Proto-file-based Policy Mappings
These are the (ordinary, garden-variety) protobuf definitions used
to annotate other protobuf definitions with policy information.
Example (from components/automate-gateway/api/iam/v2/teams.proto
rpc CreateTeam (CreateTeamReq) returns (CreateTeamResp) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/api/v0/iam/v2/teams"
body: "*"
option (chef.automate.api.iam.policy).resource = "iam:teams";
option (chef.automate.api.iam.policy).action = "iam:teams:create";
After modifying proto files in this directory, rebuild the *.pb.go
using compile_go_protobuf_component automate-grpc
in the top-level directory in hab studio
and include those regenerated files in your commit.
Next, to update the *.pb.policy.go
files in the gateway, which rely on these generated files,
run compile_go_protobuf_component automate-gateway
in the top-level directory in hab studio
and include those regenerated files in your commit.
See also the AuthZ readme for more on policies.
Under The Covers -- For Development Only
For convenience/expediency, you can also rebuild the *.pb.policy.go
individually--and without the overhead of hab studio.
While OK to do this while iterating during rapid development cycles,
do not commit any files generated this way. There is no guarantee that your
version of protoc
and the production-version we use are the same
so subtle, hard-to-find issues may crop up down the line.
That said, here are the steps:
- Install
brew install protobuf
- Install
, a dependency of protoc
Note that you need to re-run this step should you update files in this directory.
go install
- Execute
from your a2
root directory.
In this example, it is regenerating
teams.pb.policy.go from teams.proto, which was annotated with some policy information.
protoc -I$GOPATH/src -I$PWD/protovendor -I$PWD/protovendor/ \
-I. --policy_out=v=4,logtostderr=true:$GOPATH/src $PWD/components/automate-gateway/api/iam/v2/teams.proto`
The --policy_out
switch is what triggers protoc
to call protoc-gen-policy
(which you've installed above)
and thus regenerate the policy-related proto files in particular.