Overview ¶
This module contains a collection of YANG definitions for Cisco IOS-XR snmp-agent package configuration.
This module contains definitions for the following management objects:
snmp: The heirarchy point for all the SNMP configurations mib: mib
Copyright (c) 2013-2018 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Index ¶
- type GroupSnmpVersion
- type Mib
- type Mib_CbQosmib
- type Mib_CbQosmib_Cache
- type Mib_EntityMib
- type Mib_InterfaceMib
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset
- type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown
- type Mib_MplsFrrMib
- type Mib_MplsP2mpMib
- type Mib_MplsTeExtMib
- type Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib
- type Mib_MplsTeMib
- type Mib_NotificationLogMib
- type Mib_Subscriber
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes
- type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node
- type Snmp
- type SnmpAccessLevel
- type SnmpBulkstatFileFormat
- type SnmpBulkstatSchema
- type SnmpContext
- type SnmpDscpValue
- type SnmpHashAlgorithm
- type SnmpMibViewInclusion
- type SnmpOwnerAccess
- type SnmpPrecedenceValue1
- type SnmpPrivAlgorithm
- type SnmpSecurityModel
- type SnmpTos
- type Snmp_Administration
- type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities
- type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity
- type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities
- type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity
- type Snmp_Agent
- type Snmp_Agent_EngineId
- type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes
- type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote
- type Snmp_BulkStats
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas
- type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema
- type Snmp_ContextMappings
- type Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping
- type Snmp_Contexts
- type Snmp_Contexts_Context
- type Snmp_Correlator
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames
- type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind
- type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match
- type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps
- type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap
- type Snmp_DropPacket
- type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps
- type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap
- type Snmp_Groups
- type Snmp_Groups_Group
- type Snmp_Ipv4
- type Snmp_Ipv4_Tos
- type Snmp_Ipv6
- type Snmp_Ipv6_Tos
- type Snmp_Logging
- type Snmp_Logging_Threshold
- type Snmp_Notification
- type Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib
- type Snmp_Notification_Bfd
- type Snmp_Notification_Bgp
- type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib
- type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib
- type Snmp_Notification_Bridge
- type Snmp_Notification_Cfm
- type Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt
- type Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy
- type Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan
- type Snmp_Notification_Diametermib
- type Snmp_Notification_Entity
- type Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy
- type Snmp_Notification_EntityState
- type Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs
- type Snmp_Notification_Flash
- type Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization
- type Snmp_Notification_FruControl
- type Snmp_Notification_Hsrp
- type Snmp_Notification_IpSec
- type Snmp_Notification_Isakmp
- type Snmp_Notification_Isis
- type Snmp_Notification_L2tun
- type Snmp_Notification_L2vpn
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp
- type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension
- type Snmp_Notification_Ntp
- type Snmp_Notification_Oam
- type Snmp_Notification_Optical
- type Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospf
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error
- type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange
- type Snmp_Notification_Otn
- type Snmp_Notification_Rf
- type Snmp_Notification_Rsvp
- type Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload
- type Snmp_Notification_Sensor
- type Snmp_Notification_Snmp
- type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib
- type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate
- type Snmp_Notification_Syslog
- type Snmp_Notification_System
- type Snmp_Notification_Vpls
- type Snmp_Notification_Vrrp
- type Snmp_OverloadControl
- type Snmp_System
- type Snmp_Target
- type Snmp_Target_Targets
- type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target
- type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses
- type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress
- type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames
- type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName
- type Snmp_Timeouts
- type Snmp_Trap
- type Snmp_TrapHosts
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities
- type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity
- type Snmp_Users
- type Snmp_Users_User
- type Snmp_Views
- type Snmp_Views_View
- type Snmp_Vrfs
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities
- type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity
- type Snmpacl
- type UserSnmpVersion
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
This section is empty.
Types ¶
type GroupSnmpVersion ¶
type GroupSnmpVersion string
GroupSnmpVersion represents Group snmp version
const ( // SNMP version 1 GroupSnmpVersion_v1 GroupSnmpVersion = "v1" // SNMP version 2 GroupSnmpVersion_v2c GroupSnmpVersion = "v2c" // SNMP version 3 GroupSnmpVersion_v3 GroupSnmpVersion = "v3" )
type Mib ¶
type Mib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Get cached Sesnsor MIB statistics. The type is interface{}. SensorMibCache interface{} // CBQoSMIB configuration. CbQosmib Mib_CbQosmib // Notification log MIB configuration. NotificationLogMib Mib_NotificationLogMib // Entity MIB. EntityMib Mib_EntityMib // Subscriber threshold commands. Subscriber Mib_Subscriber // MPLS TE MIB configuration. MplsTeMib Mib_MplsTeMib // MPLS P2MP MIB configuration. MplsP2mpMib Mib_MplsP2mpMib // MPLS TE EXT STD MIB configuration. MplsTeExtStdMib Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib // MPLS TE EXT MIB configuration. MplsTeExtMib Mib_MplsTeExtMib // FRR MIB configuration. MplsFrrMib Mib_MplsFrrMib // Interface MIB configuration. InterfaceMib Mib_InterfaceMib }
Mib mib
func (*Mib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mib *Mib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_CbQosmib ¶
type Mib_CbQosmib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable bundle member interface statistics retrieval. The type is // interface{}. MemberInterfaceStats interface{} // Persist CBQoSMIB config, service-policy and object indices. The type is // interface{}. Persist interface{} // CBQoSMIB statistics data caching. Cache Mib_CbQosmib_Cache }
Mib_CbQosmib CBQoSMIB configuration
func (*Mib_CbQosmib) GetEntityData ¶
func (cbQosmib *Mib_CbQosmib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_CbQosmib_Cache ¶
type Mib_CbQosmib_Cache struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable CBQoSMIB statistics data caching. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Cache refresh time in seconds. The type is interface{} with range: 5..60. // Units are second. RefreshTime interface{} // Maximum number of service policies to cache the statistics for. The type is // interface{} with range: 1..5000. ServicePolicyCount interface{} }
Mib_CbQosmib_Cache CBQoSMIB statistics data caching
func (*Mib_CbQosmib_Cache) GetEntityData ¶
func (cache *Mib_CbQosmib_Cache) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_EntityMib ¶
type Mib_EntityMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable entPhysicalIndex persistence. The type is interface{}. EntityIndexPersistence interface{} }
Mib_EntityMib Entity MIB
func (*Mib_EntityMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (entityMib *Mib_EntityMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Get cached interface statistics. The type is interface{} with range: 0..60. // The default value is 15. InternalCache interface{} // Enable support for ifAlias values longer than 64 characters. The type is // interface{}. InterfaceAliasLong interface{} // Enable IP subscriber interfaces in IFMIB. The type is interface{}. IpSubscriber interface{} // Enable ifindex persistence. The type is interface{}. InterfaceIndexPersistence interface{} // Enable cached interface statistics. The type is interface{}. StatisticsCache interface{} // Enter the SNMP interface configuration commands. Interfaces Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces // MIB notification configuration. Notification Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification // Add configuration for an interface subset. Subsets Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets }
Mib_InterfaceMib Interface MIB configuration
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (interfaceMib *Mib_InterfaceMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Interface to configure. The type is slice of // Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface. Interface []*Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces Enter the SNMP interface configuration commands
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces) GetEntityData ¶
func (interfaces *Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. The name of the interface. The type is string with // pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. InterfaceName interface{} // Enable or disable LinkUpDown notification. The type is bool. LinkUpDown interface{} // Enable or disable index persistence. The type is bool. IndexPersistence interface{} }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface Interface to configure
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface) GetEntityData ¶
func (self *Mib_InterfaceMib_Interfaces_Interface) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Set the varbind of linkupdown trap to the RFC specified varbinds (default // cisco). The type is interface{}. LinkIetf interface{} }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification MIB notification configuration
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification) GetEntityData ¶
func (notification *Mib_InterfaceMib_Notification) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Subset priorityID to group ifNames based on Regular Expression. The type is // slice of Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset. Subset []*Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets Add configuration for an interface subset
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets) GetEntityData ¶
func (subsets *Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. The interface subset PriorityID. The type is // interface{} with range: 1..255. SubsetId interface{} // SNMP linkUp and linkDown notifications. LinkUpDown Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset Subset priorityID to group ifNames based on Regular Expression
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset) GetEntityData ¶
func (subset *Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown ¶
type Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable or disable linkupdown notification. The type is bool. Enable interface{} // Regular expression to match ifName. The type is string. RegularExpression interface{} }
Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown SNMP linkUp and linkDown notifications
func (*Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown) GetEntityData ¶
func (linkUpDown *Mib_InterfaceMib_Subsets_Subset_LinkUpDown) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_MplsFrrMib ¶
type Mib_MplsFrrMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure the cache time for the mib. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..600. Units are second. The default value is 60. CacheTimer interface{} }
Mib_MplsFrrMib FRR MIB configuration
func (*Mib_MplsFrrMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsFrrMib *Mib_MplsFrrMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_MplsP2mpMib ¶
type Mib_MplsP2mpMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure the cache time for the mib. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..600. Units are second. The default value is 60. CacheTimer interface{} }
Mib_MplsP2mpMib MPLS P2MP MIB configuration
func (*Mib_MplsP2mpMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsP2mpMib *Mib_MplsP2mpMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_MplsTeExtMib ¶
type Mib_MplsTeExtMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure the cache time for the mib. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..600. Units are second. The default value is 60. CacheTimer interface{} }
Mib_MplsTeExtMib MPLS TE EXT MIB configuration
func (*Mib_MplsTeExtMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsTeExtMib *Mib_MplsTeExtMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib ¶
type Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure the cache time for the mib. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..600. Units are second. The default value is 60. CacheTimer interface{} }
Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib MPLS TE EXT STD MIB configuration
func (*Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsTeExtStdMib *Mib_MplsTeExtStdMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_MplsTeMib ¶
type Mib_MplsTeMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure the cache garbage collector time for the mib. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..3600. Units are second. The default value is // 1800. CacheGarbageCollectTimer interface{} // Configure the cache time for the mib. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..600. Units are second. The default value is 60. CacheTimer interface{} }
Mib_MplsTeMib MPLS TE MIB configuration
func (*Mib_MplsTeMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsTeMib *Mib_MplsTeMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_NotificationLogMib ¶
type Mib_NotificationLogMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // GlobalAgeOut is the minutes associated with the mib. The type is // interface{} with range: 1..4294967295. Units are minute. GlobalAgeOut interface{} // Disable, to disable the logging in default log. The type is interface{}. Disable interface{} // To create a default log. The type is interface{}. Default interface{} // GlobalSize, max number of notifications that can be logged in all logs. The // type is interface{} with range: 1..15000. GlobalSize interface{} // The max number of notifications that this log (default) can hold. The type // is interface{} with range: 1..15000. DefaultSize interface{} }
Mib_NotificationLogMib Notification log MIB configuration
func (*Mib_NotificationLogMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (notificationLogMib *Mib_NotificationLogMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber ¶
