Index ¶
- Constants
- Variables
- func ApplyFRRConfig(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod, config string)
- func AssertFRRBGPCommunity(t *Test, frrPrefixes FRRBGPPrefixMap, checkPrefixes []netip.Prefix, ...)
- func AssertFRRBGPNeighborTimers(t *Test, neighbors map[string]FRRBGPNeighborInfo, checkNeighbors []netip.Addr, ...)
- func ClearFRRConfig(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod)
- func CreateOrUpdatePolicy[T policy](ctx context.Context, client client[T], obj T, mutator func(obj T) bool) (bool, error)
- func DeleteK8sResourceWithWait[T any](ctx context.Context, t *Test, k8sClient k8s.ResourceClient[T], ...)
- func DumpFRRBGPState(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod)
- func NewFRRConfigMap() *corev1.ConfigMap
- func NewFRRDaemonSet(params Parameters) *appsv1.DaemonSet
- func NewSocatClientDeployment(params Parameters) *appsv1.Deployment
- func NewSocatServerDaemonSet(params Parameters) *appsv1.DaemonSet
- func RegisterPolicy[T policy](current map[string]T, policies ...T) (map[string]T, error)
- func RenderFRRBGPPeeringConfig(t *Test, params FRRBGPPeeringParams) string
- func RunFRRCommand(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod, cmd string) []byte
- func WaitForCoreDNS(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client Pod) error
- func WaitForDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client *k8s.Client, namespace string, ...) error
- func WaitForDeployment(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client *k8s.Client, namespace string, ...) error
- func WaitForFRRBGPNeighborsState(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod, expPeers []netip.Addr, ...) map[string]FRRBGPNeighborInfo
- func WaitForIPCache(ctx context.Context, log Logger, agent Pod, pods []Pod) error
- func WaitForNodePorts(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client Pod, nodeIP string, service Service) error
- func WaitForPodDNS(ctx context.Context, log Logger, src, dst Pod) error
- func WaitForService(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client Pod, service Service) error
- func WaitForServiceEndpoints(ctx context.Context, log Logger, agent Pod, service Service, backends uint, ...) error
- type Action
- func (a *Action) CmdOutput() string
- func (a *Action) CurlCommand(peer TestPeer, opts ...string) []string
- func (a *Action) CurlCommandWithOutput(peer TestPeer, opts ...string) []string
- func (a *Action) Debug(s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Debugf(format string, s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Destination() TestPeer
- func (a *Action) ExecInPod(ctx context.Context, cmd []string)
- func (a *Action) Fail(s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Failf(format string, s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Fatal(s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Fatalf(format string, s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) GetEgressMetricsRequirements() []MetricsResult
- func (a *Action) GetEgressRequirements(p FlowParameters) (reqs []filters.FlowSetRequirement)
- func (a *Action) GetIngressMetricsRequirements() []MetricsResult
- func (a *Action) GetIngressRequirements(p FlowParameters) []filters.FlowSetRequirement
- func (a *Action) IPFamily() features.IPFamily
- func (a *Action) Info(s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Infof(format string, s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Log(s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Logf(format string, s ...interface{})
- func (a *Action) Peers() string
- func (a *Action) Run(f func(*Action))
- func (a *Action) Scenario() Scenario
- func (a *Action) Source() TestPeer
- func (a *Action) String() string
- func (a *Action) ValidateFlows(ctx context.Context, peer TestPeer, reqs []filters.FlowSetRequirement)
- func (a *Action) ValidateMetrics(ctx context.Context, pod Pod, results []MetricsResult)
- func (a *Action) WriteDataToPod(ctx context.Context, filePath string, data []byte)
- type CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams
- type CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams
- type ConcurrentLogger
- type ConditionalScenario
- type ConnectivityTest
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) AddTest(t *Test) *Test
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) AllFlows() bool
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumAgentMetrics() MetricsSource
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumNodes() map[NodeIdentity]*ciliumv2.CiliumNode
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Cleanup()
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ClientPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Clients() []*k8s.Client
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneClientPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneNodes() map[string]*corev1.Node
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CurlCommand(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily, expectingSuccess bool, opts []string) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CurlCommandWithOutput(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily, expectingSuccess bool, opts []string) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Debug(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) DeleteConnDisruptTestDeployment(ctx context.Context, client *k8s.Client) error
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) DetectMinimumCiliumVersion(ctx context.Context) (*semver.Version, error)
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) DigCommand(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoExternalServices() map[string]Service
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServicePrefixes(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Prefix
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServices() map[string]Service
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServicesAll() map[string]Service
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ExternalEchoPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) FRRPods() []Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fail(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Failf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fatal(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Feature(f features.Feature) (features.Status, bool)
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) FlowAggregation() bool
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ForEachIPFamily(hasNetworkPolicies bool, do func(features.IPFamily))
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ForceDisableFeature(feature features.Feature)
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) GetTest(name string) (*Test, error)
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Header(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Headerf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) HostNetNSPodsByNode() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) HubbleClient() observer.ObserverClient
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Info(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Infof(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) IngressService() map[string]Service
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) InternalNodeIPAddresses(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Addr
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) K8sClient() *k8s.Client
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) K8sService() Service
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) KillMulticastTestSender() []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Log(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LogOwners(scenarios ...ownedScenario)
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Logf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LrpBackendPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LrpClientPods() map[string]Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) MustGetTest(name string) *Test
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) NSLookupCommandService(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Nodes() map[string]*corev1.Node
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) NodesWithoutCilium() []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Params() Parameters
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PerfClientPods() []Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PerfServerPod() []Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PingCommand(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily, extraArgs ...string) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PodCIDRPrefixes(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Prefix
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PostTestSleepDuration() time.Duration
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintFlows() bool
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintReport(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintTestInfo()
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) RandomClientPod() *Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Run(ctx context.Context) error
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv4() map[string]string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv6() map[string]string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SetupAndValidate(ctx context.Context, extra SetupHooks) error
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ShouldRunConnDisruptNSTraffic() bool
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatClientCommand(port int, group string) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatClientPods() []Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatServer1secCommand(peer TestPeer, port int, group string) []string
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatServerPods() []Pod
