A simple cli tool to make it easier to build and run your project, and automatize other tasks, by adding custom commands.
This is pretty similar to NodeJS package.json commands.
go install
First, make a growl.yaml file in your project. There's a example one in this repo.
shell: cmd /C # > optional, default is cmd /C in Windows, bash -c in Linux. Set this to the shell you want to use. (with the prefix to make it work too)
globalenv: # optional, set global (for all commands) environment variables like this.
value: global var test
# commands:
- name: b
description: "build the app to a given os"
command: growl cross -os %1 # add args with %1, %2, etc. Remember to add quotes to them if the command requires it (most do)
- name: test
description: "show environment variables"
command: echo hello, %TESTGLOBAL% # in cmd you print env vars with %VAR%
extra: # optional, set extra commands (ran after the main one) for a command like this.
- echo hello, extra %TEST%
- echo this is a nicer way to run multiple commands than using "&&"
env: # optional, set environment variables for a command like this.
- name: TEST
value: test
List commands in growl.yaml using growl l # or growl list
Run them with growl [command] [args]
Run/build your project with growl [b/build/r/run] [args]
Cross compile with
growl cross --os [os] --arch [arch] --ldflags "[ldflags]" [--static] [--light] [--cgo]
growl cross -o [os] -a [arch] -ld "[ldflags]" [-s] [-l] [-c]
adds "-extldflags=-static" to ldflags and --light
adds -w -s
or growl cross -o [os] -a [arch] -ld [ldflags]
- Print availbable os/architectures with
growl cross list