
v1.2.3 Latest Latest

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Published: Jun 23, 2022 License: Apache-2.0 Imports: 11 Imported by: 0




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func Decrypt

func Decrypt(receiveid, encodingAESKey, cipherText string) ([]byte, error)

Decrypt 参考微信[加密技术方案](https://open.work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90139/90968)

func Encrypt

func Encrypt(receiveid, encodingAESKey, nonce string, plainText []byte) ([]byte, error)

Encrypt 参考微信[加密技术方案](https://open.work.weixin.qq.com/api/doc/90000/90139/90968)

func SignWithSHA1

func SignWithSHA1(token string, items ...string) string

SignWithSHA1 事件消息sha1签名


type ChangeType

type ChangeType string

ChangeType 变更类型

const (
	ChangeCreateStudent    ChangeType = "create_student"    // 创建学生
	ChangeUpdateStudent    ChangeType = "update_student"    // 更新学生
	ChangeDeleteStudent    ChangeType = "delete_student"    // 删除学生
	ChangeCreateParent     ChangeType = "create_parent"     // 创建家长
	ChangeUpdateParent     ChangeType = "update_parent"     // 更新家长
	ChangeDeleteParent     ChangeType = "delete_parent"     // 删除家长
	ChangeSubscribe        ChangeType = "subscribe"         // 家长关注
	ChangeUnsubscribe      ChangeType = "unsubscribe"       // 家长取消关注
	ChangeCreateDepartment ChangeType = "create_department" // 创建部门
	ChangeUpdateDepartment ChangeType = "update_department" // 更新部门
	ChangeDeleteDepartment ChangeType = "delete_department" // 删除部门

type CorpCardType

type CorpCardType string

CorpCardType 企业微信模板卡片消息类型

const (
	CardTextNotice          CorpCardType = "text_notice"          // 文本通知型
	CardNewsNotice          CorpCardType = "news_notice"          // 图文展示型
	CardButtonInteraction   CorpCardType = "button_interaction"   // 按钮交互型
	CardVoteInteraction     CorpCardType = "vote_interaction"     // 投票选择型
	CardMultipleInteraction CorpCardType = "multiple_interaction" // 多项选择型

type EventMessage

type EventMessage struct {
	XMLName    xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
	ToUserName string   `xml:"ToUserName"`
	AgentID    string   `xml:"AgentID"`
	Encrypt    string   `xml:"Encrypt"`

EventMessage 微信公众平台事件推送加密消息(兼容/安全模式)

type EventType

type EventType string

EventType 事件类型

const (
	EventSubscribe                  EventType = "subscribe"                    // 关注
	EventUnsubscribe                EventType = "unsubscribe"                  // 取消关注
	EventScan                       EventType = "scan"                         // 扫码
	EventLocation                   EventType = "location"                     // 上报地理位置
	EventClick                      EventType = "click"                        // 点击自定义菜单
	EventView                       EventType = "view"                         // 点击菜单跳转链接
	EventTemplateSendJobFinish      EventType = "templatesendjobfinish"        // 模板消息发送完成
	EventQualificationVerifySuccess EventType = "qualification_verify_success" // 资质认证成功
	EventQualificationVerifyFail    EventType = "qualification_verify_fail"    // 资质认证失败
	EventNamingVerifySuccess        EventType = "naming_verify_success"        // 名称认证成功
	EventNamingVerifyFail           EventType = "naming_verify_fail"           // 名称认证失败
	EventAnnualRenew                EventType = "annual_renew"                 // 年审通知
	EventVerifyExpired              EventType = "verify_expired"               // 认证过期失效通知审通知
	EventCardPassCheck              EventType = "card_pass_check"              // 卡券通过审核
	EventCardNotPassCheck           EventType = "card_not_pass_check"          // 卡券未通过审核
	EventUserGetCard                EventType = "user_get_card"                // 用户领取卡券
	EventUserGiftingCard            EventType = "user_gifting_card"            // 用户转赠卡券
	EventUserDelCard                EventType = "user_del_card"                // 用户删除卡券
	EventUserConsumeCard            EventType = "user_consume_card"            // 用户核销卡券
	EventUserPayFromPayCell         EventType = "user_pay_from_pay_cell"       // 用户微信买单
	EventUserViewCard               EventType = "user_view_card"               // 用户点击会员卡
	EventUserEnterSessionFromCard   EventType = "user_enter_session_from_card" // 用户从卡券进入公众号会话
	EventUpdateMemberCard           EventType = "update_member_card"           // 会员卡内容更新
	EventCardSkuRemind              EventType = "card_sku_remind"              // 库存报警
	EventCardPayOrder               EventType = "card_pay_order"               // 券点流水详情事件
	EventSubmitMemberCardUserInfo   EventType = "submit_membercard_user_info"  // 会员卡激活
	EventWxaMediaCheck              EventType = "wxa_media_check"              // 校验图片/音频是否含有违法违规内容
	EventPublishJobFinish           EventType = "PUBLISHJOBFINISH"             // 发布任务结束
	EventKFMsgOREvent               EventType = "kf_msg_or_event"              // 企业微信客服
	EventEnterSession               EventType = "enter_session"                // 用户进入会话
	EventMsgSendFail                EventType = "msg_send_fail"                // 消息发送失败
	EventServicerStatusChange       EventType = "servicer_status_change"       // 客服人员接待状态变更
	EventSessionStatusChange        EventType = "session_status_change"        // 会话状态变更
	EventSwitchWorkbenchMode        EventType = "switch_workbench_mode"        // 切换工作台自定义模式
	EventEnterAgent                 EventType = "enter_agent"                  // 进入应用
	EventBatchJobResult             EventType = "batch_job_result"             // 异步任务完成事件推送
	EventChangeContact              EventType = "change_contact"               // 通讯录变更
	EventScanCodePush               EventType = "scancode_push"                // 扫码推事件
	EventScanCodeWaitMsg            EventType = "scancode_waitmsg"             // 扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框
	EventPicSysPhoto                EventType = "pic_sysphoto "                // 弹出系统拍照发图
	EventPicPhotoOrAlbum            EventType = "pic_photo_or_album"           // 弹出拍照或者相册发图
	EventPicWeixin                  EventType = "pic_weixin"                   // 弹出微信相册发图器
	EventLocationSelect             EventType = "location_select"              // 弹出地理位置选择器
	EventOpenApprovalChange         EventType = "open_approval_change"         // 审批状态通知
	EventSysApprovalChange          EventType = "sys_approval_change"          // 审批申请状态变化回调
	EventShareAgentChange           EventType = "share_agent_change"           // 共享应用
	EventTemplateCard               EventType = "template_card_event"          // 模板卡片事件推送
	EventModifyCalendar             EventType = "modify_calendar"              // 修改日历
	EventDeleteCalendar             EventType = "delete_calendar"              // 删除日历
	EventAddSchedule                EventType = "add_schedule"                 // 添加日程
	EventModifySchedule             EventType = "modify_schedule"              // 修改日程
	EventDeleteSchedule             EventType = "delete_schedule"              // 删除日程
	EventLivingStatusChange         EventType = "living_status_change"         // 直播状态变更
	EventExternalContact            EventType = "change_external_contact"      // 客户同意进行聊天内容存档
	EventMsgAuditNotify             EventType = "msgaudit_notify"              // 企业会话存档通知
	EventChangeSchoolContact        EventType = "change_school_contact"        // 变更学校通讯录