type Mib_Subscriber struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Subscriber threshold commands. Threshold Mib_Subscriber_Threshold }
Mib_Subscriber Subscriber threshold commands
func (*Mib_Subscriber) GetEntityData ¶
func (subscriber *Mib_Subscriber) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Delta loss keyword. Delta Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta // Access interface for regular expression. AccessInterfaceSub Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub // Falling threshold. Falling Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling // Rising threshold. Rising Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold Subscriber threshold commands
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold) GetEntityData ¶
func (threshold *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Table of Subset. Subsets Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub Access interface for regular expression
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterfaceSub *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Subset command. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset. Subset []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets Table of Subset
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets) GetEntityData ¶
func (subsets *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Subset number. The type is interface{} with range: // 1..255. SubsetId interface{} // Regular expression. RegularExpression Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset Subset command
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset) GetEntityData ¶
func (subset *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Notification keyword. Notification Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression Regular expression
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression) GetEntityData ¶
func (regularExpression *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rising-falling threshold. RisingFalling Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification Notification keyword
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification) GetEntityData ¶
func (notification *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Disable the notifications on access interfaces. The type is string. Disable interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling Rising-falling threshold
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling) GetEntityData ¶
func (risingFalling *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_AccessInterfaceSub_Subsets_Subset_RegularExpression_Notification_RisingFalling) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Evaluation keyword. Evaluation Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation // Delta loss percent. Percent Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta Delta loss keyword
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta) GetEntityData ¶
func (delta *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Table of AccessInterface. AccessInterfaces Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces // Table of Node. Nodes Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation Evaluation keyword
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation) GetEntityData ¶
func (evaluation *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Access interface. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface. AccessInterface []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces Table of AccessInterface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterfaces *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Interface name. The type is string with pattern: // [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. InterfaceName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // Interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface Access interface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterface *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rising node level. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node. Node []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes Table of Node
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes) GetEntityData ¶
func (nodes *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. location. The type is string with pattern: // ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+/){1,2}([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+). NodeName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node Rising node level
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData ¶
func (node *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Evaluation_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Table of AccessInterface. AccessInterfaces Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces // Table of Node. Nodes Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent Delta loss percent
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent) GetEntityData ¶
func (percent *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Access interface. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface. AccessInterface []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces Table of AccessInterface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterfaces *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Interface name. The type is string with pattern: // [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. InterfaceName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // Interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface Access interface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterface *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rising node level. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node. Node []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes Table of Node
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes) GetEntityData ¶
func (nodes *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. location. The type is string with pattern: // ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+/){1,2}([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+). NodeName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node Rising node level
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData ¶
func (node *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Delta_Percent_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Table of AccessInterface. AccessInterfaces Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces // Table of Node. Nodes Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling Falling threshold
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling) GetEntityData ¶
func (falling *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Access interface. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface. AccessInterface []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces Table of AccessInterface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterfaces *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Interface name. The type is string with pattern: // [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. InterfaceName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // Interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface Access interface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterface *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rising node level. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node. Node []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes Table of Node
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes) GetEntityData ¶
func (nodes *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. location. The type is string with pattern: // ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+/){1,2}([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+). NodeName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node Rising node level
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData ¶
func (node *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Falling_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Table of AccessInterface. AccessInterfaces Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces // Table of Node. Nodes Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising Rising threshold
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising) GetEntityData ¶
func (rising *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Access interface. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface. AccessInterface []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces Table of AccessInterface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterfaces *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Interface name. The type is string with pattern: // [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. InterfaceName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // Interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface Access interface
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData ¶
func (accessInterface *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_AccessInterfaces_AccessInterface) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rising node level. The type is slice of // Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node. Node []*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes Table of Node
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes) GetEntityData ¶
func (nodes *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node ¶
type Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. location. The type is string with pattern: // ([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+/){1,2}([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\d+). NodeName interface{} // Session count. The type is interface{} with range: 1..4294967294. SessionCount interface{} // interval value in multiples of 10. The type is interface{} with range: // 30..3600. Interval interface{} }
Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node Rising node level
func (*Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData ¶
func (node *Mib_Subscriber_Threshold_Rising_Nodes_Node) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp ¶
type Snmp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Number of times to retry an Inform request (default 3). The type is // interface{} with range: 0..100. InformRetries interface{} // Change the source port of all traps. The type is interface{} with range: // 1024..65535. TrapPort interface{} // Enable Poll OID statistics. The type is interface{}. OidPollStats interface{} // Assign an interface for the source address of all traps. The type is string // with pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. TrapSource interface{} // Disable authentication traps for packets on a vrf. The type is interface{}. VrfAuthenticationTrapDisable interface{} // Timeout value in seconds for Inform request (default 15 sec). The type is // interface{} with range: 1..42949671. Units are second. InformTimeout interface{} // Assign an interface for the source IPV6 address of all traps. The type is // string with pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. TrapSourceIpv6 interface{} // Largest SNMP packet size. The type is interface{} with range: 484..65500. PacketSize interface{} // Throttle time for incoming queue (default 0 msec). The type is interface{} // with range: 50..1000. ThrottleTime interface{} // Assign an interface for the source address of all traps. The type is string // with pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. TrapSourceIpv4 interface{} // Max nmber of informs to hold in queue, (default 25). The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. InformPending interface{} // Container class to hold clear/encrypted communitie maps. EncryptedCommunityMaps Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps // Class to configure a SNMPv2 MIB view. Views Snmp_Views // SNMP logging. Logging Snmp_Logging // Container class for SNMP administration. Administration Snmp_Administration // The heirarchy point for SNMP Agent configurations. Agent Snmp_Agent // Class to hold trap configurations. Trap Snmp_Trap // SNMP packet drop config. DropPacket Snmp_DropPacket // SNMP TOS bit for outgoing packets. Ipv6 Snmp_Ipv6 // SNMP TOS bit for outgoing packets. Ipv4 Snmp_Ipv4 // container to hold system information. System Snmp_System // SNMP target configurations. Target Snmp_Target // Enable SNMP notifications. Notification Snmp_Notification // Configure properties of the trap correlator. Correlator Snmp_Correlator // SNMP bulk stats configuration commands. BulkStats Snmp_BulkStats // Container class to hold unencrpted community map. DefaultCommunityMaps Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps // Set overload control params for handling incoming messages. OverloadControl Snmp_OverloadControl // SNMP timeouts. Timeouts Snmp_Timeouts // Define a user who can access the SNMP engine. Users Snmp_Users // SNMP VRF configuration commands. Vrfs Snmp_Vrfs // Define a User Security Model group. Groups Snmp_Groups // Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications. TrapHosts Snmp_TrapHosts // List of Context Names. Contexts Snmp_Contexts // List of context names. ContextMappings Snmp_ContextMappings }
Snmp The heirarchy point for all the SNMP configurations
func (*Snmp) GetEntityData ¶
func (snmp *Snmp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type SnmpAccessLevel ¶
type SnmpAccessLevel string
SnmpAccessLevel represents Snmp access level
const ( // Read Only Access for a community string SnmpAccessLevel_read_only SnmpAccessLevel = "read-only" // Read Write Access for a community string SnmpAccessLevel_read_write SnmpAccessLevel = "read-write" )
type SnmpBulkstatFileFormat ¶
type SnmpBulkstatFileFormat string
SnmpBulkstatFileFormat represents Snmp bulkstat file format
const ( // Tranfer file in schema Ascii format SnmpBulkstatFileFormat_schema_ascii SnmpBulkstatFileFormat = "schema-ascii" // Tranfer file in Bulk Ascii format SnmpBulkstatFileFormat_bulk_ascii SnmpBulkstatFileFormat = "bulk-ascii" // Tranfer file in Bulk binary format SnmpBulkstatFileFormat_bulk_binary SnmpBulkstatFileFormat = "bulk-binary" )
type SnmpBulkstatSchema ¶
type SnmpBulkstatSchema string
SnmpBulkstatSchema represents Snmp bulkstat schema
const ( // Exact Interface SnmpBulkstatSchema_exact_interface SnmpBulkstatSchema = "exact-interface" // Exact OID SnmpBulkstatSchema_exact_oid SnmpBulkstatSchema = "exact-oid" // Wild Interface SnmpBulkstatSchema_wild_interface SnmpBulkstatSchema = "wild-interface" // Wild OID SnmpBulkstatSchema_wild_oid SnmpBulkstatSchema = "wild-oid" // Range of OID SnmpBulkstatSchema_range_oid SnmpBulkstatSchema = "range-oid" // Repeated the instance SnmpBulkstatSchema_repeat_oid SnmpBulkstatSchema = "repeat-oid" )
type SnmpContext ¶
type SnmpContext string
SnmpContext represents Snmp context
