Index ¶
- Variables
- type ACKMessage
- type APIGetFlannelHTTPURLResponse
- type AccessLog
- type AccountsChangedEvent
- type AdminUsersSessionListInput
- type AdminUsersSessionResetBulkInput
- type AdminUsersSessionResetInput
- type AdminUsersSessionSetSettingsInput
- type AppAuthorization
- type AppCredentials
- type AppIcons
- type AppInfo
- type AppManifest
- type AppManifestDisplayInformation
- type AppManifestFeatures
- type AppManifestFeaturesAppHome
- type AppManifestFeaturesBotUser
- type AppManifestMetadata
- type AppManifestOauthConfig
- type AppManifestSettings
- type AppsConnectionsOpenResponse
- type AppsEventAuthorizationsListInput
- type AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse
- type AppsListResponse
- type AppsManifestCreateResponse
- type AppsManifestExportResponse
- type AppsManifestUpdateResponse
- type Attachment
- type AttachmentAction
- type AttachmentActionCallback
- type AttachmentActionOption
- type AttachmentActionOptionGroup
- type AttachmentField
- type AuthRevokeResponse
- type AuthTeamsListInput
- type AuthTeamsListResponse
- type AutoResponse
- type BillableInfo
- type Bot
- type BotAddedEvent
- type BotChangedEvent
- type BotResponse
- type Channel
- type ChannelAnalytics
- type ChannelAnalyticsInput
- type ChannelAnalyticsResponse
- type ChannelArchiveEvent
- type ChannelCreatedEvent
- type ChannelCreatedInfo
- type ChannelDeletedEvent
- type ChannelHistoryChangedEvent
- type ChannelInfoEvent
- type ChannelJoinedEvent
- type ChannelLatest
- type ChannelLeftEvent
- type ChannelMarkedEvent
- type ChannelPurposeNow
- type ChannelRenameEvent
- type ChannelRenameInfo
- type ChannelTopicNow
- type ChannelUnarchiveEvent
- type ChatDeleteAttachmentInput
- type ChatDeleteAttachmentResponse
- type ClientAlerts
- type ClientCountsInput
- type ClientCountsResponse
- type ClientShouldReloadInput
- type ClientShouldReloadResponse
- type ClientThreads
- type CommandsChangedEvent
- type Comment
- type ConfirmationField
- type ConversationsAcceptSharedInviteInput
- type ConversationsCreateInput
- type ConversationsDeclineSharedInviteInput
- type ConversationsHistoryInput
- type ConversationsInviteSharedInput
- type ConversationsInviteSharedResponse
- type ConversationsListConnectInvitesInput
- type ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse
- type ConversationsListInput
- type ConversationsMarkInput
- type ConversationsMembersInput
- type ConversationsOpenInput
- type ConversationsOpenResponse
- type ConversationsRepliesInput
- type ConversationsSuggestionsResponse
- type CountChannel
- type CountGroup
- type CountInstantMessage
- type DNDStatus
- type DNDStatusResponse
- type DNDTeamResponse
- type DNDUpdatedEvent
- type DeleteMessageInput
- type DeleteMessageResponse
- type DesktopNotification
- type Edited
- type EmailDomainChangedEvent
- type Emoji
- type EmojiAdminListInput
- type EmojiAdminListResponse
- type EmojiCategory
- type EmojiChangedEvent
- type EmojiInfoResponse
- type EmojiListInput
- type EmojiListResponse
- type EmojiListWithCategoriesResponse
- type ErrMsgs
- type ErrorEvent
- type Event
- type Field
- type Fields
- type File
- type FileChangeEvent
- type FileComment
- type FileCommentAddedEvent
- type FileCommentDeletedEvent
- type FileCommentEditedEvent
- type FileCreatedEvent
- type FileDeletedEvent
- type FileListArgs
- type FilePrivateEvent
- type FilePublicEvent
- type FileSharedEvent
- type FileUnsharedEvent
- type FileUploadArgs
- type GroupArchiveEvent
- type GroupCloseEvent
- type GroupCreatedEvent
- type GroupHistoryChangedEvent
- type GroupJoinedEvent
- type GroupLeftEvent
- type GroupMarkedEvent
- type GroupOpenEvent
- type GroupRenameEvent
- type GroupRenameInfo
- type GroupUnarchiveEvent
- type HelloEvent
- type HelpIssuesListResponse
- type History
- type IMCloseEvent
- type IMCreatedEvent
- type IMHistoryChangedEvent
- type IMMarkedEvent
- type IMMarkedHistoryChanged
- type IMOpenEvent
- type Icon
- type IntegrationLog
- type Invitation
- type InvitationHistory
- type InvitationResponse
- type InviteBulkInput
- type Inviter
- type InvitesHistoryInput
- type InvitesHistoryResponse
- type Item
- type LastSet
- type ManualPresenceChangeEvent
- type MeMessageInput
- type MeMessageResponse
- type Mention
- type Message
- type MessageArgs
- type MessageEvent
- type MigrationExchangeResponse
- type OrgMigrations
- type Owner
- type Pagination
- type Paging
- type PaymentsBillingAddressesFields
- type PaymentsBillingAddressesGetResponse
- type PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetInput
- type PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetResponse
- type PinAddedEvent
- type PinRemovedEvent
- type PinsListItem
- type PinsListResponse
- type Post
- type PrefChangeEvent
- type PresenceChangeEvent
- type RTM
- type RTMInput
- type RTMResponse
- type Reaction
- type ReactionAddedEvent
- type ReactionArgs
- type ReactionItem
- type ReactionListArgs
- type ReactionMessage
- type ReactionRemovedEvent
- type ReconnectURLEvent
- type Reply
- type Response
- type ResponseChannelsInfo
- type ResponseChannelsList
- type ResponseConversationsClose
- type ResponseConversationsMembers
- type ResponseEmailCheck
- type ResponseEvent
- type ResponseEventItem
- type ResponseEventlogs
- type ResponseFilesComments
- type ResponseFilesInfo
- type ResponseFilesList
- type ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL
- type ResponseFilesUpload
- type ResponseMetadata
- type ResponseReactionsGet
- type ResponseReactionsList
- type ResponseSearch
- type ResponseSearchUsers
- type ResponseStarsList
- type ResponseUserAvatar
- type ResponseUserIdentity
- type ResponseUserPhoto
- type ResponseUserPhotoProfile
- type ResponseUserPhotoUpload
- type ResponseUserPrefs
- type ResponseUsersCounts
- type ResponseUsersGetPresence
- type ResponseUsersIdentity
- type ResponseUsersInfo
- type ResponseUsersList
- type SearchArgs
- type SearchChannel
- type SearchFiles
- type SearchMatches
- type SearchMessages
- type SearchModulesInput
- type SearchModulesResponse
- type SearchPosts
- type SearchUsersArgs
- type SlackAPI
- func (s *SlackAPI) APIGetFlannelHTTPURL() APIGetFlannelHTTPURLResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) APITest(error string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionClearSettings(users []string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionGetSettings(users []string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionInvalidate(sessionID int, teamID string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionList(input AdminUsersSessionListInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionReset(input AdminUsersSessionResetInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionResetBulk(input AdminUsersSessionResetBulkInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionSetSettings(input AdminUsersSessionSetSettingsInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsConnectionsOpen() AppsConnectionsOpenResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsEventAuthorizationsList(input AppsEventAuthorizationsListInput) AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsList() AppsListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestCreate(manifest string) AppsManifestCreateResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestDelete(appID string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestExport(appID string) AppsManifestExportResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestUpdate(appID string, manifest string) AppsManifestUpdateResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestValidate(manifest string, appID string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) AuthRevoke(test bool) AuthRevokeResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AuthTeamsList(input AuthTeamsListInput) AuthTeamsListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) AuthTest() (*Owner, error)
- func (s *SlackAPI) BotsInfo(bot string) BotResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChannelAnalytics(input ChannelAnalyticsInput) ChannelAnalyticsResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChatDelete(input DeleteMessageInput) DeleteMessageResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChatDeleteAttachment(input ChatDeleteAttachmentInput) ChatDeleteAttachmentResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChatMeMessage(input MeMessageInput) MeMessageResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChatPostMessage(input MessageArgs) Post
- func (s *SlackAPI) ChatUpdate(input MessageArgs) Post
- func (s *SlackAPI) ClientCounts(input ClientCountsInput) ClientCountsResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ClientShouldReload(input ClientShouldReloadInput) ClientShouldReloadResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsAcceptSharedInvite(input ConversationsAcceptSharedInviteInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsApproveSharedInvite(invite_id string, target_team string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsArchive(channel string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsClose(channel string) ResponseConversationsClose
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsCreate(input ConversationsCreateInput) ResponseChannelsInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsDeclineSharedInvite(input ConversationsDeclineSharedInviteInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsDelete(channel string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsGenericInfo(channels string) ResponseChannelsList
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsHistory(input ConversationsHistoryInput) History
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInfo(channel string) ResponseChannelsInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInvite(channel string, users ...string) ResponseChannelsInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInviteShared(input ConversationsInviteSharedInput) ConversationsInviteSharedResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsJoin(channel string) ResponseChannelsInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsKick(channel string, user string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsLeave(channel string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsList(input ConversationsListInput) ResponseChannelsList
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsListConnectInvites(input ConversationsListConnectInvitesInput) ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsMark(input ConversationsMarkInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsMembers(input ConversationsMembersInput) ResponseConversationsMembers
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsOpen(input ConversationsOpenInput) ConversationsOpenResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsRename(channel string, name string) ResponseChannelsInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsReplies(input ConversationsRepliesInput) History
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSetPurpose(channel string, purpose string) ChannelPurposeNow
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSetTopic(channel string, topic string) ChannelTopicNow
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSuggestions() ConversationsSuggestionsResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsUnarchive(channel string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) DNDEndDnd() Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) DNDEndSnooze() DNDStatusResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) DNDInfo(user string) DNDStatusResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) DNDSetSnooze(minutes int) SnoozeStatusResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) DNDTeamInfo(users []string) DNDTeamResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiAdd(emoji string, filename string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiAddAlias(emoji string, alias string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiAdminList(input EmojiAdminListInput) EmojiAdminListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiGetInfo(name string) EmojiInfoResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiList() EmojiListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiListWithCategories() EmojiListWithCategoriesResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiRemove(name string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) EventlogHistory(start string) ResponseEventlogs
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesCommentsAdd(file string, comment string) ResponseFilesComments
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesCommentsDelete(file string, commentid string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesCommentsEdit(file string, commentid string, comment string) ResponseFilesComments
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesDelete(file string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesInfo(file string, count int, page int) ResponseFilesInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesList(data FileListArgs) ResponseFilesList
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesRevokePublicURL(file string) interface{}
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesSharedPublicURL(file string) ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL
- func (s *SlackAPI) FilesUpload(data FileUploadArgs) ResponseFilesUpload
- func (s *SlackAPI) HelpIssuesList() HelpIssuesListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) MigrationExchange(users []string, order bool) MigrationExchangeResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) NewRTM(input RTMInput) (*RTM, error)
- func (s *SlackAPI) OAuth2Exchange(clientID string, clientSecret string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesGet() PaymentsBillingAddressesGetResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSet(input PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetInput) PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) PinsAdd(channel string, itemid string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) PinsList(channel string) PinsListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) PinsRemove(channel string, itemid string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsAdd(data ReactionArgs) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsGet(data ReactionArgs) ResponseReactionsGet
- func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsList(data ReactionListArgs) ResponseReactionsList
- func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsRemove(data ReactionArgs) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) SearchAll(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
- func (s *SlackAPI) SearchFiles(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
- func (s *SlackAPI) SearchMessages(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
- func (s *SlackAPI) SearchModules(input SearchModulesInput) SearchModulesResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) SearchUsers(input SearchUsersArgs) (ResponseSearchUsers, error)
- func (s *SlackAPI) SetCookie(cookie string)
- func (s *SlackAPI) SetDebug(enable bool)
- func (s *SlackAPI) SetTimeout(t time.Duration)
- func (s *SlackAPI) SetToken(token string)
- func (s *SlackAPI) SignupCheckEmail(email string) ResponseEmailCheck
