Overview ¶
Package storage is a generated GoMock package.
Index ¶
- Variables
- func NewLeaseVerifier(retriever flushStateRetriever) *leaseVerifier
- func NewSeriesOptionsFromOptions(opts Options, ropts retention.Options) series.Options
- type BootstrapState
- type Database
- type DatabaseBootstrapState
- type IndexedErrorHandler
- type MemoryTracker
- type MemoryTrackerOptions
- type MockDatabase
- func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MockDatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (ts.BatchWriter, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
- func (m *MockDatabase) Close() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) EXPECT() *MockDatabaseMockRecorder
- func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, ...) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time.Time, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
- func (m *MockDatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
- func (m *MockDatabase) Open() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) Options() Options
- func (m *MockDatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Repair() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
- func (m *MockDatabase) Terminate() error
- func (m *MockDatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
- func (m *MockDatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, ...) error
- func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, ...) error
- type MockDatabaseMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockIndexedErrorHandler
- type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder
- type MockMemoryTracker
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes()
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT() *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) bool
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending()
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes() int64
- func (m *MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec()
- type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes(x interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec() *gomock.Call
- type MockNamespace
- type MockNamespaceMockRecorder
- type MockOptions
- func (m *MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager
- func (m *MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider
- func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool
- func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool
- func (m *MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) ContextPool() context.Pool
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
- func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool
- func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (m *MockOptions) EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64
- func (m *MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration
- func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
- func (m *MockOptions) IdentifierPool() ident.Pool
- func (m *MockOptions) IndexOptions() index.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker
- func (m *MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool
- func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer
- func (m *MockOptions) PersistManager() persist.Manager
- func (m *MockOptions) QueryIDsWorkerPool() sync0.WorkerPool
- func (m *MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool
- func (m *MockOptions) RepairEnabled() bool
- func (m *MockOptions) RepairOptions() repair.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool
- func (m *MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager
- func (m *MockOptions) SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry
- func (m *MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool
- func (m *MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy
- func (m *MockOptions) SeriesOptions() series.Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool(value sync0.WorkerPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool(value *ts.WriteBatchPool) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options
- func (m *MockOptions) TruncateType() series.TruncateType
- func (m *MockOptions) Validate() error
- func (m *MockOptions) WriteBatchPool() *ts.WriteBatchPool
- func (m *MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions
- type MockOptionsMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) QueryIDsWorkerPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled(b interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry(registry interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions() *gomock.Call
- type MockShard
- type MockShardMockRecorder
- type Mockdatabase
- func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (ts.BatchWriter, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Close() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMockRecorder
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, ...) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time.Time, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) GetOwnedNamespaces() ([]databaseNamespace, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Open() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Options() Options
- func (m *Mockdatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, ...) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Repair() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Terminate() error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
- func (m *Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces namespace.Map) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, ...) error
- func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, ...) error
- type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time.Time, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report()
- type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseCleanupManager
- type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Cleanup(t time.Time) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush(t time.Time) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time.Time, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report()
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run(t time.Time, runType runType, forceType forceType) bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status() fileOpStatus
- type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Cleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run(t, runType, forceType interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseFlushManager
- type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseMediator
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOps()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time.Time, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time.Time, bool)
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Open() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Repair() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Report()
- func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Tick(forceType forceType, startTime time.Time) error
- type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOps() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) GetOwnedNamespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseNamespace
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Bootstrap(start time.Time, process bootstrap.Process) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState() ShardBootstrapStates
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, start, end time.Time, limit int64, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex(flush persist.IndexFlush) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState(shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) GetIndex() (namespaceIndex, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) GetOwnedShards() []databaseShard
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ID() ident.ID
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd time.Time) (bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair(repairer databaseShardRepairer, tr time0.Range) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards() []Shard
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotTime time.Time, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate() (int64, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush(blockStart time.Time, flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, value float64, ...) (ts.Series, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, timestamp time.Time, ...) (ts.Series, bool, error)
- type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap(start, process interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, shardID, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, shardID, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState(shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetIndex() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetOwnedShards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair(repairer, tr interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotTime, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseRepairer
- type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseShard
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Bootstrap(bootstrappedSeries *result.Map) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain time.Time) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Close() error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer, resources coldFlushReuseableResources, ...) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time, nsCtx namespace.Context) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx context.Context, seriesID ident.ID, start time.Time, version int, ...) ([]xio.BlockReader, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, ...) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FlushState(blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ID() uint32
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped() bool
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Load(series *result.Map) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries() int64
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id ident.ID, blockStart time.Time)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time, ...) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, ...) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart time.Time, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer, ...) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) TagsFromSeriesID(seriesID ident.ID) (ident.Tags, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time, nsCtx namespace.Context) (tickResult, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush(blockStart time.Time, flush persist.FlushPreparer, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Write(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, value float64, ...) (ts.Series, bool, error)
- func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, timestamp time.Time, ...) (ts.Series, bool, error)
- type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrappedSeries interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush, resources, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, id, starts, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, seriesID, start, version, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Load(series interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, repairer interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TagsFromSeriesID(seriesID interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type MockdatabaseShardRepairer
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options() repair.Options
- func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, ...) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
- type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
- type MockdatabaseTickManager
- type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder
- type MocknamespaceIndex
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime time.Time) time0.UnixNano
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults result.IndexResults) error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) BootstrapsDone() uint
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t time.Time) error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Close() error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Flush(flush persist.IndexFlush, shards []databaseShard) error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Query(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time) (namespaceIndexTickResult, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) WriteBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) error
- type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start() error
- func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop() error
- type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
- type MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BootstrapsDone() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Flush(flush, shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
- func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
- type Namespace
- type NamespaceBootstrapStates
- type NamespacesByID
- type Options
- type PageToken
- type Shard
- type ShardBootstrapStates
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
var (
ErrDatabaseLoadLimitHit = errors.New("error loading series, database load limit hit")
Functions ¶
func NewLeaseVerifier ¶
func NewLeaseVerifier(retriever flushStateRetriever) *leaseVerifier
NewLeaseVerifier creates a new LeaseVerifier.