const ( // VRF feature SnmpContext_vrf SnmpContext = "vrf" // BRIDGE feature SnmpContext_bridge SnmpContext = "bridge" // OSPF feature SnmpContext_ospf SnmpContext = "ospf" // OSPFv3 feature SnmpContext_ospfv3 SnmpContext = "ospfv3" )
type SnmpDscpValue ¶
type SnmpDscpValue string
SnmpDscpValue represents Snmp dscp value
const ( // Applicable to DSCP: bits 000000 SnmpDscpValue_default_ SnmpDscpValue = "default" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 001010 SnmpDscpValue_af11 SnmpDscpValue = "af11" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 001100 SnmpDscpValue_af12 SnmpDscpValue = "af12" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 001110 SnmpDscpValue_af13 SnmpDscpValue = "af13" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 010010 SnmpDscpValue_af21 SnmpDscpValue = "af21" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 010100 SnmpDscpValue_af22 SnmpDscpValue = "af22" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 010110 SnmpDscpValue_af23 SnmpDscpValue = "af23" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 011010 SnmpDscpValue_af31 SnmpDscpValue = "af31" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 011100 SnmpDscpValue_af32 SnmpDscpValue = "af32" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 011110 SnmpDscpValue_af33 SnmpDscpValue = "af33" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 100010 SnmpDscpValue_af41 SnmpDscpValue = "af41" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 100100 SnmpDscpValue_af42 SnmpDscpValue = "af42" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 100110 SnmpDscpValue_af43 SnmpDscpValue = "af43" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 101110 SnmpDscpValue_ef SnmpDscpValue = "ef" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 001000 SnmpDscpValue_cs1 SnmpDscpValue = "cs1" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 010000 SnmpDscpValue_cs2 SnmpDscpValue = "cs2" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 011000 SnmpDscpValue_cs3 SnmpDscpValue = "cs3" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 100000 SnmpDscpValue_cs4 SnmpDscpValue = "cs4" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 101000 SnmpDscpValue_cs5 SnmpDscpValue = "cs5" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 110000 SnmpDscpValue_cs6 SnmpDscpValue = "cs6" // Applicable to DSCP: bits 111000 SnmpDscpValue_cs7 SnmpDscpValue = "cs7" )
type SnmpHashAlgorithm ¶
type SnmpHashAlgorithm string
SnmpHashAlgorithm represents Snmp hash algorithm
const ( // No authentication required SnmpHashAlgorithm_none SnmpHashAlgorithm = "none" // Standard Message Digest algorithm SnmpHashAlgorithm_md5 SnmpHashAlgorithm = "md5" // SHA algorithm SnmpHashAlgorithm_sha SnmpHashAlgorithm = "sha" )
type SnmpMibViewInclusion ¶
type SnmpMibViewInclusion string
SnmpMibViewInclusion represents Snmp mib view inclusion
const ( // MIB View to be included SnmpMibViewInclusion_included SnmpMibViewInclusion = "included" // MIB View to be excluded SnmpMibViewInclusion_excluded SnmpMibViewInclusion = "excluded" )
type SnmpOwnerAccess ¶
type SnmpOwnerAccess string
SnmpOwnerAccess represents Snmp owner access
const ( // Secure Domain Router Owner permissions SnmpOwnerAccess_sdr_owner SnmpOwnerAccess = "sdr-owner" // System owner permissions SnmpOwnerAccess_system_owner SnmpOwnerAccess = "system-owner" )
type SnmpPrecedenceValue1 ¶
type SnmpPrecedenceValue1 string
SnmpPrecedenceValue1 represents Snmp precedence value1
const ( // Applicable to Precedence: value 0 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_routine SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "routine" // Applicable to Precedence: value 1 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_priority SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "priority" // Applicable to Precedence: value 2 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_immediate SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "immediate" // Applicable to Precedence: value 3 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_flash SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "flash" // Applicable to Precedence: value 4 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_flash_override SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "flash-override" // Applicable to Precedence: value 5 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_critical SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "critical" // Applicable to Precedence: value 6 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_internet SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "internet" // Applicable to Precedence: value 7 SnmpPrecedenceValue1_network SnmpPrecedenceValue1 = "network" )
type SnmpPrivAlgorithm ¶
type SnmpPrivAlgorithm string
SnmpPrivAlgorithm represents Snmp priv algorithm
const ( // No Privacy SnmpPrivAlgorithm_none SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "none" // Des algorithm SnmpPrivAlgorithm_des SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "des" // 3des algorithm SnmpPrivAlgorithm_Y_3des SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "3des" // aes128 algorithm SnmpPrivAlgorithm_aes128 SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "aes128" // aes192 algorithm SnmpPrivAlgorithm_aes192 SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "aes192" // aes256 algorithm SnmpPrivAlgorithm_aes256 SnmpPrivAlgorithm = "aes256" )
type SnmpSecurityModel ¶
type SnmpSecurityModel string
SnmpSecurityModel represents Snmp security model
const ( // No Authentication required SnmpSecurityModel_no_authentication SnmpSecurityModel = "no-authentication" // Authentication password alone required for // access SnmpSecurityModel_authentication SnmpSecurityModel = "authentication" // Authentication and privacy password required // for access SnmpSecurityModel_privacy SnmpSecurityModel = "privacy" )
type Snmp_Administration ¶
type Snmp_Administration struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Container class to hold unencrpted communities. DefaultCommunities Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities // Container class to hold clear/encrypted communities. EncryptedCommunities Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities }
Snmp_Administration Container class for SNMP administration
func (*Snmp_Administration) GetEntityData ¶
func (administration *Snmp_Administration) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted SNMP community string and access priviledges. The type is slice // of Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity. DefaultCommunity []*Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity }
Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities Container class to hold unencrpted communities
func (*Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultCommunities *Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMP community string. The type is string with // length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // Read/Write Access. The type is SnmpAccessLevel. Priviledge interface{} // MIB view to which the community has access. The type is string. ViewName interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V4aclType interface{} // Ipv4 Access-list name. The type is string. V4AccessList interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V6aclType interface{} // Ipv6 Access-list name. The type is string. V6AccessList interface{} // Logical Router or System owner access. The type is SnmpOwnerAccess. Owner interface{} }
Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity Unencrpted SNMP community string and access priviledges
func (*Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultCommunity *Snmp_Administration_DefaultCommunities_DefaultCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/encrypted SNMP community string and access priviledges. The type is // slice of Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity. EncryptedCommunity []*Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity }
Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities Container class to hold clear/encrypted communities
func (*Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedCommunities *Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMP community string. The type is string with // pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // Read/Write Access. The type is SnmpAccessLevel. Priviledge interface{} // MIB view to which the community has access. The type is string. ViewName interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V4aclType interface{} // Ipv4 Access-list name. The type is string. V4AccessList interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V6aclType interface{} // Ipv6 Access-list name. The type is string. V6AccessList interface{} // Logical Router or System owner access. The type is SnmpOwnerAccess. Owner interface{} }
Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity Clear/encrypted SNMP community string and access priviledges
func (*Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedCommunity *Snmp_Administration_EncryptedCommunities_EncryptedCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Agent ¶
type Snmp_Agent struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMPv3 engineID. EngineId Snmp_Agent_EngineId }
Snmp_Agent The heirarchy point for SNMP Agent configurations
func (*Snmp_Agent) GetEntityData ¶
func (agent *Snmp_Agent) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId ¶
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // engineID of the local agent. The type is string. Local interface{} // SNMPv3 remote SNMP Entity. Remotes Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes }
Snmp_Agent_EngineId SNMPv3 engineID
func (*Snmp_Agent_EngineId) GetEntityData ¶
func (engineId *Snmp_Agent_EngineId) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes ¶
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // engineID of the remote agent. The type is slice of // Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote. Remote []*Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote }
Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes SNMPv3 remote SNMP Entity
func (*Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes) GetEntityData ¶
func (remotes *Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote ¶
type Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IP address of remote SNMP entity. The type is one // of the following types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. RemoteAddress interface{} // engine ID octet string. The type is string. RemoteEngineId interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. Port interface{} }
Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote engineID of the remote agent
func (*Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote) GetEntityData ¶
func (remote *Snmp_Agent_EngineId_Remotes_Remote) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // per process memory limit in kilo bytes. The type is interface{} with range: // 100..200000. Units are kilobyte. Memory interface{} // Configure schema definition. Schemas Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas // Configure an Object List . Objects Snmp_BulkStats_Objects // Periodicity for the transfer of bulk data in minutes. Transfers Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers }
Snmp_BulkStats SNMP bulk stats configuration commands
func (*Snmp_BulkStats) GetEntityData ¶
func (bulkStats *Snmp_BulkStats) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of the object List. The type is slice of // Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object. Object []*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object }
Snmp_BulkStats_Objects Configure an Object List
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects) GetEntityData ¶
func (objects *Snmp_BulkStats_Objects) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of the object List. The type is string with // length: 1..32. ObjectListName interface{} // Configure object list name. The type is interface{}. Type interface{} // Configure an object List. Objects Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects }
Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object Name of the object List
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object) GetEntityData ¶
func (object *Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Object name or OID. The type is slice of // Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object. Object []*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object }
Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects Configure an object List
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects) GetEntityData ¶
func (objects *Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Object name or OID . The type is string. Oid interface{} }
Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object Object name or OID
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object) GetEntityData ¶
func (object *Snmp_BulkStats_Objects_Object_Objects_Object) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // The name of the Schema. The type is slice of Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema. Schema []*Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema }
Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas Configure schema definition
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas) GetEntityData ¶
func (schemas *Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. The name of the schema. The type is string with // length: 1..32. SchemaName interface{} // Configure schema name. The type is interface{}. Type interface{} // Name of an object List. The type is string with length: 1..32. SchemaObjectList interface{} // Periodicity for polling of objects in this schema in minutes. The type is // interface{} with range: 1..20000. Units are minute. PollInterval interface{} // Object instance information. Instance Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance }
Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema The name of the Schema
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema) GetEntityData ¶
func (schema *Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YPresence bool // Type of the instance. The type is SnmpBulkstatSchema. This attribute is // mandatory. Type interface{} // Instance of the schema. The type is string with pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9._/-]+. Instance interface{} // Start Instance OID for repetition. The type is string. This attribute is // mandatory. Start interface{} // End Instance OID for repetition. The type is string. This attribute is // mandatory. End interface{} // Max value of Instance repetition. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..4294967295. This attribute is mandatory. Max interface{} // Include all the subinterface. The type is bool. This attribute is // mandatory. SubInterface interface{} }
Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance Object instance information This type is a presence type.