type JobType

type JobType string

JobType 任务类型

const (
	JobSyncUser         JobType = "sync_user"          // 增量更新成员
	JobReplaceUser      JobType = "replace_user"       // 全量覆盖成员
	JobInviteUser       JobType = "invite_user"        // 邀请成员关注
	JobReplaceParty     JobType = "replace_party"      // 全量覆盖部门
	JobExportUser       JobType = "export_user"        // 导出成员详情
	JobExportSimpleUser JobType = "export_simple_user" // 导出成员
	JobExportDepartment JobType = "export_department"  // 导出部门
	JobExportTagUser    JobType = "export_taguser"     // 导出标签成员


type MsgType

type MsgType string

MsgType 消息类型

const (
	MsgText                 MsgType = "text"                      // 文本消息
	MsgImage                MsgType = "image"                     // 图片消息
	MsgVoice                MsgType = "voice"                     // 语音消息
	MsgVideo                MsgType = "video"                     // 视频消息
	MsgShortVideo           MsgType = "shortvideo"                // 小视频消息
	MsgLocation             MsgType = "location"                  // 地理位置消息
	MsgLink                 MsgType = "link"                      // 链接消息
	MsgMusic                MsgType = "music"                     // 音乐消息
	MsgNews                 MsgType = "news"                      // 图文消息
	MsgCard                 MsgType = "wxcard"                    // 卡券,客服消息时使用
	MsgFile                 MsgType = "file"                      // 文件消息
	MsgMinip                MsgType = "miniprogram"               // 小程序消息
	MsgMinipPage            MsgType = "miniprogrampage"           // 小程序卡片消息
	MsgUserEnterTempSession MsgType = "user_enter_tempsession"    // 进入会话事件
	MsgTransferToKF         MsgType = "transfer_customer_service" // 消息转发到客服
	MsgMenu                 MsgType = "menu"                      // 菜单消息
	MsgMsgMenu              MsgType = "msgmenu"                   // 菜单消息
	MsgBussinessCard        MsgType = "business_card"             // 企业名片消息
	MsgTextCard             MsgType = "textcard"                  // 文本卡片消息
	MsgMPNews               MsgType = "mpnews"                    // 图文消息,跟普通的图文消息一致,唯一的差异是图文内容存储在企业微信
	MsgMPNewsArticle        MsgType = "mpnewsarticle"             // 图文消息
	MsgMarkdown             MsgType = "markdown"                  // markdown消息
	MsgMinipNotice          MsgType = "miniprogram_notice"        // 小程序通知消息
	MsgTemplateCard         MsgType = "template_card"             // 模板卡片消息
	MsgUpdateButton         MsgType = "update_button"             // 更新点击用户的按钮文案
	MsgUpdateTemplateCard   MsgType = "update_template_card"      // 更新点击用户的整张卡片
	MsgEvent                MsgType = "event"                     // 事件推送


type Reply

type Reply interface {
	Bytes(from, to string) ([]byte, error)

Reply 消息回复

type ReplyMessage

type ReplyMessage struct {
	XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"xml"`
	Encrypt      wx.CDATA `xml:"Encrypt"`
	MsgSignature wx.CDATA `xml:"MsgSignature"`
	TimeStamp    int64    `xml:"TimeStamp"`
	Nonce        wx.CDATA `xml:"Nonce"`

ReplyMessage 回复消息

func BuildReply

func BuildReply(token, nonce, encryptMsg string) *ReplyMessage

BuildReply 生成回复消息

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