GES - Good Enough Server
Command-line flags:
: Path to the .gob file containing the Bloom filter (default: "bloomfilter.gob")
: Port to listen on (default: 8080)
: Rate limit for requests per second (default: 20)
: Burst limit for rate limiting (default: 5)
API Endpoints
Single Address Check (GET)
GET /check?s=<address>
curl "http://localhost:8080/check?s=0xbd4649c52778bb9259d5cd38e97a936eab57a194"
{"found": true}
Batch Address Check (POST)
POST /checkBatch
Content-Type: application/json
"addresses": ["address1", "address2", ...]
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"addresses": [
}' http://localhost:8080/checkBatch
"found": ["0x8b063eEd5bD1628e2D2b02FfCce4917E11558E69"],
"notfound": ["0x6E0F47C6F0C0F97c42956ffb11650B63c97ec9Ea", "NOONONO", "BBBB"],
"found_count": 1,
"notfound_count": 3
The server is designed for high performance, especially for batch checks. While exact performance metrics can vary depending on hardware and network conditions, here are some general observations:
- Single address checks typically respond in under 1ms in docker container on macbook pro m3Max.
- Batch checks can process 1k of addresses in 3ms.
The use of a Bloom filter allows for extremely fast membership tests with a very low false positive rate, making this solution ideal for quickly checking large sets of addresses.
Rate Limiting
The server implements configurable rate limiting to prevent abuse. By default, it allows 20 requests per second with a burst of 5 requests. These values can be adjusted using the -r
and -b
flags when starting the server.
The server logs each request, including the method, URI, remote address, and processing time, which can be useful for monitoring and debugging.
Graceful Shutdown
The server supports graceful shutdown, ensuring that ongoing requests are completed before the server stops when receiving an interrupt signal.
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see the LICENSE file for details.