- func (s *SlackAPI) SignupConfirmEmail(email string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesAdd(triggers string, responses string) SlackbotResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesDelete(id string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesEdit(id string, triggers string, responses string) SlackbotResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) StarsAdd(channel string, itemid string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) StarsList(count int, page int) ResponseStarsList
- func (s *SlackAPI) StarsRemove(channel string, itemid string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamAccessLogs(input TeamAccessLogsInput) TeamAccessLogsResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamBillableInfo(teamID string, user string) TeamBillableInfoResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamBillingInfo() TeamBillingInfoResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamChannelsInfo(input TeamChannelsInfoInput) TeamChannelsInfoResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamChannelsMembership(input TeamChannelsMembershipInput) TeamChannelsMembershipResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamInfo(team string) TeamInfoResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamIntegrationLogs(input TeamIntegrationLogsInput) TeamIntegrationLogsResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamListExternal(input TeamListExternalInput) TeamListExternalResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamPreferencesList() TeamPreferencesListResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) TeamProfileGet() TeamProfileResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminFetchInvitesHistory(input InvitesHistoryInput) InvitesHistoryResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminInviteBulk(input InviteBulkInput) UsersAdminInviteBulkResponse
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminResendInvitation(inviteID int) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminRevokeInvitation(inviteID int) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminSetInactive(user string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminSetRegular(user string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersCounts() ResponseUsersCounts
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersDeletePhoto() Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersGetPresence(query string) ResponseUsersGetPresence
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersID(query string, limit int) string
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersIdentity() ResponseUsersIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersInfo(query string) ResponseUsersInfo
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersList(limit int, cursor string) ResponseUsersList
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersListWithPresence() ResponseUsersList
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersLookupByEmail(email string) User
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPrefsGet() ResponseUserPrefs
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPrefsSet(name string, value string) ResponseUserPrefs
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPreparePhoto(image string) ResponseUserPhotoUpload
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileGet(query string) ResponseUserIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileGetWithLabels(query string) ResponseUserIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileSet(name string, value string) ResponseUserIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileSetMultiple(profile string) ResponseUserIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetActive() Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetAvatar(image string) ResponseUserAvatar
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetPhoto(imageid string) ResponseUserPhoto
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetPresence(value string) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetStatus(emoji string, text string) ResponseUserIdentity
- func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepCompleted(input WorkflowsStepCompletedInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepFailed(input WorkflowsStepFailedInput) Response
- func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsUpdateStep(input WorkflowsUpdateStepInput) Response
- type SlackbotResponse
- type SlashCommand
- type SnoozeDebug
- type SnoozeInfo
- type SnoozeStatusResponse
- type StarAddedEvent
- type StarRemovedEvent
- type StarsListItem
- type Subteam
- type SubteamUpdated
- type Team
- type TeamAccessLogsInput
- type TeamAccessLogsResponse
- type TeamBillableInfoResponse
- type TeamBillingInfoResponse
- type TeamChannelsInfoInput
- type TeamChannelsInfoResponse
- type TeamChannelsMembershipInput
- type TeamChannelsMembershipResponse
- type TeamCounts
- type TeamDomainChangeEvent
- type TeamIcon
- type TeamInfoResponse
- type TeamIntegrationLogsInput
- type TeamIntegrationLogsResponse
- type TeamJoinEvent
- type TeamListExternalInput
- type TeamListExternalResponse
- type TeamMigrationStartedEvent
- type TeamPrefChangeEvent
- type TeamPreferencesListResponse
- type TeamProfile
- type TeamProfileField
- type TeamProfileResponse
- type TeamRenameEvent
- type User
- type UserChangeEvent
- type UserPrefs
- type UserPresence
- type UserProfile
- type UserTypingEvent
- type UsersAdminInviteBulkResponse
- type UsersIdentity
- type WorkflowError
- type WorkflowStep
- type WorkflowsStepCompletedInput
- type WorkflowsStepFailedInput
- type WorkflowsUpdateStepInput
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var EventTypes = map[string]interface{}{ "accounts_changed": AccountsChangedEvent{}, "bot_added": BotAddedEvent{}, "bot_changed": BotChangedEvent{}, "channel_archive": ChannelArchiveEvent{}, "channel_created": ChannelCreatedEvent{}, "channel_deleted": ChannelDeletedEvent{}, "channel_history_changed": ChannelHistoryChangedEvent{}, "channel_joined": ChannelJoinedEvent{}, "channel_left": ChannelLeftEvent{}, "channel_marked": ChannelMarkedEvent{}, "channel_rename": ChannelRenameEvent{}, "channel_unarchive": ChannelUnarchiveEvent{}, "commands_changed": CommandsChangedEvent{}, "desktop_notification": DesktopNotification{}, "dnd_updated": DNDUpdatedEvent{}, "dnd_updated_user": DNDUpdatedEvent{}, "email_domain_changed": EmailDomainChangedEvent{}, "emoji_changed": EmojiChangedEvent{}, "file_change": FileChangeEvent{}, "file_comment_added": FileCommentAddedEvent{}, "file_comment_deleted": FileCommentDeletedEvent{}, "file_comment_edited": FileCommentEditedEvent{}, "file_created": FileCreatedEvent{}, "file_deleted": FileDeletedEvent{}, "file_private": FilePrivateEvent{}, "file_public": FilePublicEvent{}, "file_shared": FileSharedEvent{}, "file_unshared": FileUnsharedEvent{}, "group_archive": GroupArchiveEvent{}, "group_close": GroupCloseEvent{}, "group_history_changed": GroupHistoryChangedEvent{}, "group_joined": GroupJoinedEvent{}, "group_left": GroupLeftEvent{}, "group_marked": GroupMarkedEvent{}, "group_open": GroupOpenEvent{}, "group_rename": GroupRenameEvent{}, "group_unarchive": GroupUnarchiveEvent{}, "hello": HelloEvent{}, "im_close": IMCloseEvent{}, "im_created": IMCreatedEvent{}, "im_history_changed": IMHistoryChangedEvent{}, "im_marked": IMMarkedEvent{}, "im_open": IMOpenEvent{}, "manual_presence_change": ManualPresenceChangeEvent{}, "message": MessageEvent{}, "pin_added": PinAddedEvent{}, "pin_removed": PinRemovedEvent{}, "pref_change": PrefChangeEvent{}, "presence_change": PresenceChangeEvent{}, "reaction_added": ReactionAddedEvent{}, "reaction_removed": ReactionRemovedEvent{}, "reconnect_url": ReconnectURLEvent{}, "star_added": StarAddedEvent{}, "star_removed": StarRemovedEvent{}, "subteam_updated": SubteamUpdated{}, "team_domain_change": TeamDomainChangeEvent{}, "team_join": TeamJoinEvent{}, "team_migration_started": TeamMigrationStartedEvent{}, "team_pref_change": TeamPrefChangeEvent{}, "team_rename": TeamRenameEvent{}, "user_change": UserChangeEvent{}, "user_typing": UserTypingEvent{}, }
EventTypes represents the data type for each websocket event.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type ACKMessage ¶
type ACKMessage struct { Response ReplyTo int `json:"reply_to"` Text string `json:"text"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` }
ACKMessage is used for messages received in reply to other messages
type APIGetFlannelHTTPURLResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AccessLog ¶
type AccessLog struct { UserID string `json:"user_id"` Username string `json:"username"` DateFirst json.Number `json:"date_first"` DateLast json.Number `json:"date_last"` Count int `json:"count"` IP string `json:"ip"` UserAgent string `json:"user_agent"` ISP string `json:"isp"` Country string `json:"country"` Region string `json:"region"` }
AccessLog defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type AccountsChangedEvent ¶
type AccountsChangedEvent struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
AccountsChangedEvent represents the accounts changed event.
type AdminUsersSessionListInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AdminUsersSessionResetBulkInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AdminUsersSessionResetInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AdminUsersSessionSetSettingsInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type AppAuthorization ¶
type AppCredentials ¶
type AppIcons ¶
type AppIcons struct { Image1024 string `json:"image_1024"` Image128 string `json:"image_128"` Image192 string `json:"image_192"` Image32 string `json:"image_32"` Image36 string `json:"image_36"` Image48 string `json:"image_48"` Image512 string `json:"image_512"` Image64 string `json:"image_64"` Image72 string `json:"image_72"` Image96 string `json:"image_96"` }
type AppManifest ¶
type AppManifest struct { Metadata AppManifestMetadata `json:"_metadata"` DisplayInformation AppManifestDisplayInformation `json:"display_information"` Features AppManifestFeatures `json:"features"` OauthConfig AppManifestOauthConfig `json:"oauth_config"` Settings AppManifestSettings `json:"settings"` }
type AppManifestFeatures ¶
type AppManifestFeatures struct { AppHome AppManifestFeaturesAppHome `json:"app_home"` BotUser AppManifestFeaturesBotUser `json:"bot_user"` SlashCommands []SlashCommand `json:"slash_commands"` WorkflowSteps []WorkflowStep `json:"workflow_steps"` }
type AppManifestMetadata ¶
type AppManifestOauthConfig ¶
type AppManifestSettings ¶
type AppManifestSettings struct { EventSubscriptions map[string][]string `json:"event_subscriptions"` Interactivity struct { IsEnabled bool `json:"is_enabled"` } `json:"interactivity"` OrgDeployEnabled bool `json:"org_deploy_enabled"` SocketModeEnabled bool `json:"socket_mode_enabled"` IsHosted bool `json:"is_hosted"` TokenRotationEnabled bool `json:"token_rotation_enabled"` }
type AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse ¶
type AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse struct { Response Authorizations []AppAuthorization `json:"authorizations"` }
type AppsListResponse ¶
type AppsManifestCreateResponse ¶
type AppsManifestCreateResponse struct { Response AppID string `json:"app_id"` Credentials AppCredentials `json:"credentials"` OauthAuthorizeURL string `json:"oauth_authorize_url"` }
type AppsManifestExportResponse ¶
type AppsManifestExportResponse struct { Response Manifest AppManifest `json:"manifest"` }
type Attachment ¶
type Attachment struct { Actions []AttachmentAction `json:"actions,omitempty"` AuthorIcon string `json:"author_icon,omitempty"` AuthorLink string `json:"author_link,omitempty"` AuthorName string `json:"author_name,omitempty"` AuthorSubname string `json:"author_subname,omitempty"` CallbackID string `json:"callback_id,omitempty"` Color string `json:"color,omitempty"` Fallback string `json:"fallback"` Fields []AttachmentField `json:"fields,omitempty"` FromURL string `json:"from_url"` ID int `json:"id"` ImageBytes int `json:"image_bytes"` ImageHeight int `json:"image_height"` ImageURL string `json:"image_url,omitempty"` ImageWidth int `json:"image_width"` MarkdownIn []string `json:"mrkdwn_in,omitempty"` Pretext string `json:"pretext,omitempty"` ServiceName string `json:"service_name"` Text string `json:"text"` ThumbHeight int `json:"thumb_height"` ThumbURL string `json:"thumb_url,omitempty"` ThumbWidth int `json:"thumb_width"` Timestamp json.Number `json:"ts,omitempty"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` TitleLink string `json:"title_link,omitempty"` }
Attachment defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type AttachmentAction ¶
type AttachmentAction struct { Name string `json:"name"` Text string `json:"text"` Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` Style string `json:"style,omitempty"` Value string `json:"value,omitempty"` DataSource string `json:"data_source,omitempty"` MinQueryLength int `json:"min_query_length,omitempty"` Options []AttachmentActionOption `json:"options,omitempty"` SelectedOptions []AttachmentActionOption `json:"selected_options,omitempty"` OptionGroups []AttachmentActionOptionGroup `json:"option_groups,omitempty"` Confirm *ConfirmationField `json:"confirm,omitempty"` }
AttachmentAction defines a data type to append a button or select box into a message that users can interact with. A maximum of five actions may be added per attachment. Notice that the properties without the "omitempty" attribute are required, the rest are optional.
Valid values for Type are: "button", "select". Valid values for Style are: "default", "primary", "danger". Default value for the MinQueryLength property is: 1 (one). The Options property has a limit of one hundred entries.
type AttachmentActionCallback ¶
type AttachmentActionCallback struct { CallbackID string `json:"callback_id"` ResponseURL string `json:"response_url"` AttachmentID string `json:"attachment_id"` ActionTimestamp string `json:"action_ts"` MessageTimestamp string `json:"message_ts"` IsAppUnfurl bool `json:"is_app_unfurl"` Actions []AttachmentAction `json:"actions"` OriginalMessage Message `json:"original_message"` Channel Channel `json:"channel"` Team Team `json:"team"` User User `json:"user"` }
AttachmentActionCallback defines the structure of the data sent by Slack to your webhook when a user or bot clicks a button or selects an option from the select box in interactive messages.
type AttachmentActionOption ¶
type AttachmentActionOption struct { Text string `json:"text"` Value string `json:"value"` Description string `json:"description,omitempty"` }
AttachmentActionOption defines the structure of a single button option. Notice that both Text and Value are required properties, and there is a limit for the number of characters in the Description which is thirty (30).
type AttachmentActionOptionGroup ¶
type AttachmentActionOptionGroup struct { Text string `json:"text"` Options []AttachmentActionOption `json:"options"` }
AttachmentActionOptionGroup defines the structure of a single select option.
type AttachmentField ¶
type AttachmentField struct { Title string `json:"title"` Value string `json:"value"` Short bool `json:"short"` }
AttachmentField defines one single message attachment field.
type AuthRevokeResponse ¶
type AuthTeamsListInput ¶
type AuthTeamsListResponse ¶
type AuthTeamsListResponse struct { Response Teams []Team `json:"teams"` ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata"` }
type AutoResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type BillableInfo ¶
type BillableInfo struct {
BillingActive bool `json:"billing_active"`
type BotAddedEvent ¶
BotAddedEvent represents the bot added event.
type BotChangedEvent ¶
BotChangedEvent represents the bot changed event.
type BotResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type Channel ¶
type Channel struct { Created int `json:"created"` Updated int `json:"updated"` Creator string `json:"creator"` ID string `json:"id"` IID string `json:"iid"` IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"` IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` IsGeneral bool `json:"is_general"` IsGroup bool `json:"is_group"` IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` IsIm bool `json:"is_im"` IsMpim bool `json:"is_mpim"` IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"` IsOpen bool `json:"is_open"` IsFrozen bool `json:"is_frozen"` User string `json:"user"` LastRead string `json:"last_read"` Latest ChannelLatest `json:"latest"` Members []string `json:"members"` Name string `json:"name"` NameNormalized string `json:"name_normalized"` MemberCount int `json:"member_count"` NumMembers int `json:"num_members"` Unlinked int `json:"unlinked"` Purpose LastSet `json:"purpose"` Topic LastSet `json:"topic"` Priority int `json:"priority"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadCountDisplay int `json:"unread_count_display"` ParentConversation interface{} `json:"parent_conversation"` PendingConnectedTeamIDs []string `json:"pending_connected_team_ids"` PreviousNames []string `json:"previous_names"` ContextTeamID string `json:"context_team_id"` }
type ChannelAnalytics ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ChannelAnalytics struct { ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` TeamID string `json:"team_id"` DateCreate int `json:"date_create"` Name string `json:"name"` Topic string `json:"topic"` Purpose string `json:"purpose"` TotalMembersCount int `json:"total_members_count"` FullMembersCount int `json:"full_members_count"` GuestMembersCount int `json:"guest_members_count"` ChatsCount int `json:"chats_count"` MessagesCount int `json:"messages_count"` ReactionsCount int `json:"reactions_count"` UsersWhoReactedCount int `json:"users_who_reacted_count"` WritersCount int `json:"writers_count"` IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"` LastMessagePosted int `json:"last_message_posted"` ReadersCount int `json:"readers_count"` }
type ChannelAnalyticsInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ChannelAnalyticsInput struct { Count int // Example: 30d or YYYY-MM DateInterval string // Date in YYYY-MM-dd format. StartDate string // Date in YYYY-MM-dd format. EndDate string // Either public or private. Privacy string Query string // Default: name SortColumn string // Either asc or desc. SortDirection string }
type ChannelAnalyticsResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type ChannelAnalyticsResponse struct { Response NumFound int `json:"num_found"` AllAnalytics []ChannelAnalytics `json:"channel_analytics"` Channels []Channel `json:"channels"` NextCursorMark string `json:"next_cursor_mark"` }
type ChannelArchiveEvent ¶
type ChannelArchiveEvent ChannelInfoEvent
ChannelArchiveEvent represents the Channel archive event.
type ChannelCreatedEvent ¶
type ChannelCreatedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel ChannelCreatedInfo `json:"channel"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
ChannelCreatedEvent represents the Channel created event.
type ChannelCreatedInfo ¶
type ChannelCreatedInfo struct { ID string `json:"id"` IsChannel bool `json:"is_channel"` Name string `json:"name"` Created int `json:"created"` Creator string `json:"creator"` }
ChannelCreatedInfo represents the information associated with the Channel created event
type ChannelDeletedEvent ¶
type ChannelDeletedEvent ChannelInfoEvent
ChannelDeletedEvent represents the Channel deleted event.
type ChannelHistoryChangedEvent ¶
type ChannelHistoryChangedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Latest string `json:"latest"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
ChannelHistoryChangedEvent represents the Channel history changed event.
type ChannelInfoEvent ¶
type ChannelInfoEvent struct { // channel_left // channel_deleted // channel_archive // channel_unarchive Type string `json:"type"` Channel string `json:"channel"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` Timestamp string `json:"ts,omitempty"` }
ChannelInfoEvent represents the Channel info event.
type ChannelJoinedEvent ¶
ChannelJoinedEvent represents the Channel joined event.
type ChannelLatest ¶
type ChannelLatest struct { Text string `json:"text"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` }
ChannelLatest defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ChannelLeftEvent ¶
type ChannelLeftEvent ChannelInfoEvent
ChannelLeftEvent represents the Channel left event.
type ChannelMarkedEvent ¶
type ChannelMarkedEvent ChannelInfoEvent
ChannelMarkedEvent represents the Channel marked event.
type ChannelPurposeNow ¶
ChannelPurposeNow defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ChannelRenameEvent ¶
type ChannelRenameEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel ChannelRenameInfo `json:"channel"` Timestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
ChannelRenameEvent represents the Channel rename event.
type ChannelRenameInfo ¶
type ChannelRenameInfo struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Created string `json:"created"` }
ChannelRenameInfo represents the information associated with a Channel rename event
type ChannelTopicNow ¶
ChannelTopicNow defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ChannelUnarchiveEvent ¶
type ChannelUnarchiveEvent ChannelInfoEvent
ChannelUnarchiveEvent represents the Channel unarchive event.
type ChatDeleteAttachmentInput ¶ added in v1.0.1
type ChatDeleteAttachmentResponse ¶ added in v1.0.1
type ClientAlerts ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ClientAlerts struct{}
type ClientCountsInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ClientCountsResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ClientCountsResponse struct { Response Alerts ClientAlerts `json:"alerts"` Threads ClientThreads `json:"threads"` Channels []Mention `json:"channels"` Mpims []Mention `json:"mpims"` Ims []Mention `json:"ims"` }
type ClientShouldReloadInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ClientShouldReloadResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type ClientThreads ¶ added in v1.0.2
type CommandsChangedEvent ¶
type CommandsChangedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
CommandsChangedEvent represents the commands changed event.
type Comment ¶
type Comment struct { ID string `json:"id,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` Timestamp int64 `json:"timestamp,omitempty"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` Comment string `json:"comment,omitempty"` }
Comment defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ConfirmationField ¶
type ConfirmationField struct { Text string `json:"text"` Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` OkText string `json:"ok_text,omitempty"` DismissText string `json:"dismiss_text,omitempty"` }
ConfirmationField defines the information for the prompt boxes.
type ConversationsAcceptSharedInviteInput ¶
type ConversationsAcceptSharedInviteInput struct { // workspace, this name is the one that the channel will take. ChannelName string `json:"channel_name"` // Must provide either invite_id or channel_id. ChannelID string `json:"channel_id"` FreeTrialAccepted bool `json:"free_trial_accepted"` // on how to retrieve the ID of the invitation. InviteID string `json:"invite_id"` IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"` // is used to call this method, the team_id argument is required. TeamID string `json:"team_id"` }
type ConversationsCreateInput ¶
type ConversationsCreateInput struct { // Name of the public or private channel to create. Name string `json:"name"` // Create a private channel instead of a public one. IsPrivate bool `json:"is_private"` // Encoded team id to create the channel in, required if org token is used. TeamID string `json:"team_id"` }
type ConversationsHistoryInput ¶
type ConversationsHistoryInput struct { // Conversation ID to fetch history for. Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"` // Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to // a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. // Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination // for more detail. Cursor string `json:"cursor,omitempty"` // Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results only when // either timestamp is specified. Inclusive bool `json:"inclusive,omitempty"` // End of time range of messages to include in results. Latest string `json:"latest,omitempty"` // The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number // of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been // reached. Limit int `json:"limit,omitempty"` // Start of time range of messages to include in results. Oldest string `json:"oldest,omitempty"` }
type ConversationsInviteSharedResponse ¶
type ConversationsInviteSharedResponse struct {}
type ConversationsListConnectInvitesInput ¶
type ConversationsListConnectInvitesInput struct { // Maximum number of invites to return. Count int `json:"count"` // Set to next_cursor returned by previous call to list items in subsequent page. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Encoded team id for the workspace to retrieve invites for. TeamID string `json:"team_id"` }
type ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse ¶
type ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse struct { Response Invites []interface{} `json:"invites"` }
ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse is
type ConversationsListInput ¶
type ConversationsListInput struct { // Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to // a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. // Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination // for more detail. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Set to true to exclude archived channels from the list ExcludeArchived bool `json:"exclude_archived"` // The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number // of items may be returned, even if the end of the list hasn't been reached. // Must be an integer no larger than 1000. Limit int `json:"limit"` // Mix and match channel types by providing a comma-separated list of any // combination of public_channel, private_channel, mpim, im. Types []string `json:"types"` }
type ConversationsMarkInput ¶
type ConversationsOpenInput ¶
type ConversationsOpenInput struct { // Resume a conversation by supplying an im or mpim's ID. Channel string `json:"channel"` // Do not create a direct message or multi-person direct message. // This is used to see if there is an existing dm or mpdm. PreventCreation bool `json:"prevent_creation"` // Indicates you want the full IM channel definition in the response. ReturnIm bool `json:"return_im"` // Comma separated lists of users. If only one user is included, this // creates a 1:1 DM. The ordering of the users is preserved whenever a // multi-person direct message is returned. Supply a channel when not // supplying users. Users string `json:"users"` }
type ConversationsRepliesInput ¶
type ConversationsRepliesInput struct { // Conversation ID to fetch thread from. Channel string `json:"channel"` // Unique identifier of a thread's parent message. Timestamp string `json:"ts"` // Paginate through collections of data by setting the cursor parameter to // a next_cursor attribute returned by a previous request's response_metadata. // Default value fetches the first "page" of the collection. See pagination // for more detail. Cursor string `json:"cursor"` // Include messages with latest or oldest timestamp in results only when // either timestamp is specified. Inclusive bool `json:"inclusive"` // End of time range of messages to include in results. Latest string `json:"latest"` // The maximum number of items to return. Fewer than the requested number // of items may be returned, even if the end of the users list hasn't been // reached. Limit int `json:"limit"` // Start of time range of messages to include in results. Oldest string `json:"oldest"` }
type ConversationsSuggestionsResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type CountChannel ¶
type CountChannel struct { ID string `json:"id"` IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"` IsGeneral bool `json:"is_general"` IsMember bool `json:"is_member"` IsMuted bool `json:"is_muted"` IsStarred bool `json:"is_starred"` MentionCount int `json:"mention_count"` MentionCountDisplay int `json:"mention_count_display"` Name string `json:"name"` NameNormalized string `json:"name_normalized"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadCountDisplay int `json:"unread_count_display"` }
CountChannel defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type CountGroup ¶
type CountGroup struct { ID string `json:"id"` IsArchived bool `json:"is_archived"` IsMpim bool `json:"is_mpim"` IsMuted bool `json:"is_muted"` IsOpen bool `json:"is_open"` IsStarred bool `json:"is_starred"` MentionCount int `json:"mention_count"` MentionCountDisplay int `json:"mention_count_display"` Name string `json:"name"` NameNormalized string `json:"name_normalized"` UnreadCount int `json:"unread_count"` UnreadCountDisplay int `json:"unread_count_display"` }
CountGroup defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type CountInstantMessage ¶
type CountInstantMessage struct { DmCount int `json:"dm_count"` ID string `json:"id"` IsOpen bool `json:"is_open"` IsStarred bool `json:"is_starred"` Name string `json:"name"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
CountInstantMessage defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type DNDStatus ¶
type DNDStatus struct { Enabled bool `json:"dnd_enabled"` NextStartTimestamp int `json:"next_dnd_start_ts"` NextEndTimestamp int `json:"next_dnd_end_ts"` SnoozeInfo }
type DNDStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type DNDTeamResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type DNDUpdatedEvent ¶
type DNDUpdatedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` Status DNDStatus `json:"dnd_status"` }
DNDUpdatedEvent represents the update event for Do Not Disturb
type DeleteMessageInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type DeleteMessageResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type DesktopNotification ¶
type DesktopNotification struct { Type string `json:"type"` Title string `json:"title"` Subtitle string `json:"subtitle"` Msg string `json:"msg"` Content string `json:"content"` Channel string `json:"channel"` LaunchURI string `json:"launchUri"` AvatarImage string `json:"avatarImage"` SsbFilename string `json:"ssbFilename"` ImageURI string `json:"imageUri"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
DesktopNotification represents the structure of an app alert.
type EmailDomainChangedEvent ¶
type EmailDomainChangedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` EmailDomain string `json:"email_domain"` }
EmailDomainChangedEvent represents the email domain changed event.
type Emoji ¶ added in v1.0.3
type Emoji struct { AliasFor string `json:"alias_for"` AvatarHash string `json:"avatar_hash"` CanDelete bool `json:"can_delete"` Created int `json:"created"` IsAlias int `json:"is_alias"` IsBad bool `json:"is_bad"` Name string `json:"name"` Synonyms []string `json:"synonyms"` TeamID string `json:"team_id"` URL string `json:"url"` UserDisplayName string `json:"user_display_name"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
Emoji contains the data associated to a single emoji.
type EmojiAdminListInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiAdminListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiCategory ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiChangedEvent ¶
type EmojiChangedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` SubType string `json:"subtype"` Name string `json:"name"` Names []string `json:"names"` Value string `json:"value"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
EmojiChangedEvent represents the emoji changed event.
type EmojiInfoResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiListInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiListInput struct {
IncludeCategories bool `json:"include_categories"`
type EmojiListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiListWithCategoriesResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type EmojiListWithCategoriesResponse struct { EmojiListResponse CategoriesVersion string `json:"categories_version"` Categories []EmojiCategory `json:"categories"` }
type ErrorEvent ¶
type ErrorEvent struct {
Text string
ErrorEvent represents the websocket errors.
type Event ¶
type Event struct { Type string `json:"type"` Data interface{} }
Event defines the JSON-encoded output for RTM events.
type Field ¶
type Field struct { Label string `json:"label"` Value string `json:"value"` Alt string `json:"alt"` }
Field defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type File ¶
type File struct { Channels []string `json:"channels"` CommentsCount int `json:"comments_count"` Created int `json:"created"` DeanimateGif string `json:"deanimate_gif"` EditLink string `json:"edit_link"` ExternalType string `json:"external_type"` Filetype string `json:"filetype"` Groups []string `json:"groups"` ID string `json:"id"` ImageExifRotation int `json:"image_exif_rotation"` InitialComment FileComment `json:"initial_comment"` InstantMessages []string `json:"ims"` Lines int `json:"lines"` LinesMore int `json:"lines_more"` Mimetype string `json:"mimetype"` Mode string `json:"mode"` Name string `json:"name"` NumStars int `json:"num_stars"` OriginalH int `json:"original_h"` OriginalW int `json:"original_w"` Permalink string `json:"permalink"` PermalinkPublic string `json:"permalink_public"` PrettyType string `json:"pretty_type"` Preview string `json:"preview"` PreviewHighlight string `json:"preview_highlight"` Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"` Score string `json:"score"` Size int `json:"size"` Thumb160 string `json:"thumb_160"` Thumb360 string `json:"thumb_360"` Thumb360Gif string `json:"thumb_360_gif"` Thumb360H int `json:"thumb_360_h"` Thumb360W int `json:"thumb_360_w"` Thumb480 string `json:"thumb_480"` Thumb480Gif string `json:"thumb_480_gif"` Thumb480H int `json:"thumb_480_h"` Thumb480W int `json:"thumb_480_w"` Thumb64 string `json:"thumb_64"` Thumb80 string `json:"thumb_80"` Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` Title string `json:"title"` URL string `json:"url"` URLDownload string `json:"url_download"` URLPrivate string `json:"url_private"` URLPrivateDownload string `json:"url_private_download"` User string `json:"user"` Username string `json:"username"` DisplayAsBot bool `json:"display_as_bot"` Editable bool `json:"editable"` IsExternal bool `json:"is_external"` IsPublic bool `json:"is_public"` IsStarred bool `json:"is_starred"` TopFile bool `json:"top_file"` }
File defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type FileChangeEvent ¶
type FileChangeEvent fileActionEvent
FileChangeEvent represents the File change event.
type FileComment ¶
type FileComment struct { Comment string `json:"comment"` ID string `json:"id"` User string `json:"user"` Created int `json:"created"` Timestamp int `json:"timestamp"` IsIntro bool `json:"is_intro"` }
FileComment defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type FileCommentAddedEvent ¶
type FileCommentAddedEvent struct { Comment Comment `json:"comment"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileCommentAddedEvent represents the File comment added event.
type FileCommentDeletedEvent ¶
type FileCommentDeletedEvent struct { Comment string `json:"comment"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileCommentDeletedEvent represents the File comment deleted event.
type FileCommentEditedEvent ¶
type FileCommentEditedEvent struct { Comment Comment `json:"comment"` // contains filtered or unexported fields }
FileCommentEditedEvent represents the File comment edited event.
type FileCreatedEvent ¶
type FileCreatedEvent fileActionEvent
FileCreatedEvent represents the File created event.
type FileDeletedEvent ¶
type FileDeletedEvent fileActionEvent
FileDeletedEvent represents the File deleted event.
type FileListArgs ¶
type FileListArgs struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` Count int `json:"count"` Page int `json:"page"` TsFrom string `json:"ts_from"` TsTo string `json:"ts_to"` Types string `json:"types"` User string `json:"user"` }
FileListArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type FilePrivateEvent ¶
type FilePrivateEvent fileActionEvent
FilePrivateEvent represents the File private event.
type FilePublicEvent ¶
type FilePublicEvent fileActionEvent
FilePublicEvent represents the File public event.
type FileSharedEvent ¶
type FileSharedEvent fileActionEvent
FileSharedEvent represents the File shared event.
type FileUnsharedEvent ¶
type FileUnsharedEvent fileActionEvent
FileUnsharedEvent represents the File unshared event.
type FileUploadArgs ¶
type FileUploadArgs struct { Channels string `json:"channels"` Content string `json:"content"` File string `json:"file"` Filename string `json:"filename"` Filetype string `json:"filetype"` InitialComment string `json:"initial_comment"` Title string `json:"title"` }
FileUploadArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type GroupArchiveEvent ¶
type GroupArchiveEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupArchiveEvent represents the Group archive event.
type GroupCloseEvent ¶
type GroupCloseEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupCloseEvent represents the Group close event.
type GroupCreatedEvent ¶
type GroupCreatedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` Channel ChannelCreatedInfo `json:"channel"` }
GroupCreatedEvent represents the Group created event.
type GroupHistoryChangedEvent ¶
type GroupHistoryChangedEvent ChannelHistoryChangedEvent
GroupHistoryChangedEvent represents the Group history changed event.
type GroupJoinedEvent ¶
type GroupJoinedEvent ChannelJoinedEvent
GroupJoinedEvent represents the Group joined event.
type GroupLeftEvent ¶
type GroupLeftEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupLeftEvent represents the Group left event.
type GroupMarkedEvent ¶
type GroupMarkedEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupMarkedEvent represents the Group marked event.
type GroupOpenEvent ¶
type GroupOpenEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupOpenEvent represents the Group open event.
type GroupRenameEvent ¶
type GroupRenameEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Group GroupRenameInfo `json:"channel"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` }
GroupRenameEvent represents the Group rename event.
type GroupRenameInfo ¶
type GroupRenameInfo struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Created string `json:"created"` }
GroupRenameInfo represents the group info related to the renamed group
type GroupUnarchiveEvent ¶
type GroupUnarchiveEvent ChannelInfoEvent
GroupUnarchiveEvent represents the Group unarchive event.
type HelpIssuesListResponse ¶
type History ¶
type History struct { Response Messages []Message `json:"messages"` HasMore bool `json:"has_more"` PinCount int `json:"pin_count"` UnreadCountDisplay int `json:"unread_count_display"` ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata"` }
History defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
{ "ok": true, "messages": [ { "type": "message", "user": "U012AB3CDE", "text": "I find you punny and would like to smell your nose letter", "ts": "1512085950.000216" }, { "type": "message", "user": "U061F7AUR", "text": "What, you want to smell my shoes better?", "ts": "1512104434.000490" } ], "has_more": true, "pin_count": 0, "response_metadata": { "next_cursor": "bmV4dF90czoxNTEyMDg1ODYxMDAwNTQz" } }
type IMCreatedEvent ¶
type IMCreatedEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` Channel ChannelCreatedInfo `json:"channel"` }
IMCreatedEvent represents the IM created event.
type IMHistoryChangedEvent ¶
type IMHistoryChangedEvent ChannelHistoryChangedEvent
IMHistoryChangedEvent represents the IM history changed event.
type IMMarkedEvent ¶
type IMMarkedEvent ChannelInfoEvent
IMMarkedEvent represents the IM marked event.
type IMMarkedHistoryChanged ¶
type IMMarkedHistoryChanged ChannelInfoEvent
IMMarkedHistoryChanged represents the IM marked history changed event
type Icon ¶
type Icon struct { IconURL string `json:"icon_url,omitempty"` IconEmoji string `json:"icon_emoji,omitempty"` }
Icon defines the structure of an application icon.
type IntegrationLog ¶
type Invitation ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InvitationHistory ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InvitationResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InviteBulkInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InviteBulkInput struct { Invites []Invitation `json:"invites"` Source string `json:"source"` Campaign string `json:"campaign"` Mode string `json:"mode"` Restricted bool `json:"restricted"` UltraRestricted bool `json:"ultra_restricted"` EmailPasswordPolicyEnabled bool `json:"email_password_policy_enabled"` }
type InvitesHistoryInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InvitesHistoryResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type InvitesHistoryResponse struct { Response Invites []InvitationHistory `json:"invites"` }
type Item ¶
type Item struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"` Message *Message `json:"message,omitempty"` File *File `json:"file,omitempty"` Comment *Comment `json:"comment,omitempty"` Timestamp string `json:"ts,omitempty"` }
Item defines the expected data for: message, file, or file comment.
type ManualPresenceChangeEvent ¶
type ManualPresenceChangeEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Presence string `json:"presence"` }
ManualPresenceChangeEvent represents the manual presence change event.
type MeMessageInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type MeMessageResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type Message ¶
type Message struct { IID string `json:"iid,omitempty"` Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments,omitempty"` BotID string `json:"bot_id,omitempty"` Channel string `json:"channel,omitempty"` Comment *Comment `json:"comment,omitempty"` DeletedTimestamp string `json:"deleted_ts,omitempty"` Edited *Edited `json:"edited,omitempty"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts,omitempty"` File *File `json:"file,omitempty"` Icons *Icon `json:"icons,omitempty"` Inviter string `json:"inviter,omitempty"` ItemType string `json:"item_type,omitempty"` Members []string `json:"members,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` OldName string `json:"old_name,omitempty"` ParentUserID string `json:"parent_user_id,omitempty"` Permalink string `json:"permalink,omitempty"` PinnedTo []string `json:"pinned_to,omitempty"` Purpose string `json:"purpose,omitempty"` Reactions []ReactionItem `json:"reactions,omitempty"` Replies []Reply `json:"replies,omitempty"` ReplyCount int `json:"reply_count,omitempty"` ReplyTo int `json:"reply_to,omitempty"` Subtype string `json:"subtype,omitempty"` Team string `json:"team,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` ThreadTimestamp string `json:"thread_ts,omitempty"` Timestamp string `json:"ts,omitempty"` Topic string `json:"topic,omitempty"` Type string `json:"type,omitempty"` User string `json:"user,omitempty"` Username string `json:"username,omitempty"` DisplayAsBot bool `json:"display_as_bot"` Hidden bool `json:"hidden,omitempty"` IsStarred bool `json:"is_starred,omitempty"` Upload bool `json:"upload,omitempty"` }
Message defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type MessageArgs ¶
type MessageArgs struct { Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` Channel string `json:"channel"` IconEmoji string `json:"icon_emoji"` IconURL string `json:"icon_url"` Parse string `json:"parse"` Text string `json:"text"` ThreadTs string `json:"thread_ts"` Ts string `json:"ts"` Username string `json:"username"` AsUser bool `json:"as_user"` LinkNames bool `json:"link_names"` ReplyBroadcast bool `json:"reply_broadcast"` UnfurlLinks bool `json:"unfurl_links"` UnfurlMedia bool `json:"unfurl_media"` Markdown bool `json:"mrkdwn"` }
MessageArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type MigrationExchangeResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type OrgMigrations ¶ added in v1.0.2
type OrgMigrations struct { DateUpdated int `json:"date_updated"` Current []interface{} `json:"current"` }
type Owner ¶
type Owner struct { Response Team string `json:"team"` TeamID string `json:"team_id"` URL string `json:"url"` User string `json:"user"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` }
Owner defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type Pagination ¶
type Paging ¶
type Paging struct { Count int `json:"count"` Page int `json:"page"` Pages int `json:"pages"` Total int `json:"total"` }
Paging defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type PaymentsBillingAddressesFields ¶ added in v1.0.3
type PaymentsBillingAddressesFields struct { CompanyName string `json:"company_name"` Street1 string `json:"street1"` Street2 string `json:"street2"` City string `json:"city"` State string `json:"state"` Zip string `json:"zip"` Country string `json:"country"` CountryCode string `json:"country_code"` VatID string `json:"vat_id"` AbnID string `json:"abn_id"` TaxID string `json:"regional_tax_id"` GeoCode string `json:"geocode"` IsBusiness bool `json:"is_business"` IsCheckoutV2 bool `json:"is_checkout_v2"` IsVatRegistered bool `json:"is_vat_registered"` WaitingForVat bool `json:"waiting_for_vat"` Notes string `json:"notes"` }
type PaymentsBillingAddressesGetResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type PaymentsBillingAddressesGetResponse struct { Response TeamID string `json:"team_id"` CompanyName string `json:"company_name"` Street1 string `json:"street1"` Street2 string `json:"street2"` City string `json:"city"` State string `json:"state"` Zip string `json:"zip"` Plus4 string `json:"plus4"` Country string `json:"country"` VatID string `json:"vat_id"` AbnID string `json:"abn_id"` TaxID string `json:"tax_id"` IsBusiness bool `json:"is_business"` IsVatRegistered bool `json:"is_vat_registered"` WaitingForVat bool `json:"waiting_for_vat"` Notes string `json:"notes"` RegionalTaxID string `json:"regional_tax_id"` }
type PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetInput ¶ added in v1.0.3
type PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetInput struct { CheckoutStep string `json:"checkout_step"` PaymentsBillingAddressesFields }
type PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type PinRemovedEvent ¶
type PinRemovedEvent pinEvent
PinRemovedEvent represents the Pin removed event.
