MEncFS - Manage EncFS
MEncFS is a manager for the filesystem encryptor
EncFS. MEncFS aims to make it trivial to mount,
unmount and automount EncFS encrypted folders on Mac OS X and Linux.
At the moment, MEncFS only runs on Mac OS X, but Linux support is coming.
It has been tested on Mac OS X 10.8.
Feel free to come with input and pull request.
MEncFS depends on EncFS, which can easily be installed via
Homebrew on Mac OS X, and is available in
most Linux distro's package repository.
To install MEncFS, a proper Go setup is required. You
can read more about installing and setting up Go on your system
When you are ready to install MEncFS, execute the following command in your
terminal of choise.
go get
That's it. Try to execute mencfs
in a terminal. If you have set up Go
correctly, you should see information in your terminal about how to use MEncFS.
If not, refer to the
Go installation instructions and when you
you are set, execute the command again.
Getting Started
When MEncfs has been installed on your system, it's time to configure it.
Run this in a terminal:
mencfs generate
This will generate a new MEncFS configuration file ~/.mencfs. This is starting
point that you have to alter to use MEncFS. Open the file in your favovorite
The configuration file is defined in a format where each line descripes an
EncFS encrypted folder, the name it should have when mounted and the title
which the encryption password stored in your systems keychain is labeled with.
That's right. MEncFS don't want to handle your passwords. It relies on your
system-wide keychain. Here
is a guide describing how to add a password to your Mac OS X keychain. If
you are running on another platform, you can probably Google it.
Before continuing, make sure you already have an EncFS encrypted folder. If not,
you can encrypt a folder with the following command:
mencfs encrypt ~/my_folder
You will get asked a few questions. Just follow the prompt till it's
Add a new password to your keychain using the same password that you used to
encrypt ~/my_folder in the previous step. Remember the label your give it.
Now alter ~/.mencfs so it looks like this:
~/my_folder my_folder %password_label%
Ensure that ~/my_folder points to your encrypted folder and that
%password_label% is the same label that you gave the password you just added
to your keychain. A faulty config can cause unexpected behavior.
Now that your configuration file is set up, you are ready to manage your
EncFS encrypted folder.
In a terminal, execute
mencfs mount
This will, on Mac OS X, mount ~/my_folder to /Volumes/my_folder. It
should pop up in the sidebar in Finder, ready for you to put secret stuff in.
To unmount the decrypted folder again, type the following in a terminal
and press return:
mencfs umount
That's it!
You can add as many encrypted folders to your configuration file as you'd like,
and MEncFS will be happy to manage them all for you!
To Do