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Timestamp()
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Warn(a ...interface{})
- func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{})
- type EchoIPPod
- type EchoIPService
- type ExcludedCIDRsKind
- type ExitCode
- type ExpectationsFunc
- type FRRBGPAddressFamilyInfo
- type FRRBGPNeighborInfo
- type FRRBGPNextHopInfo
- type FRRBGPPeeringParams
- type FRRBGPPrefixMap
- type FRRBGPRouteInfo
- type FlowParameters
- type FlowRequirementResults
- type HTTP
- type JUnitCollector
- type L4Protocol
- type LRPFrontend
- func (l LRPFrontend) Address(features.IPFamily) string
- func (l LRPFrontend) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
- func (l LRPFrontend) HasLabel(string, string) bool
- func (l LRPFrontend) Labels() map[string]string
- func (l LRPFrontend) Name() string
- func (l LRPFrontend) Path() string
- func (l LRPFrontend) Port() uint32
- func (l LRPFrontend) Protocol() string
- func (l LRPFrontend) Scheme() string
- type Logger
- type MatchMap
- type MetricsResult
- type MetricsSource
- type NodeIdentity
- type NodeportService
- type Parameters
- type PerfParameters
- type Pod
- func (p Pod) Address(family features.IPFamily) string
- func (p Pod) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
- func (p Pod) HasLabel(name, value string) bool
- func (p Pod) Labels() map[string]string
- func (p Pod) Name() string
- func (p Pod) NameWithoutNamespace() string
- func (p Pod) Namespace() string
- func (p Pod) NodeName() string
- func (p Pod) Path() string
- func (p Pod) Port() uint32
- func (p Pod) Scheme() string
- func (p Pod) String() string
- func (p Pod) ToEchoIPPod() EchoIPPod
- type Result
- type Scenario
- type ScenarioBase
- type Service
- func (s Service) Address(family features.IPFamily) string
- func (s Service) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
- func (s Service) HasLabel(name, value string) bool
- func (s Service) Labels() map[string]string
- func (s Service) Name() string
- func (s Service) NameWithoutNamespace() string
- func (s Service) Path() string
- func (s Service) Port() uint32
- func (s Service) Scheme() string
- func (s Service) ToEchoIPService() EchoIPService
- func (s Service) ToNodeportService(node *corev1.Node) NodeportService
- type SetupFunc
- type SetupHooks
- type SysdumpPolicy
- type Test
- func (t *Test) CertificateCAs() map[string][]byte
- func (t *Test) CertificateKeys() map[string][]byte
- func (t *Test) CiliumLocalRedirectPolicies() map[string]*ciliumv2.CiliumLocalRedirectPolicy
- func (t *Test) ContainerLogs(ctx context.Context)
- func (t *Test) Context() *ConnectivityTest
- func (t *Test) Debug(a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) EgressGatewayNode() string
- func (t *Test) Fail(a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Failed() bool
- func (t *Test) Failf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Fatal(a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) ForEachIPFamily(do func(features.IPFamily))
- func (t *Test) HasNetworkPolicies() bool
- func (t *Test) Info(a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Infof(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Log(a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Logf(format string, a ...interface{})
- func (t *Test) Name() string
- func (t *Test) NewAction(s Scenario, name string, src *Pod, dst TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) *Action
- func (t *Test) NewGenericAction(s Scenario, name string) *Action
- func (t *Test) NodesWithoutCilium() []string
- func (t *Test) Run(ctx context.Context, index int) error
- func (t *Test) String() string
- func (t *Test) WithCABundleSecret() *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCertificate(name, hostname string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCiliumClusterwidePolicy(policy string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCiliumEgressGatewayPolicy(params CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCiliumLocalRedirectPolicy(params CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCiliumPolicy(policy string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCiliumVersion(vr string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithCondition(fn func() bool) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithExpectations(f ExpectationsFunc) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithFeatureRequirements(reqs ...features.Requirement) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithFinalizer(f func(context.Context) error) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithIPRoutesFromOutsideToPodCIDRs() *Test
- func (t *Test) WithK8SPolicy(policy string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithResources(spec string) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithScenarios(sl ...Scenario) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithSecret(secret *corev1.Secret) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithSetupFunc(f SetupFunc) *Test
- func (t *Test) WithSysdumpPolicy(policy SysdumpPolicy) *Test
- type TestPeer
Constants ¶
const ( FlowValidationModeDisabled = "disabled" FlowValidationModeWarning = "warning" FlowValidationModeStrict = "strict" )
const ( PerfHostName = "-host-net" PerfOtherNode = "-other-node" PerfLowPriority = "-low-priority" PerfHighPriority = "-high-priority" DNSTestServerContainerName = "dns-test-server" EchoOtherNodeDeploymentHeadlessServiceName = "echo-other-node-headless" KindTestConnDisrupt = "test-conn-disrupt" KindTestConnDisruptNSTraffic = "test-conn-disrupt-ns-traffic" )
const ( // KubernetesSourcedLabelPrefix is the optional prefix used in labels to // indicate they are sourced from Kubernetes. // NOTE: For some reason, ':' gets replaced by '.' in keys so we use that instead. KubernetesSourcedLabelPrefix = "k8s." // AnySourceLabelPrefix is the optional prefix used in labels to // indicate they could be from anywhere. // NOTE: For some reason, ':' gets replaced by '.' in keys so we use that instead. AnySourceLabelPrefix = "any." )
Variables ¶
var ( // ResultNone expects a successful command, don't match any packets. ResultNone = Result{ None: true, } // ResultCurlTimeout expects a failed command, don't match any packets. ResultCurlTimeout = Result{ ExitCode: ExitCurlTimeout, } // ResultOK expects a successful command and a matching flow. ResultOK = Result{} // ResultDNSOK expects a successful command, only generating DNS traffic. ResultDNSOK = Result{ DNSProxy: true, } // ResultDNSOKDropCurlTimeout expects a failed command, generating DNS traffic and a dropped flow. ResultDNSOKDropCurlTimeout = Result{ DNSProxy: true, Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, ExitCode: ExitCurlTimeout, } // ResultDNSOKDropCurlHTTPError expects a failed command, generating DNS traffic and a dropped flow. ResultDNSOKDropCurlHTTPError = Result{ DNSProxy: true, L7Proxy: true, Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, ExitCode: ExitCurlHTTPError, } // ResultCurlHTTPError expects a failed command, but no dropped flow or DNS proxy. ResultCurlHTTPError = Result{ L7Proxy: true, Drop: false, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, ExitCode: ExitCurlHTTPError, } // ResultCurlSSLError expects a failed command with SSL error, but no dropped flow or DNS proxy. ResultCurlSSLError = Result{ L7Proxy: true, Drop: false, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, ExitCode: ExitCurlSSLError, } // ResultDrop expects a dropped flow and a failed command. ResultDrop = Result{ Drop: true, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, } // ResultDropAuthRequired expects a dropped flow with auth required as reason. ResultDropAuthRequired = Result{ Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: authRequiredDropReason, } // ResultAnyReasonEgressDrop expects a dropped flow at Egress and a failed command. ResultAnyReasonEgressDrop = Result{ Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, EgressDrop: true, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } // ResultPolicyDenyEgressDrop expects a dropped flow at Egress due to policy deny and a failed command. ResultPolicyDenyEgressDrop = Result{ Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: policyDenyReason, EgressDrop: true, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } // ResultDefaultDenyEgressDrop expects a dropped flow at Egress due to default deny and a failed command. ResultDefaultDenyEgressDrop = Result{ Drop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDenyReason, EgressDrop: true, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } // ResultIngressAnyReasonDrop expects a dropped flow at Ingress and a failed command. ResultIngressAnyReasonDrop = Result{ Drop: true, IngressDrop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDropReason, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } // ResultPolicyDenyIngressDrop expects a dropped flow at Ingress due to policy deny reason and a failed command. ResultPolicyDenyIngressDrop = Result{ Drop: true, IngressDrop: true, DropReasonFunc: policyDenyReason, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } // ResultDefaultDenyIngressDrop expects a dropped flow at Ingress due to default deny reason and a failed command. ResultDefaultDenyIngressDrop = Result{ Drop: true, IngressDrop: true, DropReasonFunc: defaultDenyReason, ExitCode: ExitAnyError, } ResultEgressUnencryptedDrop = Result{ Drop: true, EgressDrop: true, DropReasonFunc: unencryptedDropReason, ExitCode: ExitCurlTimeout, } // ResultDropCurlTimeout expects a dropped flow and a failed command. ResultDropCurlTimeout = Result{ Drop: true, ExitCode: ExitCurlTimeout, } // ResultDropCurlHTTPError expects a dropped flow and a failed command. ResultDropCurlHTTPError = Result{ L7Proxy: true, Drop: true, ExitCode: ExitCurlHTTPError, } )
Functions ¶
func ApplyFRRConfig ¶
ApplyFRRConfig applies provided CLI configuration on the given FRR pod by replacing its existing config. Base FRR config is applied along with the provided one.