Types ¶
type BootstrapState ¶
type BootstrapState int
BootstrapState is an enum representing the possible bootstrap states for a shard.
const ( // BootstrapNotStarted indicates bootstrap has not been started yet. BootstrapNotStarted BootstrapState = iota // Bootstrapping indicates bootstrap process is in progress. Bootstrapping // Bootstrapped indicates a bootstrap process has completed. Bootstrapped )
type Database ¶
type Database interface { // Options returns the database options. Options() Options // AssignShardSet sets the shard set assignment and returns immediately. AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet) // Namespaces returns the namespaces. Namespaces() []Namespace // Namespace returns the specified namespace. Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool) // Open will open the database for writing and reading. Open() error // Close will close the database for writing and reading. Close releases // release resources held by owned namespaces. Close() error // ShardSet returns the set of shards currently associated with // this namespace. ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet // Terminate will close the database for writing and reading. Terminate does // NOT release any resources held by owned namespaces, instead relying upon // the GC to do so. Terminate() error // Write value to the database for an ID. Write( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit xtime.Unit, annotation []byte, ) error // WriteTagged values to the database for an ID. WriteTagged( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit xtime.Unit, annotation []byte, ) error // BatchWriter returns a batch writer for the provided namespace that can // be used to issue a batch of writes to either WriteBatch // or WriteTaggedBatch. // // Note that when using the BatchWriter the caller owns the lifecycle of the series // IDs if they're being pooled its the callers responsibility to return them to the // appropriate pool, but the encoded tags and annotations are owned by the // ts.WriteBatch itself and will be finalized when the entire ts.WriteBatch is finalized // due to their lifecycle being more complicated. // Callers can still control the pooling of the encoded tags and annotations by using // the SetFinalizeEncodedTagsFn and SetFinalizeAnnotationFn on the WriteBatch itself. BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (ts.BatchWriter, error) // WriteBatch is the same as Write, but in batch. WriteBatch( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler, ) error // WriteTaggedBatch is the same as WriteTagged, but in batch. WriteTaggedBatch( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler, ) error // QueryIDs resolves the given query into known IDs. QueryIDs( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions, ) (index.QueryResult, error) // AggregateQuery resolves the given query into aggregated tags. AggregateQuery( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions, ) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error) // ReadEncoded retrieves encoded segments for an ID ReadEncoded( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time, ) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error) // FetchBlocks retrieves data blocks for a given id and a list of block // start times. FetchBlocks( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time, ) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error) // FetchBlocksMetadata retrieves blocks metadata for a given shard, returns the // fetched block metadata results, the next page token, and any error encountered. // If we have fetched all the block metadata, we return nil as the next page token. FetchBlocksMetadataV2( ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions, ) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error) // Bootstrap bootstraps the database. Bootstrap() error // IsBootstrapped determines whether the database is bootstrapped. IsBootstrapped() bool // IsBootstrappedAndDurable determines whether the database is bootstrapped // and durable, meaning that it could recover all data in memory using only // the local disk. IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool // IsOverloaded determines whether the database is overloaded. IsOverloaded() bool // Repair will issue a repair and return nil on success or error on error. Repair() error // Truncate truncates data for the given namespace. Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error) // BootstrapState captures and returns a snapshot of the databases' // bootstrap state. BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState // FlushState returns the flush state for the specified shard and block start. FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error) }
Database is a time series database.
type DatabaseBootstrapState ¶
type DatabaseBootstrapState struct {
NamespaceBootstrapStates NamespaceBootstrapStates
DatabaseBootstrapState stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards across all namespaces at a given moment in time.
type IndexedErrorHandler ¶
IndexedErrorHandler can handle individual errors based on their index. It is used primarily in cases where we need to handle errors in batches, but want to avoid an intermediary allocation of []error.
type MemoryTracker ¶
type MemoryTracker interface { // IncNumLoadedBytes increments the number of bytes that have been loaded // into memory via the "Load()" API. IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) (okToLoad bool) // NumLoadedBytes returns the number of bytes that have been loaded into memory via the // "Load()" API. NumLoadedBytes() int64 // MarkLoadedAsPending marks the current number of loaded bytes as pending // so that a subsequent call to DecPendingLoadedBytes() will decrement the // number of loaded bytes by the number that was set when this function was // last executed. MarkLoadedAsPending() // DecPendingLoadedBytes decrements the number of loaded bytes by the number // of pending bytes that were captured by the last call to MarkLoadedAsPending(). DecPendingLoadedBytes() // WaitForDec waits for the next call to DecPendingLoadedBytes before returning. WaitForDec() }
MemoryTracker tracks memory.
func NewMemoryTracker ¶
func NewMemoryTracker(opts MemoryTrackerOptions) MemoryTracker
NewMemoryTracker creates a new MemoryTracker.
type MemoryTrackerOptions ¶
type MemoryTrackerOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MemoryTrackerOptions are the options for the MemoryTracker.
func NewMemoryTrackerOptions ¶
func NewMemoryTrackerOptions(numLoadedBytesLimit int64) MemoryTrackerOptions
NewMemoryTrackerOptions creates a new MemoryTrackerOptions.
type MockDatabase ¶
type MockDatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDatabase is a mock of Database interface
func NewMockDatabase ¶
func NewMockDatabase(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockDatabase
NewMockDatabase creates a new mock instance
func (*MockDatabase) AggregateQuery ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) BatchWriter ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (ts.BatchWriter, error)
BatchWriter mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) EXPECT() *MockDatabaseMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockDatabase) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) FlushState ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
IsBootstrappedAndDurable mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) IsOverloaded ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
IsOverloaded mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Namespace ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
Namespace mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Namespaces ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
Namespaces mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) ShardSet ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
ShardSet mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Terminate ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Terminate() error
Terminate mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Truncate ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) Write ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
Write mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) WriteBatch ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteBatch mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
WriteTagged mocks base method
func (*MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch ¶
func (m *MockDatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteTaggedBatch mocks base method
type MockDatabaseMockRecorder ¶
type MockDatabaseMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockDatabaseMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockDatabase
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
BatchWriter indicates an expected call of BatchWriter
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrappedAndDurable indicates an expected call of IsBootstrappedAndDurable
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
IsOverloaded indicates an expected call of IsOverloaded
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
Namespace indicates an expected call of Namespace
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
Namespaces indicates an expected call of Namespaces
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
ShardSet indicates an expected call of ShardSet
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
Terminate indicates an expected call of Terminate
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged
func (*MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch ¶
func (mr *MockDatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTaggedBatch indicates an expected call of WriteTaggedBatch
type MockIndexedErrorHandler ¶
type MockIndexedErrorHandler struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexedErrorHandler is a mock of IndexedErrorHandler interface
func NewMockIndexedErrorHandler ¶
func NewMockIndexedErrorHandler(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockIndexedErrorHandler
NewMockIndexedErrorHandler creates a new mock instance
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandler) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockIndexedErrorHandler) EXPECT() *MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandler) HandleError ¶
func (m *MockIndexedErrorHandler) HandleError(index int, err error)
HandleError mocks base method
type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder ¶
type MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockIndexedErrorHandler
func (*MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder) HandleError ¶
func (mr *MockIndexedErrorHandlerMockRecorder) HandleError(index, err interface{}) *gomock.Call
HandleError indicates an expected call of HandleError
type MockMemoryTracker ¶
type MockMemoryTracker struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMemoryTracker is a mock of MemoryTracker interface
func NewMockMemoryTracker ¶
func NewMockMemoryTracker(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockMemoryTracker
NewMockMemoryTracker creates a new mock instance
func (*MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) DecPendingLoadedBytes()
DecPendingLoadedBytes mocks base method
func (*MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) EXPECT() *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) IncNumLoadedBytes(x int64) bool
IncNumLoadedBytes mocks base method
func (*MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) MarkLoadedAsPending()
MarkLoadedAsPending mocks base method
func (*MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) NumLoadedBytes() int64
NumLoadedBytes mocks base method
func (*MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec ¶
func (m *MockMemoryTracker) WaitForDec()
WaitForDec mocks base method
type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder ¶
type MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockMemoryTracker
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes ¶
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) DecPendingLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
DecPendingLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of DecPendingLoadedBytes
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes ¶
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) IncNumLoadedBytes(x interface{}) *gomock.Call
IncNumLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of IncNumLoadedBytes
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending ¶
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) MarkLoadedAsPending() *gomock.Call
MarkLoadedAsPending indicates an expected call of MarkLoadedAsPending
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes ¶
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) NumLoadedBytes() *gomock.Call
NumLoadedBytes indicates an expected call of NumLoadedBytes
func (*MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec ¶
func (mr *MockMemoryTrackerMockRecorder) WaitForDec() *gomock.Call
WaitForDec indicates an expected call of WaitForDec
type MockNamespace ¶
type MockNamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespace is a mock of Namespace interface
func NewMockNamespace ¶
func NewMockNamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockNamespace
NewMockNamespace creates a new mock instance
func (*MockNamespace) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) EXPECT() *MockNamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockNamespace) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method
func (*MockNamespace) Options ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
Options mocks base method
func (*MockNamespace) Schema ¶
func (m *MockNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
Schema mocks base method
type MockNamespaceMockRecorder ¶
type MockNamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockNamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockNamespace
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
Schema indicates an expected call of Schema
func (*MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards
type MockOptions ¶
type MockOptions struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptions is a mock of Options interface
func NewMockOptions ¶
func NewMockOptions(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockOptions
NewMockOptions creates a new mock instance
func (*MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager
BlockLeaseManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider
BootstrapProcessProvider mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) BufferBucketPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool
BufferBucketPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool
BufferBucketVersionsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) BytesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool
BytesPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool
CheckedBytesWrapperPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ClockOptions() clock.Options
ClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) CommitLogOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options
CommitLogOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ContextPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ContextPool() context.Pool
ContextPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options
DatabaseBlockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool
DatabaseSeriesPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockOptions) EXPECT() *MockOptionsMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockOptions) EncoderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool
EncoderPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64
ErrorThresholdForLoad mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration
ErrorWindowForLoad mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) IdentifierPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IdentifierPool() ident.Pool
IdentifierPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) IndexOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) IndexOptions() index.Options
IndexOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options
InstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) MemoryTracker ¶
func (m *MockOptions) MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker
MemoryTracker mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool
MultiReaderIteratorPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer ¶
func (m *MockOptions) NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer
NamespaceInitializer mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) PersistManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) PersistManager() persist.Manager
PersistManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) QueryIDsWorkerPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) QueryIDsWorkerPool() sync0.WorkerPool
QueryIDsWorkerPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool
ReaderIteratorPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) RepairEnabled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RepairEnabled() bool
RepairEnabled mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) RepairOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RepairOptions() repair.Options
RepairOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool
RetrieveRequestPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager
RuntimeOptionsManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SchemaRegistry ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry
SchemaRegistry mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool
SegmentReaderPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy
SeriesCachePolicy mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SeriesOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SeriesOptions() series.Options
SeriesOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options
SetBlockLeaseManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options
SetBootstrapProcessProvider mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options
SetBufferBucketPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options
SetBufferBucketVersionsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetBytesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options
SetBytesPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options
SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetClockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options
SetClockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options
SetCommitLogOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetContextPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options
SetContextPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options
SetDatabaseBlockOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager) Options
SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options
SetDatabaseSeriesPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetEncoderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options
SetEncoderPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options
SetEncodingM3TSZPooled mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options
SetErrorThresholdForLoad mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options
SetErrorWindowForLoad mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options
SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options
SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options
SetIdentifierPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetIndexOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options
SetIndexOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options
SetInstrumentOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options
SetMemoryTracker mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options
SetMultiReaderIteratorPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options
SetNamespaceInitializer mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetPersistManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options
SetPersistManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool(value sync0.WorkerPool) Options
SetQueryIDsWorkerPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options
SetReaderIteratorPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options
SetRepairEnabled mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetRepairOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options
SetRepairOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options
SetRetrieveRequestPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options
SetRuntimeOptionsManager mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options
SetSchemaRegistry mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options
SetSegmentReaderPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options
SetSeriesCachePolicy mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options
SetSeriesOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetTruncateType ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options
SetTruncateType mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteBatchPool(value *ts.WriteBatchPool) Options
SetWriteBatchPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options
SetWriteTransformOptions mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) TruncateType ¶
func (m *MockOptions) TruncateType() series.TruncateType
TruncateType mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) WriteBatchPool ¶
func (m *MockOptions) WriteBatchPool() *ts.WriteBatchPool
WriteBatchPool mocks base method
func (*MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions ¶
func (m *MockOptions) WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions
WriteTransformOptions mocks base method
type MockOptionsMockRecorder ¶
type MockOptionsMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockOptionsMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BlockLeaseManager() *gomock.Call
BlockLeaseManager indicates an expected call of BlockLeaseManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BootstrapProcessProvider() *gomock.Call
BootstrapProcessProvider indicates an expected call of BootstrapProcessProvider
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketPool() *gomock.Call
BufferBucketPool indicates an expected call of BufferBucketPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BufferBucketVersionsPool() *gomock.Call
