Index ¶
- func ECountryCodeString(u ECountryCode) string
- func EUnitString(u EUnit) string
- func GrEqZeroOrContactPointString(u GrEqZeroOrContactPoint) string
- func MaxSpeedString(u MaxSpeed) string
- func New()
- type Bool
- type Controller
- type ControllerControl
- type DataQuality
- type DataQualityError
- type DataQualityRawData
- type EAccessRestrictionType
- type EBorderType
- type EBridgeType
- type EConnectionType
- type EContactPoint
- type ECountryCode
- type ECountryCodeDeprecated
- type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha2
- type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha3Deprecated
- type EDataQualityRawDataPostProcessing
- type EDataQualityRawDataSource
- type EDirection
- type EElementDir
- type EJunctionGroupType
- type EJunctionSegmentType
- type EJunctionType
- type ELaneAdvisory
- type ELaneDirection
- type ELaneType
- type EMaxSpeedString
- type EObjectType
- type EOrientation
- type EOutlineFillType
- type EParamPoly3PRange
- type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkLaneChange
- type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRule
- type ERoadLinkElementType
- type ERoadMarkColor
- type ERoadMarkRule
- type ERoadMarkType
- type ERoadMarkWeight
- type ERoadObjectsObjectParkingSpaceAccess
- type ERoadRailroadSwitchPosition
- type ERoadSignalsDisplayType
- type ERoadSignalsSignalReferenceElementType
- type ERoadSurfaceCrgMode
- type ERoadSurfaceCrgPurpose
- type ERoadType
- type ESideType
- type ESignalsSemanticsLane
- type ESignalsSemanticsPriority
- type ESignalsSemanticsSpeed
- type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance
- type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment
- type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime
- type EStationPlatformSegmentSide
- type EStationType
- type EStripMode
- type ETrafficRule
- type ETunnelType
- type EUnit
- type EUnitDistance
- type EUnitMass
- type EUnitSlope
- type EUnitSpeed
- type EsignalsSemanticsSpeed
- type EunitSpeed
- type GrEqZero
- type GrEqZeroOrContactPoint
- type GrZero
- type Header
- type HeaderDefaultRegulations
- type HeaderGeoReference
- type HeaderOffset
- type HeaderRoadRegulation
- type HeaderSignalRegulation
- type Include
- type Junction
- type JunctionBoundary
- type JunctionBoundarySegment
- type JunctionBoundarySegmentJoint
- type JunctionBoundarySegmentLane
- type JunctionCommon
- type JunctionConnection
- type JunctionConnectionCommon
- type JunctionConnectionDirect
- type JunctionConnectionLaneLink
- type JunctionConnectionVirtual
- type JunctionConnectionVirtualDefault
- type JunctionController
- type JunctionCrossPath
- type JunctionCrossPathLaneLink
- type JunctionCrossing
- type JunctionDirect
- type JunctionElevationGrid
- type JunctionElevationGridElevation
- type JunctionGridPositionList
- type JunctionGroup
- type JunctionGroupJunctionReference
- type JunctionPredecessorSuccessor
- type JunctionPriority
- type JunctionRoadSection
- type JunctionVirtual
- type License
- type MaxSpeed
- type OpenDriveElement
- type Road
- type RoadElevationProfile
- type RoadElevationProfileElevation
- type RoadLanes
- type RoadLanesLaneOffset
- type RoadLanesLaneSection
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenter
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenterLane
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLink
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLinkPredecessorSuccessor
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMark
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicit
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicitLine
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkSway
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkType
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkTypeLine
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeft
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeftLane
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLane
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccess
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRestriction
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneBorder
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneHeight
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneMaterial
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneRule
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneSpeed
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneWidth
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionRight
- type RoadLanesLaneSectionRightLane
- type RoadLateralProfile
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurface
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStrip
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripConstant
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripCubic
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripLinear
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripQuadratic
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripWidth
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceSurfaceStrip
- type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceTOffset
- type RoadLateralProfileShape
- type RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation
- type RoadLink
- type RoadLinkPredecessorSuccessor
- type RoadObjects
- type RoadObjectsBridge
- type RoadObjectsObject
- type RoadObjectsObjectBorders
- type RoadObjectsObjectBordersBorder
- type RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity
- type RoadObjectsObjectMarkings
- type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarking
- type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarkingCornerReference
- type RoadObjectsObjectMaterial
- type RoadObjectsObjectOutlines
- type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutline
- type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerLocal
- type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerRoad
- type RoadObjectsObjectParkingSpace
- type RoadObjectsObjectReference
- type RoadObjectsObjectRepeat
- type RoadObjectsObjectSkeleton
- type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolyline
- type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexLocal
- type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexRoad
- type RoadObjectsObjectSurface
- type RoadObjectsObjectSurfaceCrg
- type RoadObjectsTunnel
- type RoadPlanView
- type RoadPlanViewGeometry
- type RoadPlanViewGeometryArc
- type RoadPlanViewGeometryLine
- type RoadPlanViewGeometryParamPoly3
- type RoadPlanViewGeometryPoly3
- type RoadPlanViewGeometrySpiral
- type RoadRailroad
- type RoadRailroadSwitch
- type RoadRailroadSwitchMainTrack
- type RoadRailroadSwitchPartner
- type RoadRailroadSwitchSideTrack
- type RoadSignals
- type RoadSignalsBoard
- type RoadSignalsBoardSign
- type RoadSignalsDisplayArea
- type RoadSignalsSignal
- type RoadSignalsSignalDependency
- type RoadSignalsSignalPositionInertial
- type RoadSignalsSignalPositionRoad
- type RoadSignalsSignalReference
- type RoadSignalsSignalRoad
- type RoadSignalsSpatialSignalReference
- type RoadSignalsStaticBoard
- type RoadSignalsVmsBoard
- type RoadSurface
- type RoadSurfaceCrg
- type RoadType
- type RoadTypeSpeed
- type SignalGroupVmsBoardReference
- type SignalGroupVmsGroup
- type SignalsSemantics
- type SignalsSemanticsLane
- type SignalsSemanticsParking
- type SignalsSemanticsPriority
- type SignalsSemanticsProhibited
- type SignalsSemanticsRouting
- type SignalsSemanticsSpeed
- type SignalsSemanticsStreetname
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryAllows
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryExplanatory
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryProhibits
- type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime
- type SignalsSemanticsTourist
- type SignalsSemanticsWarning
- type Station
- type StationPlatform
- type StationPlatformSegment
- type UserData
- type YesNo
- type ZeroOne
Constants ¶
This section is empty.
Variables ¶
This section is empty.
Functions ¶
func ECountryCodeString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func ECountryCodeString(u ECountryCode) string
func EUnitString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func GrEqZeroOrContactPointString ¶ added in v0.1.2
func GrEqZeroOrContactPointString(u GrEqZeroOrContactPoint) string
func MaxSpeedString ¶ added in v0.1.2
Types ¶
type Controller ¶
type Controller struct { OpenDriveElement Control []*ControllerControl Id string Name string Sequence int }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type ControllerControl ¶
type ControllerControl struct { OpenDriveElement SignalId string Type string }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type DataQualityError ¶
type DataQualityError struct { }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type DataQualityRawData ¶
type DataQualityRawData struct { }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type EAccessRestrictionType ¶
type EAccessRestrictionType string
type EBorderType ¶
type EBorderType string
type EBridgeType ¶
type EBridgeType string
type EConnectionType ¶
type EConnectionType string
type EContactPoint ¶
type EContactPoint string
type ECountryCode ¶
type ECountryCode interface{}
type ECountryCodeDeprecated ¶
type ECountryCodeDeprecated string
type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha2 ¶
type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha2 string
type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha3Deprecated ¶
type ECountryCodeIso3166Alpha3Deprecated string
type EDataQualityRawDataPostProcessing ¶
type EDataQualityRawDataPostProcessing string
type EDataQualityRawDataSource ¶
type EDataQualityRawDataSource string
type EDirection ¶
type EDirection string
type EElementDir ¶
type EElementDir string
type EJunctionGroupType ¶
type EJunctionGroupType string
type EJunctionSegmentType ¶
type EJunctionSegmentType string
type EJunctionType ¶
type EJunctionType string
type ELaneAdvisory ¶
type ELaneAdvisory string
type ELaneDirection ¶
type ELaneDirection string
type EMaxSpeedString ¶
type EMaxSpeedString string
type EObjectType ¶
type EObjectType string
type EOrientation ¶
type EOrientation string
type EOutlineFillType ¶
type EOutlineFillType string
type EParamPoly3PRange ¶
type EParamPoly3PRange string
type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkLaneChange ¶
type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkLaneChange string
type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRule ¶
type ERoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRule string
type ERoadLinkElementType ¶
type ERoadLinkElementType string
type ERoadMarkColor ¶
type ERoadMarkColor string
type ERoadMarkRule ¶
type ERoadMarkRule string
type ERoadMarkType ¶
type ERoadMarkType string
type ERoadMarkWeight ¶
type ERoadMarkWeight string
type ERoadObjectsObjectParkingSpaceAccess ¶
type ERoadObjectsObjectParkingSpaceAccess string
type ERoadRailroadSwitchPosition ¶
type ERoadRailroadSwitchPosition string
type ERoadSignalsDisplayType ¶
type ERoadSignalsDisplayType string
type ERoadSignalsSignalReferenceElementType ¶
type ERoadSignalsSignalReferenceElementType string
type ERoadSurfaceCrgMode ¶