func AssertFRRBGPCommunity ¶
func AssertFRRBGPCommunity(t *Test, frrPrefixes FRRBGPPrefixMap, checkPrefixes []netip.Prefix, expectedCommunity string)
AssertFRRBGPCommunity asserts that provided BGP community is present in provided FRR BGP prefixes filtered by checkPrefixes list.
func AssertFRRBGPNeighborTimers ¶
func AssertFRRBGPNeighborTimers(t *Test, neighbors map[string]FRRBGPNeighborInfo, checkNeighbors []netip.Addr, keepAliveSeconds, holdTimeSeconds int32)
AssertFRRBGPNeighborTimers asserts that peering connections of the provided neighbors filtered by checkNeighbors use the provided BGP timer intervals.
func ClearFRRConfig ¶
ClearFRRConfig clears configuration on the given FRR pod. Only base config remains applied.
func CreateOrUpdatePolicy ¶
func CreateOrUpdatePolicy[T policy](ctx context.Context, client client[T], obj T, mutator func(obj T) bool) (bool, error)
CreateOrUpdatePolicy implements the generic logic to create or update a policy.
func DeleteK8sResourceWithWait ¶
func DeleteK8sResourceWithWait[T any](ctx context.Context, t *Test, k8sClient k8s.ResourceClient[T], resourceName string)
DeleteK8sResourceWithWait deletes the provided k8s resource and waits until it is deleted.
func DumpFRRBGPState ¶
DumpFRRBGPState dumps FRR's BGP state into the log.
func NewFRRConfigMap ¶
NewFRRConfigMap returns a k8s ConfigMap used by the FRR DaemonSet, containing FRR daemon configuration.
func NewFRRDaemonSet ¶
func NewFRRDaemonSet(params Parameters) *appsv1.DaemonSet
NewFRRDaemonSet returns a k8s DaemonSet with FRR, configured to run on "nodes without cilium".
func NewSocatClientDeployment ¶
func NewSocatClientDeployment(params Parameters) *appsv1.Deployment
func NewSocatServerDaemonSet ¶
func NewSocatServerDaemonSet(params Parameters) *appsv1.DaemonSet
func RegisterPolicy ¶
func RenderFRRBGPPeeringConfig ¶
func RenderFRRBGPPeeringConfig(t *Test, params FRRBGPPeeringParams) string
RenderFRRBGPPeeringConfig renders standard BGP peering configuration for provided list of peer addresses. The returned config can be used to apply in an FRR pod.
func RunFRRCommand ¶
RunFRRCommand runs a CLI command on the given FRR pod.
func WaitForCoreDNS ¶
WaitForCoreDNS waits until the client pod can reach coredns.
func WaitForDaemonSet ¶
func WaitForDaemonSet(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client *k8s.Client, namespace string, name string) error
WaitForDaemonSet waits until the specified daemonset becomes ready.
func WaitForDeployment ¶
func WaitForDeployment(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client *k8s.Client, namespace string, name string) error
WaitForDeployment waits until the specified deployment becomes ready.
func WaitForFRRBGPNeighborsState ¶
func WaitForFRRBGPNeighborsState(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod, expPeers []netip.Addr, expState string) map[string]FRRBGPNeighborInfo
WaitForFRRBGPNeighborsState waits until provided list of BGP peers reach the provided state on the provided FRR pod and returns detailed state information of all peers.
func WaitForIPCache ¶
WaitForIPCache waits until all the specified pods are present in the IPCache of the given agent.
func WaitForNodePorts ¶
func WaitForNodePorts(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client Pod, nodeIP string, service Service) error
WaitForNodePorts waits until all the nodeports in a service are available on a given node.
func WaitForPodDNS ¶
WaitForPodDNS waits until src can query the DNS server on dst successfully.
func WaitForService ¶
WaitForService waits until the given service is synchronized in CoreDNS.
Types ¶
type Action ¶
type Action struct { // Should the action attempt to collect the flows with hubble CollectFlows bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Action represents an individual action (e.g. a curl call) in a Scenario between a source and a destination peer.
func (*Action) CurlCommandWithOutput ¶
func (*Action) Destination ¶
func (*Action) Fail ¶
func (a *Action) Fail(s ...interface{})
Fail must be called when the Action is unsuccessful.
func (*Action) Fatal ¶
func (a *Action) Fatal(s ...interface{})
Fatal must be called when an irrecoverable error was encountered during the Action.
func (*Action) Fatalf ¶
Fatalf must be called when an irrecoverable error was encountered during the Action.
func (*Action) GetEgressMetricsRequirements ¶
func (a *Action) GetEgressMetricsRequirements() []MetricsResult
func (*Action) GetEgressRequirements ¶
func (a *Action) GetEgressRequirements(p FlowParameters) (reqs []filters.FlowSetRequirement)
func (*Action) GetIngressMetricsRequirements ¶
func (a *Action) GetIngressMetricsRequirements() []MetricsResult
func (*Action) GetIngressRequirements ¶
func (a *Action) GetIngressRequirements(p FlowParameters) []filters.FlowSetRequirement
func (*Action) Peers ¶
Peers returns the name and addr:port of the peers involved in the Action. If source or destination peers are missing, returns an empty string.
func (*Action) Run ¶
Run executes function f.