type PinsListItem ¶
type PinsListResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type PinsListResponse struct { Response Items []PinsListItem `json:"items"` }
type Post ¶
type Post struct { Response Channel string `json:"channel"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Message Message `json:"message"` }
Post defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type PrefChangeEvent ¶
type PrefChangeEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name"` Value json.RawMessage `json:"value"` }
PrefChangeEvent represents a user preferences change event
type PresenceChangeEvent ¶
type PresenceChangeEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Presence string `json:"presence"` User string `json:"user"` }
PresenceChangeEvent represents the presence change event.
type RTM ¶
type RTM struct { Events chan Event // contains filtered or unexported fields }
RTM is the real time messaging.
func (*RTM) ManageEvents ¶
func (rtm *RTM) ManageEvents()
ManageEvents controls the websocket events.
type RTMInput ¶
type RTMInput struct { BatchPresenceAware bool `json:"batch_presence_aware"` PresenceSub bool `json:"presence_sub"` }
RTMInput defines the data to send to the API service.
type RTMResponse ¶
type RTMResponse struct { Response // Self null `json:"self"` // Team null `json:"team"` // LatestEventTS null `json:"latest_event_ts"` // Channels null `json:"channels"` // Groups null `json:"groups"` // IMS null `json:"ims"` // CacheTS null `json:"cache_ts"` // ReadOnlyChannels null `json:"read_only_channels"` // CanManageSharedChannels null `json:"can_manage_shared_channels"` // Subteams null `json:"subteams"` // DND null `json:"dnd"` // Users null `json:"users"` // CacheVersion null `json:"cache_version"` // CacheTSVersion null `json:"cache_ts_version"` // Bots null `json:"bots"` URL string `json:"url"` }
RTMResponse defines the JSON-encoded output for RTM connection.
type Reaction ¶
type Reaction struct { Count int `json:"count"` Name string `json:"name"` Users []string `json:"users"` }
Reaction defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ReactionAddedEvent ¶
type ReactionAddedEvent reactionEvent
ReactionAddedEvent represents the Reaction added event.
type ReactionArgs ¶
type ReactionArgs struct { Name string `json:"name"` Channel string `json:"channel"` File string `json:"file"` FileComment string `json:"file_comment"` Full bool `json:"full"` Timestamp string `json:"timestamp"` }
ReactionArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type ReactionItem ¶
type ReactionItem struct { Channel string `json:"channel"` File File `json:"file"` FileComment string `json:"file_comment"` Message ReactionMessage `json:"message"` Type string `json:"type"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` }
ReactionItem defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ReactionListArgs ¶
type ReactionListArgs struct { Count int `json:"count"` Full bool `json:"full"` Page int `json:"page"` User string `json:"user"` }
ReactionListArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type ReactionMessage ¶
type ReactionMessage struct { Reactions []Reaction `json:"reactions"` Text string `json:"text"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` }
ReactionMessage defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ReactionRemovedEvent ¶
type ReactionRemovedEvent reactionEvent
ReactionRemovedEvent represents the Reaction removed event.
type ReconnectURLEvent ¶
ReconnectURLEvent represents the receiving reconnect url event.
type Response ¶
type Response struct { Ok bool `json:"ok"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` Warning string `json:"warning,omitempty"` Needed string `json:"needed,omitempty"` Provided string `json:"provided,omitempty"` Errors []ErrMsgs `json:"errors,omitempty"` ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata,omitempty"` }
Response defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type ResponseChannelsInfo ¶
type ResponseChannelsList ¶
ResponseChannelsList defines the JSON-encoded output for ChannelsList.
type ResponseConversationsMembers ¶
type ResponseConversationsMembers struct { Response Members []string `json:"members"` ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata"` }
type ResponseEmailCheck ¶
type ResponseEmailCheck struct { Response Type string `json:"type"` Email string `json:"email"` AuthURL string `json:"auth_url"` }
ResponseEmailCheck defines the JSON-encoded output for Revocation.
type ResponseEvent ¶
type ResponseEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel string `json:"channel"` FileID string `json:"file_id"` UserID string `json:"user_id"` User string `json:"user"` ItemUser string `json:"item_user"` Subtype string `json:"subtype"` Name string `json:"name"` Value string `json:"value"` Hidden bool `json:"hidden"` IsMpim bool `json:"is_mpim"` Message Message `json:"message,omitempty"` File File `json:"file,omitempty"` Reaction string `json:"reaction"` EventTs string `json:"event_ts"` Latest string `json:"latest"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Item ResponseEventItem `json:"item"` }
ResponseEvent defines the JSON-encoded output for Event.
type ResponseEventItem ¶
type ResponseEventItem struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel string `json:"channel"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` }
ResponseEventItem defines the JSON-encoded output for EventItem.
type ResponseEventlogs ¶
type ResponseEventlogs struct { Response Events []ResponseEvent `json:"events"` HasMore bool `json:"has_more"` Total int `json:"total"` }
ResponseEventlogs defines the JSON-encoded output for Eventlogs.
type ResponseFilesComments ¶
type ResponseFilesComments struct { Response Comment FileComment `json:"comment"` }
ResponseFilesComments defines the JSON-encoded output for FilesComments.
type ResponseFilesInfo ¶
type ResponseFilesInfo struct { Response File File `json:"file"` Comments []FileComment `json:"comments"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` }
ResponseFilesInfo defines the JSON-encoded output for FilesInfo.
type ResponseFilesList ¶
type ResponseFilesList struct { Response Files []File `json:"files"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` }
ResponseFilesList defines the JSON-encoded output for FilesList.
type ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL ¶
type ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL struct {}
ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL defines the JSON-encoded output for FilesSharedPublicURL.
type ResponseFilesUpload ¶
ResponseFilesUpload defines the JSON-encoded output for FilesUpload.
type ResponseMetadata ¶
type ResponseReactionsGet ¶
type ResponseReactionsGet struct { Response ReactionItem }
ResponseReactionsGet defines the JSON-encoded output for ReactionsGet.
type ResponseReactionsList ¶
type ResponseReactionsList struct { Response Items []ReactionItem `json:"items"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` }
ResponseReactionsList defines the JSON-encoded output for ReactionsList.
type ResponseSearch ¶
type ResponseSearch struct { Response Query string `json:"query"` Files SearchFiles `json:"files"` Posts SearchPosts `json:"posts"` Messages SearchMessages `json:"messages"` }
type ResponseSearchUsers ¶
type ResponseStarsList ¶
type ResponseStarsList struct { Response Items []StarsListItem `json:"items"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` }
ResponseStarsList defines the JSON-encoded output for StarsList.
type ResponseUserAvatar ¶
type ResponseUserAvatar struct { Response UploadID string `json:"upload_id"` UploadURL string `json:"upload_url"` Profile ResponseUserPhotoProfile `json:"profile"` }
ResponseUserAvatar defines the JSON-encoded output for UserAvatar.
type ResponseUserIdentity ¶
type ResponseUserIdentity struct { Response Profile UserProfile `json:"profile"` }
ResponseUserIdentity defines the JSON-encoded output for UserIdentity.
type ResponseUserPhoto ¶
type ResponseUserPhoto struct { Response Profile ResponseUserPhotoProfile `json:"profile"` }
ResponseUserPhoto defines the JSON-encoded output for UserPhoto.
type ResponseUserPhotoProfile ¶
type ResponseUserPhotoProfile struct { AvatarHash string `json:"avatar_hash"` Image1024 string `json:"image_1024"` Image192 string `json:"image_192"` Image24 string `json:"image_24"` Image32 string `json:"image_32"` Image48 string `json:"image_48"` Image512 string `json:"image_512"` Image72 string `json:"image_72"` ImageOriginal string `json:"image_original"` }
ResponseUserPhotoProfile defines the JSON-encoded output for UserPhotoProfile.
type ResponseUserPhotoUpload ¶
ResponseUserPhotoUpload defines the JSON-encoded output for UserPhotoUpload.
type ResponseUserPrefs ¶
ResponseUserPrefs defines the JSON-encoded output for UserPrefs.
type ResponseUsersCounts ¶
type ResponseUsersCounts struct { Response Channels []CountChannel `json:"channels"` Groups []CountGroup `json:"groups"` InstantMessages []CountInstantMessage `json:"ims"` }
ResponseUsersCounts defines the JSON-encoded output for UsersCounts.
type ResponseUsersGetPresence ¶
type ResponseUsersGetPresence struct { Response UserPresence }
ResponseUsersGetPresence defines the JSON-encoded output for UsersGetPresence.
type ResponseUsersIdentity ¶
type ResponseUsersIdentity struct { Response Team Team `json:"team"` User UsersIdentity `json:"user"` }
ResponseUsersIdentity defines the JSON-encoded output for UsersIdentity.
type ResponseUsersInfo ¶
ResponseUsersInfo defines the JSON-encoded output for UsersInfo.
type ResponseUsersList ¶
type ResponseUsersList struct { Response Members []User `json:"members"` CacheTS int `json:"cache_ts"` ResponseMetadata ResponseMetadata `json:"response_metadata"` }
ResponseUsersList defines the JSON-encoded output for UsersList.
type SearchArgs ¶
type SearchArgs struct { Query string `json:"query"` Count int `json:"count"` Highlight bool `json:"highlight"` Page int `json:"page"` Sort string `json:"sort"` SortDir string `json:"sort_dir"` }
SearchArgs defines the data to send to the API service.
type SearchChannel ¶
type SearchFiles ¶
type SearchFiles struct { Matches []File `json:"matches"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` Total int `json:"total"` }
type SearchMatches ¶
type SearchMatches struct { // TODO(cixtor): find a way to convert this into a Message. Currently, the // problem is that Channel is not a string, which is what we get from the // API when we get a Message. Attachments []Attachment `json:"attachments"` Channel SearchChannel `json:"channel"` IID string `json:"iid"` Permalink string `json:"permalink"` Team string `json:"team"` Text string `json:"text"` Timestamp string `json:"ts"` Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` Username string `json:"username"` }
type SearchMessages ¶
type SearchMessages struct { Matches []SearchMatches `json:"matches"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` Total int `json:"total"` }
type SearchModulesInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type SearchModulesInput struct { ExcludeMyChannels bool `json:"exclude_my_channels"` ExtraMessageData bool `json:"extra_message_data"` Highlight bool `json:"highlight"` NoUserProfile bool `json:"no_user_profile"` Sort string `json:"sort"` SortDir string `json:"sort_dir"` Browse string `json:"browse"` BrowseSessionID string `json:"browse_session_id"` ClientReqID string `json:"client_req_id"` Count int `json:"count"` MaxFilterSuggestions int `json:"max_filter_suggestions"` Module string `json:"module"` Page int `json:"page"` ChannelType string `json:"channel_type"` Extracts int `json:"extracts"` Query string `json:"query"` Team string `json:"team"` }
type SearchModulesResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type SearchModulesResponse struct { Response Module string `json:"module"` Filters interface{} `json:"filters"` Query string `json:"query"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Items []Channel `json:"items"` }
type SearchPosts ¶
type SearchPosts struct { Matches []interface{} `json:"matches"` Pagination Pagination `json:"pagination"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` Total int `json:"total"` }
type SearchUsersArgs ¶
type SlackAPI ¶
type SlackAPI struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
SlackAPI defines the base object. It holds the API token, the information of the user account associated to such API token, the information for the robot session (if the user decides has activated it), a list of all the available public channels, a list of all the accessible private groups, and a list of the users registered into the Slack team.
func (*SlackAPI) APIGetFlannelHTTPURL ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) APIGetFlannelHTTPURL() APIGetFlannelHTTPURLResponse
func (*SlackAPI) APITest ¶
APITest is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionClearSettings ¶ added in v1.0.3
AdminUsersSessionClearSettings is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionGetSettings ¶ added in v1.0.3
AdminUsersSessionGetSettings is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionInvalidate ¶ added in v1.0.3
AdminUsersSessionInvalidate is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionList ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionList(input AdminUsersSessionListInput) Response
AdminUsersSessionList is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionReset ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionReset(input AdminUsersSessionResetInput) Response
AdminUsersSessionReset is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionResetBulk ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionResetBulk(input AdminUsersSessionResetBulkInput) Response
AdminUsersSessionResetBulk is
func (*SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionSetSettings ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) AdminUsersSessionSetSettings(input AdminUsersSessionSetSettingsInput) Response
AdminUsersSessionSetSettings is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsConnectionsOpen ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsConnectionsOpen() AppsConnectionsOpenResponse
AppsConnectionsOpen is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsEventAuthorizationsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsEventAuthorizationsList(input AppsEventAuthorizationsListInput) AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse
AppsEventAuthorizationsList is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsList() AppsListResponse
AppsList lists associated applications.