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance) GetEntityData ¶
func (instance *Snmp_BulkStats_Schemas_Schema_Instance) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of bulk transfer. The type is slice of // Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer. Transfer []*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer }
Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers Periodicity for the transfer of bulk data in minutes
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers) GetEntityData ¶
func (transfers *Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of bulk transfer. The type is string with // length: 1..32. TransferName interface{} // FTP or rcp or TFTP can be used for file transfer. The type is string. Secondary interface{} // Configure transfer list name. The type is interface{}. Type interface{} // Bulkstat data file maximum size in bytes. The type is interface{} with // range: 1024..2147483647. Units are byte. BufferSize interface{} // Retention period in minutes. The type is interface{} with range: 0..20000. // Units are minute. Retain interface{} // Format of the bulk data file. The type is SnmpBulkstatFileFormat. Format interface{} // Number of transmission retries. The type is interface{} with range: 0..100. Retry interface{} // Start Data Collection for this Configuration. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // FTP or rcp or TFTP can be used for file transfer. The type is string. Primary interface{} // Periodicity for the transfer of bulk data in minutes. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. Units are minute. Interval interface{} // Schema that contains objects to be collected. TransferSchemas Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas }
Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer Name of bulk transfer
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer) GetEntityData ¶
func (transfer *Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Schema that contains objects to be collected. The type is slice of // Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema. TransferSchema []*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema }
Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas Schema that contains objects to be collected
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas) GetEntityData ¶
func (transferSchemas *Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema ¶
type Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Schema that contains objects to be collected. The // type is string with length: 1..32. SchemaName interface{} }
Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema Schema that contains objects to be collected
func (*Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema) GetEntityData ¶
func (transferSchema *Snmp_BulkStats_Transfers_Transfer_TransferSchemas_TransferSchema) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_ContextMappings ¶
type Snmp_ContextMappings struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Context mapping name. The type is slice of // Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping. ContextMapping []*Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping }
Snmp_ContextMappings List of context names
func (*Snmp_ContextMappings) GetEntityData ¶
func (contextMappings *Snmp_ContextMappings) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping ¶
type Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Context mapping name. The type is string with // pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. ContextMappingName interface{} // SNMP context feature type. The type is SnmpContext. Context interface{} // OSPF protocol instance. The type is string. InstanceName interface{} // VRF name associated with the context. The type is string. VrfName interface{} // Topology name associated with the context. The type is string. TopologyName interface{} }
Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping Context mapping name
func (*Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping) GetEntityData ¶
func (contextMapping *Snmp_ContextMappings_ContextMapping) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Contexts ¶
type Snmp_Contexts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Context Name. The type is slice of Snmp_Contexts_Context. Context []*Snmp_Contexts_Context }
Snmp_Contexts List of Context Names
func (*Snmp_Contexts) GetEntityData ¶
func (contexts *Snmp_Contexts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Contexts_Context ¶
type Snmp_Contexts_Context struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Context Name. The type is string with pattern: // [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. ContextName interface{} }
Snmp_Contexts_Context Context Name
func (*Snmp_Contexts_Context) GetEntityData ¶
func (context *Snmp_Contexts_Context) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator ¶
type Snmp_Correlator struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Configure size of the correlator buffer. The type is interface{} with // range: 1024..52428800. BufferSize interface{} // Table of configured rules. Rules Snmp_Correlator_Rules // Table of configured rulesets. RuleSets Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets }
Snmp_Correlator Configure properties of the trap correlator
func (*Snmp_Correlator) GetEntityData ¶
func (correlator *Snmp_Correlator) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Ruleset name. The type is slice of Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet. RuleSet []*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets Table of configured rulesets
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets) GetEntityData ¶
func (ruleSets *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Ruleset name. The type is string with length: // 1..32. Name interface{} // Table of configured rulenames. Rulenames Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames // Applied to the Rule or Ruleset. AppliedTo Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet Ruleset name
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet) GetEntityData ¶
func (ruleSet *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Apply to all of the device. The type is interface{}. All interface{} // Table of configured hosts to apply rules to. Hosts Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo Applied to the Rule or Ruleset
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo) GetEntityData ¶
func (appliedTo *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // A destination host. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host. Host []*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts Table of configured hosts to apply rules to
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts) GetEntityData ¶
func (hosts *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IP address. The type is one of the following // types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. IpAddress interface{} // This attribute is a key. Port (specify 162 for default). The type is // interface{} with range: 1..65535. Port interface{} }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host A destination host
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host) GetEntityData ¶
func (host *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // A rulename. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename. Rulename []*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames Table of configured rulenames
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames) GetEntityData ¶
func (rulenames *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Rule name. The type is string with length: 1..32. Rulename interface{} }
Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename A rulename
func (*Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename) GetEntityData ¶
func (rulename *Snmp_Correlator_RuleSets_RuleSet_Rulenames_Rulename) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Rule name. The type is slice of Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule. Rule []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules Table of configured rules
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules) GetEntityData ¶
func (rules *Snmp_Correlator_Rules) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Rule name. The type is string with length: 1..32. Name interface{} // Timeout (time to wait for active correlation) in milliseconds. The type is // interface{} with range: 1..600000. Units are millisecond. Timeout interface{} // Table of configured rootcause (only one entry allowed). RootCauses Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses // Table of configured non-rootcause. NonRootCauses Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses // Applied to the Rule or Ruleset. AppliedTo Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule Rule name
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule) GetEntityData ¶
func (rule *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Apply to all of the device. The type is interface{}. All interface{} // Table of configured hosts to apply rules to. Hosts Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo Applied to the Rule or Ruleset
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo) GetEntityData ¶
func (appliedTo *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // A destination host. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host. Host []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts Table of configured hosts to apply rules to
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts) GetEntityData ¶
func (hosts *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IP address. The type is one of the following // types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. IpAddress interface{} // This attribute is a key. Port (specify 162 for default). The type is // interface{} with range: 1..65535. Port interface{} }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host A destination host
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host) GetEntityData ¶
func (host *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_AppliedTo_Hosts_Host) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // A non-rootcause. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause. NonRootCause []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses Table of configured non-rootcause
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses) GetEntityData ¶
func (nonRootCauses *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. OID of nonrootcause trap (dotted decimal). The // type is string. Oid interface{} // Create nonrootcause. The type is interface{}. Created interface{} // Varbinds to match. VarBinds Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause A non-rootcause
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause) GetEntityData ¶
func (nonRootCause *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Varbind match conditions. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind. VarBind []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds Varbinds to match
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds) GetEntityData ¶
func (varBinds *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. OID of varbind (dotted decimal). The type is // string. Oid interface{} // VarBind match conditions. Match Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind Varbind match conditions
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind) GetEntityData ¶
func (varBind *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Regular Expression to match value. The type is string. Value interface{} // Regular Expression to match index. The type is string. Index interface{} }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match VarBind match conditions
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match) GetEntityData ¶
func (match *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_NonRootCauses_NonRootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // The rootcause - maximum of one can be configured per rule. The type is // slice of Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause. RootCause []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses Table of configured rootcause (only one entry allowed)
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses) GetEntityData ¶
func (rootCauses *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. OID of rootcause trap (dotted decimal). The type // is string. Oid interface{} // Create rootcause. The type is interface{}. Created interface{} // Varbinds to match. VarBinds Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause The rootcause - maximum of one can be configured per rule
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause) GetEntityData ¶
func (rootCause *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Varbind match conditions. The type is slice of // Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind. VarBind []*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds Varbinds to match
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds) GetEntityData ¶
func (varBinds *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. OID of varbind (dotted decimal). The type is // string. Oid interface{} // VarBind match conditions. Match Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind Varbind match conditions
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind) GetEntityData ¶
func (varBind *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match ¶
type Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Regular Expression to match value. The type is string. Value interface{} // Regular Expression to match index. The type is string. Index interface{} }
Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match VarBind match conditions
func (*Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match) GetEntityData ¶