This method is to be called from a Scenario implementation.
func (*Action) ValidateFlows ¶
func (a *Action) ValidateFlows(ctx context.Context, peer TestPeer, reqs []filters.FlowSetRequirement)
ValidateFlows retrieves the flow pods of the specified pod and validates that all filters find a match. On failure, t.Fail() is called.
func (*Action) ValidateMetrics ¶
func (a *Action) ValidateMetrics(ctx context.Context, pod Pod, results []MetricsResult)
ValidateMetrics confronts the expected metrics against the last ones retrieves.
type CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams ¶
type CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams struct { // Name controls the name of the policy Name string // PodSelectorKind is used to select the client pods. The parameter is used to select pods with a matching "kind" label PodSelectorKind string // ExcludedCIDRsConf controls how the ExcludedCIDRsConf property should be configured ExcludedCIDRsConf ExcludedCIDRsKind }
CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams is used to configure how a CiliumEgressGatewayPolicy template should be configured before being applied.
type CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams ¶
type CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams struct { // Policy is the local redirect policy yaml. Policy string // Name is the name of the local redirect policy. Name string // FrontendIP is the IP address of the address matcher frontend set in the policy spec. FrontendIP string // SkipRedirectFromBackend is the flag set in the policy spec. SkipRedirectFromBackend bool }
CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams is used to configure a CiliumLocalRedirectPolicy template.
type ConcurrentLogger ¶
type ConcurrentLogger struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewConcurrentLogger ¶
func NewConcurrentLogger(writer io.Writer, concurrency int) *ConcurrentLogger
NewConcurrentLogger factory function that returns ConcurrentLogger.
func (*ConcurrentLogger) FinishTest ¶
func (c *ConcurrentLogger) FinishTest(test *Test)
FinishTest schedules the final message for the test to be printed. The message will be populated with the test log buffer if the test failed.
func (*ConcurrentLogger) Print ¶
func (c *ConcurrentLogger) Print(test *Test, msg string)
Print schedules message for the test to be printed.
func (*ConcurrentLogger) Printf ¶
func (c *ConcurrentLogger) Printf(test *Test, format string, args ...interface{})
Printf schedules message for the test to be printed.
func (*ConcurrentLogger) Start ¶
func (c *ConcurrentLogger) Start()
Start starts ConcurrentLogger internals in separate goroutines: - collector: collects incoming test messages. - printer: sends messages to the writer in corresponding order.
func (*ConcurrentLogger) Stop ¶
func (c *ConcurrentLogger) Stop()
Stop closes incoming message channel and waits while all messages are printed.
type ConditionalScenario ¶
type ConditionalScenario interface { Scenario Requirements() []features.Requirement }
ConditionalScenario is a test scenario which requires certain feature requirements to be enabled. If the requirements are not met, the test scenario is skipped
type ConnectivityTest ¶
type ConnectivityTest struct { // CiliumVersion is the detected or assumed version of the Cilium agent CiliumVersion semver.Version // Features contains the features enabled on the running Cilium cluster Features features.Set CodeOwners codeowners.Ruleset // ClusterName is the identifier of the local cluster. ClusterName string PerfResults []common.PerfSummary // contains filtered or unexported fields }
ConnectivityTest is the root context of the connectivity test suite and holds all resources belonging to it. It implements interface ConnectivityTest and is instantiated once at the start of the program,
func NewConnectivityTest ¶
func NewConnectivityTest( client *k8s.Client, p Parameters, sysdumpHooks sysdump.Hooks, logger *ConcurrentLogger, owners codeowners.Ruleset, ) (*ConnectivityTest, error)
NewConnectivityTest returns a new ConnectivityTest.
func (*ConnectivityTest) AddTest ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) AddTest(t *Test) *Test
AddTest adds a new test scope within the ConnectivityTest and returns a new Test.
func (*ConnectivityTest) AllFlows ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) AllFlows() bool
func (*ConnectivityTest) CiliumAgentMetrics ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumAgentMetrics() MetricsSource
CiliumAgentMetrics returns the MetricsSource for the cilium-agent component.
func (*ConnectivityTest) CiliumNodes ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumNodes() map[NodeIdentity]*ciliumv2.CiliumNode
func (*ConnectivityTest) CiliumPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) CiliumPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) Cleanup ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Cleanup()
Cleanup cleans test related fields. So, ConnectivityTest instance can be re-used.
func (*ConnectivityTest) ClientPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ClientPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) Clients ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Clients() []*k8s.Client
func (*ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneClientPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneClientPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneNodes ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ControlPlaneNodes() map[string]*corev1.Node
func (*ConnectivityTest) CurlCommand ¶
func (*ConnectivityTest) CurlCommandWithOutput ¶
func (*ConnectivityTest) Debug ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Debug(a ...interface{})
Debug logs a debug message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Debugf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Debugf(format string, a ...interface{})
Debugf logs a formatted debug message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) DeleteConnDisruptTestDeployment ¶
func (*ConnectivityTest) DetectMinimumCiliumVersion ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) DetectMinimumCiliumVersion(ctx context.Context) (*semver.Version, error)
DetectMinimumCiliumVersion returns the smallest Cilium version running in the cluster(s)
func (*ConnectivityTest) DigCommand ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) DigCommand(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) []string
func (*ConnectivityTest) EchoExternalServices ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoExternalServices() map[string]Service
func (*ConnectivityTest) EchoPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) EchoServicePrefixes ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServicePrefixes(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Prefix
func (*ConnectivityTest) EchoServices ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServices() map[string]Service
EchoServices returns all the non headless services
func (*ConnectivityTest) EchoServicesAll ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) EchoServicesAll() map[string]Service
func (*ConnectivityTest) ExternalEchoPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ExternalEchoPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) FRRPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) FRRPods() []Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) Fail ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fail(a ...interface{})
Fail logs a failure message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Failf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Failf(format string, a ...interface{})
Failf logs a formatted failure message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Fatal ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fatal(a ...interface{})
Fatal logs an error.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Fatalf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Fatalf(format string, a ...interface{})
Fatalf logs a formatted error.
