MatchAllAnchoredPattern is the simplest pattern that match all inputs. This resulting
parsed regular expression is the same as an empty string regex (""), but this
value is easier to reason about when serializing to and from json.
MatchAllUnAnchoredPattern is the same as MatchAllAnchoredPattern, except that
it can be or-ed (joined with "|") with other rules, and still match all rules.
ToAnchoredRegexp converts a MatchPattern field into a regexp string. It does not
validate the pattern. It also adds anchors to ensure it match the whole string.
It supports:
* to select 0 or more DNS valid characters
ToUnAnchoredRegexp converts a MatchPattern field into a regexp string. It does not
validate the pattern. It does not add regexp anchors.
It supports:
* to select 0 or more DNS valid characters