Zabbix-SQS alertscript
Forward Zabbix alerts to SQS queue by using a custom Zabbix alertscript.
Script installation
Simply decompress archive found in releases section:
$ bunzip2 `zabbix-sqs.bz2`
Then mv zabbix-sqs
bonary and its json config file on zabbix server to the AlertScriptsPath
directory which can be found in the /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
configuration file:
$ grep -e '^AlertScriptsPath' /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
$ mv `zabbix-sqs` /path/to/zabbix/alertscripts
$ mv `zabbix-sqs.json` /path/to/zabbix/alertscripts
Be sure zabbix user is able to execute zabbix-sqs
Zabbix configuration
To forward Zabbix events to SQS a new media script needs to be created and associated with a user. Follow the steps below as a Zabbix Admin user...
1/ Create a new media type [Admininstration > Media Types > Create Media Type]
Name: SQS
Type: Script
Script name: zabbix-sqs
Script parameters:
2nd: Nothing (remove field)
3nd: Nothing (remove field)
Enabled: [x]
2/ Modify the Media for the Admin user or create a new one if you prefer filter permissions [Administration > Users]
Type: SQS
Send to: sqs-queue
When active: 1-7,00:00-24:00
Use if severity: (all)
Status: Enabled
3/ Configure Action [Configuration > Actions > Create Action > Action]
Name: zabbix-sqs
Default subject: Nothing (empty field)
Default subject: Nothing (empty field)
To send OK events ...
Recovery message: [check]
Enabled [check]
At the Conditions tab, to only forward PROBLEM and OK events ...
(A) Maintenance status not in "maintenance"
(B) Trigger value = "PROBLEM"
To forward PROBLEM, ACKNOWLEDGED, OK events ...
(A) Maintenance status not in "maintenance"
Finally, add an operation:
Send to Users: Admin (or previously created user)
Send only to: zabbix-sqs
Script configuration
The configuration file zabbix-sqs.json
should be located next to the script in alertscripts directory
Configuration parameters
The following parameters should be configured :
- QueueURL
- Region
- AccessKeyID
- SecretAccessKey
in zabbix-sqs.json
file next to the binaray zabbix-sqs
Here is a sample configuration file
AWS configuration
The following resources should be created :
- IAM user
- IAM policy
- SQS Queue
First, create the queue and configure it according your needs. Get the SQS QueueURL
and its Region
to set it in the configuration file.
Then, create an IAM user for zabbix and generate credentials. Get AccessKeyID
and SecretAccessKey
to set it in the configuration file.
Finally, add an inline IAM policy to the previously created user to grant it SQS privileges. Taking example from the sample configuration file :
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sqs:ListQueues",
"Resource": "*",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": "#ZABBIX_SERVER_IP#"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "sqs:*",
"Resource": "",
"Condition": {
"IpAddress": {
"aws:SourceIp": "#ZABBIX_SERVER_IP#"
See the PagerDuty guide to configuring Zabbix integrations for an example installation with screenshots.
Copyright (c) 2018 Claranet. Available under the MIT License.
Documentation ¶
There is no documentation for this package.