func (*ConnectivityTest) FlowAggregation ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) FlowAggregation() bool
func (*ConnectivityTest) ForEachIPFamily ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ForEachIPFamily(hasNetworkPolicies bool, do func(features.IPFamily))
func (*ConnectivityTest) ForceDisableFeature ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ForceDisableFeature(feature features.Feature)
func (*ConnectivityTest) GetTest ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) GetTest(name string) (*Test, error)
GetTest returns the test scope for test named "name" if found, a non-nil error otherwise.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Header ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Header(a ...interface{})
Header prints a newline followed by a formatted message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Headerf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Headerf(format string, a ...interface{})
Headerf prints a newline followed by a formatted message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) HostNetNSPodsByNode ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) HostNetNSPodsByNode() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) HubbleClient ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) HubbleClient() observer.ObserverClient
func (*ConnectivityTest) Info ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Info(a ...interface{})
Info logs an informational message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Infof ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Infof(format string, a ...interface{})
Infof logs a formatted informational message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) IngressService ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) IngressService() map[string]Service
func (*ConnectivityTest) InternalNodeIPAddresses ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) InternalNodeIPAddresses(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Addr
func (*ConnectivityTest) K8sClient ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) K8sClient() *k8s.Client
func (*ConnectivityTest) K8sService ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) K8sService() Service
func (*ConnectivityTest) KillMulticastTestSender ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) KillMulticastTestSender() []string
func (*ConnectivityTest) Log ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Log(a ...interface{})
Log logs a message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) LogOwners ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LogOwners(scenarios ...ownedScenario)
func (*ConnectivityTest) Logf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Logf(format string, a ...interface{})
Logf logs a formatted message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) LrpBackendPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LrpBackendPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) LrpClientPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) LrpClientPods() map[string]Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) MustGetTest ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) MustGetTest(name string) *Test
MustGetTest returns the test scope for test named "name" if found, or panics otherwise.
func (*ConnectivityTest) NSLookupCommandService ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) NSLookupCommandService(peer TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) []string
func (*ConnectivityTest) NodesWithoutCilium ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) NodesWithoutCilium() []string
func (*ConnectivityTest) Params ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Params() Parameters
func (*ConnectivityTest) PerfClientPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PerfClientPods() []Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) PerfServerPod ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PerfServerPod() []Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) PingCommand ¶
func (*ConnectivityTest) PodCIDRPrefixes ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PodCIDRPrefixes(ipFamily features.IPFamily) []netip.Prefix
func (*ConnectivityTest) PostTestSleepDuration ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PostTestSleepDuration() time.Duration
func (*ConnectivityTest) PrintFlows ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintFlows() bool
func (*ConnectivityTest) PrintReport ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintReport(ctx context.Context) error
PrintReport print connectivity test instance run report.
func (*ConnectivityTest) PrintTestInfo ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) PrintTestInfo()
PrintTestInfo prints connectivity test names and count.
func (*ConnectivityTest) RandomClientPod ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) RandomClientPod() *Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) Run ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Run(ctx context.Context) error
Run kicks off execution of all Tests registered to the ConnectivityTest. Each Test's Run() method is called within its own goroutine.
func (*ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv4 ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv4() map[string]string
func (*ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv6 ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SecondaryNetworkNodeIPv6() map[string]string
func (*ConnectivityTest) SetupAndValidate ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SetupAndValidate(ctx context.Context, extra SetupHooks) error
SetupAndValidate sets up and validates the connectivity test infrastructure such as the client pods and validates the deployment of them along with Cilium. This must be run before Run() is called.
func (*ConnectivityTest) ShouldRunConnDisruptNSTraffic ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) ShouldRunConnDisruptNSTraffic() bool
func (*ConnectivityTest) SocatClientCommand ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatClientCommand(port int, group string) []string
Multicast packet receiver
func (*ConnectivityTest) SocatClientPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatClientPods() []Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) SocatServer1secCommand ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatServer1secCommand(peer TestPeer, port int, group string) []string
Multicast packet sender This command exits with exit code 0 WITHOUT waiting for a second after receiving a packet.
func (*ConnectivityTest) SocatServerPods ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) SocatServerPods() []Pod
func (*ConnectivityTest) Timestamp ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Timestamp()
Timestamp logs the current timestamp.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Warn ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Warn(a ...interface{})
Warn logs a warning message.
func (*ConnectivityTest) Warnf ¶
func (ct *ConnectivityTest) Warnf(format string, a ...interface{})
Warnf logs a formatted warning message.
type EchoIPPod ¶
type EchoIPPod struct {
EchoIPPod is a Kubernetes Pod that prints back the client IP, acting as a peer in a connectivity test.
type EchoIPService ¶
type EchoIPService struct {
func (EchoIPService) Path ¶
func (s EchoIPService) Path() string
type ExcludedCIDRsKind ¶
type ExcludedCIDRsKind int
const ( // NoExcludedCIDRs does not configure any excluded CIDRs in the policy NoExcludedCIDRs ExcludedCIDRsKind = iota // ExternalNodeExcludedCIDRs adds the IPs of the external nodes (i.e the ones with the "" label) to the list of excluded CIDRs ExternalNodeExcludedCIDRs )
type ExpectationsFunc ¶
type FRRBGPAddressFamilyInfo ¶
type FRRBGPAddressFamilyInfo struct { VrfID int `json:"vrfId"` VrfName string `json:"vrfName"` RouterID string `json:"routerId"` LocalAS int `json:"localAS"` Routes FRRBGPPrefixMap `json:"routes"` }
FRRBGPAddressFamilyInfo holds FRR BGP address family information equivalent to "show bgp <family> detail json" CLI output entry.
type FRRBGPNeighborInfo ¶
type FRRBGPNeighborInfo struct { RemoteAS int `json:"remoteAs"` LocalAS int `json:"localAs"` Hostname string `json:"hostname"` RemoteRouterID string `json:"remoteRouterId"` LocalRouterID string `json:"localRouterId"` BGPState string `json:"bgpState"` BgpTimerUpMsec int `json:"bgpTimerUpMsec"` BgpTimerUpEstablishedEpoch int `json:"bgpTimerUpEstablishedEpoch"` BgpTimerHoldTimeMsecs int `json:"bgpTimerHoldTimeMsecs"` BgpTimerKeepAliveIntervalMsecs int `json:"bgpTimerKeepAliveIntervalMsecs"` }
FRRBGPNeighborInfo holds FRR BGP neighbor information equivalent to "show bgp neighbor json" CLI output entry.
type FRRBGPNextHopInfo ¶
type FRRBGPNextHopInfo struct { IP string `json:"ip"` Hostname string `json:"hostname"` Afi string `json:"afi"` Scope string `json:"scope"` Metric int `json:"metric"` Accessible bool `json:"accessible"` Used bool `json:"used"` }
FRRBGPNextHopInfo holds next hop information of a BGP route, as it can be retried from the "show bgp <family> detail json" CLI output.
