gen-statsd is an experimental tool written in Go for load testing with StatsD metrics.
Usage of gen-statsd:
-agents int
max number of agents to run concurrently (default 10)
-counters int
number of counters for each agent to hold (default 50)
-flush-interval duration
how often to flush metrics (default 10s)
-gauges int
number of gauges for each agent to hold (default 30)
-prefix string
prefix for metrics (default "gen-statsd")
-protocol string
network protocol to use, tcp or udp (default "udp")
-spawn-drift int
spread new agent generation by 0-n seconds (default 10)
-statsd-host string
address of statsD host (default "localhost:8125")
-tag-format string
format of the tags to send. accepted values "datadog" or "influx"
-tags string
list of K:V comma separated tags. Example: key1:tag1,key2:tag2
-timers int
number of timers for each agent to hold (default 20)
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