type ERoadSurfaceCrgMode string
type ERoadSurfaceCrgPurpose ¶
type ERoadSurfaceCrgPurpose string
type ESignalsSemanticsLane ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsLane string
type ESignalsSemanticsPriority ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsPriority string
type ESignalsSemanticsSpeed ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsSpeed string
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance string
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment string
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime ¶
type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime string
type EStationPlatformSegmentSide ¶
type EStationPlatformSegmentSide string
type EStationType ¶
type EStationType string
type EStripMode ¶
type EStripMode string
type ETrafficRule ¶
type ETrafficRule string
type ETunnelType ¶
type ETunnelType string
type EUnitDistance ¶
type EUnitDistance string
type EUnitSlope ¶
type EUnitSlope string
type EUnitSpeed ¶
type EUnitSpeed string
type EsignalsSemanticsSpeed ¶
type EsignalsSemanticsSpeed struct { }
type EunitSpeed ¶
type EunitSpeed struct { }
type GrEqZeroOrContactPoint ¶ added in v0.1.1
type GrEqZeroOrContactPoint interface{}
type Header ¶
type Header struct { OpenDriveElement GeoReference []*HeaderGeoReference Offset []*HeaderOffset License []*License DefaultRegulations []*HeaderDefaultRegulations Date string East float64 Name string North float64 RevMajor int RevMinor int South float64 Vendor string Version string West float64 }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type HeaderDefaultRegulations ¶
type HeaderDefaultRegulations struct { OpenDriveElement RoadRegulations []*HeaderRoadRegulation SignalRegulations []*HeaderSignalRegulation }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type HeaderGeoReference ¶
type HeaderGeoReference struct { }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type HeaderOffset ¶
type HeaderOffset struct { OpenDriveElement Hdg float64 X float64 Y float64 Z float64 }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type HeaderRoadRegulation ¶
type HeaderRoadRegulation struct { OpenDriveElement Semantics []*SignalsSemantics Type ERoadType }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type HeaderSignalRegulation ¶
type HeaderSignalRegulation struct { OpenDriveElement Semantics []*SignalsSemantics Subtype string Type string }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type Junction ¶
type Junction struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionBoundary ¶
type JunctionBoundary struct { OpenDriveElement Segment []*JunctionBoundarySegment }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionBoundarySegment ¶
type JunctionBoundarySegment struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionBoundarySegmentJoint ¶
type JunctionBoundarySegmentJoint struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionBoundarySegmentLane ¶
type JunctionBoundarySegmentLane struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionCommon ¶
type JunctionCommon struct { Junction Connection []*JunctionConnectionCommon CrossPath []*JunctionCrossPath Priority []*JunctionPriority Controller []*JunctionController Surface []*RoadSurface PlanView []*RoadPlanView Objects []*RoadObjects Boundary []*JunctionBoundary ElevationGrid []*JunctionElevationGrid }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnection ¶
type JunctionConnection struct { OpenDriveElement LaneLink []*JunctionConnectionLaneLink }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnectionCommon ¶
type JunctionConnectionCommon struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnectionDirect ¶
type JunctionConnectionDirect struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnectionLaneLink ¶
type JunctionConnectionLaneLink struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnectionVirtual ¶
type JunctionConnectionVirtual struct { JunctionConnection Predecessor []*JunctionPredecessorSuccessor Successor []*JunctionPredecessorSuccessor }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionConnectionVirtualDefault ¶
type JunctionConnectionVirtualDefault struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionController ¶
type JunctionController struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionCrossPath ¶
type JunctionCrossPath struct { CrossingRoad string Id string RoadAtEnd string RoadAtStart string StartLaneLink JunctionCrossPathLaneLink EndLaneLink JunctionCrossPathLaneLink }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionCrossPathLaneLink ¶
type JunctionCrossPathLaneLink struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionCrossing ¶
type JunctionCrossing struct { Junction RoadSection []*JunctionRoadSection Priority []*JunctionPriority Controller []*JunctionController Surface []*RoadSurface PlanView []*RoadPlanView Objects []*RoadObjects }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionDirect ¶
type JunctionDirect struct { Junction Connection []*JunctionConnectionDirect Priority []*JunctionPriority Controller []*JunctionController Surface []*RoadSurface PlanView []*RoadPlanView Objects []*RoadObjects }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionElevationGrid ¶
type JunctionElevationGrid struct { OpenDriveElement Elevation []*JunctionElevationGridElevation }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionElevationGridElevation ¶
type JunctionElevationGridElevation struct {
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type JunctionGridPositionList ¶ added in v0.1.1
type JunctionGridPositionList []float64
type JunctionGroup ¶