type FRRBGPPeeringParams ¶
FRRBGPPeeringParams holds information for rendering FRR BGP peering configuration.
type FRRBGPPrefixMap ¶
type FRRBGPPrefixMap map[string][]FRRBGPRouteInfo
FRRBGPPrefixMap is a map of BGP route information indexed by prefix.
func WaitForFRRBGPPrefixes ¶
func WaitForFRRBGPPrefixes(ctx context.Context, t *Test, frrPod *Pod, expPrefixes []netip.Prefix, ipFamily features.IPFamily) FRRBGPPrefixMap
WaitForFRRBGPPrefixes waits until the provided prefixes are learned via BGP on the provided FRR pod and returns detailed information about all learned prefixes.
type FRRBGPRouteInfo ¶
type FRRBGPRouteInfo struct { Origin string `json:"origin"` Valid bool `json:"valid"` Version int `json:"version"` BestPath struct { Overall bool `json:"overall"` SelectionReason string `json:"selectionReason"` } `json:"bestpath"` ASPath struct { String string `json:"string"` Segments []struct { Type string `json:"type"` List []int `json:"list"` } `json:"segments"` Length int `json:"length"` } `json:"aspath"` Community struct { String string `json:"string"` List []string `json:"list"` } `json:"community"` NextHops []FRRBGPNextHopInfo `json:"nexthops"` }
FRRBGPRouteInfo holds information about a BGP route, as it can be retried from the "show bgp <family> detail json" CLI output.
type FlowParameters ¶
type FlowParameters struct { // Protocol is the network protocol being tested Protocol L4Protocol // DNSRequired is true if DNS flows must be seen before the test protocol DNSRequired bool // RSTAllowed is true if TCP connection may end with either RST or FIN RSTAllowed bool // AltDstIP, if non-empty, indicates an alternative destination address // for the DstAddr to be matched. This is useful if the destination address // is NATed before Hubble can observe the packet, which for example is the // case with HostReachableServices AltDstIP string // AltDstPort, if non-zero, indicates an alternative port number for the // DstPort to be matched. This is useful if the destination port is NATed, // which is for example the case for service ports, NodePort or HostPort AltDstPort uint32 }
FlowParameters defines parameters for test result flow matching
type FlowRequirementResults ¶
type FlowRequirementResults struct { FirstMatch int LastMatch int Matched MatchMap Failures int NeedMoreFlows bool LastMatchTimestamp time.Time }
func (*FlowRequirementResults) Merge ¶
func (r *FlowRequirementResults) Merge(from *FlowRequirementResults)
type JUnitCollector ¶
type JUnitCollector struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewJUnitCollector ¶
func NewJUnitCollector(junitProperties map[string]string, junitFile string) *JUnitCollector
NewJUnitCollector factory function that returns JUnitCollector.
func (*JUnitCollector) Collect ¶
func (j *JUnitCollector) Collect(ct *ConnectivityTest)
Collect collects ConnectivityTest instance test results. The method is not thread safe.
func (*JUnitCollector) Write ¶
func (j *JUnitCollector) Write() error
Write writes collected JUnit results into a single report file.
type L4Protocol ¶
type L4Protocol int
L4Protocol identifies the network protocol being tested
const ( TCP L4Protocol = iota UDP ICMP )
type LRPFrontend ¶
type LRPFrontend struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewLRPFrontend ¶
func NewLRPFrontend(frontend ciliumv2.RedirectFrontend) *LRPFrontend
func (LRPFrontend) FlowFilters ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
func (LRPFrontend) Labels ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Labels() map[string]string
func (LRPFrontend) Name ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Name() string
func (LRPFrontend) Path ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Path() string
func (LRPFrontend) Port ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Port() uint32
func (LRPFrontend) Protocol ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Protocol() string
func (LRPFrontend) Scheme ¶
func (l LRPFrontend) Scheme() string
type Logger ¶
type Logger interface { // Log logs a message. Log(a ...interface{}) // Logf logs a formatted message. Logf(format string, a ...interface{}) // Debug logs a debug message. Debug(a ...interface{}) // Debugf logs a formatted debug message. Debugf(format string, a ...interface{}) // Info logs an informational message. Info(a ...interface{}) // Infof logs a formatted informational message. Infof(format string, a ...interface{}) }
Logger abstracts the logging functionalities implemented by the test suite, individual tests and actions.
type MetricsResult ¶
type MetricsResult struct { Source MetricsSource Assert assertMetricsFunc }
MetricsResult holds the source of metrics we want to assert and its assertion method.
func (MetricsResult) IsEmpty ¶
func (m MetricsResult) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns true if MetricsResult does not have any source. Assuming it corresponds to its zero value.
type MetricsSource ¶
type MetricsSource struct { Name string // the name of the source, e.g.: cilium-agent Pods []Pod // the list of pods for the given source Port string // the container port value for prometheus }
MetricsSource defines the info for a source to be used in metrics collection.
func (MetricsSource) IsEmpty ¶
func (m MetricsSource) IsEmpty() bool
IsEmpty returns if the metrics source name is empty, assuming it MetricsSource is set to its zero value.
type NodeIdentity ¶
type NodeIdentity struct{ Cluster, Name string }
NodeIdentity uniquely identifies a Node by Cluster and Name.
type NodeportService ¶
NodeportService wraps a Service and exposes it through its nodeport, acting as a peer in a connectivity test. It implements interface TestPeer.
func (NodeportService) Address ¶
func (s NodeportService) Address(family features.IPFamily) string
Address returns the node IP of the wrapped Service.
func (NodeportService) Port ¶
func (s NodeportService) Port() uint32
Port returns the first nodeport of the wrapped Service.