BufferBucketVersionsPool indicates an expected call of BufferBucketVersionsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) BytesPool() *gomock.Call
BytesPool indicates an expected call of BytesPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CheckedBytesWrapperPool() *gomock.Call
CheckedBytesWrapperPool indicates an expected call of CheckedBytesWrapperPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ClockOptions() *gomock.Call
ClockOptions indicates an expected call of ClockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) CommitLogOptions() *gomock.Call
CommitLogOptions indicates an expected call of CommitLogOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ContextPool() *gomock.Call
ContextPool indicates an expected call of ContextPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockOptions() *gomock.Call
DatabaseBlockOptions indicates an expected call of DatabaseBlockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() *gomock.Call
DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager indicates an expected call of DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) DatabaseSeriesPool() *gomock.Call
DatabaseSeriesPool indicates an expected call of DatabaseSeriesPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) EncoderPool() *gomock.Call
EncoderPool indicates an expected call of EncoderPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorThresholdForLoad() *gomock.Call
ErrorThresholdForLoad indicates an expected call of ErrorThresholdForLoad
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ErrorWindowForLoad() *gomock.Call
ErrorWindowForLoad indicates an expected call of ErrorWindowForLoad
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IdentifierPool() *gomock.Call
IdentifierPool indicates an expected call of IdentifierPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) IndexOptions() *gomock.Call
IndexOptions indicates an expected call of IndexOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) InstrumentOptions() *gomock.Call
InstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of InstrumentOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MemoryTracker() *gomock.Call
MemoryTracker indicates an expected call of MemoryTracker
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) MultiReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
MultiReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of MultiReaderIteratorPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) NamespaceInitializer() *gomock.Call
NamespaceInitializer indicates an expected call of NamespaceInitializer
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) PersistManager() *gomock.Call
PersistManager indicates an expected call of PersistManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) QueryIDsWorkerPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) QueryIDsWorkerPool() *gomock.Call
QueryIDsWorkerPool indicates an expected call of QueryIDsWorkerPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) ReaderIteratorPool() *gomock.Call
ReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of ReaderIteratorPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairEnabled() *gomock.Call
RepairEnabled indicates an expected call of RepairEnabled
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RepairOptions() *gomock.Call
RepairOptions indicates an expected call of RepairOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RetrieveRequestPool() *gomock.Call
RetrieveRequestPool indicates an expected call of RetrieveRequestPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) RuntimeOptionsManager() *gomock.Call
RuntimeOptionsManager indicates an expected call of RuntimeOptionsManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SchemaRegistry() *gomock.Call
SchemaRegistry indicates an expected call of SchemaRegistry
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SegmentReaderPool() *gomock.Call
SegmentReaderPool indicates an expected call of SegmentReaderPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesCachePolicy() *gomock.Call
SeriesCachePolicy indicates an expected call of SeriesCachePolicy
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SeriesOptions() *gomock.Call
SeriesOptions indicates an expected call of SeriesOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBlockLeaseManager indicates an expected call of SetBlockLeaseManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBootstrapProcessProvider indicates an expected call of SetBootstrapProcessProvider
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBufferBucketPool indicates an expected call of SetBufferBucketPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBufferBucketVersionsPool indicates an expected call of SetBufferBucketVersionsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetBytesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetBytesPool indicates an expected call of SetBytesPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool indicates an expected call of SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetClockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetClockOptions indicates an expected call of SetClockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetCommitLogOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetCommitLogOptions indicates an expected call of SetCommitLogOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetContextPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetContextPool indicates an expected call of SetContextPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseBlockOptions indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseBlockOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetDatabaseSeriesPool indicates an expected call of SetDatabaseSeriesPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncoderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetEncoderPool indicates an expected call of SetEncoderPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() *gomock.Call
SetEncodingM3TSZPooled indicates an expected call of SetEncodingM3TSZPooled
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetErrorThresholdForLoad indicates an expected call of SetErrorThresholdForLoad
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetErrorWindowForLoad(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetErrorWindowForLoad indicates an expected call of SetErrorWindowForLoad
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool indicates an expected call of SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIdentifierPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIdentifierPool indicates an expected call of SetIdentifierPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetIndexOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetIndexOptions indicates an expected call of SetIndexOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetInstrumentOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetInstrumentOptions indicates an expected call of SetInstrumentOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMemoryTracker(memTracker interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMemoryTracker indicates an expected call of SetMemoryTracker
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetMultiReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of SetMultiReaderIteratorPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetNamespaceInitializer(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetNamespaceInitializer indicates an expected call of SetNamespaceInitializer
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetPersistManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetPersistManager indicates an expected call of SetPersistManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetQueryIDsWorkerPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetQueryIDsWorkerPool indicates an expected call of SetQueryIDsWorkerPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetReaderIteratorPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetReaderIteratorPool indicates an expected call of SetReaderIteratorPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairEnabled(b interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRepairEnabled indicates an expected call of SetRepairEnabled
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRepairOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRepairOptions indicates an expected call of SetRepairOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRetrieveRequestPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRetrieveRequestPool indicates an expected call of SetRetrieveRequestPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetRuntimeOptionsManager indicates an expected call of SetRuntimeOptionsManager
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSchemaRegistry(registry interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSchemaRegistry indicates an expected call of SetSchemaRegistry
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSegmentReaderPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSegmentReaderPool indicates an expected call of SetSegmentReaderPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesCachePolicy(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSeriesCachePolicy indicates an expected call of SetSeriesCachePolicy
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetSeriesOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetSeriesOptions indicates an expected call of SetSeriesOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetTruncateType(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetTruncateType indicates an expected call of SetTruncateType
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteBatchPool(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetWriteBatchPool indicates an expected call of SetWriteBatchPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) SetWriteTransformOptions(value interface{}) *gomock.Call
SetWriteTransformOptions indicates an expected call of SetWriteTransformOptions
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) TruncateType() *gomock.Call
TruncateType indicates an expected call of TruncateType
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) Validate() *gomock.Call
Validate indicates an expected call of Validate
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteBatchPool() *gomock.Call
WriteBatchPool indicates an expected call of WriteBatchPool
func (*MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions ¶
func (mr *MockOptionsMockRecorder) WriteTransformOptions() *gomock.Call
WriteTransformOptions indicates an expected call of WriteTransformOptions
type MockShard ¶
type MockShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShard is a mock of Shard interface
func NewMockShard ¶
func NewMockShard(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockShard
NewMockShard creates a new mock instance
func (*MockShard) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method
func (*MockShard) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockShard) EXPECT() *MockShardMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockShard) IsBootstrapped ¶