type JunctionGroup struct { OpenDriveElement JunctionReference []*JunctionGroupJunctionReference }
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type JunctionGroupJunctionReference ¶
type JunctionGroupJunctionReference struct {
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type JunctionPredecessorSuccessor ¶
type JunctionPredecessorSuccessor struct {
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type JunctionPriority ¶
type JunctionPriority struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionRoadSection ¶
type JunctionRoadSection struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type JunctionVirtual ¶
type JunctionVirtual struct { Junction Connection []*JunctionConnection CrossPath []*JunctionCrossPath Priority []*JunctionPriority Controller []*JunctionController Surface []*RoadSurface PlanView []*RoadPlanView Objects []*RoadObjects }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type License ¶
type License struct { OpenDriveElement Name string Resource string Spdxid string Text string }
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type OpenDriveElement ¶
type OpenDriveElement struct { }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type Road ¶
type Road struct { OpenDriveElement Link []*RoadLink Type []*RoadType PlanView []*RoadPlanView ElevationProfile []*RoadElevationProfile LateralProfile []*RoadLateralProfile Lanes []*RoadLanes Objects []*RoadObjects Signals []*RoadSignals Surface []*RoadSurface Railroad []*RoadRailroad Id string Junction string Length GrZero Name string Rule ETrafficRule }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadElevationProfile ¶
type RoadElevationProfile struct { OpenDriveElement Elevation []*RoadElevationProfileElevation }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadElevationProfileElevation ¶
type RoadElevationProfileElevation struct { OpenDriveElement A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 S GrEqZero }
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type RoadLanes ¶
type RoadLanes struct { OpenDriveElement LaneOffset []*RoadLanesLaneOffset LaneSection []*RoadLanesLaneSection }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneOffset ¶
type RoadLanesLaneOffset struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSection ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSection struct { OpenDriveElement Left []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLeft Center []*RoadLanesLaneSectionCenter Right []*RoadLanesLaneSectionRight }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenter ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenter struct { OpenDriveElement Lane []*RoadLanesLaneSectionCenterLane }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenterLane ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionCenterLane struct { Id int Level Bool Type ELaneType Link RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLink RoadMark RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMark }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLink ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLink struct { OpenDriveElement Predecessor []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLinkPredecessorSuccessor Successor []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLinkPredecessorSuccessor }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLinkPredecessorSuccessor ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLinkPredecessorSuccessor struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMark ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMark struct { OpenDriveElement Sway []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkSway Type []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkType Explicit []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicit }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicit ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicit struct { OpenDriveElement Line []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicitLine }
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicitLine ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkExplicitLine struct {
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkSway ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkSway struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkType ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkType struct { OpenDriveElement Line []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkTypeLine }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkTypeLine ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMarkTypeLine struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeft ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeft struct { OpenDriveElement Lane []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLeftLane }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeftLane ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLeftLane struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLane ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLane struct { OpenDriveElement Link []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneLink RoadMark []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLcrLaneRoadMark Material []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneMaterial Speed []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneSpeed Access []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccess Height []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneHeight Rule []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneRule }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccess ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccess struct { OpenDriveElement Restriction []*RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRestriction }
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRestriction ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneAccessRestriction struct {
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneBorder ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneBorder struct {
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneHeight ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneHeight struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneMaterial ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneMaterial struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneRule ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneRule struct {
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneSpeed ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneSpeed struct {
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type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneWidth ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionLrLaneWidth struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionRight ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionRight struct { OpenDriveElement Lane []*RoadLanesLaneSectionRightLane }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLanesLaneSectionRightLane ¶
type RoadLanesLaneSectionRightLane struct {
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfile ¶
type RoadLateralProfile struct { OpenDriveElement Superelevation []*RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation Shape []*RoadLateralProfileShape CrossSectionSurface []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurface }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurface ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurface struct { OpenDriveElement TOffset []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceTOffset SurfaceStrips []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceSurfaceStrip }
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type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients struct { OpenDriveElement A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 S GrEqZero }
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type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStrip ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStrip struct { OpenDriveElement Width []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripWidth Constant []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripConstant Linear []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripLinear Quadratic []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripQuadratic Cubic []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripCubic Id int Mode EStripMode }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripConstant ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripConstant struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripCubic ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripCubic struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripLinear ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripLinear struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripQuadratic ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripQuadratic struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripWidth ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStripWidth struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
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type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceSurfaceStrip ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceSurfaceStrip struct { OpenDriveElement Strip []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceStrip }
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type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceTOffset ¶
type RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceTOffset struct { OpenDriveElement Coefficients []*RoadLateralProfileCrossSectionSurfaceCoefficients }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadLateralProfileShape ¶
type RoadLateralProfileShape struct { OpenDriveElement A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 S GrEqZero T float64 }
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type RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation ¶
type RoadLateralProfileSuperelevation struct { OpenDriveElement A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 S GrEqZero }
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type RoadLink ¶
type RoadLink struct { OpenDriveElement Predecessor []*RoadLinkPredecessorSuccessor Successor []*RoadLinkPredecessorSuccessor }
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type RoadLinkPredecessorSuccessor ¶
type RoadLinkPredecessorSuccessor struct { OpenDriveElement ContactPoint EContactPoint ElementDir EElementDir ElementId string ElementS GrEqZero ElementType ERoadLinkElementType }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadObjects ¶
type RoadObjects struct { OpenDriveElement Object []*RoadObjectsObject ObjectReference []*RoadObjectsObjectReference Tunnel []*RoadObjectsTunnel Bridge []*RoadObjectsBridge }
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type RoadObjectsBridge ¶
type RoadObjectsBridge struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Id string Length GrEqZero Name string S GrEqZero Type EBridgeType }
TODO: Doc formatting needs to be implemented!
type RoadObjectsObject ¶
type RoadObjectsObject struct { OpenDriveElement Repeat []*RoadObjectsObjectRepeat Outline []*RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutline Outlines []*RoadObjectsObjectOutlines Material []*RoadObjectsObjectMaterial Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity ParkingSpace []*RoadObjectsObjectParkingSpace Markings []*RoadObjectsObjectMarkings Borders []*RoadObjectsObjectBorders Surface []*RoadObjectsObjectSurface Skeleton []*RoadObjectsObjectSkeleton Dynamic YesNo Hdg float64 Height GrEqZero Id string Length GrZero Name string Orientation EOrientation PerpToRoad Bool Pitch float64 Radius GrZero Roll float64 S GrEqZero Subtype string T float64 Type EObjectType ValidLength GrEqZero Width float64 ZOffset float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectBorders ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectBorders struct { OpenDriveElement Border []*RoadObjectsObjectBordersBorder }
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type RoadObjectsObjectBordersBorder ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectBordersBorder struct { OpenDriveElement CornerReference []*RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarkingCornerReference OutlineId int Type EBorderType UseCompleteOutline Bool Width GrEqZero }
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type RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity struct {
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type RoadObjectsObjectMarkings ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectMarkings struct { OpenDriveElement Marking []*RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarking }
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type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarking ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarking struct { OpenDriveElement CornerReference []*RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarkingCornerReference Color ERoadMarkColor LineLength GrZero Side ESideType SpaceLength GrEqZero StartOffset float64 StopOffset float64 Weight ERoadMarkWeight Width GrZero ZOffset GrEqZero }
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type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarkingCornerReference ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectMarkingsMarkingCornerReference struct { OpenDriveElement Id int }
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type RoadObjectsObjectMaterial ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectMaterial struct { OpenDriveElement Friction GrEqZero RoadMarkColor ERoadMarkColor Roughness GrEqZero Surface string }
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type RoadObjectsObjectOutlines ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectOutlines struct { OpenDriveElement Outline []*RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutline }
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type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutline ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutline struct { OpenDriveElement Closed Bool FillType EOutlineFillType Id int LaneType ELaneType Outer Bool }
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type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerLocal ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerLocal struct { OpenDriveElement Height GrEqZero Id int U float64 V float64 Z float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerRoad ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectOutlinesOutlineCornerRoad struct { OpenDriveElement Dz float64 Height GrEqZero Id int S GrEqZero T float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectParkingSpace ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectParkingSpace struct { OpenDriveElement Access ERoadObjectsObjectParkingSpaceAccess Restrictions string }
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type RoadObjectsObjectReference ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectReference struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Id string Orientation EOrientation S GrEqZero T float64 ValidLength GrEqZero ZOffset float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectRepeat ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectRepeat struct { OpenDriveElement DetachFromReferenceLine Bool Distance GrEqZero HeightEnd GrEqZero HeightStart GrEqZero Length GrEqZero LengthEnd GrEqZero LengthStart GrEqZero RadiusEnd GrEqZero RadiusStart GrEqZero S GrEqZero TEnd float64 TStart float64 WidthEnd GrEqZero WidthStart GrEqZero ZOffsetEnd float64 ZOffsetStart float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectSkeleton ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSkeleton struct { }
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type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolyline ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolyline struct {
Id int
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type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexLocal ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexLocal struct { Id int IntersectionPoint Bool Radius float64 U float64 V float64 Z float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexRoad ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSkeletonPolylineVertexRoad struct { Dz float64 Id int IntersectionPoint Bool Radius float64 S GrEqZero T float64 }