type Parameters ¶
type Parameters struct { AssumeCiliumVersion string CiliumNamespace string TestNamespace string TestNamespaceIndex int TestConcurrency int SingleNode bool PrintFlows bool ForceDeploy bool Hubble bool HubbleServer string K8sLocalHostTest bool MultiCluster string RunTests []*regexp.Regexp SkipTests []*regexp.Regexp PostTestSleepDuration time.Duration FlowValidation string AllFlows bool Writer io.ReadWriter Verbose bool Debug bool Timestamp bool PauseOnFail bool SkipIPCacheCheck bool Perf bool PerfParameters PerfParameters CurlImage string JSONMockImage string TestConnDisruptImage string FRRImage string SocatImage string AgentDaemonSetName string DNSTestServerImage string PrintImageArtifacts bool IncludeUnsafeTests bool AgentPodSelector string CiliumPodSelector string NodeSelector map[string]string DeploymentAnnotations annotationsMap NamespaceAnnotations annotations ExternalTarget string ExternalOtherTarget string ExternalCIDR string ExternalIP string ExternalDeploymentPort int ExternalOtherIP string ServiceType string EchoServerHostPort int PodCIDRs []podCIDRs NodeCIDRs []string ControlPlaneCIDRs []string K8sCIDR string NodesWithoutCiliumIPs []nodesWithoutCiliumIP JunitFile string JunitProperties map[string]string ImpersonateAs string ImpersonateGroups []string IPFamilies []string IncludeConnDisruptTest bool IncludeConnDisruptTestNSTraffic bool ConnDisruptTestSetup bool ConnDisruptTestRestartsPath string ConnDisruptTestXfrmErrorsPath string ConnDisruptDispatchInterval time.Duration ExpectedDropReasons []string ExpectedXFRMErrors []string LogCodeOwners bool ExcludeCodeOwners []string LogCheckLevels []string FlushCT bool SecondaryNetworkIface string K8sVersion string HelmChartDirectory string HelmValuesSecretName string Retry uint RetryDelay time.Duration ConnectTimeout time.Duration RequestTimeout time.Duration CurlInsecure bool CurlParallel uint CollectSysdumpOnFailure bool SysdumpOptions sysdump.Options ExternalTargetCANamespace string ExternalTargetCAName string Timeout time.Duration }
type PerfParameters ¶
type PerfParameters struct { ReportDir string Duration time.Duration SetupDelay time.Duration HostNet bool PodNet bool PodToHost bool HostToPod bool SameNode bool OtherNode bool Samples int MessageSize int Throughput bool CRR bool RR bool UDP bool Image string NetQos bool NodeSelectorServer map[string]string NodeSelectorClient map[string]string Tolerations []string }
func (*PerfParameters) GetTolerations ¶
func (p *PerfParameters) GetTolerations() []corev1.Toleration
type Pod ¶
type Pod struct { // Kubernetes client of the cluster this pod is running in. K8sClient *k8s.Client // Pod is the Kubernetes Pod resource. Pod *corev1.Pod // The pod is running on a node which doesn't run Cilium Outside bool // contains filtered or unexported fields }
Pod is a Kubernetes Pod acting as a peer in a connectivity test.
func (Pod) FlowFilters ¶
func (p Pod) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
func (Pod) NameWithoutNamespace ¶
NameWithoutNamespace returns only the name of the Pod.
func (Pod) ToEchoIPPod ¶
type Result ¶
type Result struct { // Request is dropped Drop bool // Request is dropped at Egress EgressDrop bool // Request is dropped at Ingress IngressDrop bool // DropReasonFunc DropReasonFunc func(flow *flowpb.Flow) bool // Metrics holds the function to compare/check metrics. Metrics []MetricsResult // No flows are to be expected. Used for ingress when egress drops None bool // DNSProxy is true when DNS Proxy is to be expected, only valid for egress DNSProxy bool // L7Proxy is true when L7 proxy (e.g., Envoy) is to be expected L7Proxy bool // HTTPStatus is non-zero when a HTTP status code in response is to be expected HTTP HTTP // ExitCode is the expected shell exit code ExitCode ExitCode }
func (Result) ExpectMetricsIncrease ¶
func (r Result) ExpectMetricsIncrease(source MetricsSource, metrics ...string) Result
ExpectMetricsIncrease compares metrics retrieved before any action were run and after; may return an error if metrics did not increase.
type Scenario ¶
type Scenario interface { // Name returns the name of the Scenario. Name() string // Filepath returns the source code filename for the Scenario. FilePath() string // Run is invoked by the testing framework to execute the Scenario. Run(ctx context.Context, t *Test) }
Scenario is implemented by all test scenarios like pod-to-pod, pod-to-world, etc.
type ScenarioBase ¶
type ScenarioBase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func NewScenarioBase ¶
func NewScenarioBase() ScenarioBase
func (ScenarioBase) FilePath ¶
func (s ScenarioBase) FilePath() string
type Service ¶
type Service struct { // Service is the Kubernetes service resource Service *corev1.Service URLPath string }
Service is a service acting as a peer in a connectivity test. It implements interface TestPeer.
func WaitForServiceRetrieval ¶
func WaitForServiceRetrieval(ctx context.Context, log Logger, client *k8s.Client, namespace string, name string) (Service, error)
Service waits until the specified service is created and can be retrieved.
func (Service) FlowFilters ¶
func (s Service) FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter
func (Service) NameWithoutNamespace ¶
NameWithoutNamespace returns the name of the service without the namespace.
func (Service) Scheme ¶
Scheme returns the string 'https' if the port is 443 or 6443, otherwise it returns 'http'.
func (Service) ToEchoIPService ¶
func (s Service) ToEchoIPService() EchoIPService
func (Service) ToNodeportService ¶
func (s Service) ToNodeportService(node *corev1.Node) NodeportService
type SetupFunc ¶
type SetupFunc func(ctx context.Context, t *Test, testCtx *ConnectivityTest) error
SetupFunc is a callback meant to be called before running the test. It performs additional setup needed to run tests.
type SetupHooks ¶
type SetupHooks interface { // DetectFeatures is an hook to perform the detection of extra features. DetectFeatures(ctx context.Context, ct *ConnectivityTest) error // SetupAndValidate is an hook to setup additional connectivity test dependencies. SetupAndValidate(ctx context.Context, ct *ConnectivityTest) error }
SetupHooks defines the extension hooks executed during the setup of the connectivity tests.
type SysdumpPolicy ¶
type SysdumpPolicy int
SysdumpPolicy represents a policy for sysdump collection in case of test failure.
const ( // SysdumpPolicyEach enables capturing one sysdump for each failing action. // This is the default and applies also when no explicit policy is specified. SysdumpPolicyEach SysdumpPolicy = iota // SysdumpPolicyOnce enables capturing only one sysdump for the given test, // independently of the number of failures. SysdumpPolicyOnce // SysdumpPolicyNever disables sysdump collection for the given test. SysdumpPolicyNever )
type Test ¶
type Test struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
func (*Test) CertificateCAs ¶
CertificateCAs returns the CAs used to sign the certificates within the test.
func (*Test) CertificateKeys ¶
CertificateKeys returns the CA keys used to sign the certificates within the test.
func (*Test) CiliumLocalRedirectPolicies ¶
func (t *Test) CiliumLocalRedirectPolicies() map[string]*ciliumv2.CiliumLocalRedirectPolicy
func (*Test) ContainerLogs ¶
ContainerLogs dumps the logs of all Cilium agents since the start of the Test. filter is applied on each line of output.
func (*Test) Context ¶
func (t *Test) Context() *ConnectivityTest
Context returns the enclosing context of the Test.
func (*Test) EgressGatewayNode ¶
EgressGatewayNode returns the name of the node that is supposed to act as egress gateway in the egress gateway tests.