func (match *Snmp_Correlator_Rules_Rule_RootCauses_RootCause_VarBinds_VarBind_Match) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps ¶
type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted SNMP community map name . The type is slice of // Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap. DefaultCommunityMap []*Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap }
Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps Container class to hold unencrpted community map
func (*Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultCommunityMaps *Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap ¶
type Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMP community map. The type is string with // length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // SNMP Context Name . The type is string. Context interface{} // SNMP Security Name . The type is string. Security interface{} // target list name . The type is string. TargetList interface{} }
Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap Unencrpted SNMP community map name
func (*Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultCommunityMap *Snmp_DefaultCommunityMaps_DefaultCommunityMap) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_DropPacket ¶
type Snmp_DropPacket struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable drop unknown user name. The type is interface{}. UnknownUser interface{} }
Snmp_DropPacket SNMP packet drop config
func (*Snmp_DropPacket) GetEntityData ¶
func (dropPacket *Snmp_DropPacket) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps ¶
type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/encrypted SNMP community map. The type is slice of // Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap. EncryptedCommunityMap []*Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap }
Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps Container class to hold clear/encrypted communitie maps
func (*Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedCommunityMaps *Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap ¶
type Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMP community map. The type is string with // pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // SNMP Context Name . The type is string. Context interface{} // SNMP Security Name . The type is string. Security interface{} // target list name . The type is string. TargetList interface{} }
Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap Clear/encrypted SNMP community map
func (*Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedCommunityMap *Snmp_EncryptedCommunityMaps_EncryptedCommunityMap) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Groups ¶
type Snmp_Groups struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of the group. The type is slice of Snmp_Groups_Group. Group []*Snmp_Groups_Group }
Snmp_Groups Define a User Security Model group
func (*Snmp_Groups) GetEntityData ¶
func (groups *Snmp_Groups) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Groups_Group ¶
type Snmp_Groups_Group struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of the group. The type is string with length: // 1..128. Name interface{} // snmp version. The type is GroupSnmpVersion. This attribute is mandatory. SnmpVersion interface{} // security model like auth/noAuth/Priv applicable for v3. The type is // SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityModel interface{} // notify view name. The type is string. NotifyView interface{} // read view name. The type is string. ReadView interface{} // write view name. The type is string. WriteView interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V4aclType interface{} // Ipv4 Access-list name. The type is string. V4AccessList interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V6aclType interface{} // Ipv6 Access-list name. The type is string. V6AccessList interface{} // Context name. The type is string. ContextName interface{} }
Snmp_Groups_Group Name of the group
func (*Snmp_Groups_Group) GetEntityData ¶
func (group *Snmp_Groups_Group) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Ipv4 ¶
type Snmp_Ipv4 struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Type of TOS. Tos Snmp_Ipv4_Tos }
Snmp_Ipv4 SNMP TOS bit for outgoing packets
func (*Snmp_Ipv4) GetEntityData ¶
func (ipv4 *Snmp_Ipv4) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Ipv4_Tos ¶
type Snmp_Ipv4_Tos struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP TOS type DSCP or Precedence. The type is SnmpTos. Type interface{} // SNMP Precedence value. The type is one of the following types: enumeration // SnmpPrecedenceValue1, or int with range: 0..7. Precedence interface{} // SNMP DSCP value. The type is one of the following types: enumeration // SnmpDscpValue, or int with range: 0..63. Dscp interface{} }
Snmp_Ipv4_Tos Type of TOS
func (*Snmp_Ipv4_Tos) GetEntityData ¶
func (tos *Snmp_Ipv4_Tos) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Ipv6 ¶
type Snmp_Ipv6 struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Type of TOS. Tos Snmp_Ipv6_Tos }
Snmp_Ipv6 SNMP TOS bit for outgoing packets
func (*Snmp_Ipv6) GetEntityData ¶
func (ipv6 *Snmp_Ipv6) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Ipv6_Tos ¶
type Snmp_Ipv6_Tos struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP TOS type DSCP or Precedence. The type is SnmpTos. Type interface{} // SNMP Precedence value. The type is one of the following types: enumeration // SnmpPrecedenceValue1, or int with range: 0..7. Precedence interface{} // SNMP DSCP value. The type is one of the following types: enumeration // SnmpDscpValue, or int with range: 0..63. Dscp interface{} }
Snmp_Ipv6_Tos Type of TOS
func (*Snmp_Ipv6_Tos) GetEntityData ¶
func (tos *Snmp_Ipv6_Tos) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Logging ¶
type Snmp_Logging struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP logging threshold. Threshold Snmp_Logging_Threshold }
Snmp_Logging SNMP logging
func (*Snmp_Logging) GetEntityData ¶
func (logging *Snmp_Logging) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Logging_Threshold ¶
type Snmp_Logging_Threshold struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP logging threshold for OID processing. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..20000. The default value is 500. OidProcessing interface{} // SNMP logging threshold for PDU processing. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..20000. The default value is 20000. PduProcessing interface{} }
Snmp_Logging_Threshold SNMP logging threshold
func (*Snmp_Logging_Threshold) GetEntityData ¶
func (threshold *Snmp_Logging_Threshold) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification ¶
type Snmp_Notification struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable SNMP RTTMON-MIB IPSLA traps. The type is bool. Ipsla interface{} // SNMP notification configuration. Snmp Snmp_Notification_Snmp // CISCO-SELECTIVE-VRF-DOWNLOAD-MIB notification configuration. SelectiveVrfDownload Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload // CISCO-IETF-VPLS-GENERIC-MIB notification configuration. Vpls Snmp_Notification_Vpls // CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB notification configuration. L2vpn Snmp_Notification_L2vpn // Enable CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB notifications. IpSec Snmp_Notification_IpSec // Enable CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB notifications. Isakmp Snmp_Notification_Isakmp // Frequency Synchronization trap configuration. FrequencySynchronization Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization // CISCO-RF-MIB notification configuration. Rf Snmp_Notification_Rf // CISCO-FABRIC-HFR-MIB notification configuration. FabricCrs Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs // CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB notification configuration. FruControl Snmp_Notification_FruControl // CISCO-HSRP-MIB notification configuration. Hsrp Snmp_Notification_Hsrp // MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB notification configuration. MplsL3vpn Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn // Enable SNMP l2tun traps. L2tun Snmp_Notification_L2tun // CISCO-IETF-BFD-MIB notification configuration. Bfd Snmp_Notification_Bfd // OSPFv3-MIB notification configuration. Ospfv3 Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3 // CISCO-FLASH-MIB notification configuration. Flash Snmp_Notification_Flash // VRRP-MIB notification configuration. Vrrp Snmp_Notification_Vrrp // Enable SNMP daps traps. AddresspoolMib Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib // 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management MIB notification configuration. Cfm Snmp_Notification_Cfm // BRIDGE-MIB notification configuration. Bridge Snmp_Notification_Bridge // CISCO-OPTICAL-MIB notification configuration. Optical Snmp_Notification_Optical // Enable CISCO-ENTITY-EXT-MIB notifications. CiscoEntityExt Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt // CISCO-OPTICAL-OTS-MIB notification configuration. OpticalOts Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts // Enable ENTITY-MIB notifications. Entity Snmp_Notification_Entity // Enable SNMP diameter traps. Diametermib Snmp_Notification_Diametermib // MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB notification configuration. MplsLdp Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp // CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB notification configuration. System Snmp_Notification_System // Subscriber notification commands. SubscriberMib Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib // 802.3 OAM MIB notification configuration. Oam Snmp_Notification_Oam // CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB notification configuration. Sensor Snmp_Notification_Sensor // CISCO-OTN-IF-MIB notification configuration. Otn Snmp_Notification_Otn // Enable RSVP-MIB notifications. Rsvp Snmp_Notification_Rsvp // CISCO-ENTITY-REDUNDANCY-MIB notification configuration. EntityRedundancy Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy // OSPF-MIB notification configuration. Ospf Snmp_Notification_Ospf // CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB notification configuration. Syslog Snmp_Notification_Syslog // CISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIB notification configuration. ConfigCopy Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy // Enable ISIS-MIB notifications. Isis Snmp_Notification_Isis // CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB notification configurations. ConfigMan Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan // CISCO-MPLS-TE-P2MP-STD-MIB notification configuration. MplsTeP2mp Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp // MPLS-TE-STD-MIB notification configuration. MplsTe Snmp_Notification_MplsTe // CISCO-IETF-FRR-MIB notification configuration. MplsFrr Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr // ENTITY-STATE-MIB notification configuration. EntityState Snmp_Notification_EntityState // BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB notification configuration. Bgp Snmp_Notification_Bgp // CISCO-NTP-MIB notification configuration. Ntp Snmp_Notification_Ntp }
Snmp_Notification Enable SNMP notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification) GetEntityData ¶
func (notification *Snmp_Notification) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib ¶
type Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable SNMP Address Pool High Threshold trap. The type is bool. High interface{} // Enable SNMP Address Pool Low Threshold trap. The type is bool. Low interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib Enable SNMP daps traps
func (*Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (addresspoolMib *Snmp_Notification_AddresspoolMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Bfd ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Bfd struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable CISCO-IETF-BFD-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Bfd CISCO-IETF-BFD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Bfd) GetEntityData ¶
func (bfd *Snmp_Notification_Bfd) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB IPv4-only notifications: // bgpEstablishedNotification, bgpBackwardTransNotification, // cbgpFsmStateChange, cbgpBackwardTransition, cbgpPrefixThresholdExceeded, // cbgpPrefixThresholdClear. Bgp4mib Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib // Enable CISCO-BGP4-MIB v2 notifications: cbgpPeer2EstablishedNotification, // cbgpPeer2BackwardTransNotification, cbgpPeer2FsmStateChange, // cbgpPeer2BackwardTransition, cbgpPeer2PrefixThresholdExceeded, // cbgpPeer2PrefixThresholdClear. CiscoBgp4mib Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib }
Snmp_Notification_Bgp BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Bgp) GetEntityData ¶
func (bgp *Snmp_Notification_Bgp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB IPv4-only notifications. The type is // interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB IPv4-only up/down notifications. The // type is interface{}. UpDown interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib Enable BGP4-MIB and CISCO-BGP4-MIB IPv4-only notifications: bgpEstablishedNotification, bgpBackwardTransNotification, cbgpFsmStateChange, cbgpBackwardTransition, cbgpPrefixThresholdExceeded, cbgpPrefixThresholdClear.
func (*Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib) GetEntityData ¶
func (bgp4mib *Snmp_Notification_Bgp_Bgp4mib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable CISCO-BGP4-MIB v2 notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable CISCO-BGP4-MIB v2 up/down notifications. The type is interface{}. UpDown interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib Enable CISCO-BGP4-MIB v2 notifications: cbgpPeer2EstablishedNotification, cbgpPeer2BackwardTransNotification, cbgpPeer2FsmStateChange, cbgpPeer2BackwardTransition, cbgpPeer2PrefixThresholdExceeded, cbgpPeer2PrefixThresholdClear.
