k8s_api - a CoreDNS plugin that enables other plugins to register/share Kubernetes API watches.
k8s_api enables any plugin that implements the k8sapi.APIWatcher
to register Kubernetes API informers and share access to object stores.
type APIWatcher interface {
// Informers should return a list of functions that return an Kubernetes Object Informer, each mapped by watch name.
// k8s_api will start each Informer on the API connection. If multiple plugins return an Informer func with the same
// name, the first plugin (per plugin execution order), will take precedence.
Informers() map[string]InformerFunc
// SetIndexer should set the index passed to a local pointer to be used by the plugin. k8s_api calls this function
// for *all* Informers added via the Informers() function by any plugins implementing APIWatcher. This enables
// multiple plugins to share the same store/index managed by a single Informer.
SetIndexer(string, cache.KeyListerGetter) error
// SetHasSynced should set the HasSyncedFunc passed to a local function to be used by the plugin. Implement this
// if the plugin needs to know if the API informers have fully synced (i.e. completed initial list action before
// beginning the watch).
k8s_api {
endpoint URL
specifies the URL for a remote k8s API endpoint.
If omitted, it will connect to k8s in-cluster using the cluster service account.
CERT KEY CACERT are the TLS cert, key and the CA cert file names for remote k8s connection.
This option is ignored if connecting in-cluster (i.e. endpoint is not specified).
KUBECONFIG CONTEXT authenticates the connection to a remote k8s cluster using a kubeconfig file. It supports TLS, username and password, or token-based authentication. This option is ignored if connecting in-cluster (i.e., the endpoint is not specified).
External Plugin
k8s_api is an external plugin, which means it is not included in CoreDNS releases. To use k8s_api, you'll need to build a CoreDNS image with k8s_api. In a nutshell you'll need to:
- Clone https://github.com/coredns/coredns into
- Add this plugin to plugin.cfg
per instructions therein. This plugin must be ordered after any plugins that use
it (i.e. plugins that implement APIWatcher).
make -f Makefile.release DOCKER=your-docker-repo release
make -f Makefile.release DOCKER=your-docker-repo docker
make -f Makefile.release DOCKER=your-docker-repo docker-push
Example plugins that implement k8sapi.APIWatcher
can be found in the examples