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type RoadObjectsObjectSurface ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSurface struct { OpenDriveElement Crg []*RoadObjectsObjectSurfaceCrg }
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type RoadObjectsObjectSurfaceCrg ¶
type RoadObjectsObjectSurfaceCrg struct { OpenDriveElement File string HideRoadSurfaceCrg Bool ZScale float64 }
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type RoadObjectsTunnel ¶
type RoadObjectsTunnel struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Daylight ZeroOne Id string Length GrEqZero Lighting ZeroOne Name string S GrEqZero Type ETunnelType }
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type RoadPlanView ¶
type RoadPlanView struct { OpenDriveElement Geometry []*RoadPlanViewGeometry }
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type RoadPlanViewGeometry ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometry struct { OpenDriveElement Hdg float64 Length GrZero S GrEqZero X float64 Y float64 }
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type RoadPlanViewGeometryArc ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometryArc struct { OpenDriveElement Curvature float64 }
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type RoadPlanViewGeometryLine ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometryLine struct {
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type RoadPlanViewGeometryParamPoly3 ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometryParamPoly3 struct { OpenDriveElement AU float64 AV float64 BU float64 BV float64 CU float64 CV float64 DU float64 DV float64 PRange EParamPoly3PRange }
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type RoadPlanViewGeometryPoly3 ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometryPoly3 struct { OpenDriveElement A float64 B float64 C float64 D float64 }
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type RoadPlanViewGeometrySpiral ¶
type RoadPlanViewGeometrySpiral struct { OpenDriveElement CurvEnd float64 CurvStart float64 }
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type RoadRailroad ¶
type RoadRailroad struct { OpenDriveElement Switch []*RoadRailroadSwitch }
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type RoadRailroadSwitch ¶
type RoadRailroadSwitch struct { OpenDriveElement MainTrack []*RoadRailroadSwitchMainTrack SideTrack []*RoadRailroadSwitchSideTrack Partner []*RoadRailroadSwitchPartner Id *string Name *string Position *ERoadRailroadSwitchPosition }
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type RoadRailroadSwitchMainTrack ¶
type RoadRailroadSwitchMainTrack struct { OpenDriveElement Dir *EElementDir Id *string S *GrEqZero }
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type RoadRailroadSwitchPartner ¶
type RoadRailroadSwitchPartner struct { OpenDriveElement Id *string Name *string }
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type RoadRailroadSwitchSideTrack ¶
type RoadRailroadSwitchSideTrack struct { OpenDriveElement Dir *EElementDir Id *string S *GrEqZero }
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type RoadSignals ¶
type RoadSignals struct { OpenDriveElement Signal []*RoadSignalsSignalRoad SignalReference []*RoadSignalsSpatialSignalReference }
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type RoadSignalsBoard ¶
type RoadSignalsBoard struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Dependency []*RoadSignalsSignalDependency Reference []*RoadSignalsSignalReference }
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type RoadSignalsBoardSign ¶
type RoadSignalsBoardSign struct { RoadSignalsSignal V float64 Z float64 }
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type RoadSignalsDisplayArea ¶
type RoadSignalsDisplayArea struct { OpenDriveElement Height string Index int V float64 Width string Z float64 }
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type RoadSignalsSignal ¶
type RoadSignalsSignal struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Dependency []*RoadSignalsSignalDependency Reference []*RoadSignalsSignalReference StaticBoard []*RoadSignalsStaticBoard VmsBoard []*RoadSignalsVmsBoard Semantics []*SignalsSemantics Country ECountryCode CountryRevision string Dynamic YesNo Height GrEqZero HOffset float64 Id string Length GrEqZero Name string Orientation EOrientation Pitch float64 Roll float64 Subtype string Text string Type string Unit EUnit Value float64 Width GrEqZero }
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type RoadSignalsSignalDependency ¶
type RoadSignalsSignalDependency struct { OpenDriveElement Id string Type string }
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type RoadSignalsSignalPositionInertial ¶
type RoadSignalsSignalPositionInertial struct { OpenDriveElement Hdg float64 Pitch float64 Roll float64 X float64 Y float64 Z float64 }
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type RoadSignalsSignalPositionRoad ¶
type RoadSignalsSignalPositionRoad struct { OpenDriveElement HOffset float64 Pitch float64 RoadId string Roll float64 S GrEqZero T float64 ZOffset float64 }
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type RoadSignalsSignalReference ¶
type RoadSignalsSignalReference struct { OpenDriveElement ElementId string ElementType ERoadSignalsSignalReferenceElementType Type string }
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type RoadSignalsSignalRoad ¶
type RoadSignalsSignalRoad struct { RoadSignalsSignal S GrEqZero T float64 ZOffset float64 }
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type RoadSignalsSpatialSignalReference ¶
type RoadSignalsSpatialSignalReference struct { OpenDriveElement Validity []*RoadObjectsObjectLaneValidity Id string Orientation EOrientation S GrEqZero T float64 }
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type RoadSignalsStaticBoard ¶
type RoadSignalsStaticBoard struct { RoadSignalsBoard Sign []*RoadSignalsBoardSign }
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type RoadSignalsVmsBoard ¶
type RoadSignalsVmsBoard struct { RoadSignalsBoard DisplayArea []*RoadSignalsDisplayArea DisplayHeight float64 DisplayType ERoadSignalsDisplayType DisplayWidth float64 V float64 Z float64 }
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type RoadSurface ¶
type RoadSurface struct { OpenDriveElement Crg []*RoadSurfaceCrg }
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type RoadSurfaceCrg ¶
type RoadSurfaceCrg struct { OpenDriveElement File string HOffset float64 Mode ERoadSurfaceCrgMode Orientation EDirection Purpose ERoadSurfaceCrgPurpose SEnd GrEqZero SOffset float64 SStart GrEqZero TOffset float64 ZOffset float64 ZScale float64 }
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type RoadType ¶
type RoadType struct { OpenDriveElement Speed []*RoadTypeSpeed Country ECountryCode S GrEqZero Type ERoadType }
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type RoadTypeSpeed ¶
type RoadTypeSpeed struct { OpenDriveElement Max MaxSpeed Unit EUnitSpeed }
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type SignalGroupVmsBoardReference ¶
type SignalGroupVmsBoardReference struct { OpenDriveElement GroupIndex int SignalId string VmsIndex int }
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type SignalGroupVmsGroup ¶
type SignalGroupVmsGroup struct { OpenDriveElement VmsBoardReference []*SignalGroupVmsBoardReference Id string }
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type SignalsSemantics ¶
type SignalsSemantics struct { OpenDriveElement Speed []*SignalsSemanticsSpeed Lane []*SignalsSemanticsLane Priority []*SignalsSemanticsPriority Prohibited []*SignalsSemanticsProhibited Warning []*SignalsSemanticsWarning Routing []*SignalsSemanticsRouting Streetname []*SignalsSemanticsStreetname Parking []*SignalsSemanticsParking Tourist []*SignalsSemanticsTourist SupplementaryTime []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime SupplementaryAllows []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryAllows SupplementaryProhibits []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryProhibits SupplementaryDistance []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance SupplementaryEnvironment []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment SupplementaryExplanatory []*SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryExplanatory }
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type SignalsSemanticsLane ¶
type SignalsSemanticsLane struct { OpenDriveElement Type ESignalsSemanticsLane }
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type SignalsSemanticsParking ¶
type SignalsSemanticsParking struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsPriority ¶
type SignalsSemanticsPriority struct { OpenDriveElement Type ESignalsSemanticsPriority }
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type SignalsSemanticsProhibited ¶
type SignalsSemanticsProhibited struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsRouting ¶
type SignalsSemanticsRouting struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsSpeed ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSpeed struct { OpenDriveElement Type []*ESignalsSemanticsSpeed Unit []*EUnitSpeed Value []*float64 }
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type SignalsSemanticsStreetname ¶
type SignalsSemanticsStreetname struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryAllows ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryAllows struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance struct { OpenDriveElement Type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryDistance Unit EUnitDistance Value float64 }
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment struct { OpenDriveElement Type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryEnvironment }
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryExplanatory ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryExplanatory struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryProhibits ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryProhibits struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime ¶
type SignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime struct { OpenDriveElement Type ESignalsSemanticsSupplementaryTime Value float64 }
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type SignalsSemanticsTourist ¶
type SignalsSemanticsTourist struct {
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type SignalsSemanticsWarning ¶
type SignalsSemanticsWarning struct {
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type Station ¶
type Station struct { OpenDriveElement Platform []*StationPlatform Id *string Name *string Type *EStationType }
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type StationPlatform ¶
type StationPlatform struct { OpenDriveElement Segment []*StationPlatformSegment Id *string Name *string }
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type StationPlatformSegment ¶
type StationPlatformSegment struct { OpenDriveElement RoadId *string SEnd *GrEqZero Side *EStationPlatformSegmentSide SStart *GrEqZero }
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