func (*Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib) GetEntityData ¶
func (ciscoBgp4mib *Snmp_Notification_Bgp_CiscoBgp4mib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Bridge ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Bridge struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable dot1dBridge notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Bridge BRIDGE-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Bridge) GetEntityData ¶
func (bridge *Snmp_Notification_Bridge) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Cfm ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Cfm struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management MIB notifications. The type is // interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Cfm 802.1ag Connectivity Fault Management MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Cfm) GetEntityData ¶
func (cfm *Snmp_Notification_Cfm) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt ¶
type Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable CISCO-ENTITY-EXT-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt Enable CISCO-ENTITY-EXT-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt) GetEntityData ¶
func (ciscoEntityExt *Snmp_Notification_CiscoEntityExt) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy ¶
type Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ccCopyCompletion notification. The type is interface{}. Completion interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy CISCO-CONFIG-COPY-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy) GetEntityData ¶
func (configCopy *Snmp_Notification_ConfigCopy) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan ¶
type Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoConfigManMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan CISCO-CONFIG-MAN-MIB notification configurations
func (*Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan) GetEntityData ¶
func (configMan *Snmp_Notification_ConfigMan) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Diametermib ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Diametermib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable SNMP diameter protocol error notification. The type is bool. Protocolerror interface{} // Enable SNMP diameter permanent failure notification. The type is bool. Permanentfail interface{} // Enable SNMP diameter peer connection down notification. The type is bool. Peerdown interface{} // Enable SNMP diameter peer connection up notification. The type is bool. Peerup interface{} // Enable SNMP diameter transient failure notification. The type is bool. Transientfail interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Diametermib Enable SNMP diameter traps
func (*Snmp_Notification_Diametermib) GetEntityData ¶
func (diametermib *Snmp_Notification_Diametermib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Entity ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Entity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable entityMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Entity Enable ENTITY-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_Entity) GetEntityData ¶
func (entity *Snmp_Notification_Entity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy ¶
type Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable switchover notification. The type is interface{}. Switchover interface{} // Enable CISCO-ENTITY-REDUNDANCY-MIB notification. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable status change notification. The type is interface{}. Status interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy CISCO-ENTITY-REDUNDANCY-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy) GetEntityData ¶
func (entityRedundancy *Snmp_Notification_EntityRedundancy) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_EntityState ¶
type Snmp_Notification_EntityState struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ceStateExtStandbySwitchover notification. The type is interface{}. Switchover interface{} // Enable entStateOperEnable and entStateOperDisable notifications. The type // is interface{}. OperStatus interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_EntityState ENTITY-STATE-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_EntityState) GetEntityData ¶
func (entityState *Snmp_Notification_EntityState) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs ¶
type Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cfhBundleStateNotification notification. The type is interface{}. BundleState interface{} // Enable cfhPlaneStateNotification notification. The type is interface{}. PlaneState interface{} // Enable cfhBundleDownedLinkNotification notification. The type is // interface{}. BundleDownedLink interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs CISCO-FABRIC-HFR-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs) GetEntityData ¶
func (fabricCrs *Snmp_Notification_FabricCrs) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Flash ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Flash struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoFlashDeviceInsertedNotif notification. The type is interface{}. Insertion interface{} // Enable ciscoFlashDeviceRemovedNotif notification. The type is interface{}. Removal interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Flash CISCO-FLASH-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Flash) GetEntityData ¶
func (flash *Snmp_Notification_Flash) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization ¶
type Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable Frequency Synchronization traps. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization Frequency Synchronization trap configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization) GetEntityData ¶
func (frequencySynchronization *Snmp_Notification_FrequencySynchronization) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_FruControl ¶
type Snmp_Notification_FruControl struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoEntityFRUControlMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_FruControl CISCO-ENTITY-FRU-CONTROL-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_FruControl) GetEntityData ¶
func (fruControl *Snmp_Notification_FruControl) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Hsrp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Hsrp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable CISCO-HSRP-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Hsrp CISCO-HSRP-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Hsrp) GetEntityData ¶
func (hsrp *Snmp_Notification_Hsrp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_IpSec ¶
type Snmp_Notification_IpSec struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cipSecTunnelStop notification. The type is interface{}. TunnelStop interface{} // Enable cipSecTunnelStart notification. The type is interface{}. TunnelStart interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_IpSec Enable CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_IpSec) GetEntityData ¶
func (ipSec *Snmp_Notification_IpSec) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Isakmp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Isakmp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cikeTunnelStop notification. The type is interface{}. TunnelStop interface{} // Enable cikeTunnelStart notification. The type is interface{}. TunnelStart interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Isakmp Enable CISCO-IPSEC-FLOW-MONITOR-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_Isakmp) GetEntityData ¶
func (isakmp *Snmp_Notification_Isakmp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Isis ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Isis struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibDatabaseOverFlowBoolean. The default // value is false. DatabaseOverflow interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibManualAddressDropsBoolean. The // default value is false. ManualAddressDrops interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibCorruptedLspDetectedBoolean. The // default value is false. CorruptedLspDetected interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibAttemptToExceedMaxSequenceBoolean. // The default value is false. AttemptToExceedMaxSequence interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibIdLengthMismatchBoolean. The default // value is false. IdLengthMismatch interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibMaxAreaAddressMismatchBoolean. The // default value is false. MaxAreaAddressMismatch interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibOwnLspPurgeBoolean. The default value // is false. OwnLspPurge interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibSequenceNumberSkipBoolean. The // default value is false. SequenceNumberSkip interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibAuthenticationTypeFailureBoolean. The // default value is false. AuthenticationTypeFailure interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibAuthenticationFailureBoolean. The // default value is false. AuthenticationFailure interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibVersionSkewBoolean. The default value // is false. VersionSkew interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibAreaMismatchBoolean. The default // value is false. AreaMismatch interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibRejectedAdjacencyBoolean. The default // value is false. RejectedAdjacency interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibLspTooLargeToPropagateBoolean. The // default value is false. LspTooLargeToPropagate interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is // IsisMibOriginatedLspBufferSizeMismatchBoolean. The default value is false. OriginatedLspBufferSizeMismatch interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibProtocolsSupportedMismatchBoolean. // The default value is false. ProtocolsSupportedMismatch interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibAdjacencyChangeBoolean. The default // value is false. AdjacencyChange interface{} // Enable or disable. The type is IsisMibLspErrorDetectedBoolean. The default // value is false. LspErrorDetected interface{} // Enable all isisMIB notifications. The type is IsisMibAllBoolean. The // default value is false. All interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Isis Enable ISIS-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_Isis) GetEntityData ¶
func (isis *Snmp_Notification_Isis) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_L2tun ¶
type Snmp_Notification_L2tun struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable L2TUN tunnel UP traps. The type is bool. TunnelUp interface{} // Enable L2TUN tunnel DOWN traps. The type is bool. TunnelDown interface{} // Enable traps for L2TPv3 PW status. The type is bool. PseudowireStatus interface{} // Enable L2TUN sessions traps. The type is bool. Sessions interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_L2tun Enable SNMP l2tun traps
func (*Snmp_Notification_L2tun) GetEntityData ¶
func (l2tun *Snmp_Notification_L2tun) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_L2vpn ¶
type Snmp_Notification_L2vpn struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable Cisco format including extra varbinds. The type is interface{}. Cisco interface{} // Enable CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable cpwVcDown notification. The type is interface{}. VcDown interface{} // Enable cpwVcUp notification. The type is interface{}. VcUp interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_L2vpn CISCO-IETF-PW-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_L2vpn) GetEntityData ¶
func (l2vpn *Snmp_Notification_L2vpn) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cmplsFrrUnProtected notification. The type is interface{}. Unprotected interface{} // Enable cmplsFrrMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable cmplsFrrProtected notification. The type is interface{}. Protected interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr CISCO-IETF-FRR-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsFrr *Snmp_Notification_MplsFrr) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Time interval (secs) for re-issuing max-threshold notification. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. Units are second. MaxThresholdReissueNotificationTime interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnVrfNumVrfRouteMaxThreshExceeded notification. The type is // interface{}. MaxThresholdExceeded interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnNumVrfRouteMaxThreshCleared notification. The type is // interface{}. MaxThresholdCleared interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnVrfRouteMidThreshExceeded notification. The type is // interface{}. MidThresholdExceeded interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnVrfDown notification. The type is interface{}. VrfDown interface{} // Enable mplsL3VpnVrfUp notification. The type is interface{}. VrfUp interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn MPLS-L3VPN-STD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsL3vpn *Snmp_Notification_MplsL3vpn) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable mplsLdpSessionUp notification. The type is interface{}. SessionUp interface{} // Enable mplsLdpInitSessionThresholdExceeded notification. The type is // interface{}. InitSessionThresholdExceeded interface{} // Enable mplsLdpSessionDown notification. The type is interface{}. SessionDown interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp MPLS-LDP-STD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsLdp *Snmp_Notification_MplsLdp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable MPLS TE tunnel Cisco format (default IETF) notification. The type is // interface{}. Cisco interface{} // Enable mplsTunnelUp notification. The type is interface{}. Up interface{} // Enable mplsTunnelReoptimized notification. The type is interface{}. Reoptimize interface{} // Enable mplsTunnelRerouted notification. The type is interface{}. Reroute interface{} // Enable mplsTunnelDown notification. The type is interface{}. Down interface{} // CISCO-MPLS-TE-STD-EXT-MIB notification configuration. CiscoExtension Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension }
Snmp_Notification_MplsTe MPLS-TE-STD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsTe) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsTe *Snmp_Notification_MplsTe) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cmplsTeP2mpTunnelDestUp notification. The type is interface{}. Up interface{} // Enable cmplsTeP2mpTunnelDestDown notification. The type is interface{}. Down interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp CISCO-MPLS-TE-P2MP-STD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp) GetEntityData ¶
func (mplsTeP2mp *Snmp_Notification_MplsTeP2mp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension ¶
type Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cmplsTunnelPreempt notification. The type is interface{}. Preempt interface{} // Enable cmplsTunnelInsuffBW notification. The type is interface{}. InsufficientBandwidth interface{} // Enable cmplsTunnelReRoutePendingClear notification. The type is // interface{}. ReRoutePendingClear interface{} // Enable cmplsTunnelBringupFail notification. The type is interface{}. BringupFail interface{} // Enable cmplsTunnelReRoutePending notification. The type is interface{}. ReRoutePending interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension CISCO-MPLS-TE-STD-EXT-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension) GetEntityData ¶
func (ciscoExtension *Snmp_Notification_MplsTe_CiscoExtension) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ntp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ntp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoNtpMIB notification configuration. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ntp CISCO-NTP-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ntp) GetEntityData ¶
func (ntp *Snmp_Notification_Ntp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Oam ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Oam struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable 802.3 OAM MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Oam 802.3 OAM MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Oam) GetEntityData ¶
func (oam *Snmp_Notification_Oam) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Optical ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Optical struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable Opticalmib notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Optical CISCO-OPTICAL-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Optical) GetEntityData ¶
func (optical *Snmp_Notification_Optical) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts ¶
type Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable OpticalOtsmib notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts CISCO-OPTICAL-OTS-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts) GetEntityData ¶
func (opticalOts *Snmp_Notification_OpticalOts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP notifications related to LSAs. Lsa Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa // SNMP notifications for OSPF state change. StateChange Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange // SNMP notifications for packet retransmissions. Retransmit Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit // SNMP notifications for OSPF errors. Error Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error }
Snmp_Notification_Ospf OSPF-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospf) GetEntityData ¶
func (ospf *Snmp_Notification_Ospf) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfIfConfigError notification. The type is interface{}. ConfigError interface{} // Enable ospfIfAuthFailure notification. The type is interface{}. AuthenticationFailure interface{} // Enable ospfVirtIfConfigError notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualConfigError interface{} // Enable ospfVirtIfAuthFailure notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualAuthenticationFailure interface{} // Enable ospfIfRxBadPacket notification. The type is interface{}. BadPacket interface{} // Enable ospfVirtIfRxBadPacket notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualBadPacket interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error SNMP notifications for OSPF errors
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error) GetEntityData ¶
func (self *Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Error) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfMaxAgeLsa notification. The type is interface{}. MaxAgeLsa interface{} // Enable ospfOriginateLsa notification. The type is interface{}. OriginateLsa interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa SNMP notifications related to LSAs
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa) GetEntityData ¶
func (lsa *Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Lsa) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfVirtIfTxRetransmit notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualPacket interface{} // Enable ospfTxRetransmit notification. The type is interface{}. Packet interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit SNMP notifications for packet retransmissions
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit) GetEntityData ¶
func (retransmit *Snmp_Notification_Ospf_Retransmit) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfIfStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. Interface interface{} // Enable ospfVirtIfStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualInterface interface{} // Enable ospfVirtNbrStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualNeighbor interface{} // Enable ospfNbrStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. Neighbor interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange SNMP notifications for OSPF state change
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange) GetEntityData ¶
func (stateChange *Snmp_Notification_Ospf_StateChange) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3 ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3 struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // SNMP notifications for OSPF errors. Error Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error // SNMP notifications for OSPF state change. StateChange Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange }
Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3 OSPFv3-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3) GetEntityData ¶
func (ospfv3 *Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfv3IfConfigError notification. The type is interface{}. ConfigError interface{} // Enable ospfv3IfRxBadPacket notification. The type is interface{}. BadPacket interface{} // Enable ospfv3VirtIfRxBadPacket notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualBadPacket interface{} // Enable ospfv3VirtIfConfigError notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualConfigError interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error SNMP notifications for OSPF errors
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error) GetEntityData ¶
func (self *Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_Error) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ospfv3VirtNbrRestartHelperStatusChange notification. The type is // interface{}. RestartVirtualHelper interface{} // Enable ospfv3NssaTranslatorStatusChange notification. The type is // interface{}. NssaTranslator interface{} // Enable ospfv3IfStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. Interface interface{} // Enable ospfv3RestartStatusChange notification. The type is interface{}. Restart interface{} // Enable ospfv3NbrStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. Neighbor interface{} // Enable ospfv3VirtIfStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualInterface interface{} // Enable ospfv3NbrRestartHelperStatusChange notification. The type is // interface{}. RestartHelper interface{} // Enable ospfv3VirtNbrStateChange notification. The type is interface{}. VirtualNeighbor interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange SNMP notifications for OSPF state change
func (*Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange) GetEntityData ¶
func (stateChange *Snmp_Notification_Ospfv3_StateChange) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Otn ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Otn struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoOtnIfMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Otn CISCO-OTN-IF-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Otn) GetEntityData ¶
func (otn *Snmp_Notification_Otn) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Rf ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Rf struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoRFMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Rf CISCO-RF-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Rf) GetEntityData ¶
func (rf *Snmp_Notification_Rf) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Rsvp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Rsvp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable lostFlow notification. The type is interface{}. LostFlow interface{} // Enable newFlow notification. The type is interface{}. NewFlow interface{} // Enable all RSVP notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Rsvp Enable RSVP-MIB notifications
func (*Snmp_Notification_Rsvp) GetEntityData ¶
func (rsvp *Snmp_Notification_Rsvp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload ¶
type Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable csvdEntityRoleChangeNotification notification. The type is // interface{}. RoleChange interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload CISCO-SELECTIVE-VRF-DOWNLOAD-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload) GetEntityData ¶
func (selectiveVrfDownload *Snmp_Notification_SelectiveVrfDownload) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Sensor ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Sensor struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable entitySensorMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Sensor CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Sensor) GetEntityData ¶
func (sensor *Snmp_Notification_Sensor) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Snmp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Snmp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable authentication notification. The type is interface{}. Authentication interface{} // Enable cold start notification. The type is interface{}. ColdStart interface{} // Enable warm start notification. The type is interface{}. WarmStart interface{} // Enable SNMP notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable link down notification. The type is interface{}. LinkDown interface{} // Enable link up notification. The type is interface{}. LinkUp interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Snmp SNMP notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Snmp) GetEntityData ¶
func (snmp *Snmp_Notification_Snmp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib ¶
type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Session aggregation. SessionAggregate Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate }
Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib Subscriber notification commands
func (*Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib) GetEntityData ¶
func (subscriberMib *Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate ¶
type Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Subscriber notification at node level. The type is interface{}. Node interface{} // Subscriber notification at access interface level. The type is interface{}. AccessInterface interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate Session aggregation
func (*Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate) GetEntityData ¶
func (sessionAggregate *Snmp_Notification_SubscriberMib_SessionAggregate) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Syslog ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Syslog struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoSyslogMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Syslog CISCO-SYSLOG-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Syslog) GetEntityData ¶
func (syslog *Snmp_Notification_Syslog) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_System ¶
type Snmp_Notification_System struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable ciscoSystemMIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_System CISCO-SYSTEM-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_System) GetEntityData ¶
func (system *Snmp_Notification_System) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Vpls ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Vpls struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable cvplsFwdFullAlarmCleared notification. The type is interface{}. FullClear interface{} // Enable cvplsStatusChanged notification. The type is interface{}. Status interface{} // Enable CISCO-IETF-VPLS-GENERIC-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} // Enable cvplsFwdFullAlarmRaised notification. The type is interface{}. FullRaise interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Vpls CISCO-IETF-VPLS-GENERIC-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Vpls) GetEntityData ¶
func (vpls *Snmp_Notification_Vpls) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Notification_Vrrp ¶
type Snmp_Notification_Vrrp struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Enable VRRP-MIB notifications. The type is interface{}. Enable interface{} }
Snmp_Notification_Vrrp VRRP-MIB notification configuration
func (*Snmp_Notification_Vrrp) GetEntityData ¶
func (vrrp *Snmp_Notification_Vrrp) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_OverloadControl ¶
type Snmp_OverloadControl struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YPresence bool // Drop time in seconds for incoming queue (default 1 sec). The type is // interface{} with range: 0..300. This attribute is mandatory. Units are // second. DropTime interface{} // Throttle time in milliseconds for incoming queue (default 500 msec). The // type is interface{} with range: 0..1000. This attribute is mandatory. Units // are millisecond. ThrottleRate interface{} }
Snmp_OverloadControl Set overload control params for handling incoming messages This type is a presence type.
