Automate Deployment
The deployment-service and automate-cli are responsible for the installation and management of Chef Automate. This includes:
- initial installation
- Automate 1 to Automate 2 migrations
- configuration changes
- automatic and manual Automate 2 upgrades
- backup and restore
- system diagnostics
This directory contains the deployment-service -- a long running service that provides gRPC APIs to accomplish the above tasks.
The automate-cli component contains the chef-automate command which provides the user interface to the deployment-service's capabilities.
Development Environments
For most day-to-day development, you can use the Habitat studio-based development environment described in our developer documentation
Most new development features and test should be designed to work in the studio if possible.
We also try to ensure that the build, unit tests, and linter work from outside the studio, using the Makefile directly:
make build
make unit
make lint
make fmt
Because the deployment-service is responsible for OS setup and bootstrapping, we also have specialized development environments described in a section below.
New features and bug fixes require tests. We are not dogmatic about the kind of test you should write. Write a test that:
- Will break if the feature breaks;
- Can be integrated into CI; and
- Can be run by developers with a level of effort proportional to the confidence the test gives.
We try to test at 2 levels:
"unit" tests:
make unit
These tests use the standard Go testing tools. You can run them with
make unit
from the current directory. While we currently have substantial mocking in our unit test, our goal is to reduce and avoid mocking over time. Unit tests that talk to databases and filesystems are absolutely fine provided they run quickly and reliably. -
Integration tests
Because deployment-service is focused on interactions with the underlying operating system and Habitat service supervisor, integration tests are our gold standard for whether a feature works.
We have an integration test framework that runs a complete A2 installation inside a docker container. From there, we write tests in Go using the
chef-automate diagnostics
command or directly in Bash.
Specialized Development Environment
Vagrant based deployment-service development environment
Because the deployment-service must deal with the underlying operating system configuration, we have custom development environments in addition to the Habitat studio development.
The vagrant environment automatically mounts the automate directory to
This allows you to deploy and test locally build artifacts in an environment more similar to the systems customers will be using. To get started:
host> # build any required components for testing via the habitat studio
host> cd A2_ROOT/components/automate-deployment
host> make linux
host> vagrant up
host> vagrant ssh
vagrant> sudo -i
vagrant> cd /a2/components/automate-deployment
vagrant> make run
A1 to A2 test environments
Most A1 to A2 migration development and testing can be done in the
studio or the vagrant-based test environment using automate-cli's
chef-automate migrate-from-v1 --self-test
In some cases, it is necessary to test the real migration code paths
without the mock interfaces used by self-test. To facilitate this the
directory has a docker-based test environment suited for
that purpose. See the README in that directory for more details.
Path | Synopsis |
automate-ctl is a FAKE version of automate v1's management CLI tool.
automate-ctl is a FAKE version of automate v1's management CLI tool. |
chef-server-ctl is a FAKE version of Chef Server (omnibus)'s management CLI tool.
chef-server-ctl is a FAKE version of Chef Server (omnibus)'s management CLI tool. |
Generated by
Generated by |
Package certauthority generates and manages x509 certificates for use in cross-service authentication.
Package certauthority generates and manages x509 certificates for use in cross-service authentication. |
Package client contains all the business logic of the command line deployment tool.
Package client contains all the business logic of the command line deployment tool. |
Since we aren't using the errors from this, we get lots of unparam violations as well
Since we aren't using the errors from this, we get lots of unparam violations as well |
Package habapi provides access to the Habitat supervisor's HTTP API
Package habapi provides access to the Habitat supervisor's HTTP API |
Package boltdb provides an implementation of DeploymentStore that uses boltdb.
Package boltdb provides an implementation of DeploymentStore that uses boltdb. |
Package target encapsulates all the ways we will interact with deployment targets, starting with a client/target to control the hab supervisor locally
Package target encapsulates all the ways we will interact with deployment targets, starting with a client/target to control the hab supervisor locally |