ChirpStack FUOTA Server
ChirpStack FUOTA Server is an open-source FUOTA server implementation for
LoRaWAN(R). It integrates with the ChirpStack
using the HTTP integration (for receiving uplink payloads) and uses the
ChirpStack gRCP API for creating the multicast-groups and enqueueing the
downlink payloads.
Note: This version is compatible with ChirpStack v4, for v3, please refer
to the v3 branch
of this repository.
Building from source
The following commands explain how to compile the source-code using the
provided Docker Compose development
To start a bash
shell within this environment:
docker-compose run --rm chirpstack-fuota-server bash
# cleanup workspace
make clean
# run the tests
make test
# compile (this will also compile the ui and generate the static files)
make build
# compile snapshot builds for supported architectures (this will also compile the ui and generate the static files)
make snapshot
API interface
The ChirpStack FUOTA Server provides a gRPC API interface
for scheduling the FUOTA deployments to one or multiple devices under a
ChirpStack application ID. This API is defined by the
gRPC FuotaServerService.
After installing the ChirpStack FUOTA Server, there are a couple of steps to
take to setup. Example commands:
Database setup
The ChirpStack FUOTA Server stores the deployment results into a PostgreSQL
database. You must enable the hstore
extension for this database.
sudo -u postgres psql
-- set up the user and password
-- (note that it is important to use single quotes and a semicolon at the end!)
create role chirpstack_fuota with login password 'dbpassword';
-- create the database
create database chirpstack_fuota with owner chirpstack_fuota;
-- change to the ChirpStack FUOTA Server database
\c chirpstack_fuota
-- enable the hstore extension
create extension hstore;
-- exit psql
Create API key
The ChirpStack FUOTA Server needs a ChirpStack API key in order authenticate
with the ChirpStack API. You can generate this key within the ChirpStack
web-interface. This key must be configured in the chirpstack-fuota-server.toml
configuration file.
HTTP integration
Within ChirpStack, you must also setup a HTTP integration for the application(s)
you want to use with the ChirpStack FUOTA Server. Make sure that this matches
with the host / IP and port the ChirpStack FUOTA Server event handler is binding
to. As well make sure that the marshaler matches.
Usage and configuration file
Please refer to the CLI interface for usage information and for the command to
generate a configuration file:
ChirpStack FUOTA Server
chirpstack-fuota-server [flags]
chirpstack-fuota-server [command]
Available Commands:
configfile Print the ChirpStack FUOTA Server configuration file
help Help about any command
version Print the ChirpStack FUOTA Server version
-c, --config string path to configuration file (optional)
-h, --help help for chirpstack-fuota-server
--log-level int debug=5, info=4, error=2, fatal=1, panic=0 (default 4)
Use "chirpstack-fuota-server [command] --help" for more information about a command.
For a better understanding of FUOTA, please refer to the following documents
that can be found at the LoRa Alliance Resource Hub:
- Remote Multicast Setup
- Fragmented Data Block Transport
ChirpStack FUOTA Server is distributed under the MIT license. See also