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
type MockShardMockRecorder ¶
type MockShardMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockShardMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockShard
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockShardMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries
type Mockdatabase ¶
type Mockdatabase struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
Mockdatabase is a mock of database interface
func NewMockdatabase ¶
func NewMockdatabase(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *Mockdatabase
NewMockdatabase creates a new mock instance
func (*Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) BatchWriter ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) BatchWriter(namespace ident.ID, batchSize int) (ts.BatchWriter, error)
BatchWriter mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) BootstrapState() DatabaseBootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) EXPECT ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, shard uint32, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) FlushState ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) FlushState(namespace ident.ID, shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) GetOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) GetOwnedNamespaces() ([]databaseNamespace, error)
GetOwnedNamespaces mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() bool
IsBootstrappedAndDurable mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) IsOverloaded() bool
IsOverloaded mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Namespace ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespace(ns ident.ID) (Namespace, bool)
Namespace mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Namespaces ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Namespaces() []Namespace
Namespaces mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) ShardSet ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) ShardSet() sharding.ShardSet
ShardSet mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Terminate ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Terminate() error
Terminate mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Truncate ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Truncate(namespace ident.ID) (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces namespace.Map) error
UpdateOwnedNamespaces mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) Write ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) Write(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
Write mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteBatch ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteBatch mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteTagged ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTagged(ctx context.Context, namespace, id ident.ID, tags ident.TagIterator, timestamp time.Time, value float64, unit time0.Unit, annotation []byte) error
WriteTagged mocks base method
func (*Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch ¶
func (m *Mockdatabase) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx context.Context, namespace ident.ID, writes ts.BatchWriter, errHandler IndexedErrorHandler) error
WriteTaggedBatch mocks base method
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager ¶
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseBootstrapManager is a mock of databaseBootstrapManager interface
func NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager
NewMockdatabaseBootstrapManager creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time.Time, bool)
LastBootstrapCompletionTime mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseBootstrapManager) Report()
Report mocks base method
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseBootstrapManager
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
LastBootstrapCompletionTime indicates an expected call of LastBootstrapCompletionTime
func (*MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseBootstrapManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
type MockdatabaseCleanupManager ¶
type MockdatabaseCleanupManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseCleanupManager is a mock of databaseCleanupManager interface
func NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseCleanupManager
NewMockdatabaseCleanupManager creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Cleanup ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Cleanup(t time.Time) error
Cleanup mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseCleanupManager) Report()
Report mocks base method
type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseCleanupManager
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Cleanup ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Cleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Cleanup indicates an expected call of Cleanup
func (*MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseCleanupManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager ¶
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFileSystemManager is a mock of databaseFileSystemManager interface
func NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager
NewMockdatabaseFileSystemManager creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Cleanup ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Cleanup(t time.Time) error
Cleanup mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Disable() fileOpStatus
Disable mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Enable() fileOpStatus
Enable mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Flush(t time.Time) error
Flush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time.Time, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Report()
Report mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Run(t time.Time, runType runType, forceType forceType) bool
Run mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFileSystemManager) Status() fileOpStatus
Status mocks base method
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseFileSystemManager
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Cleanup ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Cleanup(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Cleanup indicates an expected call of Cleanup
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Disable() *gomock.Call
Disable indicates an expected call of Disable
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Enable() *gomock.Call
Enable indicates an expected call of Enable
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Flush(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Run(t, runType, forceType interface{}) *gomock.Call
Run indicates an expected call of Run
func (*MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFileSystemManagerMockRecorder) Status() *gomock.Call
Status indicates an expected call of Status
type MockdatabaseFlushManager ¶
type MockdatabaseFlushManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFlushManager is a mock of databaseFlushManager interface
func NewMockdatabaseFlushManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseFlushManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseFlushManager
NewMockdatabaseFlushManager creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) Flush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) Flush(startTime time.Time) error
Flush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time.Time, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManager) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseFlushManager) Report()
Report mocks base method
type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseFlushManager
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Flush(startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime
func (*MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseFlushManagerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
type MockdatabaseMediator ¶
type MockdatabaseMediator struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMediator is a mock of databaseMediator interface
func NewMockdatabaseMediator ¶
func NewMockdatabaseMediator(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseMediator
NewMockdatabaseMediator creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Bootstrap() error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Close ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Close() error
Close mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOps ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) DisableFileOps()
DisableFileOps mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) EnableFileOps()
EnableFileOps mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() (time.Time, bool)
LastBootstrapCompletionTime mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() (time.Time, bool)
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Open ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Open() error
Open mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Repair() error
Repair mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseMediator) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseMediator) Report()
Report mocks base method
type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseMediator
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOps ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) DisableFileOps() *gomock.Call
DisableFileOps indicates an expected call of DisableFileOps
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) EnableFileOps() *gomock.Call
EnableFileOps indicates an expected call of EnableFileOps
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastBootstrapCompletionTime() *gomock.Call
LastBootstrapCompletionTime indicates an expected call of LastBootstrapCompletionTime
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime() *gomock.Call
LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime indicates an expected call of LastSuccessfulSnapshotStartTime
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
func (*MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMediatorMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick
type MockdatabaseMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseMockRecorder is the mock recorder for Mockdatabase
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BatchWriter(namespace, batchSize interface{}) *gomock.Call
BatchWriter indicates an expected call of BatchWriter
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Bootstrap() *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, namespace, shard, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, namespace, shard, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) FlushState(namespace, shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) GetOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) GetOwnedNamespaces() *gomock.Call
GetOwnedNamespaces indicates an expected call of GetOwnedNamespaces
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsBootstrappedAndDurable() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrappedAndDurable indicates an expected call of IsBootstrappedAndDurable
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) IsOverloaded() *gomock.Call
