Pokey the Penguin comic Slack integration (Slash Command + Incoming Webhooks)
Type "/pokey" in slack for a random Pokey comic!
Runs on Heroku + Postgres
Requires the Heroku go buildpack
heroku create -b https://github.com/kr/heroku-buildpack-go.git
Requires godep
go get github.com/kr/godep
godep save
Requires the following environment variables:
| Environment Variable | Description | Example |
| DATABASE_URL | URL for Postgres database | postgres://abc:xyz@example.com:1234/mydatabase |
| PGSSL | Set to "require" on Heroku | require |
| SECRET_KEY_POKEY | Secret key required for API calls that make changes to the database | abc123!@# |
| SLACK_TOKEN_POKEY | Slack token for the Slash Command integration | def456$%^ |
| SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL_POKEY | Slack Incoming Webhooks URL | https://hooks.slack.com/services/abc123/def456/xyz789 |
Requires custom Slack emojis :pokey:, :littlegirl:, :mrnutty:, and :skeptopotamus: