docker run --privileged -p 7777:7777 --rm -it
Access cameras and microphones remotely
Frontend: Vite, React
Backend: Go
Api: GraphQL
Container: Docker
Container registry: GitHub Container Registry
Continuous delivery: GitHub Actions
Authentication: JWT
Ease of life
Developer mode
One container that does both frontend and backend
Dev logs
# Init go main then
go mod init
# Init frontend
npm create vite@latest
# Add yourself to these groups
sudo adduser $USER video
sudo adduser $USER audio
exec sudo su -l $USER
# Start backend
npm exec --yes -- nodemon@latest --ignore frontend --ext go,graphql,html --exec 'fuser -k 7777/tcp; go run ./dev || false'
# Start frontend
npm --prefix frontend run dev
# Automatically regenerate frontend graphql schema
npm --prefix frontend run graphql-codegen
# Simulate production build
npm --prefix frontend run build && rm -rf dist/dist && cp -r frontend/dist dist && go run .
# Install production version
npm --prefix frontend run build && rm -rf dist/dist && cp -r frontend/dist dist && go install .
# To make portaudio properly installed on ubuntu, had to use `brew install portaudio`, the apt version was not working