func (*SlackAPI) AppsManifestCreate ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestCreate(manifest string) AppsManifestCreateResponse
AppsManifestCreate is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsManifestDelete ¶
AppsManifestDelete is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsManifestExport ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestExport(appID string) AppsManifestExportResponse
AppsManifestExport is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsManifestUpdate ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AppsManifestUpdate(appID string, manifest string) AppsManifestUpdateResponse
AppsManifestUpdate is
func (*SlackAPI) AppsManifestValidate ¶
AppsManifestValidate is
func (*SlackAPI) AuthRevoke ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AuthRevoke(test bool) AuthRevokeResponse
AuthRevoke is
func (*SlackAPI) AuthTeamsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) AuthTeamsList(input AuthTeamsListInput) AuthTeamsListResponse
AuthTeamsList is
func (*SlackAPI) BotsInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) BotsInfo(bot string) BotResponse
BotsInfo gets information about a bot user.
func (*SlackAPI) ChannelAnalytics ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) ChannelAnalytics(input ChannelAnalyticsInput) ChannelAnalyticsResponse
ChannelAnalytics is
func (*SlackAPI) ChatDelete ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ChatDelete(input DeleteMessageInput) DeleteMessageResponse
ChatDelete is
func (*SlackAPI) ChatDeleteAttachment ¶ added in v1.0.1
func (s *SlackAPI) ChatDeleteAttachment(input ChatDeleteAttachmentInput) ChatDeleteAttachmentResponse
ChatDeleteAttachment is
func (*SlackAPI) ChatMeMessage ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ChatMeMessage(input MeMessageInput) MeMessageResponse
ChatMeMessage is
func (*SlackAPI) ChatPostMessage ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ChatPostMessage(input MessageArgs) Post
ChatPostMessage is
func (*SlackAPI) ChatUpdate ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ChatUpdate(input MessageArgs) Post
ChatUpdate is
func (*SlackAPI) ClientCounts ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) ClientCounts(input ClientCountsInput) ClientCountsResponse
ClientCounts is
func (*SlackAPI) ClientShouldReload ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) ClientShouldReload(input ClientShouldReloadInput) ClientShouldReloadResponse
ClientShouldReload is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsAcceptSharedInvite ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsAcceptSharedInvite(input ConversationsAcceptSharedInviteInput) Response
ConversationsAcceptSharedInvite is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsApproveSharedInvite ¶
ConversationsApproveSharedInvite is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsArchive ¶
ConversationsArchive archives a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsClose ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsClose(channel string) ResponseConversationsClose
ConversationsClose closes a direct message or multi-person direct message. Ref:
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsCreate ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsCreate(input ConversationsCreateInput) ResponseChannelsInfo
ConversationsCreate creates a channel.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsDeclineSharedInvite ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsDeclineSharedInvite(input ConversationsDeclineSharedInviteInput) Response
ConversationsDeclineSharedInvite is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsDelete ¶ added in v1.0.3
ConversationsDelete deletes a channel and all its data forever.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsGenericInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsGenericInfo(channels string) ResponseChannelsList
ConversationsGenericInfo retrieve information about a generic conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsHistory ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsHistory(input ConversationsHistoryInput) History
ConversationsHistory fetches a conversation's history of messages and events.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInfo(channel string) ResponseChannelsInfo
ConversationsInfo retrieve information about a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsInvite ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInvite(channel string, users ...string) ResponseChannelsInfo
ConversationsInvite invites users to a channel.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsInviteShared ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsInviteShared(input ConversationsInviteSharedInput) ConversationsInviteSharedResponse
ConversationsInviteShared is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsJoin ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsJoin(channel string) ResponseChannelsInfo
ConversationsJoin joins an existing conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsKick ¶
ConversationsKick removes a user from a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsLeave ¶
ConversationsLeave leaves a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsList(input ConversationsListInput) ResponseChannelsList
ConversationsList lists all channels in a Slack team.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsListConnectInvites ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsListConnectInvites(input ConversationsListConnectInvitesInput) ConversationsListConnectInvitesResponse
ConversationsListConnectInvites retrieve members of a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsMark ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsMark(input ConversationsMarkInput) Response
ConversationsMark sets the read cursor in a channel.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsMembers ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsMembers(input ConversationsMembersInput) ResponseConversationsMembers
ConversationsMembers retrieve members of a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsOpen ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsOpen(input ConversationsOpenInput) ConversationsOpenResponse
ConversationsOpen is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsRename ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsRename(channel string, name string) ResponseChannelsInfo
ConversationsRename renames a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsReplies ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsReplies(input ConversationsRepliesInput) History
ConversationsReplies lists all channels in a Slack team.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsSetPurpose ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSetPurpose(channel string, purpose string) ChannelPurposeNow
ConversationsSetPurpose sets the purpose for a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsSetTopic ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSetTopic(channel string, topic string) ChannelTopicNow
ConversationsSetTopic sets the topic for a conversation.
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsSuggestions ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) ConversationsSuggestions() ConversationsSuggestionsResponse
ConversationsSuggestions is
func (*SlackAPI) ConversationsUnarchive ¶
ConversationsUnarchive reverses conversation archival.
func (*SlackAPI) DNDEndDnd ¶
DNDEndDnd is
func (*SlackAPI) DNDEndSnooze ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) DNDEndSnooze() DNDStatusResponse
DNDEndSnooze is
func (*SlackAPI) DNDInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) DNDInfo(user string) DNDStatusResponse
DNDInfo is
func (*SlackAPI) DNDSetSnooze ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) DNDSetSnooze(minutes int) SnoozeStatusResponse
DNDSetSnooze is
func (*SlackAPI) DNDTeamInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) DNDTeamInfo(users []string) DNDTeamResponse
DNDTeamInfo is
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiAddAlias ¶ added in v1.0.3
EmojiAddAlias creates an alias for an existing emoji.
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiAdminList ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiAdminList(input EmojiAdminListInput) EmojiAdminListResponse
EmojiAdminList lists custom emoji for a team as an administrator.
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiGetInfo ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiGetInfo(name string) EmojiInfoResponse
EmojiGetInfo returns information about an existing emoji.
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiList() EmojiListResponse
EmojiList lists custom emoji for a team.
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiListWithCategories ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) EmojiListWithCategories() EmojiListWithCategoriesResponse
EmojiListWithCategories lists custom emoji for a team with categories.
func (*SlackAPI) EmojiRemove ¶ added in v1.0.3
EmojiRemove deletes a custom emoji for a team as an administrator.
func (*SlackAPI) EventlogHistory ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) EventlogHistory(start string) ResponseEventlogs
EventlogHistory lists all the events since the specified time.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesCommentsAdd ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesCommentsAdd(file string, comment string) ResponseFilesComments
FilesCommentsAdd add a comment to an existing file.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesCommentsDelete ¶
FilesCommentsDelete deletes an existing comment on a file.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesCommentsEdit ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesCommentsEdit(file string, commentid string, comment string) ResponseFilesComments
FilesCommentsEdit edit an existing file comment.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesDelete ¶
FilesDelete deletes a file.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesInfo(file string, count int, page int) ResponseFilesInfo
FilesInfo gets information about a team file.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesList(data FileListArgs) ResponseFilesList
FilesList lists and filters team files. FilesListAfterTime lists and filters team files after this timestamp (inclusive). FilesListBeforeTime lists and filters team files before this timestamp (inclusive). FilesListByChannel lists and filters team files in a specific channel. FilesListByType lists and filters team files by type: all, posts, snippets, images, gdocs, zips, pdfs. FilesListByUser lists and filters team files created by a single user.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesRevokePublicURL ¶
FilesRevokePublicURL revokes public/external sharing access for a file.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesSharedPublicURL ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesSharedPublicURL(file string) ResponseFilesSharedPublicURL
FilesSharedPublicURL enables a file for public/external sharing.
func (*SlackAPI) FilesUpload ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) FilesUpload(data FileUploadArgs) ResponseFilesUpload
FilesUpload uploads or creates a file.
func (*SlackAPI) HelpIssuesList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) HelpIssuesList() HelpIssuesListResponse
HelpIssuesList is
func (*SlackAPI) MigrationExchange ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) MigrationExchange(users []string, order bool) MigrationExchangeResponse
MigrationExchange for Enterprise Grid workspaces, map local user IDs to global user IDs.
func (*SlackAPI) NewRTM ¶
NewRTM is
rtm, err := s.Client.NewRTM(slackapi.RTMInput{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } rtm.ManageEvents() go func() { time.Sleep(time.Minute) rtm.Disconnect() }() for msg := range s.Session.Events { fmt.Printf("%#v\n", msg) }
func (*SlackAPI) OAuth2Exchange ¶ added in v1.0.3
OAuth2Exchange is
func (*SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesGet ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesGet() PaymentsBillingAddressesGetResponse
PaymentsBillingAddressesGet is
func (*SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSet ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSet(input PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetInput) PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSetResponse
PaymentsBillingAddressesValidateAndSet is
func (*SlackAPI) PinsAdd ¶
PinsAdd is
func (*SlackAPI) PinsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) PinsList(channel string) PinsListResponse
PinsList is
func (*SlackAPI) PinsRemove ¶
PinsRemove is
func (*SlackAPI) ReactionsAdd ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsAdd(data ReactionArgs) Response
ReactionsAdd adds a reaction to an item.
func (*SlackAPI) ReactionsGet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsGet(data ReactionArgs) ResponseReactionsGet
ReactionsGet gets reactions for an item.
func (*SlackAPI) ReactionsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsList(data ReactionListArgs) ResponseReactionsList
ReactionsList lists reactions made by a user.
func (*SlackAPI) ReactionsRemove ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) ReactionsRemove(data ReactionArgs) Response
ReactionsRemove removes a reaction from an item.
func (*SlackAPI) SearchAll ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) SearchAll(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
SearchAll searches for messages and files matching a query.
func (*SlackAPI) SearchFiles ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) SearchFiles(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
SearchFiles searches for files matching a query.
func (*SlackAPI) SearchMessages ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) SearchMessages(data SearchArgs) ResponseSearch
SearchMessages searches for messages matching a query.
func (*SlackAPI) SearchModules ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) SearchModules(input SearchModulesInput) SearchModulesResponse
SearchModules is
func (*SlackAPI) SearchUsers ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) SearchUsers(input SearchUsersArgs) (ResponseSearchUsers, error)
SearchUsers searches for users matching a query.
func (*SlackAPI) SetCookie ¶
SetCookie sets the API cookie for the session. Slack changed the permissions of all their tokens; now if you inspect the HTTP requests from a web browser session and copy the token from there without copying the cookies, the other requests will fail.
func (*SlackAPI) SetTimeout ¶
SetTimeout sets the maximum amount of time to wait for the HTTP request.
func (*SlackAPI) SignupCheckEmail ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) SignupCheckEmail(email string) ResponseEmailCheck
SignupCheckEmail checks if an email address is valid.
func (*SlackAPI) SignupConfirmEmail ¶
SignupConfirmEmail confirm an email address for signup.
func (*SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesAdd ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesAdd(triggers string, responses string) SlackbotResponse
SlackbotResponsesAdd instructs Slackbot to automatically respond to messages that members of your workspace send in channels. By default, all members can edit Slackbot responses. You can change this in admin settings.
func (*SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesDelete ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (*SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesEdit ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) SlackbotResponsesEdit(id string, triggers string, responses string) SlackbotResponse
func (*SlackAPI) StarsList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) StarsList(count int, page int) ResponseStarsList
StarsList lists stars for a user.
func (*SlackAPI) StarsRemove ¶
StarsRemove removes a star from an item.
func (*SlackAPI) TeamAccessLogs ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamAccessLogs(input TeamAccessLogsInput) TeamAccessLogsResponse
TeamAccessLogs is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamBillableInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamBillableInfo(teamID string, user string) TeamBillableInfoResponse
TeamBillableInfo is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamBillingInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamBillingInfo() TeamBillingInfoResponse
TeamBillingInfo is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamChannelsInfo ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamChannelsInfo(input TeamChannelsInfoInput) TeamChannelsInfoResponse
TeamChannelsInfo is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamChannelsMembership ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamChannelsMembership(input TeamChannelsMembershipInput) TeamChannelsMembershipResponse
TeamChannelsMembership is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamInfo(team string) TeamInfoResponse
TeamInfo gets information about the current team.