Currently the designated node is the one running the other=client client pod.
func (*Test) Fail ¶
func (t *Test) Fail(a ...interface{})
Fail marks the Test as failed and logs a failure message.
Flushes the Test's internal log buffer. Any further logs against the Test will go directly to the user-specified writer.
func (*Test) Failf ¶
Failf marks the Test as failed and logs a formatted failure message.
Flushes the Test's internal log buffer. Any further logs against the Test will go directly to the user-specified writer.
func (*Test) Fatal ¶
func (t *Test) Fatal(a ...interface{})
Fatal marks the test as failed, logs an error and exits the calling goroutine.
func (*Test) Fatalf ¶
Fatalf marks the test as failed, logs a formatted error and exits the calling goroutine.
func (*Test) ForEachIPFamily ¶
func (*Test) HasNetworkPolicies ¶
func (*Test) NewAction ¶
func (t *Test) NewAction(s Scenario, name string, src *Pod, dst TestPeer, ipFam features.IPFamily) *Action
NewAction creates a new Action. s must be the Scenario the Action is created for, name should be a visually-distinguishable name, src is the execution Pod of the action, and dst is the network target the Action will connect to.
func (*Test) NewGenericAction ¶
NewGenericAction creates a new Action not associated with any execution pod nor network target, but intended for generic assertions (e.g., checking the absence of log errors over multiple pods). s must be the Scenario the Action is created for, name should be a visually-distinguishable name.
func (*Test) NodesWithoutCilium ¶
func (*Test) WithCABundleSecret ¶
WithCABundleSecret makes the secret `cabundle` with a CA bundle and adds it to the cluster
func (*Test) WithCertificate ¶
WithCertificate makes a secret with a certificate and adds it to the cluster
func (*Test) WithCiliumClusterwidePolicy ¶
WithCiliumClusterwidePolicy takes a string containing a YAML policy document and adds the clusterwide polic(y)(ies) to the scope of the Test, to be applied when the test starts running. When calling this method, note that the CCNP enabled feature requirement is applied directly here.
func (*Test) WithCiliumEgressGatewayPolicy ¶
func (t *Test) WithCiliumEgressGatewayPolicy(params CiliumEgressGatewayPolicyParams) *Test
WithCiliumEgressGatewayPolicy takes a string containing a YAML policy document and adds the cilium egress gateway polic(y)(ies) to the scope of the Test, to be applied when the test starts running. When calling this method, note that the egress gateway enabled feature requirement is applied directly here.
func (*Test) WithCiliumLocalRedirectPolicy ¶
func (t *Test) WithCiliumLocalRedirectPolicy(params CiliumLocalRedirectPolicyParams) *Test
func (*Test) WithCiliumPolicy ¶
WithCiliumPolicy takes a string containing a YAML policy document and adds the polic(y)(ies) to the scope of the Test, to be applied when the test starts running. When calling this method, note that the CNP enabled feature // requirement is applied directly here.
func (*Test) WithCiliumVersion ¶
WithCiliumVersion limits test execution to Cilium versions that fall within the given range. The input string is passed to semver.ParseRange, see package semver. Simple examples: ">1.0.0 <2.0.0" or ">=1.14.0".
func (*Test) WithCondition ¶
WithCondition takes a function containing condition check logic that returns true if the test needs to be run, and false otherwise. If WithCondition gets called multiple times, all the conditions need to be satisfied for the test to run.
func (*Test) WithExpectations ¶
func (t *Test) WithExpectations(f ExpectationsFunc) *Test
WithExpectations sets the getExpectations test result function to use during tests
func (*Test) WithFeatureRequirements ¶
func (t *Test) WithFeatureRequirements(reqs ...features.Requirement) *Test
WithFeatureRequirements adds FeatureRequirements to Test, all of which must be satisfied in order for the test to be run. It adds only features that are not already present in the requirements.
func (*Test) WithFinalizer ¶
WithFinalizer registers a finalizer to be executed when Run() returns.
func (*Test) WithIPRoutesFromOutsideToPodCIDRs ¶
WithIPRoutesFromOutsideToPodCIDRs instructs the test runner that podCIDR => nodeIP routes needs to be installed on a node which doesn't run Cilium before running the test (and removed after the test completion).
func (*Test) WithK8SPolicy ¶
WithK8SPolicy takes a string containing a YAML policy document and adds the polic(y)(ies) to the scope of the Test, to be applied when the test starts running. When calling this method, note that the KNP enabled feature requirement is applied directly here.
func (*Test) WithResources ¶
WithResources registers the list of one or more YAML-defined Kubernetes resources (e.g. NetworkPolicy, etc.)
For certain well-known types, known references to the namespace are mutated ¶
If the resource has a namepace of "cilium-test", that is mutated to the (serialized) namespace of the individual scenario.
func (*Test) WithScenarios ¶
WithScenarios adds Scenarios to Test in the given order.
func (*Test) WithSecret ¶
WithSecret takes a Secret and adds it to the cluster during the test
func (*Test) WithSetupFunc ¶
WithSetupFunc registers a SetupFunc callback to be executed just before the test runs.
func (*Test) WithSysdumpPolicy ¶
func (t *Test) WithSysdumpPolicy(policy SysdumpPolicy) *Test
WithSysdumpPolicy enables tuning the policy for capturing the sysdump in case of test failure, which takes effect only when sysdumps have been requested by the user. It is intended to be used to limit the number of sysdumps generated in case of multiple subsequent failures, if they would not contain additional information (e.g., when asserting the absence of log errors over multiple pods).
type TestPeer ¶
type TestPeer interface { // Name must return the absolute name of the peer. Name() string // Scheme must return the scheme to be used in a connection string // to connect to this peer, e.g. 'http' or 'https'. Can be an empty string. Scheme() string // Path must return the path in the URL used, if any. Can be an empty // string. Must include the leading '/' when not empty. Path() string // Address must return the network address of the peer. This can be a // DNS name or an IP address. Address(features.IPFamily) string // Port must return the destination port number used by the test traffic to the peer. Port() uint32 // HasLabel checks if given label with the given name and value exists. HasLabel(name, value string) bool // Labels returns copy of peer labels Labels() map[string]string FlowFilters() []*flow.FlowFilter }
TestPeer is the abstraction used for all peer types (pods, services, IPs, DNS names) used for connectivity testing
func HTTPEndpoint ¶
HTTPEndpoint returns a new endpoint with the given name and raw URL. Panics if rawurl cannot be parsed.
func HTTPEndpointWithLabels ¶
func ICMPEndpoint ¶
ICMPEndpoint returns a new ICMP endpoint.