Fo is an experimental language which adds functional programming features to Go. The name is short for "Functional Go".
Table of Contents
Go already supports many features that functional programmers might want: closures, first-class functions, errors as values, etc. The main feature (and in fact only feature for now) that Fo adds is type polymorphism via generics. Generics encourage functional programming techniques by making it possible to write flexible higher-order functions and type-agnostic data structures.
At this time, Fo should be thought of primarily as an experiment or proof of concept. It shows what Go looks like and feels like with some new language features and allows us to explore how those features interact and what you can build with them. The syntax and implementation are not finalized. The language is far from appropriate for use in real applications, though that will hopefully change in the future.
If you want to give Fo a try without installing anything, you can visit The Fo Playground.
The Fo compiler is written in Go, so you can install it like any other Go program:
go get -u
Command Line Usage
For now, the CLI for Fo is extremely simple and only works on one file at a
time. There is only one command, run
, and it works like this:
fo run <filename>
should be a source file ending in .fo which contains a main
You can see some example programs showing off various features of the language in the examples directory of this repository.
Language Features
In terms of syntax and semantics, Fo is a superset of Go. That means that any valid Go program is also a valid Fo program (provided you change the file extension from ".go" to ".fo").
Generic Named Types
Fo extends the Go grammar for type declarations to allow the declaration of generic types. Generic types expect one or more "type parameters", which are placeholders for arbitrary types to be specified later.
The extended grammar looks like this (some definitions omitted/simplified):
TypeDecl = "type" identifier [ TypeParams ] Type .
TypeParams = "[" identifier { "," identifier } "]" .
In other words, type parameters should follow the type name and are surrounded
by square brackets. Multiple type parameters are separated by a comma (e.g.,
type A[T, U, V]
Here's the syntax for a generic Box
which can hold a value of any arbitrary
type Box[T] struct {
v T
Type parameters are scoped to the type definition and can be used in place of any type. The following are all examples of valid type declarations:
type A[T] []T
type B[T, U] map[T]U
type C[T, U] func(T) U
type D[T] struct{
a T
b A[T]
In general, any named type can be made generic. The only exception is that Fo does not currently allow generic interface types.
When using a generic type, you must supply a number of "type arguments", which are specific types that will take the place of the type parameters in the type definition. The combination of a generic type name and its corresponding type arguments is called a "type argument expression". The grammar looks like this (some definitions omitted/simplified):
TypeArgExpr = Type TypeArgs .
TypeArgs = "[" Type { "," Type } "]" .
Like type parameters, type arguments follow the type name and are surrounded by
square brackets, and multiple type arguments are separated by a comma (e.g.
A[string, int, bool]
). In general, type argument expressions can be used
anywhere you would normally use a type.
Here's how we would use the Box
type we declared above to initialize a Box
which holds a string
x := Box[string]{ v: "foo" }
Fo does not currently support inference of type arguments, so they must always be specified.
Generic Functions
The syntax for declaring a generic function is similar to named types. The grammar looks like this:
FunctionDecl = "func" FunctionName [ TypeParams ] Signature [ FunctionBody ] .
TypeParams = "[" identifier { "," identifier } "]"
As you might expect, type parameters follow the function name. Both the function signature and body can make use of the given type parameters, and the type parameters will be replaced with type arguments when the function is used.
Here's how you would declare a MapSlice
function which applies a given
function f
to each element of list
and returns the results.
func MapSlice[T](f func(T) T, list []T) []T {
result := make([]T, len(list))
for i, val := range list {
result[i] = f(val)
return result
Just like generic named types, to use a generic function, you must supply the type arguments. If you actually want to call the function, just add the function arguments after the type arguments. The grammar looks like this (some definitions omitted/simplified):
CallExpr = FunctionName ( TypeArgs ) Arguments .
TypeArgs = "[" Type { "," Type } "]" .
Here's how you would call the MapSlice
function we defined above:
func incr(n int) int {
return n+1
// ...
MapSlice[int](incr, []int{1, 2, 3})
Generic Methods
Fo supports a special syntax for methods with a generic receiver type. You can optionally include the type parameters of the receiver type and those type parameters can be used in the function signature and body. Whenever a generic method of this form is called, the type arguments of the receiver type are passed through to the method definition.
The grammar for methods with generic receiver types looks like this (some definitions omitted/simplified):
MethodDecl = "func" Receiver MethodName [ TypeParams ] Signature [ FunctionBody ] .
Receiver = "(" [ ReceiverName ] Type [ TypeParams ] ")" .
TypeParams = "[" identifier { "," identifier } "]" .
Here's how we would define a method on the Box
type defined above which makes
use of receiver type parameters:
type Box[T] struct {
v T
func (b Box[T]) Val() T {
return b.v
You can also omit the type parameters of the receiver type if they are not
needed. For example, here's how we would define a String
method which does not
depend on the type parameters of the Box
func (b Box) String() string {
return fmt.Sprint(b.val)
A method with a generic receiver can define additional type parameters, just
like a function. Here's an example of a method on Box
which requires
additional type parameters.
func (b Box[T]) Map[U] (f func(T) U) Box[U] {
return Box[U]{
v: f(b.v),
When calling methods with a generic receiver type, you do not need to specify
the type arguments of the receiver. Here's an example of calling the Val
method we defined above:
x := Box[string]{ v: "foo" }
However, if the method declaration includes additional type parameters, you
still need to specify them. Here's how we would call the Map
defined above to convert a Box[int]
to a Box[string]
y := Box[int] { v: 42 }
z := y.Map[string](strconv.Itoa)
There is no documentation for this package.
Path | Synopsis |
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go packages.
Package ast declares the types used to represent syntax trees for Go packages. |
Package astutil contains common utilities for working with the Go AST.
Package astutil contains common utilities for working with the Go AST. |
Package constant implements Values representing untyped Go constants and their corresponding operations.
Package constant implements Values representing untyped Go constants and their corresponding operations. |
Package format implements standard formatting of Go source.
Package format implements standard formatting of Go source. |
Package importer provides access to export data importers.
Package importer provides access to export data importers. |
Package parser implements a parser for Go source files.
Package parser implements a parser for Go source files. |
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes.
Package printer implements printing of AST nodes. |
Package scanner implements a scanner for Go source text.
Package scanner implements a scanner for Go source text. |
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates).
Package token defines constants representing the lexical tokens of the Go programming language and basic operations on tokens (printing, predicates). |
Package types declares the data types and implements the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages.
Package types declares the data types and implements the algorithms for type-checking of Go packages. |