The team parameter is to get info on, if omitted, will return information about the current team. Will only return team that the authenticated token is allowed to see through external shared channels
func (*SlackAPI) TeamIntegrationLogs ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamIntegrationLogs(input TeamIntegrationLogsInput) TeamIntegrationLogsResponse
TeamIntegrationLogs is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamListExternal ¶ added in v1.0.2
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamListExternal(input TeamListExternalInput) TeamListExternalResponse
TeamListExternal is
func (*SlackAPI) TeamPreferencesList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamPreferencesList() TeamPreferencesListResponse
func (*SlackAPI) TeamProfileGet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) TeamProfileGet() TeamProfileResponse
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminFetchInvitesHistory ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminFetchInvitesHistory(input InvitesHistoryInput) InvitesHistoryResponse
UsersAdminFetchInvitesHistory is
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminInviteBulk ¶ added in v1.0.3
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersAdminInviteBulk(input InviteBulkInput) UsersAdminInviteBulkResponse
UsersAdminInviteBulk is
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminResendInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.3
UsersAdminResendInvitation is
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminRevokeInvitation ¶ added in v1.0.3
UsersAdminRevokeInvitation is
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminSetInactive ¶ added in v1.0.3
UsersAdminSetInactive deactivates an existing user account.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersAdminSetRegular ¶ added in v1.0.3
UsersAdminSetRegular activates an account as a regular user.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersCounts ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersCounts() ResponseUsersCounts
UsersCounts count number of users in the team.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersDeletePhoto ¶
UsersDeletePhoto delete the user avatar.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersGetPresence ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersGetPresence(query string) ResponseUsersGetPresence
UsersGetPresence gets user presence information.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersIdentity ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersIdentity() ResponseUsersIdentity
UsersIdentity get a user's identity.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersInfo ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersInfo(query string) ResponseUsersInfo
UsersInfo gets information about a user.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersList ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersList(limit int, cursor string) ResponseUsersList
UsersList lists all users in a Slack team.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersListWithPresence ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersListWithPresence() ResponseUsersList
UsersListWithPresence lists all users in a Slack team.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersLookupByEmail ¶
UsersLookupByEmail find a user with an email address.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersPrefsGet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPrefsGet() ResponseUserPrefs
UsersPrefsGet get user account preferences.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersPrefsSet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPrefsSet(name string, value string) ResponseUserPrefs
UsersPrefsSet set user account preferences.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersPreparePhoto ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersPreparePhoto(image string) ResponseUserPhotoUpload
UsersPreparePhoto upload a picture to use as the avatar.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersProfileGet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileGet(query string) ResponseUserIdentity
UsersProfileGet retrieves a user's profile information.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersProfileGetWithLabels ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileGetWithLabels(query string) ResponseUserIdentity
UsersProfileGetWithLabels retrieves a user's profile information.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersProfileSet ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileSet(name string, value string) ResponseUserIdentity
UsersProfileSet set the profile information for a user.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersProfileSetMultiple ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersProfileSetMultiple(profile string) ResponseUserIdentity
UsersProfileSetMultiple set the profile information for a user.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersSetActive ¶
UsersSetActive marks a user as active.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersSetAvatar ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetAvatar(image string) ResponseUserAvatar
UsersSetAvatar upload a picture and set it as the avatar.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersSetPhoto ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetPhoto(imageid string) ResponseUserPhoto
UsersSetPhoto define which picture will be the avatar.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersSetPresence ¶
UsersSetPresence manually sets user presence.
func (*SlackAPI) UsersSetStatus ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) UsersSetStatus(emoji string, text string) ResponseUserIdentity
UsersSetStatus set the status message and emoji.
func (*SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepCompleted ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepCompleted(input WorkflowsStepCompletedInput) Response
func (*SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepFailed ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsStepFailed(input WorkflowsStepFailedInput) Response
func (*SlackAPI) WorkflowsUpdateStep ¶
func (s *SlackAPI) WorkflowsUpdateStep(input WorkflowsUpdateStepInput) Response
type SlackbotResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type SlackbotResponse struct { Response AutoResponse AutoResponse `json:"response"` }
type SlashCommand ¶
type SnoozeDebug ¶
type SnoozeDebug struct {
SnoozeEndDate string `json:"snooze_end_date,omitempty"`
type SnoozeInfo ¶
type SnoozeInfo struct { SnoozeEnabled bool `json:"snooze_enabled,omitempty"` SnoozeEndTime int `json:"snooze_endtime,omitempty"` SnoozeRemaining int `json:"snooze_remaining,omitempty"` SnoozeIsIndefinite int `json:"snooze_is_indefinite,omitempty"` SnoozeDebug SnoozeDebug `json:"snooze_debug,omitempty"` }
type SnoozeStatusResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type SnoozeStatusResponse struct { Response SnoozeInfo }
type StarRemovedEvent ¶
type StarRemovedEvent starEvent
StarRemovedEvent represents the Star removed event.
type StarsListItem ¶
type StarsListItem struct { Type string `json:"type"` Channel string `json:"channel"` Message Message `json:"message"` File File `json:"file"` Comment Comment `json:"comment"` }
StarsListItem defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type Subteam ¶
type Subteam struct { ID string `json:"id"` TeamID string `json:"team_id"` IsUserGroup bool `json:"is_usergroup"` IsSubteam bool `json:"is_subteam"` IsExternal bool `json:"is_external"` AutoProvision bool `json:"auto_provision"` Name string `json:"name"` Description string `json:"description"` Handle string `json:"handle"` DateCreate int64 `json:"date_create"` DateUpdate int64 `json:"date_update"` DateDelete int64 `json:"date_delete"` AutoType interface{} `json:"auto_type"` EnterpriseSubteamID string `json:"enterprise_subteam_id"` CreatedBy string `json:"created_by"` UpdatedBy string `json:"updated_by"` DeletedBy string `json:"deleted_by"` UserCount int `json:"user_count"` Users []string `json:"users"` Prefs map[string][]string `json:"prefs"` }
Subteam represents the subteam metadata.
type SubteamUpdated ¶
type SubteamUpdated struct { Type string `json:"type"` Subteam Subteam `json:"subteam"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts"` }
SubteamUpdated represents the changes in team metadata.
type Team ¶
type Team struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` URL string `json:"url"` Domain string `json:"domain"` EmailDomain string `json:"email_domain"` Icon TeamIcon `json:"icon"` AvatarBaseURL string `json:"avatar_base_url"` IsVerified bool `json:"is_verified"` PublicURL string `json:"public_url"` OrgMigrations OrgMigrations `json:"external_org_migrations"` Channels []string `json:"channels"` Counts TeamCounts `json:"counts"` DateCreated int `json:"date_created"` EnterpriseID string `json:"enterprise_id"` EnterpriseName string `json:"enterprise_name"` }
type TeamAccessLogsInput ¶
type TeamAccessLogsInput struct { // End of time range of logs to include in results (inclusive). Before string `json:"before"` // Number of items to return per page. Count int `json:"count"` // Page number of results to return. Page int `json:"page"` // Encoded team id to get logs from, required if org token is used. TeamID string `json:"team_id"` }
type TeamAccessLogsResponse ¶
TeamAccessLogsResponse defines the JSON-encoded output for TeamAccessLogs.
type TeamBillableInfoResponse ¶
type TeamBillableInfoResponse struct { Response BillableInfo map[string]BillableInfo `json:"billable_info"` }
type TeamBillingInfoResponse ¶
type TeamChannelsInfoInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamChannelsInfoResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamChannelsMembershipInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamChannelsMembershipResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamCounts ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamDomainChangeEvent ¶
type TeamDomainChangeEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` URL string `json:"url"` Domain string `json:"domain"` }
TeamDomainChangeEvent represents the Team domain change event.
type TeamIcon ¶
type TeamIcon struct { Image102 string `json:"image_102"` Image132 string `json:"image_132"` Image34 string `json:"image_34"` Image44 string `json:"image_44"` Image68 string `json:"image_68"` Image88 string `json:"image_88"` ImageOriginal string `json:"image_original"` Image230 string `json:"image_230"` }
TeamIcon defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type TeamInfoResponse ¶
type TeamIntegrationLogsInput ¶
type TeamIntegrationLogsInput struct { // Filter logs to this Slack app. Defaults to all logs. AppID string `json:"app_id"` // Filter logs with this change type. Defaults to all logs. ChangeType string `json:"change_type"` // Number of items to return per page. Count string `json:"count"` // Page number of results to return. Page string `json:"page"` // Filter logs to this service. Defaults to all logs. ServiceID string `json:"service_id"` // Encoded team id to get logs from, required if org token is used TeamID string `json:"team_id"` // Filter logs generated by this user’s actions. Defaults to all logs. User string `json:"user"` }
type TeamIntegrationLogsResponse ¶
type TeamIntegrationLogsResponse struct { Response Logs []IntegrationLog `json:"logs"` Paging Paging `json:"paging"` }
TeamIntegrationLogsResponse defines the JSON-encoded output for TeamIntegrationLogs.
type TeamJoinEvent ¶
TeamJoinEvent represents the Team join event.
type TeamListExternalInput ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamListExternalResponse ¶ added in v1.0.2
type TeamMigrationStartedEvent ¶
type TeamMigrationStartedEvent struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
TeamMigrationStartedEvent represents the Team migration started event.
type TeamPrefChangeEvent ¶
type TeamPrefChangeEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` Value []string `json:"value,omitempty"` }
TeamPrefChangeEvent represents the Team preference change event.
type TeamPreferencesListResponse ¶
type TeamPreferencesListResponse struct { Response AllowMessageDeletion bool `json:"allow_message_deletion"` DisplayRealNames bool `json:"display_real_names"` DisableFileUploads string `json:"disable_file_uploads"` MsgEditWindowMins int `json:"msg_edit_window_mins"` WhoCanPostGeneral string `json:"who_can_post_general"` }
type TeamProfile ¶
type TeamProfile struct {
Fields []TeamProfileField `json:"fields"`
type TeamProfileField ¶
type TeamProfileField struct { ID string `json:"id"` Ordering int `json:"ordering"` FieldName string `json:"field_name"` Label string `json:"label"` Hint string `json:"hint"` Type string `json:"type"` PossibleValues interface{} `json:"possible_values"` Options interface{} `json:"options"` IsHidden bool `json:"is_hidden"` }
TeamProfileField defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type TeamProfileResponse ¶
type TeamProfileResponse struct { Response Profile TeamProfile `json:"profile"` }
type TeamRenameEvent ¶
type TeamRenameEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` EventTimestamp string `json:"event_ts,omitempty"` }
TeamRenameEvent represents the Team rename event.
type User ¶
type User struct { Color string `json:"color"` ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Presence string `json:"presence"` Profile UserProfile `json:"profile"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` Status string `json:"status"` TeamID string `json:"team_id"` TwoFactorType string `json:"two_factor_type"` Tz string `json:"tz"` TzLabel string `json:"tz_label"` TzOffset int `json:"tz_offset"` Updated int `json:"updated"` Deleted bool `json:"deleted"` Has2fa bool `json:"has_2fa"` IsAdmin bool `json:"is_admin"` IsBot bool `json:"is_bot"` IsOwner bool `json:"is_owner"` IsPrimaryOwner bool `json:"is_primary_owner"` IsRestricted bool `json:"is_restricted"` IsUltraRestricted bool `json:"is_ultra_restricted"` IsAppUser bool `json:"is_app_user"` IsEmailConfirmed bool `json:"is_email_confirmed"` }
User defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type UserChangeEvent ¶
UserChangeEvent represents the user change event.