IsOverloaded indicates an expected call of IsOverloaded
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespace(ns interface{}) *gomock.Call
Namespace indicates an expected call of Namespace
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Namespaces() *gomock.Call
Namespaces indicates an expected call of Namespaces
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Open() *gomock.Call
Open indicates an expected call of Open
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, namespace, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, namespace, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) ShardSet() *gomock.Call
ShardSet indicates an expected call of ShardSet
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Terminate() *gomock.Call
Terminate indicates an expected call of Terminate
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Truncate(namespace interface{}) *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) UpdateOwnedNamespaces(namespaces interface{}) *gomock.Call
UpdateOwnedNamespaces indicates an expected call of UpdateOwnedNamespaces
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) Write(ctx, namespace, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, namespace, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged
func (*MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseMockRecorder) WriteTaggedBatch(ctx, namespace, writes, errHandler interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTaggedBatch indicates an expected call of WriteTaggedBatch
type MockdatabaseNamespace ¶
type MockdatabaseNamespace struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseNamespace is a mock of databaseNamespace interface
func NewMockdatabaseNamespace ¶
func NewMockdatabaseNamespace(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseNamespace
NewMockdatabaseNamespace creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) BootstrapState() ShardBootstrapStates
BootstrapState mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Close ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Close() error
Close mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
ColdFlush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, shardID uint32, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushIndex(flush persist.IndexFlush) error
FlushIndex mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) FlushState(shardID uint32, blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) GetIndex ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) GetIndex() (namespaceIndex, error)
GetIndex mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) GetOwnedShards ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) GetOwnedShards() []databaseShard
GetOwnedShards mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ID ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ID() ident.ID
ID mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd time.Time) (bool, error)
NeedsFlush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Options ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Options() namespace.Options
Options mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) QueryIDs(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
QueryIDs mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Repair(repairer databaseShardRepairer, tr time0.Range) error
Repair mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr
Schema mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Shards() []Shard
Shards mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotTime time.Time, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer) error
Snapshot mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time) error
Tick mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) Truncate() (int64, error)
Truncate mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseNamespace) WarmFlush(blockStart time.Time, flush persist.FlushPreparer) error
WarmFlush mocks base method
type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseNamespace
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Bootstrap(start, process interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlush indicates an expected call of ColdFlush
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, shardID, id, starts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, shardID, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushIndex(flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushIndex indicates an expected call of FlushIndex
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) FlushState(shardID, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetIndex ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetIndex() *gomock.Call
GetIndex indicates an expected call of GetIndex
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetOwnedShards ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) GetOwnedShards() *gomock.Call
GetOwnedShards indicates an expected call of GetOwnedShards
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NeedsFlush(alignedInclusiveStart, alignedInclusiveEnd interface{}) *gomock.Call
NeedsFlush indicates an expected call of NeedsFlush
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) QueryIDs(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
QueryIDs indicates an expected call of QueryIDs
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Repair(repairer, tr interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Schema() *gomock.Call
Schema indicates an expected call of Schema
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Shards() *gomock.Call
Shards indicates an expected call of Shards
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotTime, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
Snapshot indicates an expected call of Snapshot
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Truncate() *gomock.Call
Truncate indicates an expected call of Truncate
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlush indicates an expected call of WarmFlush
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write
func (*MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseNamespaceMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged
type MockdatabaseRepairer ¶
type MockdatabaseRepairer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseRepairer is a mock of databaseRepairer interface
func NewMockdatabaseRepairer ¶
func NewMockdatabaseRepairer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseRepairer
NewMockdatabaseRepairer creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) Repair() error
Repair mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseRepairer) Report ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseRepairer) Report()
Report mocks base method
type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseRepairer
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Repair() *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Report ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Report() *gomock.Call
Report indicates an expected call of Report
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start
func (*MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseRepairerMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop
type MockdatabaseShard ¶
type MockdatabaseShard struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShard is a mock of databaseShard interface
func NewMockdatabaseShard ¶
func NewMockdatabaseShard(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseShard
NewMockdatabaseShard creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Bootstrap(bootstrappedSeries *result.Map) error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) BootstrapState() BootstrapState
BootstrapState mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupCompactedFileSets() error
CleanupCompactedFileSets mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain time.Time) error
CleanupExpiredFileSets mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ColdFlush(flush persist.FlushPreparer, resources coldFlushReuseableResources, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
ColdFlush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocks(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, starts []time.Time, nsCtx namespace.Context) ([]block.FetchBlockResult, error)
FetchBlocks mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx context.Context, seriesID ident.ID, start time.Time, version int, nsCtx namespace.Context) ([]xio.BlockReader, error)
FetchBlocksForColdFlush mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx context.Context, start, end time.Time, limit int64, pageToken PageToken, opts block.FetchBlocksMetadataOptions) (block.FetchBlocksMetadataResults, PageToken, error)
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) FlushState ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) FlushState(blockStart time.Time) (fileOpState, error)
FlushState mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) IsBootstrapped() bool
IsBootstrapped mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Load ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Load(series *result.Map) error
Load mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) NumSeries() int64
NumSeries mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id ident.ID, blockStart time.Time)
OnEvictedFromWiredList mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) ReadEncoded(ctx context.Context, id ident.ID, start, end time.Time, nsCtx namespace.Context) ([][]xio.BlockReader, error)
ReadEncoded mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Repair ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Repair(ctx context.Context, nsCtx namespace.Context, nsMeta namespace.Metadata, tr time0.Range, repairer databaseShardRepairer) (repair.MetadataComparisonResult, error)
Repair mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart time.Time, flush persist.SnapshotPreparer, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
Snapshot mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) TagsFromSeriesID ¶
TagsFromSeriesID mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) Tick ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time, nsCtx namespace.Context) (tickResult, error)
Tick mocks base method
func (*MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShard) WarmFlush(blockStart time.Time, flush persist.FlushPreparer, nsCtx namespace.Context) error
WarmFlush mocks base method
type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseShard
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrappedSeries interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) BootstrapState() *gomock.Call
BootstrapState indicates an expected call of BootstrapState
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupCompactedFileSets() *gomock.Call
CleanupCompactedFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupCompactedFileSets
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(earliestToRetain interface{}) *gomock.Call
CleanupExpiredFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupExpiredFileSets
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ColdFlush(flush, resources, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
