This is a Go module that provides a convenience wrapper for publishing and receiving messages via Google Cloud Pub/Sub.
This library allows for messages to be received via channel, and to rapidly create multiple subscriptions using a single function call.
go get
Create a new PubSub
import psb ""
func main() {
client, err := psb.NewPubSub(
if err != nil {
Provide additional configuration
import (
psb ""
func main() {
opts := pb.Options("<projectID>").
option.WithCredentialsFile("<path to credentials file>")
client, err := psb.NewPubSub(context.Background(), opts)
if err != nil {
Create a Topic
package main
import (
psb ""
func main() {
// Initialize new pubsub-go PubSub
client, err := psb.NewPubSub(
pb.Options("<project ID>"))
if err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := client.Close(); err != nil {
// create the topic
if err := client.CreateTopic(
"<topic ID>",
RetentionDuration: time.Hour * 24 * time.Duration(3),
}); err != nil {
// send a message to the topic
Create Multiple Subscriptions with Filters for a Topic
import (
psb ""
func main() {
// Initialize new pubsub-go PubSub
// Define a map for a list of Subscription Names and their (optional) filter definitions
subs := map[string]string{
"topic-sub": "",
"topic-sub-ca": "attributes.region = \"CA\"",
"topic-sub-nv": "attributes.region = \"NV\"",
"topic-sub-tx": "attributes.region = \"TX\"",
// Create subscriptions
if err := client.CreateSubscriptions("<topic ID>", subs, pubsub.SubscriptionConfig{
EnableMessageOrdering: true,
RetainAckedMessages: false,
}); err != nil {
Publish Message
The Publish function can be used to publish a string or an object (which is serialized as JSON).
type Example struct {
CoolNumber int `json:"coolNumber"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func main() {
// Initialize new PubSub client
// Publish a string message
if err := client.Publish("<topic ID>", "hello world"); err != nil {
// Publish an object as JSON
e := Example{
CoolNumber: 13,
Message: "hello world",
if err := client.Publish("<topic ID>", e); err != nil {
Publish Messages in Other Formats
Publish can also be used to send messages serialized in other formats as well, if you serialize the payload prior to calling the function and pass in the serialized []byte
type Example struct {
Message string `yaml:"message"`
func main() {
// Initialize new PubSub client
// Serialize as yaml
sy, err := yaml.Marshal(Example{Message: "hello world"})
if err != nil {
// Publish serialized yaml
if err := client.Publish("<topic ID>", sy); err != nil {
Publish Messages with PublishSettings
PublishSettings can be specified in options used when creating the PubSub client. The settings are then used to control the behavior of the publication.
opts := psb.Options("<project ID>").
DelayThreshold: (10 * time.Millisecond),
CountThreshold: 1000,
ByteThreshold: 1000000,
Timeout: (10 * time.Second),
client, err := psb.NewPubSub(context.Background(), opts)
if err := client.Publish("<topic ID>", "hello world"); err != nil {
Receive Messages
func main() {
// Initialize new PubSub client
// Create a channel for receiving messages
messages := make(chan *pubsub.Message)
go func() {
// loop to continuously receive
for {
msg := <-messages
// Process message
fmt.Printf("Received a message: %s\n", string(msg.Data))
// Acknowledge message
// create a subscription
if err := client.CreateSubscription("<topic ID>", "<subscription ID>", ""); err != nil {
// receive messages
if err := client.Receive("<subscription ID>", messages); err != nil {
Receive Messages with ReceiveSettings
ReceiveSettings can be specified in options used when creating the PubSub client. The settings are then used to control the behavior of the subscription.
opts := psb.Options("<project ID>").
MaxExtension: (15 * time.Second),
MaxOutstandingMessages: 1000,
NumGoroutines: 10,
client, err := psb.NewPubSub(context.Background(), opts)
if err := ps.Receive("<subscription ID>", messages); err != nil {
Running GCP PubSub Locally
If you have installed the GCP SDK, you can run the following command to start the emulator.
gcloud beta emulators pubsub start --project=example-project --host-port=localhost:8085
Then, export the following environment variables to point to the emulator.
export PUBSUB_EMULATOR_HOST=localhost:8085
export PUBSUB_PROJECT_ID=example-project
Run the Example
After starting the emulator, in the same terminal window where you have exported the environment variables, run the following command to start the example.
cd v2
go run examples/pubsub.go
Google publishes an emulator for GCP PubSub, so you can run it locally. This repo includes a script that will spin up a docker container with the emulator started so running a local dev environment is easier.
Huge shout out to @anguillanneuf, who wrote a blog post that made building this script much easier.
- Docker
- Openssl
Open a terminal and navigate to this project's directory. once there run the following command...
sh ./
This will take you through a wizard to get all information necessary to start a Project, Topic, and Subscription.
There is an export
command that is out put once the script has completed that you'll need to copy and paste across all your open terminal windows. The reason being is that there is no way to set the GCP PubSub endpoint directly in your application; the GCP libray looks to an environment to know which endpoint to use.
The -m Option
Sending a message directly to your queue using something like curl
isn't clearly documented. Rather than sending a json payload, you send a base64 encoded string of the message data.
Execute the following command to go throw a wizard that will output a properly formatted request for you.
sh ./ -m