeSuccess"`   // node status
	NodeUnknown   int              `json:"nodeUnknown"`   // node status
	WorkerFailed  int              `json:"workerFailed"`  // Execution status of each periodic schedule
	WorkerSuccess int              `json:"workerSuccess"` // Execution status of each periodic schedule
	WorkerUnknown int              `json:"workerUnknown"` // Execution status of each periodic schedule
	Flows         []WorkerStatsRow `json:"flows"`         // Execution trend chart

type RespWorkerList

type RespWorkerList struct {
	Total int64           `json:"total"`
	List  []RespWorkerRow `json:"list"`

type RespWorkerRow

type RespWorkerRow struct {
	NodeName  string `json:"nodeName"`
	Status    int    `json:"status"` // unknown 0; success 1; failed 2
	Tertiary  int    `json:"tertiary"`
	Crontab   string `json:"crontab"`
	StartTime int64  `json:"startTime"`
	EndTime   int64  `json:"endTime"`
	Iid       int    `json:"iid"`
	ID        int    `json:"id"`
	NodeId    int    `json:"nodeId"`
	Cost      int64  `json:"cost"`

	ChargePerson RespUserSimpleInfo `json:"chargePerson"`

type RoleGrantInfoFilter

type RoleGrantInfoFilter struct {
	ResourceType    string `form:"resourceType" valid:"required" json:"resourceType"` // app and etc.
	ResourceId      int    `form:"resourceId" valid:"required" json:"resourceId"`     // aid and etc.
	GrantObjectType string `json:"grantObjectType" form:"grantObjectType"`            // user and etc.
	DomainType      string `json:"domainType" form:"domainType"`
	DomainId        int    `json:"domainId" form:"domainId"`
	RoleType        int    `json:"roleType" form:"roleType"` // used to filter results, can be omitted

type RoleItem

type RoleItem struct {
	BelongType string          `json:"belong_type"` // value in PermittedPrefixMap
	ReferId    int             `json:"refer_id"`    // 所对应的belongType资源的id; 非0时, referGroup为空
	ReferGroup string          `json:"refer_group"` // 所对应的group名; 非空时, referId 为0
	RoleName   string          `json:"role_name"`   // 角色名称
	RoleDesc   string          `json:"role_desc"`   // 角色描述
	PmsDetails []RolePmsDetail `json:"pms_details"`
	DomainType string          `json:"domain_type"` // 角色所在domain类型 可为空
	DomainId   int             `json:"domain_id"`   // domainType不为空时, 对应的id; domainType为空时, 此处值为0

type RolePmsDetail

type RolePmsDetail struct {
	SubResources []string `json:"sub_resources"`
	Acts         []string `json:"acts"`

type RootUsers

type RootUsers struct {
	RootUids []int `json:"root_uids"`

type RunNodeResult

type RunNodeResult struct {
	Logs           []map[string]interface{} `json:"logs"`
	InvolvedSQLs   map[string]string        `json:"involvedSQLs"`
	Message        string                   `json:"message"`
	DagFailedNodes map[int]string           `json:"dagFailedNodes"`

type StorageAnalysisField

type StorageAnalysisField struct {
	Id         int    `json:"id"`
	Tid        int    `json:"tid"`
	Field      string `json:"field"`
	RootName   string `json:"rootName"`
	Typ        int    `json:"typ"`
	HashTyp    int    `json:"hashTyp"`
	Alias      string `json:"alias"`
	Ctime      int64  `json:"ctime"`
	Utime      int64  `json:"utime"`
	OrderField string `json:"orderField"`

type SyncContent

type SyncContent struct {
	Source  IntegrationFlat      `json:"source"`
	Target  IntegrationFlat      `json:"target"`
	Mapping []IntegrationMapping `json:"mapping"`

func (*SyncContent) Cluster

func (s *SyncContent) Cluster() string

type SystemTables

type SystemTables struct {
	Table             string   `json:"table"`
	Engine            string   `json:"engine"`
	Database          string   `json:"database"`
	DownDatabaseTable []string `json:"downDatabaseTable"`
	CreateTableQuery  string   `json:"createTableQuery"`
	TotalRows         uint64   `json:"totalRows"`
	TotalBytes        uint64   `json:"totalBytes"`

func (*SystemTables) Name

func (r *SystemTables) Name() string

type TableRolesAssignmentInfo

type TableRolesAssignmentInfo struct {
	AppId     int               `json:"app_id"`
	RolesInfo []AppRoleInfoItem `json:"roles_info"`

type WeComMarkdown

type WeComMarkdown struct {
	MsgType       string         `json:"msgtype"`
	MentionedList *MentionedList `json:"mentionedList"`
	Markdown      *Markdown      `json:"markdown"`

type WorkerStats

type WorkerStats struct {
	Iid  int
	Uid  int
	Data map[int64]WorkerStatsRow

type WorkerStatsRow

type WorkerStatsRow struct {
	Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp"`
	Unknown   int   `json:"unknown"`
	Failed    int   `json:"failed"`
	Success   int   `json:"success"`

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