Spire-Bootstrap CLI Readme
Spire-Bootstrap starts the LibP2P bootstrap node for the Spire network.
Table of contents
To install it, you'll first need Go installed on your machine. Then you can use standard Go
command: go install
Alternatively, you can build Spire-Bootstrap using Makefile
directly from the repository. This approach is recommended
if you
wish to work on Spire-Bootstrap source.
git clone
cd oracle-suite
To start working with Spire-Bootstrap, you have to create configuration file first. By default, the default config file
location is config.hcl
in the current working directory. You can change the config file location using the --config
flag. Spire-Bootstrap supports HCL configuration format.
Configuration reference
This configuration is only a reference and not ready for use. The recommended configuration can be found in
the config.hcl
file located in the root directory.
# List of files to include. The files are included in the order they are specified.
# It supports glob patterns.
include = [
# Custom variables. Accessible in the configuration under the `var` object, e.g. `var.feeds`.
variables {
myvar = "foo"
# Configuration for the transport layer.
transport {
# Configuration for the LibP2P transport. LibP2P transport uses peer-to-peer communication.
# Optional.
libp2p {
# Seed used to generate the private key for the LibP2P node.
# Optional. If not specified, the private key is generated randomly although for bootstrap nodes it must be
# specified to ensure that the public key is always the same.
priv_key_seed = "8c8eba62d853d3abdd7f3298341a622a8a9df37c3aba788028c646bdd915227c"
# Listen addresses for the LibP2P node. The addresses are encoded using multiaddr format.
listen_addrs = ["/ip4/"]
# Addresses of bootstrap nodes. The addresses are encoded using multiaddr format.
bootstrap_addrs = [
# Addresses of direct peers to connect to. The addresses are encoded using multiaddr format.
# This option must be configured symmetrically on both ends.
# This option is not useful for bootstrap nodes.
direct_peers_addrs = []
# Addresses of peers to block. The addresses are encoded using multiaddr format.
blocked_addrs = []
# Should be set to false for bootstrap nodes.
disable_discovery = false
Environment variables
It is possible to use environment variables anywhere in the configuration file. Environment variables are accessible
in the env
object. For example, to use the HOME
environment variable in the configuration file, use env.HOME
spire-bootstrap [command]
Available Commands:
completion generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
run Starts bootstrap node
-c, --config string ghost config file (default "./config.hcl")
-h, --help help for spire-bootstrap
--log.format text|json log format (default text)
-v, --log.verbosity panic|error|warning|info|debug verbosity level (default warning)
--version version for spire-bootstrap
Use "spire-bootstrap [command] --help" for more information about a command.
There is no documentation for this package.