Application to log vehicle data to csv files to be used for further analysis.
Currently, supports MVB and CAN using a Ci4Rail IOU03 or MIO03 module for data acquisition.
The velog application stores messages from the MVB and CAN bus in parallel into separate csv files. The csv files are stored in a configurable directory.
The csv files names begin with mvb
and can
followed by a number that is incremented for each new file. Different prefixes can be configured in the config file via the FileName
A new file is created when the current file reaches the maximum size, which is 4GB on a vfat filesystem. A new file is also created when the application is started, for example when the system is rebooted.
MVB data acquisition
From the MVB bus, all process data messages (F-Codes 0,1,2,3,4) are acquired. Other messages are ignored.
The velog application then builds an internal object dictionary from the received messages. The object dictionary stores always the latest value of each MVB address.
After a configurable DumpInterval
, the object dictionary is dumped to the csv file. The DumpInterval
is 1 second by default. During each dump, only the objects that have changed since the last dump are written to the csv file. However, when a new file is created, all objects are written to the csv file.
The format of the csv file is as follows (example):
Dump # |
Address (hex) |
Last Update - TimeSinceStart (us) |
Data (hex) |
FCode (dec) |
Updates (dec) |
2022-12-27 20:32:31 |
0 |
6af |
536534091409 |
58585858 |
1 |
530 |
0 |
6b0 |
536534091598 |
59595959 |
1 |
12 |
Dump #
is the number of the dump
Address (hex)
is the MVB address
Last Update - TimeSinceStart (us)
is the time in microseconds since the start of IO module when the last update of the object was received
Data (hex)
is the data of the object. It is composed of the data bytes, each byte is represented by 2 hex characters.
FCode (dec)
is the F-Code of the object and
Updates (dec)
is the number of messages received on that object since the previous dump.
Also note the timestamp in the first row, which is the absolute time when the file was created.
CAN data acquisition
For CAN no object dictionary is used. The velog application stores all received CAN messages in the csv file. However, a CAN filter can be configured to only store messages that pass the filter. See the AcceptanceMask
and AcceptanceCode
properties in the config file.
The format of the csv file is as follows (example):
TimeSinceStart (us) |
ID (hex) |
Data (hex) |
Ext |
2022-12-27 20:32:32 |
1054237352328 |
200 |
0000000000000000 |
X |
1054237352541 |
201 |
R |
1054237352654 |
202 |
11 |
TimeSinceStart (us)
is the time in microseconds since the start of IO module when the message was received
ID (hex)
is the CAN ID
Data (hex)
is the data of the message. It is composed of the data bytes, each byte is represented by 2 hex characters.
is X
if the message has an extended identifier otherwise it is empty
is R
if the message is a remote transmission request, otherwise it is empty
Also note the timestamp in the first row, which is the absolute time when the file was created.
Behavior when Disk is Full
When the disk is full, the velog application will stop writing to the csv files.
Official releases are built via github actions and are available on the Releases page of this repo.
Local builds can be done using the following commands:
cd cmd/logger
GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -o ../bin/velog
The configuration is done via a config file.
By default, the config file is $HOME/.velog-config.yaml
, but can be changed with the --config
flag. When run as a systemd service, the config file is usually at /etc/velog-config.yaml
An example can be found here with the following content:
LoggerOutputDir: /media/sdcard
SnifferDevice: S101-IOU03-USB-EXT-1-mvbSniffer
FileName: mvb
DumpInterval: 1000
SnifferDevice: S101-IOU03-USB-EXT-1-can
FileName: can
Bitrate: 500000
SJW: 3
SamplePoint: 0.8
AcceptanceMask: 0x00000000
AcceptanceCode: 0x00000000
The LoggerOutputDir
property specifies the directory where the csv files are stored. The velog application tries to create the directory if it does not exist.
The mvb
and can
sections contain the configuration for the MVB and CAN data acquisition, respectively.
If the mvb
section is not present, no MVB data is acquired.
If the can
section is not present, no CAN data is acquired.
The mvb.SnifferDevice
property specifies the name of the MVB sniffer to use. See the docs for more info.
The mvb.FileName
property specifies the prefix of the MVB csv file names.
The mvb.DumpInterval
property specifies the interval in milliseconds at which the MVB object dictionary is dumped to the csv file.
The can.SnifferDevice
property specifies the name of the CAN sniffer to use. See the docs for more info.
The can.FileName
property specifies the prefix of the CAN csv file names.
The can.Bitrate
property specifies the bitrate of the CAN bus.
The can.SJW
property specifies the Synchronization Jump Width of the CAN bus.
The can.SamplePoint
property specifies the Sample Point of the CAN bus.
The can.AcceptanceMask
and can.AcceptanceCode
properties specify the CAN filter. See the docs for more info.