Why is Genesis Unique?
- In Genesis you can create your own blockchain ecosystem with customized rules. In essence, you can create your own "Ethereum", which can easily interact and communicate with your neighbor's "Ethereum" (another ecosystem on Genesis).
- Developing applications on the Genesis platform is easy and fun. Mastering the platform's programming languages – Simvolio and Protypo - will take you around just four hours.
- You'll be able to immediately upload your newly developed applications on Simvolio and Protypo directly to your mobile device running IOS or Android. You can do this using our application, which is soon to be available from App Store and Google Play. Or you can upload your version after making some changes to our source codes.
- All of the platform's parameters (even the consensus algorithm!) are fully customizable, and can be changed by community voting or by any other algorithms.
How Genesis Works
Develop your applications using Simvolio. Simvolio is a С-like programming language used for creating contracts and which is compiled to byte code. It has a minimum required number of program control commands and predefined functions.
Create interfaces using Protypo. Protypo is a language for creating frontend pages. It is in essence a template engine which transforms a sequence of functions with parameters into a tree structure with elements, which can be then used for the front-end.
Establish rights for changing the code of contracts/interfaces and data in registers
Post your blockchain application on Google play or App Store.
Quick Start
Deploy an instance on macos:
bash manage.sh install 3 (creates and launches 3 local nodes)
Deploy an instance on linux:
bash manage.sh install 3 (creates and launches 3 local nodes)
Deploy an instance on windows:
Console Blockexplorer
bash manage.sh db-shell 1
select id, time, node_position, key_id, tx from block_chain ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 20;
List of block-generating nodes:
select value from system_parameters where name='full_nodes';
The web version of the Blockexplorer will be available soon.
We believe that our code can be improved, that is why we are committed to further enhancing its quality and performance.
Participation in Development
Please, read the CONTRIBUTING.md to get all the detailed information about sending Pull Requests.
Please, study and expand our documentation
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
Join the Genesis team!
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details