Currently supports stocks ticker details and trades with materialized views for aggregates.
polyhouse creates schema for Polygon data and optionally ingests from public APIs
polyhouse [flags]
polyhouse [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
ingest Ingests data from into Clickhouse
schema Creates Clickhouse schemas for Polygon data
--address string clickhouse address (default "")
--database string name of database (default "us_equities")
-h, --help help for polyhouse
--max-idle-conns int clickhouse max open connections (default 5)
--max-open-conns int clickhouse max open connections (default 90)
--password string for clickhouse auth
--templates string glob for schema templates (default "./templates/*")
--username string for clickhouse auth (default "default")
--verbose log moar
Use "polyhouse [command] --help" for more information about a command.