Implementation of shopify's multipass in golang
Shopify provides a mechanism for single sign-on known as Multipass. Multipass uses an AES encrypted JSON hash and multipassify provides functions for generating tokens
More details on Multipass with Shopify can be found here.
go get github.com/claimh-solais/goify-multipass
To use Multipass an Enterprise / Plus plan is required. The Multipass secret can be found in your shop Admin (Settings > Checkout > Customer Accounts).
Make sure "Accounts are required" or "Accounts are optional" is selected and Multipass is enabled.
import multipass "github.com/claimh-solais/goify-multipass"
// Construct the Multipassify encoder
m := multipass.New("SHOPIFY MULTIPASS SECRET")
// Create your customer info hash
customerInfo := map[string]interface{}{
"email": "test@example.com",
"remote_ip": "USERS IP ADDRESS",
"return_to": "http://some.url",
// Encode a Multipass token
token := m.Encode(customerInfo)
// Generate a Shopify multipass URL to your shop
urlString := m.GenerateURL(customerInfo, "yourstorename.myshopify.com")
// Generates a URL like: https://yourstorename.myshopify.com/account/login/multipass/<MULTIPASS-TOKEN>