"go" is the meaning of a dog in Chinese pronunciation, and dog's original intention is also a dog. So godog means "狗狗" in Chinese, which is very cute.
author: Chuck1024
email : chuck.ch1024@outlook.com
Start with cloning gd:
> go get github.com/chuck1024/gd
gd is a basic framework implemented by golang, which is aiming at helping developers setup feature-rich server quickly.
The framework contains config module
,error module
,net module
and server module
. You can select any modules according to your practice. More features will be added later. I hope anyone who is interested in this work can join it and let's enhance the system function of this framework together.
Quick start
package main
import (
func HandlerHttpTest(c *gin.Context, req *simplejson.Json) (code int, message string, err error, ret string) {
dlog.Debug("httpServerTest req:%v", req)
ret = "ok!!!"
return http.StatusOK, "ok", nil, ret
func main() {
d := gd.Default()
d.HttpServer.DefaultAddHandler("test", HandlerHttpTest)
d.Config.BaseConfig.Server.HttpPort = 10240
err := d.Run()
if err != nil {
dlog.Error("Error occurs, error = %s", err.Error())
So far, it only supports configuration with ini in gd. Of course, it supports more and more format configuration in future.
What's more, your configuration file must have the necessary parameters, like this:
log = "conf/log.xml"
level = "DEBUG"
logDir = "log"
maxCPU = 2
maxMemory = "2g"
healthPort = 9527
serverName = "gd"
httpPort = 10240
rcpPort = 10241
Process.maxCPU: a limit of CPU usage. 0 is default, means to use half cores.
Process.maxMemory: a limit of memory usage.
Process.healthPort: the port for monitor. If it is 0, monitor server will not run.
Server.serverName: server name.
Server.httpPort: http port. If it is 0, http server will not run.
Server.rpcPort: rpc port. If it is 0, rpc server will not run.
Those items mentioned above are the base need of a server application. And they are defined in config file: sample/conf/conf.json.
provides golang network server, it is contain http server and rpc server. It is a simple demo that you can develop it on the basis of it.
I will import introduce rpc server. Focus on the rpc server.
type Packet interface {
ID() uint32
SetErrCode(code uint32)
default rpc packet:
type RpcPacket struct {
Seq uint32
ErrCode uint32
Cmd uint32 // also be a string, for dispatch.
PacketLen uint32
Body []byte
gd rpc packet:
type DogPacket struct {
Body []byte
type Header struct {
PacketLen uint32
Seq uint32
Cmd uint32
CheckSum uint32
ErrCode uint32
Version uint8
Padding uint8
SOH uint8
EOH uint8
The Packet is a interface in rpc server and client. So, you can make your protocol that suits yourself by implementing packet's methods, if you need.
You add new RpcPacket according to yourself rule. DogPacket is a protocol that is used by author. Of course, the author encourages the use of DogPacket.
provides server register and discovery. Load balancing will be provided in the future.
Service discovery registration based on etcd and zookeeper implementation.
register :
type DogRegister interface {
NewRegister(hosts []string, root, environ, group, service string)
SetRootNode(node string) error
GetRootNode() (root string)
SetHeartBeat(heartBeat time.Duration)
SetOffline(offline bool)
Run(ip string, port int, weight uint64) error
discovery :
type DogDiscovery interface {
NewDiscovery(dns []string)
Watch(node string) error
WatchMulti(nodes []string) error
AddNode(node string, info *server.NodeInfo)
DelNode(node string, key string)
GetNodeInfo(node string) (nodesInfo []server.NodeInfo)
Run() error
Close() error
type NodeInfo interface {
GetIp() string
GetPort() int
GetOffline() bool
GetWeight() uint64
type DefaultNodeInfo struct {
Ip string `json:"ip"`
Port int `json:"port"`
Offline bool `json:"offline"`
Weight uint64 `json:"weight"`
The DogRegister and DogDiscovery are interface, gd supports zookeeper and etcd, so you can use others.
The NodeInfo is info of node.
This example simply demonstrates the use of the gd. of course, you need to make conf.json in conf Folder. The example use service discovery with etcd. So, you can install etcd
in your computer. Of course, you can choose to comment out these lines of code.
package main
import (
de "github.com/chuck1024/gd/derror"
type TestReq struct {
Data string
type TestResp struct {
Ret string
func HandlerHttpTest(c *gin.Context, req *TestReq) (code int, message string, err error, ret *TestResp) {
dlog.Debug("httpServerTest req:%v", req)
ret = &TestResp{
Ret: "ok!!!",
return http.StatusOK, "ok", nil, ret
func HandlerRpcTest(req *TestReq) (code uint32, message string, err error, ret *TestResp) {
dlog.Debug("rpc sever req:%v", req)
ret = &TestResp{
Ret: "ok!!!",
return uint32(de.RpcSuccess), "ok", nil, ret
func Register(e *gd.Engine) {
// http
e.HttpServer.DefaultAddHandler("test", HandlerHttpTest)
e.HttpServer.SetInit(func(g *gin.Engine) error {
r := g.Group("")
for k, v := range e.HttpServer.DefaultHandlerMap {
f, err := httplib.Wrap(v)
if err != nil {
return err
r.POST(k, f)
return nil
// Rpc
e.RpcServer.AddDogHandler(1024, HandlerRpcTest)
if err := e.RpcServer.DogRpcRegister(); err != nil {
dlog.Error("DogRpcRegister occur error:%s", err)
dogrpc.InitFilters([]dogrpc.Filter{&dogrpc.GlFilter{}, &dogrpc.LogFilter{}})
func main() {
d := gd.Default()
// register params
etcdHost, _ := d.Config.Strings("etcdHost")
root, _ := d.Config.String("root")
environ, _ := d.Config.String("environ")
group, _ := d.Config.String("group")
weight, _ := d.Config.Int("weight")
// register
var r register.DogRegister
r = ®ister.EtcdRegister{}
r.NewRegister(etcdHost, root, environ, group, d.Config.BaseConfig.Server.AppName)
r.Run(utils.GetLocalIP(), d.Config.BaseConfig.Server.RpcPort, uint64(weight))
err := d.Run()
if err != nil {
dlog.Error("Error occurs, error = %s", err.Error())
// you can use command to test http service.
// curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"Data":"test"}'
- You can find it in "sample/service.go"
- use
to stop process
rpc client:
package main
import (
func main() {
d := gd.Default()
c := d.NewRpcClient(time.Duration(500*time.Millisecond), 0)
// discovery
var r discovery.DogDiscovery
r = &discovery.EtcdDiscovery{}
hosts := r.GetNodeInfo("/root/github/gd/stagging/pool")
for _,v := range hosts {
// you can choose one or use load balance algorithm to choose best one.
// or put all to c.Addr
for _, v := range hosts {
if !v.GetOffline() {
c.AddAddr(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", v.GetIp(), v.GetPort()))
body := []byte("How are you?")
code, rsp, err := c.DogInvoke(1024, body)
if err != nil {
dlog.Error("Error when sending request to server: %s", err)
// or use rpc protocol
//rsp, err = c.Invoke(1024, body)
//if err != nil {
//t.Logf("Error when sending request to server: %s", err)
dlog.Debug("code=%d,resp=%s", code, string(rsp))
- It contained "sample/rpc_client.go"
net module
you also use it to do something if you want to use net module
only. Here's how it's used.
show how to start rpc server
package dogrpc_test
import (
func TestRpcServer(t *testing.T) {
d := dogrpc.NewRpcServer()
// Rpc
d.AddHandler(1024, func(req []byte) (uint32, []byte) {
t.Logf("rpc server request: %s", string(req))
code := uint32(0)
resp := []byte("Are you ok?")
return code, resp
err := d.Run(10241)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Error occurs, error = %s", err.Error())
- You can find it in "net/dogrpc/rpc_server_test.go"
show how to call rpc server
package dogrpc_test
import (
func TestRpcClient(t *testing.T) {
d := gd.Default()
c := d.NewRpcClient(time.Duration(500*time.Millisecond), 0)
c.AddAddr(utils.GetLocalIP() + ":10241")
body := []byte("How are you?")
code, rsp, err := c.Invoke(1024, body)
if err != nil {
t.Logf("Error when sending request to server: %s", err)
t.Logf("code=%d,resp=%s", code, string(rsp))
- You can find it in "net/dogrpc/rpc_client_test.go"
derror module
provides the relation usages of error. It supports the structs of CodeError which contains code, error type,
and error msg.
package derror
type CodeError struct {
errCode int
errType string
errMsg string
var (
RpcSuccess = 0
Success = 200
BadRequest = 400
Unauthorized = 401
Forbidden = 403
NotFound = 404
SystemError = 500
ParameterError = 600
DBError = 701
CacheError = 702
RpcTimeout = 10001
RpcOverflow = 10002
RpcInternalServerError = 10003
RpcInvalidParam = 10004
UnknownError = "unknown error"
ErrMap = map[int]string{
RpcSuccess: "ok",
Success: "ok",
BadRequest: "bad request",
Unauthorized: "Unauthorized",
Forbidden: "Forbidden",
NotFound: "not found",
SystemError: "system error",
ParameterError: "Parameter error",
DBError: "db error",
CacheError: "cache error",
RpcTimeout: "timeout error",
RpcOverflow: "overflow error",
RpcInternalServerError: "interval server error",
RpcInvalidParam: "invalid param",
// get derror type. you can also add type to ErrMap.
func GetErrorType(code int) string {
t, ok := ErrMap[code]
if !ok {
t = UnknownError
return t
server module
- if you use etcd, you must download etcd module
go get github.com/coreos/etcd/clientv3
- you can find it usage on "server/register/register_test.go" and "server/discovery/discovery.go"
package register_test
import (
func TestEtcd(t *testing.T){
var r register.DogRegister
r = ®ister.EtcdRegister{}
r.NewRegister([]string{"localhost:2379"}, "/root/", "stagging","gd", "test", )
r.Run("", 10240,10)
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
func TestZk(t *testing.T){
var r register.DogRegister
r = ®ister.ZkRegister{}
r.NewRegister([]string{"localhost:2181"}, "/root/", "stagging","gd", "test", )
r.Run("", 10240,10)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)
package discovery_test
import (
func TestDiscEtcd(t *testing.T){
var r discovery.DogDiscovery
r = &discovery.EtcdDiscovery{}
n1 := r.GetNodeInfo("/root/gd/test/stagging/pool")
for _,v := range n1 {
func TestDiscZk(t *testing.T){
var r discovery.DogDiscovery
r = &discovery.ZkDiscovery{}
n1 := r.GetNodeInfo("/root/gd/test/stagging/pool")
for _,v := range n1 {
More information can be obtained in the source code
gd is released under the MIT LICENSE.