is an experimental modernized git CLI built on top of git that provides happy defaults and other niceties:
- command and flag suggestions to help you navigate the plethora of options git provides you
- autocompletion for files and branch names when using
bit add
or bit checkout
- automatic fetch and branch fast-forwarding reducing the likelihood of merge conflicts
- suggestions work with git aliases
- new commands like
bit sync
that vastly simplify your workflow
- commands from git-extras such as
bit release
& bit info
- fully compatible with git allowing you to fallback to git if need be.
- get insight into how bit works using
bit --debug
--- New ---
bit pr
view and checkout pull requests from Github (Requires GitHub CLI)
- easily update bit using
bit update
- single binary
- much more suggestions available! (Roughly 10x more)
- Install with homebrew & macports
- Interactive prompt with env variable: BIT_INTERACTIVE=true
--- Coming Soon ---
- bit anticipates when you'll need to type git status and will display it proactively
bit fix
for all the times you did something you really wish you didn't
- improved
bit sync
- QOL improvements when switching branches or deleting tags
Click here for installation instructions
run bit update
Common commands at your finger tips
Commit, bump a tag and push with a single command
Instant git statistics and config information
Bit specific command Usage
Create a new commit (roughly equivalent to git commit -am "commit message"
bit save [commit message]
Save your changes to the current branch [amends current commit when ahead of origin]
(roughly equivalent to git commit -a
or conditionally git commit -a --amend --no-edit
bit save
Synchronize your changes to origin branch (Beta)
(roughly equivalent to git pull -r; git push
bit sync
(roughly equivalent to git pull -r; git push; git pull -r origin master; git push
bit sync origin master
You have access to ALL git commands as well.
bit commit -m "I can still use git commands"
, bit pull -r origin master
Example Workflow
bit switch example-branch
Branch does not exist. Do you want to create it? Y/n
Switched to a new branch 'example-branch'
[Makes some changes]
bit save "add important feature"
for multiline commits simply don't put the final quote until you're done typing
[fix an error for important feature]
bit save
[push changes to origin]
bit sync
[two days later confirm your branch is in sync with origin branch]
bit sync
[rebase your changes from origin master]
bit sync origin master
If you would like to support the development of bit, consider sponsoring me.
- Think in the age of the cloud
- Embed the spirit of modern day workflows
- Favor simplicity over complexity
- Bit should have happy defaults
- Bit must be fully compatible with Git
Thanks to Gitless, git-extras, researchers in the field and of course the developers of git
itself! Also, thanks to go-prompt for the interactive prompt library
- enhancement: add
bit sw
as alias for bit switch
- fix: bit save will amend commits only when the commit doesn't exist in any other branch
- enhancement: enable interactive prompt (keep bit running) with env variable: BIT_INTERACTIVE=true
- enhancement: significantly more autocompletions
- enhancement: use fuzzy search for branch suggestions
- refactor: completions now represented in tree data structure
- fix: bit save no longer shows debug error outside debug mode
- fix: use --is-inside-work-tree to determine whether inside a git repo
- fix: gracefully handle bad release tags for
bit release bump
- fix: bit pr not listing PR in some cases
- security: fix vuln on Windows where an exe in a malicious repository could run arbitrary code. Special thanks to RyotaK - https://github.com/Ry0taK for identifying this issue
- enhancement: improve bit sync behavior including
bit sync <upstream> <branch>
- enhancement: bit sync provides a rebase option for diverged branches`
- fix: enable compatibility with non-english languages
- enhancement:
bit merge
- feature: checkout Pull Requests from github (requires
gh pr list
to work)
- enhancement: install with homebrew:
brew install bit-git
- enhancement: Color themes
or BIT_THEME=monochrome
light terminal backgrounds
- fix: bit clone outside a git repo
- enhancement: bit is now a single binary
- feature: update your cli with
bit update
- fix: improved git compatibility for older versions of git
- feature: emacs key binds
- feature: relative and absolute branch times
- feature: completions for rebase & log
- enhancement: smarter suggestions
- fix: show proper descriptions for some flags
- fix: prevent panic on classical tab completion for some users
bit switch
, bit co
, bit checkout
will show prompt
- fix bit tab completion (bitcomplete)
- fix edge case where there is an invalid ref
- various minor fixes
- more completions
- better suggestion filtering
- absolute and relative times for branch suggestions
- multiline support with Go Survey Library
- color mitigation to have roughly similar colors across OSs
- fix README go get installation instructions
- QOL improvements for
bit sync
How to uninstall
go binaries are self-contained so uninstalling simply requires deleting the binary(ies)
rm `which bit`
If you ran bit complete
optionally remove a line from your bash_profile
, .zshrc
complete -o nospace -C /Users/{_USER_}/go/bin/bit bit
How to install
using cURL
(Simplest way to install)
Like bit? Sponsor bit for $5
curl -sf https://gobinaries.com/chriswalz/bit | sh;
bit complete;
echo "Type bit then press <ENTER> to show interactive prompt"
To overwrite installation location
export PREFIX=/opt/bit/git && mkdir -p ${PREFIX} ## optional: override default install location /usr/local/bin
, bit checkout
& bit switch
will show interactive prompts after you press ENTER
using go
(Harder way to install)
Caveats: GOPATH and GOBIN need to be set. Verify with go env
. If they are not set, add this to your .bashrc or .bash_profile etc. AND open new terminal
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export GOBIN=$(go env GOPATH)/bin
GO111MODULE=on go get github.com/chriswalz/bit@latest;
bit complete
using Homebrew
(For MacOS users)
brew install bit-git
bit complete
Not working? Try brew doctor
using MacPorts
(For MacOS users)
sudo port selfupdate
sudo port install bit
using go
(For Windows Users)
go env -w GO111MODULE=on
# if latest is not working, replace it with the latest tag found here https://github.com/chriswalz/bit/releases
go get github.com/chriswalz/bit@latest;
using Chocolatey
(For Windows Users)
choco install bit-git
using zinit
zinit ice lucit wait"0" as"program" from"gh-r" pick"bit"
zinit light "chriswalz/bit"
Note: On Windows only the interactive prompt completion works not classic tab completion
using AUR (For Arch Linux Users)
For building a stable version from source, use the bit
For building the latest git version from source, use the bit-git
Note: These Packages are community-driven and not offically published my the bit maintainer.
Verify installation with:
Dependencies: Git
Platform Support:
- iTerm2 (macOS)
- Terminal.app (macOS)
- Command Prompt (Windows)
- WSL/Windows Subsystem for Linux (Windows)
- gnome-terminal (Ubuntu)