ColdFlush indicates an expected call of ColdFlush
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocks(ctx, id, starts, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocks indicates an expected call of FetchBlocks
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksForColdFlush(ctx, seriesID, start, version, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksForColdFlush indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksForColdFlush
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2 ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FetchBlocksMetadataV2(ctx, start, end, limit, pageToken, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
FetchBlocksMetadataV2 indicates an expected call of FetchBlocksMetadataV2
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) FlushState(blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
FlushState indicates an expected call of FlushState
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ID() *gomock.Call
ID indicates an expected call of ID
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) IsBootstrapped() *gomock.Call
IsBootstrapped indicates an expected call of IsBootstrapped
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Load ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Load(series interface{}) *gomock.Call
Load indicates an expected call of Load
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) NumSeries() *gomock.Call
NumSeries indicates an expected call of NumSeries
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) OnEvictedFromWiredList(id, blockStart interface{}) *gomock.Call
OnEvictedFromWiredList indicates an expected call of OnEvictedFromWiredList
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) ReadEncoded(ctx, id, start, end, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
ReadEncoded indicates an expected call of ReadEncoded
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, repairer interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Snapshot(blockStart, snapshotStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Snapshot indicates an expected call of Snapshot
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TagsFromSeriesID ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) TagsFromSeriesID(seriesID interface{}) *gomock.Call
TagsFromSeriesID indicates an expected call of TagsFromSeriesID
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WarmFlush(blockStart, flush, nsCtx interface{}) *gomock.Call
WarmFlush indicates an expected call of WarmFlush
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) Write(ctx, id, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
Write indicates an expected call of Write
func (*MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardMockRecorder) WriteTagged(ctx, id, tags, timestamp, value, unit, annotation, wOpts interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteTagged indicates an expected call of WriteTagged
type MockdatabaseShardRepairer ¶
type MockdatabaseShardRepairer struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardRepairer is a mock of databaseShardRepairer interface
func NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer ¶
func NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseShardRepairer
NewMockdatabaseShardRepairer creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseShardRepairer) Options() repair.Options
Options mocks base method
type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseShardRepairer
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Options ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Options() *gomock.Call
Options indicates an expected call of Options
func (*MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Repair ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseShardRepairerMockRecorder) Repair(ctx, nsCtx, nsMeta, tr, shard interface{}) *gomock.Call
Repair indicates an expected call of Repair
type MockdatabaseTickManager ¶
type MockdatabaseTickManager struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseTickManager is a mock of databaseTickManager interface
func NewMockdatabaseTickManager ¶
func NewMockdatabaseTickManager(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MockdatabaseTickManager
NewMockdatabaseTickManager creates a new mock instance
func (*MockdatabaseTickManager) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MockdatabaseTickManager) EXPECT() *MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder ¶
type MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MockdatabaseTickManager
func (*MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MockdatabaseTickManagerMockRecorder) Tick(forceType, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick
type MocknamespaceIndex ¶
type MocknamespaceIndex struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndex is a mock of namespaceIndex interface
func NewMocknamespaceIndex ¶
func NewMocknamespaceIndex(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MocknamespaceIndex
NewMocknamespaceIndex creates a new mock instance
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) AggregateQuery(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.AggregationOptions) (index.AggregateQueryResult, error)
AggregateQuery mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) AssignShardSet(shardSet sharding.ShardSet)
AssignShardSet mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime time.Time) time0.UnixNano
BlockStartForWriteTime mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) Bootstrap ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults result.IndexResults) error
Bootstrap mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) BootstrapsDone ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) BootstrapsDone() uint
BootstrapsDone mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t time.Time) error
CleanupExpiredFileSets mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) Close ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Close() error
Close mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) Flush ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Flush(flush persist.IndexFlush, shards []databaseShard) error
Flush mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) Query ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Query(ctx context.Context, query index.Query, opts index.QueryOptions) (index.QueryResult, error)
Query mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) Tick ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) Tick(c context.Cancellable, startTime time.Time) (namespaceIndexTickResult, error)
Tick mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndex) WriteBatch ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndex) WriteBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) error
WriteBatch mocks base method
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue ¶
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue is a mock of namespaceIndexInsertQueue interface
func NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue ¶
func NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue(ctrl *gomock.Controller) *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue
NewMocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue creates a new mock instance
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) EXPECT() *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder
EXPECT returns an object that allows the caller to indicate expected use
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) InsertBatch(batch *index.WriteBatch) (*sync.WaitGroup, error)
InsertBatch mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Start() error
Start mocks base method
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop ¶
func (m *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue) Stop() error
Stop mocks base method
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder ¶
type MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueue
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertBatch ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) InsertBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
InsertBatch indicates an expected call of InsertBatch
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Start ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Start() *gomock.Call
Start indicates an expected call of Start
func (*MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Stop ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexInsertQueueMockRecorder) Stop() *gomock.Call
Stop indicates an expected call of Stop
type MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder ¶
type MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder struct {
// contains filtered or unexported fields
MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder is the mock recorder for MocknamespaceIndex
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AggregateQuery(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
AggregateQuery indicates an expected call of AggregateQuery
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) AssignShardSet(shardSet interface{}) *gomock.Call
AssignShardSet indicates an expected call of AssignShardSet
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BlockStartForWriteTime(writeTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
BlockStartForWriteTime indicates an expected call of BlockStartForWriteTime
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Bootstrap(bootstrapResults interface{}) *gomock.Call
Bootstrap indicates an expected call of Bootstrap
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BootstrapsDone ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) BootstrapsDone() *gomock.Call
BootstrapsDone indicates an expected call of BootstrapsDone
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) CleanupExpiredFileSets(t interface{}) *gomock.Call
CleanupExpiredFileSets indicates an expected call of CleanupExpiredFileSets
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Close() *gomock.Call
Close indicates an expected call of Close
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Flush ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Flush(flush, shards interface{}) *gomock.Call
Flush indicates an expected call of Flush
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Query(ctx, query, opts interface{}) *gomock.Call
Query indicates an expected call of Query
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) Tick(c, startTime interface{}) *gomock.Call
Tick indicates an expected call of Tick
func (*MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch ¶
func (mr *MocknamespaceIndexMockRecorder) WriteBatch(batch interface{}) *gomock.Call
WriteBatch indicates an expected call of WriteBatch
type Namespace ¶
type Namespace interface { // Options returns the namespace options Options() namespace.Options // ID returns the ID of the namespace ID() ident.ID // Schema returns the schema of the namespace. Schema() namespace.SchemaDescr // NumSeries returns the number of series in the namespace NumSeries() int64 // Shards returns the shard description Shards() []Shard }
Namespace is a time series database namespace
type NamespaceBootstrapStates ¶
type NamespaceBootstrapStates map[string]ShardBootstrapStates
