PASETO Token Middleware
Middleware designed for use within gin-gonic/gin microservices to validate PASETO Bearer tokens.
package main
import (
middleware ""
func main() {
ge := gin.Default()
// setup a v2 private key
symmetricKey := "brozeph, where is my secret key?" // 32 bytes
// setup a v2 public key
b, _ := hex.DecodeString("1eb9dbbbbc047c03fd70604e0071f0987e16b28b757225c11f00415d0e20b1a2")
publicKey := ed25519.PublicKey(b)
// create a token handler for v2 private and public paseto tokens
th := middleware.NewTokenHandler([]byte(symmetricKey), publicKey)
// validate with a specified claim
ge.GET("/foos", th.ScopeAuthorization("cool-scope", "another-scope", "yet-another-scope"), func (ctx *gin.Context) {
// middleware will check the token to see if there is a scope that matches any of the
// allowed scopes supplied to the ScopeAuthorization function
ctx.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"foos": "yeah!"
// validate for non-expired PASETO only (no claims required)
ge.GET("/bars", th.ValidToken(), func (ctx *gin.Context) {
// middleware will check to see if the PASETO token has not expired, but
// will not perform any other validations
ctx.IndentedJSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"bars": "woot!"
The token handler middleware can be initialized with public and/or symmetric keys in order to validate and extract JWT details from PASETO tokens that are provided as Bearer tokens on API requests.
If the API only requires handling of v2
PASETO local tokens, the token handler can be initialized with a single 32 byte symmetric key (a string
or []byte
value). If v2
public, v2
local and v1
public keys all require validation, then the token handler can be created with an Ed25519 public key, a 32 byte symmetric key (string
or []byte
) and an RSA public key.
For example, the following creates a v2 local PASETO token parser
symmetricKey := "brozeph, where is my secret key?" // 32 bytes
handler := middleware.NewTokenHandler(symmetricKey)
The following is a reference to the PASETO specification protocol versions and encryption / signing details:
version |
local |
public |
v1 |
AES-256-CTR + HMAC-SHA384 |
2048-bit RSA public key |
v2 |
XChaCha20-Poly1305 |
Ed25519 |
The PASETO bearer tokens are expected to be provided via the inbound request in the Authorization
GET /v1/things/1234 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer v2.local.HkM8o... // <- PASETO token
Once the TokenHandler
has been created, it can be used to register middleware on a per API endpoint or resource basis.
Take, for example, the API resource below... ``GETrequests to
/v1/thingsis being handled by a function called
func RegisterAPIResources(c *gin.Engine, bs interfaces.IThingsController) {
c.GET("/v1/things", bs.GetThings)
In order to secure the GET
request to /v1/things
, a TokenHandler
, like the one created earlier, can perform the authorization in middleware with a minor tweak to the above method:
func RegisterAPIResources(c *gin.Engine, th *middleware.TokenHandler, bs interfaces.IThingsController) {
c.GET("/v1/things", th.ScopeAuthorization("things-read"), bs.GetThings)
The middleware now looks for a valid (non-expired, properly formatted and parseable) PASETO token containing the scope things-read
. In the event there is a problem, the middleware will register the error in the *gin.Context
and abort the request. Otherwise, the request will succeed and the GetThings
method will be called to handle the request.
The middleware will register errors of type AuthError
. The AuthError
contains 3 fields:
- a string message specific to the error
- an Int representing the HTTP status for unauthorized (401)
- a string value for the type of error, "Unauthorized"
The following is an example middleware error reporter that can be used to properly output the error and status to the request when there is an authorization problem.
func errorReporter(ctx *gin.Context) {
detectedErrs := ctx.Errors.ByType(gin.ErrorTypeAny)
if len(detectedErrs) == 0 {
// handle the last error
err := detectedErrs.Last().Err
switch err := err.(type) {
case *middleware.AuthError:
ctx.IndentedJSON(err.Status, err)
case *myerrors.MyError:
// handle custom errors
// do some other processing here...
JSON Token
The data stored in the PASETO is a JSON Token. This token contains scopes and claims that may be useful for subsequent API route handling, so the unencrypted JSON Token data is added to the *gin.Context
per request.
func (c APIController) GetThings(ctx *gin.Context) {
// the middleware has already authorized this request...
// retrieve the token...
jwt := ctx.Get("jwt")(paseto.JSONToken)
// pull a custom claim from the token
// if it is expected to be there...
thingOwner, err := jwt.Get("thingOwner")
if err != nil {
ctx.Error(errors.New("where's mah claim?!?!"))
// do some stuff with the thingOwner...
The PASETO value itself is also available for use and is added to the *gin.Context
per request.
func (c APIController) GetThings(ctx *gin.Context) {
// the middleware has already authorized this request...
// retrieve the PASETO...
pst := ctx.Get("pst")(string)
// do some stuff with the PASETO...