kubectl user password manager glue

β An easy way to store your kubernetes credentials in 1password or Mac OS Keychain (more password managers coming soon)
Does your ~/.kube/config
look like this:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Config
- name: my-prod-user
token: <REAL TOKEN!>
- name: docker-desktop
client-certificate-data: <REAL CERT!>
client-key-data: <REAL PRIVATE KEY!>
π± π± π± π±
Do you scold your parents π¨π«/π©π« for maintaining a passwords.doc
on their desktop?
Then you need kubectl-passman!
a suggestion of a better name is very welcome, it's not too late to change!
What this kubectl
plugin does is glue your kubectl config to a common password manager.
go install github.com/chrisns/kubectl-passman
You need to JSON encode the credentials so that should look something like:
or for a key pair:
"clientCertificateData":"-----BEGIN REAL CERTIFICATE-----\nMIIC9DCCA.......-----END CERTIFICATE-----",
"clientKeyData":"-----BEGIN REAL RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\nMIIE......-----END REAL RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
If they are already in your kube config, you could retrieve them with something like:
kubectl config view -o json | jq '.users[] | select(.name=="kubectl-prod-user") | .user' -c
Write it to the password manager
kubectl passman keychain kubectl-prod-user '[token]'
# or
kubectl passman 1password kubectl-prod-user '[token]'
## so should look like:
kubectl passman 1password kubectl-prod-user '{"token":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"}'
Then add it to the ~/.kube/config
kubectl config set-credentials \
kubectl-prod-user \
--exec-api-version=client.authentication.k8s.io/v1beta \
--exec-command=passman \
--exec-arg=keychain \ # or 1password
--exec-arg=kubectl-prod-user # name of [item-name] you used when you wrote to the password manager
go build
Note: kubectl-passman will build slightly differently on Darwin (Mac OS) to other operation systems because it uses the go-keychain library that needs libraries that only exist on a mac so that it can natively talk to the keychain. When compiling for other operating systems you'll get go-keyring instead but I've abstracted to make the interactions the same.
I β€ contributions, it'd be great if you could add support for your favourite password manager, work on something from the TODO or any open issues as a priority, but anything else that takes your fancy too is great, though best to raise an issue to discuss before investing time into it.