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Published: Dec 13, 2024
License: Apache-2.0
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Set up Local Postgres
- Install Postgres on Mac
brew install postgresql@14
- Start & Stop
brew services start postgresql
brew services stop postgresql
- create testing db
- terminal:
psql postgres
- postgres=#
create role chroma with login password 'chroma';
- postgres=#
alter role chroma with superuser;
- postgres=#
create database chroma;
- Set postgres ENV Vars
Several tests (such as record_log_service_test.go) require the following environment variables to be set:
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
export POSTGRES_PORT=5432
- Atlas schema migration
- [~/chroma/go]:
atlas migrate diff --env dev
- [~/chroma/go]:
atlas --env dev migrate apply --url "postgres://chroma:chroma@localhost:5432/chroma?sslmode=disable"
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