func (*Snmp_OverloadControl) GetEntityData ¶
func (overloadControl *Snmp_OverloadControl) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_System ¶
type Snmp_System struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // String to uniquely identify this chassis. The type is string with length: // 1..255. ChassisId interface{} // The physical location of this node. The type is string with length: 1..255. Location interface{} // identification of the contact person for this managed node. The type is // string with length: 1..255. Contact interface{} }
Snmp_System container to hold system information
func (*Snmp_System) GetEntityData ¶
func (system *Snmp_System) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target ¶
type Snmp_Target struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // List of targets. Targets Snmp_Target_Targets }
Snmp_Target SNMP target configurations
func (*Snmp_Target) GetEntityData ¶
func (target *Snmp_Target) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of the target list. The type is slice of Snmp_Target_Targets_Target. Target []*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target }
Snmp_Target_Targets List of targets
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets) GetEntityData ¶
func (targets *Snmp_Target_Targets) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of the target list. The type is string with // pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. TargetListName interface{} // List of VRF Name for a target list. VrfNames Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames // SNMP Target address configurations. TargetAddresses Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses }
Snmp_Target_Targets_Target Name of the target list
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target) GetEntityData ¶
func (target *Snmp_Target_Targets_Target) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // IP Address to be configured for the Target. The type is slice of // Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress. TargetAddress []*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress }
Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses SNMP Target address configurations
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses) GetEntityData ¶
func (targetAddresses *Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IPv4/Ipv6 address. The type is one of the // following types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. IpAddress interface{} }
Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress IP Address to be configured for the Target
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress) GetEntityData ¶
func (targetAddress *Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_TargetAddresses_TargetAddress) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // VRF name of the target. The type is slice of // Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName. VrfName []*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName }
Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames List of VRF Name for a target list
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames) GetEntityData ¶
func (vrfNames *Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName ¶
type Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. VRF Name. The type is string with pattern: // [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. Name interface{} }
Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName VRF name of the target
func (*Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName) GetEntityData ¶
func (vrfName *Snmp_Target_Targets_Target_VrfNames_VrfName) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Timeouts ¶
type Snmp_Timeouts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Duplicate request feature timeout. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..20. Units are second. The default value is 1. Duplicates interface{} // incoming queue drop feature timeout. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..20. Units are second. The default value is 10. InQdrop interface{} // Threshold request feature timeout. The type is interface{} with range: // 0..100000. Units are second. The default value is 50000. Threshold interface{} // Sub-Agent Request timeout. The type is interface{} with range: 1..20. Units // are second. The default value is 10. Subagent interface{} // SNMP pdu statistics timeout. The type is interface{} with range: 1..10. // Units are second. The default value is 2. PduStats interface{} }
Snmp_Timeouts SNMP timeouts
func (*Snmp_Timeouts) GetEntityData ¶
func (timeouts *Snmp_Timeouts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Trap ¶
type Snmp_Trap struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Timeout for TRAP message retransmissions. The type is interface{} with // range: 1..1000. Timeout interface{} // Set throttle time for handling traps. The type is interface{} with range: // 10..500. Units are millisecond. ThrottleTime interface{} // Message queue length for each TRAP host. The type is interface{} with // range: 1..5000. QueueLength interface{} }
Snmp_Trap Class to hold trap configurations
func (*Snmp_Trap) GetEntityData ¶
func (trap *Snmp_Trap) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications. The type is slice of // Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost. TrapHost []*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost }
Snmp_TrapHosts Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts) GetEntityData ¶
func (trapHosts *Snmp_TrapHosts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IP address of SNMP notification host. The type is // one of the following types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. IpAddress interface{} // Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host. EncryptedUserCommunities Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities // Container class for defining notification type for a Inform host. InformHost Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost // Container class for defining communities for a trap host. DefaultUserCommunities Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost) GetEntityData ¶
func (trapHost *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host. The type is slice of // Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity. DefaultUserCommunity []*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities Container class for defining communities for a trap host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultUserCommunities *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The // type is string with length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 1/2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 1. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultUserCommunity *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host. The type is slice // of Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity. EncryptedUserCommunity []*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedUserCommunities *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The // type is string with pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 1/2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 1. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedUserCommunity *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Container class for defining communities for a inform host. InformUserCommunities Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities // Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a inform host. InformEncryptedUserCommunities Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost Container class for defining notification type for a Inform host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost) GetEntityData ¶
func (informHost *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a inform host. The type is // slice of // Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity. InformEncryptedUserCommunity []*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a inform host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (informEncryptedUserCommunities *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The type // is string with pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 2c. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072 ,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a inform host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (informEncryptedUserCommunity *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted Community name associated with a inform host. The type is slice // of // Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity. InformUserCommunity []*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities Container class for defining communities for a inform host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (informUserCommunities *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The type // is string with length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 2c. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072 ,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity Unencrpted Community name associated with a inform host
func (*Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (informUserCommunity *Snmp_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Users ¶
type Snmp_Users struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of the user. The type is slice of Snmp_Users_User. User []*Snmp_Users_User }
Snmp_Users Define a user who can access the SNMP engine
func (*Snmp_Users) GetEntityData ¶
func (users *Snmp_Users) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Users_User ¶
type Snmp_Users_User struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of the user. The type is string. UserName interface{} // Group to which the user belongs. The type is string. This attribute is // mandatory. GroupName interface{} // SNMP version to be used. v1,v2c or v3. The type is UserSnmpVersion. This // attribute is mandatory. Version interface{} // Flag to indicate that authentication password is configred for version 3. // The type is interface{}. AuthenticationPasswordConfigured interface{} // The algorithm used md5 or sha. The type is SnmpHashAlgorithm. Algorithm interface{} // The authentication password. The type is string with pattern: // (!.+)|([^!].+). AuthenticationPassword interface{} // Flag to indicate that the privacy password is configured for version 3. The // type is interface{}. PrivacyPasswordConfigured interface{} // The algorithm used des56 or aes128 or aes192or aes256 or 3des. The type is // SnmpPrivAlgorithm. PrivAlgorithm interface{} // The privacy password. The type is string with pattern: (!.+)|([^!].+). PrivacyPassword interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V4aclType interface{} // Ipv4 Access-list name. The type is string. V4AccessList interface{} // Access-list type. The type is Snmpacl. V6aclType interface{} // Ipv6 Access-list name. The type is string. V6AccessList interface{} // The system access either SDROwner or SystemOwner. The type is // SnmpOwnerAccess. Owner interface{} // IP address of remote SNMP entity. The type is one of the following types: // string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. RemoteAddress interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. Port interface{} }
Snmp_Users_User Name of the user
func (*Snmp_Users_User) GetEntityData ¶
func (user *Snmp_Users_User) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Views ¶
type Snmp_Views struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Name of the view. The type is slice of Snmp_Views_View. View []*Snmp_Views_View }
Snmp_Views Class to configure a SNMPv2 MIB view
func (*Snmp_Views) GetEntityData ¶
func (views *Snmp_Views) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Views_View ¶
type Snmp_Views_View struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Name of the view. The type is string with pattern: // [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. ViewName interface{} // This attribute is a key. MIB view family name. The type is string. Family interface{} // MIB view to be included or excluded. The type is SnmpMibViewInclusion. This // attribute is mandatory. ViewInclusion interface{} }
Snmp_Views_View Name of the view
func (*Snmp_Views_View) GetEntityData ¶
func (view *Snmp_Views_View) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // VRF name. The type is slice of Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf. Vrf []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf }
Snmp_Vrfs SNMP VRF configuration commands
func (*Snmp_Vrfs) GetEntityData ¶
func (vrfs *Snmp_Vrfs) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. VRF name. The type is string with pattern: // [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. Name interface{} // Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications. TrapHosts Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts // List of Context Names. Contexts Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts // List of context names. ContextMappings Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf VRF name
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf) GetEntityData ¶
func (vrf *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Context mapping name. The type is slice of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping. ContextMapping []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings List of context names
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings) GetEntityData ¶
func (contextMappings *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Context mapping name. The type is string with // pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. ContextMappingName interface{} // SNMP context feature type. The type is SnmpContext. Context interface{} // OSPF protocol instance. The type is string. InstanceName interface{} // VRF name associated with the context. The type is string. VrfName interface{} // Topology name associated with the context. The type is string. TopologyName interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping Context mapping name
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping) GetEntityData ¶
func (contextMapping *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_ContextMappings_ContextMapping) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Context Name. The type is slice of Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context. Context []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts List of Context Names
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts) GetEntityData ¶
func (contexts *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. Context Name. The type is string with pattern: // [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. ContextName interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context Context Name
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context) GetEntityData ¶
func (context *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_Contexts_Context) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications. The type is slice of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost. TrapHost []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts) GetEntityData ¶
func (trapHosts *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. IP address of SNMP notification host. The type is // one of the following types: string with pattern: // (([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?, // or string with pattern: // ((:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}):)([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:){0,5}((([0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}:)?(:|[0-9a-fA-F]{0,4}))|(((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9]?[0-9])))(%[\p{N}\p{L}]+)?. IpAddress interface{} // Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host. EncryptedUserCommunities Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities // Container class for defining notification type for a Inform host. InformHost Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost // Container class for defining communities for a trap host. DefaultUserCommunities Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost Specify hosts to receive SNMP notifications
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost) GetEntityData ¶
func (trapHost *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host. The type is slice of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity. DefaultUserCommunity []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities Container class for defining communities for a trap host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultUserCommunities *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The // type is string with length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 1/2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 1. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity Unencrpted Community name associated with a trap host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (defaultUserCommunity *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_DefaultUserCommunities_DefaultUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host. The type is slice // of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity. EncryptedUserCommunity []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a trap host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedUserCommunities *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv1/v2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The // type is string with pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 1/2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 1. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a trap host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (encryptedUserCommunity *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_EncryptedUserCommunities_EncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Container class for defining communities for a inform host. InformUserCommunities Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities // Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a inform host. InformEncryptedUserCommunities Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost Container class for defining notification type for a Inform host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost) GetEntityData ¶
func (informHost *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a inform host. The type is // slice of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity. InformEncryptedUserCommunity []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities Container class for defining Clear/encrypt communities for a inform host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (informEncryptedUserCommunities *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The type // is string with pattern: [\w\-\.:,_@#%$\+=\|;]+. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 2c. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072 ,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity Clear/Encrypt Community name associated with a inform host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (informEncryptedUserCommunity *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformEncryptedUserCommunities_InformEncryptedUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter // Unencrpted Community name associated with a inform host. The type is slice // of // Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity. InformUserCommunity []*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities Container class for defining communities for a inform host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities) GetEntityData ¶
func (informUserCommunities *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity ¶
type Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity struct { EntityData types.CommonEntityData YFilter yfilter.YFilter YListKey string // This attribute is a key. SNMPv2c community string or SNMPv3 user. The type // is string with length: 1..128. CommunityName interface{} // UDP port number. The type is interface{} with range: 1..65535. The default // value is 162. Port interface{} // SNMP Version to be used 2c/3. The type is string. The default value is 2c. Version interface{} // Security level to be used noauth/auth/priv. The type is SnmpSecurityModel. SecurityLevel interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setBasicTrapTypes is // used for all traps except copy-completeSet this value to an integer // corresponding to the trapBGP 8192, CONFIG 4096,SYSLOG 131072 ,SNMP_TRAP // 1COPY_COMPLETE_TRAP 64To provide a combination of trap Add the respective // numbersValue must be set to 0 for all traps. The type is interface{} with // range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. BasicTrapTypes interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setUse this for // providing copy-complete trapValue must be set to 0 if not used. The type is // interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes1 interface{} // Number to signify the feature traps that needs to be setvalue should always // to set as 0. The type is interface{} with range: 0..4294967295. The default // value is 0. AdvancedTrapTypes2 interface{} }
Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity Unencrpted Community name associated with a inform host
func (*Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity) GetEntityData ¶
func (informUserCommunity *Snmp_Vrfs_Vrf_TrapHosts_TrapHost_InformHost_InformUserCommunities_InformUserCommunity) GetEntityData() *types.CommonEntityData
type UserSnmpVersion ¶
type UserSnmpVersion string
UserSnmpVersion represents User snmp version
const ( // SNMP version 1 UserSnmpVersion_v1 UserSnmpVersion = "v1" // SNMP version 2 UserSnmpVersion_v2c UserSnmpVersion = "v2c" // SNMP version 3 UserSnmpVersion_v3 UserSnmpVersion = "v3" )