NamespaceBootstrapStates stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards across a number of namespaces at a given moment in time.
type NamespacesByID ¶
type NamespacesByID []Namespace
NamespacesByID is a sortable slice of namespaces by ID
func (NamespacesByID) Len ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Len() int
func (NamespacesByID) Less ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Less(i, j int) bool
func (NamespacesByID) Swap ¶
func (n NamespacesByID) Swap(i, j int)
type Options ¶
type Options interface { // Validate validates assumptions baked into the code. Validate() error // SetEncodingM3TSZPooled sets m3tsz encoding with pooling. SetEncodingM3TSZPooled() Options // SetClockOptions sets the clock options. SetClockOptions(value clock.Options) Options // ClockOptions returns the clock options. ClockOptions() clock.Options // SetInstrumentOptions sets the instrumentation options. SetInstrumentOptions(value instrument.Options) Options // InstrumentOptions returns the instrumentation options. InstrumentOptions() instrument.Options // SetNamespaceInitializer sets the namespace registry initializer. SetNamespaceInitializer(value namespace.Initializer) Options // NamespaceInitializer returns the namespace registry initializer. NamespaceInitializer() namespace.Initializer // SetDatabaseBlockOptions sets the database block options. SetDatabaseBlockOptions(value block.Options) Options // DatabaseBlockOptions returns the database block options. DatabaseBlockOptions() block.Options // SetCommitLogOptions sets the commit log options. SetCommitLogOptions(value commitlog.Options) Options // CommitLogOptions returns the commit log options. CommitLogOptions() commitlog.Options // SetRuntimeOptionsManager sets the runtime options manager. SetRuntimeOptionsManager(value runtime.OptionsManager) Options // RuntimeOptionsManager returns the runtime options manager. RuntimeOptionsManager() runtime.OptionsManager // SetErrorWindowForLoad sets the error window for load. SetErrorWindowForLoad(value time.Duration) Options // ErrorWindowForLoad returns the error window for load. ErrorWindowForLoad() time.Duration // SetErrorThresholdForLoad sets the error threshold for load. SetErrorThresholdForLoad(value int64) Options // ErrorThresholdForLoad returns the error threshold for load. ErrorThresholdForLoad() int64 // SetIndexOptions set the indexing options. SetIndexOptions(value index.Options) Options // IndexOptions returns the indexing options. IndexOptions() index.Options // SetTruncateType sets the truncation type for the database. SetTruncateType(value series.TruncateType) Options // TruncateType returns the truncation type for the database. TruncateType() series.TruncateType // SetWriteTransformOptions sets options for transforming incoming writes // to the database. SetWriteTransformOptions(value series.WriteTransformOptions) Options // WriteTransformOptions returns the options for transforming incoming writes // to the database. WriteTransformOptions() series.WriteTransformOptions // SetRepairEnabled sets whether or not to enable the repair. SetRepairEnabled(b bool) Options // RepairEnabled returns whether the repair is enabled. RepairEnabled() bool // SetRepairOptions sets the repair options. SetRepairOptions(value repair.Options) Options // RepairOptions returns the repair options. RepairOptions() repair.Options // SetBootstrapProcessProvider sets the bootstrap process provider for the database. SetBootstrapProcessProvider(value bootstrap.ProcessProvider) Options // BootstrapProcessProvider returns the bootstrap process provider for the database. BootstrapProcessProvider() bootstrap.ProcessProvider // SetPersistManager sets the persistence manager. SetPersistManager(value persist.Manager) Options // PersistManager returns the persistence manager. PersistManager() persist.Manager // SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager sets the block retriever manager to // use when bootstrapping retrievable blocks instead of blocks // containing data. // If you don't wish to bootstrap retrievable blocks instead of // blocks containing data then do not set this manager. // You can opt into which namespace you wish to have this enabled for // by returning nil instead of a result when creating a new block retriever // for a namespace from the manager. SetDatabaseBlockRetrieverManager( value block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager, ) Options // NewBlockRetrieverFn returns the new block retriever constructor to // use when bootstrapping retrievable blocks instead of blocks // containing data. DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager() block.DatabaseBlockRetrieverManager // SetContextPool sets the contextPool. SetContextPool(value context.Pool) Options // ContextPool returns the contextPool. ContextPool() context.Pool // SetSeriesCachePolicy sets the series cache policy. SetSeriesCachePolicy(value series.CachePolicy) Options // SeriesCachePolicy returns the series cache policy. SeriesCachePolicy() series.CachePolicy // SetSeriesOptions sets the series options. SetSeriesOptions(value series.Options) Options // SeriesOptions returns the series options. SeriesOptions() series.Options // SetDatabaseSeriesPool sets the database series pool. SetDatabaseSeriesPool(value series.DatabaseSeriesPool) Options // DatabaseSeriesPool returns the database series pool. DatabaseSeriesPool() series.DatabaseSeriesPool // SetBytesPool sets the bytesPool. SetBytesPool(value pool.CheckedBytesPool) Options // BytesPool returns the bytesPool. BytesPool() pool.CheckedBytesPool // SetEncoderPool sets the contextPool. SetEncoderPool(value encoding.EncoderPool) Options // EncoderPool returns the contextPool. EncoderPool() encoding.EncoderPool // SetSegmentReaderPool sets the contextPool. SetSegmentReaderPool(value xio.SegmentReaderPool) Options // SegmentReaderPool returns the contextPool. SegmentReaderPool() xio.SegmentReaderPool // SetReaderIteratorPool sets the readerIteratorPool. SetReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.ReaderIteratorPool) Options // ReaderIteratorPool returns the readerIteratorPool. ReaderIteratorPool() encoding.ReaderIteratorPool // SetMultiReaderIteratorPool sets the multiReaderIteratorPool. SetMultiReaderIteratorPool(value encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool) Options // MultiReaderIteratorPool returns the multiReaderIteratorPool. MultiReaderIteratorPool() encoding.MultiReaderIteratorPool // SetIDPool sets the ID pool. SetIdentifierPool(value ident.Pool) Options // IDPool returns the ID pool. IdentifierPool() ident.Pool // SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool sets the fetchBlockMetadataResultsPool. SetFetchBlockMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool) Options // FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool returns the fetchBlockMetadataResultsPool. FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlockMetadataResultsPool // SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool sets the fetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool. SetFetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool(value block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool) Options // FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool returns the fetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool. FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool() block.FetchBlocksMetadataResultsPool // SetQueryIDsWorkerPool sets the QueryIDs worker pool. SetQueryIDsWorkerPool(value xsync.WorkerPool) Options // QueryIDsWorkerPool returns the QueryIDs worker pool. QueryIDsWorkerPool() xsync.WorkerPool // SetWriteBatchPool sets the WriteBatch pool. SetWriteBatchPool(value *ts.WriteBatchPool) Options // WriteBatchPool returns the WriteBatch pool. WriteBatchPool() *ts.WriteBatchPool // SetBufferBucketPool sets the BufferBucket pool. SetBufferBucketPool(value *series.BufferBucketPool) Options // BufferBucketPool returns the BufferBucket pool. BufferBucketPool() *series.BufferBucketPool // SetBufferBucketVersionsPool sets the BufferBucketVersions pool. SetBufferBucketVersionsPool(value *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool) Options // BufferBucketVersionsPool returns the BufferBucketVersions pool. BufferBucketVersionsPool() *series.BufferBucketVersionsPool // SetRetrieveRequestPool sets the retrieve request pool. SetRetrieveRequestPool(value fs.RetrieveRequestPool) Options // RetrieveRequestPool gets the retrieve request pool. RetrieveRequestPool() fs.RetrieveRequestPool // SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool sets the checked bytes wrapper pool. SetCheckedBytesWrapperPool(value xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool) Options // CheckedBytesWrapperPool returns the checked bytes wrapper pool. CheckedBytesWrapperPool() xpool.CheckedBytesWrapperPool // SetSchemaRegistry sets the schema registry the database uses. SetSchemaRegistry(registry namespace.SchemaRegistry) Options // SchemaRegistry returns the schema registry the database uses. SchemaRegistry() namespace.SchemaRegistry // SetBlockLeaseManager sets the block leaser. SetBlockLeaseManager(leaseMgr block.LeaseManager) Options // BlockLeaseManager returns the block leaser. BlockLeaseManager() block.LeaseManager // SetMemoryTracker sets the MemoryTracker. SetMemoryTracker(memTracker MemoryTracker) Options // MemoryTracker returns the MemoryTracker. MemoryTracker() MemoryTracker }
Options represents the options for storage.
func DefaultTestOptions ¶
func DefaultTestOptions() Options
DefaultTestOptions provides a single set of test storage options we save considerable memory by doing this avoiding creating default pools several times.
func NewOptions ¶
func NewOptions() Options
NewOptions creates a new set of storage options with defaults
type Shard ¶
type Shard interface { // ID returns the ID of the shard. ID() uint32 // NumSeries returns the number of series in the shard. NumSeries() int64 // IsBootstrapped returns whether the shard is already bootstrapped. IsBootstrapped() bool // BootstrapState returns the shards' bootstrap state. BootstrapState() BootstrapState }
Shard is a time series database shard.
type ShardBootstrapStates ¶
type ShardBootstrapStates map[uint32]BootstrapState
ShardBootstrapStates stores a snapshot of the bootstrap state for all shards for a given namespace.
Source Files
- bootstrap.go
- cleanup.go
- database.go
- dirty_series_map_gen.go
- dirty_series_new_map_gen.go
- flush.go
- forward_index_dice.go
- fs.go
- fs_merge_with_mem.go
- id_list_gen.go
- index.go
- index_insert_queue.go
- lease_verifier.go
- mediator.go
- mem_tracker.go
- namespace.go
- namespace_map_gen.go
- namespace_new_map_gen.go
- namespace_readers.go
- options.go
- repair.go
- result.go
- shard.go
- shard_insert_queue.go
- shard_map_gen.go
- shard_new_map_gen.go
- storage_mock.go
- tick.go
- types.go
- util.go
Path | Synopsis |
Package block is a generated GoMock package.
Package block is a generated GoMock package. |
Package bootstrap is a generated GoMock package.
Package bootstrap is a generated GoMock package. |
Package index is a generated GoMock package.
Package index is a generated GoMock package. |
Package series is a generated GoMock package.
Package series is a generated GoMock package. |