type UserPrefs ¶
type UserPrefs struct { AllNotificationsPrefs interface{} `json:"all_notifications_prefs"` A11yFontSize string `json:"a11y_font_size"` AtChannelSuppressedChannels string `json:"at_channel_suppressed_channels"` ChannelSort string `json:"channel_sort"` ClientLogsPri string `json:"client_logs_pri"` DndEndHour string `json:"dnd_end_hour"` DndStartHour string `json:"dnd_start_hour"` EmailAlerts string `json:"email_alerts"` EmojiMode string `json:"emoji_mode"` EmojiUse string `json:"emoji_use"` FlannelServerPool string `json:"flannel_server_pool"` FrecencyEntJumper string `json:"frecency_ent_jumper"` FrecencyJumper string `json:"frecency_jumper"` HighlightWords string `json:"highlight_words"` LastSnippetType string `json:"last_snippet_type"` LastTosAcknowledged string `json:"last_tos_acknowledged"` Locale string `json:"locale"` LoudChannels string `json:"loud_channels"` LoudChannelsSet string `json:"loud_channels_set"` MacSsbBounce string `json:"mac_ssb_bounce"` MessagesTheme string `json:"messages_theme"` MutedChannels string `json:"muted_channels"` NeverChannels string `json:"never_channels"` NewMsgSnd string `json:"new_msg_snd"` NewxpSeenLastMessage string `json:"newxp_seen_last_message"` PreferredSkinTone string `json:"preferred_skin_tone"` PushAtChannelSuppressedChannels string `json:"push_at_channel_suppressed_channels"` PushLoudChannels string `json:"push_loud_channels"` PushLoudChannelsSet string `json:"push_loud_channels_set"` PushMentionChannels string `json:"push_mention_channels"` PushSound string `json:"push_sound"` SearchExcludeChannels string `json:"search_exclude_channels"` SearchSort string `json:"search_sort"` SidebarBehavior string `json:"sidebar_behavior"` SidebarTheme string `json:"sidebar_theme"` SidebarThemeCustomValues string `json:"sidebar_theme_custom_values"` SsbSpaceWindow string `json:"ssb_space_window"` TwoFactorBackupType string `json:"two_factor_backup_type"` TwoFactorType string `json:"two_factor_type"` Tz string `json:"tz"` UserColors string `json:"user_colors"` WinssbWindowFlashBehavior string `json:"winssb_window_flash_behavior"` DisplayRealNamesOverride int `json:"display_real_names_override"` EmailAlertsSleepUntil int `json:"email_alerts_sleep_until"` GrowthMsgLimitApproachingCtaCount int `json:"growth_msg_limit_approaching_cta_count"` GrowthMsgLimitApproachingCtaTs int `json:"growth_msg_limit_approaching_cta_ts"` GrowthMsgLimitLongReachedCtaCount int `json:"growth_msg_limit_long_reached_cta_count"` GrowthMsgLimitLongReachedCtaLastTs int `json:"growth_msg_limit_long_reached_cta_last_ts"` GrowthMsgLimitReachedCtaCount int `json:"growth_msg_limit_reached_cta_count"` GrowthMsgLimitReachedCtaLastTs int `json:"growth_msg_limit_reached_cta_last_ts"` KKeyOmniboxAutoHideCount int `json:"k_key_omnibox_auto_hide_count"` LastSeenAtChannelWarning int `json:"last_seen_at_channel_warning"` OnboardingSlackbotConversationStep int `json:"onboarding_slackbot_conversation_step"` PushIDleWait int `json:"push_idle_wait"` WhatsNewRead int `json:"whats_new_read"` A11yAnimations bool `json:"a11y_animations"` AllChannelsLoud bool `json:"all_channels_loud"` AllowCallsToSetCurrentStatus bool `json:"allow_calls_to_set_current_status"` AllUnreadsSortOrder bool `json:"all_unreads_sort_order"` ArrowHistory bool `json:"arrow_history"` BoxEnabled bool `json:"box_enabled"` ColorNamesInList bool `json:"color_names_in_list"` ConfirmClearAllUnreads bool `json:"confirm_clear_all_unreads"` ConfirmShCallStart bool `json:"confirm_sh_call_start"` ConfirmUserMarkedAway bool `json:"confirm_user_marked_away"` ConvertEmoticons bool `json:"convert_emoticons"` DisplayDisplayNames bool `json:"display_display_names"` DndEnabled bool `json:"dnd_enabled"` DropboxEnabled bool `json:"dropbox_enabled"` EmailMisc bool `json:"email_misc"` EmailWeekly bool `json:"email_weekly"` EmojiAutocompleteBig bool `json:"emoji_autocomplete_big"` EnableReactEmojiPicker bool `json:"enable_react_emoji_picker"` EnableUnreadView bool `json:"enable_unread_view"` EnhancedDebugging bool `json:"enhanced_debugging"` EnterIsSpecialInTbt bool `json:"enter_is_special_in_tbt"` EnterpriseMigrationSeen bool `json:"enterprise_migration_seen"` ExpandInlineImages bool `json:"expand_inline_imgs"` ExpandInternalInlineImages bool `json:"expand_internal_inline_imgs"` ExpandNonMediaAttachments bool `json:"expand_non_media_attachments"` ExpandSnippets bool `json:"expand_snippets"` FKeySearch bool `json:"f_key_search"` FullerTimestamps bool `json:"fuller_timestamps"` FullTextExtracts bool `json:"full_text_extracts"` GdriveAuthed bool `json:"gdrive_authed"` GdriveEnabled bool `json:"gdrive_enabled"` GraphicEmoticons bool `json:"graphic_emoticons"` GrowlsEnabled bool `json:"growls_enabled"` HasCreatedChannel bool `json:"has_created_channel"` HasInvited bool `json:"has_invited"` HasSearched bool `json:"has_searched"` HasUploaded bool `json:"has_uploaded"` HideHexSwatch bool `json:"hide_hex_swatch"` HideUserGroupInfoPane bool `json:"hide_user_group_info_pane"` IntroToAppsMessageSeen bool `json:"intro_to_apps_message_seen"` Jumbomoji bool `json:"jumbomoji"` KKeyOmnibox bool `json:"k_key_omnibox"` LoadLato2 bool `json:"load_lato_2"` LsDisabled bool `json:"ls_disabled"` MacSsbBullet bool `json:"mac_ssb_bullet"` MarkMsgsReadImmediately bool `json:"mark_msgs_read_immediately"` MeasureCSSUsage bool `json:"measure_css_usage"` MentionsExcludeAtChannels bool `json:"mentions_exclude_at_channels"` MentionsExcludeAtUserGroups bool `json:"mentions_exclude_at_user_groups"` MsgPreview bool `json:"msg_preview"` MsgPreviewPersistent bool `json:"msg_preview_persistent"` MuteSounds bool `json:"mute_sounds"` NoCreatedOverlays bool `json:"no_created_overlays"` NoInvitesWidgetInSidebar bool `json:"no_invites_widget_in_sidebar"` NoJoinedOverlays bool `json:"no_joined_overlays"` NoMacelectronBanner bool `json:"no_macelectron_banner"` NoMacssb1Banner bool `json:"no_macssb1_banner"` NoMacssb2Banner bool `json:"no_macssb2_banner"` NoOmniboxInChannels bool `json:"no_omnibox_in_channels"` NoTextInNotifications bool `json:"no_text_in_notifications"` NoWinssb1Banner bool `json:"no_winssb1_banner"` ObeyInlineImageLimit bool `json:"obey_inline_img_limit"` OnboardingCancelled bool `json:"onboarding_cancelled"` OverloadedMessageEnabled bool `json:"overloaded_message_enabled"` PagekeysHandled bool `json:"pagekeys_handled"` PostsFormattingGuide bool `json:"posts_formatting_guide"` PrevNextBtn bool `json:"prev_next_btn"` PrivacyPolicySeen bool `json:"privacy_policy_seen"` PromptedForEmailDisabling bool `json:"prompted_for_email_disabling"` PushDmAlert bool `json:"push_dm_alert"` PushEverything bool `json:"push_everything"` PushMentionAlert bool `json:"push_mention_alert"` PushShowPreview bool `json:"push_show_preview"` RequireAt bool `json:"require_at"` SearchExcludeBots bool `json:"search_exclude_bots"` SearchOnlyCurrentTeam bool `json:"search_only_current_team"` SearchOnlyMyChannels bool `json:"search_only_my_channels"` SeenCallsSsMainCoachmark bool `json:"seen_calls_ss_main_coachmark"` SeenCallsSsWindowCoachmark bool `json:"seen_calls_ss_window_coachmark"` SeenCallsVideoBetaCoachmark bool `json:"seen_calls_video_beta_coachmark"` SeenCallsVideoGaCoachmark bool `json:"seen_calls_video_ga_coachmark"` SeenCustomStatusBadge bool `json:"seen_custom_status_badge"` SeenCustomStatusCallout bool `json:"seen_custom_status_callout"` SeenDomainInviteReminder bool `json:"seen_domain_invite_reminder"` SeenGdriveCoachmark bool `json:"seen_gdrive_coachmark"` SeenGuestAdminSlackbotAnnouncement bool `json:"seen_guest_admin_slackbot_announcement"` SeenHighlightsArrowsCoachmark bool `json:"seen_highlights_arrows_coachmark"` SeenHighlightsCoachmark bool `json:"seen_highlights_coachmark"` SeenIntlChannelNamesCoachmark bool `json:"seen_intl_channel_names_coachmark"` SeenMemberInviteReminder bool `json:"seen_member_invite_reminder"` SeenOnboardingChannels bool `json:"seen_onboarding_channels"` SeenOnboardingDirectMessages bool `json:"seen_onboarding_direct_messages"` SeenOnboardingInvites bool `json:"seen_onboarding_invites"` SeenOnboardingPrivateGroups bool `json:"seen_onboarding_private_groups"` SeenOnboardingRecentMentions bool `json:"seen_onboarding_recent_mentions"` SeenOnboardingSearch bool `json:"seen_onboarding_search"` SeenOnboardingSlackbotConversation bool `json:"seen_onboarding_slackbot_conversation"` SeenOnboardingStarredItems bool `json:"seen_onboarding_starred_items"` SeenOnboardingStart bool `json:"seen_onboarding_start"` SeenRepliesCoachmark bool `json:"seen_replies_coachmark"` SeenSingleEmojiMsg bool `json:"seen_single_emoji_msg"` SeenSsbPrompt bool `json:"seen_ssb_prompt"` SeenThreadsNotificationBanner bool `json:"seen_threads_notification_banner"` SeenUnreadViewCoachmark bool `json:"seen_unread_view_coachmark"` SeenWelcome2 bool `json:"seen_welcome_2"` SeparatePrivateChannels bool `json:"separate_private_channels"` ShowAllSkinTones bool `json:"show_all_skin_tones"` ShowJumperScores bool `json:"show_jumper_scores"` ShowMemoryInstrument bool `json:"show_memory_instrument"` ShowTyping bool `json:"show_typing"` SnippetEditorWrapLongLines bool `json:"snippet_editor_wrap_long_lines"` SpacesNewXpBannerDismissed bool `json:"spaces_new_xp_banner_dismissed"` SsEmojis bool `json:"ss_emojis"` StartScrollAtOldest bool `json:"start_scroll_at_oldest"` TabUIReturnSelects bool `json:"tab_ui_return_selects"` ThreadsEverything bool `json:"threads_everything"` Time24 bool `json:"time24"` TwoFactorAuthEnabled bool `json:"two_factor_auth_enabled"` WebappSpellcheck bool `json:"webapp_spellcheck"` WelcomeMessageHidden bool `json:"welcome_message_hidden"` WinssbRunFromTray bool `json:"winssb_run_from_tray"` }
UserPrefs defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type UserPresence ¶
type UserPresence struct { Presence string `json:"presence"` ConnectionCount int `json:"connection_count"` LastActivity int `json:"last_activity"` AutoAway bool `json:"auto_away"` ManualAway bool `json:"manual_away"` Online bool `json:"online"` }
UserPresence defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type UserProfile ¶
type UserProfile struct { APIAppID string `json:"api_app_id"` BotID string `json:"bot_id"` AvatarHash string `json:"avatar_hash"` Email string `json:"email"` Fields interface{} `json:"fields"` FirstName string `json:"first_name"` Image1024 string `json:"image_1024"` Image192 string `json:"image_192"` Image24 string `json:"image_24"` Image32 string `json:"image_32"` Image48 string `json:"image_48"` Image512 string `json:"image_512"` Image72 string `json:"image_72"` ImageOriginal string `json:"image_original"` IsCustomImage bool `json:"is_custom_image"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Phone string `json:"phone"` RealName string `json:"real_name"` RealNameNormalized string `json:"real_name_normalized"` DisplayName string `json:"display_name"` DisplayNameNormalized string `json:"display_name_normalized"` StatusText string `json:"status_text"` StatusEmoji string `json:"status_emoji"` StatusEmojiDisplayInfo []interface{} `json:"status_emoji_display_info"` StatusExpiration int `json:"status_expiration"` Skype string `json:"skype"` Title string `json:"title"` HuddleState string `json:"huddle_state"` HuddleStateExpirationTs int `json:"huddle_state_expiration_ts"` StatusTextCanonical string `json:"status_text_canonical"` Team string `json:"team"` }
UserProfile defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type UserTypingEvent ¶
type UserTypingEvent struct { Type string `json:"type"` User string `json:"user"` Channel string `json:"channel"` }
UserTypingEvent represents the user typing event.
type UsersAdminInviteBulkResponse ¶ added in v1.0.3
type UsersAdminInviteBulkResponse struct { Response Invites []InvitationResponse `json:"invites"` }
type UsersIdentity ¶
type UsersIdentity struct { ID string `json:"id"` Name string `json:"name"` Email string `json:"email"` Image24 string `json:"image_24"` Image32 string `json:"image_32"` Image48 string `json:"image_48"` Image72 string `json:"image_72"` Image192 string `json:"image_192"` }
UsersIdentity defines the expected data from the JSON-encoded API response.
type WorkflowError ¶
type WorkflowError struct {
Message string `json:"message"`
type WorkflowStep ¶
type WorkflowsStepCompletedInput ¶
type WorkflowsStepCompletedInput struct { // Context identifier that maps to the correct workflow step execution. WorkflowStepExecuteID string `json:"workflow_step_execute_id"` // Key-value object of outputs from your step. Keys of this object // reflect the configured key properties of your outputs array from // your workflow_step object. Outputs map[string]string `json:"outputs"` }
type WorkflowsStepFailedInput ¶
type WorkflowsStepFailedInput struct { // Context identifier that maps to the correct workflow step execution. WorkflowStepExecuteID string `json:"workflow_step_execute_id"` // A JSON-based object with a message property that should contain a // human readable error message. Error WorkflowError }
type WorkflowsUpdateStepInput ¶
type WorkflowsUpdateStepInput struct { // Context identifier that maps to the correct workflow step execution. WorkflowStepExecuteID string `json:"workflow_step_execute_id"` // JSON key-value map of inputs required from a user during configuration. // This is the data your app expects to receive when the workflow step // starts. // // Example: // // {"title":{"value":"The Title"},"submitter":{"value":"{{user}}"}} Inputs interface{} `json:"inputs"` // An JSON array of output objects used during step execution. This is the // data your app agrees to provide when your workflow step was executed. // // Example: // // [ // {"name":"ticket_id","type":"text","label":"Ticket ID"}, // {"name":"title","type":"text","label":"Title"} // ] Outputs interface{} `json:"outputs"` // An optional field that can be used to override app image that is shown // in the Workflow Builder. StepImageURL string `json:"step_image_url"` // An optional field that can be used to override the step name that is // shown in the Workflow Builder. StepName string `json:"step_name"` }